HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-09-11; City Council; Minutes- I 0 a MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: September 11, 1984 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO OFtDEFk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was as follows: Present: Council Menkers Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Prescott. Absent: None. AI?PROWlL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 21, 1984, were approved as presented. (69) JOINT MEE3ING WITH PLANNING COMMISSION AND PARKS AND (76) RECREATION CCMMISSION. Mayor Casler announced with the exception of Conmissioner Farruv, all Planning Codssion Members were present and all Parks and Recreation Codssioners were present, Comnissioner Farrav arrived at 6:08 p.m. Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation, used a flip chart to present a review of the Parks and Recreation Element, explaining the elexlent is one of eleven oontained in the General Plan. Mr. Bradstreet stated the element was revised in 1982, and he explained the three types of parks m contained in the element are Comunity, Special Use Areas and Special Resource Areas. Mr. Bradstreet referred to a wall chart showing the Comnity Master Plan, indicating the mmnity wrks planned under the new program. He noted that currently park development is triggered when 40% of the population is living in the service area, or when otherwise determined by the Council. The old park element was conpared with the new park element by Mr. Bradstreet, shaving the difference in thf number of parks and the number of acres. Then he displayed a oonparison of the park areas available versus required in acmrdance with the new park standards. By using this conparison, the Special Use Areas and Special Resource Areas are adequate, with the Comnunity Parks being the one deficient area. Mr. Bradstreet also explained the cost factors for development as well as the mintenance figures for both the old standards and new standards. Mr. Bradstreet referred to a wall map of the Cornunity Park Master Plan, showing the four districts as they are defined and the proposed park areas for each. Council Member Lewis referred to Calavera Hills and inquired about the increase of density the developers are calling for, and how it would affect the fees payable and the n&r of acres needed for recreational areas. fl9GJ - I COUNCIL \\\\\ *% %9$%9 MEMBERS * (2, $ ~ i Casler X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X 0 0 MINUTES - September 11, 1984 Page 2 Mike Holzmiller replied that on approved projects, in Calavera Hills, actual densities were used, and on the rest in that area, the maximum density was used to calculate park land dedication requirements. Mr. Holzmiller stated that if Calavera Hills does exceed the densities, there would be additional park-in-lieu fees collected. For the rest of the City, densities were figured at mid-point in the ranges. City Manager Frank Aleshire mmnted on the fact that the park plan was developed based on a particular density, and if higher densities are approved, then the balance of parks and population muld be off. Mayor Casler asked how the City obtains the land and the mney, and Mr. Bradstreet responded that the law (Quimby Act) gives the City the authority to require land or fees from developers. planning Conmissioner Smith expressed the cpinion that golf facilities should be mnsidered. Planning Comnissioner Regan questioned whether the City requires developers to put in park areas as prt of their developments. Planning Comnissioner McFadden stated her mncern is when the City gets the land. She questioned whether the timing could be changed and also get all the park land up front on a master plan. City Attorney Vince Biondo stated the Quimby Act provides for land dedication at the final map stage. He stated the City could require a substantial amount of land at the beginning under a master plan. Dave Bradstreet mntinued with the staff report and directed attention to wall mps showing the individual parks, and with the help of Doug Duncanson, explained the different phases planned for those parks and the costs. He also showed the park areas being rehabilitated. Planning Comnissioner Schlehuber inquired whether any developers give anything mre than just the required land, such as roads, etc. . Planning Comnissioner McFadden added that she would like to know whether there was any way to use the land dedicated for schools during the ten years the schools are deciding whether or not they require the land. Planning Conmissioner Rombotis stated the 40% population in an area is the wrong trigger. He felt it should go back and forth between park-in-lieu fees and land dedication. Dave Bradstreet stated at the present time the City should have 80 acres for mmnity parks and only has 20.5 acres. For Special Uses Areas, the City has 47.4 acres and only needs 20. For Special Resources Areas, the City 1l0w has 390 acres and only needs 100 acres. Counting the beaches and lagoons, there is over a thousand acres of Special Resources Areas. qv-l I *% COUNCIL \h 3 0 9&% e% % 4 MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. t I - 0 0 MINUTES September 11, 1984 Page 3 The City gets 2.5 acres of land for each 1,000 residences in a development and mney for 2.5 acres. He stated that could be increased to 3 acres and still be within the State guidelines. Mr. Bradstreet stated the standards were low, but were acceptable. He felt the City was on the right path, but it just takes time and is a matter of economics. Mayor Casler asked Mr. Bradstreet whether he reconmended raising the standards to 3 acres and he stated he suggested the 1982 revision to the element and believed the 2.5 acres was adequate. Mr. Bradstreet stated development of parks has been geared so the new development pays for its share. Parks and Recreation Codssioner Barbara Donovan stated that this looks good on paper, but so mch of the park land is unusable, she was ancerned about how the problem auld be alleviated now. In answer to whether there was mney available to develop the park areas, if there were access, Dave Bradstreet answered there was not. Another question as to whether any PIL mney could be used for maintenance was answered by Mr. Bradstreet stating that mney and any interest should go back into the district. Parks and Recreation Comnissioner Dahlquist suggested that it should be high priority getting access to areas already owned by the City. Planning Comnissioner McFadden reconmended that all the land dedication on a project be made at the beginning of the master plan. Council Member Kulchin stated the City does not have enough park land and needs to determine the requirements for fields now. Parks and Recreation Connnissioner Wright stated one problem should be addressed at a time-that he felt they were mixing the "now" and the "longtime" problem. The situation looks good at buildout, but right now there is a critical need for fields-quick action is needed, now. He added that there are groups of people available for working on building the fields, if the City auld provide access to those areas. Planning Codssioner Ro&tis stated if the City gets full dedication of land up front on a project, there won't be any fees paid to allow the development of the land. He stated parks should be provided concurrent with need; therefore, land and fee requirements should alternate so land can be developed in increments. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated Dave Bradstreet and staff agree that at buildout the park plan is adequate. Hawever, if it is determined that ballfields are needed now, the City axld borrow the mney. The current program is pay-as-you-go, but the mney could be borrowed and paid back later. That is a policy issue. LIP) COUNCIL \\! *% % %%F MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. 0 0 MINUTES COUNCIL \\y S% %?$?? September 11, 1984 Page 4 MEMBERS ZI tp Z. Parks and Recreation Consnissioner Conti stated it appeared from the projected buildout figures that the City was depending on higher densities, since one third of the land is now developed with 40,000 population and buildout is supposed to be 160,000 population, and he felt that should be addressed. Planning Comnissioner McFadden suggested the City could borrm mney to lease land. Mayor Casler stated she did not agree with leasing land; that the Wager was saying to grade and develop land we already own,-not to spend mney on land the City did not own. Planning Comnissioner.Wright stated that CARA has the ability to get land, through Little League, Pony League, etc., whereas the City cannot go to private organizations for land due to the Park Element. It has been suggested to CARA that they go to private organizations, but those people do not want to deal with CARA-they prefer to deal with the City. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated there are four parks that could be expedited-Alga Norte, Stagecoach, Cannon Gym and Calavera. It would all be City property and would probably require borrowing mney, but it auld be done if it is determined that these parks should take precedence over all other things. Council Member Lewis reconmended a review of the concept any time a project goes over the greater density proposed in establishing the 160,000 projected population, and ask for either mre land or additional mney from the developer. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, stated the population projection was based on the General Plan and the mid-range of density ranges. A mre recent study on population projection showed that 160,000 was too high: that 147,000 was mre realistic, and even that auld be high. He added that some projects do cone in at the high end of the density, but others corn in at the low end, and staff felt this evened out. Mr. Holzmiller stated the area where he felt there should be concern is the amendrrents to the General Plan and increased density. He said that staff had not considered the impact to the parks standards and they need to start looking at that. One thing that had not been mentioned, according to Mr. Holzmiller, was that if there are mre units in a project, the developer does pay mre park-in-lieu fees. Planning Comnissioner Schlehuber asked whether the PUD has the ability to increase the density, and Mr. Holzmiller answered it did. He stated the PUD is being used mre m than it was in the past. Parks and Recreation Conmissioner Dahlquist added that it. doesn't help to have the mney if there is no land to improve. She felt the #1 quadrant was a good exanple of that. n On 0 0 MINUTES September 11, 1984 Page 5 Council Member Chick inquired about the total acreage in the City, with the answers determining about 24,000 acres, with approximately 30% of the City developed. Mr. Holzmiller stated there are two types of private development, with the first king a standard subdivision, single family lots, with a minimum of 7,500 square feet, mrplying with the developnmt standards of the subdivision ordinance, zoning ordinance and the lots meeting all ordinance requirements. For those developments, there is no requirement for any type of private recreational facilities within the development. The developer can volunteer to furnish such facilities if he wants to propose this to help get higher density approved, but it is not a requirement. Mr. Holzmiller stated the second type of development is planned development. When the developer wants smaller lots or flexibility in the width of the lots, or setbacks, there is a requirement for apen space for recreational purposes of 200 square feet per unit. This does not have to be an active area, just lawn area, if it is usable. The ordinance allows this requirement to go down to 125 square feet, if an active recreational area is provided, such as pools, tennis courts, raquetball murts, recreation room, etc. However, neither one requires private park areas. In justifying densities, one thing the City looks at is the amenities in the project, and if the City wanted to, it could try to get private park areas within the developments, but to require them would require a change in the ordinance. RECESS: I Mayor Casler declared a recess at 8:OO p.m. and the meeting re-convened at 8:lO p.m., with all Council and Corranission Mexhrs present. Mayor Casler stated the Land Use Element of the General Plan was the next item to be discussed. She said the City Manager was directed to wme back in 60 days with recmmendations as to how to do that and he was asking for this group's ideas on the review and revision. Planning Conmissioner Rombotis stated that with four quadrants, he felt the hearings for public input should be divided into four sections. This would make the public input easier and also &e the staff work easier. Planning Cdssioner Schlehuber added that he felt staff could help mre than a mnsultant, particularly if the mnsultant did his work without staff input or public input. He felt a consultant did not add that rmch to such a study, and gave the Circulation Consnittee as a good example. Planning Conmissioner McFadden stressed the inportance of planning, and referred to the State of California's Guide, Chapter 4. She stated the book urges alternate plans, and she suggested that idea. She stated there should be one controlling amnittee and expressed the opinion that separate mn-unittees would not work. She stated that the citizens should come first, and there should be mlti-departmental input. Only after that should use of a consultant be considered, if at all. - 33Q I COUNCIL \\y 6% %?$%? MEMBERS .;t (I, Z. 0 0 MINUTES Septemberc 11, 1984 Page 6 Comnissioner McFadden continued by adding her csoncern about future needs for water and energy and the need for City awareness, since land is being converted to homes. She also expressed concern about funds to run the City at buildout when developer fees stop. In addition, Coxmissioner McFadden stated that lands being annexed under the County formula agreement are not paying their share. Comnissioner McFadden suggested citizens be surveyed regarding their desires for the plan. Planning Conmissioner Rombotis clarified his previous comnt and stated the hearings should be held in the four quadrants, but have only one mmnittee. Parks and Recreation Comnissioner Conti stated the City must provide access for the areas they want to develop. Portions of the City are difficult to reach, and roads are important. Planning Comnissioner L'Heureux cofienented that definite time tables would be necessary in looking at the Land Use Element and a definite set of rules so all those involved would know exactly haw