HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-08-20; City Council; Minutes1 "&.. *. 0 0 MINUTES Meeting of: CITY OOUNCIL (Regular Meeting). Date of Meeting: August 20, 1985 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL 'Io ORDER: The meting was called to order ly Mayor Casler at 6:OO p.m. .ROLL CALL was. taken by the City Clerk as, follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent: None. INVOCATION was given by Pastor Jerald Stinson of the Pilgrim Congregational Church. PLEDGE OF ALJXGIANCE was led by City, Clerk Lee Rautenkranz . AP~~WAL, OF MINUTES: (one mtion) Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting held July 30, 1985, were approved & presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 6, 1985, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 13, 1985, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Adjourned Reqular Meeting held August 1'5, 1985, were approved as presented. Council continued Item #17 for two weeks. CONSENT CALENRAR: City Manager Frank Aleshire requested Item #5 be continued to allow a final inspection of the pistol range. Council confirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, -with the .exception.of Item #5, as follaws: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: ,Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. (50) 1 . AB #8287 - RATIFICATION OF DEMANI36 AGAINST THE CITY. - Council ratif,ied the payment of demands against the City in the amount of.$2,491,508.53 for the period July 19 to.August 14, 1985; and payroll demands in the munt of $357,638.08 for the period July 29 to August 1 1, 1985. 332 -r S% MEMBERS COUNCIL ~~ % 9 %%$ tp Z. t -1 Casler . Kulchin X Lewis X X Pettine X Chick xx Casler X Lewis X Kulchin xx Chick X Pettine X Casler Kulchin X Lewis xx X Pettine X Chick X Casler Kulchin X Lewis X X Pettine X chick xx 0 0 MINUTES c (50) (74.) (1 00) (78) (45 1 (25) (97) (45) (99) (45) (971. (45) (85) ~ August 20, 1985 Page 2 CONsEIW CXEtWAR: (continued) 2. AB #8288 - REFUND OF FEES. Council approved a refund of $1,295.00 to Stevens Planning Group for fees. I 3. AB #e289 - PR0WA.L To PLACE CITY EMPmYEEs UNDER SOCIAL SECURITY. Council adopted REsoulTIcpJ NO. 8139, stating the Council's apposition to a Federal Government proposal to place state and local government enlployees under, the Social Security System. 4. AB 88290 - TAX RATES FOR 1985-86 FISCAL WMt. I Council adopted REsoulTION NO. 8140, fixing the amount of revenue, from property taxes necessary to pay the bonded indebtedness of the "1962 sewer bonds, series A, B and C", and "1 966 Library Bonds" for fiscal year 1985-86; and FU3SOLUTION NO. 8141, setting the tax rate for the 1985-86 fiscal year. 5. AB #7556 - Supplement #3 - N(YI'IcE OF CClYPlXTION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF' POLICE FIRING RANGE - PROJJXT NO. 3 159. I I This item was mntinued for two weeks. 6. AB #8291 - FW HIU ANNMATION. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8142, approving the annexation of certain uninhabited territory hereinafter described and designated as the Falcon Hills Annexation. 7. AB #8238 - Supplement #1 - LA COSTA AVENUE MGHT TURN LANE To EL CAMINO REAL - PFWEc" NO. 3189. Council adopted RESOWTION NO. 8143, accepting bids and authorizing the execution of contract no. 3189 I for mnstruction of La Costa Avenue right turn lane to El Camino'Real. 8. AB #7343 - Supplement #4 - WILLDAN ASSOCIATES PLAN CHECKING AND INSPECTION CON'IRACT - FISCAL YEAR 1985-86. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8144, approving the services by Willdan Associates. . continuance of the oontract for plan hecking 9. AB #8292 - CONSTRUCTION OF FARADAY Am - PFOJECl? NO. 3142. COUNCIL ~\~ % ?k% 9 MEMBERS % 0% , Council adopted RESOIUTION NO. 8145, =roving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to invite bids for the construction of Faraday Avenue - Contract No. 3142. 10. AB #8293 - NORTHERN BEACH AREA PLANNING/TRAFFIC ANALYSIS. . Council adopted REsoulTION NO. 8146, authorizing the issuance of a .request for proposal for a northern beach area/planning/traffic analysis. d3/ , h 8 (1 14) (99) 0 a MINUTES August 20, 1985 Page 3 + E FOR ADOPTIOJY: I I. AB #8282 - ZONE CODE A”ENT - MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PRCUJXYS - ZCA-183. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9767, A”)ING TITLE 21, CHAeTER 21.44 OF THE CAZiLsBAD MUNICIPAL, CODE By THE ADDITION OF SECTION 21 .44 . 220 ?o REQUIRE A SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN T;DR ALL MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PRaTEcTs. PUBLIC HEARINGS: I 12. AB #8294 - TENTATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVEIXIENT - CT 85-6-80 - DAON SOUTHWEST. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave an overview of the five projects for public hearing tonight, as they are all in the La Costa Master Plan area. He stated that several conditions had been applied that overlapped all of the projects, regarding traffic circulation in the area. These projects were exempted from the new rules instituted by the Land Use Review Comnittee, but were reviewed in light of the interim policy in effect while that amnittee was meeting as contained in Resolution 7872. There were no design problms with the five projects as far as staff or the Planning Comnission, but the me issue was the impact on the circulation system. Mr. Holzmiller, concluded, stating a number of conditions were proposed that applied to all five projects, and the City Engineer would explain those conditions. Gene Donovan, City Enqineer, reported Rancho Santa Fe Road would be improves from Olivenhain to La Costa Avenue within fifteen mnths of the approval of the tentative maps. Rancho Santa Fe Road improvement from La Costa to Melrose would be an additional condition, with a time schedule and proposal by the developer due prior to a final map approval. The developer will be required to contribute $250.00 per unit, or mre if the traffic study determines mre is required, to be used to mitigate the congestion at the intersections in that area. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report on Daon Southwest as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the site and a wall chart to indicate the different product types and landscaping plan. Mr. Holzmiller stated the additional conditions as reported by the City Engineer had ‘been agreed to by the applicant and did mitigate the traffic inpact. The project conplies with the General Plan and Council Resolution 7872 and the La Costa Yaster Plan. Mr. Donovan called attention to the memrandum dated August 13, 1985, from Engineering, and requested that be made an addition to the mnditions of approval for the project. \p 5 COUNCIL % 9? MEMBERS % f Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine (57 7R I II - T ~ ~ 0 0 MINUTES August 20, 1985 Page 4 Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:33 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Mike Ryan, Daon Corporation, 5150 Avenida Encinas, gave the presentation for the applicant, stating the project conlplies with all City codes and requirements. He explained the knefits of the project and used a wall chart to indicate the densities in the surrounding areas, stating the density on this project would not increase the overall density in La Costa and is within the requirements of the General Plan and the La Costa Master Plan. Mr. Ryan concluded, stating they agree with all the conditions of approval. Bill Kennedy, Daon Corporation, used wall maps and explained the features of the project. In answer to query, Mr. Kennedy stated the project would be phased in relation to the mrket conditions, but they hoped to have the last house occupied in six to seven years. Cary Quayle, 2002 Cima Court, representing Monarch Homeowners Association, spoke to Council, stating her comments apply to all development proposals on this Agenda. Ms. Quayle comnted on the circulation problems in the south part of the City and suggested there be a coorrdinated regional traffic program before additional units are built in the area. Ray Gilliland, La Costa, spoke in favor of the project. Ben Smith, 3017 Azahar Court, La Costa, stated he did not oppose tle project, but feared for the children walking on Rancho Santa Fe Road to the schools and the park with construction being done along that road. He suggested this project and any others in that area not be approved until sidewalks and crossings are installed on Rancho Santa Fe Road. Susan Glass, 3340 Bajo Court, La Costa, spoke in opposition to this project, stating basic facilities are needed for existing residents in the area before more units are built. Morris Rabin, 7717 Morada Street, stated additional services are needed for existing units. He oomnted on the small lots, and felt this would set a precedent for beach bungalow type of oonstruction in the area. Mr. Rabin stated that Rancho Santa Fe Road should ke four lanes at this time and Stagecoach Park would serve the people already living there, but would not be adequate for the additional construction. Jams Bottomley, 7933 San Felipe, stated he was not opposed to the project, but felt the timing and density were problem. He stated this was a single family area that had inadequate schools, fire and police protection, and this project would aggravate those problems and set a precedent for apartments and patio homes. Mr. Bottomley concluded, stated the real problem as far as traffic was north of La Costa on Rancho Santa Fe, and regional planning was needed. 4fn 9 I COUNCIL \v 5 3 3 MEMBERS % 9 - -r 0 0 MINUTES August 20, 1985 Page 5 Don Blodgett, 3016 Garboso, spoke in opposition and stated his concern with Rancho Santa Fe Road at La Costa Avenue and between La Costa and Olivenhain. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Casler stated that Condition 56 did insure grading activity within 90 days and before any final map approval, the developer mst bring in a plan for the approval of the City Engineer for Rancho Santa Fe Road from La Costa to Plelrose. She added there seemed to be misunderstanding as to how these facilities are financed, with pple believing the City of Carlsbad finances them. The developers pay for these iqrovements. Daon Corporation donated eight acres for Stagecoach Park to enable the City to grade the park. The school district is responsible for providing schools, and the developers have paid the required fees for those schools. Daon Corporation has also agreed to pay $250.00 for each unit to mitigate traffic impacts at the corners of Olivenhain and La Costa. Without development there is no improvement of the roads and facilities. Council Member Lewis stated he did not -pose this project, but can't support the concept of additional units until Highway 680 or some other connection is mde to 1-5. Until that time, he felt development should be on a phasing basis. Council Member Pettine said he felt the City's Public Facilities Elemnt is not being enforced, since no development should take place unless necessary public services are made available concurrent with the need. He mentioned La Costa Avenue, and commented that it is already over capacity and should be included in the widening plans. Council Member Chick said there is a natural phasing involved in this project. He aqreed the traffic circulation needs to be studied, but it is a regional problem. He also added that major arterials in the City need work. Council Member Rulchin cwranentd that all different types of housing should be available for all different levels of income. City Engineer Gene Donovan stated that all parties had agreed to pay more than $250.00 per unit, if that became necessary to alleviate the El Cdno Real and Olivenhain intersections. Council Member Chick stated Council Member Lewis and 'ne would investigate alternative mnnections to 1-5, such as Olivenhain or Mission Estancia. ??ne mtion was made and seconded to direct the City Attorney to prepare documents approving CT 85-6/PuD-80, per Planning Cmission Resolution No. 2449, and to include the changes and additional condition mntained in the City Engineer's mmrandum dated August 13, 1985. r3L !? I \v 5 COUNCIL 3 9b MEMBERS % f - "e 0 0 MINUTES August 20, 1985 Page 6 For clarification purpose, City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated he understood Council's direction to include the following four chanages; First, the changes included in the August 13, 1985, memrandum from the Engineering Department are to be made part of the amditions, Second, with regard to the 15-mnth time limit for mmpletion of Rancho Santa Fe Road improvemnts south from La Costa Avenue to the south line of development, it be furthur clarified to show that this improvement shall be conpleted before the first house is occupied. Third, if the traffic impact fee study determines that mre than $250.00 per unit is necessary for the intersection impact fee, that fee will be paid. Fourth, mndition 78 is to be re-worded to clearly state that it is the developer's responsibility to solve the Rancho Santa Fe improvement north from La Costa to Melrose to the satisfaction of the City Council. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents approving CT 85-6/PUD-80, per Planning Codssion Resolution No, 2449, and to include the dmnges as outlined above by the City Attorney. RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a recess at 8:Ol p.m., and Council re-convened at 8:12 p.m., with all Members present . (,99) 13, AB #8295 - TENTATIVE MAP AND LA COSTA DEVEWm PLAN - CT 85-15/LcDP 85-2 - PAF?K VIEW WEST - DAON. Charles Grim, Principal Planner, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using wall &arts to shaw the proposed project. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 8:21 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Mike Ryan, Daon Corporation, 5150 Avenida Encinas, addressed Council, stating the applicant accepted all the mnditions of approval, and the proiect would be built in four or five phases, depending on the marketplace. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 8:24 p.m. Council Members Lewis and Pettine stated they muld not support this project for the same reasons given on Item #12. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents approving CT 85-15/DP 85-2, per Planning Cdssion Resolution No, 2459, including the changes in the memrandum from Engineering dated August 13, 1985, and the other changes as contained in Item #12. (99) 14. AB #8296 - TENTATIVE MAP AND LA COSTA DEVELOP" PLAN - CT 85-9/KDP 85-1 - VISTA SANTA FE AREA "B". ~~ Charles Grim, Principal Planner, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a wall chart to indicate the area. Of A - \p 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % f Casler Lewis x: Kulchin Pettine Chick Casler Kulchin Lewis x: Chick Pettine - "c 0 0 MINUTES August 20, 1985 Page 7 (99) Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 8:30 p.m. and issued the invitation to speak. Russ Padia, Polygon Homes, 3152 Red Hill Avenue, Costa Mesa, stated the applicant concurred with all conditions, including the ones discussed tonight. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 8:33 p.m. Council Members Lewis and Pettine stated their opposition for the reasons stated before. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents approving CT 85-9/LcDP 85-1, per Planning Conmission Resolution No. 2448, with the conditions imposed 'by the Engineering memorandum dated August 13, 1985, and including the other conditions as stated in Item 812. 15. AB #8297 - "TATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELclpMENT - CT 85-1 1/puD-86 - VISTA S2W"A FE ARJ3A "C" . Charles Grim, Principal Planner, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the location and a wall map to indicate the type of project. Mayor Casler apened the public hearing at 8:40 p.m., and issued the invitation to spak Russ Padia, Polygon Homes, 3152 Red Hill Avenue, Costa Mesa, stated the applicant agrees with the conditions, including the August 13, 1985, memorandum. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 8:42 p.m. Council Members Lewis and Pettine stated their objection to this project for the reasons stated in Item %12. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents approving CT 85-11/PUD-86, per Planning Commission Resolution No. 2454, with the conditions imposed by the Engineering memorandum dated August 13, 1985, and including the other conditions as stated in Item 812. (.99 1 16. AB #8298 - TENTATIVE MAP AND CCNIOMINIUM PERMIT - CT 85-7/CP-312 - LA COSTA ALTA. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the site and a wall exhibit to show the design of the project and access. Another transparency was used to show the location of the project and how the topography would further buffer the project . Mayor Casler apened the public hearing at 8:53 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Andrew Wright, 701 B Street, San Diego, representing Lincoln Properties, gave a background of the project and referred to the site plan as shown on the wall exhibit. Drawings of the buildings shuwing the placement on the slops and the ocean views were shown, and a wall exhibit showing the zoning. All anditions were agreed to, including the $250.00 per unit for intersection @act fee. - - 9LL \p 5 COUNCIL 3 ?k MEMBERS % 4 Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine 7, 'L ,, 'I Casler lewis c Pettine < Chick :I c Kulchin - a MINUTES August 20, 1985 Page 8 m @35 1 (113) (97 1 Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 9:03 p.m. City Engineer Gene Donovan stated there were added conditions of approval in his mmrandum of August 15, 1985, regarding utilization of reclaimed water. Council Members Lewis and Pettine stated their omsition to this project for the reasons stated in Item #12. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents approving CT 85-7/CP-312, with the additional conditions listed in the City Engineer's memorandum dated August 15, 1985. 17. AB #8299 - ENVIRONMEWTAL IMPACT REFOF2 AND PREANNMATIONAL ZONING - EIR 84-1/ZC-307 - COAST WASTE MANAGEMENC. This item was continued for two weeks. HOUSING AND REDEVEIxlppllENT COEIMISSION: Council adjourned to the Housing and Redevelopment Comnission at 9:06 p.m., and re-convened at 9:09 p.m., with all Members present. DEP-AL AND CITY MANAGER REporrrs: City Manager 18. AB #8300 - EIM AVENUE EXTENSION. City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the report on this item. Sam Blick, Fairbanks Ranch Plaza, representing Multitech Properties, stated the Elm Avenue extension is needed and the proposal to form an assessment district is the fastest way to get the extension started. Jim Gaiser, 3340 Ridgecrest Drive, representing Seacrest owners, stated they want the extension, but are not willing to pay twice for Elm Avenue. They accepted the higher density on this project for Alanda to mplete Elm Avenue. Now the new developer, Multitech, wants the Owners to pay a major portion of the improvement costs. Mr. Gaiser concluded, stating this would not be fair to the property mers. Mary Sherr, 3244 Meadowlark Lane, stated the major justification for the higher density was the need for Elm Avenue to be extended. She stated she was not against an assessment district, but felt that on staff's proposal, Item #5, the City's share and Multitech's share should be reversed. Bob Sherman, 3455 Charter Drive, agreed with reversing the cost figures for the City and Multitech, and stated he was not apposed to an assessment district. I QLcT I COUNCIL \v 5 3 % MEMBERS % f Casler Pettine I Chick XI Kulchin Lewis 1 II. - -r e m MINUTES August 20, 1985 Page 9 Council Menber Lewis stated if the developer did not meet the requirement of the street extension, he felt the density range on the property should be reduced. Council directed staff to pursue the formation of an assessment district for the Elm Avenue extension. (77) 19. AB #7902 - Supplement 84 - LllCAL, COASTAL PLAN. Gary Wayne, Research/Analysis, gave the staff report on this item, using a wall chart to show the ooastal plan segments. He explained the two amendments proposed by the City and stated this revision is the culmination of years of work and mnths of negotiations with the Coastal Comnission and staff. Mr. Wayne used a wall chart to show properties involved in the plan and an overlay of the coastal agriculture zone. Council Member Pettine stated he did not agree with the provision that would allow the purchase of agriculture land outside of the City, and could not support the revised Local Coastal Plan. Council approved the Revised Local Coastal Plan. By consenus of Council, the remainder of the Agenda, Item 20 through 25, was continued to the next meeting. Senior Citizens Meeting Mayor Casler reported the Senior Citizens Association has approved the mntract Council passed on June 6. They have hired Dennis Watkins as Director and have decided the Harding Street Center is not suitable for a permanent senior center and have decided not to apply for Proposition 30 bond issue mney to improve the kitchen facilities. They have appointed a cormittee to look at sites for a new center. Palmar Airport Noise Council Member Lewis reported that SWAG was preparing a noise study around the airport. AIXSOUrOlJMENT: By proper mtion, the meeting of August 20, 1985, was adjourned at 10:27 p.m. Respectfully submitted, -462- ALETHA L. RAUTEMKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 29LU c \y 5 COUNCIL ?$ ‘PA MEMBERS % f Casl-er Lewis Kul&in Chick Pettine X Casler Kulchin Lewis X Chick Pettine