HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-01-22; City Council; Minutes4 i. 0 * MINUTES Meet inq of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: January 22, 1985 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL, TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO p.m. IioLL CALL was talcen by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent: Eone, APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (One Motion) The Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting held January 7, 1985, were approved as presented. The Minutes of the Regular meeting held January 8, 1985, were approved as amended. CONSENT CAL,WAR: Council Mer Lewis asked for Item #5 to be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council amfirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item #5, as follows: WAIVECR OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. (81) 1. AI3 #SO33 - APPLICATION TO CALI??OF?K!IA OFFICE OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION FOR A GRANT TO RESTORE SAN'I'A FE DEPOT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7888, approving the application and project agreement for historic preservation grant funds for Santa Fe Depot project from the California Park and Recreation Facilities Act of 1984 and appointing the Redevelopment Manager as Agent. ( 7c)) 2. AB #7742 - Supplement #1 - LEASE AGREEMENT WITH (45 ) cFw;sBAD REsmH CENTER, Council adopted €?ESOLWIoN MI. 7889, approving extension of an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Research Center to construct a temporary softball facility at lot 18 and 19 of the Research Center and authorizing the Mayor to execute said extension. (78) 3. AI3 #7556 - Supplement #1 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR (45) POLICE FIRlNG RANGE - PROJECT NO. 3159. Council adopted RESOLUTION ND. 7890, approving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to invite bids for the police firing range. 57 - COUNCIL /p % % MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick x Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine I '. 0 MINUTES 0 January 22, 1985 Paqe 2 CONSENT CALWAR: (Continued) (81) 4. AB #8034 - ACCEPTANCE OF A PORTION OF ALNADJ3N LANE. Council adopted RESOLUTION No. 7891, accepting a grant deed. ITEM WITHDRAWN FRcpl THE CONSENT CALEMDAR: (26) 5. AB #835 - AUTHORIZATION TO PARTICIPATE IM CITY OF VISTA ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. Council Member Lewis inquired whether this would affect the City's sewer capacity, and Ron Beckman, City Engineer, answered it muld not. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7892, authorizing participation in the City o€ Vista Assessment District. OFDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (1 13) 6. AE3 #7882 - Supplement #2 - ZONE CODE AND SPECIFIC ( 1 14) PLAN AMENDE.IENTs FOR MINOR MODIFICATION OF SIGN FSZULATIONS - ZCA-l74/SF"19(B) - CITY OF CAFUSBAD. Council M&r Lewis stated he could not supprt this Ordinance, as he felt Council should be responsible for all sign changes. Council adopted the following Ordinances: (One Iwtion) ORDINANCE NO. 9733, AFlENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.41 SECTION 21.41.075(b) OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITIOM OF SUBSECTION (9) TO ALUX 'IRE PL74NNIMG COMMISIa? TD CONSIDER APPIIOVAL OF MINOR PDDIFICATIONS TO SIGN SPACING F%QUI-. ORDINANCE NO. 9734, AMENDING ORDINANCES 9720 AND 9288 BY ADDING A PROVISION TD CO'MDITION &TO. 15 TO ALLOW THE PLANNING CO"ISSI0N 'IIO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF MINOR MODIFICATIONS TO THE SPACING REQUIREMENTS OF FREESTANDING SICBJS . ( 100) 7. AB #8027 - REVISION To COLLECTION PROCEDURES FOR TETE TRANSIEJW OCCUPANCY TAX. Council Member Chick stated he had received comments from the business corranunity that paying the TOT monthly could cause a cash flow problem. He suggested it my be necessary to review this in six months. Council adopted the followinq Ordinance: ORDINANCE JSD. 1275, AMENDING TImE 3, CWWTER 3.12 OF 73% CARLSRAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT AND ADDITION OF VARIOUS SECTIONS TO MISE THE P€XlCED= FOR COLLECTION OF THE CI'JT'S TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX. 56 c \y 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % a Casler Lewis Chick Kulchin X Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine '. - 0 9 MINUTES January 22, 1985 Page 3 (72) 8. AB C8029 - Mo PARKING FOR TAMARACK AVENUE FROM SKYLINE EOAD TO EM Am. ~ I Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE No. 3182, AMENLlING TIlZE 10, CHAeTER 10.40 OF THE CARLSRAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDME3T OF SECTION 10.40.059 TO DECLARl3 A "NO-PARKING" ZONE ON EOTH SIDES OF TAMARACK AVENUE l3" SKYLmE ROAD ?o ELPI AWE. (96) 9. AB 88030 - STOP SIGN ON SANTA ISABEL STREEF AT EL FUERTE STRFKI?. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE No. 3183, AMENDlXG TImE 10, CHAPTER 10.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE R3-A- OF SECTION 10.28.340 REQUIRING ADDITIONAL STOPS FOR S?IREETS I"EFSECT1NG EX FUEEE STREET. (96) 10. AB #8031 - STOP SIGN ON SANTA ISAREL LSTREGT AT ALGA mm. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE IW. 3184, AWIJ% TITLE IO, CE3!R 10.28 OF SECTION 10.28.320 REQUIRING ADDITIONAL tsToPS FOR STREETS TWTERSECTING ALGA FOAD. I THE CARLSBAD "JJSECIPAL CODE BY THE RE--= OF Mayor Casler stated there was a request to take Item #17 out of order, and Council concurred with the request. Research/Analysis ( 57) 17. AB #7857 - Supplement #.2 - CITY OF CARLSBAD CIRCULATION ELENENT. Lefty Anear, Co-Chairman of the Circulation Committee, gave the reprt of Chairperson Jeanne McFadden, due to her illness. The updated version of the Circulation Element has been presented to Council and the Comnittee recormends its acceptance. The Circulation Comnittee would stand dissolved upon acceptance of this report. Jim Hagaman, Manaqer of Research/Analysis, gave the staff report, stating the Comnittee recommendations as contained in the Agenda Bill. ~ i Council Member Pettine called attention to Page 16 of the Agenda Rill, E-7, regarding Highway 680. He indicated there seems to be sone confusion between the City's position and the County's position. Whereas the City views it as a major arterial, County plans envision only a two-lane road (collector street). I Jim Hagaman stated the County had designated the road as a mjor arterial, with a footnote on the plan stating to construct to liuht collector standards. I 55 - \p 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X ~ - - 0 MINUTES 0 January 22, 1985 Page 4 Mr. Hagaman stated he had comunicated with the County staff today, and they indicated they will be reconmending to the Board of Supervisors that the road be built to four lanes, which correspnds to the City's plan. Council Member Pettine expressed mncern about endorsing the County plan with a cloud over what they envisioned for that road. Lefty Anear added that he represented the City at the County hearings on this matter and the County had said they muld build to collector standards first, but would improve the street to major arterial standards at a later date. Council accepted the proposed revised Circulation Element as presented by the City Council's Circulation Plan Advisory Comittee; Advised staff to prepare this proposed Circulation Element for public hearings before the Planning Corranission and include any Council comments and instructions. Council also instructed staff to retain the services of SANDAG to prepare the Circulation Element for printing. PUBLIC HEARIMGS: (25) 11. AB #7824 - Supplement #2 - HUMP PROPEIiTIES RMIRGANIZATION. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planninq Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the site and wall mps to show the boundaries of the annexation. He gave the history of the pre-zoning and EIR certification, with this king the last discretionary action needed to complete the reorganization. Mayor Casler opened the public hearinq at 6:25 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Larry Clemens, HPI, 1970 North El Camino Real, Encinitas, addressed Council, stating the applicant wants to be part of the City. He stated the Master Plan had been presented to the City as of January 18, 1985. Council Member Pettine inquired whether any mnnnitment had been made by anyone in the City to Hunt Properties in order for them to change their mind and proceed with the project after their request for continuance at the December 18, 1984, meeting. Mr. Clemens answered that no such mnnnitment had been made. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearinq was closed at 6:27 p.m. Council Member Lewis questioned. the density of the project, and Mike Holzmiller answered that the Master Plan determined the densities, locations of different uses, circulation and areas of open space. In order to process the annexation, an EIR must 'be done, and that uses the wrst case as far as densities, etc. 54 \p 5 COUNCIL % 'PC' MEMBERS % 4 Casler Leh7is X Kulchin Chick Pettine - - ~ 0 a MINUTES January 22, 1985 Page 5 Mr. Holzmiller stated the gross densities are used and does not include the lagoon area. That is on the General Plan as open space. Naw that a Master Plan has been presented to the City, staff will review that and conpare it with the EIR and decide whether any further environmental review is necessary. He also added that in reviewing the Master Plan, staff muld also have to take into consideration the fact that the first priority now is the General Plan Review. %ere are a nlrmber of plans for staff review at the present time, and this plan will be reviewed as time permits. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7850, APPROVING A REORGANIZATION INVOLVING ANNEXATION ?o THE CITY OF CARI;SBAI), DEL3'A-T !?" ?PIE LEUCADIA COUIWY FRTER DISTlUCT, ENCINITAS FIRE PR(TrEK7JION DISTRICT, AND am SERVICES AREAS NO. 1 7 (SAN DIEGUITO PFRAMEDICS ) AND N3. 83 ( SAN DIEGUITO IGU% PARKS). HPI REORGAMIZATION. (1 13) 12. AB #8023 - ZONE CHANGE, TEETATIVE MAP AND (99 1 coNDCMIN1m P ., EMIT - ZC-308/CT 84-11/CP-283 - CYRLSW F?ACQUET CLUB. Mike Holzmiller, Land fJse Planning Manager, gave the transparency of Exhibit A showing the location of the project and wall maps shaving the buildings and the landscape plan of Ocean Vista. I staff reprt as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a Mr. Holmiller continued, stating Anacapa Road would be re-aligned and bisect the project, extending off-site for a minimum of 1,200 feet, with a right turn in and out access onto Carlsbad Boulevard at that point. This would provide a semnd access to the property, which would be necessary. The applicant wuld be required to put in the additional right-of-way. A drawing of the buildings was Shawn, and Mr. Holzmiller explained two- thirds of the parking would be subterranean with one- third open parking. He described the three recreational areas planned for the project. Mr. Holzmiller reiterated the four issues brought out at the Planning Corranission and mitigating actions as contained in the Agenda Bill. I i In answer to query regarding Anacapa Street, Mike Holzmiller explained the curve did not meet City standards, but mulc! actually have to qa off of the property in order to meet those standards. The Planning Cdssion thought this was a had alignment, but it was an improvement, and they granted a variance to City standards. As to the right turn in and out, Mr. Holmtiller stated the exact spot would be determined by the City Engineer. However, it must 'be a minimum of 1,200 feet from the project site. ~ I ~ 53 c I \y 5 COUNCIL 3 % MEMBERS % q Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine - c 0 a MINUTES January 22, 1985 Paae 6 Council Member Lewis questioned the density, and Mike Holzsniller stated one thing to be considered during the General Plan Review would be whether to calculate density on net or gross acreage. This project does cornply based on the gross acreage, and is at the low end of the density. If the applicant acquires the excess right-of-way, it would be below the low end at 9.8 units per acre. In answer to a question regarding any land trade with the City, JW. Holmiller stated there had been some discussion abut giving the open space to the City in return for the City vacating the excess right-of-way, but the City had not encouraged that, so it had not been pursued. As to the mngestion of the project, Mr. Holmiller stated several things had been done, such as reducing the buildings to two stories and increasing the setback over and above what is required by the ordinance. Also, the project was at the low end of the density. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:50 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Bob Ladwig, Rick Ehgineering, representing the applicant, addressed the Council, using the wall maps for his presentation. He said he would address mly those items needing further clarification, such as the buildings being reduced to two stories and lowered ten feet on the street side to lower the profile of the buildings. He added that munding would be put in front of the bilding to reduce the size of the building and to mver one half of the underground parking. He felt the project was not cluttered, and being the first new mnstruction in this portion of the City, would set a good trend. Mr. Ladwig stated only a very small portion of this property is wetlands, and the applicant wants to relate the open space to the vacation of the right-of-way at a later time. Mr. Ladwig referred to the handout presented to the Council Members and talked about the roadway, stating the new alignment is better and safer for the area. In answer to Council query, Mr. mdwig stated they could not build on the wetland area because of a Coastal Conmission requirement. Mayor Casler stated this is a flood plain and there is a fld control channel from Encina that spills into that, prohibiting any building in that area, Council Member Pettine asked whether the developer would reduce density to alleviate congestion mncerns, and Mr. Ladwig answered the n&r of units had been reduced from 120 to 104, and the long buildings broken up into four buildings, surrounded by landscaping. 