HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-01-07; City Council; Minutes.. i 0 MINUTES 0 MEFTING OF: City Council (Regular Meeting) DATE OF MEETING: January 7, 1986 TIME OF MEETING: 6:OO P.M. 5 PLACE OF lvlEETING: City Council chambers COUNCIL \v % 3/- MEMBERS % $ CALL TO ORDER: The meting was called to order by Mayor Casler at 6:OO P.M. ROLL CAIL was taken by the City Clerk as follm: Present: Council M&rs Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. INVOCATION was given by Council M-r Kulchin. PLELZE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Me.ttbr Lewis. APPROVAL OF MINUI'ES: (Approved by me mtion) The minutes of the regular meting held Deceniber 3, Cas ler 1985 were approved as presented. LevJis Kulchin The minutes of the regular meting held Decerriber 10, Chick X 1985 were approved as mrrected. Pettine CONSENT CALEDDAR: Council affirmed the Consent Calendar as follms with Casler x: the exception of Item No. 2, 5, 10, 13, and 23: LesJ\riS Kulchin Chick WAlVER OF ORDINANrn TEXr m1m: Pettine Council waived the reading of -the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions & this meting. (81) 1. AB #8451 - ACCEKTIWCE OF PRocrEDuRE FOR SEIZED AND FORFEITED ASSFTS. Council adopted Resolution No. 8321, authorizing the Chief of Police and City Attorney to apply for forfeited assets ,mrsuant to tize Ccnrprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984. (97) 3. AB #&I53 - PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS EDR WASHINGKIN STREET 1"ENTS. Council adopted Resolution No. 8323, approving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for Washington Street Improvements. (71) 4. AB #a54 - PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR RCOSEWELT STREET PARKING LOT. Council adopted Resolution No. 8324, *proving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids €or the Roosevelt Street Parking Lot. (81) 6 AB #@55 - QU1TQ;AIM OF WAiRiRLINJ3 EASE". Council adopted Resolution No. 8326, quitclaiming easements €or -water rrain prpcses over Tract 6 of Laguna Mesa Tracts, Map No. 1719. 14 + - rn MINUTES rn 'I (92) (45) (50) (70) (74) (51) (78) (45) (92) (100) (90) (81) (99) I January 7, 1986 Page 2 \p 5 COUNCIL % 94 MEMBERS % $ 7. AB #7158 - SWp1-t #11 - THIRTY-FIFST SUE'PLEMENT TO THE ENCINA BASIC AGREEMENT. Council adopted Resolution No. 8327, authorizing the Mayor to execute tke Thirty-First Supplement to the Basic Agremt for the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility. 8. AB #8456 - REmJND OF FEES. Council approved the refund of $1,938.00 to Native Sun Development Campany. 9 AB #8457 - FOBERTI-Z ' BERG-HARRIS URBAN 0PEXWT"CE AND RECREATION PROGRAM, Council adopted Resolution No. 8328, approving the application for grant funds from the mberti- Z ' Berg-Harris Open-Space and Recreation Prqram for the anstruction of Calavera Hills Cormunity Center. 11. AB #8458 - LSTIP- FINDING AND IWARD. Council adopted Resolution No. 8330, authorizing a stipulated finding and award for the hbrkers' Compensation Claim in the case of Robert Wild. 12. AB #a59 - DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS FIRE TRUCK. Council adopted Resolution No. 8331, authorizing the disposal of the surplus fire truck. 14. AB #7556 - Supplement #4 - NOTICE OF CXPPLEX'ION. Council approved Change Order Nuttiber 1; and Adopted Resolution No. 8333, appropriating additional funds; and Acce,oted the mnstruction of the Police Firing Range, Project No. 3159 as conplete and directed the City Clerk to record the Notice of Capletion and release fhe bnds 35 days after recordation, 15 AB #8120 - Supplm~t #1 - IXMNDWN VIL;LAGE PARKING PROGRAM. Council adopted Resolution No. 8334, designating the west side of Carlsbad Boulevard between Elm Avenue and Grand Avenue t=e ,msted for two hour parking. 