HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-09-24; City Council; Minutes7 0 0 MIN UT.ES Meeting of: CITY KIUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: September 24, 1985 Time of Meetina: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL 'IO ORDER: The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6~00 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the Deputy City Clerk, as follows : Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Mulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent : None. PRESENTATION: Assistant City Manager Ray Patchett announced the City of Carlsbad has been chosen as a pacesetting organization for the United Way Canpaign. He introduced Mr. Joe Mer, Division Manager of Carlsbad Hughes Corrp?any, who is the North County Campaign Chairman. Mr. mer explained the campaign and expressed pleasure with the City of Carlsbad being a pacesetter. Mr. Wally Nygard, from the United Way off ice, was introduced. A short slide presentation was given to show the work done by the United Way Campaign. Mayor Casler read a.proclamation urging the City Council, Management staff and employees to support the CHAD Campaign, to prove to all that Carlsbad is indeed a pacesetter comunity. CONSENT OAFk Council confirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. (84) 1. AB #8333 - PUFCHASE OF Ixxx;ING RECORDEX. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8185, accepting a bid and authorizing the execution of a purchase order for the purchase of logging recorder equipment. (84) 2. AB #8334 - PURCHASE OF COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT. (45) Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8186, awarding a contract for mmunications equipment to Motorola Comunications and Electronics, Inc. (70) 3. AT3 #8311 - Supplement #1 - RFJECTING BIDS FOR GRADING OF STAGECOACH PARK. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8187, rejecting all bids for the grading of Stageoach Cornunity Park and authorizing the Purchasing Officer and the City Clerk to re-advertise and invite bids for the grading project. 309 - \v 5 COUNCIL 3 % MEMBERS % f Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine , 0 MINUTES a \y 5 September 24, 1985 COUNCIL % 3 MEMBERS % c Page 2 CONSENT CALFNDAR: (continued) (81) 4. AB #8335 ,- ACCEF'TANCE OF A PORTION OF IMPALA DRIVE. Council adopted RESOLUTIO~J NO. 81 88, acceptinq a grant deed for an easement for mnstruction of a portion of Impala Drive. (70) 5. AB #8336-- CALIFO@IA PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITJES, Aq OF 1 984. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8189, approving application for grant funds under the Regional Conpetitive Program of the California Park and Recreational Facilities Act of 1984 for Calavera Hills Cornunity Center. (41) 6. AB #8337 - CITY WLQYEES AUTHORIZED zy) FILE SMALL CLAIMS Cot&" ACTIONS. , Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8190, designating certain employees to file City claims for damages in small claims court. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION: (113) 7. AB #8331 - ZONE CHANGE FROM R-3 tO>O-S - ZC-327 - CITY OF C%RLsE3AD. Council adopted the following Ordinance: Casler Lewis ORDINANCE NO. 9773, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD Kulchin X MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMEXWING THE ZONING MAP FROM MULTIPLE THE ELM AvENuE/OCEAN STFEET INTERSECTION. SIDE OF OCEAN STREET APPROXIMATELY 200 FEE2 SXJTH OF SQUARE E%!%" OF PROPEIyry GENERALI;Y LOCATED ON THE WEST Pettine FAMILY RESIDENTIAL TO OPEN SPACE ON APPROXIMATELY 2,244 Chick PUBLIC HEARING: (57) 8. AB #8338 - GWF?+L PLAN A"ENT FROM FMH To FXN (113) AND ZONE CHANGE FRCM RD"M To R-1-7,500 - GPA/LU 85- 7/ZC-337 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff reprt as oontained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the site. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:28 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Sam Blick, Fairbanks Plaza, Rancho Santa Fe, spoke on behalf of the property Owners. He stated the applicant would corcanit to three things : Commit to only single family dwellings, not to exceed five units, and to subject plans to the review and approval of City Council, possibly by means of a Q overlay. He suggested this item be returned to the Planning Commission for worc with staff on a specific plan and exact zoning. The Q overlay would provide Council with the security of knowing they would review the site development plan. The determination was mde that staff had not evaluated this new suggestion by the applicant. ~ ~ 1 30 8 - T e 0 MINUTES September 24, 1985 Page 3 Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 6:35 p.m. Council returned this Agenda Item to the Planning Commission for staff reprt and recommendation, to be returned to Council with a reprt. Item #13 was taken out of order at this time. Planning (''I 13, AB #8323 - Supplement 81 - TJZNTATIVE MAP, PUD AND ('13) SPECIFIC PLAN - CAFUSBAD LAM) INVESTORS - CT 84-32/PUD- 73/SP-195. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Jim Simns, Chairman of Airport Advisory Commission, addressed Council. He referred to a chart displayed on the wall, indicating the 65 CNEL was the larger footprint on that mp. That is reviewed every five years by SANDAG, and each time reviewed the footprint becomes larger, and residential uses are to be kept out of this area. At buildout, there will be 320,000 to 350,000 uses of the airport per year, causing that footprint to grow larger. Mr. Simns added that the Supreme Court had ruled that residents can now sue airports for being noisy and he suggested the City or County could be sued. This project would be detrimental to the airport and would have impact and create problems in the future. He suggested alternative land uses for this area. Jerry Hart, 1826 Sunset Drive, Vista, representing the Palomar Airport Pilots' Association, spoke in opposition to the project, stating it would be a poor decision for health, safety and pocketbook of the citizens to build single family homes in that area. He suggested it might be better for the City to buy the land now rather than when it has 225 expensive homes built there. Mr. Hart added that the airport is a reality and this project is not. There will be mre flights in and out of Palomar Airport and mre mise. He asked Council to deny this project and consider industrial or office use for that area. Mr. Hart concluded, stating the SWAG update should be used to make a decision for land use in this area. Nick Banche, 810 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, comnted on the completeness of the Agenda packet on this item, setting out the details of the long history of this parcel. He stated the guideline of an unrealistic CNEL would affect the entire industrial. corridor and necessitate mving that, and asked where the industrial corridor would be put. Every possible use has been looked at for this parcel and rejected; industrial, comercial, combinations of residential and office professional , and the only acceptabl-e use is low density residential, > r 307 \p 5 COUNCIL "0 L MEMBERS Z. c 539 Casler Lewis Chick Kulchin X Pettine a e MINUTES September 24, 1985 Page 4 Mr. Banche stated this project meets all requirements and has satisfied all planning requirements. There must be a use for this land other than paying taxes. Mr. Banche suggested the land value would be approximately seven or eight million dollars, if Council wanted to consider purchasing the parcel. He added that the City will get complaints about the airport noise, just as they receive every day, even though the County controls the airport. Council Member Lewis stated the entire segment of Palomar Airport Road from. 1-5 to El Camino should be studied, and staff stated in approximately two years thf improvements on Palomar Airport Road would be conpleted He said he would support the project if the density were lowered to Zero to 1.5 units per acre. Mayor Casler added that this project could not be built within a year and a half, meaning that inprovements to the road would be concurrent with the project. The buyers of these units will sign a navigation easement and would have.ful1 knowledge of the airport traffic. Council Member Pettine stated this was a dangerous precedent to place residences so close to the runway. Due to the traffic problems, noise and crash risk, he stated he auld not support the project. ' Council introduced the following Ordinance and directed the City Attorney's Office to prepare documents approving CT 84-32/PuD-73: ORDINANCE ha. 9772, APPROVING A SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-195) FOR A 225-UNIT RFtSIDENTIAL PROJECT IN THE AImF?I' INFLUENCE AREA IDCATED APPROXIMATELY .3 MILES SBUTH OF PALOMAR AIRporrr I7cIAD AND EAST OF FuTtTRE OXLEGE B0ULF;vARD. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MIWAGER REPOIITS: Risk Management (60) 9. AB #8339 - FU%EWAL OF PlXlPEXTY INSURANCE. Ruth Fletcher, Purchasing Officer, introduced Mr. Don Creighton Jack, who gave the report. He explained the problem in the insurance industry and the increase in premiums. Mr. Jack recommended Council approve the renewal on the best tern available as of Septemkr 30, 1985. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8191, AUTHORIZING RENEWAL OF THE CITY'S PROPEIiTy INSUFGWCE . 306 - - - \v 5 COUNCIL 3 9A MEMBERS % f Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine e MINUTES 0 September 24, 1985 Page 5 (60) 10. AB #8340 - TERMINATION OF E?ARI'HQUAKE' INSURANCE. Mr. Don Jack gave the report on this item, stating that earthquake insurance is mt available at the present time because of the recent earthquake in Mexico. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 81 92, AUTHORIZING "INATION OF EAFCFJQUAKE INSURANCE. Engineering I (96) 11. AB #8341 - STOP SIGN ON SKYLINE ROAD AT WESTHAVEN DRIVE. City Engineer Gene Donovan gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Rent Sears, Traffic Engineer, stated the Traffic Safety Commission felt a mre restricted device was necessary to mntrol traffic in that area. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 3194, AMENDING TITLE IO, C-qaPTER 10.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECC'ION 10.28.350 REQUIRING SKYLINE I;IoAD TO STOP AT WESTHAW DRIVE. (29) 12. AB #8342 - ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR 1985-86 CITY (45) PROJECTS. j City Engineer Gene Donovan qave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8193, APPFOVIX AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND MOHLE-GROVER, WILLBAN ASSOCIATES, AND NESTE, BRUDIN & S?DNE FOR EC.X;INEERING SERVICES FOR VARIOUS 1985-86 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PIioJEcrS. 13. This item was taken out of order. (See Page 3) City Attorney I (Io6) 14. AB #7224 - Supplement #3 - REPEALIX THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL SOLAR UTILITJ. City Attorney Vincent Biondo gave the report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 8106, AMENDING TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.30 OF THE CARLSBAD MUJYICIPAL CODE BY THE DELFTION OF SECTION 18.30.030 TO REPEAL THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL SOLAR UTILITY. 305 \p 5 COUNCIL 3 9!k MEMBERS % q Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine - - a* .I 0 MINUTES 0 September 24, 1985 Page 6 I COUNCIL REPORTS: I Parks & Recreation Commission Council Member Pettine reported on the recent meeting. Housing & - Rdevelopment Advisory Cmittee Council Men-ber Pettine gave a brief report. Batiquitos Lagoon Restoration I Council Member Chick reported on the meeting * Sacramento, Downtown Merchants Committee Council Member Kulchin gave an update on activities planned by the Downtown Merchants. 1 Depot Committee I Council Member Kulchin reported on the planned restoration of the Depot. Senior Citizens Association / I Mayor Casler reported she would no longer attend the Board Meetings. Committee on North County Location of SD%J Mayor Casler stated the Committee was to have E. report mnpleted by December, 1985. CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL, BUSINESS: City Manager Frank Aleshsire announced the October 8, 1985, Council Meeting would be canceled due to the lack of a quorum. moIJRmENT: By proper mtion, the meting of September 24, 1985, was adjourned at 8:19 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ,.d sLr29 R. Deputy City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 304 \v 5 COUNCIL 3 9A MEMBERS % f