HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-09-10; City Council; Minutes0 e :;MINUTES Fleeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: September IO, 1985 \v 5 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. COUNCIL ?$ % Place of--Meeting: City Council Chambers MEMBERS % c CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent: None. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen. AppRovAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 20, 1985, Casler were approved as presented. Lewis Kulchin X Chick Pettine CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Pettine requested Item #2 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council confirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Casler with the exception of Item 82, as follows: Lewis WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Chick X Council waived the reading of the text o€ all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. (97) 1. AB #8146 - Supplement #3 - 1985 SLURRY SEAL AND Kulchin Pettine (45) OVEIUAY PmM - CONTRACT NO. Ufl-6, Council accepted the 1985 Slurry Seal and Overlay Program as crlmplete, and requested the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release the bonds 35 days a€ter recordation. ( 74) 2. AB #8241 - Supplement #1 - AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND MANAGEPENT SALARY PLAN, This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. (74) 3. AB #8322 - CLASSIFICATION OF FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER I, I1 and 111. Council adopted REsOulTION NO. 8176, amending the classification and salary plan of the City to include the classifications of Fire Prevention Officer I, I1 and 111. (91) 4. AB #6079 - Supplement #17 - SCHOOL FEES IN THE SAN MARCOS SCHOOL DISTRICT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO, 8177, amending Resolution 5580 revising the amount of fees to be required as a condition of approval for residential development within certain areas of the San Marcos Unified School District. 2-75 a 0 - MINUTES - September 10, 1985 Page 2 ( 74 1 (47) (85 1 (113) (99 1 ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAFk 2. AB #8241 - Supplement #1 - AMFNDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND MANAGEPENT SACARY PLAN. ~ Council Member Pettine stated he wished to mntinue this item until he has the cqportunity to discuss it with the City Manager. Council continued AB #8241 - Supplement #1 - for two weeks. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 5. AB #8316 - REVISIONS TO GRADING ORDINANCE. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 8105, AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTF,R 11.06 OF THE cARLSBAD JWNICIPAL 03DE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 11.06.030 TO DELJTFE SUBSECTION IO, BY ?HE ADDITION OF SECTION 11.06.035 TO CUlRIFY THE GRADING ORDINANCE ?XQUIREMENTS WITH RESPECT 933 ZHE CLEARING OF VEGFTATION AND BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION 11.06.080 'ID CLARIFY THE AU'lTOFCtTY OF THE CITY ENGINEER TO REXXASE GRADING BONDS. 6. AB #8299 - ZONE CHANGE - ZC-307 - COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9768, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE cARI;sF3AD MUNICIPAL ODE BY P!MESDING THE ZONING MAP EOR A P-TIONAL ZONE CHANGE FROM CWWI'Y TO Gc, LIMITED CONTIioL cR;I PROPERTY GENERALLY LGCATED ON THE SXJ" SIDE OF THE PALQMAR AIRPORT BUSINESS PAF?K ABOUT ONE MILE WST OF EL CAMIN0 REAL. PrnLIC HEARINGS: 7. AB #8323 - TENTATIVE MAP, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND SPECIFIC PLAN - CY? 84-32/PUE-73/SP-195 - CARLSBAD LAND INvEsmRs. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report as mntained in the Agenda Bill. Wall maps were used to indicate the areas being studied at the present time with regard to the noise inpact. City Engineer Gene Donovan responded to questions stating this project has no obligation with regard to Palomar Airport Road. He added that if Council desired, a mndition axld be added requiring participation in an assessment district. In answer to qery, staff indicated this property is 2,800 feet from the airport runway and it is approximately 4,000 feet to the nearest home. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:26 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. 2 94 - \p 5 COUNCIL ?$ 9A MEMBERS % 4 Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick x: Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X 1 - - 0 0 MINUTES September 10, 1985 Page 3 Nick Banche, 810 Mission Avenue, Oceamide, representing the applicant, used a wall map showing the relationship to the qen space and the crash hazard and CNEL line. Mr. Banche gave the backqround history of the project, and requested approval. Don Agatep, 2956 Roosevelt, Planning Consultant for the applicant, requested approval. Mayor Casler stated a letter had been received from BCS Natural Resources Corporation, dated September 9, 1985, indicating Cobblestone Way was on their property and they have not granted an easement for this street. Mr. Agatep aknowledged the easement had not yet been acquired. Barbara Donovan, 2630 Abedul Street, spoke on 'kehalf of the Palomar Airport Advisory Council, asking for a denial of this project due to the noise and safety factors involved. Mrs. mnovan read from the SWAG report where it stated lands in the imdiate vicinity of the airport or under the takeoff and landing approaches are subject to a noise level that is unsuitable for development. James Courtney, 4914 Avila, pointed out that if this project is approved, it would. create a problem of cornpatibility of land use. Ruth Bateman, 2730 Chestnut, Palomar Airport Advisory Council, reiterated the noise, safety and quality of life factors involved in allowing this project. Jerry Hart, 1826 Sunset Drive, Vista, spoke in opposition to this project, stating the noise, safety and liability of the City in case of a mishap, were the issues. He referred to the Airport Land Use Planning Handbook and stated he would supply staff with a copy. Gary Talkrt, General Manager, Flight International, said that he was not in apposition to this project, but wanted to insure as much information as possible was used in mking the decision. i3e felt approval of this project would deal a blow to the airport, which is an important transportation link in this area and contributes to the economic well-being of Carlsbad. If the cperations of the airport are to be curtailed due to complaints from the residents, he asked that decision be a conscious one and not by default. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 7:17 p.m. Mike Holzmiller explained the staff recomndation was to leave this area zoned as residential and keep it low density and mitigate the impacts as mch as pssible, in that any other land use would be inconsistent with the General Plan. Council Member Lewis stated he had voted in favor o€ this area being residential a year ago, but since involvement with the Palomar Airport Advisory Comnittee, he was now concerned about residential development in that area. 293 I \v 5 COUNCIL 3 9A MEMBERS % f 0 0 MINUTES . September 10, 1985 Page 4 Council Member Kulchin also expressed concern about residential development in that area. Council Member Chick stated this was the lowest density ever proposed for this area, and he felt it should be approved. Council Member Pettine said he had a problem on the issue of compatibility, and could not support residential development in this area. Mayor Casler expressed the cpinion that no mre industrial area was needed in the City. She felt the applicant had mitigated the airport impact and the density was proper. City Attorney Vincent Biondo suggested that before Council take action to change the zone, they should have all the information before them from the previous hearings on development of this ,parcel. Council mntinued this item €or two weeks. RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a recess at 7:50 p.m., and Council re-convened at 8:02 p.m., with all Members present. DEPARTPENPAL AND CITY MANAGER FEPORTS: Ci tv Treasurer .. (39) 8, AB #8009 - Supplement #1 - REVISED INVESTWENT POLICY AND APPl3CWI.L OF A CREDIT LINE. City Treasurer William Esterline gave the staff report as mntained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8178, REVISING THE CITY'S INVESTMENT POLICY AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY TREASURER TO IMPLEMENT A LINE OF QiEDIT WITH A IIxAL AGESTCY BANKING INSTITUTION EQR THE PURPOSE OF OOVERING TEMPORARY CASH FLOW SHOmAGES. Purchasing 9. AB #6955 - Supplement #1 - ADDITION TO PUFCHASING ( 84 ) SECTIONS OF THE -BAD MUNICIPAL CODE. Purchasing Officer Ruth Fletcher gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE JW. 1283, AMENDING TIl'!LE 3, CHAPTER 3.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CDDE BY AMENDMENT OF SECTION 3.28.130 TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY COUNCIL TO DESIGNATE BY RESOLUTION SERVICES AND SUPPLIES COSTING MORE THAN $10,000.00 BY USE OF OPEN MARKET PWXEDURES. 29a, \v 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % f Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine x: Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick x: Pettine 7 7 1 7 1 7 I Casler 3 Pettine z Chick 1 Kulchin XI Lewis 1 0 MINUTES 0 September 10, 1985 Page 5 ( f L ( 84 1 10. AB #8324 - PURCHASE OF USED VEHICLES. Purchasing Officer Ruth Fletcher gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOUPTION NO. 8179, AUTHORIZING THE OPEN M!4RKGT PFOCEDURES To BE USED FOR THE PURCHASE OF USED VEHICLES. City Attorney 11. AB #8294 - Supplement #1 - 'IENTATIVE MAP AND SOUTHWEST. "I PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEWT - CT 85-6/PUD-80 - DAON City Attorney Vincent Riondo gave the report on this item, stating that Item 11, 12, 13 and 14 are all related and mrments on all four should 'be heard by Council before the documents are ansidered. Tom Brammell, 3342 Bajo Court, referred to his letter dated September 9, 1985, addressed to the City Council, quoting from that letter his concerns about the public facilities and roads involved in the approval of these projects. Mike Glass, 3340 Bajo Court, stated he was neither pro nor mn, but was concerned about the improvement of Rancho Santa Fe Road, and felt the developer should make those improvements now. Council Members Lewis and Pettine stated the entire length of Rancho Santa Fe Road should be @roved prior to this development. Council Member Pettine made a mtion that Council approve a condition that requires the improvement of Rancho Santa Fe Road from Melrose to Olivenhain prior to occupancy of the first unit. Motion failed due to the lack of a majority. City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated the conditions require a study to be presented to Council prior to the final map and Council will determine the scope of iqrovemnts and the timing--and that does not preclude requiring improvement of the full length of Rancho Santa Fe Road prior to occupancy of the first unit. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 81 67, APPKWING A 789-UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MA?? (CT 85-6) AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMFNT (PUD- 80) ON 1 1 1 ACRES ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LCCATED NXi'H OF THE INTEILSECTION OF F?AhTCHO SANTA FE KIAD AND OLrVENHAIN ROAD. 39) 12. AB #8295 - Supplement #1 - TENTATIVE MAP AND LA COSTA DEVEIxlpMENT PLAN - CT 85-15/LcDP 85-2 - PARK VIEW WEST - DAON. Council Member Pettine commented that the map in the original packet showed the property does not reach to La Costa Avenue. 2% I \v 5 COUNCIL % 9C MEMBERS % f Casler Lewis Kulchin X Chick Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X Casler Lewis X Kulchin Chick Pettine 0 0 MINUTES (99 1 (99) (57) \p 5 COUNCIL ?5 9& Septenbr 10, 1985 Page 6 MEMBERS % f City Engineer Gene Donovan respnded to questions regarding improvement of Rancho Santa Fe Road adjacent to parcel not owned by Daon, and explained alternative ways it could be improved. Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 8168, APPRWING A 133-LOT "I'ATIVE LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF RANCHO SANTA FE FOAD Pettine PLAN (LCDP 85-2) ON 26.7 ACRES ON PROPERTY GENERAI;LY X Chick TRACT Map (CY 85-15) AND 131-UNIT LA CXlSTA DEVELOPMENT Kulchin BETWEEN IA 03STA AVENUE AND MISSION ESTANCIA. 13. AB #8296 - Supplement #1 - TENTATIVE MAP AND LA COSTA DEVELOPMENT PLAN - CT 85-9/LcDP 85-1 - VISTA SANTA FE - AREA "B". Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 81 69, APPmVlX A 1 03-~m TENTATIVE LOCATED ON THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE Qu;LE BARCELONA Pettine PLAN (LCDP 85-1 ) ON 35.4 ACRES ON PROPERTY GENERALLY X Chick TRACT MAP ( CT 85-9 ) AND I 02-UNIT JA 03STA DEVELOPMENT Kulchin AND CALLE ACERVO INTERSECTION. 14. AB #8297 - Supplement #I - TENTATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVEIxlpMEwT - CT 85-1 1/puD-86 - VISTA SANTA FE - AREA "C". Council adopted the following Resolution: Cas ler RESOLUTION NO. 8170, APPROVING A 154-UNIT TEtdTATIVE TRACr Kulchin MAP (CT 85-11) AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PW86) ON Pettine 58.9 ACRES ON PIioPEIiTy GENERALLY LCCATED IN NEIGH.EXHCOD X Chick Lewis SE-18 NORTH OF CALLE BARCELONA APPFOXIMAmLY 800 FEET m5T OF THE INTERSECTION OF CALtE BARCELONA AND RANCHO SANTA FE FOAD. Planning 15. AB #8257 - Supplement #1 - BFACH OVERLAY ZONE "GRANDFATHJ3R" PROVISION. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. In answer to query, he stated six of the projects listed exceed the new height restrictions; eight muld have inadequate parking and nine of the projects exceed the new density standards for the area. He also stated project CP-306 should 'k deleted from the list. City Attorney Vincent Biondo explained the contents of his mmrandm dated August 29, 1 985. Gil Saenz, 323 W. Court Street, representing "The Shores", stated they were ready to pull the building permit , but it would take a week or two because of the loan. He asked Council whether a Negative Declaration indicated there was no adverse impact and asked for Council's consideration. Council Member Chick suggested Council sh0u.M also lmk at older units in the City and require them to conform to code. 3 9n e 0 MINUTES 37) : 68) ( 75 COUNCIL \p 5 % 94 September 10, 1985 Page 7 MEMBERS % f Council directed staff to prepare the necessary X Pettine by case basis. Chick with all others to be reviewed by Council on a case Kulchin permits be grandfathered in the Beach Overlay Zone, Lewis documents to provide that only projects with building Casler City Council 16. AB #8301 - Supplement #1 - HI-Y 78 WIDENING. Mayor Casler rewrted further on the developments regarding the Highway 78 widening. Council Member Lewis had concerns about the mount of money and Council Member Kulchin stated the Village Merchants were in favor of keeping the mney in Carlsbad for roads. Council Member Chick said this was a regional problem and he felt a special assessment district should ?x fomd to determine the spread. Council Member Pettine stated he muld not support the concept without further information regarding cost distribution. Council approved the concept of the widening of Highway Casler 78, based on further information and consideration Lewis of the method of financial participation. Kulchin Chick X Pettine 1 ~ -> r- 17. AB #7376 - Supplement #4 - APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF TELEVISION. Mayor Casler recommended Bob Cole to be appointed to the Board of Directors Foundation for Carlsbad Comunity Cable Television. Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler X Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 8138, APPOINTING BOB COLE 'Io THE Kulchin WARD OF DIREC'IOFG FOUNDATION FOR CARCSBAD CDIQ4TJNITY Chick CABLE TELEVISION. Pettine ) 18. AB ff8320 - PL?GJNING-CO"ISSION APPOIMTMENT. MFyor Casler announced that three persons had been nominated; Bob Holmes, Jim Courtney and Kip McBane. A two-two tie for Bob Holmes and Kip McBane existed, and to break that tie, Council Member Chick voted for Rob Holmes. Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler X Lewis RESOWION No. 81 72, APPOINTING BOB EK>LMES 'Io THE Kulchin CARLSBAD PLlAmING CD~ssIoN. Chick Pettine COUNCIL REPORTS : LCP Council Member Chick gave an update on the LCP amendment. - 3 x9 a 0 MINUTES COUNCIL \v 5 3 % September 10, 1985 Page 8 MEMBERS % f Palomar Airport Committee Council Member Lewis reported on the progress of the Joint Powers Agreement. AaTouRNMENT: E3y proper mtion, the meting of September 10, 1985, was adjourned at 10:OS p.m. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk qQS?