HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-11-20; City Council; Minutesrr, 0 MINUTES 0 - Meeting of: CITY OOUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date Time of of Meeting: Meeting: November 6:OO p.m. 20, 1984 \\y +os Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers MEMBERS COUNCIL \ .;t ?&? 6 .;t CALIL m ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council M&rs Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent : None. INVOCATION was given by Monsignor Thomas Briody of St. Patrick's Catholic Church. PLEDGE OF WIANCE was led by Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen. Mayor Casler announced Items 1 1 , 1 3 and 15 had been withdrawn. CONSENT cxLENm?: Council confirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Casler X as follows: Lewis X Kulchin X Chick xx Pettine X WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meting. (50) 1. AB #7874 - RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS AGAINST THE CITY. - Council ratified the papnt of demands against the City in the amount of $515,170.75, for the period Novunber 2 to November 15, 1984; Payroll demands in the mount of $320,161.00, for the period October 22 to November 4, 1984; and Housing demands in the amount of $2,998.09, for the psriod November 2 to November 15, 1 984. (101) 2. AB #7957 - APPLICATION To OPERATE A TAXI - SOL'S CAB COMPANY, Council adopted RESOUTTION No. 7822, determining that the public interest, mnvenience, and necessity require the issuance of a certificate to Sol's Cab Conpany to -rate one taxicab in the City of Carlsbad and ordering the City Clerk to issue said certificate subject to ertain conditions. (74) 3. AB #7958 - AMENDING TEE CLASSIFICATION AND MISCE-US SALARY PLANS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7823, amending the classification plan of the City to add the classification of Senior Receptionist Cashier and to revise the classification and salary of Receptionist Cashier. GY 11 (36) (45 1 (84) (99) (70) (93) (45 1 (84) (1 14) 0 MINUTES 0 November 20, 1984 Page 2 CONSW CXXNDAR: (Continued) 4. AB #7485 - Supplement #1 - DUPLICATION EQUIPMENT, Council approved the 60-month lease/purchase of the Xerox 1075 administration copy machine. 5. AB #7959 - DISFQSL OF SURPLUS PFOPERT'Y. Council adopted RESOLUTION No, 7824, declaring an ambulance surplus, and authorizing the disposal of such an item. 6. AB #7960 - FINAL EnAp FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 84-26 - LLEWELLYN SHo.mS, Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract 84- 26. 7. AB #910 - Supplement #32 - RETURN OF EXCESS SWIMMING POOL PFOPERTY To THE CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, Council adopted RESOLUTION No. 7825, quitclaiming parcels "A'' and "B" of swimming pool property to ~ the Carlsbad Unified School District. 8. AB #7961 - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD STORM DRAIN PFOECT NO. 3169, Council adopted RESOLUTION No, 7826, approving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to invite bids for the Carlsbad Boulevard storm drain - contract No, 3169. 9. AB #7970 - PURCJBSE OF OFFICE FURNITURE. Council adopted RESOLUTION No. 7829, accepting bids and authorizing the execution of contracts for the purchase of office furniture. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 10. AB #7%5 - ZONE CODE AMENDMENT REGULATING LAND USES IN "IE Q OVEZLAY !ZONE - ZCA-180 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9739, AMENDING TITLE 21 , CHAPTER 21.06 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CDDE BY THE - OF SECTIONS 21.06.010, 21,06.020, 21.06.070 AND 21.06.140 TO ADD ADDITIONAL USE EU3SmCTIONS WITHIN 'IHE Q, QUALIFIED DEVEIxIpE4ENT oVERLz?Y !ZONE AM) 'IO ESTABLISH REQUIREMENTS FOR A FUBLIC HEARING. 11. AB #7882 - Supplement #1 - MODIFICATION To SIGN ORDINANCE - CAR COUNTRY - ZCA-l74/SF19(B). This item was withdrawn. 3d3 -r COUNCIL \\k 5 % ?$,? MEMBERS .;t (2, 2. Casler X Chick xx KuLchin X Lewis X X Pettine ~ 0 MINUTES 0 - COUNCIL \\y +% % %%$ November 20, 1984 Page 3 ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (Continued) MEMBERS Z. r~ Z. i (96) 12. AB #7947 - FOUR-WAY STOP AT TAMARACK AVENUE AND SKYLINE mAD. Council adopted the following Ordinance: Casler X Pettine BY ADDING SKYLINE DRIVE AS A SfREET 'IO SCQP FOR X Chick ADDING SECTION 10 -28.330 OF THE CARLSBAD MUJnCIPAL ODE xx Kulchin ORDINANCE NO. 3179, AMENDING SECTION 10.28.090 AND X Lewis X TAMARACK AVENUE AND TUVWlCK AVENUE AS A STREET ?o SCQP FOR SKYLINE DRIVE. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (43) 13. AI3 #7962 - CONDITIONAL USE PEXMIT FOR A NINETY- UNIT RESIDEXI'IAL CARE FACILITY - Cup-255 - VILLAS DE CARLSBAD. This item was withdrawn. (43) 14. AB #7963 - APPW OF PLANNING CCMMISSION DECISION REVOKING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A VIDEO ARCADE - CUP 234 - WOO~RTH. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the site. He stated that staff feels the issue to be adressed is whether the specific location of the arcade in the mll is serving as an attraction for congregation of individuals, whose behavior is not conducive to safe business conditions in the mall. The Planning Comission felt it was serving this purpose and revoked the permit. Officer Galloway and Police Chief Jimno were present to speak on this item. Police Chief Jimno reported that this item was before the Council as an appeal. When the CUP was granted, the police expressed concern about the qening to the mmn area of the mall and thought it would attract a large number of young people and become a loitering location. Security guard services were remmnded, but not adopted at that time. Chief Jim0 reported that a letter of concern was received in February of 1984 from the Manager of the Mall because of break dancers in the mmn area and panhandlers and loiterers in front of the fun center. Chief Jimno stated his Department attempted to assign an officer to the mall on weekends, when it was possible. He added that this last summer was hot and humid, and the mall was the axlest place in town. He referred to the letter from Thomas wood, Attorney representing Woolworth, with the conditions remnnnended for a test period of 90 days. Chief Jimno stated if Council desired a test extension, 90 days was too short a time period and would not cover special times, such as summer vacation time. i 362 0 0 MINUTES COUNCIL \\y 5 %% %% % ~ November 20, 1984 Page 4 MEMBERS 2. 8 Z. PUBLIC m 2 (Continued) In answer to Council query, Chief Jinolo stated the mall had always been a problem, but there was an increase in activity after the start up of this facility. Council Member Pettine asked whether the problem would move to another location in the mall, if the arade were closed, and Chief Jim0 answered that it would take some time for the crowd to dissipate. Chief Jimno said that it had been suggested to Blworth to re-locate the aracde to another part of the store, or provide a different access, but that was turned down. He said that Carl ' s Jr B had roped off the planter bxes to discourage people from congregating. Chief Jinmo reiterated the Police DepartKlent was willing to work with the CUP and additional conditions to see whether it would work. He felt the consnunity was affected, since people now do not enjoy a day at the mall because of the congregating young people at the arcade area. He stated there is an interface between the different groups in that location. There are marines, localsp and those who dress differently, and conflicts are usually between the groups, In addition, panhandling and other activities are also problem for shoppers and other establishments. In answer to a question from Mayor Casler about the entrance to the arcade, Chief Jirrmo stated the entrance was just inside the mlworth entrance-just a few feet off of the comn area. Officer Galloway answered a Council query stating the security force could handle problems if they were minor loitering problms--but if they were mre severe, the Police have to be called in. The security officers can detain the offenders until the Police Officer arrives. Council Member Lewis stated he felt this was a regional problem, since the youngsters gather there from the surrounding comities. He asked whether these youngsters are customers of the mall and Chief Jim0 said they use the arcade and the fast food businesses. He added the mt offensive behavior is the panhandling and the constant use of the public telephones. The punkers do use the clothing stores, fast food restaurants and the record stores. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:37 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Ms. Christine Calderon, General Manager of the mll, spoke against extending the CUP for the arcade, stating she was mncerned abut the Christmas season. 36 / - 0 0 MINUTES November 20, 1984 Page 5 Ms. Calderon stated the arcade is unique in one sense, as mlworth can use the area as it sees fit without permission from the landlord. She stated in other malls, such an arcade muld be located away from the rest of the stores, and it certainly should not be where it is. She also stated if it had been put in the rear of the store, that would have helped the problem. Ms. Calderon stated she has a mnth-to-month record of the disturbances in the mall, and there has been a 900 percent increase since the opening of the arcade. Council questioned the feasibility of mving the arcade to the rear of the Woolworth store, but Ms. Calderon answered that was denied by 6.Joolworth. Ms. Calderon stated the worst period was the past summer. Mike Werner, Carlsbad, spoke against having the arcade in the mall. He stated he wanted the place closed, as the mall mst be made safer. He stated he was beaten up while waiting for a bus at the bus stop. Mr. Tom Wood, Attorney representing Wwlworth, 2850 Pi0 Pice, stated there was no mndition as to the location of the entrance, and it does not open directly on to the comn area of the mll. He referred to the material presented to the Council and provided an article from the newspaper, telling about the punkers being in the malls. He felt the problem would not go away, the youngsters would just mve to another location in the mall. ~ ~ Mr. Wmd stated there were two directions-one, close the arcade and forget it, or two, use some creativity and grant a short extension. He stated they were willing to close during the Christmas season, recognizing the fears of the other tenants, thereby hoping to ease those fears now. He stated he auld not rebut the 900 percent increase, as he had asked for that information and did not get it. W. Wood said there had been no real incidents in front of the arcade itself. The increased security has had some effect-it has broken up the congregating. Mr. Wxd said kids of all types of dress go to the mall, and what has to be addressed, is: 1) is the arcade the cause of the "problem" to be dealt with: and 2) will closing the arcade make the problem go away. He asked that the CUP to renewed with additional conditions and a requirement of shoes and shirts at all times. Mr. Wod said although the security guards cannot go into some of the public areas, just their presence seems to be having an effect. %en asked whether they muld close during Christmas, Easter and shut down during the summer, if the problem re-occurs, Mr. Wood said they probably would if a problem occurred. 36 0 I COUNCIL \b *% % ?&? MEMBERS .Z. @ Z. 0 0 MINUTES I November 20, 1984 Page 6 When asked whether that would be acceptable to her, Ms. Calderon stated it would depend on haw the word "problem" was def ined-that it should be left up to the discretion of the Mall Management. When asked about mving the location of the arcade, or the entrance, Mr. bbcd stated neither of those suggestions would be feasible, Father Stephen powers, All Saints' Episcopal Church, Vista, spoke in favor of the arcade, stating he is a patron of the arcade and he felt eliminating the arade would not eliminate the problem. There are people of all different types of dress in all the malls throughout California. He asked for tolerance and opnness for all different kinds of people. Rex Navarro, 161 5 Vista Street, stated the arcade shouldn't be mde a martar. He added the arcade should be kept Ten, In answer to a question from Council Member Lewis, he stated there is no mre break dancing. Mike Keller, 611 Sunset Drive, Oceanside, spoke in favor of the arcade, stating since the publicity, people come there to see them, and they do not drive the people away. He said there were a ample of people who had caused problems, but he did not approve of that type of behavior, and those people are no longer around. David Hyde, 1311 Crestwood Drive, Oceanside, spoke in favor of the arcade, stating when the security guards told them to mve out, they left. He said they keep mving and do not hang out in one place. In answer to Council question, David said he usually goes tm the mall every day. Mayor Casler asked whether all of the youths were in schml, and he answered they were. He said they play the arcade games, smoke outside, and get something to eat. Council Mer Pettine asked whether any shoppers had been bothered by panhandlers, and David answered not since the article in the newspaper. He stated he and his friends were mt a problem. Connie Scharton, 2711 Norma Street, Oceanside, spoke in favor of the arcade, stating