HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-01-14; City Council; Minutesr' 5__ r 0 MINUTES 0 Meeting of: CITY CDUNCZ (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: January 14, 1986 Place of Meetinq: City Council Chmhers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Casler called ae meting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL C?CL was taken by the Deputy City Clerk, as folluiris: Present - Council Menhers Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chi& and Pettine. Absent - None. APPROVAL OF M.DTXFS: Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held Decerriber 17, 1985, was continued to January 21, 1986. (79) 1. AB #7099 - Supplement #4 - 1986 PUBLIC FACILITY FEE REXIEW AND UPDATE. Jim Hagaman, Director of Research/Analysis, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using transparencies and wall &arts to illustrate the tables mntained in the Agenda Bill. Kim Kilkenny, 6336 Greenwich Drive, San Diego, representing the Construction Industry Federation, distributed copies of a report to Council Mabers providing an analysis of the Public Facilities Fee expenditures. He summarized part of that report, calling attention to the general cpvernmmt category. He stated the percentage of fees spent cn this category was disproportionate and precluded Council €ran doing other things such as hilding roads and parks. Mr. Kilkenny suggested capitalization as far as the Public Safety Center and the use of that mney for other projects. He stated Council was trying to buy their facilities with cash. Therefore, they auld not buy as nu& for their mney. He suggested they borrm the mney for these expenditures and direct the City Manager to mrk with the milding industry to examine the feasibility of leveraging funds, capitalizing the Public Safety Center and prioritizing the Public Facilities Fees E'unds. He stated the munt spent an government expenditures, due to the Public Safety Center, was qproxjmately 69%. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated that a year ago, when the park deficiency was discussed, the Council considered borrowing funds rather than pay-as-you-go, and Council adopted the pay-as-ym-0 mthod. He stated that when the renaval of the program was considered, sane of mese projects could be prioritized. If the cash flow were sufficient to pay for those projects, it muld not be necessary to capitalize or brrow and pledge the revenues from the Public Facilities Fees Fund to py off the bnds. He added there mst be a good projection of revenue coming in to pay off the bnds. .J3 \p 5 COUPICIL ?5 pl' MEMBERS % 4 I i I d__ T- o MINUTES 0 January 14, 1986 Page 2 Council Merriber Lewis stated that had ben discussed an the Public Safety Center and he recalled that Council had praised the pblic that it mld be Wilt m a pay-as-we-go basis . Mayor Casler stated that the Council had determined they would not brrm the mney to build the Safety Center, and that was approved by a mjority of the people. Council Menher Chick stated he felt the suggestion to borrm mney for Capital projects was a viable alternative. City Manager Frarik Aleshire stated that Council needed to look & the current Public Facilities Fees list and the arterial streets that my mt Ise in accord with the current thinking of the City and determine whether the City or the developer should pay for the irprovement of those streets. He added there muld be assessment districts before the Council soon, so some of the nunibers listed in the 1982 report should be changed. He suggested Council go through the List and consider &ether or nat all the projects are appropriate at this time. Mr. Aleshire stated the list should be examined by Council and any projects that need to be deleted should be discussed. Any projects that Council would like to add Should also be discussed. He stated that an January 28, 1986, the Palomar Airport Assessment District will be before Council and the Cannon Road District should be before Council within 30 days and decided within 60 days. La Costa Boulevard and the three bridges over 1-5 would be included in another funding program and mld not need to be in the Public Facilities Fees List and should be deleted. Mayor Casler stated City Hall expansion should be included on the list and Council Menbers mncurred. She added the Senior Citizen Center should also be included. If it were possible to receive