HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-03-18; City Council; Minutesi I) MINUTES 0 I (41) (74) Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: March 18, 1986 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CLOSED SESSION: Council convened at 5:OO p.m., with four Members present and Council Member Chick absent. By unanimous consensus, Council adjourned to a Closed Session to discuss pending litigation and personnel matters regarding meet and confer. Council adjourned the Closed Session at 5:55 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Casler called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin Chick and Pettine. Absent - None. INVOCATION was given by Reverand 0. E. Webber, Good Shepherd Assembly of God. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by City Attorney Vincent Biondo. Mayor Casler announced the City Council had been in Closed Session for the last hour discussing pending litigation and personnel matters regarding meet and confer . APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (one motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 11, 1986, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 18, 1986, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Pettine requested a "NO" vote be shown for him on Items No. 3 and 4. Mayor Casler announced the City Engineer had requested Item No. 2 be withdrawn from the Agenda. Council Member Lewis requested Item No. 12 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Items No. 2 and 12, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING. ~~ ~ Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 114 \p 5 COUNCIL ?$ % MEMBERS % % Casler Lewis )I Pettine )I Chick x> Kulchin i Casler x Pettine x Chick xx Kulchin x Lewis x L 0 MINUTES 0 ~ (60) (70) (45) (99) (81) (99) (81) (30) (84) (74) I ~ ~ March 18, 1986 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) 1. AB !I7657 - Supplement W3 - TERMINATION OF LIABILITY INSURANCE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8445, approving the termination of excess liability insurance. 2. AB 8831 1 - Supplement 83 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR STAGECOACH PARK GRADING - PR03ECT NO. 3191. This item was withdrawn from the agenda. 3. AB #7592 - Supplement #8 - FINAL MAP - CARLSBAD TRACT 83-21. UNIT 2. Council approved the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract 83-21, Unit 2; and Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. - 8432, accepting a grant deed for street purposes for a portion of Tamarack Avenue and RESOLUTION NO. 8433, accepting a grant deed for street purposes for a portion of Simsbury Court. 4. AB 87592 - Supplement #7 - FINAL MAP - CARLSBAD TRACT 83-21. UNIT 3. Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract 83-21, Unit 3. 5. AB f8543 - GRANT DEEDS FOR TAMARACK AVENUE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8434, accepting a grant deed from Louis F. and Lillie F. Lundhagen; and Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8435, accepting a qrant deed from Robert S. and Marjorie A. Morrison. 6. AB f8544 - UNREASONABLE HARDSHIP - 2815 ROOSEVELT STREET. Council approved the decision of the Building Official reaarding an unreasonable hardship at the Danish Bakery. 7. AB !I8545 - REJECTING BIDS FOR LIBRARY SECURITY SYSTEM. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8436, rejecting all bids for the Library Security System, and authorizing the Purchasing Officer to invite bids with revised specifications. 8. AB 118546 - REORGANIZATION OF THE PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8437, amending the classification and salary plans of the City to adopt the classification of Compensation Technician, and reclassify certain positions. 118 \p 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % c Pettine Pettine - - o MINUTES 0 March 18, 1986 Page 3 CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) (74) 9. AB 118547 - REQUEST FOR AUTHORITY TO DESTROY FILES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8438, authorizing the destruction of files. (70) 10. AB 88548 - OFFER OF DEDICATION FOR A PUBLIC BEACH ACCESS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8439, approving the application for grant funding and construction of a concrete stairway for public access to the beach and allocation of funds for design of the facility. (81) 11. AB 1'181 19 - Supplement f20 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR (45) SAFETY CENTER. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8440, accepting and authorizing the execution of Contract Nos. 3006-7A, 3006-7B, 3006-7C, 3006-7D, 3006-7E, 3006-7G, 3006-73, and 3006-7M; authorizing the Koll Company to negotiate bid Contract Nos. 3006-7F, 3006-7H, 3006-71 and 3006-7L; and rebid Contract No. 3006-7K for the construction of the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center. ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (40) 12. AB !I8549 - CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR CITY (45) HALLMAIN LIBRARY ARCHITECTURAL STUDY. Council Member Lewis asked this item be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar to include other sites in this study. He stated he particularly liked the suggestion of the Chamber of Commerce to build a new civic center at the site of the Safety Center and he would like that to be considered. Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen explained once the needs have been identified, the City could proceed with an analysis as to whether this present site should be remodeled or whether a new facility should be considered. Council adopted the followina Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8441, APPROVING A CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR AN ARCHITECTURAL SITE EVALUATION STUDY OF THE CITY HALLjMAIN LIBRARY COMPLEX. It7 \p 5 COUNCIL 3 %I MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis X Chick Kulchin Pettine - - o MINUTES 0 March 18, 1986 Page 4 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (26) 13. AB /I8496 - Supplement fl - APPIAN ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-2. City Engineer Gene Donovan gave a presentation on the extent of the works of improvement, and the boundaries of the proposed district using a transparency. Warren Diven, with F. MacKenzie Brown, Inc., continued the report, stating the purpose of this hearing. Mr. Diven asked the City Clerk whether the Certificate of Completion was on file with the transcript, and the City Clerk replied, yes they were in her office. He asked whether any written correspondence had been received on that matter, and the City Clerk replied there were two pieces of written correspondence, and copies had been distributed to the City Council Members. Mayor Casler opened the Public Hearing at &:I5 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. John Frazee, 2410 Appian Road, addressed Council and referred to a recent letter submitted to the Council stating a willingness to support the district if the City participated in the cost of improvements. Richard Sica, 3383 Garibaldi Place, spoke in favor of the City passing these Resolutions, stating the improvements are necessary to eliminate a safety hazard. John McCoy, 390 Oak Avenue, spoke in favor of the City adopting these Resolutions, stating the Frazees were to have made these improvements to their property over 20 years ago. He requested the improvements be installed. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the Public Hearing was closed at 6:22 p.m. Mr. Diven stated the following alternatives were available to Council at this time. Council could continue this Public Hearing for a period of time to determine whether the Frazees would construct the improvements, with City participation, as suggested in the letter sent by the Frazees. If the improvements are not installed, the City could then instruct the Street Superintendant to install those improvements. The other alternative would be for the City Council to go forward and adopt the Resolutions in the Agenda packet. Council Member Chick stated he did not have a copy of the letter from the Frazees. Mayor Casler stated the letter from the Frazees offered to make the improvements, dedicate the property to the City, provided the City would drop all accumulative fees, both legal and engineering, and give the Frazees all the engineering plans that exist on the project. The dirt would be placed on the park site on Elm Avenue, and the City would participate in costs of approximately $1 3,500. I I ~ 116 - COUNCIL y % 3 % MEMBERS % $ I j \ I I I 1 - -I- o MINUTES a March 18, 1986 Paqe 5 - PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) City Engineer Gene Donovan stated the costs of $13,500, plus $5,280 in additional costs, would make the total additional costs to the City $18,780. Council adopted the following Resolutions: (one motion) RESOLUTION NO. 8424, MAKING FINDINGS AT PUBLIC HEARING PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 27 OF THE "IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 191 1". RESOLUTION NO. 8425, MAKING APPOINTMENTS IN A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. (99) 14. AB #I8550 - TENTATIVE MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT - CT 85-23/CP-320 - HOSP GROVE. Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill using transparencies to show the site and the major issues. He also used a wall chart to show the developed and undeveloped areas in the master plan. Mr. Holzmiller stated one of the Planning Commissioners had written a letter stating he had not understood the Planning Commission's vote regarding the review of the master plan. Had he understood, he would have voted in the negative, which would have created a three to three tie, defeating the motion to review the master plan. Charles Grimm, Assistant Planning Director, continued the report giving the technical data on the project. Clyde Wickham, Engineering Department, reported on the drainage, soil and siltation problems of the area. In answer to query, Mike Holzrniller stated the project would meet all criteria of the City, even with the new requirements that have been recommended and initiated. He stated if the master plan were reviewed, the only issue would be land use. Mayor Casler opened the Public Hearing at 7:25 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Nick Banche, 810 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, Attorney for the applicant, stated there would be several speakers to make the presentation for the applicant. Ted Odmark, 1747 Hancock Street, San Diego, gave the history of the application. Bill Hoffman, Planning Consultant, narrated a slide presentation showing the location of the property, the master plan, and how the project relates to the other developments in the area. / /5 7 \v 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % $ i Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine * MINUTES 0 March 18, 1986 Page 6 ~~ PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) Ann Hicks, Odmark Development Company, 1747 Hancock Street, San Diego, continued the report showing slides indicating the features of the design. She called attention to a model at the front of the Council Chambers showing the clustered buildings on the low areas and indicating the number of trees shielding the development. The features of the development were explained, including the recreational areas and the use of daylight grading concept. Nick Banche reiterated the amount of open space is far greater than required and was a good plan. He stated the daylight system of grading involved cut and fill and would be followed by the applicant in order to save as many eucalyptus trees as possible. He stated there would be a loss of 470 trees, with 580 one-gallon size trees being put back. The applicant would be bonded for five years to ensure the trees reach maturity. Steve Estrada, 533 "F" Street, San Diego, stated there would be several larger trees put in throughout the area, as well as the one-gallon trees. However, he reiterated the one-gallon trees would outgrow the fifteen-gallon trees, as eucalyptus trees are fast growing. RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a Recess at 7:55 p.m., and Council reconvened at 8:05 p.m., with all Members present. 14. AB $18550 - TENTATIVE MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT - CT 85-23/CP-320 - HOSP GROVE. Mayor Casler stated a number of letters had been received by Council , some in favor and some in opposition to this project. There were also numerous phone calls. All Council Members have received copies of these documents. Girard W. Anear, 1728 Calavo Court, addressed Council stating there is a fire problem with the eucalyptus grove. He showed dry eucalyptus leaves and part of a sumac plant, stating these are fire hazards. He stated this sumac could ignite the eucalyptus trees, which are quite explosive. This could result in the loss of the entire grove, as well as surrounding houses. He recommended thinning the grove and replanting it with some type of tree recommended by the California Division of Forestry. He stated the houses in the area could be lost because of an explosive fire in the tall eucalyptus trees. 3eff Piro, 1848 Forest Avenue, a member of the Neighborhood Alliance, presented petitions to Council in opposition to this proposed development. The petitions contained 1,800 signatures in opposition to the proposed development. IW 7 \p 5 COUNCIL % yA' MEMBERS % $ e MINUTES 0 March 18, 1986 Page 7 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) Mr. Piro gave a history of the Hosp Grove Master Plan and articles from the newspapers dating back to 1966. He stated historical money is available to preserve open space, and this type of funding should be sought to preserve this area for a park. He said the area was a historical site and important to the City of Carlsbad. Robert Fish, 1866 Forest, spoke regarding the traffic impact of this proposed project. He asked Council to consider the problems the additional traffic would create before they approve the proposed project. Leslie Williams, 2691 Crest Drive, spoke in opposition to this proposed project, reporting on the biological report and aspects of the area. She stated there were 50 species of birds that inhabit the woods in question. Mrs. Williams showed slides indicating slopes that are void of trees, the erosion areas and siltation problems. 3ustine Perl, 1898 Forest Avenue, stated Hosp Grove had been a play area for many generations of children in Carlsbad and should remain a play area for generations to come. Cindy Piro, 1898 Forest Avenue, spoke in opposition to this project stating the Master Plan for Hosp Grove is obsolete and should be reviewed. Also, the General Plan should be looked at with regard to this area. She stated Hosp Grove should be preserved. Diane Lantz, 2844 Wilson, spoke in opposition to this project, referring to the soils report. Mrs. Lantz expressed concern about soil instability and slippage under the three-story buildings. She stated the heavy trucks would damage the roads in the area. It would be impossible to take the heavy equipment onto the site because of the trees. A gentleman used a map of the area to indicate that a park was needed in that area. The only park in that quadrant is Holiday Park. 3ulie Fish, 1866 Forest Avenue, stated she had 90 letters from 8th arade students, addressed to the City Council, expressing concern over the loss of the forest. She read parts of some of the letters to the Council. Amy Swanson stated she had lived in the area for thirteen years and made many trips to the forest. Kim Alpner expressed concern about the animals living in Hosp Grove and asked Council to vote "no" on this project and allow the forest to stay alive. She felt this should be reviewed as a project that stands on its own, and not as part of the ongoing Master Plan. She also requested this area be considered as a park for Carlsbad. 113 \\ 5 COUNCIL % 94 -. $ MEMBERS % - - 0 0 MINUTES March 18, 1986 Page 0 PUBLIC HEARING: (continued) Bob Prescott, 3303 Belle Lane, told of using the forest for many years and felt the Master Plan should be updated for Hosp Grove. He recommended this area be purchased for a park. Peter Norby, 2451 Buena Vista Circle, spoke in opposition to the development. Kevin McCann, 1580 Jeanne Place, spoke in opposition to this proposed development, asking Council not to approve this plan. Ron Wooten, President of the Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation, P.O. Box 157, stated it was the policy of the Foundation not to become involved in land use decisions. Mr. Wooten referred to his letter to the Council and suggestions contained in that letter regarding siltation and erosion control. Robert DelCarlo, 2754 Arlene Road, spoke in opposition to this development. A. 3. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, referred to a statement in the staff report that removal of the trees would not have a significant impact as they were not rare or an endangered species. He stated the outright purchase of this grove is the choice. This needs to be on the ballot, due to Proposition H, and he was certain the citizens would approve such a purchase. Mr. Skotnicki stated the findings of the Traffic Engineer that the surrounding streets were capable of carrying the added traffic was not accurate, as the traffic was already a problem in that area. Mike Griffin, 2521 Crest Drive, representing Forest View Guest Home, spoke in opposition to this proposed project. He asked Council to preserve this forest. Tom Smith, 2303 Ocean Street, spoke in opposition to this proposed project. Nick Banche spoke in rebuttal, stating there is a condition on this project levying a fine on the developer if more trees are cut down than indicated. With regard to the Traffic Engineer's report, the Project and City Engineer are in agreement as far as traffic impact. Mr. Banche added no one had come forward and stated this was a bad project or did not satisfy requirements. He stated the time had passed for acquiring this land since the only area that would be significant as a park would be the duck feeding area. Mr. Banche stated the Master Plan had been approved for this entire area and the City had an obligation to the land owner. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the Public Hearing was closed at 9:40 p.m. IIZ - \p 5 COUNCIL 3 %' MEMBERS % $ - - 0 MINUTES a March 18, 1986 Page 9 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) The first action for Council, according to City Attorney Vincent Biondo, was to consider whether or not to approve the mitigated Negative Declaration. If Council is not satisfied with that, based on the evidence, and the adverse affect on the environment, they should deny the approval of the mitigated Negative Declaration and direct staff to prepare an EIR. Council Member Lewis made a motion to deny the mitigated Negative Declaration and direct staff to prepare a full EIR on this parcel. Council Member Kulchin seconded the motion. Council discussion followed regarding responsibility for paying for the EIR. Council Member Pettine was not convinced all issues had been fully mitigated, such as open space, density, siltation, the lagoon, traffic impact, soils and geology reports. Staff indicated the EIR would be done by the City and the City would hire people to conduct the EIR. This would be paid for by the developer, but only if there was a project. If the developer does not want to pursue his project, there would be no EIR. City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated Council would be advised to initiate the request for the EIR and the necessity for a review, if Council feels additional review is required. Council Member Lewis said he would include that in his motion. If the developer pursued the project, he would pay for the EIR. If the City wished to review the Master Plan, and would need an EIR to consider that Master Plan, it would be the City's responsibility. Council denied the mitigated Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and directed staff to conduct an EIR covering the remaining undeveloped areas of the Master Plan. Council Member Lewis made a motion to include a Master Plan review on the remaining 26% of the Hosp Grove Plan. Council Member Pettine seconded the motion. In answer to query, staff stated unless high priority was placed on this request, it would be the end of the year before staff would be able review the Master Plan. Also, it would only be a review of the land use. Council directed staff to conduct a review of the Master Plan for the remaining 26% of Hosp Grove. 111 COUNCIL \y zio .A, % MEMBERS % % Casler Lewis Kulchin X Pettine Chick Casler Lewis Kulchin X Chick Pettine - -r . (86) (113) (73) ~ I ' MINUTES a March 18, 1986 Page 10 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) Council directed staff to review the underlying general plan and land use designations. Council continued the tentative map and condominium permit for the Hosp Grove area, CT 85-23/CP 320, until completion of the environmental review. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 15. AB 88551 - REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL. Mayor Casler stated this item would be filed. 16. AB 118526 - Supplement #I - SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN - SDP 84-8(A) - BREHM. City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated this item was continued at the Attorney's request for the status of the previously-approved apartment project. The applicant indicated he had a right to build this project. Mr. Biondo stated Mike Holzmiller and he had discussed this, and the previous site development plan had expired. This is a new project and within the provisions of the Moratorium Ordinance, this project cannot be finalized and permits cannot pulled until after the end of the moratorium. Bill Hoover, Brehm Communities, 2835 Camino del Rio South, San Diego, presented a handout to Council Members. He stated the City Attorney stated the project had expired. The final map of last June focused on the apartment site, and at no time were they informed there was a statute of limitations on this. All discretionary approvals referred to this project as one project with the apartment project listed as phase VI. He asked Council to consider this as one project. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8426. APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS THE SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 84-8(A) FOR A 100-UNIT APARTMENT PR03ECT AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF XANA WAY AND CORINTIA STREET. 