HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-01-02; City Council; Minutes0 MINUTES 0 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: January 2, 1985 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers ~ ~~~ ~~~~ CALL 33 ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Chick, Kulch.in and Pettine. Absent: None. INVOCATION was given by Mayor Casler. PLEDGE OF NLKXANCE was led by Assistant City Attorney Dan Bentschke. PRESENTATION: Mayor Casler presented Clifton “Dude” Greagrey with a plaque and a special present upon his retirement as Superintendent in Utilitiesfiaintenance Department, Street Division. MINUTES: (One Motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 4, 1984, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 11, 1984, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 18, 1984, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALEmXR: Council oonfimd the action of the Consent Calendar, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. (50) 1. AB #8006 - RATIFICATION OF DEWNIX AGAINST THE CITY. Council ratified the payment of demands against the City in the amount of $2,088,383.98, for the period December 14 to December 27, 1984; Payroll demands in the munt of $316,494.44, for the period December 3 to December 16, 1984; and Housing demands in the amount of $839.35, for the period December 14 to December 27, 1984. (44.) 2 . AB t7557 - Supplement #3 - CO”JED FUNDING OF (45) CONSULTANT TRAFFIC EMGINEER. Council adopted ~SOLVTION EJO. 7860, approving the continuance of the contract for consulting service of the Traffic Engineer. (Martin J. Roman) 12 3 7 I i \p 5 COUNCIL 3 % MEMBERS % 9 Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine - I (53 1 (57) (1 13) (113) (1 13) 0 0 MINUTES COUNCIL \v 5 3 ?k January 2, 1985 Page 2 MEMBERS % f 3. AB #SO07 - TRANSFER OF MORTGAGE: OF CARLSEW) CARrnSIOET. Council adopted RESOLUTION No. 7861, APPR3VIcNG mE MOmGIhC ANI) J-EXYEECATI~ OF THE PROPEKFY OF cARI;sBAD CABLEVISION PIJRSUm a0 SECTION 5.28.140(d) OF THE CARISBAD MUNICIPAL ODE. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 4. Council adopted the following Resolution and Ordinances: RESOLUTION No. 7858, AMENDING TKE LAND USE ELEMENT OF Casler TKE GENERAL PLAN TD CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATIONS OF Lewis THE CITY’S GJ3NERAL PLAN FR0p.I PUBLIC UTILITIES (U) TO A Kulchin EAST AJW WEST OF RANCHO SNTA I33 FOAD. GENERALLY JD3iTED (37 THE NOFiTEi SIDE OF OLNENHAlN mAD, Pettine PliOFESSIONAL AND RELATEID COMMERCIAL ON PROPEKE Chick COMBINATION DISTRICT (G) OF GOVERNMEWAL FACILITIES PND X Council Member Pettine stated that although he opposed the annexation, he would support the following Ordinances due to the City’s prior mmnitment. Council Member Lewis also reiterated his opposition to the annexation, but stated he would support these Ordinances. OFUIIWNCE NO. 9740, AMENDW TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD Casler MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP FDR A RAbJCHO SAMTA E’E €DAD. Pettine ON THE NORIB SIDE OF OLIVEMHAIN ROAD, FST AND WEST OF Chick ON PFOPERTY c;ENERALLY Tm-ATTrED RI’ 1966 OLIVENHAIN FOAD Kulchin PREAhrNExAITONAL ZONE CHANGE FROM COUNTY 3.3 0 (OFFICE) X Lewis 0RG)IETANCE NO. 9741 I APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN SP-196 FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMERT OF THE SITE ON 3.36 ACRES OF PROPERTY ECATED IQ 1966 OLIWMIAIN €0243, EAST AND WEST OF RANCHO ,SANTA FE mAD. 5. AB 87966 - Supplement #1 - ZONE CHANGE AMD PLANNING CC~QPIISSION DETERMINATION APPEAL ZC-312/PCD-66 - SEASCAPE. Council adopted the following Ordinance: Casler Lewis ORDINANCE NO. 9745, A”)INc, TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD X Kulchin MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING -MAP TD GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-312) FROM PC (PLANNED (DPIUNITY) TO Chick BUTfERCUP ROAD EAST OF PASEO DEL NOliTE. LAND GENERALLY fX)CATED BEYMEEN CAMINO DE IS ONDAS AND RD” (RT?,SIDENTIAL DENSITY MULTIPLE) ON 21.56 ACRES OF Pettine 6. AI3 #7996 - ZONE CHANGE - ZC-316 - ROBEFCTS GROUP. Council adopted the following Ordinance: Casler ORJIINAEaCE NO. 9746, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE cARLs&AD Kulchin MILE WEST OF EL UMINO REAI;. PUAR AIRpoIiT BUSINESS PARR APPROXIMAlTLY CRJE-QUARYER PFXIPEWY GENERLLY LOCATED lXMEDIATELY SOUTH OF THE RESIDEeJTIAL DENSITY MULTIPLE WITH A Q OVERLAY ON Pettine CHANGE FROM (DUMPY 0-S, OPEN SPACE XI DM (Q) , Chick MUNICIPAL CODE E3Y AplENDIEaG THE ZONING MAP FOR A ZONE X Lewis I/ f' i -0 MINUTES e January 2, 1985 Page 3 11 3) 7. AB #7997 - SPECIFIC PLAN TO PERMIT AN OFFICE AND MINI-WAFEHOUSE - SP-23(E) - h?STEI?N BAMCERS. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9747, AME343ING ORDINBNCE NUMBER 9293, (SP- 23) FOR AN 8-AcRE OFFICE AND MINI-WARENOUSE D!3VEI#P"T GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NOFS'HWEST CORNER OF PASM) DEL NOmE AND CAMINO DEL PARguE. DEPAR?MEWTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPOIPTS: Utilities/h!aintenance 8. AB #7524 - Supplement #2 - PAlXNAR JOINT LAND 3. 1:;; OUTI?ALL INTERCEPTOR IpaTERAGmCY AGREE" A"ENT NO. - Roger Greer, Director of Utilitiesrnaintenance, gave the staff report as mntained in the Agenda Bill, stating this was the final agreement prior to construction of the sewer line down Palomar Airport Road. In answer to query, Mr. Greer stated this was Carlsbad ' s opportunity to "piggy-backl'on the San Marcos requirement to build this sewer linle, with the result of lower costs to Carlsbad. He also stated that the City had an existing agreement with San Marcos to construct this line; it has now been downsized, the final figures have been received, and Council should rescind the previous agreemnt and replace that with this agrement. Council Member Pettine stated the new line could be considered a qrowth inducer, and asked whether there would be any legal ramifications if Council did not approve this new agreement. In response, Dan Hentschke stated the existing agreement muld remain in effect, and there muld possibly be legal problems if Council rescinded the existing agreement without approving the new agreement. Mayor Casler comnted on the reed to plan for future residents. She added that the line would not be built by Carlsbad at this time except for this opportunity to build the line at a lesser mst. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUl?ION NO. 7862, RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 7521 AND W. 7371 AND AJ?PFOVIEaG A NEW AGREEMENT BE!'IWEEN THE CITY OF cARz;SBAD, THE SAN MARCOS OOUNTY WER DISTRICT p;ND THE CITY OF VISTA KNCVM AS THE PALOMAR JOINT LAN> CONSTRUCTION AND l'4AINTmCE OF A JOINT SEWER LINE AND FACILITIES. OUTFALL IWERCEPTOR IN'IEWENCY IX=REE"T JXIR THE 10 - 1 \p 5 COUNCIL % 9A MEMBERS % f Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick x: Pettine 1 1 1 0 MINUTES January 2, 1985 Page 4 - - Planning ~~ r ( 57 1 9. AB #MI08 - REFOFT Ora IJTPEXIM GROWTH POLICIES DURING GENERAL PLAN RevIlW. Frank Aleshire, City Manager, reported Council, at the Decen-ber 11, 1984, meeting, asked staff to suggest growth policies, and this report is the response to that request. Be referred to the reprt dated December 24, 1984, from Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, and indicated the matter was before Council for discussion and return, if desired. Mr. Bob Ladwig, P. 0. Box 1129, Rick Engineering, referred to the staff report, stating he felt Policy #I was adequate; policy #2 could create some serious problem for the City, causing developers to build out of sequence and should not be included; Policy %3, the intent is excellent, but he felt the staff should spend time and adopt a plan within a short time. Mr. Ladwig continued, stating on Policy W4, LAFCO has a new policy and he muld like to see any policy an annexations tied to m0. Mr. Ladwig said he had a question on general plan amendments as mntioned in Section 11, paragraph one. He said there was no mention as to non-residential changes, and he felt Council might want to look at the wording and amend it to include that the Council would look at non-residential changes or a provision be available that landowners wanting to make changes could come to Council and ask for consideration and be heard during this time. Mr. Ladwig added that previous Councils, during moratoriums, have given projects in the pipeline sone kind of priority. He felt an existing tentative mp should be able to go through extension through the Map Act and the Ordinance. Any new projects a,oproved should have some kind. of condition added as a warning that when they are ready to build, they might not get a permit, and it would be a possibility, due to changes in the land use element, they may not be granted extensions. ~0 do this on existing maps muld be a problem. Assistant City Attorney Dan Hentschke said tentative map extensions are discretionary and Council does not have to grant any map extensions. Mr. Ladwig answered that developers would file their mps earlier and out of sequence, which would not be good planning. He reiterated his opinion that there should be special consideration to projects in the pipeline. There could be too many maps recorded and not ever built. He felt the mrd ''moratorium" should be avoided. There mull! be poor decisions made to beat deadlines, over-building o approved projects and a bad image for the City. There also is a lot of unnecessary work created for staff. Mr. Ladwig stated the City has an excellent Growth Public Facilities Management System and it should be implemented, He stated that for example, the City auld build a traffi: signal every mnth forever just spending the interest on the PFF fees mllected. He also stated another examplli of a place where the City needed to spend mney was the L: Costa-El Camino Real intersection, where a right-turn lani is needed to free traffic. 