52 \y 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % <s - - e a MINUTES COUNCIL \p 5 % 5' January 22, 1985 Page 7 MEMBERS % 4 Mr. Silas Bass, 6550 Font0 Drive, Lanakai Lane, eke on behalf of his neighbors and himself, using the wall map to indicate the location of the mbilehome parks and the access available. Mr. Bass stated with another 104 units, the traffic would be a hazard in that area. The right turn in and out on Carlsbad Boulevard was discussed, with Mr. Bass stating this would he south of the mbilehome park, creating traffic past their park. Mr. Jack Stofer, 6550 Font0 Drive, Lanakai Mobilehome Park, stated the roadway muld probably cp past the mobilehome park, and Walter Brown of the Engineering Department concurred. He added there is a sewer smell in the Park at the present time, and another 104 units would just add to the overload for sewage. Last year there was a threat of a water shortage, and Mr. Stofer was opposed to any new multi-units on the coastline and urged the Council to deny this project. Mr. Ladwig stated the access off of Carlsbad Boulevard is conditioned in the approval-just the point of access needs to be determined. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 7:13 p.m. Ron Beckman, City Engineer, explained there was not enough room between Carlsbad Boulevard and Lanakai Lane to have a properly designed right turn in and out, and this would probably be located south of Lanakai Mobilehome Park. This would be a secondary access, with traffic from this project and Lanakai Lane. The primary access .would still be off of the bridge m and off ramp. Council Member Lewis stated he would not support this project due to the "bunching up" of the units, and Council Member Kulchin concurred. Council Menher Chick had problems with the design and felt the project should be redesigned. Council Member Pettine felt the concerns were well-taken with regard to the congestion aspect and design of roadway. An additional issue to be addressed was the gross developable versus net developable acres. He stated he could not support the project. Mayor Casler stated she had hoped this muld be the start of something new in that problem area, but felt the design muld be a problem to the City. As to the gross acreage versus net, Mayor Casler stated that had been given to the Cormnittee and staff should not be burdened with any other tasks. Council Member Lewis mentioned the sewage plant cdor one speaker talked abut, and Mayor Casler reiterated her previously made statement about any complaints about odor from Encina should be reprted to Encina. She said that there had been no report of complaints in months. Mr. Ladwig requested to withdraw the project and address the mncerns with the congestion and density. The mtion maker did not wish to withdraw the mtion to deny, and Council voted as follows: 5/ <. 0 MINUTES January 22, 1985 Page 8 Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents denying ZC-308 and CT 84-11/CP-283. (107) 13. AB #8012 - Sup?lement #1 - STREET VACATION CN A POmION OF ELM A. AN! A FOF?TION OF APPIAN RXD. Ron Beckman, City Engineer, gave the staff report on this item as mntained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the prtions of roadl to be abandoned . Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 7:28 P.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7893, VACATING A POIiTION OF ELM AVENUE AND A FO~ION OF APPIAN R3Al3. DEXYECM~~ AM> CITY MANAGER REpoIiTS: Finance (50) 14. AB #8037 - CASH MANAGENENT PROGRAM. (45) Jim Elliott, Finance Director, gave the staff report on this item as mntained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: RI.