HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-02-11; City Council; MinutesT e MINUTES a Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: February 11, 1986 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers ~ ~~~~ CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Casler called the meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent - None. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Chick requested Items No. 5 and 6 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Items No. 5 and 6, as follows: 1. WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this meeting. (79) 2. AB f8510 - USE OF CITY VEHICLES AND MILEAGE ALLOWANCE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8395, establishing policy and authorization for the use of City vehicles and mileage allowance. (68) 3. AB f7216 - Supplement #4 - DISSOLUTION OF CARLSBAD COMMUNITY EDUCATION, INC. Council, by minute motion, approved the dissolution of Carlsbad Community Education, Inc. (74) 4. AB #8511 - WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE FOR RESERVE POLICE OFFICERS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO, 8396, extending the City's self-insured workers' compensation coverage to reserve police officers if state compensation insurance fund coverage is not applicable. (105) 5. AB /I8512 - REFUND OF FEDERAL/STATE DISASTER ASSISTANCE GRANT. This Item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. (97) 6. AB 1#7609 - Supplement #I - FARADAY AVENUE SUPPLEMENT TO CONSULTANT AGREEKNT. This Item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. 6Y 7 \p 5 COUNCIL % 9A' MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulchin ) Chick X) ) Pettine - MINUTES 0 (99) (99) (105) (97) February 11, 1986 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) 7. AB %8505 - Supplement W1 - APPEAL - REQUEST FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT -CT 85-21/LCDP 85-3 - PARK VIEW EAST. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8403, granting an appeal of a Planning Commission decision to deny Park View East, CT 85-21ILCDP 85-3, and returning the matter to the Planning Commission for further report . 8. AB ##a507 - Supplement #I - APPEAL - REQUEST FOR TENTATIVE MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT - CT 84- 43/CP-302 - CASA LOMA CONDOS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8404, granting an appeal of a Planning Commission decision to deny Casa Loma Condos, CT 84-43/CP-302, and returning the matter to the Planning Commission for further report. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 5. AB W8512 - REFUND OF FEDERAL/STATE DISASTER ASSISTANCE GRANT. 6. AB f7609 - Supplement #I - FARADAY AVENUE SUPPLEMENT TO CONSULTANT AGREEMENT. Council Member Chick stated he had asked for Items No. 5 and 6 to be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar to discuss the loss of these funds. Item No. 5 is a refund of almost $8,000 to the State as insufficient records were kept by the City. Therefore, the State Controller's office audited the Engineering Department records and found that, since insufficient records had been kept, the 'City should refund the $7,939.00. Council Member Chick stated on Item No. 6 he felt the redesign of the right-of-way and the road for Faraday Avenue should be paid by Beckman because they reneged on the original agreement and alignment. Council Member Chick, at this point, stated he had a continuing problem with the administration of the City, and had voiced his complaints and a long list of problems over the last few years. He felt there was an improper allocation of PFF monies as recommended by the staff for the new Safety Center. There have been redesigns because of overrides, and there is a rumor that there will be even more overrides. Council Member Chick stated the City has no inspector or field man for the Architect on the Safety Center. The Architect is not responsible for this work. He stated a full-time inspector was needed there now. No one has been hired or assigned to perform this duty. Council Member Chick stated the assessment districts were authorized over a year and a half ago, and he felt there were continuing problems in the City that called for a change in administration. He stated his remarks were there for anyone to read them. 63 \y 5 COUNCIL % % -. q MEMBERS % 9 - - 0 MINUTES 0 February 11, 1986 Page 3 ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) Mayor Casler stated, and the majority of Council agreed, that the matter of the City Manager's performance should be discussed in a Closed Session. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8397, AUTHORIZING THE REFUND OF $7,939 TO THE STATE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES AND THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM THE CONTINGENCY FUND. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8398, APPROVING SUPPLEMENT NO. 1 TO AN AGREEMENT WITH RICK ENGINEEPING COMPANY FOR THE DESIGN OF FARADAY AVENUE, PROJECT NO. 3142. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (26) 9. AB W8483 - Supplement #I - EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS FOR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY ON 3AMES DRIVE. City Engineer Gene Donovan introduced Warren Diven, with F. MacKenzie Brown, Inc., who gave the report on this item. Mr. Diven stated the purpose of this hearing was to determine whether the Council should adopt a Resolution declaring the necessity to order eminent domain proceedings for acquisition of property on James Drive. Mr. Diven stated there is an extensive staff report on this item and two Resolutions to be adopted by Council. Mr. Diven referred to the plat map included in the packet showing the property to be acquired for a turning radius coming off of Basswood Street onto games Drive to meet safety standards. If this property is not obtained, there would not be a safe turning radius at that intersection. An offer of just compensation has been made to the property owners and they have not accepted. They are present tonight for the hearing. In answer to query, City Engineer Gene Donovan stated an offer had been made to the Steins to modify the sidewalk in that area and to narrow it to a width of five feet. That offer has been rejected. Staff verified an offer had been made by the City to reduce the width of the sidewalk to five feet. Now, it is ten feet, which would be in accordance with City I standards. Mayor Casler opened the Public Hearing at 6:15 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. : I 62d v COUNCIL y % 3 % MEMBERS % % Casler Lewis X Chick I Kulchin , Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin x; Chick Pettine 0 MINUTES 0 February 11, 1986 Page 4 PUBLIC HEARING: (continued) Leone Stein, one of the owners of the property at 1630 Basswood, spoke regarding her property. She stated they had not been included in the Assessment District for the development of games Drive that was approved in 1985. They were told they did not benefit from this District. They learned the City planned to install a sidewalk at the corner, and 9 to 12% of a minimum front yard by the front bedroom was going to be taken for this sidewalk. Mrs. Stein stated they had met with the consultants, mediator and City Engineer and discussed alternatives. She further stated there had been a promise of a possibility of a 15' inner and outer radius, rather than 20' or 30', as outlined. When this was marked out on their property, it was only a difference of 1 1/2 feet. Mrs. Stein referred to an alternative which would not include curbing at the corner. This would require no use of their land, as that would be on the City right-of-way. She had indicated to the City that was the preferred alternative. She wrote a letter October 30, 1985, stating this preference, and two and a half months later they were called and visited by an assessor with a statement of just compensation. Mrs. Stein stated she did not want the City to pay damages, because she did not want any damages. Mrs. Stein referred to the justification for acquiring their piece of property for the turn around and stated a sidewalk was not necessary in that area, inasmuch as there are long gaps in the sidewalk on their side of the street. Mrs. Stein distributed pictures of the corner of their lot and the house to give Council an indication of the sidewalk at the corner and how it would impact their property. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the Public Hearing was closed at 6:25 p.m. In answer to query, City Engineer Gene Donovan stated the curbing could be installed without a sidewalk. The radius would be 25 feet and it would miss the property corner. Upon further question, he stated this would be a safe turn. Mayor Casler recommended a motion be made indicating a minimal amount of improvement work be done on the sidewalk and curbing at that corner. Mr. Diven recommended adopting the Resolution and adopting a separate motion directing staff to do the minimum amount of work necessary. The engineers would work with the staff and would obtain an amended legal description for the property, if necessary. Council Member Kulchin stated she was not in favor of eminent domain proceedings, if they were not necessary. 61 - \p 5 COUNCIL 3 9&' MEMBERS % a - F ( ( 0 MINUTES a February 11, 1986 Page 5 PUBLIC HEARING : ( continued) Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8399, DESCRIBING PR03ECT AND PROPERTY FOR EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS AND AUTHORIZING THAT SAID PROCEEDINGS BE COMMENCED TO ACQUIRE SAID PROPERTY. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8400, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND F. KACKENZIE BROWN, INC. TO PROVIDE LEGAL SERVICES TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY BY EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS. Richard Allen, Engineering Department, recommended rather than a wheelchair ramp from the curb line ten feet into the property, the City make a sidewalk parallel 5 1/2 feet from the property, with less concrete at the corner. Council directed the Engineer to make the damage as minimal as possible to the Stein property. :571 IO. AB !I8513 - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND ZONE CHANGE 1113) DOWNZONING PROPERTY ON LA CORUNA PLACE - GPA/LU 85-7/ZC-337 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. Charles Grimm, Principal Planner, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the property and the access to the property from La Coruna Place. Mayor Casler opened the Public Hearing at 6:58 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the Public Hearing was closed. Council approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director; directed the City Attorney's office to prepare documents approving GPA/LU 85-7/ZC- 337; and introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9793, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP FOR A ZONE LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF LA COSTA AVENUE 3UST WEST OF LA CORUNA PLACE. Council directed that the project be submitted to Council for consideration following consideration by the Planning Commission. CHANGE FROM RD-M TO RD-M-6.5Q ON PROPERTY GENERALLY 60 \p 5 COUNCIL % %' MEMBERS % 8 -. Casler Lewis X Kulchin Chick Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin x; Chick I Pettine Casler ) Pettine r Chick r Kulchin 1 Lewis x> Casler X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin xx Lewis X a MINUTES 0 I February 11, 1986 Page 6 PUBLIC HEARING : ( continued) (114) 11. AB 118516 - MASTER PLAN DENSITY RANGES AND DENSITY (57) CALCULATIONS FOR OPEN SPACE - ZCA-ISO/GPA/LU 86- (113) I/AMENDMENT TO MP-1, 139, 149, 174 & 175. Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mr. Holzmiller referred to the memo dated February 11, 1986, to Council from the City Attorney asking Council to consider changes in the wording on Sections E & F in Ordinance No. 9794 and Sections G & H in Ordinance No. 9795. Staff recommendation is for those projects to have a maximum of two years from the date of the Ordinance to get building permits and develop under previous regulations. After that time, they will be required to comply with the new Ordinance. Mayor Casler opened the Public Hearing at 7:11 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Bob Ladwig, Rick Engineering, addressed Council stating his agreement with the revision to the density ranges. Mr. Ladwig said he found nothing in the Committee recommendations about denying density credit for the area for right-of -way of an arterial in one's property. He felt it was proper for Council to request the builder to build the road, but that road serves other parts of the City, and should not be a penalty against the developer. Mr. Ladwig called attention to lines 2@ and 21 in Ordinance No. 9794. He stated the words, "in no event shall the top of the density range established by this Ordinance be exceeded" were a cause for concern as that could eliminate the possibility of low-income housing. Mr. Ladwia referred to Section B, Paragraph 1, on Page 7 of Ordinance No. 9795, where the word, "floodplains" was used in the lands to be considered undevelopable and to be excluded from density calculations. He stated he believed the word should be "floodways". He added there was a big difference between the two, as the plain is overflow area and would be a much larger area. Mr. Ladwig next referred to Ordinance No. 9795, Page 7 of the Agenda Bill, Item No. 7, line 19, stating land subject to major power transmission easements would be considered undevelopable and be excluded from density calculations. Mr. Ladwig referred to the recommendations of the Committee on Page 32 of Exhibit Y in the packet, Item No. 3, which states that major power line easements may be counted in calculating density if they are enhanced and maintained as a passive green corridor. Mr. Ladwig next referred to Page 7, line 23 of that same page in Ordinance No. 9795, where it stated that slopes with an inclination of 25% - 40% inclusive would be given only 50% credit. He referred Council to the recommendations of the Committee on Page 31 of Exhibit Y, where it stated "slopes in access of 25% and less than 40% shall be reviewed by staff on a case to case basis". Mr. Ladwig felt those areas should be looked at separate1 and develqpment discouraged, but the developer shouyd get credit. 57 " COUNCIL y % % MEMBERS % $ I I 0 MINUTES 0 February 11, 1986 Page 7 PUBLIC HEARING: (continued) In conclusion, Mr. Ladwig referred to Page 8 of the Agenda Bill, Ordinance No. 9795, Page 2 of the Ordinance, lines 16 and 17, which is a new Section 21.44.240, Non-residential development restrictions on Open Space and Environmentally Sensitive Lands. The Ordinance reads: 'I Non-residential development shall be designed to avoid development on lands identified in Section 21.44.230." Mr. Ladwig stated he did not recall any discussion or agreement that areas for non- residential development should be treated the same as residential for sensitive and open space areas. Don Woodward, 100 Campus Drive, Newport Beach, stated he agreed with Mr. Ladwig's suggestions. 3ack Henthorn, Development Consultant, 2982 3efferson Street, stated he had a question to ask about Page 7, line 27, in Ordinance No. 9795. He felt that subsection (a) was not the appropriate section and felt it should be subsection (b). Staff agreed this was an error. Mr. Henthorn stated his thoughts were the same as the previous speakers and added the four items being considered here tonight had not been evaluated by the developers or the general public and he felt that they should be. He asked Council to consider taking action only on those items that had been aired publicly and all aspects of the community had been able to address. He asked these new items be returned for additional evaluation and input. Christopher Garrett, CalFederal Interprises, 701 "B" Street, Carrillo Ranch, stated he was in favor of the emergency Ordinance, but what Council was considering this evening was quite different and he wanted to speak in opposition to that document. He stated a whole new set of circumstances and statements were included which the development community had not assessed. He stated these changes were instituted at the Planning Commission and no one had been given an opportunity to study and evaluate just how the new wording and new restrictions would impact the developers. William Savage, Rancho Santa Fe, requested Council re- think about the 25-40% slopes. He said any good engineer would say that, given good soil conditions, slopes of 25-40% can be developed. The 25-40% slopes were not included in the Land Use Committee's recommendation for exclusion from density calculations. He stated the land he owns would constitute a loss of 35% of the value if this portion of the Ordinance remains as it is. He asked Council not to cut the credit in half on the 25-40% slopes. 58 c COUNCIL \p 5 % YA" MEMBERS % $ - 7 a MINUTES 0 February 11, 1986 Page 8 PUBLIC HEARING: (continued) Doug Avis, 11300 Sorento Valley Road, Bieri-Avis Partnership, stated they have two projects in Carlsbad, and are in opposition to the additions by the Planning Commission to the set of criteria developed by the Land Use Committee. He was particularly concerned about the slope areas and felt that this would be double jeopardy if they allowed only 50% credit for slopes of 25-40%. This was not recommended by staff to the Planning Commission and not recommended by the Land Use Committee. He asked Council give consideration to the land use changes openly discussed and give additional consideration to these most recent additions by the Planning Commission. Dr. Ray 3enkins, Encinitas, stated he was interested in the Encinitas Creek Area and was here to support the Ordinance. He commended the Council for their stewardship of the land. He asked Council to continue lowering densities and preserve the land. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:40 p.m. In response to Council query, City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated if a project does not comply with the Ordinance, and there is no grandfather clause, it would have to be reconsidered and reviewed. He stated if Council intended to stop projects with final maps, findings would have to be made to show this was necessary to protect the health and safety of the people and no other feasible alternative was available to solve the problem. Council Member Lewis stated he felt the large projects should meet the new standards; and if they did not meet the new standards, they should be reconsidered. Council Member Chick felt the projects that have been approved are quality projects, and the concerns of the Land Use Committee were not so much the quality of projects, but the feeling of a need to reduce the overall density in the City so that at buildout time there would not be as much density. Staff indicated they had not analyzed the problem in terms of the number of discretionary approvals if there were no grandfather clause, and if Council desired that information, staff would like time to review that. Council Member Chick commented that the Committee had recommended that adopted Master Plans should not be affected. Council Member Kulchin stated she would like to have specific numbers and Council Member Lewis stated he would like to know what units were affected. Council Member Lewis stated he wanted to know what had been done to the densities by all recent Council action. 57 COUNCIL \p 5 3 9&' MEMBERS % $ a MINUTES e February 11, 1986 Page 9 ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~ PUBLIC HEARING: (continued) Mike Holzmiller said staff was working on that. He added within 30 days staff could make a more precise report on what each one of the different changes had done in terms of impact and density. Council continued Ordinance No. 9794 for further information. Council Member Lewis stated he would like Items 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the face of the Agenda Bill to be returned to the Planning Commission and the other parts (5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) adopted. Items 1, 2, 3, and 4 were recommended in the Citizens Committee report. The other items need more information as to how this would impact the developers. This needed to be reviewed by the public for feedback. Council Member Chick asked whether lands to be excluded from development would be exempt from paying taxes and Mayor Casler stated she had looked up the purpose and intent of the open space element and it is not intended and shall not be contrued as authorizing the City to exercise its power to adopt, amend, or repeal open space zoning Ordinances in a manner to take or damage property for public use without payment of just compensation. Mayor Casler stated that lines two through twenty-six in Ordinance No. 9795 should be returned to the Planning Commission. Items 1-4 on the face of the Agenda Rill should also be returned. In the Ordinance, the word "floodways" should be inserted rather than "floodplain". Council sent Ordinance No. 9795, lines twenty-one through twenty-six (also shown as Items 1-4 on the Agenda face) back to the Planning Commission to deter- mine the impact to the City. The developers present were asked whether they had seen the revised wording for Sections E & F of Ordinance No. 9794 and Sections G & H of Ordinance No. 9795, and they indicated they had not. City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated his memo and the proposed changes only clarified and corrected the wording problems, with no change in the intent as announced by the Planning Commission. 56 COUNCIL \p % 4 % MEMBERS % 8 Casler Lewis Kulchin X Chick I Pettine Casler xx Lewis X x Pettine x Chick X Kulchin a MINUTES 0 February 11, 1986 Page 10 - I PUBLIC HEARING: (continued) Staff stated if Council wished to know how many projects were affected by the grandfather clause, they would need time to evaluate this and get the information back to Council. Council continued the grandfather clauses in Ordinances 9794 and 9795 until the Planning Department comes back with more information on the impacts. Council directed the City Attorney's Office to prepare documents approving GPA/LU 86-1, as amended. RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a recess at 8:15 p.m., and Council reconvened at 8:27 p.m., with all Members present. I 12. NUMBER NOT USED. rgg) 13. REQUEST FOR CONTINUANCE - CT 85-24 .. CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER TENTATIVE MAP. Council continued CT 85-24 until February 25, 1986. I DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS (85) 14. AB f8514 - AGREEMENT FOR PLANNING/TRAFFIC (28) ANALYSIS OF THE NORTHERN BEACH AREA OF THE CITY, (45 1 AND APPOINTMENT OF A TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. He stated the consultants would make a brief presentation on the scope of their work. 3im Douglas, Parsons Binckerhoff Quade and Douglas, Inc., 2323 North Broadway, Santa Ana, gave an overall view of their proposal. Paul Zucker, explained the scope of work to be accomplished, as contained in the Agenda Bill. In conclusion, Mike Holzmiller stated the proposed TAC, or Technical Advisory Committee, will consist of: a Planning Commission Member, 3eanne McFadden: the Traffic Safety Commission has not made an appointment; the beach area resident will be Ann Mauch; the Engineering Department will be someone selected by the City Engineer and the Planning Department will be represented by Mike Holzmiller. 55 "r COUNCIL \p 5 3 94' MEMBERS % 9 Casler Lewis Kulchin x Chick Pettine Casler Lewis X Kulchin Chick Pettine 7 I Casler r Pettine r Chick r Kulchin r Lewis x: 1 0 0 MINUTES February 11, 1986 Page 11 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Ann Mauch, Garfield, spoke thanking Council for its commitment to the Beach Special Treatment Area. She stated her approval of the hiring of Parsons Binckerhoff Quade and Douglas, Inc., to perform the planningltraffic analysis. Mayor Casler stated she had a phone call from the President of the Chamber of Commerce requesting the Chamber be represented on the TAC committee. Council Member Kulchin recommended one member of the TAC committee be a beach area property owner who lives in that area. She stated she had talked with Mario Monroy and he had agreed to serve on the Committee. Council approved two additions to the TAC Committee as follows: A Member of the Chamber of Commerce. A property owner in the beach area. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8401, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND PARSONS BRINCKERHOFF QUADE & DOUGLAS, INC. FOR PREPARATION OF A PLANNZNG/TRAFFIC ANALYSIS OF THE NORTHERN BEACH AREA OF THE CITY, AND APPOINTMENT OF A TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE. Council appointed Mario Monroe to the TAC Committee as a Beach Area property owner. (88) 15. AB 118515 - ADOPTION OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM. Brian Watson, Batallion Chief, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Dave Merk, from the Department of Health Services for the County of San Diego, presented a 12-minute slide presentation on the hazardous materials emergency response program. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8402, ADOPTING THE UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM. (28) 16. AB %8509 - DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPOINTMENTS. Mayor Casler announced the Housing and Redevelopment Advisory Committee unanimously recommended 3erry Rombotis represent them on the Design Review Board. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8393, APPOINTING 3ERRY ROMBOTIS TO SERVE ON THE CARLSBAD DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. 5Y - \p 5 COUNCIL ?$ 5' MEMBERS % % Casler Kulchin Lewis x. Chick Pettine Cas 1 er Lewis Kulchin x; Chick Pettine Casler Lewis 1 1 Pettine 1 Chick XI Kulchin 1 Casler X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis x Cas 1 er Lewis xx X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X e MINUTES e (40) February 11, 1986 \p 5 Page 12 COUNCIL ?$ % MEMBERS % 4 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Council adopted the following Resolution: X Casler Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 8393, APPOINTING JERRY ROMBOTIS TO Kulchin SERVE OH THE CARLSBAD DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. Chick Pettine 17. AB #8369 - Supplement #I - ACQUISITION OF SPACE FOR BUILDING, PLANNII\!G AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTS. City Manager Frank Aleshire requested this item be continued until next week. COUNCIL REPORTS: Parks & Recreation Commission Council Member Pettine reported on the recent Parks ti Recreation Commission Meeting. Coastal Commission Hearing Council Member Chick reported on the meeting where the LCP was accepted unnanimously. Batiquitos Lagoon Restoration Council Member Chick reported on the meeting in San Pedro and added there was some doubt whether the Port of Los Angeles could mitigate off-site, using public funds. Depot Committee Council Member Kulchin reported the Depot Grant of $30,000 should be determined within a week. CITY MANAGER ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: City Manager Frank Aleshire presented and narrated a slide presentation on The Quality of Life in Carlsbad. CITY ATTORNEY ADDITIONAL BUSINESS: City Attorney Vincent Biondo reported on the Coastal Commission/Elsner dispute, stating the Commission approved the amendment to make the zoning and General Plan consistent and approved Council's action amending the Coastal Plan. 53 b - 8 0 MINUTES February 11, 1986 Page 13 ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Casler made a motion to adjourn to a Closed Session to continue the performance review of Council- appointed officials. Council Member Lewis seconded the motion. Council Members stated a preference to meet prior to Council Meeting next week. The motion was withdrawn. By proper motion the Meeting of February 11, 1986, was adjourned at 9:50 p.m., to 5:OO p.m., Tuesday, February 18, 1986, at the City Council Chambers, for a Closed Session to review the performance of Council appointed officials. Respectfully submitted, &?xAdxy ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HR/tc I 52 I ~ Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HR/tc 52 \y 5 COUNCIL ?3 9L MEMBERS % $