HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-01-21; City Council; Minutes* - -r 0 MINUTES 0 Meeting of: CI'IY OOUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: January 21, 1986 Place of Meeting: City Council Chanibers (74) CLOSED SESSION: 5:OO P.M. Council convened at 5:OO P.M., with all Council Menikrs present. 1. CLKX3.D SESSION: By unanimus mnsensus, Council adjourned to a Closed Session to instruct magent on magextent salaries. Council reconvened at 6:06 P.M., with all Council Members present. Mayor Casler armounced that Council had Et in Closed Session to instruct the management team on magemat salaries, with a report to Council on the next agenda. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follms: Present - Council Merribers Casler, Lewis, Kuldhin, Chick and Pettine. Absent - None. INVOCATION was given by Mayor Casler. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Meniber Chick. APPKWAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 17, 1985, were approved as presented. CONSENT CZVIENDAR: Council Member Lmis asked for Item No. 5 to be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Mayor Casler and Council Merrber Chick requested that the record reflect their vote as "No" on Item No. 14. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item #5, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this meting. 2c - COUNClL \\ % + 3 MEMBERS % $ Cas ler Wis Kulchin Chick x: Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick x: Pettine - -e e MINUTES e January 21, 1986 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) (50) 2. AB #8479 - RATIFICATION OF DENANDS AGAINST THE CITY. Council ratified the payment of dm& against the City in the munt of $7,366,802.31 for the period Decerriber 13, 1985 to January 16, 1986; Payroll demands in the munt of $1,159,223.23 for the period Decenker 2, 1985 to January 12, 1986 : and Housing damn& in the munt of $76,592.50 for the period Deceniber 13, 1985 to Januq 16, 1986. ( 74) 3 AB #a78 - AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN. Council adopted RESOMTTION No. 8349, mending the classification plan of the City to revise the classification of Police Sergeant. (96) 4. AB #8415 - Supplement #1 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR (45) KEL;LY DRIVE AND EL CAMIN0 REAL TRAFFIC SIGNAT. Council adopted RESOUPTION NO. 8350, accepting bids and authorizing the execution of Project No. 3187 for the construction of Kelly Drive and El Camino Real traffic signal. (99) 5. AB #7568 - SUppleSnent #1 - AFFWDAI3I.E HOUSING AGFWNE" - CY 83-23/CP-246 - OAKTREE CONCEPTS. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. (95) 6 AB #&I33 - Supplement #1 - 1985-86 CURB, GUTITB (45) AND SIDJ3WALK REpLAcEMEwT PROGRAM. Council adopted RESOWITION NO. 8352, accepting bids and authorizing the execution of Contract No. U/M-5 for the 1985-86 Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalk Replacemnt Program. (44) 7 AB #&I80 - ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR MATERLAL TESTING. (45) Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8353, approving agreements between the City of Carlsbad and Testing Engineers, of San Diego, for annual material testing services for 1985-86 Capital Improvement Program and miscellaneous Non C. I .P. work. (81) 8. AB #8481 - ACCEKTANCE OF A PORTION OF AEd3UCKL,E PLACE AND JEFFERSON STREFT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8354, accepting two grant deeds for easements for public street purposes for a portion of Arku&le Place and Jefferson Street. (81) 9. AB #a82 - ACCEPTANCE OF WA- EAS€!MENTS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8355, accepting a grant deed for waterline purposes of a portion of a private road within P.D. 215. 7d ... COUNCIL /p % PC MEMBERS % $ - T a MINUTES 0 January 21, 1986 Page 3 CmSm CALENDAR: (continued) (70) 10. AB #8484 - c%.RLSBAD IFXlm SEAWALL CONSULTANT (45) DESIGN AGREEPENT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8357, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad, California, and Woodward Clyde for engineering services for the Carlsbad Boulevard Seawall. (26) 11. AB #8483 - SFT PUBLIC EiERRJ2G FOR ACQUISITION OF LAND BY ETVIINENI' DclMAIN PROCEEDINGS FOR JAMES DRIVE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8356, setting a tim and place for Pu?dic Hearing on adoption of Resolution of necessity to order acquisition by Eminent