HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-11-06; City Council; Minutes. (50) (99) 0 0 MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: November 6, 1984 6% Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. Tim of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. COUNCIL \\$ %P "0 $ST )r CALL To ORDER: The meting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:Ol p.m. ROLL CALL was as follows: Present: Council M&rs Caslerp Lewis, Chick, Kulchin and Prescott. Absent : None. INVOCATION was given by Reverend Kathy Ellicott of the Unity Church of Carlsbad. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Merbr Chick. APPROVZG OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held October 16, 1984, Casler X were approved as presented. Lewis X Kulchin xx Chick X Prescott X CONSENT CALENQAR: Mayor Casler announced there were requests to delete Items 20 and 25 from the Consent Calendar. Council confirmed the action the the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item 20 and 25, as follows: Casler X Lewis X Kulchin xx Chick X Prescott X Council Member Lewis requested the Deputy City Clerk to indicate a "no" vote on Items 18 and 19 p as he was opposed to those items. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TMT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. 1. AB #7927 - RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS AGAINST TEE CITY. - Council ratified the payment of demands against the City in the amount of $3,243,566.03, for the period October 12 to October 31, 1984; Payroll- demands in the amount of $324,345.73, for the period October 8 to October 21, 1984: and Housing demands in the amunt of $60,132.37, for the period October 12 to October 31, 1984. 2. AB #7928 - TEWTATIVE MAP EXTENSION - CT 81-50/PUD- 37 - 0". Council adopted RESOLUTION Mo. 7788, approving an extension of time for tentative nap CT 81-50/-37 subject to certain conditions. O/// e 0 MINUTES November 6, 1984 Page 2 COUNCIL A MEMBERS % t 5% % k$% ' (99) (99) (50) (97) (45 1 (107) (50) (45 1 (50) (45) (74) (74) (74) 3. AB #7929 - FINAL MAP - CT 83-37 - FARADAY BUSINESS PARK. - Council approved final mp of Carlsbad Tract 83-37. I I 4. AE! #7339 - Supplement #3 - FINAL MAP - CT 83-2, Unit No. 2 - VISTA PACIFICA. I I I Council approved the final mp of Carlsbad Tract 83-2, Unit 2, 5. AB #7930 - RELEASE OF GRADING CASH DEPOSIT - PARCEL MAP NO. 10060. I I Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7789, authorizing the Finance Director to refund a grading cash deposit - parcel map no. 10060. 6. AB #7658 - SUPplement #2 - coNsTRucTION OF STATE AND GRAND STREETSWE PR0;TECT NO. 3715, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7790, transferring and appropriating additional funds for State and Grand streetscape - contract no. 3715. I 7. AB #7931 - NCrrICE OF IXIENTION FOR STREET VACATION - PORTION OF PINE AVENUE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7791, declaring its intention to vacate a prtion of Pine Avenue. 8. AB #7932 - DEVEI;OPMEWT OF IQ'NG-RANGE PLAN M3R INFOFMATION SYSTEMS. Council adopted RESOUPTION NO. 7792, authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Arthur Young for the development of a long-range informtion system plan. ~ I I 9. AB #7933 - SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT^ Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7793, authorizing the Mayor to execute a software mintenance agreement with George Tamas and Associates to provide support of the City's accounting and payroll systenrs . 10. AB #7934 - REQUEST FOR AUTHORITY TO DESTROY FILES. Council adopted REsou]TION No. 7794, authorizing the destruction of files. I 11 . AB #7935 - AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND MISCELLANMWS SALARY PLANS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7795, amending the classification plan of the City to include the I classification of Police Services Aide. I 1 I 12. AB #7936 - AMENDING TEE CLASSIFICATION AND MISCELUNEDUS SALARY PLAN. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7796, amending the classification and salary plan of the City to include the classification of Custodian 11. 3IBC I I 0 e MINUTES (74) (74) (45 1 (70) (81 ) (99) (99) (93) 'io% Novenhr 6, 1 984 Page 3 MEMBERS COUNCIL \\ % + ?