HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-08-13; City Council; Minutes- 0 MINUTES 0 Meeting of: CITY aXlNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: August 13, 1985 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chars CALL TO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:Ol p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent: None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 23, 1985, were approved as presented. Mayor Casler announced a Council Member had requested Agenda Item #12 be cmntinued. The applicant was not present, and Mayor Casler stated. this announcement muld be made later in the Agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR: I Council Member Lewis requested Item #5 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council confirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item #5, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READIJSG: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. 1(50) 1. AB #8277 - REFUND OF FEES. Council approved the refund of a $20,000.00 cash I grading deposit to Hms by Polygon. (81) 2. AB #8119 - Supplement #13 - AWARD OF CONTRAm FOR (45 ) CmAD SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER STATION EQUIF" AMD FUEL ISLAND. (81) 2. AB #8119 - Supplement #13 - AWARD OF CONTRAm FOR (45 ) CmAD SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER STATION EQUIF" AMD FUEL ISLAND. I ~~ Council adopted RESOLUTION No. 8134, accepting the bid and authorizing the execution of mntract no. 3006-3F service station equipnent and fuel island for the construction of the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center. (99) 3. AB #6657 - Supplement #13 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMP- - CWBAD TRACT 81-16. Council accepted the public improvements of Vista Santa Fe, Units 1 and 2 of CI' 81-16; and authorized the City Clerk to release bonds and directed the Utilities and Maintenance Departments to mnunence maintaining the public streets associated with the subdivision. I 269- - - \p 5 COUNCIL 3 % MEMBERS % 9 Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick x: Pettine 0 0 MINUTES .-ugust 13, 1985 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) 4. AB #8278 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC I"ENTs - PD 179 - KOLL. Council accepted the public improvements associated with PD 179 at the east side of El Camino Real north of Palmer Way, and authorized the City Clerk to release bnds, and directed the Utilities and Maintenance Departments to corrnnence mintaining the public streets associated with the project, 5. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. 6. AB #8280 - TRAVEL REQUEST. Council authorized the City Clerk to attend the League of California Cities Annual Conference. 7. AI3 #8281 - 1985-86 COMPENSATION PLAN FOR COUNCIL- APPOINTED OFFICIALS. Council adopted RESOLUTION No. 8136, adopting a compensation plan for Council-appointed officials for the 1985-86 fiscal year, ITEM FEMOVED FM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 5. AB #8279 - LEGISLATION - ACA 32. Council Member Lewis stated he supported the concept of this legislation, but felt several items in this bill were poorly written and too arbitrary. He stated he could not support this bill. Council Member Pettine stated he could not support this legislation until public employees had been given the opportunity for input. Council Member Lewis made a mtion to put this item on hold until input was received from public employees. The mtion died for lack of a second. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION Mo. 8135, SUPPOIYTING THE ADOPTION OF ASSEMBLY CONSTITUTIONAL, - 32. PUBLIC HEARING: 8, AB #8282 - ZONE CODE - - ZCA-183. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler apened the public hearing at 6:14 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this matter, the public hearing was closed. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9767, AMENDING TITLE 21 , CHAPTFR 21.44 OF THE CAlUSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 21.44.220 TO FEQUIRE A SITE DEVEXDPI" PLAN FDR ALL MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PROJECTS. d(0 / c \v 5 COUNCIL 3 94 MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine 0 0 MINUTES August 13, 1985 Page 3 ( ( ~~ ~~~ DEPARTMENTAL, AND CITY MANAGER REFORTS: ") 9. mmST TO ADDFESS COUNCIL BY CARLSBAD BOARD OF REAI;ToRs PRESIDENT. Robert E. Mtaviano, President of the Carlsbad Board of Realtors, addressed Council, asking for an ad hoc cormnittee to mrk toqether with Council and Mike Harrington, Sign Ordinance Enforcer, to allow apen house signs between the hours of 11:OO a.m. and 5:OO p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays only, He asked for guidelines for the Realtors to follow in complying with the sign ordinance. Jean White, Realtor, 4917 Refugio Avenue, stated if the requirements of the sign ordinance were conplied with, it would be difficult for the real estate people to advertise properties for sale. He requested an amendment to the sign ordinance to allow "temporary" signs and added he would work with an ad hoc committee to work out the guidelines for such signs. Council Member Chick stated he would support appointing a committee of three to give alternatives to the real estate people. Council Member Lewis stated if exceptions were made for real estate people, then those same exceptions should apply for all kinds of marketing. Council Member Pettine said he wanted a definite proposal with &anqes desired and enforcement provisions before taking any action. Council tabled this item. 10. AB #a283 - WORK PROGRAM - LAND USE ElXMENT 57) REVISION. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council approved the overall work program for the implementation of the Land Use Element Review as presented by the Land Use Planning Manager. (''I 11 . Ai3 #8284 - CITY ENFORCEMENT OF SIGN REGULATIONS WITHIN SPHERE OF INFLUENCE. Mayor Casler stated this was an informational item, as the Board of Supervisors will study the request made by the City of Carlsbad. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, stated that there would be a need to negotiate with the County staff to determine the sphere of influence . 3 60 -r B \p 5 COUNCIL 3 9b MEMBERS % 9 Casler Lewis X Kulchin Chick Pettine Casler Lewis X Kulchin Chick Pettine a 0 MINUTES - (99) (69) (68) COUNCIL \v 5 % % August 13, 1985 Page 4 MEMBERS % e Council Member Kulchin stated she wanted the area south of La Costa Boulevard to be part of the study. Paula Haasl, 4599 Cove Drive, "C", stated she put the wrong number on her request to speak, and would submit a letter to the City Clerk regarding Item #9. Charlie Roe, California Builders, stated he, too, had put the wrong number on the request form; that he meant to speak on Item #9. Council voted to continue to support request and Casler X authorize staff to work with the County in determining Lewis an appropriate sphere of influence bundary if the Kulchin request is approved. Chick Pettine 12. AB #8285 - FINAL MAP - CARLSBAD TRACT 84-18 - THE SHORES . Mayor Casler reiterated the request of a Council Member to continue this item for two weeks. The applicant was present and she asked his consent to this continuation. Gil Saenz, Gemini Developnt, representing The Shores, asked for the name of the Council Member requesting the continuation, and stated he muld met with Council Member Kulchin to answer her questions, Council continued Item # 12, Final Map - Carlsbad Tract Casler 84-18 - The Shores, for two weeks. Lewis Kulchin X Chick Pettine 13. AB #8286 - PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler Kulchin RESOLUTION NO. 8137, REWPOINTING JAMES POPOVICH TO THE X Pettine Lewis cARZ;sEWD PARKS AND RECREATION CCN"MSSI0N. Chick 14. AB #7376 - Supplement #4 - APPOINZMFNT To BOARD OF DIRECTORS - FOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD CGMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION. Mayor Casler requested this item be continued for one week. COUNCIL mPOm : LCP Review Comnittee Council Member Chick stated the submittal had been mde to the Coastal Commission. Ratiquitos Lagoon Enhancement City Manager Frank Aleshire reported on the matter. a59 I . * e MINUTES - August 13, 1985 Page 5 NCTD Council Member Kulchin reported the NCI'D does have liability insurance contrary to the newspaper articles. - I Palomar Airport Cmittee I Council Member Lewis gave an update on the Joint Powers Agreement. JAC _I Mayor Casler reported Carlsbad will have its own meter for measuring the munt of sewage into the Encina Plant SANDAG Mayor Casler reprted on the meeting. I INFORMATION ITENS: (86) B. Letter, dated July 31, 1985, from the Automobile Club of Southern California requesting the City to pass a Seat Belt Awareness Resolution. Linda Heald, 3330 Vista Way, representing the Automobile Club of Southern California, addressed Council, requesting a resolution be passed designating September as "Seat Belts Kbrk Month". She gave brochures and posters to the City Clerk for distribution. Council voted to consider this item as an action item. Council adopted a Resolution in favor of wearing seatbelts. I CITY ATI'OFUWY ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: City Attorney Vincent Biondo reminded Council there will be a closed session on August 27, 1985, to consider litigation. City Attorney Vincent Biondo commented on a recent liability case involving the City and an accident victim. I ADJOURNMENT: By proper mtion, the meeting of August 13, 1985, was adjourned at 7:29 p.m., to Thursday, August 15, 1985, at 3:45 p.m., to a closed session to interview applicants for the position of Executive Assistant. I Respectfully submitted, a.eL&LJ@* AI;ETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk &!58 - \p 5 COUNCIL % 9A MEMBERS % f Casler Kulchin Lewis x: Chick Pettine Casler x: Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine i