HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-05-06; City Council; Minutesa I 0 MINUTES 0 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: May 6, 1986 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CLOSED SESSION: Council convened at 5:04 p.m., with four Members present. Council Member Chick arrived at 5:15 p.m. By unanimous consensus, Council adjourned to a Closed Session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) (1 ) to discuss a situation constituting significant exposure to litigation against the City. Council adjourned the Closed Session at 6:Ol p.m. CALL TO ORDER: - Mayor Casler called the Meeting to order at 6:05 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken. by the City Clerk, as follows: Present - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent - None. INVOCATION was given by Reverand A. Barry Jones of the Carlsbad Union Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Pettine. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 15, 1986, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Kulchin requested Item No. 27 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council Member Chick stated he was not withdrawing Items No. 2 and 21, but those items require additional funds for the Safety Center, and he questioned when an update would be received regarding Safety Center costs. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated a detailed cost report is available and will be provided to Council the following week. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item No. 27, as follows: /84 - \sy 9 ?% -0 COUNCIL \& MEMBERS *y& Casler Pettine xx Chick Kulchin X Lewis X Casler Kulchin X Lewis X X Pettine X Chick xx 0 MINUTES 0 (50) (81) (45) (97) (45) (50) (84) (48) (84) May 6, 1986 Page 2 MEMBERS COUNCIL k CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READJNG. Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this meeting. 1. AB 88597 - RATIFICATION OF DEMANDS AGAINST ;THE CITY. I_ Council ratified the payment of City demands in the amount of $4,298,732.32 for the period February 28 to April 25, 1986; payroll demands in the amount of $1,136,739.95 for the period March 9 to April 24, 1986; and housing demands in the amount of $991,670.05 for the period February 28 to April 25, 1986. 2. AB $3119,, - Supplement #23 - AMEND STEEL CONTRACTS FOR SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8525, approving an amendment to Contract No. 3006-4E for the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center; and Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8526, approving an amendment to Contract No. 3006-2A for the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center. 3. AB 88560 - Supplement fl - CONTRACT FOR 1985-86 SlURRY SEAL PROGRAM. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8527, accepting a bid and authorizing the execution of contract U/M- 12 for the 1985-86 Slurry Seal Program. I 4. AB #8598 7 REFUND OF FEES I Council approved the refund of $7,194 to Westana Builders for overpayment of fees. 5. NUMBER NOT USED. 6. AB 88600 - PURCHASE OF TURF SWEEPER. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8529, authorizing the execution of a purchase order for the purchase of a turf sweeper. I 7. AB #8601 - PROPOS,ITION 43 - COMMUNITY PARK LANDS ,ACT OF. 1986. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8530, supporting Proposition 43 - "Community Parklands Act of 1986". I ~ I 8. AB 118545 - Supplement #I - LIBRARY SECURITY SYSTEM. council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8531, accepting a bid and authorizing the execution of a purchase order for the purchase of Library Security System. 183 \ 8 & 0 MINUTES 0 May 6, 1986 Page 3 I I CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) 1:::; 9. AB #8602 - TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT INTERSECTIONS OF 3EFFERSON, LAS FLORES AND LAGUNA. I I Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8532, approving plans and specification& authorizing the City Clerk to invite bids, and approve an agreement with developer - Contract Nos. 3210 and 3211. I. IO. AB 88603 - OUT OF STATE TRAVEL REQUEST. @) Council authorized the Manager of the Cultural Arts Program to attend a National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. in 3une, 1986. (48) 11. AB 118604 - 3UNE BALLOT PROPOSITION 46 - GENERAL OBLIGATION- BOND. __r__ Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8533, in support of Proposition 46: Restoration of General Obligation Bond Authority to voters. (48) 12. AB 88605 - JUNE BALLOT PROPOSITION 49 - RESTORING THE SPIRIT OF NON-PARTISANSHIP TO NON-PARTISAN ELECTIONS. I Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8534, in support of Proposition 49: Nonpa'rtisan Elections. (48) 13. AB 118606 - 3UNE BALLOT PROPOSITION 51 - THE FAIR RESPONSIBILITY LAW. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8535, in support of Proposition SI: The Fair Responsibility Act of 1986. (48) 14. AB /I8607 - 3UNE BALLOT PROPOSITION.47 -GUARANTEEING VEHICLE LICENSE FEE AS LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVENUE SOURCE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8536, in support of Proposition 47: Guaranteeing the Vehicle License Fee as a Local Government Revenue Source. (40) IS. AB 88608 - MISCELLANEOUS- CITY PAINTING PR03ECT NO. 3~900T3. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8537, authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for miscellaneous painting of City facilities. I (28) 16. AB f8609 - TRAVEL REQUEST. Council authorized the Community Redevelopment Manager to attend the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Gfficials Annual Conference in Tucson, Arizona. 1802 COUNCIL /p 3%' MEMBERS % % a MINUTES 0 (113) (85) (45) (28) (45) (62) (26) (81) (45) (99) (81) (26) (81) \y 5 COUNCIL % 91 MEMBERS % % May 6, 1986 Page 4 CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) 17. AB 88389 - Supplement #I, - SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT - PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8538, approving an amended supplemental agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Westec Services, Inc. for preparation of an environmental impact report for the Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort new master plan and new development plan. 18. AB 118610 - AGREEMENT WITH BANK OF AMERICA - -c REHABILITATION LOAN PROGRAM. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8539, approving an agreement between the City of'carlsbad and the Bank of America for servicing the City's Loan Program. 19. AB #8611 - TAX REFORM BILL RE5TRICTING REDEVELOPMENT TAX ALLOCATION BONDS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8540, opposing H .R. 3838 "Tax Reform Act of 1985". 20. AB f8542 - Supplement 112 - BATIQUITOS LAGOON EDUCATIONAL PARK ASSESSMENT DISTRICT UNDERWRITERS. Council adopted RESOLUTION N0.-8541, selecting Stone & Youngberg as the City's underwriter for the Batiquitos Lagoon Educational Park Assessment District. 21 . AB f8119 - Supplement #24 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR METAL LOCKERS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8542, accepting the bid and authorizing the execution of Contract No. 3006-7K metal lockers for the construction of the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center. 22. h TRACT 83-2, Unit 7. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8543, amending Resolution No. 8212; and approved the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract No. 83-2, Unit 7. i I 23. AB 88483 - Supplement #2 - ACCEPTANCE OF A PORTION OF JAMES DRIVE AND,BASSWOOD AVENUE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8544, accepting a grant deed and authorizina the payment for the acquisition of the easement. 24. AB /I8612 - GRANT OF EASEMENT - STAGECOACH PARK. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8545, granting an easement for public utility purposes. 10 # 0 MINUTES 0 COUNCIL Y$p % 94 d May 6, 1986 Page 5 MEMBERS % % CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) (81) 25. AB 88613 - ACCEPTANCE.OF EASEMENT - CARLSBAD (99) TRACT 79-5. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8546, accepting a grant deed conveying a water line easement over the common space of CT 79-5 located north of La Costa Avenue. (81) 26. AB 58614 - QUIT CLAIM OF OFFER OF DEDICATION -- MS (99) - 404. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8547, approving quitclaim for streets and highway purposes. ITEM WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT ,CALENDAR: (97) 27. AB 88453 - Supplement fl - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR (45) WASHINGTON STREET IMPROVEMENTS. Council Member Kulchin asked for a time frame for these improvements. Roger Greer, Director of Utilities and Maintenance, stated the timing will be known after the pre- construction conference is held with the contractor. Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler x~ Lewis X RESOLUTION NO. 8548, ACCEPTING A BID AND AUTHORIZING Kulchin xx THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR WASHINGTON STREET X Pettine IMPROVEMENTS AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS. X Chick I (80) PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Casler read a Proclamation proclaiming the month of May, 1986, to be "BETTER HEARING AND SPEECH MONTH". Maryann Mac Lellan, Speech Therapist, accepted the Proclamation. Mayor Casler read a Proclamation declaring the month of May, 1986, as "AMERICANS FOR ENDING HUNGER MONTH". Joyce Aimes of the Good Shepherd Assembly of God Church accepted the Proclamation. Mayor Casler read a Proclamation proclaiming the month of May, 1986, to be "OLDER AMERICANS MONTH". The Proclamation was accepted by Jeff Jones and Lloyd Rochambeau. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (79) 28. AB #7099 - _Supplement #I7 -.ADOPTION OF NEW PUBLIC FACILITIES FEE. Council adopted the following Ordinance: xx Kulchin ORDINANCE NO. 6078, AMENDING TITLE 5, CHAPTER 5.09 OF X Lewis X Casler X Pettine SECTION 5.09.030 TO MODIFY THE AMOUNT OF THE BUSINESS X Chick THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY ME AMENDMENT OF LICENSE TAX ON NEW CONSTRUCTION IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN CONSISTENCY WITH CITY COUNCIL POLICY NO. 17. J80 e MINUTES e ( I May 6, 1986 Page 6 COUNCIL \y % % MEMBERS % % ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (continued) 85) 29. AB f8260 - Supplement fl - TRAFFIC IMPACT FEE FOR THE LA COSTA 'AREA. Council adopted the following Ordinance: X Pettine ESTABLISHING AN INTERIM TRAFFIC FEE FOR SOUTH EASTERN X Chick MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 18.42 xx Kulchin ORDINANCE NO. 8107, AMENDING TITLE 18 OF THE CARLSBAD X Lewis X Casler AREA OF CARLSBAD (LA COSTA AREA). ;102) 30. AB f.8532 - Supplement $1 - TRUCK ROUTES UPDATE OF MUNICIPAL CODE. Council adopted the following Ordinance: X Pettine THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTIONS (i), (3) and (k) X Chick SECTION 10.32.091 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY xx Kulchin ORDINANCE NO. 3198, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.32, X Lewis X Casler DESIGNATING CERTAIN CITY STREETS AS TRUCK ROUTES. PUBLIC HEARINGS: I (26) 31. AB #8236 - Supplement f3 .- PARK DRIVE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. Council continued this item to May 20, 1986. Casler Lewis x ;; Kulchin x Pettine XI Chick XI (99) 32. AB a8427 _- Supplement f2 - INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION - CT. 85-24 - CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER - KOLL. Council continued this item to May 13, 1986. Kulchin X Lewis xx Casler X Pettine X Chick X (114) 33. AB 88615 - REVISIONS TO PARKING REQUIREMENTS - ZCA- 187. Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler opened the Public Hearing at 6:30 p.m., and issued the' invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the Public Hearing was closed. Council introduced the following Ordinance: Casler X Lewis X ORDINANCE-NO. 9804, AMENDING TITLE 21, OF THE CARLSBAD Kulchin xx MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 21.18, Chick X Pettine SECTION 21.18.045(e)(I); CHAPTER 21.21, SECTION X 21.21.140(1); CHAPTER 21.37, SECTION 21.37.100(13); CHAPTER 21.45, SECTION 21.45.090(d)(2); THE REPEAL OF CHAPTER 21.24, SECTION 21.24.140; THE RECODIFICATION OF CHAPTER 21.44, SECTION 21.44.010-21.44.110 INCLUSIVE AND 21.44.220-21.44.240 INCLUSIVE AS CHAPTER 21.53 AND BY THE REVISION OF CHAPTER 21.44 TO REVISE AND CLARIFY THE CITY'S PARKING REQUIREMENTS. 179 - 7 e 0 MINUTES' May 6, 1986 Page 7 ~ ~ ~~~~~- PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) (26) 34. AB #8495 - Supplement 114 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. Ray Patchett, Assistant City Manager, gave the initial staff report, using a transparency to show the Assessment District. Warren Diven, Attorney with F. MacKenzie Brown, Rancho Santa Fe, Special Counsel to the City, gave the legal report, stating this was the first of two protest hearings. He inquired of the City Clerk whether any written correspondence had been received on this matter. The City Clerk replied two pieces of written correspondence had been received regarding this hearing tonight and copies had been distributed to Council Members. Norm Neste, Neste, Brudin & Stone, Inc., stated this matter has been continued since March to meet with the property owners and City staff. An investigation report was filed on 3anuary 26, 1986. He stated the original cost estimate was projected to be 5.1 mil.lion dollars, and this has now been reduced to 4.13 million dollars. The primary reduction is due to the removal of certain improvements that could be installed at a later date. There has been a reduction in street lights and fire hydrants. Those would be installed as the land adjacent to the roadway is developed. The assessment spread was made on a front footage basis. The property in Mello I1 Local Coastal Plan has restricted use, and has approximately 2,500 feet frontage on the north side of the road. Mr. Neste stated this agricultural land is extremely difficult to assess. The Assessment Engineer recommended the City advance the monies to pay for the assessment on that 2,500 foot frontage. If and when development begins on that property, then the City could be reimbursed. Ray Patchett explained the funding proposal as contained in the Agenda Rill. Mr. Neste stated the revised spread was in the packet and the property owners were aware of the changes. Two companies have withdrawn their protests by copies of letters received from Huntington Beach Company and Kelly Property. Mayor Casler opened the Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak, Those speaking first would have submitted a written protest. 