HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-01; City Council; Minutest. 0 MINUTES 0 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: April 1, 1986 Y$$ Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COUNCIL % % ' MEMBERS % % CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Casler called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent - None. INVOCATION was given by given by Mayor Casler. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Chick. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (one motion) 1 Casler Lewis X Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 25, Kulchin xx 1986, were approved as presented. X Chick Pettine X Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 4, 1986, Casler were approved as presented. Lewis X Pettine Chick xx Kulchin X Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 11, 1986, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting held March 12, 1986, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Casler X as follows: Lewis X Kulchin xx Chick X Pettine X WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. (97) 1. AB 88560 - 1985-86 SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8465, approving specifications, and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the 1985-86 Slurry Seal Program. (81) 2. AB ##856l - PURCHASE OF AN AUDIO-VISUAL SYSTEM FOR (84) PUBLIC SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8466, accepting a bid and authorizing the execution of a purchase order for the purchase of an audio-visual system. [Sl.] 3. AB 1'18562 - GRANT OF EASEMENT TO SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8467, granting an easement in Macario Canyon Park to San Diego Gas & Electric. 13 8 @ MINUTES 0 I April 1, 1986 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) (99) 4. AB f8550 - Supplement 81 - DENYING THE MITIGATED DECLARATION AND DIRECTING THE PREPARATION OF HOSP GROVE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8468, denying the mitigated negative declaration issued by the Planning Director and directing the preparation of an environmental impact report for a 216 unit tentative map and condominium permit CT 85-23lCP- 320. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - CT 85-23ICP-320 - (57) 5. A5 /I8563 - AUTHORIZATION TO REQUEST PROPOSALS TO PREPARE FISCAL ANALYSIS OF THE GENERAL PLAN. Council authorized staff to send out Requests for Proposals to five consulting firms to prepare a fiscal analysis of the City's General Plan. (112) 6. AB lf8564 - DECLARATION OF PUBLIC NUISANCES IN CON3UNCTION WITH THE CITY OF CARLSBAD WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8469, declaring as public nuisances weeds, rubbish, and refuse upon private property in the City of Carlsbad, and setting a hearing for April 15, 1986. (97) 7. A6 88523 - Supplement 82 - 1985-86 STREET OVERLAY (45 1 PROGRAM. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8470, approving Change Order No. 1 to contract for the 1985-86 Street Overlay Program, Contract No. U/M-9. (76) 8. AB f8565 - ADVANCE WORK PROGRAM FOR PLANNING COMMISSION. Council approved the work program submitted by the Planning Commission. (93) 9. AB f8566 - 3AMES DRIVE UNDERGROUND EXTENDED STORM (45) DRAIN. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8471, approving an agreement for architecturallengineering services. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (68) 10. PRESENTATION AND PROGRESS REPORT BY THE CARLSBAD CONVENTION AND VISITIORS BUREAU. Steven Densham, Chairman of the Advisory Panel of Visitor Bureau introduced Hannah Frost, Manager of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitor Bureau. Ms. Frost gave an informative update on the work and activities of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau during the last six months. An award-winning video presentation and slides were shown to indicate the goals and objectives, achievements and promotions, with the concluding new 1986 projects. 131 - \p 5 COUNCIL 3 9L MEMBERS % 9 i I - I I I MINUTES 0 April 1, 1986 Page 3 ~ ~ ~~-~ DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) (99) 11. AB #8567 - RP 85-18 - CARLSBAD INN TENNIS CLUB - GENERAL PLAN DETERMINATION. CT 84-6 Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the area. In answer to Council query, Mr. Salomone stated the Washington Street extension would be studied at the same time as the other studies being made and staff would return with a full report and recommendations. Council directed staff to process a General Plan Amendment to determine acceptable land uses for the AT&SF Railroad right-of-way, Redevelopment Plan and Design Manual Amendments. (26) 12. AB 88568 - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PROPOSAL. City Engineer Gene Donovan gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the Assessment District area. In answer to query regarding the time frame on the installation of the improvement of Rancho Santa Fe Road, Mr. Donovan stated the lower portion should be done within ten months, with work starting immediately. Council Member Lewis inquired about the vested rights and the City Attorney stated he would be preparing a City/developer agreement and recommending such an agreement be required for all assessment districts. The agreement will spell out the fact that proceeding with the assessment district will not give development rights. Also, it will state that the developer will not sue in order to recover monies expended on the assessment district nor sue for exemption from any Growth Management Program adopted by the City. City Engineer Gene Donovan stated an alignment study was being made on the section of Rancho Santa Fe Road from La Costa Avenue to Melrose. Alternatives will be presented to Council, a Public Hearing will be held and final alignment would be adopted. The EIR study will address the items, of sound attenuating walls, etc. Council directed staff to proceed with the formation of the District and selection of a team of consultants. , 136 -T- COUNCIL \p 5 3 9L ' MEMBERS % % Casler X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx - - 0 MINUTES 0 COUNCIL /$ % 9h < April 1, 1986 Page 4 MEMBERS % % DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) (26) 13. AB #8542 - Supplement #I - BATIQUITOS LAGOON (45) EDUCATIONAL PARK ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-6. CONSULTING SERVICES. City Engineer Gene Donovan gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the location. 3on Briggs, Sammis Properties, spoke in favor of the Assessment District and called attention to one item in Resolution No. 8475. The contract for the financial advisor did not contain a clause indicating a price ceiling over which Council approval would be required. However, the other contracts and Resolutions do contain this clause and this is the only one without that clause. Council Member Chick stated for the record that he did not see the need for a financial advisor. Council adopted the following Resolutions: (one Casler motion) Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 8472, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH Chick GEORGE T. SIMPSON FOR AN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Pettine 6, BATIQUITOS LAGOON EDUCATIONAL PARK AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAME. RESOLUTION NO. 8473, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH NESTE, BRUDIN & STONE FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BATIQUITOS LAGOON EDUCATIONAL PARK AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAME. RESOLUTION NO. 8474, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH F. MACKENZIE BROWN FOR ASSESSMENT DISTRICT LEGAL COUNSEL OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-6, BATIQUITOS LAGOON EDUCATIONAL PARK AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAME. RESOLUTION NO. 8476, APPROVING A REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (SAMMIS) . Council continued Resolution No. 8475. Casler X Kulchin X PROCESSING COORDINATION OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86- ENGINEERING SERVICES OF ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-6, NO. 86-6, RATIQUITOS LAGOON EDUCATIONAL PARK Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine (62) 14. AB f8569 - LEGISLATION - REQUEST FOR SUPPORT - SCA-9. Mayor Casler stated the letter from Daniel E. Boatwright, attached to the Agenda Bill, was self- explanatory. Council requested Mayor Casler write a letter to Casler indicate support for SCA-9. Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X J35 2 X X X xl X~ X X X X X X X X - - 0 MINUTES a April 1, 1986 Page 5 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) (48) 15. AB #8570 - HOSP GROVE PRESERVATION. Casler stated she requested this item be placed on the Agenda as she felt City Council needed to make a decision whether this was to be placed on the ballot in November. If so, it has to be ready by the first part of July. Mayor Casler stated she wanted to change one statement in the Agenda Bill. That would be issue No. 1. "Shall we make it one of our goals to have a park on this site" she changed that to read "open space on this site". Item No. 2 would remain the same. In answer to Council query, Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen stated there was no formal committee at this time. He has been meeting with the group of residents from the Hosp Grove area informally to exchange information. Council Member Kulchin stated she felt more information was necessary and would like to hear the feedback from the Committee before any decision is made regarding placing it on the ballot. Nick Banche, 810 Mission, Oceanside, attorney for the applicant, stated his preference to have Council reconsider their previous action and approve the project. If this is put on the ballot it should be on the ballot in a very complete way to enable the voters to make an intelligent decision. The voters should know that to acquire this undeveloped land for open space would cost approximately $185.00 per Carlsbad resident. Council Member Chick stated he felt the Council did not have enough information. He felt it must be determined where the money would be coming from and how acquisition of this land could be brought about. Mayor Casler stated if they are going to State agencies for funding, that would take a long time. The method of financing could be studied in the interim, if Council decided they would like to preserve Hosp Grove for open space. Council Member Lewis concurred with Mayor Casler, and added that Mr. Skotnicki's suggestion for a community- wide Assessment District was a good idea. He felt the public should know the amount of money involved and how much it would cost to acquire this property. Council Member Kulchin stated she could not support this at this time, it was too soon. She felt there should be ideas presented on funding. All avenues should be checked into as far as any grants or funds available for this purchase. Frank Mannen stated if this were to be an open space area, the City needs to get an appraisal made of the value of the land. He stated he thought it would take 6 to 8 weeks to get an appraisal. It would possibly be the end of May before this appraisal was received. 134 - COUNCIL /$ % 9& MEMBERS % % - c . e MINUTES a April 1 , 1986 Page 6 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) City Manager Frank Aleshire added there could be a report back to Council by 3une 1. At that time Council could decide whether or not to place this on the ballot. Council directed staff to acquire an appraisal of the property, to investigate all financing methods, and return with a report by 3une 1, 1986. At that time, Council will decide whether to place this issue on the November ballot. (76) 16. AB /I8571 - PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. Mayor Casler stated she was not prepared this evening and asked this item be continued for one week. (94) 17. AB 88572 - PARKING AUTHORITY APPOINTMENTS. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8479, REAPPOINTING DAVID DUNNE AND RICHARD GOODWIN TO THE CARLSBAD PARKING AUTHORITY. OFF-AGENDA ITEM: Mayor Casler requested the Council consider an off- agenda item on the Resolution for the outer- continental shelf preservation. (62) Outer-Continental Shelf Preservation Council agreed to consider a Resolution regarding the preservation of the outer continental shelf as an off- agenda item. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8480, REQUESTING THAT THE TRACTS OFFSHORE SAN DIEGO COUNTY BE DELETED FROM THE LEASING PROGRAM. PROPOSED FIVE-YEAR OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF OIL AND GAS COUNCIL REPORTS: Downtown Merchant's Committee Council Member Kulchin reported on the 10k run, June 1, the Village Faire, May 4, and Carlsbad Day, 3une 21, to raise money for the 3uly 4th fireworks. 3AC Mayor Casler reported the Encina 3oint Powers anticipate the disposal of sludge to be one of the major expenses in the future. - )33 -.- COUNCIL \\ % 3 % ' MEMBERS % % Casler xx Lewis X X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin Casler Lewis xx X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Casler Lewis xx X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Casler xx Lewis X Kulchin X Chick X Pettine X t@ MINUTES a COUNCIL /p 3 9A ' April 1, 1986 Page 7 MEMBERS % % COUNCIL REPORTS: SANDAG Mayor Casler reported on the latest SANDAG activities. AD30URNMENT: By proper motion the Meeting of April 1, 1986, was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, &x!- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ 2- City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB: tc 132