16. AB #8461 - NM;oTIA!! PFOPERITY TAX EXCHANGE CDJNTY FLOOD CONTROL DIsI?IICI'. Council adqted Resolution No. 8335, acce,pting the negotiated proLperty tax exchange for mendments to the San Diego County Flood Control District Act. 17. AB #8462 - ACCEmANCE OF PARK SITE DEDICATION. Council adopted Resolution No. 8336, accepting a grant of proLperty along a portion of Mission Estancia (portion of Stagecoach Park). (CT 84-7) 13 > - -r I (81) (99) (81) (99) (81) (99) (81) (99) (99) (51) (81) (45) m MINUTES 0 January 7, 1986 Page 3 18. AB #8463 - ACCEPTANCE OF DRAINAGE EASEMEWT. Council adopted Resolution No. 8337, accepting an easement for drainage purposes along a portion of the south side of Marron Road from GM; Enterprises. (CT 79-27) 19. AB #a64 - ACmANa OF STREET AND UTILITY EASEMEWTS . Council adopted Resolution No. 8338, accepting easmnts for street and utility ,prposes for portions of Acacia Avenue from Income Property Associates #5 and Stonehedge Investment Partners II. (PD-242) 20. AB #8465 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEEDG FOR A POWION OF RANCHO SAETA FE ROAD. (CT 81-16) Council adopted Resolution No. 8339, accepting grant deeds for street purpses for a portion of Rancho Santa Fe Road from Colinas De Or0 Cormrunity Association and Homes By Polygon. 21. AB #&I66 - ACCEKTANCE OF ACCESS RIWS. (PD-264) Council adopted Resolution No. 8340, accepting an easenent for access rights over a portion of the east side of El Camino Real and north side of La Costa Avenue from La Costa Hotel and Spa. 22. AB #a27 - cARI;sBAD RESEARCH CE"ER - CY 85-24 - EQUEST FOR IBTENSION OF TIME. - Council continued this mtter to ae meting of Januaq 28, 1986. 24. AB #&I68 - FIRE STATION AT BATIQUITOS AND BU?TERCUP mAD. Council adopted Resolution No. 8342, approving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the mnstruction of a fire station at the mrner of Batiquitos and Buttercup Roads, me block llorth of Poinsettia. 25. AB #8119 - Supplement #17 - PJIJARD OF CYlNTRAcTS FORTHE~E3ADSAE'EIYANDSERVICE~. Council adopted Resolution No. 8343, accepting negotiated contracts for Bid Package Section 3006- 6E Roofing and 3006-6F Sheet Metal for the construction of the Carlsbad Safety and Service - center. la/ I \p 5 COUNCIL 3 %' MEMBERS % $ - MINUTES m Januay 7, 1986 Page 4 /p COUNCIL ?3 3 MEMBERS % % ITEMS REMniED FROM THE cy>MsEwT cAL;ENDAR: (97) 2. AB #8452 - ACCEPTANCE OF ENIEY LICENSE FOR THE (45) WASHINGTON STREET IMPml7E2amrs. Council M&r Lewis requested this item be remved from the Consent Calendar to question if fne City has acquired any additional ricjht of way in this area from Oak to Tamarack. ??le City Manager responded that the City does have easerents from Elm to O&, but not from Oak to Tarnarack. Council adopted the follwing Resolutim: Cas ler I Lwis x> RESOLUTION NO. 8322, ACCEPTING asE RIGHT OF EWlXY Kulchin J LICENSE FOR THE WSHINGTDN SI'REFT IMpROIEMENTS AND Chick I AUTHORIZIE THE HAYOR TO SIGN ?HE LICENSE ON 2 Pettine B.EWALE' OF THE CITY. (87) 5. AB #6973 - Supplement #2 - AKWEWNT TO THE SAN (45) DIEGO SOLID FJASTE MA?SA(ZENFWT PLAN (COSWMP). Council Member Pettine requested this item be rmved frm the Consent Calendar. He indicated that a psition in qpositian to a waste to energy plant which was to ke located near Carls'oad's 'mundary, and at Miramar. He stated that he did not feel that sufficient infomtion was provided for council to m&e a decision m this item, and suggested that the matter 'E mntinued for further information. Roger Greer, the Utilities/Mairrtenance Director, indicated that mre information mld i=e provided and Ynat a mn-ber of the munty staff muld be asked to attend the next meting to respond to questions m the matter. Casler X The mt-ter was amtinued two weeks for further Lewis X information. Kulchin X Chick X (84) 10. AB 8382 - SUpp1-t #1 - PURCHASE OF RUBBWZED Pettine xx (45) RAILFlAY CROSSING MATERIAZ;. I approximately me year ago the City Council had taken l I nw they were king asked to approve a similar plant Council ivleniber Pektine requested ais item be remved from Yne Consent Calendar. He indicated that he did not feel *at 'chis mtter was a high enoug?~ priority to warrant the expenditure. Council adopted the follcwing Resolution: Casler X Lewis X RESOLUTION NO. 8329, AC-ING A BID, APPROPRIATING A Kulchin xx Chi& LOAplJ OF FUNDS To 'IHE (aRLsBAD REDEXELOPP4EWI' pI;;ENcy AND X AUTHORIZING TFE EXECUTION OF A PURQ-IASE ORDER FDR THE Pettine PURCHASE OF RIJBBERIZED RAILmY CEOSSING IWTERIAL. // - c m MINUTES January 7, 1986 Page 5 (70) 13. AB #a60 - BATIQUITOS LAGOON. (44) Council M&r Chick requested this item be rmved from the Consent Calendar to get clarification m the full cost of the mntract, and dates specified in the time line. In response to council query, the City Manager indicated that the $10,000 is the total munt ai& will be due Mr. Petrillo. He added that the negotiations are currently at a critical stage and that an agreemerrt is close. Therefore, he stated that it is remmded that Mr. Petrillo be retained to represent the City. Council adopted the follawing Resolution: RESOLUTION No. 8332, APPIiQvING AN AGm WITH JOSEPH E. Pl5Tm FOR CDNSULTING SEWICES EOR THE BATIQUITOS LAI;ooN EN'HANm PLAN, EDR AN AMOT..INT NCYI' ?o EXCEXD $10,000. (92) 23. AB #8467 - ENCINA SEWER iYEIEF?ING PFWECI'. Council Member Pettine requested this item be remved from the Cansent Calendar. He indicated that he muld like an explanation regarding t3is project and if it will be ast effective. Ebger Greer, the Utilities/Maintenance Director responded to the hquiry. He indicated that Encina's flaws are metered ky the rrrynber agencies and at the plant and that Carlsbad contributes flms at various locations to the trunk lines bhi& moss the City. He indicated that Carlsbd's flows are not currently metered kt are mathematically calculated. He added that the rreter will mre accurately determine Carlsbad's flaws. Council adopted the follming Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8341, ApPRX7ING A SEWER "€2R PIXhJECT AND AUTHORIZING ?HE TRANSFER OF FUNDS. ORDINATCES FOR AWPTION: (113) 26. AB #8409, 8410, 8411 - STp1-t #1 - ZONE CHANGE FOR OWNTW SrORE AND WNEY - ZC 326 AND X-335. Council adopted the follawing Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9783, -ING TITLE 21 OF THE CAIILsB3v) "NICIPAL 03DE By AMENDING ?HE 2XXfIKG W TO GRANT A cHAhy;E OF ZONE EPOM C-2-Q TO F?E+M-Q (Xf PROPERTY (33LERAI;LY LQC?EED AT THE 93l"EWEST Q3RNER OF THE LA 03STA AVENUE APJD RANCHO SANTA EE €XIAD INTERSECTION. (X-335 - ARONEY) 10 T- COUNCIL IP 3 % MEMBERS % <s Casler Lewis x: Kulchin Chick Pettine Cas ler E Lewis E Pettine XE Chick E Kul&in Casler Lewis x Pettine Chick xx Kulchin X " - I m MINUTES 0 Januq 7, 1986 Page 6 (113) 26. AB #8409, 8410, 8411 - SUrpp1-t #1 - ZONE =E FOR COUNTHY STOFE AND ARONEX - (COHl?I?XJED). Council adopted the folldng Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9787, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CAIiLSBAD rI&TNICIPF;L ODE By AMENDING THE 2DNING W TO GRAWT A CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-A-10 ?r) C-24 CN APPROXIMATELY 3.67 ACRES OF PROPEFTY QNBALLY I"ED FCC THE ~~Y SrORE ON EL CAMIN0 REAL, SLJEJECI' ?r) CEFCFAIN CDNDITIONS. (ZC-326 - COUNTRY STQRE) (114) 27. AB #8W - S-ITE m ORDINANCE - ZCA-188 - CITY OF CARISBAD. Mayor Casler indicated that a request to speak an %s item had &en received. Council recognized Mr. Maurice A. Kirriball, 1623 James Dr., Carlsbad. Mr. Kinball distributed to muncil copies of an article from a newspaper in Big Bear, California, regarding satellite antennaes. He indicated his opposition to the proposed ordinance. Council adopted the follwing Ordinance: ORDIXANCE No. 9785, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CAEu;sEaAD MNICIPAL ODE E3Y THE m OF mOUS CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS TO PERMIT AND HEGU"E SrnrnITE ANTENNms. (114) 28. AB #8445 - ZONE CODE m TO ESTABLISH STANDARDG FOR OUTIXOR EM!?LQYEE EATING AFEAS - ZCA- 184 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. Council adopted the follawing Ordinance: O€U)mcE NO. 9786, AMENDING TITLE 21, CKAPTERS 21.17, 21.30, 21.32 and 21.34 OF THE QlRLsBAD MUNICIPAL OIDE By ADDINf SECTIONS 21.27.050( 16), 21.30.070, 21.32.060 and 21.34.070(3) TO PROVIDE FOR EMpLxlyEE EYI'ING AREAS OUTSIDE INDUsTRIAL/OWICE BUILDINGS IN THE 0, C-M, M AND P-M ZONES. (99) 29. AB #8450 - VESTING TENTATIVE MAPS. Council adopted the following Ordinance: I ORDINANCE NO. 9788, 2WENIING TITLE 20, - 20.04, 20.08, 20.12 AND 20.24 OF THE CWLSE3AD MUNICIPAL ODE By TKE N4END"T OR ADDITION OF VARIOUS SECTIONS AND BY 'IHE P"EW OF TXTL;E 20 OF THE CAFUSBAD MJNICIPAL CDDE BY 'IHE ADDITION OF CHAPIER 20.17 ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR VESTIJPS OF TENTATIVE WS FOR RESIDEWTIAL SUBDIVISIONS. Council Mer Chick indicated that 'ne had Clhanged his vote and mted against *is masure because he felt the ordinance was written to discourage anyone from applying for a vested tentative mp. I 4 COUNCIL y % 94 MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kuldhin Chick Pettine X Casler > Pettine 1 Chick XI Kulchin 3 Lewis I Casler x Pettine x chick xx Kulchin X Lewis x Casler X Pettine Chick xx Kuldhin X Lewis X - (72) (85) (79) rn MINUTES m January 7, 1986 Page 7 PUBLIC HEARINGS: 30, AB #8469 - RM;ULATION AND FJSEDRc3"T OF HANDIWPrn PARKING IN THE CITY. The staff reLwrt an the mtter was presented by the Police Chief. Mayor Casler opened the pblic hearing at 6:45 P.M. closed at 6:45 P.M. Council adopted the following Resolution: Since no one wished to speak, the pblic hearing was RESOLUTION EJO. 8344, 'ID PROVIDE PMIE FOR EW?SDIWPED PEPSONS AND TI REG- TRAFFIC CN PRIVATELY CMNED 0FF"STm PARKING FACILITIES. 31. AB #8470 - CEXTIFICATION OF FDG& EIR 84-2 -cARI;sBAD ED- sImm.LL. A brief staff report an the mtter was presented by the City Engineer. He introduced Mr. Dan Claycorcb, of Westec Services the City's consultant, who gave a brief history of the mtter, autlined the project description and outlined alternative shoreline protection devices (as contained in the staff reLwrt) which are king studied. Mayor Casler Fed the public hearing at 6:55 P.M.. Since no me wished to speak m the mtter, the pblic hearing was closed at 6:55 P.M. Council adopted the follming Resolution: RESOLUTION No. 8345, CEKI'IFYING ?HE FINAL, ENVIFONMENTAL DPACI' EPORT, EZR 84-2, FOR TEE cmm m- mm. 32. AB #8471 - REVISION OF ENGINEERING FEES. The staff report on the mtter was presented by the Finance Director, Jim Elliott, as contained in the agenda bill. With the aid of transparencies Mr. Elliatt shaved the three alternatives as proposed and the fee increase represented ly each. Mayor Casler opened the pblic hearing at 7:lO P.M. Council recognized Mr. Bob Ladwig, of Rick Engineering, 3088 Pi0 Pia, Carlsbad, Mr. Ladwig (per letter distrikuted to Council) indicated that he felt the proposed increases were reasonable, with the exception of the Improvemnt Inspection Fee whidh would increase from two to four percent of the value of the project . Since m me else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed at 7:16 P.M. 8 I \p 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick x: Pettine Casler x Pettine x Chick XI( Kulchin 3 Lewis x I ~ - - I I I I m m MINUTES Januq 7, 1986 Page 8 In response to query, Mr. Elliott indicated. that staff could look at the affect of all fees on large projects and provide that information to Council. Council inquired if the pro,;yx>sed fees mld remin the same regardless of the nurriber of applicatims vhich were received. Council also inquired regarding possibly raising fees to an munt between Alternative I and Alternative 11. Council mntinued the mtter for two weeks for further information. DEPAF5WWI'A.L AND CITY MANAGER REZOFTS: (70) 33. AB #W72 - SENIOR CITIZEN FACTLITY STUDY. The staff reaport was presented by Dave Bradstreet, the Parks and Recreation Director as mntained in the agenda bill. In response to