=soLvTION NO. 7894, ACCEPTING THE PRoposAL OF DELOITCE HasKINS AND SELLS 33 PERFORM A STUDY AND 20 ASSIST IPIJ IMPLENENTING IYP- TO 'IF!! CITY'S CASE! MANAGE" SYSTEM. Engineerinq (gg ) 15. AB 88028 - "ENTATWE MAIP MTENSION FQR CARLSBAD TRACT 82-25 - UKM;AWA. Ron Beckman, City Engineer, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Rill. He stated the addition of tvm conditions resulted in the applicant agreeing to the revised Public Facilities Fee Agreement, but asking for a dification in the condition requirinq him to participate in the Palomar Airport Road Assessment District. Mr. Peter Mackauf said he vmuld defer his mnnnents and let Don Agatep speak to the issues. Mr. Don Aqatep, 2956 Roosevelt, representing Ukegawa Brothers, the owners, addressed Council, stating he had requested a continuation of this item to determine the responsbilities under the Palomar Airport Road Assessment District. He stated this property is only thirteen acres in size, with a long frontage of 1,400 feet on Palomar Airport Road. 50 c \p 5 COUNCIL 3 % MEMBERS % q Casler Lewis Chick Kulchin X Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Pettine Chick X Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine a 0 MINUTES January 22, 1985 Page 9 Mr. Agatep asked Council to amend Condition #2 to read as folluws: "The developer shall agree to participate in the formation of an assessment or other district for Palomar Airport Road as may be satisfactory to the City of Carlsbad Council to fund the design and construction of those Palomar Airport Road improvements contained in the proposed Palomar Airport Road assessment district as described to the Council on 11/27/84." Mr. Agatep stated the applicant was qreeing to participate in formation of an assessment district, but they did not want to waive their right as a protestor to inequitable assessment. Re urged Council to pursue the €ormation of the district and when it gets to participation, the applicant can argue at that pint. Mr. Beckman statd fhe applicant wanted to preserve his right to protest the assesment, but he would still be responsible for hprovemnts as a &sic requirement of the mnditions of the tentative map. Mr. Agatep stated the conditions of the tentative map were for full half-street improvements for 1,400 feet of the development from the easterly end to Laurel Tree Lane. City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated when the existing map was approved, the aver-all traffic in the area was not considered, as well as the inadequate bridge over I- 5. The assesment district would limit the amount of assessment to the amount of benefit derived from the improvemnts and on how much the value of the property was increased. This applicant wants the right to protest, and if the majority of property owners protest, the assessment district cannot proceed. Mr. Peter Mackauf, General Manager, Ukagawa Brothers, 4218 Skyline Road, spoke in favor of the assessment district, stating the property owners in that area are aware of the need for an assessment district to upgrade Palomar Airport Zoad. Re stated they do take exception to the cloud of uncertainty this provision places on their property. He added the property needs to !x sold by the owners, as there is difficulty in the farming business. Ye suggested there 'be m additional restrictions on the property at this time, but the property owners would meet to formalize the district. Ron Eeckman reiterated that State law states there must be an initial determination of the costs and that spread among the property owners benefiting, That estimated cost cannot 'be exceeded by mre than ten percent, which allows the property owners to know wha.t the rnaximum amount of assessment would be, if the district goes ahead. At that pint, if the owners protest the formation o€ the district, it is dead. If they have waived their right to protest, the City could proceed with the district. * See Page 14. - 49 I \p 5 COUNCIL % 9C MEMBERS % q - - 0 0 MINUTES January 22, 1985 Page 10 Mayor Casler stated she felt it unfair to put the mst of the 1-5 bridge on the owners of property on Palomar Airport Road, since that is a major east and west arterial and used by more than just those people. She suggested the PFF be raised and include the bridge, if funds are not available from CalTrans. Council Menber Chick suggested that the bridge has regional significance and the issue should be looked at, considering all possible alternate methods for funding the bridge. It was mved and seconded that Council adopt Resolution No. 7886. The original mtion was amended to change the wxding of Condition #2 of the Resolution to read as follows: "The developer shall agree to participate in the formation of an assessment or other district for Palomr Airpolrt Road as may be satisfactory to the City of Carlsbad Council to fund the design and construction of those Palomar Airport Road improvements contained in the proposed Palomr Airport