HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-10-01; City Council; Minutes(50) (50) 0 e MINUTES MEETING OF: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: October 1, 1985 5 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers COUNCIL \y 3 % MEMBERS % % CALL To ORDER: Mayor Casler called the meeting to order at 6:OO P.M. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine Absent: None THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was lead by Council Member Kulchin. INVOCATION was given by Bishop Moss of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. PRESENTATIONS Mayor Casler read a Proclamation declaring October 6-12, 1985 as JXmestic Violence Awareness F7eek. The proclamation was accepted by Marva Bledsoe Chriss, Executive Director of the Wmen's Resource Center. A Proclamation declaring October as Crime Prevention Month was accepted by Police Chief Vince Jimno. CONsm CALENDAR: Council Member Pettine requested a no vote be sham on Item #7 for the reasons he had previously stated. Council mmfirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, as Casler follows: Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TMT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. 1. AB #8343 - RATIFICATION OF DEM?I'DS AGAINST THE CITY. Council. ratified the payment of demands against the City in the amount of $2,775,844.05 for the period September 13 to September 26, 1985; Payroll demands in the amount of $364,221.43 for the period September 9 to September 22, 1985; and Housing demands in the amount of $2,939.52 for the period September 13 to September 26, 1985. 2. AB #8344 - REFUND OF FEES. Council approved the refund of $14,542.22 to Homes By Polygon for overpayment of fees. .?/? e 0 MINUTES October 1 , 1985 Page 2 \y 5 COUNCIL ?$ y? MEMBERS % f CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) 3. AR #8350 - ACCEPTANCE OF GIFT ON BEHALF OF THE CARLSBAD CITY LIB=. Council adopted RESOLUTION #8200, accepting a bequest of funds for the Carlsbad City Library. 4. AB #7158 - Supplement #10 - TH1RTIE;TH SUPPLEMENT TO THE ENCINA BASIC AGREJiMENT. Council adopted REsoulTION #8199, authorizing execution of the thirtieth supplement to the basic agreement to provide authority to the City of Vista to amend its antract with Brown & Caldwell for basic step 3 and special engineering services for phase I11 upgrading and enlargement of the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. 5. AB #8345 - APPROVAL OF AWE" WITH STATE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF SEAFJAGL. Council adopted RESOLU!EON #8194, approving an agreement with the State of California Department of Boating and Waterways for the construction of a seawall. 6. AB a7817 - Supplemnt #1 - TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION - CARLSBAD TRACT JSJO. 82-7 - SOUTH IAGUNA WERA. Council adopted REsoLKlTION #8195, approving an extenion of time for tentative map #CT 82-7 subject to certain cnnditions. 7. AB #8330 - Supplement #1 - APPFWAL OF TENTATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEWEXDP!@NT - CT 84-33/PtD-74 - VISTA DE .LA IlALLlZ. Council adopted RESOLVTION #8197, approving a planned unit development (-74) on 11 acres Lewis 77-unit tentative tract mp (CT 84-33) and Casler Pettine Avenue and Hosp May at the Forest Street stub. X Chick on property generally located between Elm Kulchin ORDINANCES FOR PE ION: 8. AB ?I7224 - Supplement #3 - REPEALING THE CARLSBAD "UNICIPAL SOLAR UIFILITY. Council adopted the following Ordinance: Casler Lewis ORDINANCE No. 8106, AMENDING TITLE 18, CHAPTER 18.30 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL ODE By TRE DELFTION OF SECTION X Kulchin UTILITY. , Pettine 18.30.030 n3 REPEAL THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL SOLAR Chick 9. AB #8341 - STOP SIGN ON SKYLINE ROAD AT WESTHAVEN DRIVE. Council adopted the following Ordinance: Casler Lewis ORDINANCE NO. 3194, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.28 OF THE CARLSJ3AD MUNICIPAL, CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION x: Kulchin DRIVE. , Pettine 1 0.28.350 REQUIRING SKYLINE FOAD TD SfOP AT wEsTHAvE;N Chick - 0 0 MINUTES October 1, 1985 Page 3 (99) IO. AI3 #8323 - Supplement #2 - REQUEST FOR TENATIVE MAP, (113) PUD AND SPECIFIC PLAN - CT 84-32/=73/SP-195 -CAFUSBAD LAND INVESTORS. (57) (85) (113) (99) Council adopted the following Resolution and Ordinance: RESOLUTION MI. 8201, APPFOVING