HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-07-02; City Council; Minutes- 0 MINUTES 0 Meeting of: CITY OllUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: July 2, 1985 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers I CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:Ol p.m. 1 ROU CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: I Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Chick and Pettine. Absent: Council Member Kulchin. INVOCATION was given by Mayor Casler. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Lewis. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (one motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 21, 1985, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 4, 1985, were I approved as presented. I Minutes of the Regular Meeting held June 11, 1985, were approved as presented. Mayor Casler announced Item #24 would be ,continued to July 23, 1985. .. I CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Pettine requested Item #11 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council Member Chi& requested Items 4, 5, 13 and 16 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council confirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Items 4, 5, 71, 13 and 16, as follows: I WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. (50) 1. AB #8227 - RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS AGAINST TEE CITY. - Council ratified the payment of demands against the City in the amount of $2,120,609.37, for the period June 14 to June 27, 1985: Payroll demands in the amount of $652,662.1 1 , for the period May 20 to June 16, 1985; and Housing demands in the amount of $1,325.73, for the period June 14 to June 27, 1985. l(5O) 2. AB #8228 - REFUND OF FEES. Council approved the refund of $4,422.00 to Sunrise Oriental Food, and $1,176.00 to Ocean Pine Limited for overpayment of fees. (99) 3. AB #8229 - ACCEPTANCE OF EASEMENT FOR DRAINAGE FACILITIES - CT 83-36 - SYCAMORE CREEK. Council adopted RESOWI'IOM NO. 8079, accepting a grant deed for an easement tor drairnage facilities. I 313 1 c COUNCIL y % 9L MEMBERS % $ Casler Pettine XI! Chick I! Lewis 1 I! Casler Pettine z Chick. XI Lewis 2 z - 0 MINUTES 0 July 2, 1985 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) 4. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. 5. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. 199) 6. AB #7773 - Supplement #2 - FINAL MAP - CARLSBAD TRACT 83-25 - CAMIN0 HILLS. Council approved the Final Map for Carlsbad Tract No. 83-25 and adopted RESOLWrION No. 8082, accepting a grant deed for open space easement purposes, and REsowlTION NO. 8083, accepting a grant deed for offsite sewer easement purposes. 181 1 7. AB #8230 - PURCHASE OF MOBIW STORAGE AND FILE 45 ) sE3Fd'4S FOR PUBLIC SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8084, accepting a bid and authorizing the execution of a purchase order for the purchase of mobile storage and filing systems. r') 243. 8. AB #8231 - ACCEPTANCE OF UTILITY EASEMENTS - PD- - I I I Council adopted RESOLULTION NO. 8085, accepting a grant deed for an easement for utility purposes on Rutherford Road and La Place Court. :99> 9. AB #8232 - ACCEPTANCE OF VARIOUS EASEMENTS - CT 83- 15 - CAMINO POINTE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8086, accepting grant deeds for sewer, water and storm drain facilities. :991 10. AB #8233 - QUITCLAIM OF VARIOUS EASEMENTS - CT 79- 27 - PUEBIQ DEL ORO. Council adopted FESOLtJTION No. 8087, approving quitclaim for sewer, water and storm drain purposes. 11. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. 12. AB #8215 - Supplement #1 - GRANTING APPEAL FROM PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION - CUP-272 - LA COSTA LUTHERAN CHURCH. (43) Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8088, granting the appeal from the Planninq Corrsnission's denial of a conditional use prmit b-272 to locate a church at 5731 Palmer Way, Suite D in the M-Q zone and granting the conditional use permit. 13. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. T COUNCIL \y 5 % % MEMBERS % 4 I A9n I II 0 MINUTES 0 July 2, 1985 Page 3 I 1 I CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) I 1 99) 14. AB #7592 - Supplement #2 - FINAL MAP - CARLSBAD TRACT 83-21 , UNIT 1 - THE: TRAILS OF CALAVERA HILLS. Council approved the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract 83- 21, Unit #l; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8090, accepting a grant deed for storm drain easement purposes; adopted REWLUTICIN NO. 8091, accepting a grant deed for storm drain easement purposes; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8092, accepting a grant deed for storm drain easement purposes; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8093, accepting a grant deed for public road easement purposes; adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8094, accepting a grant deed for sewer easement purposes; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8095, accepting a grant deed for public road easement " (99) :411 (60) (45) (60 1 purposes. 15. AB #7322 - Supplement #2 - FINAL, MAP - CARISBAD TRACT 82-18 - (BATIQUITOS POINIE). Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract 82- 18. 16. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. 17. AB #8240 - APPFOVAL OF SEITLFblENT - GARCIA V. CITY OF CAFESF3AJ3 AND CRUZ V. CITY OF CARISBAD. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8102, approving the settlement of two lawsuits:; Garcia v. City of Carlsbad Case No. N23456, and Cruz v. City of Carlsbad Case No. N24939. ITEMS movED m TEE CONSENT CALENDAR: 4. AB #7058 - Supplement #3 - AMENDMEWT OF AGREEMENT WITH CARLWARREN 64 co.. Council Member Chick inquired whether this item should go out to bid. Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen answered that this firm had been used for four years and had been selected on the basis of experience and price of services, billing on an hourly basis. He stated the City was very satisfied with the service and felt no need to go to bid. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8080, AMENDING PA;REEMENT WITH CARL WAFSEN & CO. FOR CLAIM ADMINISTRATION SEFWICES . 5. AB #7059 - Supplement #1 - REBEWAL OF EXCESS WORKERS ' COMPENSATION INSURA.NCE. Council Member Chick inquired whether the City Attorney had reviewed this contract and the City Attorney stated he had not. Council mntinued this item until the City Attorney has reviewed the contract. I Mayor Casler requested that the City Attorney review all such contracts in the future. I I 2 /9 I COUNCIL y 3 9A MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Chick Pettine X Casler Lewis Chick Pettine X - 0 0 MINUTES (92) (45 1 (60) (45) (97) (45) (57) (113) \$ 5 COUNCIL % % July 2, 1985 Page 4 MEMBERS % <s ITEMS REMOVED FRclJI CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) 11. AB #7158 - Supplement #9 - TWE3PIY-S- SUPPLE" '10 THE BASIC AGREEMENT. Council Member Pettine requested a staff presentation on this item. City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the staff report, summarizing the purpose and effect of the agreement. In response to query, he stated this agreement does not affect the secondary treatment issue. Council approved the following Resolution: Casler Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 7749, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF ?HE Chick IWENTY-SEVENTH SUPPLEMENT TO A"?D SECTIONS 17.3 (b) Pettine x: AND (c ) AND SECTION 32 OF THE BASIC AGREEMENT RELATIVE To RECLAMATION AND TO AT?POKI'IoNMENT OF CEWRGES OF OWNERSHIP AND USE OF EWPCF. 13. AB #7057 - Supplement #1 - AMENDING AGREEMENT WITH CAL-SURANCE ASSOCIATES, INC. In answer to Council Member Chick's question, Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen stated this was a broker who places property and casualty insurance for the City. They are the broker of record for the City. Council continued this item at the request of Council Casler Member Chick to allow time for further review. Lewis Chick Pettine X 16. AB #8238 - ADVERTISE FOR BIES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LA COSTA AVENUE RIGHT TURN LANE - (PROJECT No. 3189). Council Mar Chick questioned the source of the funds. Richard Allen, Civil Engineer, answered the funds were from the capital construction fund. Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler RESOLUTION NO. 8101, AJ?PROVIXG THE PLANS AND Chick X SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO INVITE Pettine BIDS FOR 'IHE aXETRUCTIoN OF LA COSTA AVENUE RIGHT TURN LANE - CfRaTRACT NO. 3189. Lewis ORDINANCE FOR IXIXODUCTION: 18. AB #8084 - Supplement #4 - GENERAL PLAN AMEMXIIENT, ZONE CHANGE AND AGUA HEDIOm LRSD USE PLAN A"ENT FOR SNUG HARBOR - GPA/LU 85-4/ZC-329/AEl/LUP-85-1 - CITY OF CARISBAD. dl/8 - I , 0 e MINUTES July 2, 1985 Page 5 113) Council introduced the following Ordinance and adopted the following Resolutions: (one mtion) ORDINANCE NO. 9762, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM R-T TO R-DM ON 11 ACRES OF PRDPERTY GENERALLY LOCRIED EAST OF 1-5 AND SOUTH OF HARRISON STREET. RESOLUTION NO. 8096, AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM RC TO RM AND RIpll ON APPROXIMATELY 11 ACRES OF PROPERTY GENERALLY -TED EAST OF 1-5, SOUTH OF HARRISON STREET AND WEST OF ADAMS STREET. RESOLUTION NO, 8097, AMENDING CITY CDUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 6877 MAKING CHANGES TO THE AGUA HEDIONDA LAND USE PLAN, PUBLIC HEARING: 19, AB #8234 - ZONE CHANGE FROM C-2 TO C-29 AT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LA COSTA AVENUE AND RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD - ZC-330 - CITY OF CARISE3AD. Charles Grim, Principal Planner, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the site. Mayor Casler apened the public hearing at 6:31 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. John Stanley, Attorney, spoke in cpposition to this "Q" overlay, representing the owners, stating the surrounding property is all RDM with condominiurns across La Costa Avenue. The property was designed with a buffer of medium density residential development and was designed to be a commercial hub of La Costa. He handed a synopsis of the proposed La Costa Galleria to Council Members and added the addition of the "Q" overlay would delay the processing of this development three or four mnths. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 6:40 p.m. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9763, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARISBAD MUNICIPAL CrlDE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM C-2 TO C-2-Q ON PRDPEFVY GENERALLY IXXXTED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LA COSTA AVENUE AND RANCHO SANTA FE R3AD. In response to query, Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, stated the mtion of the Land Use Review Cmittee dealt with compatibility and was viewed by the Cdttee as a key issue in the development of the City. He stated part of that mtion was to have the City Council direct staff to point out areas that have potentially imconpatible land use and make reconmendations on what should be done. 2/7 7- y 5 COUNCIL % 5 MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Chick x: Pettine 7 7 A Casler Lewis X Chick Pettine - I 0 0 MINUTES July 2, 1985 Page 6 Council. Member Lewis made a mtion to return this item concerning the southwest corner of La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road to the Planning Cdssion to be set for hearing to determine whether or not the zoning is proper and conpatible with the adjacent properties. The mtion failed due to the lack of a majority. Mayor Casler stated this would be continued until there is a full Council. DEP-AL AND CITY MANAGER RJ3POFXS: Parks and Recreation 28 1 20. AB #8235 - ESTABLISHMENT OF A SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION. Marsha Payne, Administrative Assistant, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council amended Ordinance 1282 to be consistent with other Conunissions and eliminated the following sentence under Membership 2.38.020: "No member of the Connnission shall serve mre than two consecutive terms," Council introduced the following Ordinance, as amended: ORDINANCE NO. 1282, AMENDING WI'LE 2, OF TIE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 2.38 TD ESTABLISH A SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION. City Manager (74) 21. AB #8241 -SALARY AIxsusTMENTs FOR MANAGEPENT AND SUPERVIsorzY PERSONNEL. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8103, ADOPTMG THE "EWT COMPENSATION PLAN FOR CEKTAIN MANAGEWENT PERSONNEL FOR THE 1985-1986 FISCAL YEAR. (97) 22. AE3 #8239 - Au;A ROAD EXTENSION. City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the report, referring to three wall charts showing the A.D.T. with Alga Road extended; not extended; and the difference in A.D.T. with the extension. Clay McKm, 1923 Redwing Street, spoke in cppsition to this extension, due to the added traffic that would then go through this area. 2 JL c \y 5 COUNCIL 3 9L MEMBERS % <s Casler Lewis Chick x: Pettine 7 I Casler Lewis Chick x: Pettine 7 1 A . A Casler > Pettine E Chick XE Lewis E Casler Pettine 1 Chick 2 Lewis XI 7 i - T 0 0 MINUTES COUNCIL \p 5 3 %' July 2, 1985 Page 7 MEMBERS % c David Plank, Meadowlark Conanunity Church, spoke in opposition to this extension of Alga Road, stating it would cut through their property and ruin their plans for building a church there. Janet Maaughton, 1805 Redwing Street, Meadowlark Homeawners Association, representing 65 homemers, spoke against the extension of Alga Road, due to added traffic problems. Bill Hofman, 5150 Avenida Encinas, representing Daon Corporation, spoke in apposition to the Alga Road extension because of the impact on Meadowlark residents, the increase of traffic on Alga and the inpact on Daon- owned property. Mr. Hofman used an exhibit to shaw the area affected by this extension, pointing out that Daon Corporation has a tentative mp and planned development in process on this parcel. Mr. Hofman continued, stating Daon, with their development, would be improving the intersection at Melrose and Rancho Santa Fe and they would also tie into Corintia Street. In conclusion, he stated Daon would provide access through their property for the proposed church. In answer to query, Marty Bournan, Acting City Engineer, stated if Alga Road could be extended, it would have to be totally clear of Redwing Street, and not inpact the haws in that area. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated the Board of Supervisors' action was to consider Alga Road extension and the item was oontinued 60 days for input from the City of Carlsbad. The Alga Road extension had been shown on the County mp, but when Carlsbad deleted this, the County thought it should consider deleting it. Council discussion determined the Alga Road extension would not be of any benefit to the City. Council took no action on the Alga Road extension and Casler 1 directed staff to notify the County of this decision. Lewis Chick x1 Pettine 1 Engineering 23. AB #8236 - PARK DRIVE ASSESSMENT DIS"T - (26) PFWECT NO. 3192. Richard Allen, Engineering Department, gave the staff report as oontained in the Agenda Bill. Marion Lefferdink, 4576 Cove Drive, stated this work should have been done three years ago, and she expressed the hope that the problems at the intersection of Park Drive and Marina Drive will be solved. A/< - I e 0 MINUTES \/ 5 July 2, 1985 COUNCIL % % Page 8 MEMBERS % <s Tom Frey, 4677 Park Drive, spoke in favor of this mrk being done, and added that a drainage line should be installed at the same time to eliminate the silt going into the lagoon, Council discussion reflected the desire to coordinate the City's planned improvements at the intersection of Park Drive at the same time the assessment district work is done, keeping the contracts and accounts separate. Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler K Lewis K RESOLUTION NO. 8098, DIRECTMG STAFF 'ID PREPARE kick KK WCUMENTS TD ESTABLISH 'IHE PARK DRIVE ASSESS= Pettine K DISTRICT AND APPEOPRIA!E mJNDS, RECESS: Mayor Casler declared a recess at 7:59 p.m., and Council re-convened at 8:15 p.m., with four Council Members present and Council Member Kulchin absent. Finance 24. (68) Utilitiesfiaintenance (97) 25. AB #8146 - Supplement #2 - CHANGE ORDER TO (45) CONTRACT FOR THE 1985 SLURRY SEAL AND CrVERLAY PWXRAM - CONllRAcT NO. Up-6. Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler RESOLUTION NO. 8100, APPFOVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 'Io Chick X CONTRACT !XIR THE 1985 SLURRY SEAL AND WEW PROGRAM, Pettine CONTRACT No, U/"6. Lewis City Council (28) 26. AB #8220 - PE-L BOARD APFO~. Council adopted the following Resolutions: RESOLUTION NO. 8065, PsPoI~ING JACQUELINE HINKLE 'It3 Casler X THE WBAD PERSONNEL BOARD. Lewis Chick Pettine RESOLUTION NO. 8066, REN?POINTING DONALD VEACE 'ID THE Casler X CXRLSBAD PERSONNEL EOARD. lewis Chick Pettine ( 103) 27. AB #8237 - TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION AppolNIMENT. Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler X Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 8076, APPOINTING TDM JBWIN A "3ER OF Chick THE WBAD TRaFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION, Pettine n //I e MINUTES 0 July 2, 1985 Page 9 INFORMATION AND DISCUSSION ITEMS: (G2) A. Memorandum, dated June 5, 1985, from the Legislative Director of the League of California Cities regarding AB 1551. I (62) B. Letter frm Supervisor Eckert, dated June 18, 1985, requesting support for AB 1551. City Attorney Vincent Biondo reported on the discussion on AB 1551 at the mnthly City Attorneys' meeting, stating the City Attorneys took no action, and determined it was a policy decision. Council determined to take no position on AB 1551. ( OFF-AGENDA ITEM: 22) Palomar Airport Joint Powers Agreement Mayor Casler mved the Council consider an off-agenda item, the Palomar Airport Joint Powers Agreement. Council Member Lewis seconded the mtion. Council Memkr Pettine stated he would prefer this to be a regularly scheduled item with the entire Council present . Since unanimus approval must be given to consider an off-agenda item, the motion to consider the Palomar Airport Joint Powers Agreement failed. Council directed that the Palomar Airport Joint Powers Agreement be placed on the Agenda for the July 16, 1985, meeting. COUNCIL REmm: I I LCP Review Consnittee: Council Member Chick reported on the recent meting with Coastal staff. JAC : Mayor Casler reported on recent developments at Encina - plant . SWAG: Mayor Casler gave a short report on recent activities. Legislation Mayor Casler reported on the status of SB 300. The City Manager indicated he muld review the legislation with respect to finding a relationship with current mnies being expended by the City on street inprovements . Mayor Casler also reported on SB 261. I 3 1Q - \y 5 COUNCIL % 9A MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis K Pettine KX Chick Y Casler Pettine X Chick 8 Lewis xx Casler X Lewis x Chick X Pettine xx e 0 MINUTES July 2, 1985 Page 10 Route 78 Widening Project: Mayor Casler reported that Congressman Ron Packard had offered to put the widening of Route 78 to six lanes in the highway budget as a demonstration project, but in the past, demonstration projects have been deleted, Senior Citizens: Mayor Casler gave an update on senior activities, CLOSED SESSION: Council adjourned to a closed session on met and confer regarding the Police Department at 8:54 p.m. Council re-convened at 9:18 p.m., with no action taken. ADJOURNMENT: By proper mtion, the meeting of July 2, 1985, was adjourned at 9:18 p.m. Respectfully submitted, w 4 gLi2”L ALGTHA L. RAUTENKRANZ 7 City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk c2 m COUNCIL \p 5 ?$ 9b‘ MEMBERS % $