HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-10-29; City Council; Minutes0 0 MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Meeting ) Date of Meeting: October 29, 1985 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. COUNCIL ?$ 9b Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers MEMBERS % f CALL TO 0Re)E:P.: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Casler?at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows: Present :: Council Members Casler, Lewis, \p 5 Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent : None. Mayor Casler announced there were two requests for continuances . The first request was for Item #13, Alga Hills, and Mr. Bob Ladwig had requested permission to address Council. Bob Ladwig, Rick Engineering, read a letter to the Council dated October 29, 1985, requesting continuance of the Alga Hills hearing to 3anuary 7, 1986, in order to meet with the residents to meet their concerns regarding tlnis proposed project. Council Member Pettine suggested the zoning on this parcel may be incompatible with that of the surrounding area; therefore, he would also like to have this item considlered for rezoning at the time it is returned to the Planning Commission. Council Member Kulchin concurred, stating she was concerned about the density. After discussion among Council Members regarding the issue of rezoning being considered at the same time as the tentative map request, it was determined this could be set for rezoning hearing at the Planning Commission by a separate motion. Council granted the request of the applicant, and Casler X continued t.he public hearinp on CT 84-41/PUD-77-S0- Lewis CAL (Alga Hills) to the meeting of 3anuary 7, 1986. Kulchin Chick Pett ine Council directed staff to set this item for public Kulchin evaluation of the zoning on the parcel. Lewis hearing before the Planninq Commission for re- Casler Chick Pettine X RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a recess at 6:19 p.m., and Council reconvened at 6:24 p.m., with all Members present . Mayor Casler announced the second request for a continuance was by the applicant, Cedric Sanders, for a thirty day continuance for Item 1\14, Tentative Map and Planning Unit Development - CT 83-18/PUD-55 - Calavera Hills (Vil.lage H). Council granted the request of Cedric Sanders and Casler continued this item to the meeting of November 26, Lewis 1985. Kulchin Chick X Pettine i 34 0 - - 0 0 MINUTES October 29, 1985 3 Page 2 Council MemlDer Chick stated he would like to have staff immediately identify all the areas where there is a question of compatibility of land use and submit the list of areas in question to Council, instead of approaching them one at a time at the public hearing level, such as the item tonight. Council requested staff to complete a list of the parcels where there is a question of compatibility of zoning and submit a list of those areas to Council as soon as possible. CONSENT CALENDAR: - Council Member Lewis requested Items 2 and 7 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Items 2 and 7, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT EADING: I Council wafved the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. (74) 1. AB /I8385 - ADDITIONAL STAFF FOR HOUSING AND EDEm%T OFFICE. Council adopted ESOLUTION NO. 8239, adding the classification and salary of Administrative Assistant I to the Housing and Redevelopment Department budget. I (99) 2. A5 87199 - Supplement ?I2 - FINAL MA!' - CT 82-6, UNITS 1.2 and- 3. " I This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. (96) 3. AB A8275 - Supplement 81 - AWAFUI OF CONTRACT FOR (45) RECONSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS - PROI03ECTS 3179 and 3180. - Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8241, accepting bids and authorizing the execution of the contract for project nos. 3179 and 3180 for reconstruction of traffic signals at Carlsbad BoulevardIGrand Avenue and El Camino Reallchestnut Avenue. (97) 4. AB !I8238 - Supplement 92 - RESCINDING AWARD OF (45) CONTRACT FOR LA COSTA AVENUE RIGHT TURN LANE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8242, rescinding award of contract no. 3189, La Costa Avenue temporary riuht turn lane. I (70) 5. AB 88386 - GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES DURING GRADING OF (45) STAG-I PARK -' CIP #I3191. Council adopted RESOLUTION 8243, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Geocon, Inc., for qeotechnical services for Stagecoach Park. ?Yl \p 5 COUNCIL 3 % MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulch in Chick Pettine X Casler Lewis Kulchin Pet t ine Chick X ~ - e 0 MINUTES (70) (45 1 (99) (81) (81) (70) (113) (85) (45) :99> (99) (81) October 29, 1985 CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) 6. AB 8838'7 - STAGECOACH PARK CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT - SERVICES . Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8244, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Ray Lewis, Consulting Engineer for construct ion management services for Stagecoach Park, Phase I. 7. AB 117891 - Supplement If2 - FINAL MAP FOR.CARLSBAD- TRACmq- LA COSTA CONDOMINIUMS. This item w.as withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. 8. AB 8838, PARK. - Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8246, exchanging parcels in Stagecoach Park. 9. AB W8389 - AMENDED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB RESORT MASTER PLAN. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8247, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Westec Services, Inc., for preparation of an amended subsequtent environmental impact report for the 1,385-acre Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort master plan; and RESOLUTION NO. 8248, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Hunt Properties , Inc. , for the payment of consultant costs incurred from the provision of an amended subsequent environmental impact report on the 1,385- acre Pacific Rim Country Club Resort master plan. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 2. A% #7199 - SUPPLEMENT 112 - FINAL MAP - CT 82-6, UNITmand 3. Council Member Lewis asked whether there was a plan to widen Park Drive, and staff said there was a plan to widen part of it, but that land is all privately owned and not before the City for development at the present time. City Manager Frank Aleshire explained that Park Drive is already the appropriate width for driving. However, there are no curbs, sidewalks or parking lanes. Park Drive would never be more than two lanes for driving. The sharp curve area will be corrected by the City. Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract 82-6, Casler Units 1, 2 and 3 (Laguna Del Mar), and accepted and Lewis x removed the "blocker strip1' across a portion of Neblina Kulchin Drive. Chick Pettine 7. AE3 118389 - AMENDED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - PACIm, COUNTRY CLUB ESORT MASTER PLAN. Council Member Lewis inquired whether this project was included in the $250 per unit traffic impact fee levied on other projects recently. Staff stated this project was at the final map approval stage, and it was not possible to levy the $250 fee at that stage. ~ QUA 0 0 MINUTES (36) (39) (50) (100 1 (99) October 29, 1985 Page 4 Council Member Lewis stated he would continue to vote 11 nol’ on this item, as this project is in a problem area. Council Member Pettine stated he would abstain from the vote since he was not a Council Member at the time the original map was approved. He concurred with Council Member Lewis that this was a problem area. Council approved the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract 84-7, Casler X La Costa Condominiums. Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine Council adopted the following Resolution: X Casler Lewis KSOLUTION NO. 8245, ACCEPTING DVO GRANT DEEDS FOR Kulchin STREET PURPOSES FOR A PORTION OF CALLE TIMETEO AND A Pettine PO RTIOEd OF MISSION ESTANC IA. Chick ORDINANCE FOR 1,NTRODUCTION : IO. AB f839O - INCREASING COMPENSATION FOR CITY CLERK AND CITY TEASURER. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 1286, AMENDING TITLE 2, CHAPTER 2.08 OF Casler Ku lch in THE CARLSBACl MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF Chick X SECTIONS 2.08.020 AND 20.08.030 TO INCREASE THE Pettine COMPENSATION OF THE CITY TREASURER AND CITY CLERK. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: Lewis 11. AB 88383 - EVISION OF CITY MANAGER’S AUTHORITY TO APPRQVE REFUNDS. Council adopted the following Ordinance : Kulchin ORDINANCE NO. 1284, AMENDING TITLE 3, CHAPTER 3.32 OF Casler THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTION Chick x. 3.32.030 TO REVISE THE PROCEDURES FOR APPROVAL OF Pe tt ine REFUNDS . 12. AB /!€I027 - Supplement /!I - REVISIONS TO COLLECTION PROCEDUKS FOR TRANSIET OCCUPANCY TAX. Council adopted the following Ordinance: Casler z Lewis F ORDINANCE NO,, 1285, ANENDING TITLE 3, CHAPTER 3.12 OF Ku lch in X) THE CARLSBAD TU~WIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF Chick > SECTIONS ,3.12.060 AND 3.12. 080 AND BY THE ADDITION OF Pettine ) SECTION 3.12.160 THROlJGH 3.12.220 TO EVISE THE PROVISIONS FOR THE COLLECTION OF THE TRANSIENT OCClJPANCY TAX. PUBLIC HEARING: .- Lewis ” 13. AB /I8391 - TENTATIVE MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - CT 84-41/PUD-77 - SO-CAL, (Alga Hills). CT 84-41/PUD-77 was continued to January 7, 1986. qqq .. 0 0 MINUTES October 29, 1985. Page 5 DEPARTMENTAL .. AND, CITY. MANAGER. REP0 RTS : (99) 14. AB. #7892- -. Supp'lement .#I. -. TENTATIVE. MAP. AND. PLANNkD. UNIT- DEVELOPMm -.CT. 83;18/PUD;55. ;.CALAVEm. HILLS.tVil1age.H). This item was continued to -November 26, 1985. (22) 15. AB.#7681- -.Supplement.#3. -.PALOMAR.AIRPORT-30INT. (45) POWERS. AGREEMENT. Council Member Lewis gave the report as contained in the Agenda Bill. I Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8249, APPROVING A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT PALOMA R AI RPO RT . WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 'CONCEWING McCLELLAN- I COUNCIL. REPORTS: Housing and. Redevelopment- Advisory Committee Council Member Pettine .reported on the recent meeting. He stated Member Bob Holmes had submitted his resignation to the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee due to his appointment to the Planning Commission. I NCTD - Council Member Kulchin gave an update on the activities of the NCTD. I LCP Review. Committee Mayor Casler reported on the successful adoption of the LCP Review Committee recommendations. OFF-AGENDA ITEM: '. Council Member Lewis requested an off-agenda item be discussed regarding closure of Rancho Santa Fe Road. Council agreed to discuss an of f-agenda item. I (97) Closure of Rancho Santa Fe Road Council Member Lewis stated he had attended a meeting of the residents in the La Costa area, and they had presented new information regarding the stop signs on Levante Street and the busing of school children. He felt those two items should be re-considered and the closure of Rancho Santa Fe Road be placed on the Agenda November 5, 1985, for public hearing. 33 8 ". COUNCIL \~~ 5 %?$, %% 9/ f MEMBERS Z. JI Z. 1 Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kul ch in X Lewis xx . .. 0 0 MINUTES *% October 29, 1985 Page 6 MEMBERS COUNCIL ~~ % % y?%$ JI Z. t Council directed staff to set the closure of Rancho Casler X Kulchin 1985, Agenda. xx Lewis Santa Fe Road for public hearing on the November 5, X Chick X Pettine X AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of October 29, 1985, was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, LoAkxLL R. Ry ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 337