HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-10-16; City Council; Minutes- 'c -7 e e MINUTES MEETING OF: City Council (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: October 16, 1984 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers CALL TQ ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO P.M. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, and Prescott Absent: Council Member Chick (Council Member Chick arrived at 6:05 P.M. ) INVOCATION was given by Reverend George DeWeeSe of Christ Uniied Presbyterian Church. I PLEDGE OF ALLM;IP;NCE was led by the City Clerk. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council anfirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, as follows: (50) 1. AI3 #7906 - RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY. Council ratified the payment of demands against the City in the munt of $2,346,063.85, for the period October 1 to October 11, 1984; Payroll demands in the munt of $323,579.91, for the period September 24 to October 7, 1984; and Housing demands in the munt of $62,400.57, for the period October 1 to October 11, 1984. (99) 2. AB #7907 - FINAL MAP - CAF?ISW T'RACT 84-3 - VINEDALE. Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract 84-3, Vinedale. (99 1 3. AB #7908 - FINAL MAP - CARLSBAD TRACT 82-19 - BLUEBERRY HILLS. Council approved the final map for CT 82-1 9, Bluebeq Hills. (99) 4. AB #7164 - Supplement #3 - TENTATIVE YAI? EXTENSION - CAF?ISBAD TRACT 82-15 - ALICANTE HILLS cRossIRoADs. Council adopted Resolution No. 7779, approving a one year extension of tb for tentative mp CT 82-15, including CP-212. (81) 5. AB #7909 - ACCEPTANCE OF A FXXTION OF TAMARACK AVENUE. Adopting Resolution No. 7780, accepting a grant deed conveying an easement for roadway purposes from Clifton and Lenora Towler for a portion of Tamarack Avenue. (99 1 6. AB #7321 - Supplement #2 - GRANTING AI3UTI'ERs RIGEflCS OF ACCESS AND APPROVING FINAL MAP FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 83-1 - MONAFCH VILLAS. Council approved the final map for Carlsbad Tract 83-1, Monarch Villas, and Council adopted Resolution No. 7781, granting abutters rights of access to Levante Street. I 7.2 f, c COUNCIL \b +% % ?$%? MEMBERS Z. @ Z. I Casler Lewis X x Prescott xx Kulchin X - ..' (50) (106) t 45) (105) (45) (81) (99) 0 0 MINUTES Page 2 7. AB #7910 - REFUND OF FEES. Council approved the refund of $1,470 to G. R. Capital, Inc. 8. AB #7911 - APPEOVAL OF SPECIFICATIONS FOR EMEFGENCY MAINTENANCE COJVTRACT NO. U/"3 . Council adopted Resolution No. 7782, approving contract documents and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for emergency maintenance mntract No. U/"3. 9. AB #7576 - Supplement #2 - AGREEplENT WITH BOYS AND GIRIS CLUE3 FOR REHABILITATION OF CLUE3 FACILITIES. Council approved the agreement with the Boys and Girls Club for rehabilitation of the club facilities in accordance with tenth year CDBG requiremnts. IO. AB #7912 - SAL& OF LQT 290 IN SOUTH CXFUS!3AD. Council directed staff to obtain an appraisal I of Lot 290, to negotiate with CON AM for the sale of Lot 290, and to return to council with the proposed term for the sale of the property. PUBLIC HEARINGS: I 11. AB a7913 - TENTATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEWEKZNENT - CT 84-23/PUD-71 - "'HE MEADOWS. ~ The staff report was presented by Bill Hofman, Principal Planner. With the use of transparencies and wall exhibits, he detailed the densities proposed for the the individual product types, noting the average total density is 7.4 dewlling units per acre rather than 6.4 as stated in the agenda bill. He indicated that all issues on this matter had been satisfactorily resolved, and that staff and the Planning Conmission recommend approval of the project. In response to muncil query regarding circulation, Mr. Hofman indicated that the project would be accessed by either Melrose Avenue or future Corintia Street e Mayor Casler apened the public hearing at 6:13 P.M., and issued the invitation to speak. Council recognized Mr. Barrry Bender, of Rick Engineering, the representative of the applicant. Mre Bender indicated that he had no presentation to make, however, he did wish to express his concurrence with the conditions of approval and the staff recomndation. Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the public hearing was closed at 6:14 P.M. Council Member Lewis expressed concern that allowing projects with high densities to develop in the La Costa area would create my future traffic circulation problems. 33 q COUNCIL \b *% %9$%$ MEMBERS Z. @ + I I, 1 0 0 MINUTES Page 3 nnw - 1 .- ORA - Council Member Kulchin stated that she felt that the project site's close location to Rancho Santa Fe Road and Alga Road would help provide circulation for the area. Mayor Casler comnted that council has approved the widening of Rancho Santa Fe Road, which will make it a prime arterial. Council Member Lewis stated that even though roads are widened, the traffic all ends up at an intersection, which creates a problem. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents approving CT 84-23/-71, per Planning Cormnission Resolution No. 2347. (99) 1 2. AB #7914 - TENTATIVE MAP AM) CONDOMINIUM PERMIT - CT 84-10/CP-277 - SPYGLASS POINTE. The staff report was presented by Bill Hofrrsan, Principal Planner, essentially as contained in the agenda bill. with the aid of wall exhibits and transparencies, he explained the location of the site and the proposed density. He explained that the site has been previously graded and is steep and difficult to develop. He also indicated that though the density is toward the high end of the density range, the Planning Conmission felt it is justified due to the extra amenities such as increased parking, the clustered grouping of the buildings, the inner courtyard areas, the golf cxlurse views and open space. Mr. Hofm then responded to questions from council regarding the terrain and erosion control for the project . Council Member Lewis expressed concern that allowing development of such high density in this area would cause future traffic circulation problems in the area. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:30 P.M., and issued the invitation to speak. Council recognized Mr. Ken Chriss, 2979 State Street, the project architect. Mr. Chriss expressed his concurrence with the staff remendation. Since no one else wished to speak on the matter, the public hearing was closed at 6:31 P.M. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents approving CT 84-10/CP-277, per Planning Comnission Resolution No. 2343. (114) 13. AB #7617 - Supplement #2 - SUBDIVISION SIGN ORDINANCE - ZCA-175 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. The staff report was presented by Marty Orenyak, Director of Building and Planning, essentially as contained in the agenda bill. He indicated that the Planning Conmission, at its meeting of September 12, 1984, had approved the proposed ordinance with a change which would limit the ordinance to one kiosk type instead of two, with a five foot width. He indicated that the Planning Comnission had also aDDroved the location IMP, with 20 instead of 28 - 7 COUNCIL \\\\\ s96, %99%7 MEMBERS 2. J, .2. Casler Lewis X X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin Casler Lewis X X Prescott xx Chick X Kulchin i - -c Page 4 a 0 - MINUTES In response to oouncil query, Mr. Holzmiller indicated that in order for a developer to use the city kiosks, they must remove all other signs that they have located within the city. Mayor Casler apened the public hearing at 6:40 P.M. Since no one wished to speak on the matter, the hearing was closed at 6:40 P.M. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9737, AMENDFAG TITLE 21 , CHAPTER 21 .41 OF THE CARLSBAD ~ICIPAL CrlDE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 21.41.076 PFB"IMG TEMPORARY 03"UNITy DIRECTIONAL SIGNS. By minute mtion, Council approved the kiosk location plan shown m Exhibit "C". (99) 14. AB #7891 - TENTATIVE MAE' AND CONIXMINIUM PERMIT - CT 84-7/CP-276 - LA COSTA RACQUET CLUB. The staff report was presented by Mike Holzmiller, the Land Use Planning Manager, essentially as contained in the agenda bill. with the aid of transparencies and wall exhibits, he detailed the location and amenities of the project. He indicated that the density of the project wuld be 14.5 durs/ac, which is well within the general plan designation for the area, and that it is also within the 14-20 du's/ac of the La Costa Master Plan. He indicated that the project would have two product types: two story 8-plex structures and three story, split level 8-plexes. Mr. Holzmiller reported on the issue that had been raised at the Planning Comission hearing regarding the applicant's proposal to grade approximately 1 acre of the