HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-11-27; City Council; Minutes,* 0 MINUTES e T Joint Meeting of CITY EXJNCIL, PLANNING OOMMISSION Date of Meeting: November 27, 1 984 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers AND TRAFFIC SAFETY (DlMISSION CALL ?o ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:02 p.m. ROLL CALL was as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Chick, Kulchin and Pettine. All Members of Planning Codssion and Traffic Safety Commission were present. Absent : None. OFF-AGENX ITEM: Mayor Casler asked for an Off-Agenda Item to be added to the Agenda and for this item to be taken up first. (58) '6rauma Center of Tri-City Hospital Council agreed to consider an Of f-Agenda Item on the Trauma Center of Tri-City Hospital, Mr. Richard Hackten I1 and Mr. Mark Have1 were present representing Tri-City Hospital. Mr. Hackten addressed the Council, giving the ratings of Tri-City Hospital as oontained in the Agenda Bill, and stating they were concerned about the welfare of the people in this area because of the lengthy transporting time at the present time. Mr. Hackten stated they are seeking designation by the Board of Supervisors as a Level I1 Trauma Center. He asked for the support of the City Council and the citizens in asking for this designation. Mr. Hackten asked the City Council to adopt the Resolution in support of Tri-City Hospital. Council approved the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7830, RECOMMENDING 'IO TEE SAN DIEGO COUMIY EOARD OF SUPEHVISORS THE DESIGNATION OF TFU-CITY HOSPITU AS A LevEL I1 TRAUMA CEN!I'ER. 1. REPOF3 ON ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS FOR AIITERIAL STREETS. (26) 1 .A. AB #7971 - REQUEST FOR AUTHORITY TO ESTABLISH CANNON ROAD AND COLtLEK2 BXLEWWl ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. ~ ~~~ Ron Beckman, City Engineer, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill, stating when assessment districts are formed, the provision of State law requires that prioir to formation of the district, an assessment engineer will go in and prepare an accurate estimate of the oost of the assessment to those parcels. That estimate must be accurate enough so that costs auld not be increased by more than 10 percent e < ?7? - COUNCIL I\( % %' 9 MEMBERS % Q% Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin xx Lewis X - 0 0 MINUTES COUNCIL y$ % %' 8 November 27, 1984 Page 2 MEMBERS % %% Mr, Beckman stated assessment costs are broken up into four basic parts. Those are construction costs, right- of-way costs, incidentals and financial costs. He explained all those costs and stated there are two assessment districts to be considered tonight, A and B, with status reports on four others. Mr, Beckman gave the boundaries of Assessment A, Cannon Road and College Boulevard Assessment District, using a transparency to show this district. He listed the area to be served and referred to the fee estimate to establish the district, which was attached to the Agenda Bill, and the improvements as listed in Exhibit 1. Council Member Pettine questioned property owners puttinc. money into an assessment district to develop their land while a Land use element revision is going on. He felt the revision could later change the smpe of development allowed in those particular parcels and he felt that should be addressed. In answer, Mr. Pettine was told that projects already approved cannot be changed and the property mers would be made aware of any problem, at which time Council coulc make any necessary changes. In discussion, Council determined that whether or not an assessment district wa formed, there would still be problems as to haw the new regulations would apply to existing approvals. City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated that the worst that coul-d happen wuld be that Council would have to pay the landowners back any monies they had paid for any assessments for projects which were subsequently denied. Traffic Safety Conunissioner Mary Melideo stated that she felt the immediate need was for arterial streets to mve the trafficp and the districts were needed. She thought the land use problems could be taken up at a later date. Council Member Chick agreed, stating that Council. has an obligation to the residents now, and the districts are needed now. Mayor Casler added that if land use were changed to make any parcel into Ten space, the City would then have to pay that owner back for any assessments that had been made. Council directed staff to prepare the debt limit report Casler X on the establishment of the Cannon Road and College Lewis X Boulevard Assessment District subject to the receipt of Kulchin X the petition from Allan Kelly and the receipt of Chick xx a deposit of $80,000 by the developers. Pettine X 1 .B AB #7972 - FBQWT FOR AUI'HOFSTY TO ESTABLISH (26) C0-T- ASSESSm DISTRICT. Ron Beckman gave the staff report, using a transparency showing the petition and the three major property owners involved, as sham in Exhibit 1 in the Agenda Bill. 3 72 - .r 0 MINUTES 0 November 27, 1984 Page 3 Mr, Beckman indicated that staff is requesting Council to authorize preparation of the debit limit report, subject to the deposit of $70,000 and agreement from Koll Company to participate in the future Palomar Airport Road Assessment District. He stated there was no problemi since the property owners had submitted the petition to the City, representing 60 percent of the property involved. Mr, Beckrnan mde reference to Exhibit 2 of the Agenda Bill with the fee estimates. Planning Conmissioner Rombotis stated if this project was completed without something being done to Palomar Airport Road, he felt there would be mre traffic problems. Mr. Beckman said that he thought the previous project would act to take the pressure off of Palomar Airport Road, as an alternate route to El Camino Real. He did not feel this would put pressure on Palomar Airport Road, but would help to make the situation better. He added that his next report would be on Palomar Airport Road from 1-5 to El Camino Real. However, the timing on that would be affected by County funds, In answer to Planning Conmissioner McFadden, as to why these were being done in bits and pieces, Mr. Beckman stated the two assessment districts reported on tonight have submitted petitions to the City, while the other four he will report on are not at that stage yet. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated that all assessment projects require the property owners to petition the City. These two are ready to go, with mre than 50 percent of the property owners signed up, but the other four are still in the working stage. Council directed staff to prepare docmnts for the establishment of the College Boulevard Assessment District mnditioned upon the receipt of a deposit by developers in the amount of $70,000 and upon receipt of agreement from Koll Company to participate in future Palomar Airport Road Assessment District. Mr. Beclanan gave a status report on the remaininq four districts to accompany the maps attached to his memorandum dated November 20, 1984, as follows: Palomar Airport Road from El Camino District to 1-5. A transparency was used showing the Palomar Airport Road Assessment District, as Shawn on page two of the memorandum. He stated this was separated from College Boulevard, and as far as the bridge and modification of ramps, the City is proposing that part of this be funde by CalWans. The approved developments on the other side of the street between those two bridges have an obligation to install improvements. Mr. Beckman listed the land owners who are interested in particpating in the district and stated the southerly extension of College may be included. r I k?7/ COUNCIL I\\ 3 %' ? MEMBERS % $% Casler X Lewis X X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin - 0 MINUTES 0 November 27, 1984 Page 4 Mr, Beckman reported that this district would be in two phases, the major road improvements and the bridge widening over 1-5. There would be two bond sales. City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated it was anticipated there would be a proposal to establish a bridge benefit area. Mr. Beckman stated a bridge benefit could be formed right now before any other land is approved, and would establish the property owners' obligations to participate. He added if an assessment district were formed, the bridge benefit would fold into it. As far as what is assessed to each property owner, each pays a fair share, and all benefit. Property owners already have approved maps in this area and if they build and nothing is done on Palomar Airport Road, the City would have a right to take them to task. If the district fails, the City could pay out of the public facilities fund. Mr. Beckman stated the best way to get 1-5 widened, was to go to CalTrans with the money in hand, In answer to query as to how far to the east this district would go, Mr. Beckman stated it really goes to El Camino Real. The south side is already improved, an the north side is obligated by Signal Landmark subdivision. The problem will be where the County owns the land. He added that eventually this will be a six- lane road. Palomar Airport Road/Carlsbad Boulevard Realignment. Mr. Beckman used a transparency showing Palomar Airport Road and the proposed crossing over the railroad tracks and intersection with Carlsbad Boulevard, which solve some of the problems of the present intersection. A transparency was used to shuw where a hotel site would be--Pacific Coast Hotel-with access off of Solamar, east of the ramp. This would be a one-property mer assessment district. This has been an inform1 proposal, and if Council would be willing to accept, it will become a written proposal. The existing bridge would be remved. The intersection of Palomar Airport Road and Carlsbad would be signalized. The access to the hotel would be signalized and would be 1,200 feet south of Palomar Airport Road. This would be a safe access to the property as well as to Solamar and would be part of conditions of approval . The assessment district would do the remainder of the road. The City would give them 2.9 acres at the southeast comer, whic would give them a view of the ocean. The City would ge 4 acres west of Carlsbad Boulevard and 7 plus acres ea6 of Carlsbad Boulevard. Mr. Bedkman stated the City could negotiate with State Parks and Recreation and perhaps get ten acres. There could perhaps be a park headquarters and mintenance and picnic area and parking . I I !t 1 Mr. Beckman, in answer to questions, stated that this trade-off wuld give the City some leverage in trying t get some in-pro~emnts done in that area, A title searc is going on nm. This land was turned over to the City when CalTrans vacated that as a State route. If the City did this on its own,. it would need approximately two million dollars. i 330 I COUNCIL /\k 3 %' 8 MEMBERS % $% - 0 MINUTES 0 November 27, 1984 Page 5 (.loa Rancho Santa Fe Road Status Reprt. Mr. Beckman used a transparency showing the Rancho Santa Fe Assessment District. He stated that Sante Fe Ridge and Vista Santa Fe projects are both improving the road. There will be full road width up to La Costa Avenue. Mr. Beckman stated that Council, in reviewing the Circulation Element, indicated they wanted to re- classify Rancho Santa Fe as a prime arterial, as much as possible, within the existing right-f-way. A Traffic Consultant has been hired and is working on what will be needed on a re-design and will make remnmndations, Once that is done, if the City chooses to negotiate an assessment district to build the other half, Daon Corporation has indicated it is interested. Mr. Beckman stated as a side issue, but relevant, the City had asked Daon to widen Rancho Santa Fe at La Costa Avenue and to put in a signal. The signal has been delayed because of supply problems. The signal has been installed and is waiting for an electric meter. This was supposed to be installed today. Mr. Beckman reported that north of Cadencia, there is a curve in Rancho Santa Fe that will be eliminated as part of a State hazard elimination safety project. The City has gotten $125,000 to flatten out that curve. He stated that Daon and the City negotiatd for the land to do that widening. A transparency was used by Mr. Beckman to shcw Rancho Santa Fe north. The County did some widening to provide an exit from the County Land Fill Operation for trucks going south, If an assessment district were formed for full width, it would go up almst to Melrose, and auld include an intersection there, if City wanted it. In answer to query, Mr. Beckman stated the right-of-way for 680 is protected because it was put in the circulation element. Council Mer Lewis asked about Olivenhain Road being extended to Leucadia, and Mr. Beckman stated there are no definite plans as yet. Elm Avenue Assessment District. Mr. Beckman used a transparency to shcw Elm Avenue. As an assessment district, there would be five property owners involved, as well as the City. 2. REPORT AND DISCUSSION OF TRAFFIC SAFTY ISSUES. Marty Bournan, Traffic Engineer, gave the report on this item, going through the report provided to Council Members, Mr. Ebuman referred to a wall map graphic showing the different classifications of streets, 36 9 c COUNCIL /\b 3 9L% 4 MEMBERS % %% - e 0 MINUTES Novenher 27, 1984 Page 6 In answer to query, Mre Bouman discussed the bicycle lanes, stating there was nothing to be done to protect the riders and constructing a berm between the bicycle lane and the car lane would be too expensive. Mr. Ebuman answered a question regarding private or public streets, stating a private street must be gated or posted so the public knows it is private. The City Manager added that if the street is dedicated and maintained by the City? it is public; if it serves only a certain area, then it is private. Mr. Bouman stated further that the street should be 36 feet wide-and not 30 feet, even if it is a private street . Mr, Bouman talked about the traffic systems accommodating the traffic to be generated in new developments and stated if the traffic cannot be accommodated, a serious safety problem follows. Council Member Lewis stated that he didn't recall seeing in the staff reports when a project goes above the mean density. Ron Beckman answered that is in the report to the City Engineer and inmrporated into the report to Council. Council Member Lewis asked why that did not come to Council, and Mr. Beckman said the end product is the set of mnditions which mmes to Council. Mr. Beckman stated if the project creates a problem, that information will be included in the reprt to Council. Traffic Safety Cdssioner O'By stated that issues come up in the EIR and those are resolved by &anges or conditions to mitigate the problems. Mr. Beclanan stated that the circulation element used average densities and didn't use the mean, Council Member Lewis stated he felt Council should be aware of problems pertaining to circulation at peak periods and intersections. Traffic Safety Cdssioner wood asked to be excused at 8:03 p.m. Mr. Bouman stated the Traffic Safety Con"fission gets the issues where the public is demanding that safety problems be solved. Four-way stop signs were discussed, and Mr. Bouman stated they cause mre accidents--accidents of a different type. RECESS : I Mayor Casler reclared a recess at 8: 19 p.m. and the meeting was called back to order again at 8:28 p.m., with all Members of Council, Planning Comission and Traffic Safety Comnission present, except for Mr. mod. 368 COUNCIL \\y 5 %%%T MEMBERS Z. 0 Z. - I 0 0 MINUTES November 27, 1984 Page 7 (57) 3. AB #7857 - - Supplement #1 - UPDATED CIRCULATION ELEMENT. Mr. Jim Hagaman, Director of Research/Analysis, gave the report on this item, stating the purpose was to give Council feedback on the recent meeting and receive Council instructions. He stated the Circulation Element has not been changed in substance, but rather edited and re-formatted. Planning Conmissioner McFadden stated she agreed it should be re-formatted. She felt there should be a citizen review of whatever is done by staff in re-formating, to be certain it contains the intent of the original element. Mayor Casler stated she had no prpblem with the format, but had a problem with all the policies in the original plan. Mr. Hagaman had said if changes were mde in those policies, there would have to be public hearings. She added she did not object to that and thought there should be. Mayor Casler stated she would like the revised element presented in this form, with remandation that some of these be eliminated and shmn by striking out of various words or policies, to clearly show what should be eliminated. She felt the element could be streamlined further without endangering the policies everyone wanted to see in the plan. Mayor Casler asked whether there were any objections to the format as presented. In answer to query regarding the format for the elements, Mayor Casler stated it would be the same for all of the elements, with the land use revision to be the last one, after the hearings. Jim Hagaman stated the proposal was to re-format all elements of the general plan as part of the review project and not to change the substance, The mst difficult one will be the land use and that will be last. Planning Cammissioner Rombotis suggested putting this before the Circulation Conunittee, as they could do the job faster. Traffic Safety Conmission Harkins agreed the original Circulation Comnittee should review the format, and he agreed to re-activate the Cdttee and be a Member again, Council Me-r Lewis, Conmissioners McFadden and Schlehuber all concurred. Traffic Safety Codssioner O'Day felt the engineering statements should be taken out of the general plan. Mayor Casler asked the Co-Chairperson of the Circulation Cormnittee, Jeanne McFadden, whether she would like to present this element to her corranittee for recommendations or deletions. 36 3 I COUNCIL I\\ % %' 8 MEMBERS % $% - 0 e MINUTES November 27, 1984 Page 8 Connnissioner McFadden stated there should be remnnnendations for deletions from all and then have staff put this together, She asked about the other seven elements to be reviewed. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated it was the remmndation before Council that staff go through the general plan - the eleven elements, and delete the obsolete things and do what was done with the Circulation Element. There are to be public hearings throughout the ommunity to talk about the general plan as a whole and receive input by the citizens. Then a citizens amnittee can take the written documents and the public input and through a series of meetings and discussions mm up with reammendations to the Council what they think should be done regarding the entire general plan. Mr. Aleshire stated this wuld not be a simple process, and using this as a del, should show the old version and the new. He suggested giving this back to the Circulation Cokttee and have them review it and mme back with a -el version to Council for public hearings and input and adoption. Mr. Aleshire called attention to page 35 of the report, the list of items for discussion, and Mr. Hagaman listed the five policy issues that were not addressed in 1984. Mr. Aleshire noted there should be a statement regarding each issue, and he did not feel this would involve much time or work, but just a notation to shcw the item had been dealt with. Mayor Casler stated the land use review cornittee would not be asked to review all the elements--that wuld be too big a task. City Attorney Biondo stated the approved general plan doesn't am-ply with the State guidelines and is not consistent, and every development muld be shot down. The general plan must be reviewed. If it cannot be kept up to date, he suggested staff put in what needed to be there to comply with State guidelines. One item in State guidelines states you must talk about parking, and Mr. Biondo felt that should be put in as quickly as possible. Council requested the Circulation Comnittee to be re- convened to review the updated circulation Element and rrake remmndations for any necessary &anges. COUNCIL mmm: Villwe Merchants 4 Council Member Kulchin reprted on a recent meeting. 366 c COUNCIL I\? % %' 5 MEMBERS % %% Casler Lewis xx X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X - a 0 MINUTES Novenber 27, 1984 Page 9 School District/Council/City Meeting Mayor Casler stated there would be a meeting with the City Manager, Council Memher Lewis/ the school district and Parks and Recreation to discuss park and school lands. San Diego Regional Water Quality Control Meeting Council Member Chick reported on a recent meting. SANDAG Mayor Casler reported on a Shoreline Erosion Committee meeting held last week. WCO Policies and procedures Frank Aleshire reported the Committee mde recommendations that WCO policies should be adopted which muld clarify mnflicts between the Cities and the County regarding tax splits for annexations of unincorporated areas. CLOSED SESSION: Council adjourned to a Closed Session at 9:11 p.m., and announced that litigation muld be discussed. Council re-convened at 9:50 p.m., with all Council Members present. Mayor Casler announced that litigation had been discussed and no action taken. AJXTOURNMENT: By proper mtion, the Meeting of November 27, 1984, was adjourned at 9:51 p.m. Respectfully submitted, C-S;" J'i t&&d,', '7r" yL7d2g- K$EN R. KUNlYTZ lrjeputy City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 34 5 - COUNCIL /\k 3 %' 2 MEMBERS % %%