Redevelopment funds, -that could be taken care o€ at a later date. The Highway 78 widening was discussed, with Council agreeing they need a further report an this item. Item No. 4, Rancbo Del Or0 - Hicjhway 78 Access On/Off Ramps, was to be paid for ly the developer and therefore would not be included. Item No. 5, the Railroad Bridge Widening at Palomar Airport Road and Poinsettia, should have a mnplete traffic study to determine whether two-lane or four- lane bridges are needed. The City Manager stated this project auld not be included on fhe other bridge and thoroughfare funding program. Council requested mre information on this item. Gene Donovan, City Engineer, estimated a mnibination of the two bridges over Palom Airport Road and Poinsettia muld cost between four and five million dollars. 'He stated the estimates do need to ke ~ 22 - \v 5 COUNCIL % 9L MEMBERS % $ 'I 0 MINUTES e Janaury 14, 1986 Page 3 It was determined that Item No. 6, Oliverihain Road Connection to Leucadia Boulevard, is mt Carlsbad's obligation. Hcwever, Council agreed they muld like to have the figures an the msts of the mmpletion of this. Item No. 8, ha& Area Irprovements - Parking/Access, needs to have estimates suhnitted also. Item No. 1, under Arts, 1% of Public Facilities Fees Fund for the Arts, should not ke included in this report, according to Mayor Casler. This mney is to com from the Capital Improverrlent Fund and not from the Public Facilities Fees Fund. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated Tamarack improvement between 1-5 and Carlsbad Boulevard was mt budgeted, and if Council wanted to widen Tmarack, that should be studied. Mayor Casler recomded. that it also be included in the list. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated that Palomar Airport Road east of E1 Carnino Real, adjacent to the Airport, had been part of an agreement ktween the City and the county for the City to widen Palomar Airpork Road and the county to widen El Camino Real north of Palomar Airport Road. Mr. Aleshire suggested that the half-mile from El Camino Real east should be included on this list. Mayor Casler inquired of Mr. Hagaman mether it was his intent to have this item continued for a twc-nnnth period, and he stated this wuld allw them to mqile a wrk program. Council continued the 1986 public Facilities Needs List for two mnfhs for preparation of a work prqram with the inclusion of the requested projects for consideration, and directed the City Manager to mrk with other groups to discuss psible financing alternatives. (77) 2. AB #a73 - Supplement #1 - WIRK PROGRAM FOR NEW LAND USE PROPOSAZ;S. (77) 2. AB #a73 - Supplement #1 - WIRK PROGRAM FOR NEW LAND USE PROPOSAZ;S. Mike Holvniller, Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler stated the LCP Program t&es precedence over ~e General Plan inasmch as it has been approved by a State agency. Council Meniber Chick stated that he mld like to knm what density reduction there would be &cause of the LCP. Frank Aleshire, City Manager, stated Gary Wayne has been reviewing the impact of adopting the LCP and that report is not completed at the present time. The LCP does have lcwer densities in general %an the City's General Plan. The report should be finished in approximately a mnth. ol/ - \p 5 COUNCIL ?? % MEMBERS % $ Casler X Pettine X chi& X Kul&in x Lewis X3 I, - 7 e MINUTES e Janaury 14, 1986 Page 4 ~~~ ~ ~ Mike Holzmiller explained fne grmth magement zones as a three-part program with the Wee stages What", "WhenClI and "Hm" . He used a &art to shw hm this would 'E applied to the developents in the City. Mr. Holzmiller stated that the City would be divided into eighteen zones and the developers would subnit a phasing plan to the City. When that phasing plan was accepted, the hold on the projects wuld m off and the final naps and hilding permits auld be issued. He stated this would be progressing me step further than dividing the City into the four quardrarrts, by dividing it into eighteen zones, with separate phasing plans for each of the zones. In discussion, Mr. Holzmiller clarified the intent of the phasing plans to be suhtitted by developers by stating that if a small developer had sukmitted a proposal for a project in an isolated area, he muld need to fit this project into the entire overall picture for that particular area. Mr. Holzmiller stated staff felt there are already a nuniber of planning