future Stagecoach Park. The grading would involve encroachment by the applicant at the southern boundary of the project onto the slope at the northern rim of Stagecoach Park. He indicated that the issue of the enviromental effects of grading in the riparian area had been brought up as well , even though the current city plans for the park included grading of the area. Mr. Holzmiller indicated that the applicant has proposed the provision of grading and drainage irrprovements as a trade off for being allowed to encroach on the riparian area of the park site. L 72 ? - COUNCIL \\b 5 3 %' ? MEMBERS % %% Casler X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Lewis X Kulchin X Chick X Prescott xx 0 a MINUTES rage 5 COUNCIL \\k 5 % %' 4 ncthr IC; - 1984 MEMBERS % $% Mr. Holzmiller indicated that staff feels that there would be significant intrusion into the riparian area and that the Negative Declaration did not take this into consideration. with the use of transparancies, Mr. Holdller presented three alternatives to council: 1. That the project be conditionally approved, allowing grading into the riparian area or construction of cribwall outside of ripirarian area depending on the results of a city EIR on the park site. (Applicant's proposal. 1 2. That council could determine that there are "overriding considerations" , that the environmental effects of development on the riparian area have already been examined by the La Costa Master Plan EIR and make findings allowing grading and construction of the drainage channel. 3. The slope setback alternative (remmnded by staff) - which would require the developer to move the slope out of the riparian area, and would require some redesign by the applicant, Mr. Holzmiller stated that staff felt that the project could be approved mnceptually at this meeting, per Alternative No. 3, with the documents to be returned within 30 days, which would give the Planninq and Engineering Departments time to review the redesign and prepare new conditions for approval. Mr. Holzmiller responded to questions from council regarding the maintenance of the proposed cribwall. He indicated that staff feels that the landscaping and maintenance of the cribwall would be very expensive. Mayor Casler apened the public hearing at 7:05 P.M., and issued the invitation to speak. Council recognized Mr. Jh. Goff , 1241 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, representing the Daon Corporation. Mr. Goff indicated that he concurred with the documents which were approved by the Planning Corrpnission on September 12, 1984, except for Conditions No. 32 A and E. Mr. Goff indicated that he wanted to take exception to the non-reimbursement for the section of street not in front of applicant's project, but which must be inproved by them. Mr. Goff explained the amenities for the project and stated that the open space would be six times that required. He indicated that the project would include 3 pools, 3 tennis courts, 3 spas. 4 raquet ball courts and 10-12 bar-b-ques. He indicated that the project would be built over a three to four year period, but that all the street improvements would come with the first phase. 3022 1 0 a MINUTES Page 6 COUNCIL \\y 5 % 3% d n*,- - - lc I.., I .a" OQA $% MEMBERS % Mr. Goff discussed the grading proposal and stated that the grading proposal would not decrease any usable park facilities, but rather, that the applicant was willing to trade off slope land for flat land to increase the size of the park. Mr. Goff indicated his support for Alternative No. 1, which would help accelerate the development of Stagecoach Park and increase access to the park. He indicated that their parcel map has a requirement that within 60 days from recordation, would require the applicant to build Mission Estancia the full length of the park. Council recognized Mr. James Courtney, 4914 Avila, Carlsbad, representing C.A.R.A. Mr. Courtney stated his supprt for Alternative No. 1, which would allow the project to go forward and thereby allow the park planning to proceed also. Since no one else wished to speak on the mtter the public hearing was closed at 7:35 P.M. In response to council query, Parks and Director Bradstreet indicated that the Parks and Recreation Connnission is recomnding that an additional condition of approval be added requiring the developer to landscape, irrigate and maintain the new slope created by the