the process would work. Mayor Casler stated she agreed with Codssioner L'Heureux and added that during the time this study was being made that any project which wanted to increase density or have a GPA should not be allowed. If a project csoms in under the existing rules, it could be processed, but any changes to the General Plan would not be accepted during that period. She added that a time frame was needed, and suggested the study be done within six mnths. "his muld take a Comnittee with members willing to give the time to finish the study in that length of time and not draw it out. Planning Cdssioner Smith asked haw the City auld control the rate of growth and Mayor Casler answered that Council has put a temporary control by deciding not to hire additional people to process the plans. The developers will have to stay in line and take their turn until the City gets to them. Staff will not be asked to put in any additional time, but to still look carefully at each project. Planning Comnissioner Schlehuber stated that if an outside consultant is hired, he should attend the hearings and take surveys. He added the consultant on the Circulation Comnittee made recomnendations without input and the citizen input changed those recorranendations. Council Membe'r Lewis stated there should be a person hired who is a specialist to survey the City as a whole. He stressed the iqortance of getting the feeling of the whole City and not just special interest groups. Planning Conmissioner McFadden stated there should be a land use survey first; know what is in the plan, and then ask the people. - 310. s96, COUNCIL \\v 3 0 9yb *T % ~ MEMBERS .;t rp Z. ~ - 0 e MINUTES September 11, 1984 Page 7 Planning Comnissioner L'Heurew stated the survey should be professionally designed. He also noted the need to mnsider the airport, noise, residential mix, how much industrial, etc. o City Manager Frank Aleshire asked haw should the Planning Comnission be involved. Planning Comnissioner McFadden stated the Comnission would have to review everything before it goes to the Council. Planning Conmissioner L'Heureux stated the Comnittee should be carefully selected. The first two mnths could mnceivably be spent on the ground work. Planning Codssioner Rombotis suggested that there be one or two Planning Commissioners on the Codttee to act as liaisons. The consensus of opinion was for quality people to be appointed to the Codttee, and a fairly large Ccmnnittee to be appointed as long as it does not become unwieldly. The suggestion was mde to advertise this planned study and screen the people for the Comnittee, just as the Codssioners are screened, with interviews and careful selection. City Manager Frank Aleshire said mst of the mmnts had been 011 the process and he asked if anyone had any problems such as economic issues and airport noise. Planning Comnissioner Rombotis stated the problem is where the General Plan does not fit the topography. Planning Conmissioner L'Heureux stated mst of the flat land is developed, so what is left is difficult to develop, which then causes requests for increased densities. He felt they need to look at what is usable land. Mayor Casler added the conunittee should mnsider whether the City should allow density transferred from unusable slopes to flat area, or not allow density transfer. Planning Conmissioner McFadden stated she wanted a definition of open space. Planning CoIlsnissioner Rondmtis expressed the hope that Council would instruct the Codttee not to encroach into the airport influence area and consideration should be given to the types of development in that area. He wanted it mde clear to the Comnittee they were not studying the airport. I Council Member Lewis rmrrnnented that circulation has to be addressed-you can't separate density from circulation. Planning Conmissioner McFadden stated that circulation and land use have to be internally amsistent. nnn COUNCIL \\y 5 %9+%7 MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. * 0 MINUTES September 11, 1984 Page 8 City Manager Aleshire asked about the mastal issues and haw would that be dealt with in the review. Mayor Casler stated that when quadrant three is studied, she felt there should be ducation as to what the Coastal Plan is. City Manager Aleshire stated he wld get ideas from staff and would came back at the end of September with the reconmended work prcgram to give to the City Council. Then the Council will have to &e these decisions. He added that he was thinking of having staff do this; that Land Use Planning would provide the information, with perhaps a mnsultant to be hired for certain things like the economics. AaTouRNMEwT: By proper mtion, the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m. Respectfully submitted, &&2!54L dR- ALETHA L. mu-z City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk An / - COUNCIL \\y 5 % y$~7 MEMBERS $ tp Z. I