HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-12-18; City Council; Minutes- a 0 MINUTES Meeting of: CITY CDUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: Decenber 18, 1984 \\b 5 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. COUNCIL \ ?&? Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:02 p.m. ROLL cAI;L was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, MEMBERS % tp Z. Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent: None. INVOCATION was given by Pastor Jerald Stinson of the Pilgrim Congregational Church. PLEEGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council M&r Kulchin. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (One plotion) The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 20, Casler X 1984, were approved as presented. Lewis X Kulchin xx The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 27, Chick X 1984, were approved as presented. X Pettine CONSrn mmm: Council Member Chick requested Item 89 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council Member Pettine requested a negative vote be shown on Item #6 of the Consent Calendar. Council confirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Casler X with the exception of Item 89, as follows: Lewis X Kulchin xx Chick X Pettine X WAIVER OF ORDIMANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. (50) 1. AB #7990 - RATIFICATION OF D-S AGAINST THE CITY. Council ratified the payment of demands against the City in the munt of $2,241,297.28, for the period November 30 to December 13, 1984; Payroll demands in the amount of $337,705.72, for the period Novakr 19 to December 2, 1984, and Housing demands in the munt of $62,809.31, for the period Novenber 30 to December 13, 1 984. (50) 2. AB a7991 - REFUND OF FEES. Council approved a refund to Pacific Scene for overpayment of fees. (60) 3. AB #7657 - Supplement #1 - RENEWAL OF EXCESS LIABILITY INSURAT!JCE. Council adopted RESOL~ION NO. 7841, authorizing purchase of excess liability insurance. 3 y3 0 MINUTES 0 December 18, 1984 Page 2 7 f \ \ \ I 4 I 4 I \ 4 t { 1 I I 70 1 55 1 45 1 :loo) '45) ~ 28) : 78) :84) (44) (45 1 (40) (45) CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) 4. AB a7992 - CollaSuLTANT Ac;REE%"' FOR STAGECOACH PARR EN17IRON"AL IMPACT REFORT NO. 84-5. Council adopted RESOLVTION NO. 7842, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Cotton/Beland and Associates for preparation of an environmental inpact report for Stagecoach Park. 5. AB #6553 - Supplement #2 - MASTER PROPEm TAX EXCHANGE AGREEMEXI'. Council adopted RESOLUTION 1vo. 7843, approving the Master Property Tax Agreement. 6. AB #7993 - INDUCm REsoulTION FOR MOFtEAGE REVENUE BOND FINANCE - LINCOLN PROPEIYTIES. Council adopted RESOLVTION OF INDUCE"r NO. 7844, indicatinq its intent to issue obliaations to I provide financins for the mlti-famhy housing project proposed by Lincoln Properties. 7 . AB #7160 - Supplement #2 - RMXJEST FOR AUTHORITY 'IS3 DESTFOY FILES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7845, authorizing the destruction of certain files. 8. AB #7994 - PURCHASE OF BACHHOE. Council adopted RESOUITI~ NO. 7846, accepting a bid and authorizing the execution of a purchase order for the purchase of a backhoe. 9. $his item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. 10. AB #8002 - SELECTION OF PARK PLANNING COJGXJLTANT. Council adopted RESOLVTION No. 7855, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Recreation Systems, Inc. for park planning and design services and authorizing the Mayor to execute said agreement. IT"4 WImRm FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 9. AB #7995 - MAL OF LEASE FOR RFSEARcH/ANALYSIS GROUP OFFICE. Council Member Chick stated it had been a full year since this item was initially discussed. He stated the use of much-needed office space had been lost for that year. He stated there is a continued space problem, an1 reiterated his concern about the lack of developnent of a definite plan for expansion of City Hall. d Frank Aleshire, City Manager, answered that there will be recormendations brought to Council in January for capital projects. One of those projects will be the expansion of City Hall, including land acquisition. 3LilL COUNCIL /\k % %' ? MEMBERS % 0% Casler Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X - 0 0 MINUTES L [113) (25) (113) COUNCIL \\k 5 % 9$~? December 18, 1984 Paqe 3 MEMBERS 2. 8 2. Council adopted the followinu Resolution: Casler X Pettine xx Chick AT 2945 HARDING STREET. X Kulchin F5SOLUTION NO. 7947, APPRWING A LEASE EOR OFFICE SPACE X Lewis X ORDINANCE FOR INTFODUCTION: 11 . AB #7966 - Sqqlement #1 - ZONE CHANC;E AND PLANNING COMMISSION DEX"INATI0N - ZC-312/PCD-66 - SEASCAPE. Council Member Lewis expressed concern about the inclusion of the ten-year time period for the 25 percent low or derate income units. He asked whether that muld preclude Council establishing a policy in the future requiring the low or derate income units be retained for a longer period of time. City Attorney Vincent Biontb stated the Condition should read: "At least 25 percent of the units shall be made available to persons or families of low or derate income as defined by Section 50093 of State Health and Safety Code. *I Council Me-r Pettine stated he voted "no" before on this project, and would continue to register a ''no'' vote. Council introduced the following Ordinance and adopted Casler X the following Resolution: Lewis X Kulchin xx ORDINANCE NO. 9745, AMENDING TIW 21 OF THE CARLSBAD Chick X MUNICIPAL, CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A. Pettine CHANGE OF ZObX (ZC-312) Fm- PC (PLANMED cK>M"ITY) To RD" (RESIDERTIAL DENSITY MULTIPLE) ON 21.56 ACRES OF LAND GE%ERALLY -TED Bl3TWEm CAMINO DE LAS OMDAS AND BU"EFCUP ROAD EAST OF PASM) DEL M3F3'E. RESOLETION NO. 7848, APPROVING A 208-UNIT AP- PIEOJECT ON 21 -56 ACRES OF LAND GENERALz;Y IBCATED BE3wEXN CAMIN0 DE L;%s ONDAS AND - ROAD EAST OF PASMb DEL NOIiTE . ITEMS #14 and #19: Mayor Casler announced there were two requests for continuation to be voted upon by Council. These two items are #14 and #19. Miss Deborah Kato, 2004 Subida Terrace, addressed Council representing Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Kato, owners of 73 acres in the Sunny Creek Plan area. She requested a continuance of 45 days of Item # 19, due to the illness of M?. Kato. Mr. Larry Clemens, representing HPI Developnent Cqany, Encinitas, spoke regarding continuance of Item #14, the Hunt Properties Reoruanization. Mr. Clemens stated they want to become part of the City of Carlsbad. The enhancement of the Batiquitos Lagoon is a big codtment, and they are mncerned about the inpact of the Council policy adopted last week concerning the General Plan review, and the interim policy shift of Council reuarding mid-range of density during that time. 3y I - 0 MINUTES 0 December 18, 1984 Page 4 Mr. Clements stated Hunt Properties muld prefer to have thirty days' continuance and decide what they will do with the mster plan. Mr. Clans concluded they wanted to study the impact the new Council policy muld have on the master plan they have ready to present, inasmuch as they had planned according to the current General Plan. The date of January 22, 1985, was agreed upon by Mr. Clans and staff as the continuance date. Council continued Item #14, the Hunt Properties Reorganization hearing, to January 22, 1985. Council continued Item #19, the Residential Specific Plan for Sunny Creek Area, to February 5, 1985. (25) Mr. Clemens stated, for the record, that HPI was withdrawing their protest of the annexation. PUBLIC l3mRINGs: 12. AB #7667 - Supplement #4 - THE WCDI.,LEY RMIRGANIZATION. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show Flley GPA 67 (D) SC 275 .and gave a history of the annexation. He stated this was the last discretionary action on this property. An exhibit was used showing the pre-zoning, and Mr. Holzmiller stated that staff felt the City would be impacted mre than the County as far as traffic, drainage and visual inpact from this piece of land, so the ultimate development consideration should be made by the City. He added the figures given in the EIR are the mrst case and were based on the zoning being requested before, which was commercial, and staff felt service and traffic impacts were not problems. Mr. ~lzmiller used a wall map to indicate the ridge line and the drainage on this project. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:44 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. mer Woolley, Rancho Santa Fe, addressed Council in favor of this project and asked for rebuttal time. 340 - - COUNCIL \\y 5 % %' ? MEMBERS % %% Casler X Pettine xx Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Pettine xx Chick X Kulchin x Lewis X - 7 0 0 MINUTES December 18, 1984 Page 5 MEMBERS COUNCIL \ . Mr. Robert Ladwig, Rick Engineering, spoke for Dr. Rice, one of the land owners in this reorganization. He used an aerial photogragh showing the outline of the City and the proposed annexation. He stated this was an infill area and expressed the opinion that it provided a logical boundary for the City. This would also put the right-of-way for Highway 680 within the City. Mr. Charles Frolick, Trustee for Rancho Verde Properties, addressed Council as the Court-appointed Trustee for the Rancho Verde area, and stated this annexation was in the interest of Carlsbad. He stated that all Owners were in favor of the annexation. Since no one else wished tu speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 6:55 p.m. Council Member Lewis stated he saw this annexation as a liability to Carlsbad. He stated that all services to the area are outside of the City's area of influence, therefore he could not support it. Council Member Pettine expressed concern that there had been no economic study done as to the cost to the City for pr0vidin.g City services. He expressed the opinion that the fire protection and the schools were not adequate in that area. He stated he concurred with Council Member Lewis. Mayor Casler stated when the EIR was written the City had not purchased the land on Rancho Santa Fe for a fire station. That land has now been purchased and it will be built before the area develops. The EIR stated the horst case as far as the impact on sewer and water. She stated she had voted against this several years ago, but because of what we have seen in Hevelopent in Encinitas, this area should be in Carlsbad. Council adopted the following Resolution: F@SOLWTION No. 7849, APPFOVIhG A REORGANIZATION INVOLVING ANNECXATION TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAa, DETACHMENT FROM THE RANCHO SAEJTA FE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, AND COUNTY SEWICES AREAS 'No. 17 (SAN DIEGUIT PAWQ'EDICS) AM4 NO. 83 ( SAN DIEGUITO LOCAL PARKS ) . wO0LI;Ey IZATION I1 . ( 57) 13. AB 87965 - GENERAL PLAN m, ZONE CHANGE AND (1 13) SPECIFIC PLAN FOR THE OLIVENHAIN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PFOPERTY - GPA/LU 84-13/ZC-32O/SP-196. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the report on this item, with the aid of a transparency showing the location of the property, as contained in the Agenda Bill. He noted Council had previously continued this item so it could be considered at the sa time as the Wlley Reorganization. I 3 - Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine 1 397 I I % P.S? +%.t X x xx 0 MINUTES 0 December 18, 1984 Page 6 Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 7:07 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak, Mr. David McCollom, Olivenhain Municipal Water District, spoke to Council urging them to approve this zone change. He stated the District had chanued their position on the Woolley Reorganization on the reliance of public promises by the City. Re asked Council to uphold those promises and approve this item. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 7:08 p.m. Council Member Pettine stated he was opposed to the Woolley annexation, but he was now prepared to support this item based on prior commitments made by the City. Council introduced the following Ordinances: (One Plotion) ORDINANCE No, 9740, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF "!FIE CARCSBAD PREANNEXATIONAL ZONE CHANGE FROM CoUNTy 'Io 0 (OFFICE) ON PROPERTY GENERAI;LY LOCATED AT 1966 OLIVENHAIN FOAD ON THE NORTH SIDE OF OLIVEMEAIN ROAJI, FMT AND WEST OF RANCHO WA FE liclAD. APPLICANT: OLIVENHAIN MUNICIPAL, WATER ~ISTRI~. ORDINANCE NO, 9741, APPFOVING SPECIFIC PLAN SP-196 FOR FUTURF DEVELOPMENT OF THE SITE ON 3.36 ACRES OF PROPERTY UXATED AT 1966 OLrvENHAIN FOAD, EAST AND WEST OF RAEacHO SAnlTA FE ROAD. APPLICAEJT: OLILVENHAIW MUNICIPAL mTF2 DIS"RIC?I. Council directed the City Attorney's Office to prepare documents approving GPA/LV 84-13. MUNICIPAL ODE BY AMENDm 'DIE ZONING MAP FOR A ~ t (25) 14. AB 87824 - Supplement #2 - HUNT PROPEfiTIES REORGANIZATION. This item was continued to January 22, 1985. (113) 15. AI3 #7996 - ZONE CHANGE - ZC-316 - ROBEIDS GROUP. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the site, and gave a history of how this was zoned 0-S. Mayor Ca.sler opened the public hearing at 7:17 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. 398 T MEMBERS COUNCIL \p %?$, Z. %$ 6 % Z. Casler X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X X Pettine Casler xx Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X X Pettine ~ - I L 0 MINUTES 0 COUNCIL \\k 5 % %' 3 December 18, 1984 Page 7 MEMBERS % %% Mr. Frank Elfin, 1601 Eove Street, Newport Bead, representing the Roberts Group, addressed Council Council stating they agree with staff's recommendations and their request would not add any density to the area, but provide mre flexibility in design of the property. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearinq was closed at 7: 18 p.m. Council introduced the following Ordinance: Casler X Lewis X ORDINAXE NO, 9746, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD Hulchin xx MUNICIPAL CODE By AMENDING THE ZONING MAP FOR A ZOraE Chick X CHANGE FROM COUNTY 0-S, OPEN SPACE TO RD"(Q) , Pettine X RESIDENTIAL DENSITY MULTIPLE WITH A Q OVERLAY ON PmPERTY GENEWdXY LOCATED IMMEDImLY SOUTH OF THE PALOMAR AIRPOFiT BUSIMESS PARK APPROXIMATELY ONE QUWER MILE WEST OF EL CAMIN0 m. 113) 16. AB #7997 - SPECIFIC PLAN m - SP-23(E) - WESTERN BANKERS. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff presentation on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the site and a wall graphic showing the two parcels. He reiterated the three items added at the Planning Comnission hearing; one, the traffic impact on Paseo Del Norte, calling for a flange to be built there for transition from two lanes to one, and a left-turn met; the driveway from Camino Del Parque to be for emergency use only; third, additional conditions to make the project more mnpatible with Alta Mira, including landscaping along the southerly property line, screening type, decorative wall along the southerly line and lighting plan to be approved by the City. In answer to query regarding the width of the landscaping, Mike Holzmiller stated it muld be a minimum of ten feet. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 7:30 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mrs. Earline Bane, 829 Caminito Del Mar, spoke in favor of the project, stating the residents of Alta Mira were contacted by the applicant and were mt opposed to this project . Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 7:33 p.m. Council introduced the following Ordinance: Casler X Lewis X ORDINANCE NO. 9747, A")ING ORDINANCE NUMBER 9293, (SP- Kulchin X 23) FOR AN 8-ACRE OFFICE AND MINI-WAREHOUSE DEVEXOPMENT Chick xx GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NOIiTHwEST CORNER OF PASEO DEL Pettine X NOHTE AND CAMIN0 DEL PARQUF,. (99) 17. AB #6658 - Supplement #9 - CONDITIONS OF APPa FOR CARLSBAD RESEARCH CEhl'lTR - CT 81-10. Ron Be-, City Engineer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. 3 93 ~ - ( 0 MINUTES 0 December 18, 1984 Page 8 Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 7:36 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. Council Member Lewis stated he supported this item, but felt Council should review the CIP and look at Palomar Airport Road going west. He felt that road needed to be widened in that area. Council Member Chick concurred. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLVTION NO. 6619, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS TEWIXTIVE LRJ13DMSION MAP (CT 81-10) FOR A 115-UNIT INDUSTRIAL PROJECT ON APPROXII?ATELY 559.4 ACRES GENEXALLY LOCATED WEST OF EL CAMIN0 FBAL AND "E3 OF PALOMAR AIRPORT. '105) 18. AB #7998 - PRCUEXX SEZECTION FOR ELEVEMIX YEAR CWmITY DEVE?,LDFWKC BLCKX GlV" PROJECTS. Chris Salomne, Conanunity Redevelopent Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency showing the community development block grant neighborhood revitalization area. He stated all projects requested are listed in the Agenda Bill, and some of those are already funded. The Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee recommendations are starred. In response to questions, he stated the Boys and Girls Club was given $35,000 the previous year for renovation, but the actual cost was $65,000. He explained that all alleys will be improved, but funded from another source. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 7:50 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Ms. Sue Richardson, 1545 Ridgeway, Wanside, addressed Council on behalf of the Casa de Amparo Crisis Center. She explained the duties of the staff person to be hired with this mney, and requested funding approval. Mr. Tbr. Polasky, 2965 Roosevelt, spoke on behalf of the Boys and Girls Club and the enclosure of the swiming pool and renovation of the building. He stated the pool enclosure has mmunity support. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 8:OO p.m. Mayor Casler stated she approved of the renovation and would agree to finish that, but she did not support the $50,000 for the pool enclosure. She felt the City needs to mntinue other improvements in the redevelopment area, such as starting the medians on Elm Avenue. Council Member Lewis expressed the opinion that the enclosed pool would encourage mre of the young people in that area to use the pool. Council accepted the recommendation for the $100,000 expenditure for Chase Field improvements. 396 7 COUNCIL \\k 5 %?$%? MEMBERS $ @ Z. Casler X Lewis X X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin xx Lewis X 0 0 MINUTES g13) (113) COUNCIL \jk % %' ? December 18, 1984 Page 9 MEMBERS % 0% Council accepted the remendation for the $30,369 Casler xx Lewis expenditure for Boys and Girls Club €?enovation. X X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin Council accepted the recomrrtendation for the $12,080 Casler X expenditure for a staff person for Casa de Ampara Lewis xx Crisis Center. Kulchin X Chick X Pettine X Council Member Chick stated he agreed with Mayor Casler as far as the pool enclosure expenditure, and felt the work downtown should be mntinued, with the median strip on Elm being considered as a priority. Council accepted the recommendation for the $50,000 Casler expenditure for enclosing the pool at the Boys and Lewis xx Girls Club. Kulchin X Chick Pettine X Council accepted the reconmendation for expenditure Casler X of $30,500 for the Comnercial Rehabilitation Loan Lewis xx Fund. Kulchin X Chick X Pettine X RESOLUTION NO. 7852, requesting specific projects for funding under the eleventh year Comunity Development Block Grant Proqan, was considered adopted, requesting those projects as identified in the previous Council actions on this item. 19. AB #8003 - RESIDENTIAL SPECIFIC PLAN FOR SuhrNy CREEK AREA - SF191 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. This item was mntinued to February 5, 1985. RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a recess at 8:09 p.m., and ~ Council re-convened at 8:23 p.m., with all Menbers present. HOUSING AND REDEVELDPMENT COEIMISSION: Council adjourned to the Housing and Redevelopment Comnission at 8:24 p.m., and re-convened at 8:44 p.m., with all Members present. DEPAWIIMWAL AND CITY MANAGER REFOFCS: Planning 20. AB #7999 - APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAG OF SITE DENELopl\aENT PLAN - SDP 84-5 - CARLSBAD GATEWAY CENTER. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff reprt on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to shw the site and wall charts showing the design and the proposed extension of Palmer Way to College. 37 5 - 0 MINUTES 0 December 18, 1984 Page 10 Marty Bouman, Traffic Engineering Consultant, explained the reasoning behind the original approval of the right- turn in and out on El Camino Real, and stated that was approved only as a secondary access with the primary access to be from Palmer Way. That reconmendation, however, required Palmer Way to be in from College to Faraday. merefore, for access on El Camino Real to be a secondary access, it would be essential for Palmer Way to be completed from Faraday to College. In response to questions, Mike Holzmiller explained the requirement for 0"Hara to anplete part of Palmer as a condition of that development. Mr. Kenneth Lounsberry, General Counsel for Lusardi Construction company, addressed Council in favor of this project, referring to charts shaving the elevations of the buildings, and stating the design had been danged and conformed to staff's recomndations. He stated there is a legal access next to Cablevision in the form of a 30-foot easement. Mr. Bernie Fipp, Koll Coqany, spoke in favor of the project, stating there is a legal access to El Camino Real, and Koll Company sold this property with that legal access available to the new mer. The driveway was mved from the easement pint farther way from Faraday Avenue for safety. If access is denied to El Camino Real, Mr. Fipp said they would have to aonsider a lessor use of this property. A lack of access would reduce the value of the property. , Mr. Lounsberry referred to a graphic showing the existing curb cuts onto El Camino Real. He stated the access onto El Camino would be made available to the small one-acre parcel to the south, eliminating another curb cut onto El Camino. Mr. Don Schucard, Schucard Associates, Architects, stated the developer would put in the median on El Camino Real and put in an acceleration and deceleration lane. The primary access Fint would be on Palmer Way. Mr. Lounsberry added that when City regulations require a second access because Palmer is a cul-iie-sac. Mr. Lounsberry concluded, stating that they must have this access onto El Camino Real. They would complete Palmer Way to provide access to their awn project only. Mr. Fred Walters, 2810 Camino Del Rio South, San Diego, addressed Council, giving dimensions of the buildings and stating the parking spaces muld n&r 700, with between 500 to 700 cars being parked in the developmnt every day. Mr. Joe Sandy, 2956 Roosevelt, representing Mike 0 ' Hara, Del Mar Financial, stated they have m objection to the project, but are concerned with inquitable conditions regarding access. He stated the O'Hara project was required to put in the connection of Palmer Way down to where it ends now because of the City insistence on 1,200 feet spacing requirements and the City stressing the importance of Palmer. He further stated they were told the Koll Conpany would have temporary access on El Camino Real, which would be eliminated when Pabr was completed. 29q I COUNCIL /\K % %' 8 MEMBERS % s% a MINUTES 0 December 18, 1984 Page 11 I Mr. Bornan reiterated staff's position that the approval of this secondary access from El Camino Real pre-suppsed the existance of Palmer Way as an available street all the way from College to Faraday; not part-way. If that street is not through all the way, it is not a primary access. Mayor Casler said Council was to make a decision on the El Camino Real access and return the item to the Planning Conmission for resolution of the other problems. Council approved the access to El Camino Real on this project and returned it to the Planning Comission to make recommendations on the other issues connected with the project, City Attorney Vincent Riondo stated for clarification purposes, Council was returning the portion of the appeal to the Planning Corranission, and the entire project would come back to Council. Redevelopment ; 28) 21. AB R7924 - Supplement #l - DEVELOPMEWC AGREE"T ,451 FOR MULTI-FAMILY REWTAL fl0USIJX-Z PRCXjECT - FERMANIAN - LA COSTA RACQUET CLUE3 APARTWXS. City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the report on this item as mntained in the Agenda Rill. City A.ttorney Vincent Biondo stated this is not the same as a density bonus progrin. This is a full, standard project and the City does not make any contribution. This program makes Federal tax refinancing available. I Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOI~UTION NO. 7853, APPKMBG A DEVELOPER XREEI" BETWEEN 'IHE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND FODM F. STONE AND GEOFGE A. FERMANIAN. City Council [104) 22. AB #8000 - REQUEST EOR. IJFCBADEiTJ "RACK SEFWICE. [ 104) 23. AB #8001 - REPEAL OF CWA EXEHFTION FOR THE BULLET TFWN - AB #3647. I By consensus, Council agreed to continue Item #22 and Item 823. City Manager (76) 24, AB #8004 - REQUEST TO INCREASE COMPENSATION FOR PLANNING coMMIssIomRs . Mayor Casler asked the wording be changed in the Resolution, line 23, to read: $50.00 a meeting, not to exceed $100.00 a mnth", and Council concurred. 393 c - MEMBERS COUNCIL \Y %?$% 2. %q tp Z. Casler Lewis xx Pettine X Chick X Kulchin Casler X Pettine xx Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X - ( a a MINUTES December 18, 1984 Page 12 Council adopted the following Resolution: RFSOLUTION ND. 7856, INCREASIG COMPFNSATION FOR CITY OF 0 PLAMhrNG COMMISSIONERS. Change mrding on line 23 to read: "$50 .QO a meeting, not to exceed $100.00 a mnth". Finance 50 1 25. AB #8005 - TRANSFER OF PRIVATE ACTIVITY BOND ALLOCATION TO CALIFORNIA POLLUTION CONTROL FINANCING AIJTHORITY. Frank Aleshire, City Manager, gave the report on this item as aontained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO, 7857, AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF THE CITY'S PRIVATE ACTIVITY BOND ALLOCATION "0 THE CALIFYIRNIA POLLUTION CDmL FACILITY. COUNCIL REPOIZTS: Council reports were postponed until the next meeting. CLOSED SESSION: Council adjourned to a closed session at 10:02 p.m. to discuss litiqation. Council re-convened at 10:27 p.m. Mayor Casl-er announced that litigation had been discussed and no action taken. ADIJ0URNME.W- " By proper mtion, the Meeting was adjourned at 10:28 p.m. Iiespectf ully submitted, @4h%k 4- gib..- ALE;THA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 3% c COUNCIL \\k 5 %9 0 L.* A ? MEMBERS % %% Casler Lewis xx X Pett ine x Chick X Kulchin X Casler Lewis X X Pettine xx Chick X Kulchin X