DoMin Proceedings. (26) 12. AB #8486 - APPROVE AGFEEWWI' FOR EASEPENT' (45) ACQUISITION. Council adopted REsoulTION No. 8359, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Michael and Vicki O'Gara for the acquisition of a road easement CBI Jams Drive. (99) 13. AB #7339 - SUpp1-t #8 - FINAL MAP - CAFXSRAD TRACT 83-2, UNIT #6. Council approved the final mp of Carlsbad Tract NO. 83-2, Unit #6. (99) 14. AB #7164 - Supplement 85 - DENIAL OF TEWTATIVE MAP EXENSION - CARSLBAD TRACT 82-15 - ALICANTE HI= CROssmm. Council adopted FESOLVTION NO. 8362, establishing findings for denial of the extension of time for Tentative Map No. 82-15. (74) 15. AB #8488 - CDPmSE AND RELEllSE - WORKERS' CclMpENSATION S- . Council adopted REsoulTION NO. 8363, authorizing a anpromise and release settlement for a Workers' Compensation Claim in the case of Charles Gammn. ITE2vl IElKWED FROM THE CONSENT m: (99) 5. AB #7568 - Supplement #1 - AF'F'OFUIABLZ HOUSING AGREFMENT - CT 83-23/CP-246 - OAKTREE CONCEETS. Council Member Lewis asked staff hm this would be mnitored to be certain that the four units wuld be rented to qualified people at all times. Marty Orenyak, Building Director, stated staff was working out the program and the criteria to bs mk. Staff will mnitor this project via annual reports which are required. He further stated the renters would have to be chosen from the applicants verified by the City Housing Authority. 32 - COUNCIL I$ % PA MEMBERS % 9 Cas ler Lewis > Pettine Chick > Kuldhin > I ~ 0 MINUTES 0 January 21, 1986 Page 4 ITEM mVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8351, APPFOVING AN AGREEMENT IMPOSING RESTRICTIONS ON RET& PIIOPERIY E?EI'i+JEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND RICHARD AND m GvlBEEiT To PmVIDE FOR ICW AND KIDERA" IN- HOUSING IN A 22 UNIT CONDOMLNIUM PFXIJJ33 CN .92 ACRES OF PFDPERIY GENEWAXY LOCATED AT 1014-1016 J3GTJN.A DRIVE AND ALI'IRORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID X-. PUBLIC HEARING: (1 14) 16. AB #8489 - PUBLIC HEARING - EXTETSJSION OF URGENCY- ORDINANCE NO. 9784 - HOTEL/MoTEL DEVEWF". Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler opened the Public Hearing at 6:16 P.M., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the Public Hearing was closed. Council adopted the follming Ordinance: ORDINAKX NO. 9790, EXTEBJDING INIERIM ORDINAEJCE NO. 9784, WHICH ESTABLIEEED FEQUII7EMENTS IDR A REVIEW OF HOTEL AND "EL PROJECTS lG3ILE MISTING REGULFSTIONS FORH0TELANDPDIELSARF:REWIEWED. DEPAF3"IRL AND CITY MANAGER FXFQFTS: (77) 17. AB #8473 - SUpp1-t #2 - URGENCY ORDINANCE TEMPORARILY E?EST?XKTING THE PRCCESSING AND APPROVAL, OF (2EXt'AIN LAND USE DEVELOPMENT AF'PLICATIONS. Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, gave the staff reprt as contained in the Agenda Rill. He stated staff had gone through the files and reviewed the sites in the field that needed to ke &e&& to verify the authenticity of Exhibit A, vhi& is part of this Ordinance. This Exhibit A is the large mp shcksing the residential development. He stated some of the requests have not as yet been verified and staff wants to consider all requests that have been mde. The City Engineer, Building Director and Mike Holzmiller were rraking the inspections to determine whether any of these sites should be exettpted. He stated this would not dnange the nunhers substantially, and staff will report back to Council if there were any d?anges on that mp. Marty Orenyak, Building Director, addressed Council regarding a mrandum dated January 21, 1986, distributed that date. Mr. Orenyak requested two projects be exempted and these two projects are CT 85- 5, Santa Fe Knolls, and CT 84-14, Tmrack Point. Mr. Orenyak stated the reason these projects were being recommended for exexption was that they were 32 " COUNCIL /p % yL. MEMBERS % % Cas ler Lmis KUlChin X Chick Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick x> Pettine I L e 0 MINUTES January 21, 1986 Page 5 DEPAF?"?AL, AND CITY MANAGER REpoTrrS: (continued) part of the Mortgage Bond Program for lw-incom housing and the developer rmst mket and sell those units within 28 mnths from the date of the issuance of the bnds, substantial comnitments have been mde by the developer an these projects and a development agreement has ken executed and $279,600 has been corrnrcitted in non-rehdable mnies on each project to participate in the bond program. These projects assist the City in providing first-time horne buyers and this would impact future mrtgage revenue bonds in the City. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated that he had distributed a list of projects. Under the Ordinance before Council, they could be caught up in the hold pattern and not allwed to get their final qs. He added that some my be testifying toniat and this list would help to identify those projects. In answer to query, City Engineer Gene Donovan stated only me on that list had a grading permit, CI' 85-5. The others did not have grading permits. They have applied for grading permits and have submitted grading plans that Engineering is dnecking at the present time. City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated a revised copy of the Ordinance had been distrimted this evening, and he identified the areas that were aanged, and the reasons for those &anges. City Attorney Vincent Biondo referred to Section 3 of the Ordinance, stating that issue was mt expressly addressed last week by Council. In the revised Ordinance, on Page 6, it muld require all of those projects exqted w the Ordinance to agree to pay any increase in the Public Facilities Fee or additional tax on new construction established by fhe City Council. Finally, the City Attorney stated a Section 7 should be added to the Ordinance CM page 7 which muld exqt Santa Fe Knolls, project CT 85-5, and Tamrack Point, CT 84-14 from the Ordinance due to mrtgage revenue bonding issue. Don woodward, 5100 Cqus Drive, Newport Beach, representing the woodward Companies, Inc., addressed Council stating he supported the Ordinance, with the revisions presented by staff. Bob Ladwig, 3088 Pi0 Pia, Rick Engineering, stated that he agreed with the &anges and his concerns had been answered. Joseph Sandy, 1205 Magnolia, asked for clarification of exqtions, stating projects that were infill projects muld be put m hold. 31 7 \p 5 COUNCIL 3 ?k' MEMBERS % $ - - 1 ~ 0 MINUTES e Janaury 21, 1986 Paqe 6 DEP-AL, AND CITY MANAGER REpoIirS : (continued) Bill Hoover, 2835 Camino Del Rio South, #220, San Diego, representing Brehm Codties, stated that a portion of .their project, was included and he protested this. He stated the project had a final map, all bnds had been posted and the project was a portion of an approved developtent with an approved site development plan. The grading, per an approved plan, was ampleted as of June of last year. This is under construction and has been under construction for nearly a year. He stated that 2-G and 2-F should be omitted from Eaibit B. He stated a minor rrsdification was king mde, on the apartment project, livability. By including the apartment project in this list, it would be a Wden to the developer to try to improve the project. Mike Holzmiller, using the wall mp, pointed out the project, located in the southeast quadrant, and stated the mp for the entire project was changed. This was separated into a site development plan for a 104-unit apartment project and the rest of the developmt was 223 units of a single family project. Construction has started on the single family portion and the site development plan for the ap-t has not been issued. No milding permits have been issued and none of the infrastructure to serve Ms apartment project has been corrrpleted. He visited the site yesterday, and in staff ' s qinion it was mt under construction. The portion was graded in mnjunction with the single family home developnt and used for an unmntrolled stock pile. Staff, based on the criteria that they have established, felt this was mt a project that would fall within that category. Mr. Hoover stated they were &ing an mnchent to the site plan and they have all the permits in hand, as well as the approved final mp. Mike Holzmiller stated the original approved nap was divided into single family hare lots and there was a separate lot created for *e apartment project. They have the final mp that creates this separate legal site for the apartments. A separate site development plan was approved, and they have a tentative aproval for the apartment project . They have mme in to revise that plan, and if the revision does mt get approved they still have the old approval. There are no milding permits for Ehe apartment site at this time, and this would not be me that staff wuld consider as being under development. There is a final map on the single family portion, but there is no approval on