HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-05-21; City Council; Minutes- \. -c 0 0 MINUTES MEETING OF: City Council (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: May 21, 1985 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETINrJ: City Council Chambers ~~ CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO P.M. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Mernbers Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. IMX>CATION was given by Rev. Father David Capuchino, of Christ the King Orthodox Catholic Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Pettine. APPFKJVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 7, 1985, - were approved as presented. CONSm CALENDAR: The City Manager requested that I tem No. 2 be withdrawn from the agenda. Mayor Casler requested that Items No, 7, 1 2, and 14 be removed from the mnsent calendar. Mayor Casler stated that a request had been received from a mmber of the public to remove Item No. 9. The City Manager requested that Items Nos. 30 and 31 be included on the consent calendar. Council Member Chick requested that Item No. 11 be removed from the consent calendar. Council Member Pettine requested that Item No. 12 be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered with Item No. 19. Council approved the consent calendar with the exception of Items No, 2, 7, 9, 11, 12,and 14; and with the inclusion of Item No. 30 and 31. Council Member Pettine requested that the record show him voting "no" on Item NO. 5. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: ~ ~~ ~~ (50) Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. 1. AB #8173 - RATIFICATION OF DENANDS AGAINST THE CITY. _I_ Council ratified the payment of demands against the City in the amount of $1,716,771.83 for the period May 3 to May 15, 1985; Payroll demds in the amount of $334,596.94, for the period April 22 to May 5, 1985; and Mousing demands in the amount of $2,491.25, for the perioil May 3 to May 15, 1985. If) 9 - COUNCIL /p % % MEMBERS % $ Casler X Pettine x Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx ~ I 1 f 4 I I i I - 51 1 45) 50 1 : 50) :99> 97) 45 1 I 25) : 45) 31) :45 1 I 0 e MINUTES Page 2 Max7 31- 1985 1 -r - 2. AB #8174 - AGREE" FOR PRIVATE FIRE PFOIEC'I'ION FACILITIES FOR PATXMAR OFFICE PARK. The matter was withdrawn from the auenda. 3. AB #8175 - REFUND OF FEES. Council appproved the refund of $880.00 to Edward Ebriqht, $1,261.40 to Nom Construction, and $1,800.00 to D.K. Dewhurst, for overpaymnt of fees. 4. AB #8176 - REFUND OF FEES. Council approved the refund of $3,500.00 to Chinquapin Developers for release of a bnd. 5. AB #8l,64 - Supplement #1 - TENATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVEWmm - CT 85-8/PUD-82 - MEADOWCREST, Council adopted Resolution No. 9017, approving a 70 unit tentative map and planned unit development on 10.5 acres located on the southwest corner of Alua Road and Melrose Drive. 6. AI3 #8146 - Supplement #1 - COKE?ACT FOR 1985 SLURRY SEAL AND OVERLAY PFXXRMl- CONTRAer NO. U/M-6. Council adopted Resolution No. 8018, accepting bids and awarding the contract for slurry seal and overlay to Palomar Grading and Paving, in the munt of $732,239.50, 8. AI3 #8178 - PROPEWM TAX TRANSFER AGW3EblENT WITH VISTA FOR DEANNEXATION OF 5.19 ACRES - AGUA HEDIONDA DEANNEXATION. ~~ -~ ~.. I Council adopted Resolution No. 8020, approving property tax transfer agreement proposed by the City of Vista on a 5.19 acre deannexation from the City of Carlsbad. 10. AB #8119 - Supplement #3 - AWARD OF CONTRACT EOR SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER BID PACKAGE NO. 3, PLUMBING AND HEATIMG, VEXTILATING, AND AIR CONDITIONI~, Council- adopted Resolution No. 8031, accepting bids and awarding Contract Nos. 3006-3B Plumbing and 3006-3D Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning for a total cost of $760,204.00 In/ I COUNCIL \p 5 3 % MEMBERS % $ Cas ler Lewis X Chick Kulchin Pettine ( I 1 f i f b I , ( ( 0 e MINUTES Page 3 Msr 91 1QQK 1 '.I .--- 74) 13. AB #8185 - COMPFtOJCCSE AND RELEASE. Council adopted Resolution No. 8028, authorizing a conpromise and release settlement for a Worker's Compensation Claim in the case of William Ready, in the amount of $7,410. 