HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-05-14; City Council; MinutesY - .. 0 0 MINUTES (68) (45) (96) MEETING OF: City Council (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: May 1 4, 1 985 TIME OF MEFTING: 6:OO P.M. PLACE OF NEETING: City Council Chambers CALL To OFDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:02 P.M. ROLL, CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent: None PRESENTATIONS: Lisa Fisher, Del Mar Fair Comunity Relations Director, and Kelly Prather, Miss Carlsbad, presented the Council with a plant, and announced that July 7, 1985, would be Carlsbad Day at the Del Mar Fair. Mayor Casler read and presented a proclamation to Marinus Baak, President of the San Dieqo/Imperial County Chapter of the Amrican Public Works Association, declaring the week of May 19 thru May 25, 1985, as National Public Works Week. Mayor Casler read and presented a proclamation to Carrie Johnson, President of SADD at Carlsbad High School, declaring the city's support for the California Highway Patrol's 'Sober Graduation Program". Mayor Casler read the names of the thirty one employees who qualified for the city's 'Realthy Employee Award 'I. 1. AB #8062 - Supplement #2 - SENIOR CITIZEN AGrnrnENT. Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager, gave the reprt on the matter as mntained in the agenda bill, and noted that Dr. Lhtz and Jim Smith were present on behalf of the Senior Citizens Association to respond to questions. Council discussion reflected the desire for staff to consider establishing the Senior Citizen Association Board as a City Commission rather than having a representative of the Seniors serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8014, FspRovIMIG AN AGREEMENT RETWEEN THE CITY OF CW?IXBAD AND THE SENIOR CITIZJ3VS ASSOCIATION TO PROVIDE PR03RAMS AND ACTIVITIES FOR THE SENIORS OF WEAD. 2. AB #8168 - Supplement #2 - PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVE" AT HARDIXG AND OAK. The City Manager gave a brief staff report on the matter, and Acting City Engineer, Marty Bouman, indicated that the upgrading of the traffic signal at Elm and Harding would be included in the Capital Improvement Budget for 1985-86. I 6 L 7 \y 5 COUNCIL % yb MEMBERS % q Casler E Pettine XE Chick E Kulchin E Lewis E - [ 50) (81 1 (45) (74) (67 1 (67) 0 0 MINUTES Page 2 \y 5 COUNCIL 3 9L. M -J IA . -, IQQK ."- MEMBERS % $ Council authorized mdification of the 1984-85 Capital Chick Avenue. X Kulchin warning flashing lights at Harding Street and Oak Lewis Improvement Program for the installation of pedestrian Cas ler Pettine 3. AB #8037 - 8037 - Supplement #1 - RESULTS OF CASH MANAGENENT STUDY. Jim Elliott, Finance Director, introduced the matter followed by a report from Frank Panarisi and Robin Jensen of Deloitte, Haskins & Sells. Council accepted the report as presented by Deloitte, Lewis Haskins & Sells. Kulchin X Chick Pettine Cas ler 4. AB #a119 - Supplement #1 - AWAlUl OF CONTRACIS FOR CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER BID PACKAGE #3. Mike Brooks, Administrative Assistant, gave the staff report on the matter. Council adopted the following Resolution: Cas ler Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 80 1 5, ACCWING RIDS ANI CENTER. CONSTRUCTION OF THE CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SEWICE Pettine 3A, 3006-3C, 3006-3G AND 3006-3H, FOR THE X Chick AUTHOFSZING ?HE MECUTION OF CONTRACT W. 3006- Kulchin 5. AB #8169 - REORGANIZATION OF CAPITAL PRCXTECTS DMSION. After a brief report by the City Manager, council adopted the following Resolution: Cas ler RESOLUTION NO. 801 3, APRpcR7BG THE REORGANIZATION II/CoNTRAcT ADMINISTRATOR. Pettine CLASSIFICATION OF ADMINISTRATNE ASSISTAWT X Chick CLASSIFICATION PLAN OF THE CITY TO INCLUDE TNE Kulchin OF THE CFSITAL PROJECTS DIVISION AND AMENDING ?HE Lewis 6. AB #8170 - INTERSTATE TREK ORDINANCE. Following a brief introduction by the City Attorney, Council introduced the following Ordinance: Casler ORDINANCE NO. 3193, AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE Kulchin CARLSEW) MUNICIPAL CODE BY 'IHE ADDITION OF CHAPTER Lewis X Chick 10.34, RELATING ?o INTERSTATE TFUJCKS . Pettine 7. AB #8171 - REVISION TO TITLES 19, 20 AND 21 OF WE MUNICIPAL CODE TO IMl?LE" F?EC!3NT CHANGES IN STATE W. Council intrduced the following Ordinance: Cas ler Lewis X ORDINANCE NO. 9760, AMENDING VARIOUS CHAE'TERS OF TITLFS 19 I 20 AND 21 OF THE WBAD MUNICIPAL CODE Kulchin Pettine To IMPlLEMENT EECERT SI'ATE STATUTOW CHANGES. Chick /b 5 e 0 MINUTES Page 3 May 14, 1985 : 103) : 76) (94) (99) 8. AB# 8148 - TRAFFIC SAFETY CCMMISSION APPOlNIFEM" Mayor Casler announced her intention to appoint John C. Fuller to the vacancy on the Traffic Safety Commission, with a vote to be taken at the next meeting. 9. AB #8149 - PLANNING COMMISSION APK)m. For the position held by Vernon Farrow, Council made the following nominations: Council Member Lewis nominated Robert Caggiano. Council Member Kulchin nominated Matt Hall. Council Member Chick nominiated Jim Griggs. Council Member Pettine nominated Janice Selby. Mayor Casler nominated Matt Hall, Council agreed that a vote on those nominations would occur at the next meeting. For the position held by Clarence Schlehuber, the following nominations were made: Council Member Lewis nominated Clarence Schlehuber , Council Member Kulchin nominated Clarence Sch I-ehuber . Council Member Chick nominated Clarence Sch lehuber . Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLVTION NO. 7989, APEOIWTING A "BER 'IO THE CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION, THAT MEMBER BEING CLARENCE SCHLENUl3ER. 10. AB #8150 - PARKING AUTHORITY APPOl3l"ENT. Council aapted the following Resolution: RES0LU"ON NO. 7990, APPOINTING A MEPBER 'IO THE CARLSBAD PARKING AUTHORITY, "HAT MEMBER BEING FOBEIiT PRESCOTT. 11. AB #8160 - FINAL MAP FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 84-1 - CALAVERA HILLS ESTATES. Acting City Engineer, Marty Bouman, gave a report in response to Council Member Chick's query on this matter at the previous meeting. He indicated that the slopes currently not being maintained have reverted to individual owners, and are not the responsibility of the Homeowners Association. Therefore, the developer, the City, and the Homeowners Association are not responsible for maintenance of the slopes, but the individual lot owners are responsible. Council Member Chick reiterated his concern that maintenance of the slopes is a problem, and the slopes are deteriorating due to lack of watering. I I Id4 - \p 5 COUNCIL 3 9k' MEMBERS (% 4 Casler Chick X Kulchin x: Lewis KK X Pettine X Cas ler Chick x Kulchin Y Lewis xx X Pettine x - I Page 4 0 0 MINUTES May 14, 1985 37) As clarification, the City Manaqer indicated the developer maintained the slopes until the lots were sold; but once lots were sold, the developer discontinued the maintenance. Additionally, the CC&R's don't require the Homeowners Association to maintain those lots. Mayor Casler suggested that possibly the Homeowners Association of 'The Colony" could urge the owners to maintain the deteriorating slopes. Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract 84-1; and adopted the following Resolutions by one mtion: RESOLVTION NO. 8008, ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED COhrvEyING AN OFFSITE EASEMEXI' FOR PUBLIC UTILITY AND DRAINAGE PUF50SES; AND RESOLUTION NO. 8009, ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED CONVEYING AN OFFSITE EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE PURPOSES. 12. AB #8172 - CITY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1985. Council adopted the remanded Goals and Objectives for 1985 as presented. COUNCIL REpoIiTS : Coastal Regional Beach Erosion Committee Council Member Kulchin reported on the recent meetinq, Downtown Merchants Cornittee ~~ Council Member Kulchin reported on the recent meting. NCTD Council Member Kulchin reported on the last meeting. Palmar Airport Committee The City Attorney reported on the status. SANDAG Mayor Casler reported on the activities. League of California Cities Executive Board Mayor Casler reported on the recent meeting, I 6 3 T \p 5 COUNCIL % %' MEMBERS % 4 Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin xx Lewis x Cas ler 8 Pettine I! Chick 6: yu x Kulchin X Lewis X - - I 1 0 0 MINUTES Page 5 -1- A., I,. I" . L-Luy IT, I JWJ CLOSED SESSION: The City Attorney advised that Council hold a Closed Session regarding pending litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956,9(a). The title of the three items were: 1. Tench v. County of San Diego, City of 2. Rogers and Pashby v. Standard Pacific, The 3. Ohlig v. SIMCON, The City of Carlsbad, et. Carlsbad, et. al. City of Carlsbad, et. al. al. Council, by unanimous consent, went into Closed Session at 7:56 P.M. Council reconvened at 8:25 P.M. with all council members present. ~ AIXTOURNMENT: By proper mtion, the meetinq of May 14, 1985, was adjourned at 8:25 P.N. I Respectfully submitted, (&zZLLR&- ALlm L. "Z City Clerk IL 9. - I \p 5 COUNCIL % 3/-' MEMBERS % 4 ~