tools in place in the City and this will further implement the reconmendations of the Citizens Cdttee and will also provide for mre major decisions being mde up front ca? proposed developwnts. In answer to query, Mr. Holzmiller stated that projecsts that have already Et the mjority of the requirements muld not have to delay their project any longer than just enough tit to submit a phasing plan acceptable to staff and Council. It was determined that it would be up to the developer to sdt a phasing program as soon as psible. As soon as that had been accepted by staff and Council, the hold on final imps and building permits would ke released. This could conceivably h as short a tirne as one mth. RECESS : ~- Mayor Casler declared a recess at 7:53 p.m. I and Council reconvened at 8:05 p.m., with all Members present. 20 L COUNCIL IF % PA MEMBERS % $ 1 - - e MINUTES e January 14, 1986 Page 5 2. AB #8473 - Supplement #1 - W3!3K PRQGFW4 FOR NEW LAND USE PROPOSALS. (continued) Pat O'Day, 2765 Sor&rosa Street, spoke in favor of the proposed work program with the exception of the prohibition of final qs. He stated he wanted Rand10 Santa Fe Road widened and felt any hold on those projects having the requirement of improving that road micjht slm Gam the improvemrrk of Rancho Santa Fe Road. He said if there is a hold m final mps, this could create mre wrk for staff. Mary Ann Izner, 7034 Almaden Lane, La Costa corranunity Awareness Group, spoke in favor of the proposed work program, stating that Council decisions will affect the future of dl1 of the citizens of Carlsbad. Jon Briggs, 2650 Cdno Del Rio North, San Diego, representing Sds Properties, stated they have the only master plan approved in the last sixteen mnths and have complied with all conditions imposed on their project. Mr. Briggs stated that Item No. 3, placing a hold on all ather final mps and luilding pennits until a phasing program is develop&, Could result in their having to go throucjh the same procedures that they have already gone firoucjh. Robert Lee, 3180 Camino Arroyo, stated planning was not mrrpatible with the long-term needs. He stated the planning rrust mrmlize the data at hand, and stated his support for this plan. William Dykes, 3152 Redhill Avenue, Costa Mesa, representing Haws by Polygon, .stated his support for the plan. He also expressed a belief that three mnths titre muld be sufficient rather ti?an six mnths. He felt there was already a @hasing plan in place and believed the City should process final qs. He added if his project was placed on hold, it could present problem with the lenders and the backers and prove a problem as far as the inproventent of Rancho Santa Fe Road. Mr. Dykes felt that Item No. 3 should be eliminated. Doug Avis, 11300 Sorrento Valley Road, Ste. 101, San Diego, representing Bieri-Avis, stated they have Wo of the pending master plans. He stated his support for a m jority of fhe My of the staff report, stating this clears up the responsibilities of the developers and inplemerrts the pblic facilities in a fair way. He stated if a developer cannot afford to finance fie hprovements requested m a pro ject , perhaps that project is prenature. Mr. Avis asked for t'hree anaendments: to reduce the perid of tim application restriction to three mnths rather than six mnths; on restrictions m final qs, consideration be given to projects such as Sarm-tis and a mthcd devised to allw such projects to continue. He also asked Consideration I=e given to eliminating the restriction an comnercial projects. /9 - \p 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % $ I. 0 MINUTES 0 January 14, 1986 Page 6 David Resnidc, 2111 Palomar Airport Road #325, representing Partin Bennett Financial Group, stated public facilities and infrastructure need to be addressed. He stated the six-mn~ period was too long, and felt that it should be less than three mnths, or three mnths at mst. Mr. Resnick suggested that industrial and comrcial developnt should mt be stopped, On Item No. 3, Mr. Resnick felt that if developers are stopped on mnditions they have already met, this will create problem. He suggested everyone work together and all ,prties be a part of the solution. Larry Clem, 7707 El Camino Real, representing HPI Developlnent conp?any, stated that &ring the last year they have created two mster plans for their developwnt and he felt the mter plan they will finally bring to the City