council inquiry, Mr. Bradstreet indicated that staff felt that the issue of the displacement of Parks and Recreation personnel and program could be considered as part of the architectural feasibility study. Council recognized Mr. Hiram Hoskin, representing the Senior Citizen Conmission, who reported m the site seniors did not feel that the joint use of the facility is mnpatible and wished a facility for their rn use. Council Merfiber chick inquired as to hav the necessary number of parking spaces was figured. Mr. Bradstreet with the aid of transparancies shaved the site with the current hildings as well as the proposal for the acquisition of the alley to the east side of the hilding which would provide additional space for the new lxilding and parking. I comnittee's recormendation. He indicated that the ~ I ~ I I I Council recognized Mr. Eamrd Harrmn, 2672 Inverness Dr., Carlsbd, the president of the Senior Citizens I Association. Mr. Hmn indicated that the Site Corcunittee had mt for four mnths and are totally in favor of this recomdation for the new building on the current site and for the seniors exclusive use of the facility. He also stated that certain types of funding Whi& auld be obtained for the facility muld require that mly seniors use the hilding. He expressed concern with regard to the antinuation of the mal program and *e mals on wheels program for the seniors during the mnstruction of the new facilit; and his hope that the feasiblity study wuld also consider these issues. ? 3 ! - I \y 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % % Casler L€wis Kulchin Chick Pettine x: I) MINUTES m - " January 7, 1986 Page 9 Council recognized Mr. A.J. Skotnidci, 3535 Bedford Circle, Carlsbad. Mr. Skotnidci stated that though a facility was needed for the seniors, he was qposed to the dalition of the arrent Harding Cdty Center due to the investnent of fhe taxpayers o€ the city in that facility. He also questioned mether a study had been done to shm in d-cich areas of the City fhe seniors of Carlsbad actually live. He dded that it might be mre economical to give the seniors the sole use of the Harding Center and then when the senior ,ppulation shifts to azlother area of the city, build a new facility. Council recognized Star Rivera, 3670 Spyglass Way, Carlsbad, vho currently attends a baton class at the Harding Center. She requested that council not displace the classes and activities that the Recreation Department currently has scheduled for the Harding Center because there wuld be m place for the classes to be held. Council recognized Dina David, 914 S. Trmnt, Oceanside, an instructor for the Recreation Departrent. She indicated that her classes had @en shuffled from location to location kefore fhey had been allowed the use of the Harding Center, and requested that council consider hm their actions will affect the children whc attend the classes. 1 Council recognized Mr. Bernardino Madrid, 1005 Pine Ave, #A, Carlsbad, a parent of a child who attends class at the Harding Center. Mr. Madrid requested that council not displace the ckildren from the classes they attend at the center. Council recqnized Sue Flores, 2145 Chestnut, Carlsbad, who indicated *at she was speaking as a concerned parent and stated t3at the Carlsbad Recreation Dep-nt needs a permanent facility for their classer and program. She requested that council consider the displacement issue seriously. P Council recognized Nancy Madrid, 1005 Pine Avenue, #A, Carlsbad, who attends baton class at the Harding Center. She expressed concern that if the facility were given to .the seniors for their sole u5e, the classes wuld not have a place to practice. Mayor Casler read into the record a letter from Dori Alvarez of Carlsbad. The letter indicated her concern that the Council in its desire to finally met the needs of the senior citizens muld exclude the youth from their activities. She also stated that the recreational facilities for the children of Carlsbad are inadequate and requested the &ildren be allmed continued use of the Harding Center. Council Menikr Pettine state his supprt for the staff recomndation and indicated that he muld like to see it maninmusly approved. Council M-r Lewis concurred with the corm-ients of Council Mer Pettine. Council Mer Kulchin stated that she felt that the site comnittee did a good job and indicated her suLpport for the staff remrmmdation. (I; I COUNCIL /p % 9C MEMBERS % % - ” 0 MINUTES m January 7, 1986 Page 10 Council Mer Chick stated that he intially had same problems with the parking issue, but he indicated that the acquisition of the additional land should resolve that issue. Mayor Casler stated that she had been disap,minted with the recomendation of the site cornnittee. She indicated that she felt the the Elarding Center site will not be adequate for the needs of the seniors, that there muld not be enough nom for expansion or outdoor activities, but at &e muld 90 along with the proposed architectural feasibility study. Council Menber Chick asked Dr. Hmn if psrhaps a larger site, similar to the senior center in Escondido would not be mre suitable. In response Dr. Hmn stated that the cornnittee had liked som other sites, but felt that there were constraints due to mney, He indicated that they felt they could get and develop the Harding Center site, Council Medoer Lewis stated that due to Proposition H, the city could pr&ase another site for the center, but in order to construct the hilding, the mtter would have to be pt to the voters. Council M&r Kulchin stated that she felt the seniors had been very realistic in their rquest and indicated her support for the original recomdation. Motion was mde to approve only the portion of the staff remdation directing staff to have the architectural feasibility study done for the senior center on the Harding Center site. The mtion failed due to lack of a mjority. Council accepted the following reconmendations by the Senior Citizen Cdssion: 1 That the Harding Comrrslnity Center side be the location for the pemhanent senior citizen facility. new 12,000 square foat hilding be constructed with room for expansion, to be used exclusively by senior citizens. 3. That the alley on the east side of the existing buildings be vacated and the pro,prty to the north be purchased in order to provide additional space for the new hilding and ,parking, and directed staff to contract with the City’s Park and Facility Planning Consultant, RSI , to review the ribove proposal and to conduct an architectural feasibility study, including review of fhe parking issue, the issue of the displace= of the Recreation personnel and programs, and the issue of the displacemnt of the seniors during construction of the new facility, 2. That the existing structures ke demlished and a Mayor Casler indicated that she cast a negative mte because she felt that the site for a ,prmanent center should loe larger and in a nicer area. 5 \y 5 COUNCIL ?$ 3 MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis XE Kulchin Pettine E Chick Casler Lewis x Kulchin X Chick X Pettine xx - -c m m MINUTES January 7, 1986 Page 11 RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a recess at 8:30 P.M., and council reconvened at 8:42 P.M., with all rmbers present Item No. 35 was taken out of order and considered at this time. (77) 35. AB #8473 - WFX PROGRAM FOR NEW LAND USE PrnrnSALS. The staff report was presented by the Planning Direct01 essentially as contained in the agenda bill. He indicated that council was cglly being asked to msidel at this time the mtter of applying new density ranges to existing Master Plan and prd-doiting open space areas from being used for &nsity calculations. He added that staff is still mrking on the details of .tht work program which will be presented to council on January 14, 1986. Council recognized Mr. Don Mmdward, 5100 Campus Drive, Newprt Beach, &Io indicated that he wuld reserve his remarks until the presentation of the wrk program on January 14, 1986. Council recognized Mr. Bob Ladwig, Rick Engineering, 3088 Pi0 Pia, Carlsbad, &Io also indicated he muld hold his renaarks until the next meting. Council recognized Mr. Doug Avis, 11300 Sorrento Valley Rd, Suite 101, San Diego, who indicated that he had no problem with the proposed Ordinance No. 9789. Council recognized Mr. Christopher Garrett, 701 B Street, Suite 2100, San Diego, representing Cal-Fed Enterprises, Tnklo spoke in favor of Ordinance No. 9789. Mayor Casler indicated that she had mted for this ak previous meting, and that she had re-read the reLmrt from the Land Use Comnittee. She stated that she felt this recommendation is in opposition to aose remmdations mde 'by the Land Use corranittee and therefore She could not support the ordinance. 1 Council Member L&s stated that he felt the proApsed ordinance deals adequately with the issues in the memrandum presented to council by himelf and Council Member Pettine. Council Mer Chick indicated that he could not support the ordinance. Motion was mde to adopt t3e following Ordinance: I ORDINANCE NO. 9789, AN INTERIM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OUJYCU; OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOFTED As AN UFGmCY MEASURE mAI3LIsHIm TEM?OI?N?Y LAND USE OXI'ROLS PENDING (XINSIDERATION BY THE CITY CDUN'CIL OF ZDNE ODE AMENDMENTS, ZONE CHANGES, AND GENERAZ; PLAN AMENDMENTS, TO P-Y L"ENT THE cDrnLS mNTAIm m n ORDINANCE. 1 The mtion failed for la& of four affirmative mtes . I 4 COUNCIL y$ 3 9L 3 MEMBERS % $t Casler Lewis Kulchin X Chi& Pettine i m m MINUTES January 7, 1986 Page 12 "tion was made to refer the mtter kack to the Planning Corranission for review and amsideration, to returned to Council within 90 days. I The work program was antinued to the meting of January 14, 1986. Item No. 39 was t&en cut of order and considered at this time. I (97) 39. AB #8477 - LA CY)STA AVENUE IMPROIE"S AND 1-5 FREEWAY BRIDGE WIDENING. The staff reAmrt was presented by the City Manager as contained in the agenda bill. The City Engineer mntinued with the staff reLmrt. With the aid of transparencies he shaved the proposed configurations for the intersection of La Costa Avenue at El Catnino Real and La Costa Avenue at 1-5. Council recognized Mr. Bob Ladwig, Rick Ehgineering, 3088 Pi0 Pia, Carlsbad, Mr. Ladwig spoke in favor of the proposals and suggested a fall-&& pition if the district does not wrk. He indicated that the expenditure for the intersection of La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real would inprove the intersection from a "failing" level to a %" level. Council recqnizd Marylynn Brm-Bellman, 2638 Luciesgaga, Carlsbad, who spoke on kehalf of the La Costa Commnity meness Group and expressed support of the proawsals. Council recognized Jon Briggs, 2650 Camino Del Rio North, San Diego, representing Sds Properties d-10 spoke in favor of the pro,w>sals. Council recognized Stephen L'Heureux, the President of the Carlsbad Chamber of Corcmrce, who spoke in favor of the proposals and suggested that the wrk be done in two phases, first, Ehe improverents to La Costa Avenue and widening of t3e bridges of La Costa Avenue and 1-5 and, second, the widening of the bridges over 1-5 at Poinsettia and Palomar Airport Rd, Council recognized Robert Pat Kelly, 2770 Sunny Creek Road, Carlsbad. Mr. Kelly agreed that there is a traffic problem in the area and that the suggested improvements are necessary. Hwever, he expressed the feeling that it mld he unfair for mly vacant land within the city to pay for the improvemnts since those persons already living in the area will benefit as well. Ccuncil Mertfber Lewis expressed his support for the staff recomdation and indicated his feelings that the impmvemnts are necessary. Council Merher Pettine expressed his support for Item #2 and #3, and indicated his ancern regarding alternative access for those in that area during the construction of the improvements. 