the qartrtaent site. They do want to change the plans on the apartments, but it is mt under developnt right m. with the density being reduced to improve the - ?A - COUNCIL \p 5 % yL MEMBERS % q - - e MINUTES 0 January 21, 1986 Page 7 DEP-AL, AND CITY MANAGER REFOWS: (continued) James Scott, 866 S. Sierra, Solana Beach, mer of Spyglass Pointe, addressed Council stating he was me of several developers in the same situtation with near approval and without a final nap. Mr. Scott stated that he had an approved tentative mp for 80 units in the La Costa area. This was approved some tim ago and they filed for a final mp. They are two-weeks away from grading the site and the delay muld be very costly to this project. He asked for exenption for this project. Douglas Ring, 10960 Wilshire Blvd #2100, I;os Angeles, representing Lincoln Property, stated their property was CT 85-7, La Costa Alta, and stated he would be submitting legal objections in writing. Mr. Ring stated the two projects that were being exqted because of mrtgage bnd revenue were being exmpted because of the qmd faith and Q-edit of the City. He felt that each project in the final plan &e& relied on the good faith and credit of someone. Mr. Ring stated that projects in final plan &e& should be exempted. Mr. Ring stated that if the Planning Department was unable to handle this mtter within two or three months, they should turn to the development industry. cormit $20,000, or a prorated share of the cost of an outside consultant, to assist the Planning Department in mnpleting this work in a threemnth period instead of a sixmnths. Frank bbla, Pbla Development/Daon Corporation, 8072 Adam, Huntington Beach, spcjke as the Manager of the La Costa holdings, Daon Corporation, stating they would be seriously impacted by this matorium, as this muld give them no in- Wing this time. He stated their future was in jeopardy with this type of mratorium, it mld be foolish for Daon to pt any mney into the cohty when there was m mney allwed to come to Daon. There muld be rm choice but to shut down projects that were underway, including improvmmts to Rand10 Santa Fe Road and Mission Estancia. Mike Foote, 5205 Keamy Villa Way, San Dieqo, representing Fmte Developmerrt, Falcon Hills, stated they received their grading permit in August and the grading is substantially conplete. He stated me mit has a final mp and they request to be included on staffs list for review to see whether or not their project could be exqt. Mike Holzmiller stated this was me of the projects staff plans to inspect tomrrw. They do have one final mp ht no hilding permits have been requested. Staff records do not indicate that they are in plan check for the second or third unit and this will have to be verified. He stated he had been authorized by his client to 29 - COUNCIL \j 5 % pC MEMBERS % $ - 7 0 MINUTES 0 Januq 21, 1986 Page 8 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPOmS: (continued) There was a discussion regarding whether or not developers auld stop improvements required as conditions an their property. In response to guery, the City Attorney stated it was questionable &ether Daon could stop the load irprovants. Council Meniber Lewis stated the mratorium had come abut because of pressure from groups feeling development needed to be slmed. He felt this was a workable solution. He also expressed dissatisfaction with the "threat" presented by Mr. Mola. Council M-r Chick stated he did not feel Mr. Mola ' s staterrent was intended as a threat. It was merely a statement. He stated if he were a developer and faced with the possibility of an initiative being voted upon, he muld adopt a cautious attitude. Council exenpted CT 85-5 and CT 84-14 from Ordinance No. 9791 as they are Mortgage Revenue Bond Projects . City Manager Frank Aleshire stated staff would continue to process mps. SOIE projects an the list would get to the final mp stage, but t3e projects would not get final mp approval. Council adopted the Urgency Ordinance with amendments to the Ordinance rn Page 5, and additional Section 7 to exempt the Mortgage Revenue Bond Projects: ORDINANCF, 9791, AlXIFTED As AN URGENCY MEASURE ESTABLISHING T!?