A 225-UNIT TFSJTATIVE TF!ACT MAP (CT 84-32) AND PLAEJNED UNIT DEVEIDFHENT (PUD- 73 ) ON 8 5 ACRFS ON PFOPEFUY GENERAI;LY LOCATED APPROXIMATELY .3 MILES SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIRpOrcT WAD AND JUST EAST OF FUTURE COLLEGE BOULEVARD. ORDINANCE NO. 9772, APPROVING A SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-195) FOR A 225-UNIT RESIDENTIAL PROJECT IN THE AIFPOFZC INFLUENCE AREA LQCATED APPROXIMATELY .3 MILES SOUTH OF PALOMAR AIFSOR!J! ROAD AND EAST OF FUTURE CWILLM;E BOULEKQD. PUELIC JdERRJNG: 11. AI3 #8349 - REQUEST FOR GENERAL PLAN AM3WQNT, ZONE CHANGE, MASTER PLAN AND RELATED ITEMS FOR BATIQUITOS LAGOON EDUCATIONAL PARK - EIR 84-3/GPA/LU 85-10/ZC- 319/MP-175/SDP 85-5/CT 85-14/PUW90 - SAMMIS. Mike Holzmiller, Land Use Planning Manager, gave the staff report as mntained in the Aqenda Bill, using wall maps to show the sixteen planning areas and the five basic land uses. He referred to a memorandum dated October 1, 1985, from the City Manager regarding traffic issues and the additional conditions in the memorandum which address those issues. Staff responded to Council questions regarding the project and clarifying the mnditions. Mayor Casler cpened the public hearing at 7:OO P.M., and issued the invitation to speak. Don Sds, 15306 Las Planideras, Rancho Santa Fe, the applicant, addressed Council explaining the graduate education to be offered at the university and integrated business and residences surrounding the university. Jon Briggs, Vice President of Smis Properties, narrated a slide presentation showing the different areas to be included in the project, first with drawings and then using the scale del shown at the front of the Council Chambers. In answer to query, he stated they agree in concept with the additional conditions contained in the City Manager's memorandum dated October 1, 1985. Hiram Hoskin, 7307 San Luis, Carlsbad, Legislative Director of the Homeowners Association of Lakeshore Gardens Mobile Home Park, stated they had several meetings with Sannnis regarding the project and they appreciated Sammis I efforts to cooperate and the revisions they had made to acm&.ate the residents of the mbile home park. Mr. Hoskin said that as long as the berm between 1-5 and Avenida Encinas was maintained, they are in favor of the project and feel it will be an asset to the City of Carlsbad. L ?/ / COUNCIL y 3 9L MEMBERS % q Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine - - 0 0 MINUTES October 1, 1985 Page 4 Bill Dean, 765 Normandy, Leucadia, representing the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation spoke in favor of this project. He stated the applicant had developed safeguards for the lagoon and had addressed all the Foundation's concerns. He read into the record the letter of May 30, 1985 to the City Manager regarding this project. Dale Schreiber, 1457 Crest Drive, Encinitas, spoke in opposition to this project, pointing out Section 32 on the wall map stating this piece belongs to his family and that as yet Sds did not have a right-of-way easement through their property. plr Schreiber also stated that the park should be provided. He questioned the mvemnt of the southbound lanes of Carlsbad Boulevard, and asked for a traffic study to be mde. He gave copies of his remarks to the City Council Members. Ann Mauch, Garfield Street, spoke in opposition to this project, stating she did not feel this was the best land use for this sensitive parcel of land. She felt that this was major departure from the General Plan both in the land use and in the policy rules and guidelines. Mrs. Mauch expressed concern about the type of university and stated that Sds was satisfied with the residential development as approved last year and wondered why had he changed at this time to include this mixed use. She asked for mre information to be provided to the public and mre public input on the issues raised tonight. Cindy Ward, 937 Begonia Court, spoke of her concern about losing all the things that she mved into that area to enjoy, She stated that she was not against the project as such but opposed the land use. She felt the area should remain residential and this project would do much to destroy the quality of life in Carlsbad. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 7:57 P.M. Mayor Casler referred to Item D. 1 . in the memorandum from the City Manager dated October 1, 1985. She stated no decisions have been made on the excess right-of-way exchange propsed by Sds, and she suggested Item D.1. be shown as a tentative proposal. Frank Aleshire, City Manager, stated the page 65 of the Master Plan offers language that the developer wants to study the alignment at the intersection of Carlsbad Boulevard and Avenida Batiquitos, and make specific proposals to the City Council relative to danging the intersection and eliminating the bridge, Council directed that condition D.l. referred to in the City Manager's mawrandm dated October 1, 1985, be shown as a tentative proposal subject to further information and Council action. Council certified EIR 84-3. c 3/ f3 - COUNCIL y % % MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis xx X Chick Kulchin X Lewis X Kulchin X Chick xx Pettine X i - 7 0 0 MINUTES October 1, 1985 Page 5 Council directed the City Attorney's Office to prepare documents approving GPA/LU 85-10. City Attorney, Vincent Biondo suggested that since the changes were considerable in Ordinance 9777 and 9778, the two items be continued and the documents returned to Council in their correct andition. Council continued the introduction of Ordinances 9777 and 9778 to October 15, 1985. Council directed the City Attorney's Office to prepare the documents approving SDP 85-5, CT 85-14 & PUD-90, to include the conditions in the City Manager's memorandum dated October 1, 1985, as amended by previous Council action. RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a recess at 8:28 P.M. and council re-convened at 8:44 P.M., with all Members present. (99) 12. AB #8348 - REQUEST FOR TENTATIVE MAP/PLANNED UNIT DEVEXOP" - CT 85-19/PuIF-87 - DAON COmF?ATION (-SI \ Charles Grim, Principal Planner gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a wall map to show the four recreation areas and the enhanced entrance way at the main entrance. Mr. Grim stated that there wuld be a remainder parcel created by the realignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road and that parcel muld not be a part of this project. A condition had been added requiring a site development plan on that parcel. In answer to query, City Engineer Gene Donovan clarified that the primary access is Alga and the secondary access is the right turn in and out deceleration and acceleration lane, and Meadowlark Ranch Road would be a cul-de-sac. He also referred to the first sentence in andition 66, and requested it be changed to read "This suabdivision contains an additional non-buildable remainder parcel Lot A." He noted that muld mke the parcel part of the subdivision and eliminate any questions about requiring the street improvements adjacent to that parcel. City Engineer Gene Donovan responded to questions regarding traffic volumes on streets in the area. Alga Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road are within capacity, but statistics were not available for Melrose. He also noted the conditions in his memorandum dated October 1, 1985 dealty only with the cul-de-sac change. Mayor Casler opened the Public Hearing at 9:16 P.M., and issued the invitation to speak. I I ? 09 COUNCIL /p % 9L. MEMBERS % 8 Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin X Chick Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine - -c i 0 0 MINUTES October 1, 1985 Page 6 City Engineer Gene Donovan responded to questions regarding traffic volms on streets in the area noting Alga Road and Rancho Santa Fe Road are within capacity, but statistics were not available for Melrose. He also noted the mnditions in his memorandum dated October 1, 1985 dealt only with the cul-de-sac change. Mayor Casler apened the Public Hearing at 9: 16 P.M., and issued the invitation to speak. Mike Ryan, Daon Corporation, 5150 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, addressed Council. He stated there was nothing in the conditions stating that Lot A would not be a buildable lot. He also referred to condition No. 59 stating Daon did not request this mndition be modified or deleted and if Coucil wished Daon to comply with the mndition as presently written, they are ready to (30 so. Angela Shadrick, 2052 Meadowlark Ranch Lane, referred to a petition signed by the neighbors in the adjacent subdivision, and read the petition to the Council. They opposed the use of Meadowlark Ranch Road as a secondary access to the project. Clay McKown, 1923 Redwing Street, San Marcos, addressed Council in favor of this project. Reverend David Plank, pastor of the Meadowlark Connnunity Church, adjacent to this project, addressed Council in favor of this project. He stated the access onto Rancho Santa Fe Road would be a mistake and asked Council to approve the proposed access onto Melrose Avenue. Robert Johnston, 2073 Meadowlark Ranch Lane, spoke in favor of the project. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 9:37 p.m. Council Member Lewis stated he needed to see a timetable on the conpletion of inprovements to Rancho Santa Fe Road and Council Member Pettine concurred, adding that he felt no additional units should be built before the improvements were made. he also felt there would be an impact on public facilities. Council discussed the amendnents and added conditions for this development, with council Members Pettine and Lewis speaking in apposition to additional development in the area until the public facilities are brought up to date and the circulation issue in that quadrant had been studied further. Council requested a report from the City Manager on alternative methods for inproving all of Rancho Santa Fe Road immeaiately . Council approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Land Use Planning Manager and directed the City Attorney's Office to prepare domnts approving CT 85- 19/PUD-87, with amendments as shown on the October 1, 1985 memrandum from the City Engineer plus the cul-de- sac of Meadowlark Ranch Road; approval of acceleration and deceleration lanes for right turn in and out on Melrose Avenue; also requiring street improvements on Rancho Santa Fe Road and Melrose adiacent to the c remainder parcel. 308 \p 5 COUNCIL % %' MEMBERS % q Casler Pettine 1 Chick 1 Kulchin Lewis x1 - -m (57) (63) (74) 0 0 MINUTES \p 5 October 1, 1985 Page 7 COUNCIL 3 % MEMBERS % 0 13. AB #8346 - GPA/HIS 85-1 - CITY OF CARLSBAD PROPOSED HISTORIC PRESmTION ELJ3MENT TO THE GENERAL PLAN. Chris Salomne, Community Redevelopment Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 10:05 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Geoffrey Armour, President of Carlsbad Historical Society, addressed Council in favor of this Element, offering the aid of the Historical Society to help the Conmission carry out its duties. Kay Christiansen, 2802 Carlsbad Boulevard, gave a brief history of the City's growth and added her approval of this Element. Marjorie HowardJones, 3985 Park Drive, Historical Site Preservation Cormnittee, stated the City has a lot of history to preserve and this Element will allow the City to join in this mrk. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 10: 10 p.m. Council approved the Negative Declaration and adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION No. 81 98, AME?JDING THE GENERAL PLAh7 BY THE Casler x: ADOPTION OF A HISTORIC PRESERVATION ELEPENT. Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9776, AMENDING THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL Casler x1 Kulchin PRESERVATION. 1 Lewis CODE BY "HE ADDITION OF TITLE 22 REGARDING HISTORIC 1 Chick 1 Pettine 1 DEPAR!DENT& AEaD CITY MANAGER REFORTS: 14. AB #8347 - ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF LIBRARY PARKING LOT (PROJECT NO. 3172). City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8196, APPWING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Casler XE AND AUTHORIZING?HECITY CLEF3 'ID INVITE BIDS FOR Lewis E LIBRARY PARKING IMT CONTRACT PJD. 3172. Kulchin E Chick E Pettine E 15. AB #8259 - Supplement #2 - EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INSURANCE BID SPECIFICATIONS. City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the report on this item at contained in the Agenda Bill. 307 v e. .e . - L (41) 0 0 MINUTES /p October 1, 1985 COUNCIL 3 9L- MEMBERS % 9 Page 8 Council adopted the folZowing Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8202, APPFOVING SPECIFICATIONS, AND Casler Kulchin EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INSURANCE. Lewis AU"ElO@ZING THE CITY CLERK 'IO ADWRTISE FOR BIDS FOR x: 7 4 7 1 Chick Pettine A 7 I 1 6. CIAlSED SESSION RFx;ARDING PENDING LITIGATION. Matter continued to meeting of October 15, 1985 COUNCIL mmms : AI.TJouRNMENT: By proper mtion, the meting of October 1, 1985, was adjourned at 10:15 p.m., to 5:30 p.m., October 15, 1985, in the Council Chambers for a closed session. Respectfully submitted, ALETHA &dfl- L. "Z City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 306