99) 30. AB #7803 - Supplement #2 - FINAL MAP - .CA.RISBAD TRACT 84-14, UNIT NO. 2, TpMARAcK POINTE. ~ Council approved the final map of CT 84-14, Unit No. 2. 99 1 31. AR #7803 - Supplement #3 - FINAL MAP FOR CARTlSBAD 81 1 ,TRACT 84-14, Unit No. 1 - TAMARACK POIMTE. Council approved the final map of CT 84-14, Unit No. 2, Council adopted Resolution No. 8001, accepting a grant deed for drainage easement purposes; Resolution No. 8002, accepting a grant deed for drainage easement; and Resolution No. 8003, accepting a grant deed for ingress and eqress. ITEMS REMWD FRCM THE CONSENT CALENDF-R: - 32 1 7. AB #8177 - RESOLUTION SuppoRT~ UCAN ACCESS TO UTILITY BILL MAILERS. Mayor Casler referred to information received recently and suggested that council defer action on this item until such time as the suit before the Supreme Court is settled. Council determined not to take action on the mtter at this time and requested that the mtter be filed. 81 1 9. AB #8119 - Supplement #2 - REJECTING BIDS FOR 45 1 SAF@fy AND SERVICE CENTER BID PACKAGE NO, 3, ELECTRICAL SECTION 3006-3E. Mayor Casler indicated that a request to speak on this item had been received from Richard Freeman of Luce, Forward, Hamilton and Scripps. Mr. Freeman addressed council- as the attorney for Circle Electric, the low bidder on the project and requested that the matter be ntinued so that a solution could be worked out. Cou r cil adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTIOJVNO. 8030, REJECTING ALL BIDS FOR SECTION 300633 ELECTRICX OF BID PACKAGE NO. 3 FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER, AND AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASING OFFICER AND CITY CLERK ?o READVEIiTISE AND IiEINVITE BIDS EOR THIS BID PACRAGE SECTION. 1 I mc - COUNCIL y % 9b MEMBERS % 9 Casler X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X I I Pa e 4 1 0 0 MINUTES I Mn~7 71 - 1485 I F74) 11. AI3 #8184 - CURRENT DEVELQP" ENGINEERING NEEDS. Cou cil Member Chick indicated that he had concerns reg rdinq the amunt of mney being spent on con ultant fees. Act'ng City Engineer Marty Bourran responded that the req ested $40,000 would fund the engineering con ultants only for the rest of the fiscal year, and tha the other requested action muld be for the cou cil to approve replacing the consultants with pe ent employees for the next fiscal year, at a sav I ngs of $41,000 to the city. COU cil adopted the following Resolutions: (On mtion) i RESOLUTION ,NO. 8026, TRANSFERRING FUNDS IN T€IE ENGINEERING DEPAIZTMENT E3UEGEX'. RESOLUTION NO. 8027, CFEATINc3 TNO NEh! POSITIONS OF ASSOCIATE CML ENGINEER IN 'IT33 ENGINEERIE DEPARTMENT. I( 85 ) (97) 12. AI3 #8187 - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD - TRAFFIC S"DY AND FUTURE CONSTRUCTION CHANGES. (99) The matter was amsidered after Item No. 19. (70) 14. A AB #8186 - "E OF G BUILDING To MAGEE PARK, Mar y Orenyak, Building and Planning Director, sta ed the resolution and agenda bill should be co ected to shm a request for $3300 rather than Cou $310r* cil adopted the following Resolution: 4 i"-- SOLUTION NO. 8029, WPSOVING THE p.IovE OF THE ISTORIC GEWlARY BUILDIKPG FFOM THE 'ININ INNS 113 GEE PARK AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS. I ORDI@WCES FOR WFTION: (114) 15. )4E3 #7917~- Supplement #2 - ZONE CODE - pEGARDING SERVICE STATION SIGNS - ZCA-I67(A) - @ITY OF CARLSBAD. Coun il adopted the following Ordinance: 1 I $RDINANCE NO. 9759, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 1.41 OF THE c3RLSI3AD MUNICIPAL CODE BY T€IE e MEf\pT OF SUBSECTION 21,41.074(a) (2) 'LD ADD QUIREMENTS FDR AUTOMOBILE SERVICE STATION PRICE I I/> u -r COUNCIL /$ % % MEMBERS % 8. Casler X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin X kwis X Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx Casler X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X - - 1 l e e MINUTES Pale 5 r 21 lzcz 16 AB #8165 - PFOEQSED AR!t'S ELEMENT To THE GENERAL '57) 1 PLAN - GPA/A 85-1 - CIT OF CARLSBAD. Co ncil adopted the following Ordinance: I ORDINANCE NO, 1279, AMENDING TITLE 2 OF ?HE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 2 , 1 8 CREATING TBE cARI;sRAD ARTS COMMISSION. Co ncil Members Pettine and Lewis indicated that they ob_'ected to Section 2.18.130 of the ordinance r arding funding for the mmission. Co cil approved the job description for the 4 dinator to the Arts Conmission, 37) 17. AB #8170 - I$'IERSTATE TRUCK ORDINANCE. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 3193, AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE (YdUSBAD mCIPAL CODE By THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 10.34 RELATING To INTERSTATE TRUCKS. :67) 18. AB #8171 - REVISION To MUNICIPAL CODE To IMPLEMENT RECENT CHANGES IN STATE LAW. Coulcil adopted the following Ordinance: I (99) ORDINANCE NO. 9760, AMENDING VARIOUS (XAPTERS OF TITLES 19, 20, AND 21 OF THE CAR1;sBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TD IMP- FBCENT STATE STATU'IORY CSZANGES. PuB:,Ic AB #8179 - TENTATIVE MAP - CT 85-5 - SANTA FE 19. HEARING: KNOLLS. The Grimm, Principal Planner, with the aid of Charlie staff reprt on the matter was presented by 24. and 1985, regarding revisions to Conditions Nos. 11 21, the project. He referred to hhis memo, dated May of transparencies and wall exhibits to show the location 1 I I Act Ing City Engineer Marty Bouman responded to council que tions stating there are no conditions on this pro 4 ect requiring improvements to Rancho Santa Fe Road. He Is0 reprted on the plans to upgrade the road to arterial standards, and efforts to form an ass ssmnt district for that area. Pri$ I I I 1 13'1 T COUNCIL /p % % MEMBERS % 8 Casler X Lewis X X Chick xx Kulchin X Pettine Casler X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx X Pettine Casler X Lewis X X Chick xx Kulchin X Pettine Casler X Lewis X X Chick xx Kulchin X Pettine 0 W MINUTES Page 6 Council Member Pettine mmented.that council was being asked to approve development which would increase the traffic on Rancho Santa Fe Road, which is already , congested. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:50 P.M. and issued the invitation to speak, Council recognized Mr. Barry Bender, of Rick Engineering, 3088 Pi0 Pico, Carlsbad, representing the applicant. Mr. Render expressed his concurrence with the staff Emmendation and with the additional conditions as submitted by staff. I Since no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed at 6:58 P.M. Council discussion related to circulation and inrpacts of development in this area and other areas of the city. The City Attorney was directed to prepare documents of approval for CT 85-5, per Planning Cormnission Resolution No. 2428, to include the two additional conditions No. 11 and No. 24, as proposed by the Land Use Planning Office in their memo of May 21, 1985 to the City Council. 1 ITEN REMOVED Fm THE CONSENT CALENDAR: :971 12. AB #8187 - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD: ACCEPTANCE OF :a51 199) CONSULTANT'S TRAFFIC STUDY AND FUNDING EYIR ' 6t3MpuETED AND FUTURE coNs!rRum1oN CHANGES. This item was remved from the Consent Calendar and considered at this time per the request of Council Member Pettine. The City Manager presented a brief report 081 the matter, indicating that staff is remnnnending that Items A (Resolution No. 8032) and C (Resolution No. 8034) be continued. The City Manager explained that approval of Item B would reimburse the developer, Dividend Development Corporation, for hanges to improvements constructed in accordance with city-approved plans. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOrwTIoN NO. 8033,,AuTHoRIZING THE PAYMENT OF $36,491.22 'IO DMDEND DEVELOPMENT ~RPOFIATION FOR REVISIONS To CARLSBAD TRACT 83-16. 172 - - i ~ ~ *% MEMBERS COUNCIL ~~ % 2. ?&\ 8 .2. 4 Casler Pettine xx Chick X Kulchin Lewis X Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx 0 - MINUTES Page 7 Mav 31 - 19A5 r i .. -12. AB #8187 - RANCHO SANTA FE FOAD - TRAFFIC STUDY AND FUTURE coNsTRucTION CHANGES. (CONTINUED) ~~ ". Council continued Items A and C to the meeting of June 4, 1985. DEPAF3MENTAL AND CITY MANAGER FGTORTS: Planning :43) 20. AB #7963 - Supplement #2 - REFOFtT RM;ARDING WOOIlWORTH VIDEO ARCADE - -234. The staff report,on the matter was presented by Principal Planner Charlie Grimm essentially as contained in the agenda bill. R. Thanas Wood, 2850 Pi0 Pico, Suite H, Carlsbad, representing Woolworth's, indicated that they had no objections to the additional conditions, adding that they already