&POl?ARY IAND USE CHT'RXS PENDING CONSIDERATION By ?HE CITY CDUNCIL OF ZOm CDDE ms, ZONE CHANGES AND GENERALI PLAN AMENDMENTS, TO PERMANENTLY I"- ?HE G3MPFEFENSIVE DEVELOPMENT MAJWGENENI' SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF cARz;sBAD. RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a recess at 7 : 50 p.m. , and Council reconvened at 8:05 p.m., with all Merher present. (28) 18. AB #&I85 - JOINT ??WEBS - FOR THE BEACH EROSION ACTION CCMMIm. City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the report an this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council Merdxr Kuldhin mde conanents, stating the Cormittee had Et since the fall of 1985, and all the cities had agreed to help each other. This includes all the beach areas from Dana Point to Point Loma. Council Meniber Pettine suggested a m&xr of the local Comnittee attend the metings of the Joint Pavers Beach Erosion Conmiittee. Council M-r Kulchin expressed the desire to serve an the amittee, and Council concurred. dB - COUNCIL IF 3 % MEMBERS % Q Casler I Pettine I Chick I KUlChin I -is XI Casler XI Pettine I Chick I Kulchin I Lewis 3 - a MINUTES 0 January 21, 1986 Page 9 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGEX REpoIiTS : (continued) Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8358, APPFKWING A BEACH EROSION ACTION C0MEJll"EE JOINT PCIWERS X- WITH THE ~UN'I'IES OF ORANGE Ai!i! SAN DIEGO AND "E CITIES OF SAN CLJiMWF GCFANSIDE, DEL I'RR AND SAN DIEGO. "1 I ( 2 6) 19. AB #8249 - Supplement #1 - APPROVE PROCEEDLNGS FOR SOUTH COLTXa BOULEVARD ASSESSMEWT DISTRICI'. Gene Donovan, City Eslgineer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency of assessment district. I a location mp shwinq the area included in the ~ Nom Neste, Neste Brudin & Stone, stated they were amending the boundary map of the assessment district and were recornding approval of the plans and specifications for the project, and to authorize the City Clerk to advertise for bids. 1 In answer to Council query, staff stated the two properties excluded would not be picked up at a later date, as there is no direct benefit from the assessment district. These parcels are also in the unincorporated area of the County. The mers felt the benefit that muld accrue to them would not benefit them at the present time and they opposed inclusion in the application. In order to include unincorporated areas of the county, the Board of Supervisors would have to grant permission and this could cause a delay of six mnths. The other mer would not agree to that long delay. Since the munt of benefit was minimal, they were excluded. Mayor Casler stated if and when those properties are developed would they not be required to add an additional lane to El Camino Real and rrtx'tian improvement. The City Manager stated they wuld have to improve their half of El Camino Real and other city requirements for development but they could not develop unless they were annexed into the City. Council adopted the follming Resolutions and authorized the City Clerk to advertise for bids: RESOLUTION NO. 8360, ADIJ?TING A W WOWING ?HE PRoposED BOUNDARIES OF A SPECIAL, ASSESSMENT DISTmCI'. RESOLUTION NO. 8361, RZF'EmCING PREVAILING WAGE SCALE AND DI€U?CI'ING CMiL FOR a3NSTlUJCTION BIDS. n 3v -.- COUNCIL \p 5 3 9i MEMBERS % q Casler Lewis x: Kuldhin chick Pettine 7 7 1 7 1 7 Casler Lmis xx x Pettine x Chick x Kulchin x - -c a MINUTES 0 January 21, 1986 Page 10 DEPAKlMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REFOKI'S : (continued ) (79) 20- AB #8471 - SUpplerrtent #1 - REVISION OF ENGINEERING FEES. Jim Elliott, Finance Director, gave the staff report as mntained in the Agenda Bill. Bob Ladwig, 3088 Pi0 Pia, Rick Engineering, stated he had looked over the changes and aFeed with the changes as proposed. He remmded alternative fee sdhedule 2A be adopted. Council adopted the follcxllring Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8346, FZVISING FEES FDR ENGINEERING RELAT"' m"" llrLl 3fiJSVIL153. (74) 21 AB #8476 - WEST FOR ADDITIONAL PERSONNEL IN THE ENGINEERING DEPART". City Engineer Gene Donovan gave the staff reLmrt as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOulTION NO. 8348, .AUTHORIZING SEVEN ADDITIONAL POSITIONS IN THE ENGINEERING DEPAETMENT, APPROPRIATING F'UNDS, AND DIEECl'ING ?HE CITY WXAGEP, TO RECOMMEND CHANGES IN ENGINEERING FEES. (78) 22. AI3 #8474 - SPEED LIMIT ON ELM Am FFOM EL WINO IiEAL To TNWRACK AVENUE. City Ehgineer Gene Donavan gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to shw the area for the recommended 40 mph speed limit. Council introduced tlze following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 3175, AMENDING TITLE 10, mR 10.44 OF THE CYUUSBAD MUNICIPAL ODE BY A!'