3 I COUNCIL \p % .$ % MEMBERS % q Casler Lewis Kulchin X Chick Pettine - .-r ~ I I I i L MINUTES 0 January 7, 1986 Page 13 Council Member Kulchin expressed her support for Items #1 and #2 and incpired abut alternative mthds of financing the improvemats. Mayor Casler expressed her support for the recm-mmdations and suggested that alternative ways of financing be ansidered. Council +proved the staff recorrmendations as follows: 1. Approved in mncept the formation of a bridge an6 thoroughfare knefit district for the purpose of improving La Costa Avenue &tween El Camino Real and 1-5, and to widen three bridges over 1-5 at La Costa Avenue, Poinsettia Avenue and Palomar Airport Road. 2. Directed the City Manager to initiate action to select a special assessment engineer and legal counsel for setting up 'che bridge and thoroucjhfare kenefit district. 3. Directed. the City Manager to ccanplete the final design for two interim projects on La Costa Avenue: the intersection of La Costa Avenue & El Camino Real and the intersection of La Costa Avenue & 1-5. Item No. 34 was taka out of order and ansidered at this time. (99) 34. AB 7164 - Supplement #4 - TEWTATIVE MAP D(TENSI0N - GARI;SBAD TRAcrr 82-15 - ALICANTE HILLS CROSSROADS. The staff reprt an tihe mtter was presented by the City Engineer essentially as contained in the agenda bill. With the aid of wall aibits and transparencies he shaved the location and design of the project . Council recognized Mr. Michael Ryan, representing the mer of the property. Mr. Ryan gave a brief history of the project, including the previously requested tentative mp extension and '&e inclusion of Condition #47, requiring the widening of Alga Road before occupancy of the LOlst cazit fich had ben placed on the project. Mr. Ryan indicated the mers support for the staff recomndation of approval of this request with 9 new conditions. He stated that the project is still in conformance with the current general plan, the piblic facilities fee ordinance, the design guidelines mual and envirmmntal requiremts, and requested that council approve the request for extension. In response to council query, the City Manager indicated that the City had not yet keen reinhursed w the developer for the widening of Alga Road. a, I COUNCIL \y 2;o * % MEMBERS % $) Casler Lewis X Chick Kulchin Pettine I I I I I * ; m MINUTES e January 7, 1986 Page 14 \p 5 COUNCIL % %' MEMBERS % $ Council recognized Nary Ann Izner, 7034 Almaden Lane, Carlsbad, representing the La Costa Cosrmunity Awareness Group, who spoke in qposition to the project. Mrs. Izner, with the aid of transparencies, shaved the location o€ the project as well as the existing condominium units in the area. She indicated that these additional units would anly add to the mise and traffic problems in the area and requested that munci1 deny the request for extension. Council recognized Patricia Traylor, 7352 El E'uerte, Carlsbad, who spoke in qpition to the project and requested f3at this matter be continued until fne La Costa Conanunity Awareness Group and the Daon Corporation are able to oorrpletely review land use in the La Costa area. Council discussed the haul route for the area and the estimated nurdxr of trips which mld ke necessary, Motion was made to deny the request for extension of Casler tentative mp Cl' 82-15. Lmis Kuldhin x> Chick Pettine > AGENDA ITEMS NO. 36, 37, 38, AND 40: Council continued Item No. 36, 37, 38, and 40 to the x Pettine 2 Chick 1 Kulchin 2 Lewis meeting of January 14, 1986. x> Casler CITY CDUNCIL ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: Council authorized Mayor Casler to attend tize National Association of Regional Councils in Washington, on February 1-5, 1986. mo~: By proper mtion, .the Meeting or' January 7, 1986 was adjourned at 10:57 P.M. Respectfully submitted, (glk?d&R- AIXrHAL. FA-z City Clerk Karen R. Kundtz Deputy City Clerk 1