HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-07-17; City Council; Minutes- - 1 0 0 MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Meeting) Date of Meeting: July 17, 1985 Tine of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. COUNCIL % 9L Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers MEMBERS % % \p 5 CALL, To ORDER: The Meeting was called to order ky Mayor Casler at 6:03 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent: None, Mayor Casler amounced this was a continuation of the Council Meeting held July 16, 1985. INTRODUCTION: Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen introduced the new City Engineer, Gene Donovan, AI3 #8253 - REPORT OF THE CITIZENS' COMMITIEE FOR (85) REVIEW OF THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN. A transparency was used to shaw the following topics for discussion: I. Open Space 111. Land Use Agriculture Classifications Parks Special Treatment Environmental Protection Area Architectural Review 11. Commercial Parking Industrial Redevelopment N. Grawth Population Density Timing of Public Present Citizens Time Constraints Existing Master Plans Facilities Desires and Concerr s OPEN SPACE Corrsnittee Representative - Joe Gallagher Council discussed the open space definition and the reconnnendation to create an inventory of the existing open space. Council approved the recomnendations of the Land Use Casler Review Cormittee on Open Space, as contained on pages Lewis 21, 22 and 23 of Section 2 of the report dated July, Kulchin 1985, Chick X Pettine Additions: Council directed staff to prepare an inventory of Casler existing and future apen space, utilizing the Chick that inventory on a mp. Kulchin definition proposed by the Cormittee, and to depict X Lewis Pettine 229 l e 0 MINUTES July 17, 1985 Page 2 Council determined to adopt a policy requiring new projects submitted before the open space inventory is completed to define apen space on their projects using the guidelines of the Land Use Review Cornittee. Motion was made to amend the Opn Space Element of the Land Use Plan to include the apen space identified on the inventory map. Motion failed due to the lack of a majority. AGRICULTURE Cmittee Representative - Jim Hicks Council approved the Planning Cdssion reamnendation under Goals "C" as follows: . . "Permit agricultural land uses throughout the city", adding the wrds: "where feasible". Council approved the remainder of reconmendations of the Land Use Review Comittee on Agriculture, as contained on pages 25 and 26 of the Report dated July, 1985. PARKS Cmittee Representative - Jim Courtney Council approved the recomndations of the Land Use Review Committee on Parks, as contained on pages 23, 24 and 25 of the Reprt dated July, 1985. " ENVIRONMENTAL P~CTION Cornnittee Representative - Donald Jackson Council approved the reconmendations of the Land Use Review Committee on Environmental Protection, as contained on pages 27 and 28 of the Report dated July, 1985. coMMERcIAL Cmittee Representative - Don Dewhurst Council approved the recommendations of the Land Use Review Cdttee on Cmrcial, as contained on pages 26 and 27 of the Report dated July, 1985. INDUSTRIAL Con-unittee Representative - Jim Courtney Council approved the recomndations of the Land Use Review Cormittee on Industrial, as mntained on page 26 of the Reprt dated July, 1985. 3 7 /A - COUNCIL /p 3%. MEMBERS % $ Casler E Pettine E Chick E Kulchin E Lewis XE Casler Lewis X> Rulchin Chick Pettine z Casler z Pettine z Chick z Kulchin 1 Lewis XI Casler I Lewis I Kulchin XI Chick z Pettine z Casler Chick Kulchin Lewis x: Pettine 7 7 7 7 Casler &&is Pettine x: Chick , Kulchin 1 1 1 Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick x: Pettine Casler &wis Kulchin Chick Pettine x: a e e MINUTES - 7 /p July 17, 1985 COUNCIL 3 % Page 3 MEMBERS % $ RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a recess at 7: 53 p.m. , and Council re-convened at 8:02 p.m., with all Members present. REDEWIxlPMENT Council approved the reconanendation of the Land Use Casler X Review Carranittee on Redevelopment, as contained on Lewis X page 27 of the Report dated July, 1985. Kulchin X Chick xx Pettine X LAND USE CLASSIFICATIONS Council approved the reconmendation of the Land Use Casler X Kulchin contained on page 32 of the Report dated July, 1985. X Lewis Review Comittee on Land Use Classifications, as X Chick xx Pettine X SPECIAL TREA'IMENT AREA Comittee Representative - Don Jackson Council approved the remmndation of the Land Use X Casler Review Comittee on Special Treatment Area, as Lewis X contained on page 33 of the Report dated July, 1985. Kulchin X Pettine xx Chick X ARCHITECXUWL REVIEW Committee Representative - Joe Gallagher Council approved the recomndation of the Land Use X Casler Review Camittee on Architectural Review, as contained Lewis X on page 33 of the Report dated July, 1985. Kulchin X Pettine xx Chick X PARKING Council approved the Planning Conmission recomndation Casler X Chick industrial. X Rulchin requirements for all uses in the City, including X Lewis to direct staff to study all of the parking xx Pettine X GIXMTH Committee Representatives - Hank Litten (Majority Report) and Bob Caggiano (Minority Report) Council approved the recomndations of the Land Use Casler X Review Conanittee on Growth, as contained on page 29 of Lewis X Kulchin the Report dated July, 1985. X Chick xx Pettine X DENSITY Committee Representatives - Hank Litten and Rob Caggiango 27 5- 9 0 0 MINUTES July 17, 1985 Page 4 Motion was made to adopt the density ranges as remmnded by the Planning Corrnnission, with the exception of the RM range, and that range to be 4 to 8. Motion failed due to a lack of a majority. Council approved the recomndations of the Land Use Review Comnittee on Density, as contained on pages 30, 31 and 32 of the Report dated July, 1985. Council agreed to re-consier the Density item for more discussion on the other items. Council directed staff to prepare a hillside ordinance. Council approved the remainder of the remmndations in the Density section of the Land Use Review Committee report as contained on pages 30, 31 and 32. POPULATION Council =roved the following remmndation of the Land Use Review Cdttee to incorporate the following policy statement into the Land Use Element: "To assist the Public Facilities Program planning, the city population at buildout should be approximately 150,000. The population should be mnitored closely and reviewed officially every five years. 'I TIMING OF PUBLIC FACILITIES Comnittee Representatives - Bob Presmtt and Linnea McDonald Council approved the recomnendations of the Land Use Review Comnittee on Timing of Public Facilities, as contained on pages 28 and 29 of the Report dated July, 1985. EXISTING MASTER PLANS Codttee Representatives - Jim Hicks and Bob Caggiano Council approved the remmndations of the Land Use Review Comnittee on Existing Master Plans as contained in their Report dated July, 1985, on page 33, under Procedural Recomendations. 23 Y c \p 5 COUNCIL 3 % MEMBERS % % Casler lewis Chick Kulchin z xx Pettine Casler x Lewis Kulchin X Chick xx Pettine Casler XI! Lewis I! Kulchin x Chick I( Pettine I! Casler B Lewis x Kulchin xx Chick Pettine X Casler xx Lewis X Kulchin X Chick X Lewis X Casler Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx Casler xx Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X X Pettine Casler Pettine x Chick xx Kulchin Lewis X 1 I 0 0 MINUTES July 17, 1985 Page 5 MEAN DENSITY Committee Representative - Hank Litten Mr. Litten explained the intent of his mtion was to return to the adopted policy of the City and not retain the interim policy as adopted in Council's Policy 7872 which was in effect during the tim of the Land Use Review Cdttee study. The Comnittee felt better quality products wuld be attained by giving developers an incentive to work their way up in the density range, Council Member Lewis mved to establish the "mean" on all densities established by the Council Motion was later withdrawn. Jim Gaiser, Comnittee Chairman, stated the Comnittee wanted to &e certain Council reverted to the policy in effect prior to the interim policy. Mayor Casler mde a mtion not to adopt Item #2 on page 34 of the Land Use Review Consnittee report. The mtion was subsequently withdrawn. Council took no action on the Mean Density item. ADDITIONAL ITEMS Council approved the remainder of the reconmendations of the Land Use Review Connnittee that were not specifically discussed. Council directed staff to set to public hearing an amendrent to the Land Use Element and zoning based upon the reconsnendations of the Citizens Cornittee approved by the City Council, Council directed the City Attorney to prepare an Interim Ordinance to apply the recommendations of the Citizens Cdttee approved by the Council to all projects submitted during the time the Land Use Element is being amended. Council extended Resolution 7872 until an Interim Ordinance is considered by Council. AIXJOURNMENT: By proper mtion, the meeting of July 17, 1985, was adjourned at 10:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted, (&x& R@y zALlnwA L. mu-z City Clerk Harriett Bahbitt Minutes Clerk 2.3 3 - COUNCIL /p %%. MEMBERS % % Casler Kulchin Lewis XI Chick Pettine Casler x: Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine Casler x: Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine Casler x: Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine 7 7 7 7 1 7 A 7 A 7 1