have security guards for the arcade. Following discussion, council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents extending Conditional Use Permit 234, including the additional conditions, and with the provision that the matter muld be returned to council at any time for consideration at the discretion of the Police Chief. Finance '29) " 21. AB #8188 - 1985-86 OPERATING BUDGE". The Finance Director, Jim Elliott, presented the staff report on the matter, essentially as contained in the agenda bill. He indicated that the first mrk session on the hdget muld be at the meeting of June 4, 1985 and that a public hearing on the budget would be held at the meting of June 1 1, 1985. No action was taken on the matter. util.itiesfiai6tenance 64) 22. AB #8180 - STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT No. 1. A brief introduction of the matter waspresented by the City Manager. The staff report was given by Al Ludwig, the Electrical Operations Supervisor. He refereced the Order of Procedure and indicated that this procedure was necessary to spread,the assessments to affected parcels, to annex new parcels and to provide for a public hearing to hear protests. .. - I3 I -. - *% MEMBERS COUNCIL ~~ % % ?$&$ fi Z. c Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx Casler X Pettine xx Chick X Kulchin x. Lewis X - 0 - MINUTES Page 8 22. AI3 #8180 - STREET LIGETX'ING DISTRICT NO, 1 (CONT.) Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8021, ORDERING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, COST ESTIMATE, DIAGRAM, ASSESSMENT AND REPORT PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF DECISION 15, PART 2, OF THE mETS AND HIGHWAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR PFWEEDINGS FOR ANNUAL ASSESSMENT LEVY AFTER FORMATION OF A DISTRICT AND FOR THE ANNEXATION OF ADDITIONAL TERRITORY 10 SAID MISTING DISTRICT, Council adopted the follawing Resolution: RESO~ION Mo. 8022, APPROVING THE ENGINEER'S "REPORT" FOR ANNUAL Levy OF ASSESSMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR IN A DISTRICT WITHIN SAID CITY AND FOR THE ANNEXATION OF ADDITIONAL TERRITORY TO SAID EXISTING DISTRICT. Council adopted the following Resolution: REsOulTION NO. 8023, DECLARING ITS lNENTION TO ORDER THE ANNMATION OF ADDITIONAL TERRITORY TO AN EXISTING DISTRICT AND XI PROVIDE FOR AN ANNUAL LEVY AND COLLECTION OF ASSESSMENTS FOR CERTAIN MAINTENANCE IN AN MISTING DISTRICT, PUSUANT TO THE PWSVISIONS OF DECISION 15, PART 2 OF 'IHE STREETS AND HIGMYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AND SEXTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR "IlT PUBLIC HEARING lIlEREON. RECESS: Mayor Casler declared a recess at 7:55 P.M., and council re-convened at 8:05 P.M. with five members present. 5 3) 23. AI3 #8181 - DEREGULATION OF cAR.ISBAD CABLEVISION, RANCHO LA COSTA .&%BLE TV IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA STATUTES. The City Manager presented the staff report essentially as aontained,in the agenda bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOIXPTION NO. 8024, FINDING CARLSBAD CABWISION AND I;A COSCA mITY CABLE TV TO BE IN SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE WITH "IE CITY FRANCHISE AND STATE: IAWS PERTAINING TO DEREGULATION. I7 0 - Sp6, COUNCIL ~~ % 0 v$ +9/ qj f MEMBERS + @ % I 1 Casler Lewis xx X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Casler Lewis xx X Pettine X Chick X- Kulchin X Casler X Lewis X xx Pettine X Chick X Kulchin Casler Lewis X X Pettine xx Chick X Kulchin X 'a I MINUTES Page 9 na 91 lao~ Y I, .a"_ I Library 1 63) ' 24. AB #8182 - PURCHASE OF A CLSI MULTIPLEXOR, 'IW COMPUTER TERMINALS AND A S-"Y SYSTEM. I The staff report was presented by the Library Director essentially as contained in the agenda bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOUITION-NO. 8025, AJ?PWING AND AUTHOFUZING THE PURCHASE OF A CLSI .MULTIPLEXOR, "0 CLSI, CKlMPuTER TERMINALS AND A SECURITY SYTEM. City Attorney : 28) 25. AB #8183 - AMENDMENTS To THE MUNICIPAL' CODE PEryTAINING To THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. (48) Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORIDNANCE NO. 1280, AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.26 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 