Road assessment district as described to the Council on 1 1/27/84. I' Council adopted the following Resolution as amended: RESOLUTION NO. 7886, APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF TIME FOR TEMTATIVE MAP CT 82-25 SUBJECT TO CERTAIN COJYDITIONS. RECESS : I Mayor Casler declared a recess at 8: 1 1 p.m., and Council re-convened at 8:21 p.m., with all Members present. (78) 16. AB #8038 - SPEED LIMIT FOR TAMARACK Am FFGM EL cmm REAL To smm ROAD. Ron Beclanan, City kgineer, gave the reprt on this item as mntained in the Agenda Bill. Council introduced the following Ordinance: OFDINANCE NO. 3185, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.44 OF THE WW "NICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTIOM 10.44.180 TO ESTABLISH A THI"Y-FIVE MILE PER HOUR SPEED LIMIT ON TWQRACK AVENUE FROM EL CAMINO REAL 'IO SKYLINE ROAD. Research/Analysis (57) 17. AB #7857 - Supp1ement $2 - CITY OF CARCSBAD CIRCULATION ELEN?. I This item was taken out of order. (See Page 3) ~ I 98 \y 5 COUNCIL 3 % MEMBERS % q Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X Casler Lewis Chick Kulchin X Pettine ~ - I a 0 MINUTES January 22, 1985 Page 11 City Manauer 2 ( 81 ) 18. AB #8039 - SITE PREPARATION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF (45) THE cARLSJ3AD SAFETY AND SERVICE C-. City Manager Frank Aleshire qave the report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. He stated the Architect, Dave Ruhnau, Construction Manager, Bill Smith, and City representatives were here to answer questions about the project. He referred to the del of the Safety & Service Center on display at the front of the Chambers, which was built by George Suttle of the Police Department on his own tirile. Mr. Bill Smith, Construction Manager, addressed Council, statinq this request was for bid package number one. He stated Steve Money had spent many hours with Rick Enuineering analyzing the conditions of this first bid package. The ground-breaking would he next. Mr. Smith said there would be monthly written proqress reports, with an update to Council next mnth. Council adopted the following Resolution and authorized the City Clerk to advertise for bids: RESOLUTION NO. 7895, AppRovING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE SITE PREPARATION OF THE CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SEWICE CENTER. City Council (25) 19. APPOl3EMWTS TO THE (X"ImE FOR FdWIFCW OF THE LAM) USE EXENEWT OF THE GENERAL PLAN. Mayor Casler stated she had received three telephone calls regarding developers being on the Land iJse Review Committee and she explained Council had decided to allow this after Council Menber Chick left the meting due to illness. Council reaffirmed the position that all Committee members he residents of the City. Mayor Casler announced there was one request to speak from Mr. Birch DeWitt. Mr. Mitt stated his question had been answered. Mayor Casler stated each Council Member would designate four members of the Comnittee and one alternate. Each Council Member would then nominate three mxbers, with five being elected by vote. The alternate designation would be left until last. Mayor Casler summarized the charqe to the Comittee Nembers, stating this was prepared by the Land Use Planning Department and had not been distributed to anyone. It requires the citizens to attend a substantial nwRber of meetings during the next five mnths; sets up the dates: requires a great deal of education to be absorbed during that time; any member missing three meetings will be replaced by an alternate. Council M&r Pettine questioned the designation of the Chairman by the City Council and felt that should be addressed by the Comittee. y3 c \p 5 COUNCIL % 9A' MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X 0 0 MINUTES January 22, 1985 Page 12 (37) Mayor Casler explained that with such a large committee, a good many of the people would not know each other and it would be better if the Chairman had been designated by Council. Council Members Chick and Kulchin concurred. The four members appointed by each Council Member: Council Member Pettine apinted Robert R. Caggiano, Inez Yoder, Thomas W. Smith and Anthony J. Skotnicki. Council Member Chick appointed Jerry Rmixkis, Joe Gallagher, Hank Litten and Don Dewhurst. Council Member Kulchin appointed Jms M. Gaiser, Ruth Coyle, Donald Jackson and Margie Cool. Council Member Lewis appointed Eric Larson, Jim Courtney, Matt Hall and William Harkins. Mayor Casler appinted Bill Damincpez, 'porn Flanagan, Jim Hicks and Claudia Stebelski. Citizens nominated for the five members at large: By Council Member Pettine: Linnea McDonald, Ernest Pruitt, Richard Andrews. By Council Member Chick: Joe Sandy, We Grosse, Bob Prescott . By Council Member Lewis: Margaret Brownley, Pat O'nay, Bailey Noble. By Mayor Casler: William McDonald, Anthony Dean Lawson, Melvin Grazda. The five members at large appointed by vote of Council: Pat O'Day, Linnea McDonald, Richard Andrews, Rob Prescott, Margaret Brownley. The five alternates are: Richard DeWitt, Joe Sandy, Kip McBane, Marylynn Brown-Bellmar, Melvin Grazda. Mayor Casler nominated Jim Gaiser €or Chairman, with Council Member Kulchin seconding the nomination. The ncsnination passed by unanimous vote. 20. "OFWDtJI'? FXM cot7NCIL MENE3ER PETETINE RMT;ARDlX NCrrICE l?EQUIRJ3lEWTS. Council Member Pettine me a mtion to refer the items in his menorandm dated January 17, 1985, to staff for a proposed remmwndation. Council Member Kulchin seconded the mtion. (No vote occurred.) Mayor Casler stated this mmes up about every three years, and she felt this was a matter to be settled by Council. The City has three options €or notification of hearings; notice the hearing in the newspaper; notice all property owners wikhin three hundred feet: and post the property. The City has chosen to notice in the newspaper and within three hundred feet. There are times when all three options are used. 4 L r - \p 5 COUNCIL 3 yA' MEMBERS (% 4 - I a 0 MINUTES January 22, 1985 Page 13 Mayor Casler asked the Council's preference as far as the three hundred feet notification, with a difference of opinion being expressed as far as the number of feet to be used. Council extended the notification distance for hearings to six hundred feet within the subject property. City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated an ordinance would be drawn up to reflect this clnanqe. He asked whether this would include all public hearings, or only items at the Council level, md the czlnsensus of the Council was that the ordinance should include all public hearings before the Planninq Conmission and City Council. Mayor Casler czlmnted that as to the policy shift of Council and the complaint that adequate notice was not given, she su9gested no action be taken in that the entire Agenda is published in the Carlsbad Journal. City Clerk (36) 21. AB #8036 - APFOIEJTrvE OFFICES - LIST OF VACANCIES FOR 1985. Mayor Casler called attention to this list of vacancies, as included in the Agenda Bill. City Council ( 37) 22 . APPOlNIWNT OF COUNCIL GOALS AtD OBJECTIVES SUB- C(=MEaImEE. Council aproved Mayor Casler and Council Member Lewis as Members of this Sub-cormittee. COUNCIL mm: Parks and Recreation Commission Council Member Pettine reported on the recent meeting, stating a ampromise was reached on the Cadencia Park issue. Trauma Center Council Member Kulchin gave an update on the Tri-City Hospital request to become a Trauma Center. Coastal Regional Beach Erosion Cornittee Council Member Kulchin reported on a meeting last week at Camp Pendleton. Downtown Merchants Comnittee Council Member Kulchin reported on the Fountain dedication for Glenn 14cComs. 45 c \p 5 COUNCIL 3 9/- MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulchin X Chick Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine - T a @ MINUTES January 22, 1985 Page 14 Historical Cmittee Council Member Lewis reported on the recent meetinq. Palmar Aimrt Committee Council Member Lewis gave an update on the Resolution adopted by the Board of Supervisors, and stated mpies would be made available for the Council Members. Senior Citizens Association Mayor Casler reported she had been meeting with the Association and there is to be a wxkshop on February 13 with the Board of Directors. There is a proposal from the Association, and she asked Council Members to read that carefully. CITY M?-GJ3? ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: City Manager Frank Aleshire announced the CIP Budget would be on the Agenda next week and Council Members should ha17e their questions ready at khat time. ADJOURNMENT: By proper mtion, the meeting of January 22, 1985, was adjourned at 9:39 p.m., to Tuesday, January 29, 1985, at 6:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, u 4 Rw- ALm L. RAUTEMKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk * Council amended the Minutes for additional clarification to show the statenent that the City would no longer be in control of requiring the owner to participate in the upgrading of the bridge over 1-5 at Palomr Aiwrt Road, if the assesmen? district is rejected . lJ4 Ib c \y 5 COUNCIL 3 94 MEMBERS % q