she was dressed in a normal way, but hangs out at the mall. She estimated she spends approximately $35 per mnth at the mall. Larry Ross, 759 East Grand, Escondido, addressed Council in favor of the arcade, stating the only time trouble starts is when the people start the trouble with them-such as making fun of them. Rosemary Bell, 2525 El Camino Real, addressed Council, stating no one was speaking up for the merchants in the mall. She stated she has maged a store for three years, and the last year has been a problem. She stated her corrpany pays high rent, and they are not there to provide entertainment or a gathering place. The mmen and older people are intimidated by these punkers and will not come to the mll to shop. This problem came after the arcade opened. She felt a short-time closing would not solve the problem, and this was the expressed feeling of the other mrchants. 359 I COUNCIL \\y *% %9+%7 MEMBERS Z. @ Z. ~ ~ ~ I - 0 0 MINUTES November 20, 1984 Page 7 Mike Werner spoke again, stating that the punkers got someone to beat up on him and they need to guard people waiting for the buses. Since no me else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 7: 19 p.m. Officer Galloway is the Business Liaison Officer throughout the City, and he stated to Council that he spends one day at La Costa and the rest at the mall. Council Member Lewis stated he had talked with the high school students - and the student bdy president is a punker, and about 18 percent of the students are punkers--some are good and some are bad. The students he talked with felt if the arcade were in the rear part of the store, it would help solve the problem. Council Member Lewis felt closing the arcade would not solve the problem. Council Member Kulchin expressed her concern for the people who come to the mall to shop and are not able to shop safely. She felt one officer was spending a lot of time there, and felt the CUI, should be denied. Council Member Chick stated if the arcade were closed, the problem would not go away. He agreed the bus stop is a problem. The security has to be better there. He supported a 9O-day extension with conditions, Council Member Pettine stated all the merchants having a problem cannot be ignored. He felt the mall was not the proper place for loitering. He agreed the CUP should be denied. Mayor Casler stated that the mall is a place for the teens to met, and is the mst desirable place in this area for them to meet. The additional security by May Company has been of benefit, but there are problem in the mll. However, the arcade itself has no problem, and all the problem of the mll cannot be blamed on the arcade, She expressed the wish that the private security of molworth could go into the mall area if there is unruly behavior. Mayor Casler recomrranended consideration of the following conditions: Arcade closed for the mnth of December: trial perid of 120 days. She felt it should not be closed during spring vacation to see the effect that would have, as well as weekends. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents granting an appeal, granting a CUP and adding conditions as praposed by Wolworth with the exception the trial perid be 120 days following which the situation will be reviewed by the Land Use Planning Manager. RECESS: Mayor Casler declared a recess at 7:33 p.m. and Council re-convened at 7:45 p.m., with all Members present. 358 c COUNCIL \h spb, % ?&? MEMBERS Z. tp Z. Casler Lewis xx Pettine X Chick Kulchin X - e 0 MINUTES November 20, 1984 Page 8 (57) 15 - AB #7964 - KPPE OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF GE3WFIA.L PLAN m - GF'A/LU 84-2 - MONROE STREET. This item was withdrawn on a request by the applicant. (57) 16. AB #7965 - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, ZONE CHANGE AND (113) SPECIFIC PLAN - GPA/LU 84-13/ZC-32O/SP-196 - OLIWNHAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to shaw the site. In response to query, Mr. Holzmiller referred to a wall &art shaving the existing and future alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road- Mr. Holzmiller explained that the project across the street would have an intersection on Rancho Sante Fe and the intersection wuld be re- aligned to intersect at the same point with a full intersection. This would be signalized at some future date, and the right turn lane would be eliminated at that time. The Water District would make a land dedication to @rove the intersection. Mayor Casler