HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-02-19; City Council; Minutes0 MINUTES 0 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: February 19, 1985 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CAWL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent : None . INVOCATION was given by Reverend Dalton Webber of the Good Shepherd Assembly of God. PLEDGE OF WIANCE was led by Council Member Lewis. APPm OF MINUTES: (One Motion) The Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting held January 29, 1985, wre approved as presented. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 5, 1985, =re approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Casler requested Item #6 and Item #7 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council confirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item #6 and Item #7, as follows: WATVER OF ORDINANCE "I' READIN(I-: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. (50) 1. AB #8063 - RATIFICATION OF DENANDS AGAINST' THE CITY. Council ratified the paynent of demands against the City in the munt of $1,161,511.35, for the period February 1 to February 8, 1985; Payroll demands in the munt of $318,948.76, for the period January 28 to February 10, 1985; and Housing demands in the amount of $60,703.98, for the period February 1 to February 8, 1985. (1 12) 2. AB #8064 - WEED ZBATENEBT CONTRACT. (45) Council adopted RESOLCPTION NO. 7908, accepting a bid and authorizing the execution of an agreement for weed and rubbish abatement with Bert Ingold. (99) 3. AB $7629 - Supplement #1 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - TEMPLIN HEIGHTS, UNIT NO. 3 - CT 82-14. Council accepted improvements, authorized City Clerk to release bonds and directed the Utilities and Maintenance Departments to commence maintaining the public streets associated with Unit No. 3 of CT 82-14. 97 - \p 5 COUNCIL % 9b' MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine Casler Lewis Chick Kulchin X Pettine 0 MINUTES 0 February 19, 1985 Page 2 1 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) (99) 4. AB #8065 - FINAL MAP - CT 82-3 - JEFEZ COURT. Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract 82- 3 (Jerez Court) . (99) 5. AB #8066 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMF" - MS- 620/PIh214 - 1807 AND 1809 OAK AVENUE. I (43) (79) (45) (79) (45) (43) (70) (45 1 Council accepted improvements, authorized City Clerk to release bnds, and directed the Utilities and Maintenance Departments to comnce maintaining the public streets associated with this subdivision. 6. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, 7, This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. 8. AI3 88017 - Supplement #1 - CONTRACT FOR RENOVATION OF FF-S/SNAa BAR AT CHASE FIELD. Council adopted WSOLWION NO. 7911, accepting bids and authorizing the execution of contract no. PRO01 for the renovation of the restroom/snack bar at Chase Field. ITENS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CNENDAR: 6. AI3 #8055 - Supplement #I - CONDITIONAL USE PmIT FOR A PrZoFESSI0NA.L CARF FACILITY - CUP-255 - VILLAS DE CARLSBAD, Mayor Casler stated she had asked for this item to be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar to discuss the traffic signal requirement. Council Meanber Lewis questioned Condition #41, and City Attorney Vincent Biondo said that condition should be deleted. City Engineer Ron Beckman reiterated his previous statement that the intersection almost neets signal warrants now and with this development muld meet those warrants. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION No. 7909, DENYING AN APPEAL AND UPHOLDING THE PLMWING COMMISSION'S APPrZoVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A 91-UNIT PROFESSIONAL CARE FACILITY CUP - 255 - VILLAS DE cARI;sBAD, with the following changes: Condition 37 to be changed to read the developer would pay half of the installation cost of a traffic signal at Jefferson and Laquna; and Condition 41 to be deleted. 7. AI3 87424 - Supplement #1 - CARGSBAD UNIFIEI) ScHoOL DISTRICT REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL POOL HOURS. Mayor Casler stated she asked to have this item withdrawn from the Consent Calendar to request that the Schedule listed as "Hours of Pool Use" be labeled Exhibit A and referenced in the agreement. 78 \p 5 COUNCIL % 9A MEMBERS % f Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X ~ 0 MINUTES 0 February 19, 1985 Page 3 - , Dave Bradstreet, Director of Parks and Recreation, explained additional difications to the agreement, City Manager Frank Aleshire suggested a provision also be added stating the programs are provided to the school during school days, Monday through Friday, and not weekends, holidays and summer vacation. Council adopted the followinq Resolution: RFSOLUTION NO. 7910, AMENDING AN AGREXMENT FOR USE OF THE a"u?XITY SWIMMING K)OL AND THE CULTURAJL ARTS CENTER BETWEEN THE CITY AND THE CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. Amended to include "Hours of Pool Use" as Exhibit A, and modified to include the changes given by Mr. Bradstreet and Mr. Aleshire. PRESENTATION BY "Y BOUMAN I Mayor Casler asked Mr. Bournan to make the presentation he mde this mrning to the Downtown Merchants on the parking problems in the downtam area. Mr. Bouman used a flip chart to show the areas surveyed and the conclusions of those surveys. PUBLIC HEARINGS: I ( 1 07) 9 . AB #8050 - Supplement #1 - STREET VACATION OF A FORTION OF PARK DRIVE, Ron Beckman, City Engineer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:47 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this matter, the public hearing was closed. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7912, VACATING A FOR!JXON OF PARK DRIVE BlTI'WEm ADAMS fX'RI3ET AND CALAVO CDUKT. (77) 10- AJ3 #7902 - Supplement #3 - CARISBAD LOCAL COASTAL, PROGRAM. City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the reprt on this item as mntained in the Agenda Bill. He introduced Tom Hageman, Staff Planner from Research/Analysis, who was mailable for questions from Council. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 7:02 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Doug Avis, representing Bieri-Avis, spoke in favor of the Comittee remmendations. Mr. Peter Mackauf, 4218 Skyline Road, General Manager of Ukegawa Brothers, stressed the economic plight of the farmers. He asked Council to pursue the regaining of control of the land use to allow some farmers to continue farming their land. 37 I \v 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % f Casler Lewis X Kulchin Chick Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick x: Pettine e MINUTES 0 February 19, 1985 Page 4 Mr. Bob Ladwig, speaking as a representative of the Chamber of Connnerce LB Committee, asked the City to proceed with the second option as reconnnended by staff . Mr. Robert Pat Kelly, 2770 Sunny Creek Road, stated he agreed with Mr. Mackauf, and added that this Council was aware of their problems, while the Coastal Conmission members had never been on their property. He urged the City to take over the permit authority. Mr. Denny O'Neill, 3200 Center Park Drive, presented a letter from Donald Steffensen, Senior Vice President of John D. Lusk & Son, which was distributed to Council Members and made a part of the record, in opposition to the agricultural protection program. He sulrrmarized the letter from Mr. Steffensen. Mr. Don Rose, 11 Ash Street, representing SDG&E, stated they were in favor of the City taking over the permit authority, but he felt the wording of the amendments needed to be clarified. He gave one example of the neec for better language that indicating a "north slope" and gave examples of how that could be interpreted. Mr. Rose also stated that if it were feasible to &age lanc use, he saw no reason for a mitigation fee. With some land that cannot be farmed, he felt it was unfair to levy a fee on the entire acreage. fi 2 Mr. Jim Hicks, 2910 Managua Place, Bankers Life Properties, stated they really represented both for and against, suprting what the City wants to do, but they are also pursuing state interpretation of AB 3744. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 7:28 p.m. Council approved the following Resolution and directed staff to forward their action to the Coastal Codssion with a oomunication indicating the City's wish to assume land use authority pursuant to the resolution of approval and requesting processing as soon as possible: RESOLUTION NO. 7913, APPFOVIK THE MISTING CERTIFIED LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM (MELLO BILL I AND I1 ) WITH A"ENTs. DEPAF5"EWTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPOIZTS: Redevelopent (28) 11. AB #8067 - HOUSING AND REDEvELLIpE?ENT ADVISORY CWITI'EE. I Mayor Casler announced the three mmbers of Housing and Redevelopent Advdisory Cormnittee whose terms expired March 1, 1985, had all expressed the desire to remain on the Corranittee. 36 I \p 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % f Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X 0 0 MINUTES February 19, 1985 Page 5 I I Council adopted the following Resolutions: I I RESOLUTION ED. 7914, REFspoIwsIING BLANCHE GUILFORD TO THE CARLSBAD HOUSING AND REDEVELOW? ADVISORY COMMI'ITEE . RESOLUTION NO. 7915, REAPPOINTING LAURA MORALEZ 'IO THE CARLSBAD HOUSING AM) REDEVEEOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITI'EE. RESOLUTION NO. 7916, REAl?FOINTING R3Y SANCHEZ TO THE CAFUSBAD EglUSING AND REDEvmxlpMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Purchasing ( 60) 12. AB #7657 - Supplement #2 - RENEWAL OF EXCESS LIABILITY INSURANCE. Assistant City Manager Frank r4men gave the report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. The Calavera Dam was discussed, with City Ehgineer Ron Bedman stating the dam provides flood control, and if that dam were eliminated, the City wuld have to upgrade the storm drains and conduits. Council approved the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7917, AU'I'HORIZING PURCHASE OF EXCESS LIABILITY INsu.RANcE OFF-AGENDA ITEM: (81 1 Safety and Service Center Mayor Casler requested an item regarding a contract for structural steel and metal de& for the Safety and Service Center be added to the Agenda for Council consideration and action, and Council unanimously concurred. AB #8068 - STRUCTURAL STEEL AND PlGTAG DECK FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SEF?VICE CEDJTJ3R. City Manager Frank Aleshire reported the need to ask for bids for steel for the Safety and Service Center now, in order to have it delivered at the time it will be needed. I Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION MI. 7918, APPIiovING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE STrcuCTuFAL STEEL AND METAL DECK FOR THE CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER. COLJNCIL REpoIiTs : Housing & Redevelopent Advisory Cammittee I Council Member Pettine reported on the recent meeting. I NCTD Council Member Kulchin reported on the Board Meeting. I 75 - \p 5 COUNCIL % PA MEMBERS % f Casler X Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin X Pettine Chick Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X Casler Lewis Kulchin Pettine Chick X 8 - -. e MINUTES e February 19, 1985 Page 6 Palmar Airport Committee Council Member Lewis updated the acitivites of the Committee. CITY ATrQNEY ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: City Attorney Vincent Biondo reported that in the case heard last Wednesday in the 4th District Court of Appeals on the Calavera Hills case, a written opinion was received this mrning ruling in favor of the City. ADJOURNMENT: By proper mtion, the meeting of February 19, 1985, was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 39 -.. COUNCIL \p 5 3 % MEMBERS % <