grading of the park site. He indicated that the Parks and Recreation Comnission would like the trade off of the slope land for flat land. In response to oouncil query, Mr. Bradstreet indicated that there are two alterntatives for the park site: 1. To save the riparian area and have less and 2. To grade into the riparian area and provide smaller ball fields. full size mlti use fields. Council discussed the fact that the approval of this project could get the park site and ball fields on an accelerated schedule. A motion was made that the City meet with Daon Lewis X regarding a trade off of the entire riparian area for flat land for the park site. The mtion failed due to lack of a second. Council approved alternate Conditions 1 (a&b), Casler X as presented on a sheet dated October 16, 1984. Lewis Kulchin X Chick xx Presmtt X Council directed the City Attorney to prepare Casler X documents approving CT 84-7/CP-276, and to return the Lewis following week with the documents, including Condition Kulchin X 1 (a & b). Chick X Presmtt xx 32 / - e 0 MINUTES Page 7 nmtnhnr lci- lQRA RECESS : Mayor Casler called a recess at 8:05 P.M., and council reconvened at 8:17 P.M., with all council members present. (107) 15. AB #7888 - Supplement W1 - STREET VACATION OF A PORTION OF OLD PALOM AIRPORT ROAD. The staff report was presented by Ron Beckman, City Engineer, essentially as contained in the agenda bill. He indicated that the city had learned that it did not own this piece of property in fee and therefore could not sell the property to Mr. Blonski. Council Member Lewis indicated that he felt that the city should retain the right to use the property for parking for the public, because parking in that area will be scarce. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 8:25 P.M., and issued the invitation to speak. Council recognized Mr. Ted Blonski, of Pacific Coast Hotels of San Diego. Mr. Blonski indicated that they were prepared to buy the property from the City, but that it was learned that the city did not own the land in fee. He indicated that the area would be used for extensive landscaping and parking. Since no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed at 8:27 P.M. Council adopted Resolution No. 7783, vacating a portion of Old Palomar Airport Road west of the AT&SF right-of-way. (113) 1 6. AB A791 5 - ZONE CHANGE FOR MACARIO CANYON PARK - ZC-314 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. The staff report was presented by Mike Holzmiller, the Land Use Planning Manager. With the aid of transparencies, he showed the location of the area. He indicated that the property had been originally zoned L-C, a holding zone, to allow for the annexation of the property into Carlsbad and that it was not until the time of the approval of the CUP that it was realized that permanent zoning was necessary. Mr. Holzmiller indicated that the Planning Commission found that the zone change from L-C to 0-S (open space) to be consistent with the general plan and is recommending approval. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 8:30 P.M. Since no one wished to speak on the matter, the public hearing was closed at 8:30 P.M. 307n I - I COUNCIL /\k 539 4 Lo 24 3 MEMBERS % %% Casler Lewis X X Prescott xx Chick X Rulch in a 0 MINUTES Page 8 COUNCIL \\k 5 3 94% q nnw -.- I@A %% MEMBERS % Council introduced the following Ordinance: Lewis X Casler xx Prescott FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM GC, JLIMITED a!mL, TI3 X Chick cARI;sBAD MUNICIPAL ODE By AMENDING TEE ZONING M?V X Kulchin ORDINANCE NO. 9738, AMEXDING TITLE 21 OF THE X OPEN SPACE ON PROPEEX GENERALLY IL>CATED CN THE CITY OWNED FoIiTIoN OF FUTURE M?CARIO CANYON PARK. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REpoIZTs: City Attorney (108) 17. AI3 #7819 - Supplement #2 - DENIAL OF APPW OF VARIANCE - V-357 - NATIVE SUN. The City Attorney presented a brief report on the matter. Council recognized Mr. Bob Sukup, 110 Escondido Avenue, Suite 103, Vista, representing Native Sun Development Company. m. Sukup indicated that the request for the continuance for two to three mnths was so that the house construction (framing) could be under way, so that site visits can be made at that time and would more accurately analyze view impacts and privacy needs for the development. Council recognized Mr. Donald E. Jackson, 260 Normandy Lane, Carlsbad, President of the Granville Park Property Owners Association. Mr. Jackson expressed the opinion that this matter had been mntinued too long already, and that final action should be taken imnediately to deny the appeal. Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler Lewis PACIFIC AVENUE. OCEAN SJTU3ET BETWEEN "J?AIN VIEW DRIVE AND PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED C3A THE NOR!!Tl SIDE OF HIGH W?LL WITHIN ?HE E" YARD SETBACK C3A X Prescott COMMISSION'S DENIAL OF A VARIANCE FOR A SIX FOOT X Chick DENYING AN APPEAL AND UPHOLDING THE PLANNING xx Kulchin REsoulTION No. 7746, A RESOLU!J?ION OF THE CITY X Mayor Casler indicated that she could not vote for denial because she appreciated the privacy which would be lost to those buying homes in the project. City Manager (86) 18. REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL - JEFFERSON STREET COMMITI'EE. Since no one was present to address council on this matter, council requested the City Clerk notify Lyn Leva& that the item had been placed on the agenda. .? I9 - c a 0 MINUTES Page 9 nmbv 16. lq8d I (114) 19. AB #7917 - SERVICE S'I'ATION PRICE SIGNS, The staff report was presented by Mike Holzmiller, essentially as contained in the agenda bill. He stated that council had directed staff to return with a report on amending the ordinance to permit a larger sign based on the council's discussion at their meeting of September 18, 1984. He outlined staff's recommendation regarding an amendment to allow larger signs subject to the following conditions: 1. The sign is a mnmnt type sign. 2. No other freestanding signs are allowed on the property, 3. The sign is used for identification of the station as well as the gasoline prices. 4, The sign does not exceed 6 feet in height and 8 feet in length (48 sq. ft. maximum). He indicated that staff is reconnnending that council refer the matter to the Planning Corrunission for public hearing to mnsider the amendment to the ordinance. Mayor Casler indicated that she had taken a look at some mnument type signs and felt that they were too bulky. The other council m&rs indicated that they would like to continue the matter for one week so that they could go out and look at some of the signs. The matter was continued to the next meeting. (45 1 20. AB #7646 - Supplement #2 - AE'EORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT - PINE AVENUE W-. The staff report was presented by Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager. He indicated that the applicant is requesting a dmnge to the agreement which the city approved earlier in the year. The Planning Conmission has -roved an amendment to Mr. Pautsch's site development plan which reduced the nlrmber of units from SO to 48 and inproved the overall design. He indicated that Mr. Pautsch now wishes to change the type of affordable housing he is providing from 25% moderate income housing to 10% low income housing. He indicated staff is recomnding that the council approve the applicant's reguest and enter into a revised agreement. Council approved the staff recommendation and directed the City Attorney to revise the agreement between the city and Jack Pautsch for the provision of affordable housing and authorized the Mayor to enter into the revised agreement. MEMBERS COUNCIL w % Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Prescott Casler Lewis Kulchin chick Prescott 3 lo ?$ * 4.t $ X X X xx X X X xx X X 0 0 MINUTES - Page 10 np&by 16 1 asu Engineering (46.) 21. AB #7916 - STOP SIGN ON PALISADES DRIVE AT TAMARACK AVENUE. The staff report on the matter was presented by Ron Beckman, City Engineer. He indicated that Tamarack Avenue formerly ended at Palisades Drive, and now that it has been extended westerly to Skyline Road, it is necessary to have traffic on Palisades Drive stop for Tamarack Avenue. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 3177, AMENDING SECTION 10.28.090 OF THE CARGSBAD MCJNICIPAL OODE BY ADDING PALISADES DRIVE AS A STREET TO SfOP FOR TAMARACR AVENUE. . (96) 22. AB #7918 - TRAFFIC COWlXOL AT EL FuEm S'I'REET AND UNICORMIO swm. The staff report was presented by Ron Beckman, City Engineer. He indicated that both the Traffic Safety Coordinating Con'unittee and Traffic Safety Comnission concur in the recommendation that a combination yield and stop sign installation be installed at the intersection of El Fuerte Street and Unicornio Street. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 31 78, AMENDING TITLE 10 I CHAPTER 10.28 OF THE CARLSEAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY "IE ADDITION OF SECTION 10.28.324, INSTALLING TRAFFIC CONlRIL A!T EL FUEfiTE STFEET AND UNICOFNCO STlW3T. City Manager (70 1 23. AB #7919 - PARK DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM - REQUEST FOR APPROPRIATION FOR ADVANCE PLANNING ASSISTANCE. The staff report was presented by Rank plannen, Assistant City Manager/Administration, essentially as contained in the agenda bill. He indicated that in order to carry out the park development program in a timely manner the City needs to either add staff or contract for assistance with the park development program and that it appears to be mre appropriate at this time to hire a consultant as required. Council recognized Mr. James Courtney, 4914 Avila, Carlsbad, representing C.A.R.A., who spoke in favor of the matter and indicated that his organization hopes that council will get the the park development program going as soon as possible. Council concurred with the staff recorranendation, and adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO.7784, APPROPRIATING $25,000 FOR PARR PLANNING PUFGOSES. Qt/cl 7 COUNCIL \\y 5 559 e $@SF A MEMBERS Z. 8 .;t Casler X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Prescott X chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Presmtt X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X ~ 0 0 MINUTES Page 11 \\k 5 COUNCIL 3 %' ? Opt& IC;, 1984 $% MEMBERS % (86) 24. AB #7920 - REQUEST 'IO EMXlRSE ReQUEST FOR FUNDS FROM BOARD OF SUPEFXCSORS - ST. CLARE'S HOME. The City Manager presented a brief report on the matter. Following brief discussion, council directed that a Casler X letter of support be sent to the Board of Supervisors. X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis COUNCIL mmm : Bullet Wain Council Member Prescott reported on a press mnference held by the group "Taxpayers Against the Bullet Train", headed by Paul Gann, and indicated that they are going statewide for support, Parks and Recreation Commission Council Member Lewis reported on the recent meeting of the Parks and Recreation Comission. Palomarr Airport Council Member Lewis reported that the meeting of the airport amnittee would be held on October 19, 1984, and that he and the City Attorney muld be attending. SANDAG mislation Mayor Casler reprted on AB 2769 - Cortese - which allows cities and counties to use estimates for subvention distribution purposes. Ad Hoc Cmittee of Federal Hydroelectric Power Mayor Casler reported that the distribution of the new electricity from Hoover, Parker and Davis Dam will be given to new applicants, rather than to those who already have received electricity from them. She indicated that San Diego County is in a good position to receive some the electricity, and that the County Water Authority will be the applicant because private companies can not apply. Senior Citizens Association Mayor Casler reported on the recent meeting of the Senior Citizens Association. City Council/School District Cmittee Mayor Casler reported on the meetinqs of the School Board/City Council subcommittee. She indicated that council had previously agreed to return the land not being used near the swim mnplex to the School District, and that the district would like Parcels A and B returned, She requested, and council agreed, that this matter be placed on the agenda for the following week. 3// a 0 MINUTES Page 12 nrtnher 16 - 1984 Future High School Site Mayor Casler reprted that the School District plans in five years to build a new high school on the 42 acres that they have. She reprted that currently the district is leasing a portion of the land for agriculture. She indicated that they have suggested that the city might want to lease some of the land for playing fields, and that the district would like some indication if the city is interested in the concept before they spend mney on a site plan. Mayor Casler indicated that she would like this matter placed on the next agenda, and council concurred. CITY ATlloRNEy ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: The City Attorney reported that the city had won the Carri Case. ADJOURNMENT: By proper mtion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, & A- Q* ALE;THA L. -2 City Clerk Karen R. Kundtz Deputy City Clerk ?/ r - COUNCIL /\y 99 0 Ad A ? MEMBERS % $%