cpened the public hearing at 7t55 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. Council Member Pettine inquired of the City Attorney whether it was correct that should the mlley Annexation not be approved by the Council, this issue would be mmt. City Attorney Biondo stated that this issue becomes relevant if that parcel is annexed to the City. A condition LAFCO placed on the Woolley Annexation was that prior to capletion of this reorganization, Council has to pre-zone the Olivenhain property. If Council is opposed to the mlley Annexation, then Council action would be different. The City Attorney stated the decision could be put off until December 18, and the entire issue would be decided at one time. He added that this hearing could be re- opened and testimony could be taken on both issues. He stated he could not answer tonight whether or not the LAFCO mard woul-d go ahead with the Wlley Annexation if Council did not pre-zone. Council Member Chick stated the pre-zoning was agreed upon by the Council, so the Water District would not oppse the Woolley Annexation. He stated that Council should proceed with this pre-zone. Council re-opened the public hearing and continued the hearing to the meeting of Decenber 18, 1984, to be heard in conjunction with the Woolley Annexation. 353 I COUNCIL \\y 5 % 9$sT MEMBERS Z. tp Z. Casler X Pettine Chick X Kulchin xx Lewis X (113) 0 0 MINUTES COUNCIL \\y *% \9$%7 November 20, 1984 Page 9 MEMBERS Z. ~lr .2. 17. AB #7966 - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL OF ZONE CHANGE AND PLANNING COElMISSION DEX"IXATI0N - ZC- 312/FCD-66 - SEASCAPE, Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency showing the site. Mr. Holzanill.er used wall charts showing the unit types and the landscape concept plan and describing the recreational facilities. Another wall chart showed the street through the project and the connecting streets. He explained the parking exceeds that required for apartment units. The project also fills one of the goals of the general plan by providing a diversity of housing types in all areas of the City, and is the first apartment project in this area, In answer to Council query, Mr- Holzmiller answered that the time limit on affordable housing is ten years. He also answered that the State law requires the City to allow a density bonus whenever low to derate income rentals are included. These added units are included in the 244 units, Council Member Lewis inquired about affordable housing and Marty Orenyak answered, stating that the last project discussed for that was the La Costa Racquet Club. Mr. Orenyak gave the formula for the rent schedule and number of bedroom. In answer to query as to whether these apartmnts could become condominiums, Mr. Holzmiller answered they could, except €or the parking. Mayor Casler added that the City would also have to approve any such conversion. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 8:25 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Greg Neville, 701 - B Street, San Diego, representing the Lincoln Property Company, addressed Council, reiterating the amenities of the project to earn the density bonus. He used an exhibit to illustrate the site plan of the Lincoln Property. He also showed the architectural style, which would be similar to that in Alta Mira. Mr. Neville added they had met with the residents of Alta Mira and mde concessions to those residents, He assured Council there would be no truck traffic on Paseo Del Norte and no RV or boat parking. If the primary ooncern is corpatibility, he felt this project was very mnpatible and would be landscaped heavily as a buffer around the project on the eastern boundary. This project would be ten feet lower than the nearest neighbor on the east and 30 feet lower on the west, eliminating any view problem. Mr. Neville stated there is a tremendous need for affordable housing, and, in fact, these would not be low income people living there. Dwight Spiers, owner of the property, Irvine, California, spoke in favor of the project, giving a history of the property. He stated the project meets all requirements and there is a need for long-term rentals in that area. 356 - e 0 MINUTES COUNCIL \\y 5 % 9$%7 November 20, 1984 Page 10 MEMBERS Z. tp + Robert Holmes, 810 Caminito Rosa, Alta Mira, spoke in opposition to this project, stating he was on the Committee to review surrounding projects and this project had not come before that Codttee, Mr. Holmes stated that the residents of Alta Mira did not feel that apartments would fit into the area and the density was not conpatible with that of Alta Mira. Mayor Casler mmmented the density of Alta Mira was nine units per acre-with different product types making some areas as low as six to the acre and some above the nine. Dr. Kramer, 6798 Pas- Del Norte, spoke against the project, stating the proposed area was a drainage area and they would not be able to get emergency vehicles into the area. He also stated the sewage would not be able to be handled properly. He mentioned the odor from the Encina Plant and stated it would not be safe to have transients in the area, which is the type of tenant he predicted would rent these units. Mr. Ernie Pruitt, 929 Fuchsia Lane, spoke in opposition to a zone change. He felt a tenament situation would result if this project is approved. Mr. George Rcdgers, 6749 Russelia Court, Vice President of Carlsbad Crest Homers Association, spoke in opposition to a zone change, stating the high density would cause a traffic circulation problem. Mr. Rcdgers then stated that profit is the bottom line for condos and planned homes and maintenance is governed by law. He felt mintenance would be the first thing to go in this kind of a project. Mr. Jim Smith, 6725 Russelia Court, spoke against this project, saying he had spoken with 50 people in the surrounding area and all were opposed. The homes there are high-priced and a low income apartment project would not be con-patible, He stated the amenities were beautiful, but the size of the apartments would not attract permanent residents. He added there was no storage area and no garages, with all parking outside. He felt this development was not compatible with the surrounding area, and should be placed in some other area. Mr. Neville spoke in rebuttal, stating there is nothing wrong with renters ; they merely can't afford to buy a home. He added they had met with the Alta Mira residents and ret their concerns, and there was not an official from Alta Mira here opposing the project. In answer to query, Mr. Neville stated the affordable units would not be in me area and it would not be public knmledge which units those were. The books would be open to the City for their informtion. Since no one else wished to speak 041 this item, the public hearing was closed at 9:00 p.m. Council Member Lewis stated that mre rentals are needed, and were a mst in this quadrant. He felt the young business executives would rent these units. However, he stated the 12.1 density was too high, and he would not supprt the project. 355 e e MINUTE§ - November 20, 1984 Page 11 Council Member Kulchin agreed with Council Member Lewis, and felt the project was not mnpatible with the surrounding neighborhood. She also expressed concern abut the circulation. Council Member Pettine commented it was an outstanding plan, but he felt it was not mnpatible for the area and the density was too high. Mayor Casler stated she agreed with staff and felt it was an outstanding project, and compatible with the Surrounding neighborhood. Carlsbad needs affordable housing in each of the quadrants, and this is the first opportunity to start the City conplying with the housing element. She stated the term affordable seemed to be linked with the quality of the -le to live there, and she felt that was not a true conparison, as many young people cannot afford to buy homes, particularly most of the homes in Carlsbad. These young people will become tenants of this type of project. She felt this wdd be losing an excellent opportunity for this section of the City, Mike Holzmiller stated the applicant had indicated he would like to seek a antinuance to lower the density. Mr. Neville stated he wuld like a continuance or he would be willing to drop one 16-unit building now and reduce the density. Council re-opened the public hearing and continued this item for two weeks to allow the developer to work with staff to reduce the density. (1 14) 18. AB #7967 - ZONE CODE AMENDMENT REGULATING GARAGES I IN THE R-1 ZONE - ZCA-176 - CITY OF CARISBAD. Mike Holniller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler Wned the public hearing at 9:17 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to testify on this item, the public hearing was closed. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9742, AplENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.44, SECTION 21.10.010 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL ODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 21.10.010(2) REGARDING PRIVATE GARAGES IN THE R-1 ZONE. (107) 19. AB #7931 - Supplement #1 - STREET VACATION ON A FORTION OF PINE AVENUE. Ron Beckman, City Engineer, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 9:20 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to testify on this item, the public hearing was closed. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7827, vacating a portion of Pine Avenue between Lincoln Avenue and the AT&SF Railroad. 35+ - COUNCIL \\y *% (?&9%%q MEMBERS .rt fl Z. ~ Casler X Pett ine xx Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X - 1 a e MINUTES COUNCIL \\y *% % ?$%? November 20, 1984 Page 12 MEMBERS Z. 6 Z. DEP- AND CITY MANAGER REFORTS: Research/Analysis : 57) 20. AB #7968 - PFXIKSED HOUSING ELEMEWT REVISION. Jim Bagaman, Director of Research/Analysis, gave the staff reprt on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council asked for a report on haw much affordable housing Carlsbad has put in during the last two years, and its location by quadrant, to ascertain haw Carlsbad is doing in fulfilling its obligation. Council adopted the SWAG Local Technical Assistance Casler xx Agreement for the revision to the Housing Element of Lewis X the General Plan of the City of Carlsbad, in an amount Kulchin X not to exceed $7,635.00: and adopted the following Chick X Pettine Resolution: X RESOLIPTION NO. 7828, AJ?PXNING THE APPROPRIATION OF EUNDS E" THE OONTINGENCY AC- 10 THE RESEARCH/ANALYSIS mw BUDGGT. Planning (57) 21. AB a7969 - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL GENERAL PLAN A"EwT HEARING DATE. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff reprt on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler stated that it had been suggested that while the Land Use plan was being reviewed, there would be no GPA's. She asked whether it was possible to have the extra meting in January. Mr. Holzmiller stated that would be difficult. Council Member Lewis said he wanted the problem of density on the agenda of the citizens' coorranittee while they were reviewing the land use plan. Council Member Pettine felt it would be unwise to consider any mndments while revising the land use plan. He suggested staff be directed to provide a plan of alternatives in the next year while the land use plan was being updated. Council agreed to allow these three applications to be scheduled for a General Plan Amendment hearing on xx Casler X Kulchin March 5, 1985. X Lewis Chick X Pettine T.77 - * e MINUTES COUNCIL \\$ 5 %9+%T November 20, 1984 Page 13 MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. Committee Appointments Mayor Casler stated she wuld make Committee appointments as follows: Council Member Lewis - Aiqmrt Codttee, Library Board and Buena Vista Lagoon Cornnittee. Council Member Kulchin - North County Transit District, Downtown Merchants, Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee and Oceanside/Carlsbad Beach Erosion Conanittee. Council Member Chick - JAC, City School Conanittee, SANDAG (Alternate), North County Transit District (Alternate) and LCP Review Committee. Council Member Pettine - Parks and Recreation Commission. Mayor Casler - SWAG, Encina Wastewater Treatment Facility Board, Senior Citizens' Association, Buena Vista and LCP Review. Mayor Casler's name also would be on the WCO Cities Advisory Connnittee. The San Diego County Disaster Council and the SANDAG Coastal Erosion Cornnittee are not represented. San Marms Trash Plant Council Member Pettine asked for an informational presentation on the San Marcos Trash Plant. Frank Manne;I stated the item was scheduled for the December 4, 1984, meeting. (48) Campaign Contribution Limitation Council Member Pettine requested an infomtional report at a future Council Meeting on the issue of a campaign spending limitation ordinance. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an Casler xx informational presentation for the Council on campaign Lewis X Kulchin spending. X Chick Pettine X CLOSED SESSION: Council adjourned at 9:55 p.m. to a Closed Session. Mayor Casler announced that litigation would be discussed. Council re-convened at 10:20 p.m., and Mayor Casler announced that litigtion was discussed and no action taken. ADJOURNMENT: By proper mtion, the Meeting was adjourned at 10~21 p.m, Respectfully submitted, (gJG%3&4- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 35 d-/