will ke a del plan that the City could use in the future. Mr. Clemns supprted staff reconmendations and felt various projects should have individual ansideration. Joe Gallagher, 1165 Hoover, me in favor of the mrk program, but stated that he muld rather see staff take a threemnth tim ,period and then report badk to Council hw they were progressing througln this work program. If a longer time were needed, then another three mnths auld be granted at that time. Bob Ladwig, 3088 Pi0 Pia, Rick Ehgineering, presented a prepared letter to Council Menbers and read the letter into the record. Mr. Ladwig stated that he agreed with Items 1 through 7, except for Item No. 3. Mr. Ladwig suggested that an Item D be added to No. 1, nonresidential applications. Mr. Ladwig suggested that two autside planners be lhired to help corylete the work in the Planning Department and that developers be requested to wluntarily withhold applications while staff is mqdeting their wxk Program. Don Woodward, 5100 Campus Drive, N-rt Beach, spoke in favor of the wrk program, concurring with Mr. Ladwig' s remarks. Jim Hicks, 2910 Managua Place, stated that Carlsbad is a unique cmmmity and approximately forty to forty- five people am ae mjority of the large pieces of land. He stated that all property mers should be treated equally. He felt the problem the City is having are regional in scope. Mr. Hicks also felt that applications should be held mly three mnths-- not six mnths. He stated the building permits and final mps provide ae funds to get the infrastructures built. Richard Glenn, P.O. Box 1540, representing Seafarrns West, stated he mns an agricultural business and is basically in favor of the mrk program as recomnded. /O /A 7 \p 5 COUNCIL 3 % MEMBERS % f - - 0 0 MINUTES \p 5 January 14, 1986 COUNCIL % 9L. MEMBERS % $ Page 7 Jams Courtney, 4914 Avila, spcke as a mmber of the Land Use Review Camittee, stating that he was mt really for or against the work program, but felt it was redundant. Mr. Courtney stated the General Plan did a fine job and only guaranteed minirrolm density to any developer, with everything else being neptiated. He felt time was needed to allm staff to implement the remndations of the Land Use Camittee and he felt the mst impact of what a six-mnth shutdm would entail wuld be mre of a problem to the City and take away Cbllars that are needed to install inprovemnts. Kim Kilkenny, 6336 Greenarch Drive, stated that evewing had been said at this pint and he was just stating his approval. John Brand, 5451 Oberlin Drive, San Diego, representing John Lu& Conpany, stated he supported the majority of the work program as proposed, but would like to see the applications processed in a shorter .time than the six-mnth limit proposed. Christopher Garrett, Suite 2100, 701 B. Street, San Diego, representing California Federal Enterprises, reconmended Council receive input from the City Attorney as to the legal issues in the proposed mrk program. He stated the City Attorney should give Council direction m any c3nanges *at they made and any impacts that there would ke cn the welfare of the People- Steve Ludlw, 2421 E. Southern Ave, Tqe Arizona, representing U.S. Home Corporation, stated that he agrees that something needed to b &ne regarding the public facilities and added, hmever, that financial arrangements and substantial sms of mney were expended in the processing of qs. Chuck Colton, 5150 Avenida Encinas, representing Daon Corporation, stated they were supportive of dealing with the infrastruckure and supportive of the Planning staff. He stated they were mt supporkive of a building mratorium and stated DaOn wld be willing to fund or partially fund the providing of additional staff people to expedite the processing of the phasing plans and the infrastructure plans in Lieu of the propals as mde. He expressed amcem &out -the improvement of Rand10 Santa Fe Road and the ability of Daon to mild those inprovemnts if their final qs were put an hold. F'rank mla, 8062 Adam Ave, Huntington Beach, stated the facilities can not be inplemented until there is development to pay for them. He stated that his campany, and he felt other mnpanies, wxld 'ke willing to contribute mney or staff tirne to help the Planning Department "unload the tunnel". He stated they should not infringe on the approved tentative naps as fhese provide for the infrastructure, and that cannut lx done if there is a mratorium placed on dwelopment. /E7 '. e e MINUTES January 14, 1986 Page 8 Andrew Wright, 4330 La Jolla Village Drive, San Diego, representing Lincoln Property carpany, stated his opposition to Item No. 3, placing a hold on final maps and hilding permits until the phasing program is developed for the areas of the City in hi& the project is located. He stated that the mdtrrent by developers takes place prior to getting the final map approval and that ninety-five prcent of the mney has been comitted at that pint. He asked for No. 3 to be &anged to include tentatively approved projects and to allm those to aontinue. Charles Christensen, 444 West C. street, Suite 400, San Diego, spoke in favor of the mrk program as recammded, with two additions. He felt No. 3 should apply to tentative imp approval conditions, as they had been imposed on the developers. He stated the developers rely on "mse anditions being the conditions they must aortply with. He also felt the tirrte for submittal should be reduced to 90 days. Council Mer Kulcrhin inquired of the City Attorney regarding the &ages in @icy and Mr. Biondo stated Council could imp1-t all or mne of t&e program as recorrpuended or any place in between. He said it was a ,Oolicy matter for Council to decide. In answer to query, Mike Holzmiller stated that projects could not be exeTted, but if they were very close to what staff muld anticipate being part of the program, as soon as the details were worked out, they would be allmed to continue with fheir project. Mayor Casler reiterated that it auld take as few as 30 days to aom up with a phasing program approval for projects that are nearly in compliance at the present time. Council Meniber Chick stated that he felt that som of the projects in the City are 1713t being studied as they should be and are not king mnitored closely enough. He also added that the assessment districts should be in place by m. He felt the City does need a plan, but he felt a mratorium was not needed. Council Mer Pettine mde a mtion to adopt the work program in its entirety, as presented. Council Merciber Lewis seconded the mtion. Council Mer Chi& mde a mtion to amend the original mtion to strike Item 3 on page 4 of the staff report. Mayor Casler seconded the mion for the anenmt. Mayor Casler stated she could agreed with No. 3, as the applicants auld have a plhasing program developed as quickly as me mna. Council Mer Chick wit&drew his mendment to the mtion, with the ansent of the second. I /b 7 \p 5 COUNCIL % 9A' MEMBERS % $ .a e MINUTES 0 January 14, 1986 Page 9 Council M-r Chick mved an mendtwnt under Section D to add Item (9) to add comcial and industrial projects to be exempted. This would also call for the elimination of Section D under Item No. 2. Mayor Casler seconded the mtion for the dent. Council amended the original mtion as follc~nrs: Itern No. 1 to contain an Item (D) to exempt industrial and mmrcial elications. Under Item No. 2 strike Item D. Council Metthr Chick clarified his previous statemnts, stating that he felt there mst be strong administrative program to address the mjor issues in the City. He felt this was mt being done and he would call for that to lx &ne. Mayor Casler stated she hop3 staff would give regular reports on their wrk progress and finish their wrk in a shorter period of time -than the six mnths estimated in the report. Council accepted the proposed work program for new land use proposals as presented, with t3ne previously accepted amendment. (78) 3. AB #a74 - SPEED LIMIT ON ELM AVENUE FROM EL WINO REAL TO TAMARACK AVENUE. This item was continued to January 21, 1986. ( 100) 4 AB #7665 - SUppkYEIIt #2 - DELETION OF TRANSIEWT OCCUPANCY TAX AT STATE PARK CAMP SITES. This item was mntinued to January 21, 1986, (28) 5. AB #a75 - DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPOINTMENT. This item was continued to January 21, 1986. ( 74) 6 CLOSED SESSION. The Closed Session to discuss employee relations was mntinued to 5:OO p.m., ~anuary 21, 1986. AWOURNMENT: By proper mtion the Meeting of January 14, 1986, was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. to 5:OO p.m., January 21, 1986, in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, 5 UT* Re KUNM'Z Deputy City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk /r - \p 5 COUNCIL % %I MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine x Casler Lewis Kuldhin Chick Pettine x: