HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-03-26; City Council; Minutes- 1 0 MINUTES 0 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Rkular Meeting) Date of Meeting: March 26, 1985 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meetinq: City Council Chambers 33) (78) ~~~ CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Kulchin and Pettine. Council Member Lewis arrived at 6:lO p.m. Absent: Council Member Chick. 1. AB #8102 - LIBRARY FtEDEGANIZATION, Cliff Lange, Library Director, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO, 7944, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN OF ?CEIE CITY TO INCLUDE THE CLASSIFICATION OF GWHIC AFQIST ANn CHANGE THE CLASSIFICATION OF AUDI( VISUAL SPECIALIST. 2. AEj #8106 - STA?ADA€U)S AND FBGULATIONS FOR. SECURITY AND E9lERGJZNCY AiX" SYSTEMS. Vincent Jimnor Police Chief, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, introducing Crime Prevention Officer Matney, who was present to answer questions. Officer Matney played two tapes taken from the Police Dispatch Logging Tape, to illustrate the amount of time Officers spend on false ala.rm calls. Police Chief Jimno used a transparency to show the total figures for 1984 on Police Calls. The chart showed a total of 1,898 calls with 1,877 false alarms, making a total of 98.9 percent of the calls false alarm calls. Another transparency was sham giving the cost of the false alarms answered by the Police Officers. That cost €or the year 1984 was $47,300.40. Police Chief Jim0 commented that if that could be cut in half, it would constitute a substantial savings to the City. Police Chief Jimno stated that the false alarms increase danger to the citizens and to the Police Officers, and reduce the ability of the Police to respond to other calls for service. Response to a false alarm could circumvent preventative patrols and create slower emergency response the. A high false alarm rate my allow Officers to become complacent. He concluded the list, stating the high cost of responding to false a1a.m was wasted mney . Chief Jimno concluded, stating the proposed Ordinance was consumer-oriented, but auld be reviewed in six months and mdified at that time. Ii ! "r 3 \p 5 COUNCIL 3 yA MEMBERS % f Cas ler Kulchin Pettine X 0 0 MINUTES March 26, 1985 Paue 2 Mr. 'Ilbny Moras, Honeywell Protection Services, 3959 Ruffin Road, San Diego, spoke in favor of the proposed Ordinance, calling attention to Section 8.50.110 on pagt 5 of the Ordinance. He stated the thirty-second &lay should apply only to entrance and exit doors. The othe~ item Mr. Moras questioned was two false alarms in 30 days. He felt three false alarm should be allowed, particularly in the installation of a new system where problems are hard to locate. Mr. Carl A. Smith, Sales Manager, San Diego Alarm Company, 2504 State Street, San Diego, stated the tapes played tonight seemed to indicate subscriber indifferent, and he said he would like to defend mst of their subscribers. He said many times people do try to enter and leave and there is no evidence of an attempted breakin until the next day. Those false alarms should be taken off of the record, according to Mr. Smith. Also, he felt when there is a problem with an alarm and appropriate action has been taken, the 360- day cycle should be re-started. Mr. Smith also felt the number of false alarms allowed should be three instead of two. In answer to query regarding silent alarms versus audible, Mr. Smith stated audibles are better. 3 - K Police Chief Jisono stated he would be agreeable to changing the Ordinance on page 5 to apply to entrance and exit doors, as suggested by Mr. Moras. Council Member Lewis stated he would be in favor of fines for violators, if this Ordinance was not strong enough. Council Member Kulchin felt the Ordinance might need to be made mre restrictive in the future. Council Member Pettine stated the two false alarms was a discretionary matter and not mandatory, and he favored leaving the n&r at two. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 1278, AMBIPIhY; TITLE 8 OF THE CXRLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE By THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 8.50 REQUIRIJVG REGISTRATION OF AIXN AGENTS, ISSUING ZYLARM PERMITSI ESTABLISHING STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS FOR SECURITY AND ENBIIGENCY ALARM SYSTEMS NOT INCLUDING FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS, EOUIPMENT OR DEVICES AND ESTABLISHING CRIMINAL PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE ALARM SYSTEMS ORDINANCE, AND BY THE AMENDMENT OF TITLE 1, CHAPTER 1 -08 OF THE CALSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE FELATING Im PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 8.50. (71 ) 3. AB #8103 - PIioposED PARKING LOT ON LAGUNA DRIVE. I Frank: Eannen, Assistant City Manager, gave the report on this item as mntained in the Agenda Rill. The neighbors on Laguna Drive would have input on the desiqn of the lot and the use permit. In answer to query, Mr. Mannen stated the City has not talked with the homeowners at the present time. COUNCIL \p 5 3 9&' MEMBERS % $ Cas ler Lewis Kulchin Pettine X i 0 MINUTES 0 March 26, 1985 Page 3 Council Member Lewis stated he felt this would be a fight and he was in favor of developing the lot east of the Library. Council Member Pettine inquired whether it was true that the Laguna Drive lot muld have to be torn bwn in five years and staff stated that it would. Mr. Rill Bernard, 1256 Stratford Lane, stated he would be across from the parking lot and the neighbors were all in agreement that they opposed the parking lot. This lot would be in an R-1 neighborhood and would cause depreciation of the property values. He also expressed concern about the children living in the area and their safety with traffic ping in and out of a parking lot, Mr. Bernard suggested there would be ample parking after the new Safety Center is built. He gave a petition to the Council for the record. Mr. Hugh Singleton, 1235 Stratford Lane, asked the Council to deny any funding for a parking lot, as it would not be compatible with the neighborhood, He suggested putting this property on the tax rolls and selling it for a home to be built there, Mr. Jess Alvarez, 1220 Stratford Lane, said the neighbors had all given their reasons for objecting to this parking lot and he asked the Council to hear their message. He said the neighbors all opposed this when a parking lot was proposed some time ago, and the reasons are still the same for opposing it at this time. Council denied Resolution No. 7946 proposing a parkinu lot on Laguna Drive. (62) 4. AR #8104 - EISLATTVE ISSUES, Frank Aleshire, City Manager, gave the report on this item, with Council action as follows: 1. SB 517 (Craven) This bill has been withdrawn. 2. SB 286 (Ellis) This bill would require a 15-year mrtization period before a city could remve illegal s igns , Council voted to oppose SB 286, 3. AB 223 (Peace) This bill prohibits cities from collecting unpaid tenant water bill from a land owner, Council voted to oppose AB 223. IN - \p 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % $ Cas ler Kulchin Lewis X Pettine Cas ler Lewis X Pettine Kulchin Cas ler Lewis Kulchin Pettine X - -c 0 0 MINUTES March 26, 1985 Page 4 4. SB 290 (Foran) This bill raises the gas tax by 5 cents a gallon. Council voted to supprt SB 290. 5. Federal Revenue Sharing. To continue general revenue sharing for another year. Council voted to supprt the continuance of Federal Revenue Sharing for another year and to notify the Senators of the need to supprt this. 6. SB 1060 (Craven) This bill appropriates $250,000 to study feasibility of building a permanent off-campus center for San Diego State University. Council voted to supprt SB 1060. 7. Reach Study. Corps of Engineers needs a $750,000 appropriation to continue the beach erosion study which has been underway for two y- ears, Council voted to supprt this appropriation and to request the Representatives to keep the $750,000 appropriation in this particular area. 8. SB 198. This bill died in Connnittee. 9. AB 117 (Frazee) This bill allows the County to charge Redevelopment Agency for annual preparation of tax increment roll. Council voted to continue to oppose AB 117, 10. AB 2016. This bill would take 20 acres adjacent to Car County out of the agricultural preserve and allow expansion of Car Country. Council voted to supprt AB 2016. (57) 5. AB #8084 - Supplement #2 - GENERAL PLAN A"W, (.I 13) ZONE CHANGE, AND SPECIFIC PLAN FOR SNUG HARBOR A.€?JIA - GPA/LU 84-1O/ZC-313/SP-197. Vincent Biondo, City Attorney, reported this document had been returned for Council approval, and he called attention to the corrected copy of Resolution No. 7945. 113 - COUNCIL \p 5 % pL.' MEMBERS % q Casler Lewis Kulchin Pettine X Casler Lewis Kulchin Pettine X Cas ler Lewis X Kulchin Pettine Casler Lewis X Pettine Kulchin Casler Lewis X Kulchin Pettine Cas ler Lewis Pettine Kulchin X - - .. * 0 MINUTES March 26, 1985 Page 5 Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION No. 7945, DENYING BA/LU 84-1O/ZC-313/SP- 197, AN 11-ACRE: RECREATIONAL CQWERC1A.L AREA CENERALLY LOCATED (3N THE SOUTH SIDE OF ADAMS STREET AND HARRISON S"REE2 Bl3WEEN mW.R STREEF AND lNTEFSTATE 5. ~ ~-~ (37) 6. AB #8105 - TELEVISING CITY C0up;ICIL MEETINGS ON COMMmITY ACCESS CABLE. ~~ . Roger Greer, Director of Utilities/Maintenanc, gave the staff report on this item, introducing Mr. Bob Lucas, the public access coordinator for Cable 7N Foundation, who was present to answer questions. Council Member Rulchin inquired about doing the Council meetings 'live", and Mr. Lucas explained that could not be done without additional equipment. She stated she would like to look at the possibility of doing the meetings live six mnths from now. Council voted to start televising Council Meetings as soon as pssible. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: City Manager Frank Aleshire called attention to two speeches the Governor had made, copies of which he had distributed to Council Members. One was about the Coastal Comission and one about water in southern California and the need for public officials to inform the public about the water problems. Mayor Casler stated there had been a meeting today of the Coastal Real Municipal Water District and the City to discuss the issues facing both. The City has requested a water master plan for a number of years, and this is now being worked on, with a preliminary distribution to be ready in approximately 60 days. A tour and a water workshop has been suggested for the Citizen's Cormittee, tracinq the water as it enters San Diego County and following it to Carlsbad. Mayor Casler said. she would mention this to the Chairman to determine how many Mars would like to take a tour. She added the Council Members could go on the tour, as it would be set up for a Saturday. ADJomm: By proper mtion, the Meeting of March 26, 1985, was adjourned at 8: 19 p.m. Respectfully submitted, u tec 2&&Lzk.A-7 AI;E!XFlA L. m-z City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk & 112 I - ~ \p 5 COUNCIL % 3' MEMBERS % 0 Casler Lewis Kulchin X Pettine Cas ler Lewis Kulchin Pettine X