9 COUNCIL \p 5 % 9k' MEMBERS % 4 1 'I ? 9 2 0 MINUTES e January 2, 1985 Page 5 Mr. Louis Lightfoot, Lightfoot & Associates, 702 - 4th Street, Oceanside, representing South Coast Asphalt Company, spoke on the mratorim on new applications for GPA's. South Coast Asphalt Coqany had a development package which involved both Oceanside and Carlsbad, and due to the complications of dealing with both Cities, the application was previously placed on hold until additional planning studies muld be conducted to refine the package. He stated a letter is on file regarding this. South Coast had withdrawn their previous application with Carlsbad to help staff, and were to submit a new GPA application with their new master plan package. He gave the history of the project, stating it merited consideration, since they have been wrking with staff for a year, trying to get the package together for approval by bth Cities. In answer to query, Mr. Lightfoot stated this project would be so large, that there wuld be mre than one land use, and it would be a extensive process. He felt it muld not be ready for Council to act on prior to the Land Use Element review being finished. The project would be amended as they go along to mnform with new policies as they were developed. Mr. Ken Chriss, President, Carlsbad Chamber of Comwrce, P. 0. Box 1605, addressed Council, stating the Chamber felt this was a good thing to do, but wanted to be certain the wrding was such as to handle the sensitive items, such as zone changes. Mr. Chriss stated the extension of maps needed to be balanced and not work a hardship on anyone who has worked several years on a project. On Policy #3, Mr. Chriss stated he felt the day-to-day business should not be ignored and suggested a consultant could be hired to assist. Mr. Chriss stated that annexations iio not cr>me out of the blue and take two to three years. He felt prudence should be exercised in dealing with large pieces of land and how they are brought into the City and Policy #4 should be very carefully worded. In answer to query, Mr. Chriss felt that business as usual should be the rule, within reason, and that any process should not be told to just go away for a certain period of time. Mr. Larry Clemens, 1 970 North El Camino Real, Encinitas, HPI Development Coqany, spoke to Council, and stated he had not had enough time to properly prepare reanarks for tonight's meeting. He felt it was most important that the Council understand the impact of staff remmendations. Pacific Rim muld not proceed without GPA's in due process, and a mratorium would have a time inpact on their project and others. Mr. Clemens said that the City should not deny densities above the mid-range without consideration of the plans for an unusual project. He said they have a master plan for their development, and that developmnt will be a mnderful thing for the City and North County, and that plan was developed with reliance upon the current general plan policies. k c \p 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % f I - - 0 MINUTES e \p 5 January 2, 1985 COUNCIL 3 9C Page 6 MEMBERS % f Mr. Clemens expressed the hope that part of the ,plicy adopted tonight would allow processing GPA's as part of a master plan, and not vote a mratorium as a blanket policy. Re asked for each project to be reviewed on an individual basis, and asked Council to assure developers they could proceed under the present plan, with individual agreements to be worked out with each large project. Mayor Casler comnted that she felt Council should first make an important decision that would relieve the minds of people in the comunity, and that was the length of time this study should take. She stated that the review should be finished by July 1. Any other elements affected by this study could be studied at a later time, but the land use study should have a definite length of time. Council determined the Land Use Element Review Casler Conunittee should complete its study and report back to Lewis Council by July 2, 1985. Kulchin 77 Lewis Pettine 'I 7 Mayor Casler added that another item for discussion would be whether or not the Land Use Committee should recomnd any changes in the Coastal Zone. $he Local Coastal Plan has not yet been accepted by the City, and it is very difficult to get any amendmnts through the Coastal Conmission. She said if the Conunittee did consider the Coastal Zone and made proposals for change, those changes would have to go to the Coastal Conmission and could take a long time. Council Member Chick comnted that the City is trying to make a formal adoption of the Local Coastal Plan, Batiquitos Lagoon Plan and the Land Use Review and two annexations, the Hunt and Sds properties. He felt time was needed to look at all of this and see just what the City was trying to acconplish, as he felt there could be problems. He said he would hesitate to have the citizens' committee study the Local Coastal Plan in detail and possibly make amendments to it which would make it mre difficult for the City. Council Member Lewis suggested the Codttee could make recomndations and the Council not act on them at the present time. Mayor Casler said no decision was necessary on this at this time, and Mike Holzmiller indicated staff would not be in favor of presenting the Local Coastal Plan to the committee. Mayor Casler read Policy #1 and by consensus the Council agreed to include this item. Mayor Casler said that Policy #2 needed to be discussed. She suqqested it read: "If a map is in phases and some phases have been started, the Council would consider extending the map so that the final phases muld be mmpleted." 7 0 MINUTES e January 2, 1985 Page 7 In answer to whether there is a problem in meting the two year period €or map extensions, Mike Holzmiller stated it was a problem. He also stated that twenty requests for map extensions had been made in the last year. He did not have the figures for projects being done in phases, Ron Reclanan stated there is a lot of phasing being done in the City, and by law the final map must mnform with the tentative map. Mayor Casler mmnted if a project is started, a map extension should be granted; if the project has not been started, there should be IX> extension. In answer to question by Council Member Pettine about the Codttee lowering densities, mn Beckman answered if there was life to the tentative map, the final map must be in conformance, and no major changes can be made, even if the Cormittee made chanqes. If changes were to be imposed after the fact, a revised tentative map would have to be filed. Assistant City Attorney Hentschke stated that cities cannot change rules "mid-stream" by legislation, once a tentative map is approved. If an extension were denied, the problem would be avoided. He said that all a developer has ta do is meet the conditions of the tentative map and file for a final mp. Council Member Lewis expressed concern for those people caught "mid-stream", and asked whether Council auld extend the map for just one year instead of two extensions. Mayor Casler asked whether there was any opposition to extending projects already started. Council Member Lewis said he could live with a one-year extension-but opposed any other changes. Ron Beclanan suggested that if Council was going to have the Comnittee report within six mnths, after that any request for map extension that was inconsistent with Codttee remmendations could be called to Council's attention at that time. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated that now there is a two-year approval on tentative naps and Council may grant two me-year extensions, The proposal now would be no extensions, and he sugqested perhaps during the six-mnth period be€ore July 1, there may be no requests for extensions. He suggested the City Engineer could report on the number of maps that wuld expire within the next six mnths, and based on that report muld look at each map individually. Council determined Policy #2 should be deleted. 6 -.- \v 5 COUNCIL % ?k MEMBERS % f Casler Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx Pettine X 0 MINUTES 0 January 2, 1985 Page 8 Council Mer Kulchin stated that Policy 83 was important and she felt should be top priority for staff. Council Menher Lewis ancurred, and added that it could not be "business as usual" durinq that time. Mike Nolzmiller agreed that with the six-month time limit, staff would not be able to conduct "business as usual". Council Member Chi& expressed concern with not providing quality service during that time, and Mayor Casler added that perhaps, in taking six mnths away from staff time, that six mnths should be added to the time frame, allowing one year and six mnths for processing applications. Council determined Policy #3 be adopted, as follows: The general plan review shall become the top priority in terms of scheduling the work program in the Land Use Planning Office, with the proviso that an agreement will be prepared for applicants to allow the length of time for processinu applications to be increased from one year to one year and six mnths. Council approved Policy #I and Policy #4, as follows: 1. No zone chanqe shall be amroved which would increase residential density even if the request is consistent with the present density designation of the general plan. 4. No application for new annexations shall be processed. Council Member Pettine questioned whether density determinations, contained as Item 1 in the City Manager's Memorandum dated January 2, 1985, should be discussed. Mike Rolzmiller stated that staff had understood that report would be forwarded to the citizen's cornittee. Mike Holzmiller asked for Council clarification regarding whether staff was to process no GPA's during this six mnths, as directed in a prior policy Council adopted, or did they want a change. If staff is to talk with developers and review proposals, a chanqe to that policy would be necessary. Council Member Kulchin stated if they are coming in with a mster plan, she wanted to see that continue. Mike Holzmiller said that he didn't think any GPA's or master plans would come before Council before July 1. He stated if they processed those, it would take time, and if the Cdttee mrk is the number one priority, planning muld go slower on these. 5 - \p 5 COUNCIL 3 9L MEMBERS % 4 Casler X Pettine Chick x Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx 0 MINUTES 0 January 2, 1985 Page 9 Mayor Casler stated she would not like to put all projects on hold, but would like to see them continue. The applicants will be watching the citizens' comittee and will go slowly in makinq adjustments. Council Member Pettine stated Council passed a plicy for no GPA's during this period and he felt that was a good policy. He said it didn't make sense to allow procedures to go on, if they might be changed. Council Member Chick stated he felt it should be an ongoing review and adjustment as policies are adopted. Council maintained that policy that no GPA's be processed during the Land Use Element review, with the exception that if the project involves a master plan, a concurrent general plan amendment nay be processed. The City Attorney stated the instructions would be to have the City Attorney prepare documents to implement these policies and put in proper legal form and return at the next Council meeting, January 8, with documents for adoption. Council directed the City Attorney's office to prepare the necessary documents to inplement the policies as acted upon by Council tonight with regard to the interim growth policies during General Plan Review. RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a recess at 8:OO p.m., and Council re-convened at 8:lO p.m., with all M-rs present. Research/Analysis 10. AB #7902 - Sq@?ment W1 - ACCEPTANCE OF LOCAL (77) COASTAL PROGRAM (LCP) AUEIORITY. Frank Aleshire gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mr. Tom Hageman, Research/Analysis, continued the report, using wall exhibits. %e first was a land use map, and he briefly explained the differences between the map and the City's General Plan. Mr. Hageman referred to the 2nd nap showing the areas which are 25 percent slopes or greater in the Coastal Zone and the map showing the areas in the Coastal Zone designated for some type of permanent agriculture protection, and discussed the changes recomnded by the Comnittee, as contained in the Agenda Bill. In response to query, Mr. Hageman stated the 25 percent slope restriction set by the Coastal Comnission is consistent for San Diego County, but varies in different sections of California. In reference to the agricultural protection, the change proposed by the Comittee would make ten million dollars available to be used for mitigation of the agricultural conversions. v 7 \p 5 COUNCIL % 3' MEMBERS % q Casler Pettine X Chick X Kulchin Lewis xx Casler x Lewis xx x Pettine x Chick x Kulchin e MINUTES 0 January 2, 1985 Page 10 City Manager Frank Aleshire stated that the General Plan does not designate any land for agriculture, as this was considered an interim use, with the thought that in the future that land muld be developed for urban use or open space. However, the Coastal Conmission stated that agriculture land was to remain that forever. The Conmitteel s remmnded change would provide that the ten million dollars could be spent for agricultural improvements; but if not possible, it muld also be spent for enhancement of other mastal resources, such as the beaches, lagoons, etc., and must be spent in Carlsbad. Mqor Casles stated there will be a public hearing next Tuesday night on this item. Finance 1 1 . AB #800 9- IMIESWm POLICY AND REPOKI' OF (39) INvEs?FaENfs. City Treasurer, William Esterline, reported on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLVTION No. 7863, ADOPTING ?HE CITY'S - POLICY. Engineering (99) 12 . AR #6657 - Supplement 89 - FINAL MAP FOR CARLSBArl TRACT 81-16, UNIT No. 4 - VISTA SANTA FE. Ron Beckman, City Engineer, gave the report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolutions and approved the final map, as follows: (One Motion) RFSOLTJI'ION NO. 7864, QUIT CLAIMING AN EASE= FOR STREET AND PUI3LIC rnILITY PuIipoSEs. FBSOUEIoTa NO. 7865, ACCEPTING A GF?ANT DEED FOR EASEM.ENT PURPOSES. RESOLUTION No. 7866, ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED Forz PARK PURPOSES. Council approved Final Map of Carlsbad Tract 81-16, Unit No. 4. City Council (lo4) 13. AB #8000 - FEQUEST FOR UPGRADED AfaRAcK SEFWICE. Council Member Rulchin reported on this item as contained in the Agenda Sill. I ? 7 \p 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % q Casler Lewis Kulchin X Pettine Chick Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X a MINUTES e l I COUNCIL \p 5 3 % January 2, 1985 Page 11 MEMBERS % <s Council adopted the following Resolution: X Casler Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 7854, CALLIKG FOR THE ESTABLIS- OF Kulchin THE SOUTHWEST COAST CORRIDOR AND THE bWmST OAST Chick CORRIDOR INTERCITY RAIL PASSENGER MANAGE" AND OF CEFVAIN AWI" INTE-WIW PASSENGEF? TRAIN SEFVICES IN DEVELOPMENT CX>"ISSION AM) SWPORTING THE IWWw Pettine SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ACROSS THE SO- CORRIDOR. (104) 14. AB #8001 - REPEAL OF CEQA EXENFTION FOR THE BULLET (62) TRAIN - ASSEMBLY BILL 3647. Council Member Kulchin reported 011 this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council directed the Mayor to mmunicate the City's Casler position in favor of securing the repeal of AB 3647 Lewis to our representatives in Sacramento. X Kulchin Lewis Pettine (28) 15. "IORA" FROM COUNCIL MEglBEF? PFTGTINE. Council Member Pettine referred to his memorandum and stated he felt all philosophies of the mmunity should be represented on this mmittee. Be also suggested 40 to 50 memhers be placed on the corranittee. Council Member Kulchin suggested a meeting with the applicants where the City Officials instruct them about what they will be expected to do on this committee, and the tim it wlll require. Council discussion resulted in a mnsensus that the corrsnittee be comprised of 25 members. Council Member Chick asked to be excused at 9:14 p.m., due to illness. By consensus, the Council agreed that each Council Member should select four members of the mmittee, with five members being voted on by Council and requiring a majority vote. All candidates for the ansnittee should submit an application or a letter. council al.so decided no one should be excluded from membership on the mmnittee, but all members should be Carlsbad residents. Mayor Casler stat&, a charge must be written to inform the mdttee exactly what is expected, and delineate policies as to absences. Council determined the Land Use R-eview Comnittee wuld Casler X consist of twenty-five members. Each Member of Council. Lewis X would be permitted to designate four &rs of that Kulchin x comittee at his or her discretion, with the balance of Pettine xx five members to be chosen by majority vote of Council. OFF-AGENDA ITEM: Council agreed to discuss an off-agenda item as presentec Lewis by Council Mewkr Pulchin. X Casler Kulchin Pettine 1 r e MINUTES 0 January 2, 1985 Page 12 Soccer Field Council Member Rulchin read a letter received from Sds Properties offering an interim soccer field on the north shore of Btiquitos Laqoon. mey stated they had plans for a soccer field there and it could be ready izy late summer for use by the City. COUNCIL REPom: I Buena Vista Lagoon (BImittee Council Member Lewis gave an update ora Comnittee activities. Senior Citizens Association Mayor Casler reported on the Meals on Wheels Program by the Senior Citizens Association and the fact that the bingo loans were paid off. JAC - Mayor Casler reported on the activities including waiver approval, and efforts toward repairing the damage to the outfall. City School Meeting I Mayor Casler reported on the recent meeting. SWAG Mayor Casler Reported on recent activities of SAND%. ADJOURNMENT: By proper mtion, the meeting of January 2, 1985, was adjourned at 10:02 p.m., to Monday, January 7, 1985, at 6:OO p.m. Respectfully submitted, .e" Ru- ALErHA L, RAuTEcaKRANz City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk I Information Items Only: (37) A. Carlsbad City Council Goals 8 Objectives annual statu:' report, dated December 1984. (50) €3. Report from Finance Director on Revenues & Eigendi ture through November 1984. I I \p 5 COUNCIL % 9&' MEMBERS % $ S