HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-04-16; City Council; MinutesI 0 0 MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: April 16, 1985 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meetinu: City Council Chambers CALL To ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by Vice Mayor Lewis at 6:Ol p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent: Mayor Casler. INVOCATION was given by Rector Douglas Woodridge, St. Michael's By-the-Sea Episcopal Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Kulchin. PRESFWI?ATIONS: Vice Mayor Lewis read a Proclamation declaring the week of April 16 throuah April 22, 1985, as 'Carlsbad Loves Kids " week, with Saturday, April 20, 1985, as 'Carlsbad Loves Kids" Day at Holiday Park. John Quartarone, Head of Children Services for the Carlsbad Library, accepted the Proclamation and gave 'Carlsbad Loves Kids'' buttons to the Council Members. Vice Mayor Lewis read a Proclamation proclaiming the Spring Clean Up week April 22 to April 26, 1985. Chuck Mitchell, Street Maintenance Superintendent, accepted the Proclamation on behalf of the Utilitiesfiaintenance Department. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Pettine requested Items 6 and 10 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council Member Chick requested Item 48 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council confirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Items 6, 8, and 10, as follows: (50) I ~ WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. 1. AT3 #8129 - RATIFICATION OF DmS AGAINST THE CITY. Council ratified the payment of demands against the City in the amount of $1,590,718.31, for the period March 29 to April 11, 1985; Payroll demands in the amount of $326,618.21 for the period March 25 to April 7, 1985: and Housing demands in the amount of $71,411.76 for the period March 29 to April 11, 1985. Y I 14 Y 7- COUNCIL /p ?$ y& MEMBERS % $ Lewis Kulchin Chick x: Pettine I - 0 e MINUTES April 16, 1985 Page 2 CONSEfaT cAI;EMDAR: (Continued) F 99) 2, AB #7339 - Supplement #4 - FINAL MAP FOR CT 83-2, '' ) UNIT 4 - VISTA PACIFICA. Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract 83- 2, Unit 4 and adopted RESOLUTION NO, 7971, accepting a street reservation of Ivy Street over a portion of lot 13 and lot 14 of map 8404, and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7972, accepting a qrant deed for an easement for public road purposes on a portion of Ivy Street. t 99) 3. AB #8130 - FIN! W - CT 84-9 - CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER. Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract 84-9. (9(3) 4. AB #4053 - Supplement #9 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPmm - CT 76-15, UNIT 2 - PALISADES POINT, Council accepted inprovements, authorized the City Clerk to release bonds, and directed the Utilities/Maintenance Department to mmmence maintaining the public streets associated with this subdivision. (97)' 5. AB #7789 - Supplement #2 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR ( 45 ) CONSTRUCTION OF TAMARACK AVENUE - SUNNYHILL DRIVE To SKYLINE FOAD - PWECT NO. 3143. Council accepted the construction of Tamarack Avenue - Sunnyhill Drive to Skyline Road as complete; directed the City Clerk to have the Notice of Completion recorded, and to release the bonds 35 days after recordation. I 6. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, (81) 7. AE3 #8132 - ACCEPTANCE OF A?? EASEMENT FOR PURLIC UTILITY PURPOSES. Cuuncil adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7974, accepting a qrant deed for easement for public utility purposes adjacent to Acacia Avenue. I 8. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. I(81) 9. AB #8134 - ACCEPTANCE OF A POIYTION OF CJNTHIA LANE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7976 and RESOLUTION NO, 7977, acceptinq easements for public utility and access purposes for Cynthia Lane. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7976 and RESOLUTION -~~ NO, 7977, ~ acceptinq easements for public utility < I 10. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar, I (81 ) 1 1 . AI3 #8136 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO, 7979, accepting a gift of mney for bus benches for the Carlsbad Village area. I lr3 I - COUNCIL /p % y/l MEMBERS % $ - -c 0 MINUTES e April 16, 1985 Page 3 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) (74) 12. AE #8137 - STIPULATED FINDING AND AWARD. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 7980, authorizing a stipulated finding and award for a mrkers ' compensation claim in the case of Philip Page. (1 OS) 13. AB #8138 - ROBEWI-Z'BEFG URBAN OPEN SPACE Ni!J ( 70) RECREATION BLOCK GRANT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO, 7981, approving the application for grant funds under the Roberti- Z'Berg urban open-space and recreation program for La Costa Canyon Park. (62) 14. AB #8139 - SUPPOF?I' OF SENATE BILL 433. Council a6opted RESOLUTION NO. 7982, in support of Senate Bill 433 (Bergeson). (97) 15. AB 88140 - AGREEPIEN" WIT€! THE CALIFORNIA ( 45) DEPARTMm OF TRANSPOIYTATION FOR CARLSBAD BOULEVARD BRIDGE INSPECTION - CONTRACT NO. 3098. Council adopted .RESOLUTION NO. 7983, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and CalTrans for inspection services of the Carlsbad Boulevard bridge - contract no. 3098. ITENS FEMOT7ED J?F?CM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (97) 6. AB 88131 - INTERSECTION IMPR0VENEN"S AT LA COSTA AVENUE AND EL CAlalINO REAL. Council Member Pettine requested a staff report on the congestion at 1-5 and La Costa Boulevard. Richard Allen, Engineering Department, reported on the propsed right turn lane at La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real as mntained in the Agenda Bill, and in answer to Council Member Pettine, stated the intersection at 1-5 and La Costa is due for a study in 1986-87, with the intent to redesign the entire road. Council Member Chick felt there were other intersections in the City that need to be studied to alleviate mngestion with a 'wick fix", Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7373, appropriating funds and authorizing the work for intersection improvements at La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real. ( 74) 8 , AB #8133 - CDIWERSION OF TEMPOFARY CLERICAL STAFF TO PEBMANENC CITY POSITIONS. Council Member Chick mmnted on the savings by converting these positions to permanent positions and suggested other positions in the City should be studied in order to save rrroney. He would like a report on the number of consultants and temporary employees the City has. The City Manager answered that would be studied next mnth when the budget for next year is considered. I49 - COUNCIL I$ 3 ?k MEMBERS % $ Lewis 7 1 Kulchin 7 1 x: Pettine Chick 7 1 0 -a MINUTES April 16, 1985 Page 4 (84 ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ITEMS RESMOVEB FKPI CONSENT CAL!3NDAR: (Continued) Council adopted the fol.lowing Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7975, approving the conversion of two temporary clerical positions funded from professional services to Clerk Typist I and Clerk Typist 11. 10. AB #8135 - PURCHASE OF COEIMERCIAL FEEL MOWER. Council Member Pettine irquired why only one individual responded with a bid, and why local bids were not requested. Ruth Fletcher, Purchasing Officer, stated Parks & Recreation Department had requested a Husler mwer or equal, and the vendors contacted were Husler dealers. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION No. 7978, accepting a bid and authorizing the execution of a purchase order for the purchase of a commrcial reel mwer. Ordinances for Introduction, Items 16 - 19, were deferred until after the Public Hearinas. -, PUBLIC HEARINGS : (99) 20. AB #8145 - TENTATIVE! M+P ANT3 CON"IK?IUM PEFMIT ( 57) APPEAL - CI' 84-40/CP-301 - HYAFDING SQUARl3 CONDOS. GPA 69( Bbharles Grh, Principal Planner, gave the staff remrt on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill using a transparency to show the site and wall charts showing the bui ldinqs proposed. Vice Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 6:25 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mr. Don Agatep, President of Normandy Pacific, 2956 Roosevelt, property mners, addressed Council, He recounted the reasons for the density bonus and stated they felt they had provided all the amenities. Mr. Agatep said the applicant was willing to mwly with the medium density policy. He requested this matter ke returned to planning for re-design and returned to the Planning Conmission at the earliest possible date. Mr. Bob Sonnebrn, 398s Stella Maris Lane, spoke in favor of this project, requesting Council to return this to staff for re-design to mqly with Council Policy 7872. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 6:36 p.m. Council discussion reflected concern about the density and traffic problems noted by staff, 1 Jr I - COUNCIL /p 3 9C MEMBERS % % Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine x d 0 MINUTES 0 April 16, 1985 Page 5 ~ City Attorney Vincent Biondo recounted the history of this project and Council's approval of the higher density to encourage apartments. Mr. Biondo added this project had gone forward with a 3 to 2 vote strictly on the condition that it would be a rental project with 25 percent for low and moderate income. The density bonus was granted on that basis and the developer failed to execute the agreement and changed to a condominium sale program. In answer to query, Mike Holzmiller explained the Land Use Review Cormittee would be looking at density issues and staff does have concerns about the density of 30 to 40 units in that area, due to the parking and traffic problems. In further discussion, staff stated they would not have supported this project as a andominim project, if it had been presented originally as such. Council directed that CT 84-40/CP-301 be returned to the Planning Commission for re-design within current Council Policies. Council Member Pettine made a mtion to direct staff to process a zone change to re-zone this parcel back to 10-20 units per acre. Council Member Lewis seconded the mtion. The mtion failed due to the lack of a majority. (57) 21. AI3 #7858 - Supplement #2 - EFOFWTTEI) CIRCULATION ELFMENT - GPA/C 84-1 (A) - CITY OF CXRISBAD. Jin Hagaman, Research/Analysis Manager, gave the report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill, referring to a wall map showing the Circulation Element. He explained the extension of Melrose and Yighway 680, stating the County does rnt have Highway 680 on the master plan as yet, though County staff is recomn6ing its inclusion. Additionally, County staff is recormending it as a 4-lane collector and the City has it designated as a prime arterial. In answer to Council questions, Mr. Hagaman stated if Highway 680 is not built, it wuld impact La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road. He stated the connection of Olivenhain to 1-5 is a number one priority. Vice Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 7:16 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. Council Member Pettine expressed concern about the wording concerning Pighway 680. He felt extensive public hearings should be conducted before the City endorses the road. I.vo c \y 5 COUNCIL 3 9& MEMBERS % q Lewis KElchin Pettine Chick x: Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X - - 0 0 MINUTES April 16, 1985 Page 6 Vice Mayor Lewis said Highway 680 was a necessity and he wanted the County to be aware of the importance of that link. The second important link would be to tie in to Melrose. Council directed the City Attorney's office to prepare documents approving GPA/C 84-1(A). (113) 22. AB #8024 - ZONE CHANGE BEZWEEN PEA SOUP AEJDERSEM'S A?$) CAR COUNTRY - ZC-322 - PEA SOUP ANDERLSEN'S. Charles Grim, Principal Planner, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill using a transparency to show the site. He added the road had been inspected today and was basically complete. The sidewalks are not in at the present time, but the street is. Vice Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 7:25 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9751 , AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP EDR A ZONE CHANGE FRopl R-A-10,OQO TO CI'+ ON PROPEW GENERALLY LOCATED EAST OF 1-5 BETWEEN CAR CDUITlXY AND PEA Soup ANDERsEbJ ' S "EL. (112) 23. AB #8064 - Supplement #2 - WEED ABATEBVIEWT PUBLIC HEAXING . Mike Smith, Captain, Fire Department, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Vice Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 7:29 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed . Mr. Howard Lacleary, 4113 Park Drive, asked for clarification of the wording in the ordinance stating in front of the property, asking how many feet that meant. Staff insicated they would meet with him and answer his questions. Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the public hearinq was closed at 7:30 p.m. No objections being heard, Council adopted the following Resolution, with the word 'None" being inserted on line 15: RESOLUTION No. 7955, DECLARTNG AS PUELIC NUISANCES WEEDS, FUJBBISH, AND REFUSE UPON PRIVATE PmPEW IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION: 16. AB #8141 - SPEED LIMITS FOR CAMIN0 VIDA ROBLE (,781 BJTIWEEN EL CAMIN0 REAL AnrD PAI;cI/IAR AIRIQW EOAD. City Manaqer Prank Aleshire gave the reprt on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. I ,3 9 - y 5 COUNCIL 3 9L. MEMBERS % a Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X Lewis Kulchin Pettine Chick X 1 - - e a MINUTES COUNCIL y % 9L. April 16, 1985 Page 7 MEMBERS % 8 Marty Bouman, Traffic Consultant, in answer to Council query, stated 40 miles per hour was the lowest speed that was enforceable in that area. Council introduced the following Ordinance: Lewis ORDINANCE NO. 3191, ZWrENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.44 OF Chick THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION Pettine 10.44.160 TO WISE THE SPEED LIMIT ON WINO VIDA ROBLE BETWEEN EL CAMIN0 REAL AND PALOMAR AIRPOIZT IIBAD. (78) 17. AB #8142 - SPEED LIFIT ON EL CAMIN0 REAL NOK!3? OF Mulchin x EIM AVENUE n> THE "HERN CITY LIMITS. City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council introduced the following Ordinance: Lewis ORDINANCE NO. 3192, A-IK TITLE 10, CfTAPTER 10.44 OF Chick THE MUJSJICIPAL CXlDE BY ?rZE A"ENT OF SECTION Pettine 10.44.060 '10 ESTAE3LISH A THIFEIY-FIVE MILE PER HOUR Kulchin X SPED LIMIT OM EL CAElINO FEAL FROM FIVE WNDREn FEET NORTH OF ELH Am ?o THE NORIFE4 CITY LIMITS. (30) 18. AB #8143 - THE 1982 !?DITION OF UNImM RUILDING CODE, AND THE 1984 EDITION OF THE NATIONAL EIB2TF?ICAL CODE. City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mr. Maurice Kimball, 1623 James Drive, addressed Council asking why the 1982 Building Code was being adopted when the 1985 issue has been printed. Marty Orenyak, Director of Building & Planning, explained that the City cannot adopt the mde until the Sta.te does, and the State has one year following the date of publication, Council introduced the followinu Ordinances and set Lewis both Ordinances for Public Hearing at 6:OO p.m., Kulchin X Tuesday, May 7, 1985: Chick Pettine ORDINANCE NO. 8103, TCEPEALIJG TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.84, AND ZMEFDm TITLE 18 BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 18.04 TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (1982 EDITION). ORDINANCE NO. 8104, DENDING TITLE 18, CEWPTER 18.12 BY THE AMENXEW OF VARIOUS SECTIONS AND TO ADOPT BY REFEmCE THE NATIONAL ELEmCAL CODE (1984 EDITION). ( 67 ) 1 9. AB #8144 - REVISION OF REQUIRI.=MENTs FOR PROVIDIEG EDITIOfa) AND THE UNIFOFM BUILDIK- CODE STANDARDS (1982 NOTICE OF PUBLIC !EARIYGS. City Attorney Vincent Biondo gave the report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. 138 I - - e 0 MINUTES April 16, 1985 Page 8 MEMBERS COUNCIL k % Page 8 MEMBERS COUNCIL k % \ In answer to query about variances, Marty Orenyak stated the mst would be prohibitive if requests for minor variances were included in this ordinance. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE hQ. 9758, AMENDING TITLES 19, 20 AND 21 OF THE CAFUSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE - OF VARIOUS CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS TO REVISE THE PROVISIONS FOR NOTICING OF PUBLIC HEARINGS. DEPAFKIMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER mRTS: Utilitieshaintenance (97) 24. AI3 #8146 - SPECIFICATIONS FOR 1985 SLURW SEAL ANI> (45) OVERLAY PFaxm. Roger Greer, Director of Utilitiesfiaintenance, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a detailed map qiven to each Council Member and wall charts to show the streets to be repaired. Council adopted the followinq Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 7985, APPRovIh'G THE ,SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE 1985 SLURRY SF& AND OVERLAY PFOGRAM. Redeveloment L (9.6) 25. AB #a01 6 - Supplement #2 - VII;LAGE SIGN PROGRAM - fAK\ PROJECPT No. 3805. \ -I", Lewis ~ Kulchin Chick Pettine I City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the initial report as contained in the Agenda Bill and Chris Salomne, Community Redevelopment Manager, continued the report, stating the lowest bid now was close to the original estimate for the mrk. Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine I Council rejected the bids for the Village Sign Program Project No. 3705 and directed the Purchasing Agent to Lewis Pettine siqn faces. Chick solicit bids in the open mket for the purchase of Kulchin (57) 26. AB #8147 - PFOPOSED HISTORIC PRESERVATION ELE"T TO "E GENEI?+ PM!. City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the initial report on this item, and Patty Cratty, Administrative Assistant, Redevelopment, continued the report as contained in the Aqenda Ei 11. Marge Howarddones, Chairperson of the Historic Preservation Committee, 3985 Park Drive, addressed the Council asking for approval of this Element. Council Member Chick expressed concern about the wording and asked to continue this item and discuss the element further. 13 3 ~ 1 \ B p PC X X X - - a 0 MINUTES .-pril 16, 1985 Page 9 ~~ Mrs. HowardJones explained the whole thrust was to encourage and provide incentives for preservation of historic sites and not have another layer of regulations. City Attorney Vincent Biondo indicated the Agenda Bill does not addresss the fiscal impact. He also sugqested property mers who would be affected hy this element be notified. Mr. Biondo also sugqested Council may wish to mrdinate this element with the Cultural Arts Element since there is a possibility of overlap and a conflict in the two elements. Council mntinued this item and directed staff and the Comittee to mntinue to work on the wording for this Element. City Council ( 1 03) 27. AB #8148 - TRAFFIC SAFETY CCMMISSION APPO-, (76) 28. AB #8149 - PLANNING CCMMISSION APFOIN'DBKE, (94) 29. AB #8150 - PFRKING AUTHORITY APPOlITDETW I. Vice Mayor Lewis announced these three items muld be held over until Mayor Casler returns. Council Member Pettine expressed surprise at the small number of applications on file and suggested the City advertise the vacancies on the Comissions and urge as many applications as possible. In answer to Council query, City Clerk Lee Rautenkranz stated the City advertises Comrrission vacancies once a year at the beqinning of the year. Council Menhers all agreed the City should advertise these vacancies and asked the City Manager to see that advertisements and news articles are placed in the local newspapers, COUNCIL rnPO.WS: Harding Street Crossing Council Member Pettine reprted the senior citizens were having a difficult time crossing the street at Oak and Harding. Marty Bouman, Traffic Consultant, stated that the Traffic Safety Comission recommended aaainst a four- way stop at that intersection, and felt the safer way to solve the problem would be to make the intersection well-lighted. Coastal Commission Hearing in Santa Barbara Council Member Chick reported on the Hearing he attended in Santa Barbara. J96 COUNCIL /p 3 9A MEMBERS % 8 Lewis Ku lch in Chick Pettine x: - -r e 0 MINUTES April 16, 1985 Page 10 COpCIL REPORTS: (Continued) NCTD Council Member Kulchin updated the NCTD activities. Board of Supervisors Meeting Council Member Kulchin reported on the meeting this morning in San Diego. Library Board of Trustees Vice Mayor Lewis reprted on the "Carlsbad Loves Kids Day" to be held April 20, 1985. Palmar Airport Committee Vice Mayor Lewis gave an update on the Committee activities. CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: City Manager Frank Aleshire reprted on the Parks & Recreation Cormnission meeting last night, where reports were made on Calavera Hills and Stagecoach Parks. Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager, continued the report, stating the Conmission approved the concept of the plan for Calavera Hills and the crib wall proposal for Stagecoach Park. City Manager Frank Aleshire reported the Engineering Department had worked on Saturday, without pay, to clean up the backlog of plans for developments on file. Mr. Aleshire announced the water tour requested has been set up for Saturday, April 20, 1985. ADJOUFNMENT: By proper motion, the meeting of April 16, 1985, was adjourned at 8:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ALm L. mu-z City l2.&2Lda. Clerk 9 Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk / 35 - \$ 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % $