HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-06-03; City Council; Minutesc 0 MINUTES 0 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: 3une 3, 1986 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Casler called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent - None. INVOCATION was given by Father George DeWeese of Christ United Presbyterian Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Kulchin. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 6, 1986, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 13, 1986, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR; Mayor Casler stated that a request to continue Item No. 20 had been received from the applicant. Council Member Lewis requested that Item No. 19 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item Nos. 19 and 20, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all ordinances and resolutions at this meeting. (81) 1. AB 88119 - Supplement #)27 - AMENDING ELECTRICAL (45) CONTRACT FOR SAFETY AND SEWICE CENTER. Council adopted Resolution No. 8572, amending Contract No. 3006-3E with Catton/McCutcheon Electrical Contractors, Inc. to allow for additional costs to install components for an access control system in the amount of $11,482. (81) 2. AB #8119 - Supplement 828 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR (45) TOILET PARTITIONS AND ACCESSORIES. ,~ Council adopted Resolution No. 8573, accepting the negotiated price of $26,175, and awarding Contract No. 3006-71 to Maloney Specialties for toilet partitions and accessories at the Carlsbad Safety and Service Center. 220 - COUNCIL \v 3 % MEMBERS % % Casler X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X 1 \ 0 MINUTES 0 (81) (45 1 (74) (45) (74) (35) (38) (62) (62) (74) (78) (45) \$ s COUNCIL % ?I& MEMBERS % 8 June 3, 1986 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued): 3. AB 88636 - PURCHASE OF MODULAR DRAWER STORAGE SYSTEM. Council adopted Resolution No. 8574, accepting bids and awardina a contract to Stanley-Vidmar, Inc., for the purchase of a modular drawer storage system for the vehicle maintenance building at the Safety and Service Center in the amount of $10,061.53. 4. AB 86645 - Supplement 82 - AGREEMENT FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION SERVICES. Council adopted Resolution No. 8575, approving an agreement with Bierly and Associates for the provision of Workers' Compensation claims administration services. 5. AB 88637 - AUTHORIZATION FOR SETTLEMENT OF. A WORKERS' COMPENSATION CLAIM. Council adopted Resolution No. 8576, authorizing the settlement of a Workers' Compensation claim from Kenneth Carter in the amount of $13,370. 6. AB #8638 - EXECUTIVE LEAVE. - Council authorized payments to the City Manager and City Attorney totalling $3,572.69 for unused executive leave. 7. AB 118639 - SENATE BILL 2477 (ELLIS). Council authorized the Mayor to send a letter expressing the City's opposition to Senate Bill 2477. 8. AB /I8640 -, ENDORSEMENT OF THE CREATION OF A CAMPUS OF SAN DIEGO. STATE UNIVERSITY IN NORTH SAN DIEGO COUNTY AND ENDORSEMENT OF SB 1732 - CRAVEM. Council adopted Resolution No. 8577, endorsing the creation of a campus of San Diego State University in the northern section of San Diego County and endorsing Senate Bill 1732. 9. AB f8641 - ADJUSTMENT TO MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN'. - Council adopted Resolution No. 8578, approving an adjustment to the Management Compensation Plan for the positions of Police Chief, Police Captain and Police Lieutenant. ._ IO. AB 88642 - INTER-AGENCY CONTRACT TO PROVIDE FOR COURT LIA'ISON SERVI.CES. Council adopted Resolution No. 8579, approving an agreement with the County of San Diego, City of Oceanside, and the City of Escondido for the provision of Court Liaison Service. 217 4 (78) (45) (28) (45) (44) (96) (45) (113) (45) (85) (113) (45) (62) (99) I MINUTES 0 COUNCIL /p % % June 3, 1986 Page 3 MEMBERS % % CONSENT CALENDAR (continued): 11. AB 118643 - REGIONAL CRIMINAL 3USTICE CLEARINGHOUSE. Adopting Resolution No. 8580, authorizing the Police Department to participate in the Regional Criminal 3ustice Clearinghouse and authorizing the expenditures from the 1986-87 budget. 12. AB dl7924 - Supplement #2 - FIRST AVENDMENT OF MULTI-FAMILY HOUSING REVENUE.BONDS, SERJES A OF 1985 (LA COSTA APARTMENT PROJECT). Council adopted Resolution No. 8581, approving an amendment to the Regulatory Agreement legal description for the La Costa Partners project site. 13. AB /18644 - APPRAISAL CONSULTANT SERVICES. Council adopted Resolution No. 8582, authorizing the maintenance of a list for certified firms for appraisal consultant services. 14. AB 118645 - HARDING,STREET FLASHING BEACONS AT OAK STREET - PROJECT NO.' 3109. Council adopted Resolution No. 8583, approving plans and specifications and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the installation of two flashing beacons on both sides of Harding Street north and south of Oak Street. 15. AB 1,8646 - AMENDED AGREEMENT FOR FISCAL IMPACT ANALYSIS OF NEW MASTER PLAN FOR PACIFIC RIM COUNTRY CLUB AND RESORT. Council adopted Resolution No. 8584, approving an amendment to the agreement with Criterion, Inc., to provide an amended fiscal impact analysis for the Pacific Rim Country Club and Resort. 16. AB 118647 - ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR REVIEW OF LA COSTA MASTER PLAN,- EIR 86-2. Council adopted Resolution No. 8585, approving an agreement with the firm Sanchez-Talarico Associates for the preparation of an environmental impact report for the review of the La Costa Master Plan. 17. AB W8648 - SENATE BILL 2493 "CALIFORNIA LIBRARY CONSTRUCTION AND REMOVATION'BOND ACT OF 1986". Council adopted Resolution No. 8586, supporting Senate Bill 2493 which would place the bond measure before the voters at the November election. 18. AB 1,8427 - Supplement 114 - CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION - CT 85-24 - KOLL. Council adopted Resolution No. 8587, approving the 67-lot industrial tentative map on 365 acres located west of El Camino real and north of Palomar Airport Road. c52/ 8 - -c 8 ' MINUTES 0 June 3, 1986 Page 4 COUNCIL v$ MEMBERS % CONSENT CALENDAR (continued): (85) 19. AB 118649 - AGREEMENT FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN (45) ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW STUDY, OPEN SPACE INVENTORY AND. SCENIC CORRIDOR STUDY FOR, THE CITY OF CARLSBAD . This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. (99) 20. AB 88028 - Supplement 81 - TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION - CT 82-25. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. (63) 21. AB f8650 - LIBRARY FINES AND FEES. Council adopted Resolution No. 8590, authorizing the Library to add and increase certain fees and institute fines. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (85) 19. AB $8649 - AGREEMENT FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN (45) ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW STUDY, OPEN SPACE INVENTORY AND SCENIC CORRIDOR STUDY FOR THE CJTY OF CARLSBAD . I Council Member Lewis indicated he had requested that this item be removed from the Consent Calendar so that he could inquire about the inclusion of certain streets. He inquired if Cannon Road was to be included and was assured by staff that it was. He also suggested that Adams Street, along the Agua Hedionda Lagoon should also be included in the study. Council adopted Resolution No. 8588, approving the agreement with CorbinfYamafuji (s( Partners, Inc. for preparation of an Architectural Review Study, Open Space Inventory, and Scenic Corridor Study, and directed that Adams Street, along the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, be included in the scope of work given to the consultant. (99) 20. AB 88028 - Supplement fl - TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION - CT 82-25. Council continued the matter for two weeks at the request of the applicant. ' Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine 217 I I ! I x; 1 I 1 I 1 I XI F F F F 0 MINUTES 0 (114) (113) (64) (26) \ /p June 3, 1986 COUNCIL % 94 * Page 5 MEMBERS % % ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 22. AB f8516 - Supplement #2 - MASTER PLAN DENSITY RANGES AND DENSITY CALCULATIONS FOR OPEN SPACE - ZCA-19O/AMENDMENT TO MP-1, 139, 149, 174, and 175. - Council Member Kulchin referenced an inquiry she had received concerning a correction to Ordinance No. 9795, Page 1, Line 18. The word rrorrl should have been inserted between "riparian" and "woodlandr'. Council adopted the following Ordinance: Casler Lewis ORDINANCE NO. 9794 AMENDING ORDINANCE NOS. 9778, X Kulchin 9 9 570, AND 9694 TO APPLY THE LAND Chick E-~ELz~:~T ZZ~ RANGES AS ADOPTED ON DECEMBER Pettine 17, 1985 AND NEW OPEN SPACE PROTECTION MEASURES TO EXISTING MASTER PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. Council adopted the following Ordinance, with the Lewis above referenced correction on Line 18, Page 1: Casler ORDINANCE N0._9795, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER Chick 21.44 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE Pettine ADDITION OF SECTIONS 21.44.230 AND 21.44.240 TO x, RESTRICT DEVELOPMENT ON CERTAIN OPEN SPACE AREAS CONSIDERATION OF OPEN SPACE LAND FROM DENSITY IDENTIFIED IN THE GENERAL PLAN AND TO EXCLUDE CALCULATIONS. Kulchin Mayor Casler indicated that she had cast negative votes because these items were not recommended by the Land Use Review Committee. Council Member Chick concurred. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 23. AB #8621 - Supplement W1 - STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT #I. The staff report was given by Roger Greer, the UtilitiesIMaintenance Director, essentially a5 contained in the agenda bill. He introduced Virginia McCoy, the Electrical Operations Supervisor. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:16 P.M., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak, the public hearing was closed at 6:16 P.M. Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler x Lewis x RESOLUTION NO. 8591, CONFIRMING THE DIAGRAM Kulchin x AND ASSESSMENT AND PROVIDING FOR THE ANNUAL Chick xx ASSESSMENT LEVY. Pettine x 24. AB 88495 - Supplement #6 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. Assistant City Manager Ray Patchett gave a brief staff report and requested that the matter be continued to 3uly 1, 1986. Council continued the public hearing to the meeting of Casler xx 3uly 1, 1986. Lewis X Kulchin X Chick x Pettine X J/G e MINUTES 0 (29) \y * COUNCIL % 9L June 3, 1986 Page 6 MEMBERS % % PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) 25. AB W8625 - Supplement #I - 1986-87 OPEFATING BUDGET. The staff report was given by James Elliott, the Finance Director, essentially as contained in the agenda bill. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:24 P.M. and issued the invitation to speak. Council recognized Marva Bledsoe Chriss, the Director of the Womens' Resource Center, who thanked Council for their continued support and approval of the requested funding. Council recognized Shirley Cole, the Director of Lifeline, who indicated her support for the recommendation of the Community Service Advisory Committee. Council recognized Mr. Steve Densham, representing the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors' Bureau. He referred to materials provided to Council earlier, and requested support for their request for the increase funding in the amount of $270,000. He stated that this has been a start up and policy setting year for the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors' Bureau. He indicated that many other cities in the area are also busy promoting tourism, and that Carlsbad would have to keep actively pursuing tourism. Council recognized Hannah Frost of the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau who reported on events which had been promoted in the city during the year and reported on private and participating funds that had been received. Council Member Lewis inquired regarding the possibility of their obtaining more private funding and documenting for council the amount of money raised for their programs from private sources. In response to council query, the Finance Director indicated that it is not possible to determine how much, if any, of the increased transient occupancy tax revenue is due to the efforts of the Convention and Visitors Bureau. Hannah Frost, of the Convention and Visitors Bureau, reported that they would soon have a 1-800-Carlsbad telephone number which will appear in any advertisement that is placed by the Convention and Visitors Bureau, and that those persons calling that number will be asked how they heard of Carlsbad. She indicated that this would give them a means of determining the success of their promotions. Council recognized Kay Christiansen, 2802 Carlsbad Boulevard, who spoke in favor of the increased funding for the Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau. She indicated that she has been involved in trying to increase tourism in the city for 20 years, and stated that the efforts of the Convention and Visitors Bureau would benefit everyone. g/5 - _c 0 MINUTES 0 /p June 3, 1986 Page 7 COUNCIL % 9L MEMBERS % 9 PUBLIC, HEARINGS: ( continued) Since no one else wished to speak, the public hearing was closed at 6:45 P.M. Council discussed the previous year's funding of the CCVG in the amount of $200,000, and noted it was on a trial basis. Their discussion also reiterated their comments from the previous year regarding their desire to see more of the funding coming from the private sector. Council Member Chick indicated that he felt that the expenditure of monies for the Convention and Visitors Bureau was similar to an insurance policy, to insure that tourism is the city is promoted and the TOT taxes continue to increase. He stated that other cities are actively promoting themselves and stated that he did not object to the increased request and considered it a reinvestment of funds. Council approved funding in the of $200,000 for the Casler X Carlsbad Convention and Visitors Bureau. Lewis 1 Kulchin Chick Pettine Council approved the Community Service requests in the amount of $46,500 as recommended by the Ad Hoc Lewis Community Service Advisory Committee. X Casler Kulchin Chick Pettine Council directed staff to include the changes approved X Casler by Council in the 1986-87 Operating Budget, Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (99) 26. AB 118391 - Supplement f3 - TENTATIVE MAP, ZONE (113) CHANGE, AND-PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - CT 8F- 41/PUD-77/ZC-242 -ALGA HILLS. The City Attorney gave a brief report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council recognized Mr. D. Kleinman, 7019 Alicante Road, Carlsbad, who spoke in favor of the project as presented with the signalized intersection of "A" Street and Alga Road, and the cul-de-sacing of "B" Street. He urged Council to approve the documents as written. Council recognized Mr. Stan Prowse, 6515 Avenida del Paraiso, who spoke in opposition to the condition requiring the traffic signal. He stated that he lived north of Alga and up the hill and drives up and down the already dangerous hill several times a day. He indicated that the location of the new signal would be on a blind curve which would increase the danger and chances of collisions. ~ 214 - I I a MINUTES 0 June 3, 1986 Page 8 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Council recognized Mr. T.L. Rhodes, 2517, Apt. /.J, Navarra Dr., Carlsbad. Mr. Rhodes stated he does not agree that the location of the proposed signal would be dangerous and that he feels it would be a benefit to the area. Council recognized Mr. Dan Shanahan, 2450 Unicornio, Carlsbad, who spoke in opposition to the proposed traffic signal. He stated that traffic lights are usually installed to increase safety in an area, but that to require traffic to stop on this hill would be extremely dangerous. He also stated that Alicante was designed to carry the increased traffic which would be created by this subdivision. He requested that council change its decision to require the traffic signal. Council Member Kulchin indicated that she had questions regarding the traffic signal and had met with staff on the matter. She requested that Mr. Martin Bouman, the City's Traffic Consultant, make a presentation to council on the matter. Mr. Bouman reported that staff would not recommend putting a traffic signal in this location. He stated that traffic signals are not safety devices; the purpose of a signal is to assign right-of-way. He expressed the opinion that a signal at this location would create accidents due to the steepness of the grade and lack of sufficient sight distance required for stopping. He stated that Alicante is a secondary arterial, and would not be overloaded by the traffic from the proposed subdivision. Council Member Kulchin referenced a letter that council had received from Mr. Shanahan and stated that another letter had been received from the La Costa Community Awareness Group stating that they had never considered, or taken a position on the proposed traffic signal. She indicated that as a result of the information regarding the safety factors, she felt it necessary to change her vote on the matter. Council adopted the following Resolution, amended to delete Sections 3, 4, and 5: RESOLUTION NO. 8592, APPROVING A 299 UNIT TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (CT84-41) AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD-77) ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ALGA ROAD AND ALICANTE ROAD. Council Member Pettine indicated that he had voted against this project because of the issue of overall circulation in the La Costa area, and that he could not support a project which would add many more units andd trips per day in that area. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE-NO. 9796, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP FOR A ZONE CHANGE FROM RD-M TO RD-M-5 ON PROPERTY 86~6 Abb AL%IN?E ROAD. N RA Y L AT D ON THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ALGA 2 13 COUNCIL /p % % MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X - - e MINUTES 0 June 3, 1986 Page 9 DEPARTMENTAL .AND CITY MAI\!AGER REPORTS: (continued) Council Member Pettine stated that he voted against this due to traffic circulation problems in the La Costa area. (99) 27. AB 118632 - Supplement 111 - TENTATIVE TRdCT MAP AND LA COSTA DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - CTb85-21/LCDP 85-3 -PARK VIEW EAST. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8593 APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (CT 85-21 ) AND dSTA DEVELOPMENT PERMIT (LCDP GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF MISION ESTANCIA, APPROXIMATELY 280 FEET SOUTH OF LA COSTA AVENUE. 85-3) FOR A 36 LOTj35 UNIT SUBDIVISION ON PROPERTY Council Member Pettine indicated he cast a negative vote for reasons previously stated regarding circulation. (113) 28. AI3 f8622 - Supplement fl I - SITE DEVELOPMMENT PLAN - SDP 85-11 - ALICANTE'VIEW APARTMENTS. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NQ. 8594, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS A APARTMENT PROJECT WEST OF ALTISMA WAY BETWEEN CARINGA WAY AND ALICANTE ROAD. SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 85-11 FOR A 74 UNIT Council Member Pettine indicated he cast a negative vote for reasons previously stated regarding circulation. (78) 29. AB 118498 - Suppleme.nt-#l - ALGA ROAD SPEED ZONE - REVIEW OF ENFORCEMENT EFFORTS AND TRAFFIC SURVEY. - The staff report was presented by Chief Jimno, essentially as contained in the agenda bill. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 3196, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.44 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTION 10.44.090 TO REVISE THE SPEED LIMIT ON ALGA ROAD. AIL - COUNCIL \p 5 3 % MEMBERS % % Casler Pettine x Chick xx Kulchin x Lewis x Casler Pettine xr Chick r Kulchin F Lewis r Casler Chick J Kulchin J Lewis XJ ) Pettine ) .. . e MINUTES m - June 3, 1986 Page 10 OFF AGENDA- ITEM: Growth Management The City Manager reported that the Plannina Commission would be considering the Growth Management Ordinance at their meeting on the following evening. He referenced his memorandum of June 3, 1986, and suggested that council may wish to clarify their intent on Growth Management prior to the Planning Commission public hearing on the matter. Council Member Pettine indicated that he would not consent to this item being added to the agenda due to the fact that he had just received the memo and had not had time to read it; therefore he was not prepared to discuss the matter. Since there was not unanimous consent, the item was not added to the agenda for discussion. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of June 3, 1986, was adjourned at 7:47 P.M. Respectfully submitted, &A(- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Karen R. Kundtz Deputy City Clerk 2 I/ - COUNCIL kp % 9& MEMBERS % 8