17. AB 118552 - AGRICULTURAL GRADING PERMIT - UKEGAWA BROTHERS. Clyde Wickham, Engineering Department, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Peter MacKauf, General Manager, Ukegawa Brothers, 4218 Skyline Road, addressed Council stating the County Department of Agriculture regulates through state regulations the application of certain chemicals for crop control. This requires 48 hours notification of the intent to spray, the kind of spray, and the purpose for spraying. If any homeowners have concerns, they can communicate with the Department of Agriculture. 110 \p 5 COUNCIL % 'PC MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X Casler X Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin x, Chick Pettine - c 1 0 MINUTES 0 March 18, 1986 Page 11 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Council Member Chick left the dais at 10:26 p.m. Mr. MacKauf stated he could not live with Condition No. 1 of the Resolution, inasmuch as this plan was farmed before and grazed. Condition No. 2: "City Engineer" should be deleted and the "Department of Agriculture" inserted. Condition No. 3: Mr. MacKauf stated it was not appropriate for a survey to justify what he was requesting to do on the property. Condition No. 4: This has nothing to do with this request. The erosion control program for the site will mitigate any erosion into the Encinitas Creek. Condition No. 5: Mr. MacKauf stated this does not apply, inasmuch as mustard seed automatically reseeds itself . Mr. MacKauf summed up his report, stating he could not live with any of the conditions except Condition No. 2, and it should be changed to be monitored by the Department of Agriculture rather than City Engineer, inasmuch as the State of California has jurisdiction. Mr. Mackauf referred to a transparency showing the area, and stated they would restore and do any preventive erosion control, since they have an erosion control program. Clyde Wickham stated the aerial map indicated the erosion problem on the Rice property. City staff wants the silt cleaned up which was due to the previous agricultural activity. This clean up must be done before there is a permit to work the land on this parcel. Bob Ladwig, Rick Engineering, representing Dr. Rice, submitted a letter to Council today with some of the issues that have already been addressed. He stated certain measures have to be completed as a result of the agricultural activity. A condition could be added to the agricultural permit that would tie the work remaining to be done on the Rice Property to this property. Clyde Wickham stated additional cleanup is necessary on the Rice property, desiltation and siltation control on Rancho Santa Fe Road. Staff would like assurance the work would be completed. The applicant would be responsible for both areas. Mr. MacKauf stated he had agreed with the Engineering Department to conduct restorative measures on and off the Rice site. He stated this had been attempted several times, but because of the rain, it has not been possible. It will be done again and done in a more permanent manner. laq \! 5 COUNCIL % % 5 MEMBERS % % - - i 0 MINUTES March 18, 1986 Page 12 ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~~~ ~~- DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Mr. MacKauf assured staff he was willing to correct the problems with the Rice property and submit a preventative program. Council adopted the followinu Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8442, APPROVING AGRICULTURAL GRADING (PE 2.86.15) PERMIT, SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS. Council Member Chick returned to the dais at 10:48 p.m. He did not vote on Item No. 17. (81) 18. AB /I8119 - Supplement #I9 - CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER PROJECT REVIEW AND BUDGET UPDATE. This item was continued to March 25, 1986. (28) 19. AB #I8553 - CREATION OF CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND ASSESS IMPACTS OF GROWTH. This item was continued to March 25, 1986. (28) 20. AB f8554 - CARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. This item was continued to March 25, 1986. (113) 21. AB 88555 - HALF STREET IMPROVEMENT FOR CARLSBAD GATEWAY - SDP 84-5. Ken Lounsbery, 1570 Linda Vista Drive, San Marcos, representing Carlsbad Gateway, suggested Council include a request for order of immediate possession. Erich Grosse, 5850 Avenida Encinas, stated there was no objection to the condemnation or immediate possession. Council directed staff to return with an agreement with the developer for Eminent Domain proceedings to acquire the Delorm and Wrisley properties, including the request for immediate possession. (37) 22. MEMORANDUM FROM COUNCIL MEMEER CHICK. Council filed this item. (37) Student Govenment Day Mayor Casler stated there was some concern about Student Government Day being too long a day and Council Members too busy at the present time. Council canceled Student Government Day for 1986. /a? 7 COUNCIL /p ?$ 94 MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulchin Pettine X Casler > Pettine > Chick F Kulchin F Lewis x; Casler xr Lewis r Kulchin r Chick 1 Pettine z Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx 6 e MINUTES e \y 5 COUNCIL % % March 18, 1986 Page 13 MEMBERS % q ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the Meeting of March 18, 1986, was adjourned at 11:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ALETHA wk- L. RAUTENKRANZ + City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB: tc /06