2.26.030 AND THE ADDITION OF SECTION 2.36.035 AUTHOFUZING THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ?ID SET ITS MEETING TIMES AND ESTABLISH PWXEDURAL RULES. City Council 26. CANDIDATE D1SCIX)SURE PmPOSAL. Council Member Pettine expressed his desire for council to reconsider its position regarding campaign disclosure. He requested that muncil-approve requirements for candidates for inunicipal office to disclose the identification of all persons who contribute $25.00 or mre to a campaign. He also suggested two .other proposals: that a cap CUI individual contributions of- $250 tfrqn:any person be'' approved; and that .any mnies collected and not spent during a campaign be returned to the donors or given to dharity. Council remgnized Mr. Birch DeWitt, 4004 Skyline Road, Carlsbad, who spoke in favor of the candidate disclosure proposal. Council recognized Mr. Robert Sonneborn, 3985 Stella Maris Lane, Carlsbad, who spoke in apposition to the candidate disclosure proposal. 1 '6 cf 7 *% MEMBERS COUNCIL ~~ % % ?$%$ @ Z. t Casler x. Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X - I I I 4 I i ( e MINUTES t of the proposal and would change her vote on asure to require disclosure of contributions of of the other proposals. Fo:.lowing cOmments, muncil directed the City X Lewis AtTorney to prepare documents to require disclosure Casler X Kulchin candidates for mnicipal office of contributions by of $25.00 or mre. Chick Pettine xx 103) 27 AB #8148 - TRAFFIC SAFFTY CClMMISSION APPOINTMENT. CoLncil adopted the following Resolution: X Pettins co"Iss1oN. X Chick A MEMBER OF THE CARLSSAD TRAFFIC SAFETY X Kulchin RESOWTION NO. 7987, APPOINTING JOHN C. E'ULI;ER As X Lewis xx Casler 76 ) 28. AR #8149 - PLANNING COM"SSI0N AppoIN?MENT. Mayor recommended by council members at the previous meeting Casler reiterated the names of the individuals follows: as Council Member Lewis nominated Robert Caggiano Council Member Chick nominated James Griggs Council Member Pettine nominated Janice Selby Council Member Kulchin nominated Matt Hall Mayor Casler nominated Matt Hall The following nominations were made: Council Members Pettine and Lewis nominated Janice Selby Council Members Kulchin, Chick and Mayor Casler nominated Matt Hall I Couwil adopted the following Resolution: X' Casler Lewis X Chick THE CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION. X Kulchin RESOLUTION NO. 7988, APPOINTING MA?THEw HAI;L fl3 xx Pettine X : 74) 29. AB #8189 - AMENDING CLkSIFICATION AND NANAGEMENT SALARY PLAN. The staff report was presented by Frank Mannen, stant City Manager essentially as contained in the I l.3 I * e MINUTES -c I Page 11 Maw 31 . 105IF A 29. AB '#8189 - AMkNJlING CLASSIFICATION AND MANAGENEN" SALARY PLAN - (CONTINUED). Council adopted the following Resolutions: (one motion) I. RESOWTION NO. 8035, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN OF THE CCITY !ID INCLUDE THE CLASSIFICATION OF SENIOR CITIZEN COORDINATOR. RESOLUTION NO. 8036, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT II/ARTs al0RDINA'KIR. COUNCIL mmm: Parks and Recreation Camnission Council Member Pettine reported on the recent meeting and several items which will be coming to Council. Awards Luncheon Council Member Kulchin reported that she had attended the 4th annual 0utstanding.Services Awards Luncheon honoring law eqforcemnt officers and that Matt Matney Village Merdants / She reported the beach patrol would start Friday, May 24, 1985 and that the Villager would be on Wednesday, May 29, 1985 at 740 Oak Street. Legislation Mayor Casler reported that she had gone to Sacramento, at the request of Assemblyman Frazee, to support his bill regarding a 1,and change an the Ecke Williamson Act Preserve in the Assembly Conanittee on Natural Resources . CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: The City Manager .reported that there would not be a council meeting next week. AWOUFUWENT: By proper mtion, the-meeting of May 21, 1985, was adjourned at 9:15 P.M., to June 4, 1985, at 6:OO P.M. Respectfully submitted, ALETm wA!(+ L. RALlTfmmmz City Clerk Karen R. Kundtz Deputy City Clerk I I63 - +% MEMBERS COUNCIL ~~ 39 /o % $*%$ tp A + t Casler Lewis X X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin X