HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-12-17; City Council; Minutes. 1 - (50) (81) (45 1 0 9 ,r #. MINUTES . .; > .. Meeting of : CITY CJXJNCIL ( Rqular Yeeting ) Time of Meetiq: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meetinq : Decerher 17, 1985 Place of Meeting: City Council Chanhers CALL TO 017DER: Mayor Casler called the meetinq to order at 6:OO p.m. KILL CALL was taken by the Deputy City Clerk, as follows: Reseat - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick ;ind Pettine. Absent - None. IWIOCATIo1v was given by David Courson, Director, National Christian Fellowship. PLF;Dc3E. OF AT,LEGfANCE was led by City Manqer Frank Ales h ire. APPROVAL OF. ramms : Minutes of the Rwular Meet ins held November 25, 1955 , were qqravec-3 as pxsenter7. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Pettine stated he mld cast a neqative vote on Consent Calerfiar Items No . 9 and 10 for the reasons previously stated. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Caledar , as follom: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE’ TEXT- FWElING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this metirq. I . AB #8437- - RATIFICWION OF DELWDS- AMNST- VIE CITY. - Council ratifid the payment of c3emarfis against the City in the munt of $3,058,909.71, for the perid 1 1/15/85 to 12/QS/85; Payroll &mads in the munt of $777,787.48 for the perid 11/04/85 to 12/01/85: and Housinq demards in the munt of $825.74 for the ,period 11/15/85 to 12/OS/85. 2. TU3 #8119 - Supplement W 1 6- -. AWARD OF COHTRACTS FOR SMEW CEhWR. Council aloptecj RESOLUTION- KO.. 8298, acceptirq bids ard authorizing the execution of contracks 3006-6A, GB, K, 5D, 6G, 6H, 61, 6!J, ad 6R, ad authorizing the Koll Canpany ta nqotiate bid sections 3006-6E roofing and 6F sheet mtal €or the construction of the Carlshad Safety Clenter. 900 I COUNCIL I$ % 3 MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine Casler kwis Rul &I in Chick x: Pet t ine . 1 7 1 7 rn (70) (44) (45) (44) (45) (92) (99) (99) (84) (99) 0 0 MINUTES r Decenber 17, 1985 mw 2 CONSENT- CALENDAR: ( mnt inued ) 3. AB #843$. -- STAmmAa- PARK- SITE- fMf?mW" isND COp@yJNfTy. CmR. -- pRoJEm. m. - 39 99 ~ m- 31 97 J Council acfopted RESOLtITFON- NO.. 8299, qproving plans and specifications: authorizing the City Clerk tn invite bids for site improvements arvj Community Center in Staqecoadn Park Project Nos. 3191 ad 3197. 4. AB #8439. -'. A?dlWAL- CC"3- FOR- SLRWUNG - SERVICES Council adopted RESOLUTION- No.- 8300, apprming agreements between the City of Carlsbad ard Rick Engineering, Inc. ad Gold Coast surveying, Inc. for annual surveying services for 1985-86 Capital Improvement Proqrams and miscellaneous non C.I.P. wxk. - 5. AB #8440- - ~~~RA~ HIISS EFF'LUEW DISBAL. LINE DESIGN. SERVICES. CCElSULTANT- A@?EEm- -.. PROJEm" No. 32011.- Council adopted RES~LIIPTION. No.-. 830.1, apprmiq agreeqent ktween the City of Carlsbad ard Fraser and Associates for engineering services for 1985- 86 Capital Improvement Woqram. - 6. AB- #8424-. -- Supplement - #1- -- DENIAL- OF- TFNTATIVE m. A?? Pf&D. INIT. DE~JEIDPm. IN- CALAVEW4 Him. -. m.. WIAVFl" HI.. ~MpAp;sp. f-Jjls council adopted R!SQLU"X~N-BQ.. 8302, denying c)7c W,X,Y) ard CT 85-4/P'm-79 (vIUAG~ L-2), dl on property located in the Zalavera Hills Master Plan area. J . 84-37/CP-300 (VIUCX .U); CI' 84-38fiUD-76 (VIWGE 7. A8 #6792 -' Supplement- #5- - ACCEPTANCE- OF. PUBLIC I~~~~~.- A- m. 89 -35- A- mTIVE.- - Sm- (THE BEACH) . Council accepted improvements, authorized the City Clerk ta record the Notice of Cmpletion, release bods, ad directed the Utilities ard Maintenance De2artment to ccmsnence mintainirq the public streets associated with this subdivision. 8. AR #8441~-~PURCHASE~OF"IWEKS. Council adopted PESOLUTION- NQ.- 8303, accepting bids ad authorizinq the execution of purchase orders for the pur &ase of three trucks. 9. AB #7592- -' supplement^ ?l 5 -. TENTATIVE MAP- AND - PMrnD- m1T- DEVErnPrnW -- e- 83-29 (A3jPm-57f-43 ' - Council- ado?ted RESOLUTION. ?IO-.-- 8304, appraving a 406 unit tentative tract nap (mx-21 (A) ) ad pl.annd unit developmnt (Pu~1-57 (A) ) on 104 acres on prqerty generally locate3 in the northerly portion of the Calavera Hills Master Plan Area. 119 9 Jrt 7 COUNCIL y$$ % % MEMBERS % % pe tt ine 1 (113) (20) (45) (35) (99) (57) (113) e 0 MINUTES Decenher 17, 1985 Page 3 (33NSENT. WmIBR: ( continued ) IO. AB #8425 - Supplement. #l' - SITE DEVEXBW,W PM7 F(IR. AN. $j@Ur\TfT- ~~~~p~~- -. SDp 95-1 3- - I.. PACIFIC SCENE. Council adopted RESOLUTION-NO. 8305, qproviq with corditions a site development plan 8.513 for an 80 unit qartment. project on prqrty generally located north of the intersection of Tamarack Avenue ard Elm Avenue. 1 1 AB #8442. - AC,REEMENT. VTfT-I- PACIFIC- SCENE- FOR CONDENNATION- OF EM;-. HARWICX- AND GLASGJW'T Council adopted RESOLUTION No. - 8306, apprwinq an agrement &tween the City of Carlslad ad Pacific Scene regarding the acquisition of certain easements for street ad other purposes as required for the Lake Calavera Hills Master Plan. 1 2. ?B #8443- - AMIOJS. PARI'ICIPATION- IN- CDI.lb'pTy- OF- YOIB INVERSE CONDE!%IATION- @SE. - The City Council authorizd the City Attmney to join the County of Yo10 as anici in the case DT McDonald, ,';emmer aril Frates v. the County of YO10 13. AB 88427. - CARLSRAD- RESEARCH- CEEJTER. -. a- 85-24. Council continued this item to the metiq of January 7, 1986, ORDINANCES- FOR- INTRODUCTION: 14. AB. #8409;. #8410- &- #84A 1 - - Supplement-. #1- -- SJ9ERAL PLAN. APENDblEIE'S~ AND- €?EL\mD ZONE- CMANXS-GPAjLU ARONEX ;. GPAJLU ' 8 5-1 9. -- DJ3NSITY- 3A??S : $5-3/ZC;326-~~~ SToflE- A- GpA/Lu- 85-6/ZC-335- L Country Store- -- ZC-326 city Attorney Vincent Biordo noted the followiq corrections to the Resolution and Ordinances in this item. ?;he Resolution, page 3, line 20, should red: "frm RL;M to neiqhbz%ood ccmmercial". Line 25; same page, should read: "from cornanunity canmercial to RM" . Page 10 Rezoning Ordinance, Line 10, sbuld read "C-2- (Q) 'I Mike Holmiller stated the transparency map sbwirq a zone &aqe for the entire site was incorrect. %e GPA and zoning just applied to the northerly prt ion, as the southerly plrt ion is already ccrnmercial . Council Member Chick camrented the correct &signation for the propsd access would !be the easterly boundary; not southern boundary. 378 \$ 5 COUNCIL % ?i MEMBERS % q Pettine ~ a e MINUTES De&r 17, 1985 Page 4 Mike Holzmiller stated that because of the aligmtsnt along El Camino Real at that spot, it was difficult to determine the actual direction. He agreed it should read, "eastern boundary". City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated Council M-rs should inspect the wxding of the conditions to be certain they Cb mnvey the intentions of Council. Jay Hoffrran, 4901 El Camino Real, addressed Council as mer of the Country Store. He stated that he was not objecting to the Ordinance as such, ht felt the wording could be less restrictive. In Ordinance No. 9787, *e first page of the Ordinance Item No. 1 Mr. Hoffmn stated he mld like it to read: "the property mer shall relinquish the existing two driveways unless atherwise approved by the City Eslgineer as part of the site development plan and study. He stated the present wrding could be interpreted to close the two driveways and only have the me access. This muld not improve the situation as far as access to the property at the top of the hill. He stated a right turn m the northerly boundary with a right turn in and aut muld facilitate going up the hill, around the top of the property, and dm to the eastern driveway, as discussed. He stated Item No. 2 was all ricjht as presented. Mr. Hoffnmn stated Item No. 3 made rm provision for other developers to participate in the funding for the signal. He said the condition read as if i%e country Store muld be conpletely responsible for installing the signal. If they were the only participants, that would be fine. Rut, if the property across the street developed, as it will in the near future, he wanted those people to participate in the funding for the signal. He felt they should not receive the benefits of the signal without having to pay their share. Mr. Hoffman stated that