$,%% 8 + 4 Council adopted RESOLUTION NO, 7797, amending the classification and miscellaneous salary plans of the City to include the classification of Building I Maintenance Supervisor, and delete the classification of Sanitation Supervisor. ~ 13. AB #7937 - EXTENSION OF FOLICE LI- EMPIDYMENT LIST. Council adopted RESOLUTION No. 7798, authorizing and directing the extension of the Police Lieutenant employment list to October 17, 1985. 14. NUMBER NOT USED. 1 5 . AB #79 39 - MANAGEPENT COMPENSATION PLAN, Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7799, approving an agreement with Arthur Young & Conpany for a management ampensation study and appropriating funds . 16. AB #7460 - Supplement #2 - EXTENSION OF REX7IE!W/CoMMENT PERIOD FOR RATIQUITOS LAGOON IWNAGEMENT PLAN. - Council extended the review period for the Batiquitos Lagoon Management Plan to January 1, 1985. 17. AB #7940 - ACCEPTANCE OF A DONATION. Council adopted RESOWTION No. 7800, accepting a donation of ($100) one hundred dollars. 18. AI3 #7913 - Supplement #1 - TENTATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVEUX" - CT 84-23/PuD-71 - THE MEADOWS. Council adopted RESOLUTION No. 7801, approving with xx Kulchin planned unit development PUD-71 on 34.4 acres of Lewis conditions a 223-unit tentative nap CT 84-23 and X Casler X Prescott intersection of Melrose Avenue and Alga Road. X Chick property generally located 500 feet south of the 19. AB #7914 - Supplement #1 - TENTATIVE MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT - CT 84-10/CP-277 - SPYGLASS mm. Council adopted RESOUPTION 7802, approving an 80- xx Kulchin permit (CP-277) on 4.7 acres on property generally Lewis unit tentative tract mp (CT 84-10) and condominium X Casler X Prescott and west of Altiva Place. X Chick located on the north side of Alicante Road, east 20. Item withdrawn from consent calendar. 21 . AB #7941 - AGFU3E" FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SEHvlcCEs FOR RENOVATION AND UPGRADING HOME PLANT SENER LIFT STATION. Council adopted RESOUPTION NO. 7804, accepting proposals and authorizing the execution of agreement for professional engineering and architectural services for the renovation and upgrading of the home plant sewer lift station, * 1/11 e 0 MINUTES -c ( ( ( ( ( COUNCIL \p % 3 ?k November 6, 1984 Page 4 MEMBERS % 8 r II 1 14) 22. AB #7942 - DISCRETIONARY F!EVIEW OF APARTMEWT PFOJECTS. Council directed staff to prepare a zone axle amendment to require discretionary review of apartment projects consisting of five or mre units. '63) 23. AB 87921 - Supplement #1 - LEASE AGREEMENT FOR 45) ADDITIONAL SPACE FOR BWm LIB=. Council adopted RESOLUTION No. 7805, authorizing execution of lease agreement for additional space for branch library in Plaza De La Costa shopping center. 24. NUMBER Ncrr USED. ITEavlS WITHD- F" THE CONSENT -: I : 70) 20. AB 87899 - Supplement #1 - REVISION OF CONSULTANT ;45) AGREEMENT FOR ENVIRoNMewTAL IMPACT REFORT ON CARLSBAD STATE BEACH BLUFF PROTECTION. I Mayor Casler announced there was a request to speak from Mike Werner, 2352 How. Mr. Werner presented pictures taken at the time the bluff collapsed, which he distributed to the Council Members for their perusal. Mayor Casler advised Mr. Werner this was not the subject being discussed at this time. His photographs were in the lagoon area and the area covered in this item is along Carlsbad Boulevard between Pine and the add water inlet to the State Beach. Council adopted RESO~ION NO. 7803, approving an asreement between the City of Carlsbad and Westec Services, Inc. , for prepsation of an environmental inpact report for the Carlsbad State Beach Bluff protection - project no. 3185. Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Frescott X ( 26) ,; 25. AB #7306 - Supplement #4 - JAMES DRIVE ASSESSMENT DISWCT. II Staff requested this item removed as there has been a change made in the James Drive Assessment District Reprt. Ron Beckman, City Engineer/ACMi reported a correction had been made with regard to the bond discount amount and the reserve for the assessment district. The changes had been inserted into a new booklet which had been distributed to the Council Members. Mr. Beckman stated the costs had been spread over the entire project mst, increasing the total by $74,000. Council adopted the following Resolutions: pro;posed boundaries of a special assessment district. chick RESOLUTION NO. 7806, adopting a map showing the Lewis (by one mtion) Casler Prescott Hulchin RESOU~TI~ NO. 7807, covering preliminary determination and ordering the preparation of a reprt On said improvemnte RESOU]TION NO. 7808, approving a reprt under the 1lSpcial Assessment Investigation, Limitation and Majority Protest Act of 1931", and fixing a date Of - .- I X I b 5% $ qq X X X X X X X X X X I 0 0 MINUTES - ( November 6, 1984 Page 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS: 99) 26. AB #7944 - APPFAL OF PLANEJING COMMISSION DENIAL OF A WLVE-UNIT CONIXMINIUM PROJJXT - CT 84-13KP-282- I BW. Charles Grim, Principal Planner, gave the staff reprt as mntained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency showing the site. He stated that the applicant has reduced the number of units in this project by two. Mr. Grimm stated the follming options: Council could approve the original project; Council could deny the appeal request and return the project to the Planning Conmission for the applicant and staff to work on a reduction of density, with staff remmnding the projed: be returned to the Planning Conmission. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:14 p.m. Mr. Dan Bearman, the applicant, addressed Council, stating he lives at the site. Mr. Bearman had a rendering drawn to shaw the project as now proposed, and reconmended by-passing the Planning Comnission to save time. Mayor Casler ascertained the project would now be ten units instead of twelve, and asked Mr. Barman where the two units had been removed. He answered they had been remved from the upper level on the third floor, increasing the porch area and improving the roof line. Mr. Bearman stated the design was compatible and all engineering requirements had been met and asked €or approval of the project. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 6:18 p.m. In answer to query from Council Member Kulchin as to whether it was proper for the Council to by-pass the Planning Comnission, City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated the appeal had been from the twelve-unit, and the Planning Comnission had not considered the new proposal. He added there are no anditions of approval, no exhibits and no recommendation from the Planning Comission, and would be extremely difficult for the Council to try to design the project tonight. Mr. Biondo stated if the Council granted the appeal, the project could go back to the Planning Conmission for them to look at a different project. Council Member Lewis inquired about the traffic situation and how the density was danged by deleting two units. Mr. Grh stated the density would be reduced to 15.3, but the railroad precluded any through traffic pattern. Mayor Casler added that eventually all of that area will go to 10 to 20 units, as it has been zoned that for a number of years. There is concern about the circulation and parking, which should be scrutinized closely by the Planning Comnission. 242. I COUNCIL \\$ *% %?&$ MEMBERS 2. 6 2. e 0 MINUTES November 6, 1984 Page 6 Council returned this project, CT 84-13/CP-282, to the Planning Codssion for additional consideration. (1 14 ) 27. AB #7945 - ZONE ODE AlWNMWT REGULATING LAND USES IN THE "Q" OVEXUAY ZONE - ZCA-180 - CITY OF CAFUSBAD. I Bill Hofman, Principal Planner, gave the staff report on this item as mntained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:24 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no me wished to speak m the item, the public hearing was closed. In answer to query, staff stated notification is to property owners within 300 feet of the project and notification in the Carlsbad Journal. City Attorney Biondo explained that notice had not been required for site review. This would allow the same notice for the CUP and for the site plan. Council Member Chick mmnted that this would conplicate matters for those trying to develop their Property Mayor Casler CXManented that this would be mre work, but the basic intent was to provide a better-looking City. I Council intrduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9739, AMENDING TITLE 21, CRAeTER 21.06 OF THE CAFUBAD WNICIPAL ODE BY THE - OF SECTIONS 21.06.010, 21.06.020, 21.06.070 AND 21.06.140 TO ADD ADDITIONAL USE RESTRICTIONS L'iITHIN 'IHE Q, QUALIFIED DEVELOPMENT CKTEm ZONE AND 'IO ESTABLISH REQUIREMENTS FOR A PUBLIC HEARING. (99) 28. AB #7948 - TEwllATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELlEMENT - CT 84-25/PtJE72 - BATIQUITOS BLUFF. Bill Hofman, Principal Planner, gave the staff report as mntained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency showing the site and a wall map showing the features of the project, the surrounding projects and access. One condition of approval would be the extension of Avenida Encinas to Carlsbad, and Mr. Hofman showed the alignment of that road. Another map was used to show the types of units and the internal roads. The Planning Codssion mdifications were discussed concerning the building of Avenida Encinas and the construction of a block wall along Interstate 5, if the construction of Avenida Encinas results in the remval of the existing berm. In answer to Council discussion, Mr. Hofman stated the lagoon has no bearing on the project and it is not being considered for public hearing. ?Y I 7 COUNCIL \) S% % ?$,%% MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. t Casler xx Prescott X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X I Casler X Lewis X X Prescott Chick xx Kulchin - 0 a MINUTES COUNCIL \\$ 5 %y$qT November 6, 1984 Page 7 MEMBERS 2. 6 2. Council Member Lewis expressed concern abut approving the project prior to the approval of the Batiquitos Lagoon Plan. Mayor Casler stated she had talked with the City Attorney and he recomnded no final map be issued until the Batiquitos Management Plan had been reviewed and conformance was *roved on this property. She read the following proposed Condition #54: "The final map for this project shall not be approved until after the City Council has made a final decision on the proposed Batiquitos Lagoon Plan, and the City Council finds the map is consistent with said Plan and with any applicable local coastal plans. If the Batiquitos Lagoon Plan as approved is inconsistent with cf 84/PUD 72, the developer shall submit a revised project consistent with the Lagoon Plan to the City Council for their consideration. The City Council may modify this resolution as they determine necessary to rrake the project consistent with the adopted Lagoon Plan and with any applicable local coastal plans. *' Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:39 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Terry Hackett, Narport Beach, representing Sea Bluff Associates, addressed the Council, giving the background of the project. Mr. Hackett expressed surprise at any new condition being introduced tonight after this project has been approved up to this point. He stated it would be difficult to conply with something that does not yet exist, such as the Batiquitos Management Plan. Mr. Paul Brian, 101 West Broadway, San Diego, addressed Council to highlight what the applicant was trying to achieve. He used a wall chart to show the project and explained the garden-type setting. He stated that since the bluff is dominant from 1-5, they have provided one-story and two-story buildings to avoid creating a wall in that area. Mr. Brian used another drawing to show the separation between the buildings and the maximum variation in units as to one-story and two- story. Another chart was used to show the townhouse unit types. Mr. John Briggs, 2650 Camino Del Rio, North, addressed Council stating he supported all that had been said tonight. He felt this was a good project and he was not too concerned abut a condition regarding the finalization of the Batiquitos Management Plan. Mr. Briggs added he wantd the lagoon restored and urged approval of the plan as it is at the present time. At the time they return with the plan for the remaining 60 acres, then any inpact on the Batiquitos Management Plan could be discussed, as he felt the differences were slight. Mr. Hiram Hoskin, 7307 San Luis, President of Lakeshore Gardens Momowners Association, spoke in favor of the project, stating the homeowners approve of the plans. They do have a concern abut the extension of Avenida Encinas, and would rather have that be a cul-de-sac. 7 4n 0 0 MINUTES COUNCIL \\y 5 %?$ST November 6, 1984 Page 8 MEMBERS .;t 8 Z. Mr, Hoskin stated if the widening of the street necessitated the remval of the berm, the City must place a sound barrier in the form of a wall, or suits would be filed, Mr, Hoskin requested Avenida Encinas be kept as a collector street. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 6:53 p.m. Mayor Casler stated that the Batiquitos Lagoon Management Plan states that on the edge of the lagoon bluff the houses can only be one story high. She stated Council could approve one-and two-story houses or change this project to one-story houses. Council Member Chick asked when the wording for the added condition was wrked up and Mayor Casler stated the City Attorney wrote it yesterday (November 5). Council Member Chi& questioned why he was not informed of this wording this mrning and felt this should not be brought up tonight without prior discussion. Mayor Casler concurred with Council Member Chick, City Attorney Biondo stated this project muld be approved tonight with m conditions, He stated he first became aware of the Lagoon Plan Monday mrning, when the City Manager voiced a series of concerns whether approving this plan would prejudge the Batiquitos Lagoon Management Plan and cause trouble for the Council in the future. He added this is a policy question, and it was not his recomndation to do anything. Mr. Biondo stated the Council could approve this project as it is and adopt the Lagoon Plan around it, or attempt to allow the developer to go ahead now and reserve Council's aption to let it stand or change it when Council decides about the Lagoon Plan. He stated he thought this would be discussed with the Council Members Monday and Tuesday and if there was a failure in oonnnunication, he stated he was not guilty, Council Member Kulchin stated she became aware of this condition today and Council Member Lewis stated he was not aware of the exact wording. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated the plan before the Council mts all general plan conditions of the City and present zoning requirements and there is no reason not to approve it. Hmever, he stated the Council needed to know about the Management Plan and he had tried to explain that to the Council Menbers. He stated that the developer will be filing a master plan for the entire 130 acres later on. That master plan will have to be approved by the City and the Coastal Plan and amendments from LCP. The Plan before Council will have to be changed when that master plan is later adopted. As far as this 40 acres is concerned, Mr. Aleshire stated Mr, Hackett is correct that all requirements have been complied with and there is no reason not to adopt this project. 139 1 0 e MINUTES COUNCIL \\y 5 %9$st November 6, 1984 Page 9 MEMBERS Z. tp Z. The LCP will be coming in and the Batiquitos Lagoon Plan was received 60 days ago and was carried forward to January 1. That plan has a potential of being in conflict with this 40-acre plan. Mr. Aleshire added that the Council my want to approve the plan before it, which meets all requirements today, or may want to modify the plan in any way, recognizing that in the future they will have to look at the Batiquitos Plan and the LCP. He suggested the mrding may not be acceptable to the developer. Council Member Chick stated three Members of the Council knew about the condition yesterday and two did not and he felt that was not a proper way to do business. Council Member Lewis restated that he did not know of the actual statement read tonight until it was read. Mr. Hackett stated he felt this was a dangerous precedent, if a project could go through the entire tentative plan for a tentative map, working with staff for years, and have such a broad mndition imposed at the last mment. He felt the map should be approved as it is. Mr. Hackett concluded, stating the time to look at any amendment wuld be when the Batiquitos Plan is approved. It could be continued in January, and no one would know the rules. Mayor Casler stated they were not talking about density. Council discussion followed about whether the Batiquitos Plan had been mde available to the developer, and Mayor Casler answered it had not been turned over to the Sds Company as yet. Council Member Lewis questioned whether the one-or-two story houses wuld affect the density, but was told these were all one-family homes, which wuld not a€fect the density. Council Member Chick stated the problem was the way the Council was going about it. He asked to continue this matter for a week and get wording they could all live with. Council Member Chick then mved to continue this item one week and Council Member Presmtt seconded the motion. Mr. Briggs asked for a recess at this time before Council took a vote, as they needed the project to go forward. Council Member Chick withdrew his previous mtion and the semnd was withdrawn. RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a recess at 7:15 p,m. and Council re-convened at 7:37 p.m., with all Members present. ? a? a 0 MINUTES \\$ 5 COUNCIL % ?&? November 6, 1984 Page 10 MEMBERS .Z. 6 Z. Mr. Hackett addressed Council, stating if the applicant could have the general language of the plan which has not yet been determined, elhinated, and 1) add a condition to the map that right now the Sarmnis group would eliminate the twostory single family units along the bluff and reduce all to one story in compliance with the Batiquitos Lagoon Management Plan; 2) to the extent that in any way, the Plan comes in mnflict with the 40-acre section amendment of this mp, it shall be subject to the Batiquitos Management Plan. Mr. Hackett and Mr. Sds agreed that along the bluff where there are Management Plan issues relating to single story units, the plan before Council tonight has been rnodified now to include only single story homes, in mqliance with the Management Plan. Secondly, the applicant agrees, to the extent that in any way at a later date the overall plan with LCP modifies this: it will then be subject to whatever Batiquitos Management plan exists. In answer to Council query, Mr. Hackett again explained the differences. There would be a condition 61 that would say there muld be only single story houses along the bluff , and "X" amount of units would be lost. The lender would calculate that and the loan muld proceed. He indicated they needed City qproval toniqht due to loan oodtments. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated the detailed plan before Council shows phase one and phase two. Phase one would be subject to the condition that the houses on the bluff all be one story. Phase two might be changed at a later date, if the Council adopts the Batiquitos Management Plan with different conditions. Mr. Hackett reiterated that he had said to the extent that the master plan LCl? for the 60 acres might dify units with a designated area on the map, the later phase within the 40 acres would be subject to the Batisquitos Plan existing at that time. Mr. Don S&s, Rancho Santa Fe, addressed Council, stating they were giving Council an opportunity to approve the 40-acre plan before them by removing the obstacle in oonf lict between what they had proposed and the Batiquitos Plan proposal. Mr. Sarmnis said the only conflict is the one-story versus the twostory, and they were trying to eliminate that in order to get the Council to approve this project tonight. In answer to query, staff stated these bluff horns were single family and duplexes. Mr. Sds answered they had mmn walls, but it rrade no difference in the density whether they were two-story or one-story units. 93", 0 0 MINUTES - Novenhr 6, 1984 Page 11 Mayor Casler suggested that the City Attorney would be able to draft up a mndition to eliminate the two-story houses and also any future amendment to the Plan will have to agree with the Batiquitos Lagoon Management Plan, Council Member Lewis inquired whether this would affect the bluff area in toto and the City Attorney stated the developer I s elimination was along the bluff : otherwise, the right to finalize the map remains as is, If a subsequent plan that affects that portion, it would be subject to the Lagoon Plan. If Council came in with a Lagoon plan that was different, they could do nothing about it. Mayor Casler again stated the difference was in the height of the structures. Council Member Lewis stated if the Batiquitos Lagoon Plan, after public input, came in with other changes, this plan could not be danged, and he felt the public hearings should affect this plan, Council instructed the City Attorney to write a condition eliminating the two-story houses on the bluff on this project; and also to include any future amendments to this project plan to agree with the Batiquitos Lagoon Management Plan. Council Member Lewis added his rrno'l vote did not mean he apposed the project per se, just his concern about the future changes. Council added the following mitigation measure as recommended by the Land Use Planning Manager: "All mitigation measures of EIR 81-8 shall be conplied with in their entirety with the exception of those measures relating to agricultural resources. At the time of future development on the agricultural prcels, the applicant shall submit supplemntal environmental information addressing inpacts to the agricultural resources. 'I Council approved CT 84-25/PuD-72, with mnditions, and directed the Attorney to prepare documents per Council discussion. (Resolution No.7810) DEPAWI1MENTAT; AND CITY IvlANAaR REPOIZTS: Finance (1 00) 29. AI3 #7946 - REQUEST FOR REFUND OF TRANSIENT TAX PmvBY CARLSBAD TRAWL IxlDGE. Jim Elliott, Finance Director, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council denied the request €or refund of transient tax penalty refund to Carlsbad Traveloge. .? 3 L - COUNCIL /\y %9 0 &* A 5 MEMBERS % %% Casler Lewis xx X Presmtt X Chick X Kulchin Casler X Presmtt xx Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X Casler Lewis X X Prescott X Chick xx Kulchin Casler Lewis X xx Presmtt X Chick X Kulchin e 0 MINUTES T ( ( I COUNCIL \\y 5 %y$%T November 6, 1984 Page 12 MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. planning 1 14) 30. AB #7882 - Supplement #1 - REPORT ON MODIFICATION ' ' 3, To SIGN ORBINANCE - CAR COUNTRY - ZCA-174/SP-l9(B)-CITY OF CARISBAD. Charles Grim, Principal Planner, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, City Attorney Biondo stated no limit was included in the Ordinance, since the previous Ordinance required the signs to be 200 feet apart and 50 feet from the property line. By eliminating the space requirements, no number requirement was included, which auld result in ten signs 011 one lot. He suggested the Planning Cdssison look at this as far as placing a limit on the nurnber of signs. Council referred this item back to the Planning Casler Comission for consideration of wording 1-imiting the Lewis number of signs to be allowed by this Ordinance. Kulchin Chick Presmtt X [ 96) 3 1 . AB #7917 - SEXVICE STATION PRICE SIGNS. Charles Grim, Principal Planner, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council Member Lewis stated he felt this sign was bulky and felt the matter should go to the Planning Cmission for public hearing. Council referred this matter to the Planning Comnission Casler to be set for public hearing, Lewis X Kulchin Chick Prescott Traffic Safety Commission (96) 32. AB #7947 - FOUR-WAY STOP AT TAMARACK AVENUE AND SKYLINE mm. City Engineer Ron Beckman gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council Members agreed with the Traffic Safety Comission that a four-way stop was warranted at that intersection. Council introduced the following Ordinance: Casler ORDINANCE NO. 3179, AMENDING SECTION 10.28.090 AND Kulchin X ADDING SECTION 10.28.330 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CDDE Chick BY ADDING SKYLINE DRIVE AS A STREET TD STOP FOR Prescmtt TAMARACK AVEMJE AND TAMAl?ACK AVENUE AS A STREET TO SlDP FOR SKYLINE DRIVE. Engineering Lewis (-81 ) 33. AB #7949 - GRANTING EASENEWT TO PACIFIC BELL. Ron Beckman, City Engineer, gave the staff report as mntained in the Agenda Bill, recommending the easement be granted and the charges set, He added that Pacific Bell was prepared to pay up to $3,000. I 135- a e MINUTES (70) November 6, 1984 Page 13 Council adopted the following Resolution. inserting the sum of $3,000 to be paid to the City for granting of the easement. RESOLUTION NO. 7809, GRAWTING A UTILITY EASEMENT %I PACIFIC BELL AND AUTHORIZING "lE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ON BEHALF OF THE CITY. INE'OFMATION ITEM: Mayor Casler called attention to the Parks and Recreation Department Fiscal Report. City Manager Aleshire axranented Parks and Recreation is meeting its goals in becoming self-sufficient. COUNCIL REpoIiTs: Regional Water Reclamation Agency Council Member Prescott report& on a recent meeting. WCO Council Member Presmtt reported on a LAFCO meeting held yesterday . SANDAG Council Member Chick stated he had attended a SANDAG meeting . Airport Committee Council Member Lewis reported that the next meeting would be November 9 at 3:OO p.m. 2WJOUFWlENT: By proper mtion, the Meeting was adjourned at 8:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted, L<eGJ $.(: ." yzy Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk /n 3u - \\y 5 COUNCIL %9 /o $*%? A MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. Casler 1 Plresmtt xx Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X