3erry Donaldson, representing Carltas Company, stated they are prepared to withdraw their protest, but only after a reimbursement agreement is worked out. Randy Hamud, Attorney representing Nazeah Aladray, 555 W. Beech Street, San Diego, stated although there had been a significant reduction in the proposed assessment, they had filed a written protest and would not withdraw that protest, He stated the impact on the parcel would be significant and would reduce the acreage considerably. The parcel does not benefit from the improvements, since there is no egress or ingress to Palomar Airport Road. /78 - COUNCIL /j 3 PA ' MEMBERS % % - I e MINUTES 0 May 6, 1986 Page 8 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) Bob Ladwig, Rick Engineering, stated he had delivered a letter from Huntington Beach Company withdrawing their protest of the debt limit report on Palomar Airport Road West Assessment District based on the revised assessments. Mr. Neste stated there is now a 34.8% protest on file. Mr. Diven stated the two written withdrawals submitted tonight are continaent on approval of the modified assessments requiring Council contribution. He stated Council could either adopt the Resolution approving the changes and modifications as described by Mr. Neste; or direct staff to bring back a formal resolution approving those changes and modifications and continue the action on the other two Resolutions until next week. It was moved and seconded that Council continue the matter to the meeting of May 20, 1986 for return of all documents including the reimbursement agreement. Council continued this item to May 20, 1986, for return of all documents including the reimbursement agreement. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (77) 35. AB 118616 - GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, explaining this was a request for Council to formally adopt the outline at this time. All details will come back after the Ordinance has been prepared. There will be Public Hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council, with additional time for input on the details of the program. Mr. Holzmiller called attention to the written comments included in the packet and stated Council was not asked to make a decision on those recommendations at this time. Staff is asking for direction to proceed to put the program in more detailed format. Mr. Holzmiller called attention to the five recommendations contained on the face of the Agenda Bill. He explained the reason for No. 5, which stated: "Until the pilot program is finished and work is completed on Zones 1-6, submittals for management programs in other zones will not be accepted." Mr. Holzmiller stated this was a change in strategy from what was stated originally. He felt this was the only way staff could accomplish putting the program into ordinance form. One program would be completed and serve as the Pilot Program. 176 " COUNCIL \p ?;o * % ' MEMBERS % $ Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx I ~ I e 0 MINUTES May 6, 1986 Page 9 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) In answer to a question regarding a workshop on this program, City Manager Frank Aleshire stated he thought it would be important for Council to have a workshop to review the details before they were asked to act on the Ordinance. 3ennifer Locke, 9404 Genesee f140, La 3olla, Harry L. Sumners, Inc., expressed support for the intent of the Growth Management Plan, but recommended hiring an outside consultant to do the program for the entire city. games Leary, 11545 Sorrento Valley Road, Scripps Memorial Hospital, suggested City Council direct staff to continue working on the Scripps application filed in October, prior to the Growth Management Program, He urged Council to direct staff to include their zone for consideration with Zones 1 through 6. Ben Hillebrecht, 2170 Skyline Drive, Escondido, stated they had owned their parcel since 1946. The property is becoming a burden at this time, as they cannot lease it for agriculture. He stated his objection to Item No. 5, stating that until the work is completed on Zones 1-6 and the Pilot Program, submittals for management programs would not be accepted. He felt all other property owners in the City should be treated the same. Barry Bender, 3088 Pi0 Pico, Rick Engineering, stated there are three public facility management programs that have been officially submitted to the City at this time. He felt the City should look at all programs that have been submitted. He requested Council return to the original specifications of Ordinance No. 9791. Bill Dykes, 3152 Redhill Ave, Costa Mesa, President of Homes by Polygon, stated they are in Zone No. 11. They have submitted a phasing plan to the Planning Department. He stated concern that the Resolution was not in keeping with the original concept. This was not an equitable approach and showed favoritism. Staff had stated originally it would take 30 days to get the Growth Management Program into operation, but this did not happen. They also said that once criteria was developed, the different zones could prepare and submit phasing plans for review by Council. The Planning Department has refused to discuss the phasing plan they have submitted. He felt the benefits to Rancho Santa Fe Road were important for the health, safety and welfare of the public and should be processed, He felt there are a number of other land owners that need final maps as well as Sammis. He felt this was not an equitable decision. 17 5 7 COUNCIL \? % PA MEMBERS % % i - 7 l e MINUTES 0 May 6, 1986 Page 10 DEPARTMENTAL AND, CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Dr. Maurice Rice, 411 Promontory Drive East, Newport Beach, stated he was not a developer, but a landlord for the Rice property. They have been working for nine years with Bob Ladwig of Rick Engineering to achieve a development. Three years ago the property was annexed to the City. He stated they had looked forward to, and suppported, the Growth Management Program as prepared by staff until this recommendation which included Item No. 5. He stated Item No. 5 would severely impact his land and would negate any reasonable expectation that a developer would be interested in purchasing that land. He asked Council to go back to the original Ordinance No. 9791 and allow all tentative maps to proceed immediately. Dr. Rice stated when the moratorium was put in place, it was to allow staff time to review phasing plans. He suggested Item No. 5 be deleted from the face of the Agenda Bill and Council return to the original Ordinance as approved on January 4, 1986. Don Boortz, 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, Christopher Homes, Inc., stated they are part of Zone 11, and -in Category 2, listed as "urbanizing". Their plan was filed with the City on April 11, 1986. He voiced his strong objection to adopting the Resolution as proposed. This would create a financial hardship on applicants who were attempting to get final maps in good faith. He felt the moratorium was not in order, inasmuch as once a tentative map has been approved, the owner is entitled to a final map by complying with the conditions imposed by the City at the time of the tentative map. The City said management plans would be considered as received, and this has not been done. He said the immediate improvement of Rancho Santa Fe Road should be a number one priority of the City. The immediate development of his clients property would be the most logical method of resolving the Rancho Santa Fe Road issue. Charles 8. Christensen, 444 West C. Street, Suite 440, San Diego, Vernon Savings and Loan, owner of property in Calavera Hills, stated they would be submitting a phasing plan in the near future. He urged Council, in accordance with the other comments made tonight, to follow through with the Ordinance as passed by the City Council. This would allow processing and approval of all management plans. John Brand, 5451 Oberlin Drive, San Diego, member of John Lusk Company, spoke in opposition to their property being listed as "future urbanizing". He wanted the record to show he had submitted a letter dated April 7 to Mike Holzmiller. Additional copies of that letter were distributed to Council Members. This property is the only undeveloped property left in the old Occidental property. In reviewing staff's criteria for "urbanizing", he stated their property, as well as the zone itself, meets many, if not all, of the five criteria for "urbanized". ~ I 174 T COUNCIL /p ?$ yC MEMBERS % % 0 MINUTES 0 May 6, 1986 Page 11 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Hap L'Heureux, President of Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, stated it was important to recognize the tremendous task staff has completed. He felt an additional temporary staff of consultants should be retained. Mr. L'Heureux felt Item f5 could conceivably cause a continuation of the moratorium past July. Council should proceed posthaste with getting the program into place, and the only hope for doing that is with additional help. Mike Dudley, 1213 E. Manor Drive, El Cajon, representing SDG&E, spoke on specific boundaries of categories and zones. He felt staff should be given time to get the program in place. He could see there might be problems in the zones where there are a lot of individual property owners. He said it may be impossible to have a management plan without a master plan for each property within the zone. Clarification was needed whether or not staff would accept general plan criteria for identifying public facilities in those zones. There should be time frames for staff to proceed with management plans for Zones 1-6, to allow other zones to plan for their management plans. Thomas Smith, Attorney, 2303 Ocean Street, Co-Chairman of Concerned Citizens, stated he had led the draft for the initiative and was speaking for Mr. Skotnicki tonight. He expressed the opinion that the City's proposed Growth Management Program would actually promote growth. Mr. Smith said the word CCmay" was used in the Ordinance and in the proposed Resolution. This made the decision discretionary and it rests with Council. He asked Council to endorse the Citizens' Initiative. RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a recess at 8:18 p.m., and Council reconvened at 8:30 p.m., with all Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER. REPORTS: (continued) 35. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. (continued) Bill Schainker, Kelly Ranch, Kaufman & Broad, stated a master plan was approved and submitted ten days after the Growth Management Program was instituted. This was a simple plan, and they would like to go forward with that plan. Nicholas Banche, 810 Mission Avenue., Suite 201, Oceanside, Carlsbad Land Investors, Cobblestone Village Project, Zone 20, stated they were opposed to the outline as submitted to Council, in particular to recommendation #5. 199 \p 5 COUNCIL % % -? $ MEMBERS % 0 MINUTES 0 May 6, 1986 Page 12 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Mr. Banche stated it would be difficult to find land not immediately adjacent to Category 1 land. When you create categories two and three, arbitrarily, that is not fair. He suggested Council adopt the outline by adding something to Paragraph 5: "any category with an approved map or plan is entitled to submit a management plan and have it processed by staff, together with any other plan". 3oe Sandy, 2892 3efferson Street, speaking on his own behalf, stated the categories were the biggest problem and caused the most comment. Mr. Sandy recommended the role of the consultant be expanded to include a review of the sub-area plans as submitted. This would relieve staff pressure, control and facilitate review of the plans. If a zone was deficient and needed to be brought up to standard, this could be funded by a sub-area review fee. The developers would pay a deposit and that money would go to the review of that plan. 3im Hicks, 2910 Managua Place, stated he had some questions regarding the program itself. He supported the idea of hiring a full-time consultant to work on applications. He suggested the City could take advantage of the landowners' knowledge and experience. Mr. Hicks stated he did not support Item No. 5. He thought everyone should be able to process and get the moratorium lifted. The City of Carlsbad has all the tools available to do what Council wants, and he felt that the program should be implemented with what is available, taking advantage of the tools that are in place. Ray Jenkins, 1151 Ave Esteban, Encinitas, stated staff was on the right track. He stated his property is in Zone 11, and he hoped Council would follow the plan and not give preferential treatment to certain property owners. Mr. Jenkins stated the schools are crowded, and the highways are crowded, and this is a step in the right direction. 3ack Barnes, 2934 Mountain View, Laguna Beach, Barnes Corporation, stated Items 4 and 5 were not equitable or fair. There are developments with tentative maps in other areas that have been there prior to many of the projects in Zones 1-6. He stated an equitable arrangement would be to make a review in accordance with the time or the establishment of the tentative map. Steve Bieri, 11300 Sorrento Valley Road, Suite 101, Bieri/Avis, recommended Item No. 5 be deleted. He felt the plans should be processed in the ordered received and a clarification given on how to move from "future urbanizing" to "urbanized". He was concerned it would take 60-90 days to complete the work on Zones 1-6. He stated developers would be willing to contribute people toward the manpower shortage in the City. /?a, 7 COUNCIL y$ % % MEMBERS % $ 0 MINUTES 0 May 6, 1986 Page 13 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Tim Roberts, 6994 El Camino Real, La Costa Ranch Company, stated he would like to discuss the program as it relates to the La Costa area. Circulation problem improvements from El Camino Real to 1-5 and Rancho Santa Fe from Olivenhain to Melrose are needed immediately. These projects would be delayed by the Agenda Bill before Council tonight. He recommended a change to designate the area adjacent to Rancho Santa Fe Road and Stagecoach Park as an infill area and include it in Zones 1-6. Frank Mola, 6994 El Camino Real, La Costa Ranch Company, stated that tentative maps are phasing plans. Tentative maps are conditioned so they supply the needed infrastructure for that project, as well as for the community in general. To keep forcing developers to go through additional phasing plans is not fair. People with tentative maps need clear definition as to when the moratorium will end. Mr. Mola stated Council owes it to everyone to have an absolute date for the moratorium to end. He stressed there should be fairness for everyone. Bob Ladwig, 3088 Pi0 Pico, Rick Engineering, stated he supported the suggestion that the consultants' services be expanded to help staff implement the program. Mr. Ladwig stated Item No. 5 needed to be deleted. He asked Council to return to Ordinance No. 9791 that allowed people to process plans. To include only the review of plans for Zones 1-6 would delay improvements that would benefit the people here tonight. Council discussed staff's proposal and commented on approving all five recommended actions as well as possibly deleting the fifth action. Council Member Pettine moved adoption of Resolution No. 8549, approving all five recommended actions, Council Member Lewis seconded the motion. Mayor Casler made a motion to amend the original motion to delete Item No. 5 from consideration. The motion to amend received a second. Mike Holzmiller stated it was a workload problem. If Council felt should be reviewing programs for other zones, and they wanted staff to come up with some alternative strategy, they would rather do that. There has been a lot of time spent on programs to be submitted and that is why staff decided to give priority to Zones 1-6. This work is a second priority, with the first being the Citizens Committee recommendations, 17 I - COUNCIL /p (% % ' MEMBERS % % 1 I I 0 MINUTES e May 6, 1986 Page 14 DEPARTMENTAL, AND, CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Mike Holzmiller said staff felt in terms of getting the program done by July 20th, inclusion of Item No. 5 would be the best strategy for staff to follow. The Sammis plan was the first one submitted and the other plans did not cover the areas that staff wished covered. However, if a different strategy is preferred by Council, Mr. Holzmiller stated staff would meet with the City Manager and come back with a new strategy. Council deleted Recommended Action No. 5 shown on the Agenda Bill. Mike Holzmiller stated staff would need to return with a plan on how to allow people to submit management programs and staff to review. Council adopted the following Resolution as amended: RESOLUTION NO. 8549, DIRECTING STAFF TO PROCEED WITH THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AS OUTLINED, AUTHORIZING FUNDING OF THE PROGRAM, AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS, with the deletion of Item No. 5: "Until the Pilot Program is finished and work is completed on Zones 1-6, submittals for management programs in other zones will not be accepted". City Manager Frank Aleshire stated today's meeting was to discuss the skeleton of the program and was not the final version. There would be an all-day session on Friday and the details will be worked out at that time. Staff is trying to identify projects and how many projects or building permits will be requested during the next six months. They are going to review the boundaries of the districts and work over the procedures set up. The hiring of additional staff and consultants will be discussed. There was good guidance given tonight, and this item will come back to Council in two or three weeks for a workshop to go over the details. It was a significant issue to have deleted Item No. 5, Staff will not be able to deal with Items No. 1-4, if they spend much of their daily time talking about phasing programs. City Attorney Vincent Biondo outlined the schedule necessary for Council to have the program in place by 3uly 20, 1986. (28) 36. AB #I8617 - BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE REPORT. Mario Monroy, Committee Chairman, gave the report from the Beach Erosion Committee in the Agenda Bill. Council received the final report from the Beach Erosion Committee and directed staff to come back with information and recommendations for implementation of the proposal. I30 COUNCIL /p % 9& * MEMBERS % $ Casler Pettine X Chick X Kulchin Lewis xx Casler xx Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X i Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx a MINUTES e May 6, 1986 Page 15 ( DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) 87) 37. MEMORANDUM FROM COUNCIL MEMBER PETTINE. Council Member Pettine stated Mike Holzmiller had a presentation to make regarding the three projects south of Olivenhain Road. A transparency was used to show the area. This item is before the Board of Supervisors and two parcels have been approved for density increases, based upon mitigation of traffic concerns and flood plain concern. Council Member Pettine requested Council take a position on this i tem . Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, stated he had written to Steve Knowles, Project Planner for the County, regarding Scotts Valley, GPA 85-03. Copies of Mr. Holzmiller's letters to Mr. Knowles were attached to the Agenda Bill. Council consensus was the City of Carlsbad should be represented at the next day. Council Member Pettine asked Council to adopt a Resolution asking the County Board of Supervisors, on behalf of the City of Carlsbad, to delay action on the proposed GPA until traffic matters can be successfully mitigated. Council determined to adopt a Resolution asking the County Board of Supervisors, on behalf of the City of Carlsbad to delay action on the proposed GPA until the traffic matters can be successfully mitigated. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of May 6, 1986, was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, WAC- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB: tc 14 9 - COUNCIL /p %pL. MEMBERS % % Casler Lewis xx Pettine Chick X Kulchin X ~