Item No. 4 needed to be reworded. He felt it was rat his responsibilty to direct the closing of the mbile horn park entrance. Any changes relative to ingress and egress muld be up to the City Engineer. He added that he muld coxply with the City Engineer's determination. Council discussion detedned that there would be a traffic study mde, and the City Engineer muld com up with a plan for mving the mbile hom park entrance. If the people in the mbile horn ,park were agreeable, and the plan was feasible, then Council could take action at that the. Mayor Casler stated Mr. Hoffman had mntioned a right turn in and aut at the other end of the parking area and she inquired whether this auld be an alternate in the site developmnt plan. I 37 7 c \p 5 COUNCIL % 9C MEMBERS % q 0 MINUTES a I Decenber 17, 1985 We 5 Gene Donovan, City Engineer, stated that it was nat his impression that the two driveways would be left cpen. He understod that the two driveways mld be closed am3 there would be one access at the extern border of the property. He felt a right turn in and out wuld )oe less safe ad would mplicate matters. flowever, Mr. mncwan stated that if the right turn in an3 out could be designed with an acceleration ard deceleration lane it would be safer than what is there at the present time. Discussion on the ins tal lation of the traffic signal determined a clarification of tlhe cordition could be that if a traffic signal were installed, the applicant would be reinburs& upn development of the Robertson Property Mike Holzmiller added that normally the site development plan on this parcel would cp only to the Planning Commission, but &cause of the mditions on this pxcel, this one would cane to City Council for appruval . Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE-NO, 9787, MENDIPG TITLE 21 OF !!YE CA€USBAO MUNICIPAL CDDE BY ANFiNDI*G THE 7Xlr;IIJG MBP M GEUNT A CHANGE OF ZONE FFOM R-24-19 TO C-2-9 ON APPFXIXItWI'LY 3.67 AC%S OF PFOPERTY GZNERALIZ ICCMED ZQ THE COUNTRY smm ON EL C%lIbK) RFAL m Summ To cx)M)ITIOI';Bs. r;ine 10 was &laTed deletirq "C-2" ad inserting "C-2-Q" . Cordition No. 1 was charged to the easterly houndary of the prcperty , with one driveway unless otherwise appravd by the City as part of a site developrent plan. Codition No. 3 was charqed to read: if the traffic signal benefits the prcperty acrss E1 Camino Real, the City will obtain reirbursement frm those prcperty owners. Codition No. 4: "The sit? &velopment plan shall bz coordinated with the City Engineer and a traffic study mde to inprove the access &an the mbile home park. Arrangements shall be made, satisfactory to City Council, for improving an access frm the mbile home park, including the possibility of access tkouqh the applicant's property to El Camino Real. Aroney- -' ZC-335 Council next cansidered Ordinance NO. 9 783. Fred Morey, 2618 Abedul Street, rqxesenting Levante properties, &dressed Council stating that he hd appeared Novernber 19, 19 55, an3 stated for the record that Council had received Ftitions fran 70 property owners of 1 11 in the area asking for a reconsideration of this ptential lad use &awe. He stated cqpies ha3 'ken filed with the City Council ad staff, Vr. Morey stated the present act ion would 'be inmns istent with Council act ion taken in other sect ions by the City . Mr. Mrey red into the record a letter to the Menbers o€ the City Council ad the Nayor. -le red the restrictions to be placed on the proposed slmppirq center. He dded there would be no traffic generated outside of the inmediate area as this would 'be neighborhod carnmercial . 396 COUNCIL \p 5 % Q' MEMBERS % q Casler Lewis Kul& in Chick Pettine X 0 MINUTES e Decenikr 17, 1985 Page 6 Tom Erwin, 7703 Garbso Place, addressed Council thanking them for rezoning this to residential. He stated this was mre in keeping with the aaracter of the neighborhood. He said the mers of the property are against this change to residential, but two years ago they wanted it rezoned for a Residential Care Facility. He added that the petition circulated. was signed by apartmnt &ellers and was deceptive. John Stanley, 2753 La Gran Via, stated that he was speaking as a resident and had been involved in the planning for this property since 1965. He stated that 49% of the resident had signed the petition. Mr. Stanley said that there was m misrepresentation in what the people were sham as far as the proposed neighborhood comwrcial shopping center ., Gregory Pale, Jr., 1917-A Alga Road, La Costa, addressed Council stating he had m financial interest in this project, but was opposed to the zone &ange. He stated that this was a perfect site for a comrcial developnt and muld be useless as a residential site. He said he had looked forward to a smll convenient anwrcial center in the nei~brhmd and there was no logical reason to rezone this property. He asked Council to reconsider this zone change. Mayor Casler stated that she had received all the letters and petitions m this item: had listened to the taLpes from the meting when this was discussed and felt she was eligible to wte an the natter. She further stated that there was a definite need for comrcial in this area and wrxlld provide important nei+brhd shopping in the imTlediate area. Mayor Casler said that she rated that the Planning Comnission had mde a recontrendation that this be changed to C-1 and the mer of the property had also made that suggestion. C-1 is a mall neicjhbrhood comwrcial type and C-2 allms my other uses. Council M-r Lmis stated *at there will be a large shopping center across Rand10 Santa Fe Road. He felt there wxld be additional traffic, especially with the center across fie street, and he muld not aange his vote Council Mar Chick stated he thought this was a natural comrcial site and would vote against this as proposed. Council introduced the follckJing Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9783, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CYUUSBAD MUNICIPAL 03DE BY A?4E3DING "E ZDNING W ?o GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE Fw3M C-2-Q n> FD-M-Q ON PROPERTY GENERALZ;Y LlxATED KT THE SMST Lx>IwER OF THE IA COSTA Am AND RANBK) SAJWA FE €XIAD INJXRSEC!TION. 39s \v 5 COUNCIL % 9C MEMBERS % q Casler Lewis Kuldhin Chick x: Pettine ( a MINUTES e December 17, 1985 Page 7 Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOUPTION No. 8307, PNENDING IWE LAND USE FJ;EIvIGNT OF THE GENERAL PLFW 'IO CHANGE THE LAND USE DESIGNATIOPJS E'OR'IVDAREASOFT€ECITY'SGENERALPLANAND1K>CHANGE THE frplp AND TEXT To IMP- THE msED DENSITY RANGEI Mayor Casler stated that m Resolution No. 8307 she was in cppsition to Item No. 2, GPA/LU 85-6 ARONY. Council Merriber Chick concurred. Mayor Casler and Council Menber Chick noted that an Resolution No. 8307 they were in opposition to GPA-LU- 85-1 1. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION: 78) 15, AB #8435 - m To PARKING VIOLATION EN€QRCE" FEES. Council adopted the follawing Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO, 3195, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.42 OF THE CAFSSW MJNICIPAL CX>DE En! THE - OF SECTION 10.42.010 (b) TO INCREASE ?HE SURCHARGE FOR PARKING VIOLATIONS To $2.00. PUBLIC HElwNGS : (114) 16. AB #W - SAmm m ORDINANCE - ZCA- 188, - Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, gave the staff report as mntained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to illustrate the pints awered 'by the Ordinance. He stated that a axplete copy of the Ordinance had been presented to Council M-rs inasmuch as me page had been missing from the Ordinance as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler gpened the Public Hearing at 7:OO p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Maurice Kiniball, 1623 James Drive, addressed Council in -position to t-lhis Ordinance. He requested Council nut approve the Ordinance. Since rn me else wished to speak cn this item, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:05 p.m. Council Menher Chick said that he was reluctant to support another Ordinance for mre fees. He felt visual pollution is nebulous and an infringemnt an the rights of people to exist. Council introduced the follwing Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9785, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE cARI;sBAD "ICIPAL OODE EY THE: m OF VAFUOUS CHAPTERS AND SECI'IONS To PERMIT AND FEZUXTE sATEIl;ITE ANTENNAE. 3. 3?4 \p 5 COUNCIL 3 9A' MEMBERS % q Casler kfiS Kulchin X Chick Pettine Cas ler MS Kulchin Chick X Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin x: chick Pettine - - ~ I ~ i ~ 0 MINUTES 0 December 17, 1995 Page 8 (114) 17. AB #8445 - ZONE CODE- AMENDMENT To- ESTABLISH STANDAFU-)S FOR- OUTDOOR- EMEQYEE. FATING WSAS. -2CA- 184" CXTY OF CARE4iBAD. Mike Holzmiller, Planniq Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agerda Rill, using a transparency to show the mjor features o€ the O~c3 inance . Mr. FTolmiller stated there had 'men respnses to a copy of the Ordinance hich had 'men seat to different im3ustrial fims and three suggestions offered by those responding, as €allows: 1. Credit for isdoor facilities. (That has ken incorporated into the Ordinance). 2. Credit for projects within 500 feet of an app~aved mini-park or City park. (This has 'ken incorporated into the Ordinance). 8e further stated that there had been a qaestion as to whether 500 feet was too restrictive. mere had been a request to increase +&is to 1000 feet &an a mini park. Staff had no objection to that request being considered. guidelines for a plicy ad not kept as it? Ordinance. Wwever, the Plannirq Cmmission recmmded that this be kept as an Ordinance requirement ard not as plicy guidelines. 3. %e firm suggested that these be used as Mayor Casler apened the Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m., and issued the invitation to SF&. Rob Ladwig, Rick Bqineerilzg , stated they had responded to this Ordinance ad staff hd considered their suqgestions. Fk felt that 500 feet was too restrictive ad sugges td that this ke increased tr> 1000 feet within an approved mini prk. I John Anawalt, 8488 New Salem, Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Growth ard Manage-nent Ccmmittee, statd that he ha? received the material from the President of the Cha~er on the outdoor eating area ordinance ad he urged the Council to consider this as policy guidelines rather than an Ordinance. He stated as an Ordinance it would j3e unfair to warehousing users, small employers ard others ho have no use €or outdoor eating areas. It could also be a deterrent for high- tech industries mnsidering a mve to Carlsbad. Mr. Answalt stated that in some mpanies this mu1d cause them to have to destroy their outdoor landscaping, including waterscapirg, which would he more destructive than any good. qe concluded, stating mst companies provide indoor eating areas, rnaing outside areas unnecessary. Since no one else wished to spak on this item, the Public Heariq was cbsed at 7: 20 p.m. Council voted to da-qe the Ordinance on page 2, Line 17, Seckion F, to read 1000 feet irsted of 500 feet. ~ 393 P \p 5 COUNCIL ?5 ?i MEMBERS % $ Casler X Pettine Ch ick X Kul& in xx kwis X 0 MINUTES e Decerrdser 17, 1985 ?aqe 9 RBLIC HEARIT%: ( continued ) Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANa-N3... 9786. AMl3QDI.G TITLE 21, CHAPITERS 21.27, 21.30, 21.3i, Am 21.34, OF T& CARISBAD MUMICIPAI; C3DE BY ADDIG SECTION3 21.27.050(16), 21.3Q.070, 21.32.060 ad 21.34.070(3) TO .PFOVIEE FUR EM?LOYEE EW'I?G AREAS CUTSICE INDUSTRIAL/OFPICE BUILDIGS IN TEE 0, C", M ad P-Y ZOXES. (26) 18. AB. #7306 -. Supplement- #9. -- JAMES- DRIVE ZSSESSMENT DISTRIrn. Gene Donovan, .City Engineer, gave the st&f report as contained in the Agerda Bill ard introduced Nackenzie Brown, wfio would explain the ;procedure to be followed in the formation of the Jams Drive Assessment District. Wackenzie Brm, P.O. Box 8025, Rancho Santa Fe, stat4 this was the last public Ilearing on the formation of the assessment district. r&? stated notices were .miled out to ala prcperty owners within the 'mundaries of the assessmnt district advisiq them of the amount of the assessment ard the construction bids authorized an3. received. He stated that hsed on these bids, the assessmnts will be reduced. Charles Bras, BSI Consultants, stated the Engineer's report for the project had been given to Council Menhers, with a copy to the City Clerk's Of €ice. He used a wall mp to sbw the location of the James Drive Assessmnt District ard explained the impravements to ke included. The asszssmznts have been given to the owners of the parcels ad in all cases except two, there ere reductions in assessments. There have ken no written protests up to the present time. The Deputy City Clerk read the procedure followed in the formation of the James Drive Asszssmnt District. Mayor Casler pnd the Public Hearing at ?:30 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Maurice Kihall , 1 623 James Drive, spke as a property owner on the fringe of this assessmnt district ad s tatd he has qrardchildren that play in that area. Be spoke of his mncern for a3&d traffic if James Drive was put through to Oak. ~y proper m'cion Council closed the Public Hearimj at 7:35 p.m. 39L COUNClL /p ?5 PL MEMBERS % 6 Casler Lewis I:ul& in X Chick Ettine I Casler Lewis Kul&in Ch ick Pett ine x 7 @ MINUTES e Dzcerber 17 , 1985 Paqe 10 Council adopted the followiq iiesolutions: (one mt ion ) RESOLUTION No. 8308, OF43ERIN;; CERTAIN CEANGES AND P3nIFICWIOC;$; TI3 THE mXIE3ER'S "REpoF?I'" IN A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. RESOLUTION NO. 8309, OWWJLILG AND DEWIIG PFOTESTS AND WKIPG (XE?IRIN FINDIKX IN SPECIAL ASSESSENT DISTRICT. RESOLUTION~W0;- 5310, APPROVIG AND EWVIDIiG FOR CDtTlXIBUJ?loN 'ID PAY CERTAIN COSTS -4ND EXPENSES IY AN ASSFSSrn DETHICT. .msoI;uTIor~ NO. 831 I , mwrmIG THE AssssIuIEm, OrnERING m IMpm~EJTs MADE, rnErnEP, WITH APPIJRTENANCES , AND APPR3VIS THE E!9GIWyER'S "REPORT". €??SOLUTION NO.. 8312, AUTHOXZIC AND PRO'JIDIFG FOR THE ISSUANB OF lBI$E WRSUANT TO THE "IMP~\EI4ENT ACT OF 191 1". RESOLUTION No.. 831 3, ACCEPTIN3 BICG AN!l AWARDItG THE c3wTRACI' KIR THE CDN3TRUc"ION OF CEXIIAIN PUBLIC tDF3Is OF IWROTdl.=MENT IN A SPECIAL &9SES!%W DES?IRI(?I'. RESOLU'I'ION- NO. 831 4 , AWARDIG S?GE OF FDNE AND PROVIDIhG KE? THE ESl?AF3LIS~P~~ OF A REDEMITION FtTND. msoLuTIor.\T NO.. 831 5, APP~TA~G THE A~EPVLENT SET~XEIW THE CITY OF CARL!!BAD AND SAN DIECX> GAS AND ELECTRIC: 0. FOR. ELEcrCRICAL NJJl pG4S TRENCHING AW C?J1VDUIT IlWlR.L.WTION ON JAMES BITE. RESOLUTION Mo. 831 6, ACCEPI'IW, GEUNT DEDS FDX EASm!S WITHIN TEE JPMES DRIVE ASSESStvIENT DISFUCT. Mayor Casler asked ad received the concernus of the Council to take an item out of order, Item No. 24. DEPARTMENTAL AND am- MNGER- mmm : (28) 24. AB #8477 -- SAW DIEGO- STATE- fJNIf7EFSITY~CARlSBAD CAMPUS. 034KIITICEE~ REPOW. ~ Julie Nyqaard gave the report for the Committee an3 stated they qred they wanted to see the City of Carlsbad actively seek the North County campus for San Diego State University . Dr. Wkrt Slakely, 3,585 Jefferson, representing the Chder of Cmmerce Education Camittee, stated the CharrSser would assist in this effort in any way that they auld and would clo everythiw Lhey could to .bring this campus to North County. %el7 feel it would 'be an enhancement to the entire North County Cmmunity . Bob Ladwig f 3285 Donna Drive , Rick Engineeriw , statd he supprted this item as a Carlsbad resident. In going through the rqonrt, he stated it seemed feasible to put emphasis on the Cannon Rxd area here there is an underpass under 1-5. He felt that area could handle the tra€fic impact better than the Palmar Airport corridor. 39 f \p 5 COUNCIL ?3 9c MEMBERS (% f Casler Lewis x Kul dn in Chick Pettine - 1- * MINUTES 0 Decen-ber 17, 1985 Page 11 %YOK Casler presented Certificates of Appreciation to the Citizens Cmittee for a North County Cmpus of San Diego State TJniversity, as follows: Dr. Pat Lowry, Larry Peetom, Jeanne McFidden, Theodore Frye, Julie Nygaard, Sonja Marinelli ad Jim Griggs. Mayor Casler also stated the City's qpreciation for the work done by this Committee ad their timely report. Council accepted the report ad detemind to actively pursue the location of a SEU TJortk County Campus in Carlsbad. RECESS: Mayor Casler kclard a recess at 7:45 p.m., ad Council reconvened at 8:OO p,m., with all M~rs present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER- REPOW : ( continued ) (28) 19. AI3 #83O1- - Supplement #1- -. BEACH- EROSION - COMMITTEE. Mike Brooks, Mministuative Assistant, gave the staff report as contained in the Ageda Sill. Council Member Chick nminated Gary Nessim, Council M&r Kulhin naninatd David Castel. Not ion was made an3 seconded for nominations to ke closed. Council Meder Lewis suggested Pearl Johnson k the alternate. Council adopted the followirq Resolution: RESOLUTION- No: 8290, W~I~~IAx; GAF3 YESSIN AN;) DAVID CPSTEL El THE BEACH ElXEJW a3N"TEE TO FILL '_rwO VAWD WSITIONS, ANn SRLEmIG PFA% JSB6ON AS ALTEWATE MEIW 3. In discussion, Council Menber Pettine stated he felt the suggestions in Mr. FlOnroy's m were god ad he wanted tbse as an Agerda item. Council Member Kulchin stated she had talked with the City Manager ad he stated Council sbuld wait till the EL€? was canpleted. City Manager Prank Aleshire stated they wanted to ;MOW mre about the dredging prqram hefore they made any recarnmedations as to bw the sand would be spred . The ELR will be presented sbrtly after the first of the year. 390 7 \v 5 COUNCIL ?5 9A MEMBERS % f Casler Lewis Kul ch in (31 ick x Pett ine Casler Lewis Rul&in Ch ick Pett ine X Casler Lewis Kulch in Chick Pettine x (28) (74) (96) (45) (79) (45) MINUTES e Decenber 17, 1985 Page 12 \p 5 COUNClL ?3 ?L MEMBERS % 4 DEPzU?TMF,NT& AND CIT WAGER- REPOIYT: ( continueil) 20. AB #8436. -. HQUSING. WND- REDEVEEQPMENT- ADVISORY COMMITIEE. BpPOINTfpIENT. Council adopted the followirq Resolution: Casler LWiS RES0LU"ION NO. 8296, APPOIWIG JERRY WMS3'TIS To THE Kul& in CARLSBAD KUSI% IWD RDEVF,LOPMENT ADVISORY Pettine COMMI'PTEE . Chick X 2 1. f@ #8259- -. Supplemnt - #3" -. SELEFT~ION- OF- CIV% HEAL'El INSlJRAWE- fXK€ER. Assistant City Manager Ray Pachett gave the staff report as contained in the Aqeda Rill. Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler RESOL~ION~ NO. .. 831i7, APPRX7IG IPlXJR!NCE C-MEXS AWB Kulch in ~UTHORIZIG THE EXECVTION OF cr)mmS -EIR THE Chick EIIPLQYEE JXi'iEFITS IMjUMCE PRXRPPII. &ttine 22. -AB #8412- -- AGREEPENT- FOR ~lWlUNITy~ DIRECTIONAL Lewis x SIGN. PROGRAM. Marty Orenyak, Director of Buildirq, gave the staff rqort as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council authorized the Mayor to sign an qreement Casler between the City ad Sun-Cal Outdoor Advertising to Lewis instdl and mintain the City's manunity directional Kul ch in x sign program and adopted the following Resolution: Chick Pett ine RESOLUTION. NO.- 8268, APPEOVINZ FEES RIR !TEE cWIM"UNITY DIRIXTIO~ SIGNmRPM. 23, AR #8446- -- BEEDS-~WSESSMENT FOR PROIBSED- PUBLIC FACILITJES- ADEQtJAW PRX€WY. Jim Hagaman, Research/Aslalysis Vanqer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agerrla Rill, Fay Round gave an overview of the needs assessrent for the poy?osed public facilities adequacy program. In answer to Council query as to why City staff could not undertake this needs assessmnt , Xr. Hqamn stated that staff Cbes not have the resources ta get into specifics ad they & not have the expertise. Council authorized the Mayor to enter into an Casler agrement with Resource Micrcsys tern, Inc. , ad adopted the following Resolution : Kul ch in RESOLUTION NO.. 839 8, &PPKWIKG THE APPKlP.RI&TION OF Pettine l?UNJX FROM THE CXINTIGEfJCY ACCDUNT To THE RESF3ARCH/AlJALYSIS GROUP BUDXT, Lewis Ch ick x 389 " b (28) (44) (45 1 (63) (45) (97) e MINUTE§ 0 Decenber 17, 1985 \v 5 ?qe 13 COlJNClL 3 ?i MEMBERS % f DEJ?AR!?.YENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued ) 24. AR #8447 - SAN DJEGo STATE-UNIVEJ?SI~,fCARI.SBAD CAMMJS- CDMMITEE- RJC?ORT. This item was taken out of order in the Agerda. (See page 10). 25. AB #8448 --~ADDITIONALFJNDING FOR PT_IAN CXKWNG AND INSPZmION. mike Brooks, Administrative Assistant, gave the staff report as mntained in the Aqerda Sill. Council adopted the following &-?solution: X Casler Lewis SERVICES FKIM WILLDAN PSSOCIAT3S. Chick RESOLUTION E.10; 831 9, APPLWVIPG ADDITIGNAL! FU'lDIIJ; FOK Kul ct? in Pett ine 26. AF% #8347. - Supplement #1- --AWARD OF CDNTRACP FOR LIBMY PARE(..ING Lx)T -' ~~~~- m;- 31 32. John Cahill, Administrative Assistant, gave the staff rqort as contained in the Aqzrda Sill. Council adopted the followiq Resolution: Casler WSOUJTIBN-NO. 8320, ACCEPTI1G RIM; NJD AI.?THORIZIG Kul ch in THE MECUfION OF THE (x>mm .PND THE Z?IANSFER QF (21 ick FuEillx; b3R pR0J"E" NO. 3 172 FOR TiE 03p3s~CTrIoII\J OF Pettine Lewis x THE LIRRARY ?AJXIIG II)T. 27. AB- #8449- -. IIWI??3VEmNTs ' Tl. LA- CXSTA- AVENfB- WST OF EL. mm m,m-m- 1-5, Maryor Casler stated that she had request& this item be placed on the xprda. Bob Ladwig, 3 28 5 mnna Drive, stated he agreed with the Mayor's reccmmeded act ion arrl he would suggest to the Manager that Items No. 1 ad 3 would be done first am3 Item No. 2 in a second phase with the timirq broken down into two phases. City Council requested the City Manager to bring a Cas ler X rqrt to Council within 30 days estimtirg the wts Jxwis of impravernen%s e0 I,a CCG ta Avenue west of El Camino Kul ch in Real to Interstate 5. Chick Pett he 388 a 0 December 17, 1985 Page 14 DEI?AR"ENTL AND CITY. MANAGER- RE~RTS : ( cant inud ) (99) 28. AB #8450- - VESTING- TENTBTIW "S. City Attorney Vincent Riolndo gave the staff r-rt on this item as mntaind in the Agerda Bill. He stat& the City is required to esthlish promlures effective lJanuary 1 , 1986. Rob Ladwig, Rick Engineering, addressed Council calling attention to page 14 of this staff rqort, page 3 of the Ordinance, line 6: "raads includirq final qrades ard alignment; 'I He asked for the *md "final" to %e delete3 and the words "center line" inserted . Mr. Ladwig also suggested engineeriw study this Ordinance in three +a six mnths ad deternine how many pwple apply for these mps. Gene Donavan, City Wineer , spke in answer to the request to the &awe on page 3 of the Ordinance ad felt that it sbuld be left just tlne way it is without any charge. ~n answer to query regarding charges for these maps, City Manager Frank Aleshire stated he would return in January with a recammendation for all eqineerinq fees . Council introduced the followirq Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO: 9788, AMENDIG TITLE 20, CFII1mE.S 20.04, 20.05, 20.1 2 -AND 20.24 OF THE WEUSBAD MUNICIPAL 03X)E BY T_HE APENI>MEWf CR ADDITION OF VARICUS SFXTIOTS NJD BY THE AMENDPIEm OF TITLE 20 OF THE CARLSB-AD ~ICIPAL CDDE BY THE ADDITION OF mrm 20.17 ESTABLISHIKG PRXEDURES 27oR VESTIG OF TEX'ITITIVE PIN33 FDR KESIDENTIAL SUBDNISIOX3. Mayor Casler stated the City Engineer would rwrt back in six mnths regarding the nurrher of pqle applyirq for these mps. (41) 29. CZOSED SESSION. The Closed Session was withdrawn from the Agenda. Council Member Kulchin left the meting at 8:50 P.M. due to illness. 383 - \v 5 COUNCIL % ?L MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kul ch in Chick Pettine x . - - 8 a Decedxr 17, 1985 Page 15 COrnCIL- REPORTS : Parks &' Recreation Commission Council %ember Pettine reported on the Parks & Recreation Commission meeting ad the -&mud Christmas Party held last night at Aarding Street Center. Batiquitos- Lagoon Council Nernk>er Chick gave a brief rqort on the Batiquitos Lagoon project ard stated that they are close to king in total agreement on the plan. Palomar Airport. advisory Comnittee Council Member Lewis gme an u@ate on the status of the Joint Powers Agreenent. senior Citizen- Cmanission Mayor Casler reported on the recent Senior Citizen Canmission metinq ad stated the Cornmission would &e its rqort on the site selection €or the Senior Center on January 7, 1986. wste Disposal- Site' Committee Mayor Casler announced she had request4 \Jim Courtney serve on the mittee to select a new waste dispsal s ite in North County. LJAC - Mayor Casler reported on the pipeline mrnpletion. SANDAG Mayor Casler stated there board actions frm SANDAG had been distributed to Council Makers. CITY MPY?JAC;ER- AIIDITIam- BUSINESS : City Manager Frank Aleshire annound the next Council Meetinq would 'E January 7, 19%. maJR€'PENT: By pzqper mt ion the Meeting of Decedoer 17, 19 85, was adjourned at 9 :OO p.m.. Fiespectf ully subnitted , LYKZZ * deputy City Clerk Harriett Bahbi tt Minutes Clerk 3 l?6 c \p 5 COUNClL ?5 ?i MEMBERS % <I 1