@NDING SECTION 10.44.080 TO ESTABLISH A 40 M.P.H. SPEED LIMIT ON ELM AVENUE FROM EL CAMIN0 R%L To TAMARACK AVENUE. (loo) 23. AB #7665 - Supplement tf2 - DELFTION OF TRANSIENT OCcupANcy TAX AT STATE PARK CAMP SITES. City Attorney Vincent Biondo gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Maurice Asa Kimball, 1623 James Drive, representing the Campers of America, stated he complimented Council on rescinding this tax. Council introduce the follming Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 1287, AMENDING TI?TL;E 3, CEAWXR 3.12 OF THE CAFUSl3AD MJNICIPAL ODE BY 'IHE - OF SECTION 3.12.020 TO REpx)vE ?HE TRANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX AT STATE PARK CAMPSITES. &?A - COUNCIL /p 5 ?5 PC MEMBERS % % Cas ler I Pettine I chick x> Kulchin I Lewis 1 Casler > Pettine I Qlick x> Kulchin I Lewis 1 Cas ler > Pettine I chick I Kulcrhin I Lewis XI Casler I Pettine I Chick XI Kulchin 1 Lewis 1 - I a MINUTES 0 January 21, 1986 Page 11 ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~~ DEPAJXBENTAL AND CITY MANAGER IzEpoIiTs: (28) 24. AB #8475 - DESIGN FdWIEW BOARD APPOINTMENTS. Council adopted the follawing Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8347, APPOINTING IWTT HALL, FOl3ETyT HOLMES, CLARENCE -R AND JOHN MXOY 'ID THE CAIiLSBAD DESIGN REXIEw BOARD. (36) 25 AB #8487 - APPOINTIVE OFFICES - LIST OF VACANCIES FOR 1986. Information item only. 26. NUMBER NOT USED. (39) 27. RFporcT ON CITY INVESmS. Information item only. (47) 28. EIiOSION CONTROL. Information item only. COUNCIL mmms: Batiquitos Lagoon Restoration Council Meniber Chick reported cn the meting today regarding the restoration of the Batiquitos Lagcon, stating it would be a year before anything happens, but it is on its way. 0FE"AGm ITEM: NCID Council MerTiber Kuldhin requested Council consider an off-agenda item with regard to North County Transit District. Council agreed to mnsider an off-agenda item. ( 100 ) POIENTIAL ALTLXXTION OF SALES TAX OvERRlDE Council Men-ber Kulchin stated North County Transit District wuld like Council's support an their position CBI the mnies to be received under proposed Senate Bill 361. NCI'D has supported the use of those mnies for the improvemat of roads in North County. The bill allms for improvements of roads, streets, freeways and to improve transit, but NO would like to use the mney for roads and would ask for supLport of this concept. Council supported the NCTD position to authorize SANDAG to prepare the sales tax override ballot measure to place a hi@ front end proportion of revenues into local roads and hirplwzys with a hirpler later revenue for transit rail and related construction. 25 T- \p 5 COUNCIL % 9L. MEMBERS % % Casler Lewis x: Kulchin Chick Pettine Casler Lewis X Kulak chi& Pettine Casler -is X Kulchin chi& Pettine e MINUTES 0 January 21, 1986 Page 12 COUNCIL ~l?l?S: (continued) Library Board of 'Ikustees Council Merdxr Lewis reported on activities of me Library, including the Adult Learning Program. I Palomar Airport Advisory Cornnittee Council Memker Lewis gave an @ate on the status of the agreement. Coastal Real Water District Mayor Casler reported m a recent meting between the Water District and the City. 1 (37) Hunt Properties Mayor Casler stated the Hunt brothers had asked for a Council sub-camittee to review their plans for input. Council Merdxrs Lewis and Kulchin agreed to serve an this camittee. Council appointed Council Members Kulchin and Lewis to serve on the sub-cormnittee to review the plan for the Hunt brothers property, and advise to Council an the project . I SWAG Mayor Casler reported on .the activities of SWAG and called attention to reports she places in the conference room. Mayor Casler asked for a mluntee to serve an the comnittee to study the Highway 78 corridor preservation. Council Men-bers Chick and Lewis stated they would be willing to serve as Mer or Alternate together. JAC Mayor Casler reprted an JAC activities. - I S&ml District Mayor Casler announced there wmld be a school meeting this week to discuss location of school in the southwest quadrant. I ADJouRNMEWr: By proper mtion the Meeting of January 21, 1986, was adjourned at 9 : 05 p.m. I Respectfully submitted, Mf gT FJ;ETHAL. RA- City Clerk I Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk I A 34 - \p 5 COUNCIL ?$ % MEMBERS % 4 Casler Lewis X Kulchin Pettine Chick