HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-06-10; City Council; Minutes'(I A e MINUTES a - -e Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: June IO, 1986 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~- CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Casler called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent - None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The Minutes of the Joint Meeting held May 19, 1986, were approved as submitted. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Casler requested that Item No. 13 be removed from the Consent Calendar, and Council Member Lewis requested that Item No. 12 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar with the exception of Items No. 12 and 13, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. (107) 1. AB f8651 - STREET VACATION OF A PORTION OF OAK AVENUE. Council Adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8595, declaring its intention to vacate a portion of Oak Avenue between Carlsbad Boulevard and Lincoln Street. (28) 2. AB #8617 - Supplement /I2 - BEACh EROSION COMMITTEE. 1 Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8596, creating and establishing the BEACh Erosion Committee. I I (26) 3. AB 118652 - AUTHORITY FOR INCLUSION OF PROPERTIES ~ ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. (45) IN THE CITY OF VISTA RACEWAY BASIN SEWER I Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8597, granting consent to the formation of a special assessment district; and Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8598, approving certain waiver agreements. 23 8 - COUNCIL /p 3 % ' MEMBERS % % Casler X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X X Pettine Cas ler X Lewis X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin X MINUTES 4 0 (96) (45) (44)X (45) (88) (45) (74) (71) (45) (78) (26) (30) (45) COUNCIL \? % 9L * 3une 10, 1986 Page 2 MEMBERS % % CONSENT CALENDAR : (continued) 4. AB .#8415 - Supplement #2 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION - TRAFFIC.SIGNAL AT KELLY AND EL CAMINO REAL. Council accepted the construction of KellyfEl Camino Real traffic signal Project No. 3187 as complete, and directed the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion. 5. AR /I8653 - AGREEMENT FOR SPECIALIZED LEGAL SERVICES AND TRANSFER OF FUNDS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8599, approving an agreement with Whitmore, Kay and Stevens for specialized legal services and transferring funds. 6. AB #8515 - Supplement 81 - THIRD AMENDMENT UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COIJNTY EMERGENCY SERVICPS 30INT POWER AGREEMENT. Council adopted RESPLUTION NO. 8600, adopting the Third Amended Emergency Services agreement of the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization, and authorizing the Mayor to sign said agreement for the City of Carlsbad. 7. AB 88654 - AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8601, amending the classification plan of the City to adopt the classification of Equipment Maintenance Supervisor. - 8. AB 118655 - LEASE.AGREEMEMT WITH, ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND. SANTA FE RAILWAY. . - Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8602', approving a lease for property south of Grand Avenue and west of State Street between the railroad tracks and the alley. 9. AB f8656 -_ ACCEPTANCE OF RECEIVED CASH ASSETS FORFEITURE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8603, accepting $3,307.00 received' by the Carlsbad Police Department as seized and forfeited assets pursuant to the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984. 10. z ASSESSMENT, DISTRICT UNPAID ASSESSMENTS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8604, determining unpaid assessments in a special assessment district. 11. AB 118657 - ADDITIONAL FUNDING REQUEST FOR PLAN CHECKING AND CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION SERVICES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8605, approving additional funding for services performed by Willdan Associates. 2-3 3 0 MINUTES 0 June 10, 1986 Page 3 CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) (85) 12. AB ]I8429 - Supplement -IC1 - CONSULTANT SELECTION (45) TO PERFORM GOLF COURSE FEASIBILITY STUDY. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. (70) 13. AB f8472 - Supplement #I - SENIOR CITIZEN FACILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. (93) 14. AB 88659 - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD STORM DRAIN (45) INTERCEPTOR DESIGN CONSULTANT AGREEMENT. \ Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8610, transferring funds and authorizing the execution of a Design Consultant Agreement for the Carlsbad Boulevard Storm Drain Interceptor. 15. NUMBER NOT USED. (26) 16. AB /I8508 - Supplement //I - BRIDGE AND THOROUGHFARE BENEFIT DISTRICT UPDATE. Council received and filed the report. ~ (40) 17. AB 18660 - FUND TRANSFER. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8611, approving the transfer of funds to accommodate the moving of Building, Development Processing, Engineering, and Planning from City Hall to 2075 Las Palmas, Carlsbad, California. ITEMS WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (85) 12. AB f8429 - Supplement 81 - CONSULTANT SELECTION (45) TO PERFORM GOLF GOURSE FEASIBILITY STUDY. Council Member Lewis indicated he had requested the item withdrawn from the Consent Calendar in order to receive clarification regarding Item No. 5 listed in the scope of work. Dave Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director, responded indicating that such things as picnicing, and other passive and active recreational facilities would be considered, but the scope would not go beyond recreational facilities. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8606, APPROVING THE AGREEMENT WITH ECONOMICS RESEARCH ASSOCIATES (ERA) , TRANSFERRING FUNDS, AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT FOR ERA TO CONDUCT A GOLF COURSE FEASIBILITY STUDY. 236 - - COUNCIL IF 3 % MEMBERS % % Casler Lewis Kulchin x: Chick Pettine - .-r MINUTES 0 June IO, 1986 Page 4 ITEMS WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (70) 13. AB 88472 -. Supplement #I - SENIOR CITIZEN FACILITY FEASIBILITY STUDY. Mayor Casler stated she had requested this item withdrawn from the Consent Calendar because she had concerns with some of the recommendations. She stated she would like information on whether the additional parkina was required for Harding Community Center if the seniors move to the Pine Street location. Additionally, she indicated it would be desirable to have a more concrete agreement with the school district regarding the Pine Street site before approving Recommendation No. 5, which would authorize completion of a design for the Pine Street site. Council accepted the following recommendations by the Senior Citizen and Parks and Recreation Commissions: 1. Set aside all proposals relating to the Harding Community Center site until the Pine Street School proposal is resolved; 3. Endorse the concept of constructing a Senior Center on the Pine Street site; specifically Design Concept 112, as contained in the Agenda Bill; 4. Directed staff to pursue a cooperative agreement with the appropriate CUSD officials, with the specific objective to assist in the relocation of the District's Administrative and Maintenance functions, and the retention of the occupied space for public use. Council deferred action on the staff recommendations numbered 2 and 5 on the face of the Agenda Rill. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION: (1 8) 18. AB 88498 - Supplement 81 - ALGA ROAD SPEED ZONE. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 3196, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.44 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE 3Y AMENDING SECTION 10.44.090 TO REVISE THE SPEED LIMIT ON ALGA ROAD. 2 35 c COUNCIL /v 3 % MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis X Kulchin Chick Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick x; Pettine - c 0 MINUTES 0 June IO, 1986 Page 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (7 7) 19. AB 1'18661 - GROWTH MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE. Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, gave an overview of the matter as contained in the Agenda Bill. Marty Orenyak, Community Development Director, continued with the report referring to his memorandum to the City Manager dated June IO, 1986 regarding a list of exempt projects. Mayor Casler' announced that public testimony would be taken first followed by Council discussion and action. Mayor Casler indicated if Council would address the issue of commercial and industrial at this time, it may answer many questions. It was moved and seconded that as an additional exemption, Council would allow commercial and industrial now in the pipeline to be included. For clarification purposes, Mr. Orenyak indicated the motion would exempt those commercial and industrial projects listed in his memorandum dated 3une IO, 1986. Mr. Holzmiller, in response to a query regarding Kaiser, stated that Kaiser would not be able to process unless this motion were approved. Council Member Pettine stated that the original reason for stopping development processing was to give staff time to work on the Growth Management Program. He questioned whether staff could still process all of these projects and accomplish the completion of the Growth Management Program. Council directed staff to allow an additional exemption for all commercial and industrial projects now in the pipeline. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:28 p.m., and extended the invitation to speak. 3ohn Stanley, 2753 La Gran Via, addressed Council. He stated his concern was with two parcels at the corner of La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road, known as the Big Bear project. He referenced a letter on file with the Council dated June 9, 1986, and expressed the opinion that the City has sufficient money available to hire staff to continue processing the project. He referenced assessment district proceedings proposed for Rancho Santa Fe Road, and expressed the opinion that no one would buy the bonds for that district if the property could not be developed. He requested that Council not adopt the proposed Growth Management Ordinance. 234 - \p 5 COUNCIL 3 % MEMBERS % $ Casler X Cas ler Lewis X Chick Kulchin Pettine I 0 MINUTES 0 3une 10, 1986 Page 6 PUBLIC HEARINGS: Ben Clay, representing Scripps Memorial Hospital, 9888 Genesee Avenue, La 3o11a, addressed Council. He referred to their letter on file dated 3une IO, 1986. He noted that they were asking that the hospital overlay zone be processed concurrent with the review period for the environmental impact report. He indicated Scripps would pay for any consultants or staff time necessary to review the hospital master plan. He also stated that upon completion of the hospital overlay zone and processing of their plans, they would be ready to move forward with the Palomar Airport Road improvements between the easterly boundary of the Bressi Ranch and the easterly City limits. For clarification purposes, Mr. Orenyak stated that in accordance with previous Council direction, staff did not intend to work on the Scripps plan or the hospital overlay zone until the environmental impact report is certified. Barbara Donovan, 2630 Abedul, addressed Council speaking on behalf of the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation. She read a letter from the Foundation, for the record, regarding this Sammis project. The letter requested that Council allow the Sammis project to proceed. 3on Briggs, Vice-president, Sammis Properties, 2650 Camino del Rio North 1100, San Diego, addressed Council. Mr. Brigas referrenced his letter dated June 10, 1986 on file with the City, and indicated that Sammis would grant an easement over the wetland portion of the educational park site so that the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Plan could proceed. He also referred to his letter regarding proposed language for tying the residential development with the university development. He requested consideration from Council regarding the Sammis project . Hal Kuykendall, 401 West "A" Street, San Diego, addressed Council. Mr. Kuykendall stated he did not need a final map, but instead he needed a site development plan. He stated he would be allowed to continue processing if he needed a final map, but was being penalized since he merely needed a site development plan. He stated that delay of processing his project would create a financial hardship. Charles Christensen, Charles W. Christensen & Associates, 444 West ''C" Street, Suite 400, San Diego, addressed Council on behalf of the owner/developer of villages "Q" and "T" of Calavera Hills. He referred to his letter distributed to Council dated 3une IO, 1986. He stated that the City could not impose additional conditions on a final map, and requested that projects with final maps be allowed to proceed. 233 l- COUNCIL /p % 9A MEMBERS % $ - T 0 MINUTES e June 10, 1986 Page 7 ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ PUBLIC HEARINGS: Hill Mercado, representing Coldwell Banker, 5130 Avenida Encinas, Carlsbad, addressed Council. He referenced a parcel of land on the northwest corner of El Camino Real and Alga Road, and requested that all commercial be exempt. He expressed the opinion that the La Costa area has a shortage of commercial areas, and allowing the commercial to proceed would be beneficial. Rick Gaylord, 18201 Von Carmen, Irvine, also addressed Council regarding allowing the commercial project at the northwest corner of Alga Road and El Camino Real. He requested that commercial be allowed to proceed. Pamela Ann Sorry (?I, a citizen of Carlsbad, addressed Council. She stated that the citizens want slow growth, not exceptions. Arthur Harris, 7233 Plaza de La Costa, addressed Council. He referenced Carlsbad Tract 84-33, in the northwest quadrant of the City. He stated that it appears they cannot get final map approval by July 20, 1986; therefore, they requested to be exempt from the ordinance. He suggested that Council not adopt the proposed ordinance, but take additional time for the development of a quality ordinance. Bill Garr, 7311 Lilly Place, addressed Council stating there should be no deviations from the City and Coastal Commission densities. He stated the citizens want limited growth, and the ordinance should be stronger. He stated some type of limitations should be included in the ordinance to reduce the number of residential units built in the City. 3ack Barnes, 2934 Mountain View, Laguna Beach, representing Carlsbad Highlands, addressed Council. He commented on the history of his project and effects of the recent action by Council. He expressed the opinion that the City is a quality City, and development should be allowed to continue. He also suggested that priority should be given to those projects that can advance the provisions of public facilities. Andrew Wright, representing Lincoln Property, 4330 La 3o11a Village Drive, San Diego, addressed Council. Mr. Wright referred to Section 21.90.030 of the proposed ordinance, and indicated that it would stop the processing, at all levels of, all projects without final maps in order to allow staff to prepare a plan. He also stated that projects at many levels do not require time from the Planning staff. He indicated that he had received notice that his permit would expire unless he submitted signed plans, but he was unable to do that because of the current hold on processing. He urged Council to allow tentative maps to continue. He also questioned why it would take one year to prepare the City Wide Facility Management Plan. 232 c COUNCIL w % MEMBERS % \ 5 3 \, . 0 MINUTES 0 3une IO, 1986 Page 8 PUBLIC HEARINGS: Doug Ring, Counsel for Lincoln Property, addressed Council. He expressed concerns about the proposed ordinance. He suggested that the City allow time for preparation of a viable ordinance. Bill Shanker, Kaufman and Broad Development Group, 11601 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, addressed Council representing Kelly Ranch. He expressed the opinion that consideration should be given to projects where major expenditures have been made in good faith, and to projects providing major contributions to needed infra-structure. He then referred to the Kelly Ranch project, and explained how it would meet those categories. He requested that the Kelly Ranch be exempt. Dennis O'Neil, 4041 MacArthur Boulevard, Suite 101, Newport Beach, addressed Council representing the Lusk Company. He expressed opposition to Ordinance No. 9808, and indicated their consistent opposition to all actions of the City to restrict development of their property. He presented a letter to the City Council dated June 10, 1986, and summarized same. 3im Scott, 1241 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, distributed a letter to Council requesting an exemption for Carlsbad Tract 84-10, and detailed the contents of that letter dated June 10, 1986. Larry Clemens, HPI Development Company, 7707 El Camino Real, referred to their letter distributed to Council dated June IO, 1986, and summarized the contents of same. He also distributed to Council proposed wording for the Ordinance which would provide an exemption for HPI. Christopher Neils, 701 "B" Street, San Diego, representing HPI, addressed Council. Mr. Neils expressed the opinion that the enhancement of the lagoon was sufficient justification for exempting HPI. He further stated it was neither economically, nor legally feasible for HPI to dedicate the lagoon prior to receiving development approval. He stated that HPI needs a development permit for the commercial facilities prior to dedication of an easement of the lagoon. He also indicated that HPI would agree to dedicate the land upfront for widening of La Costa Avenue and the intersection of La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real. For clarification, Larry Clemens stated that HPI is asking that they be allowed to process to completion, and as a condition of approval on their project, they would provide an easement for the lagoon. He stated they could not give away the lagoon until they have completed processing through the Coastal Commission as well. 231 - COUNCIL /j ?$ % MEMBERS % Q - - 0 MINUTES a COUNCIL /v % y4 3une 10, 1986 Page 9 MEMBERS % 8 PUBLIC HEARINGS: Mike Ryan, 6994 El Camino Real, Suite 208, addressed Council regarding eight acres east of Stagecoach Park. He stated that the ordinance, as proposed, would put his partnership out of business for one year. He suggested that projects which benefit public facilities should be exempt, and specifically identified on a list for exemptions. He requested that the City not rush the ordinance, and possibly consider continuing the ordinance to allow for additional study. RECESS : Mayor Casler called a recess at 8:OO p.m., and Council reconvened at 8:12 p.m., with all Council Members present. Ron Zawistowski, 1009 Daisy Lane, Carlsbad, addressed Council. He stated that the Growth Management Ordinance should improve the quality of life; therefore, it must be enforcable. He expressed opposition to all the exemptions, and expressed support for the slow growth initiative being processed in the City. W. Allan Kelly, 4912 Via Arequipa, Carlsbad, addressed Council. He inquired whether he would be able to get a permit for clearing and grubbing under the proposed ordinance. He indicated it was basically a grading permit. In response, Marty Orenyak indicated the ordinance would allow him to get a permit for clearing. Mr. Kelly continued, requesting that the Kelly Ranch be exempted from the ordinance. Frank Mola, representing La Costa Ranch Company, addressed Council. Mr. Mola stated that any growth impacts community, and the developers would merely like to have a clear definition of the rules. He suggested that if staff needs time, then do not allow any processing in the City. Bill Hofman, 6994 El Camino Real, Suite 208 G, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Hoffman referred to his letter dated 3une IO, 1986, and summarized the contents of same. Marlena Fox, attorney, 3119 Westerley Place, Newport Beach, addressed Council concerning the Carrillo Ranch project. She expressed concern about the speed with which the ordinance had been prepared, and noted that there were inconsistencies within the ordinance. She also expressed the opinion that the ordinance contains some violations to state law. Ms. Fox also stated she had reviewed the environmental assessment file for the ordinance and could not locate the negative declaration in the file. She stated that the public review period for the negative declaration will not end for another ten days, and she questioned whether Council could act prior to that time. - 230 - - e e MINUTES 3une IO, 1986 Page 10 PUBLIC HEARINGS: Bernie Fipp, General Managing Partner of Carlsbad Research Center, addressed Council. He requested clarification on their earlier motion regarding commercial and industrial. In response, Mr. Orenyak stated that anything that would require discretionary approval through the Planning Commission or City Council via a new application would not be exempt. 3im Hicks, 2910 Managua Place, Carlsbad, addressed Council. Mr. Hicks requested that Council not rush the ordinance and give it more time. He suggested that Council continue with Ordinance No. 9791 in order to allow time to refine a Growth Management Ordinance. Jack Henthorn, 2892 gefferson, Carlsbad, addressed Council. He expressed concern with the one year time frame contained in Section 21.30.090. He suggested that the time period be shorter. He also expressed the opinion that the amount of time required to process EIRs would be minimal for staff in that consultants do the majority of the work; therefore, they should be allowed to continue processing. He also referred to Ordinance No. 9791, which allowed for continued processing of certain types of developments, and noted that staff is no longer continuing with some of those projects. He requested clarification of that issue. Mike Werner, 2336 Hosp Way, Carlsbad, addressed Council in support of controlled growth. Nick Banche, attorney, 810 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, addressed Council representing Foote Development Company, K N Partners, and Oakley Parker. He referenced the three letters dated 3une 9, 1986 regarding his clients which were on file with the City. He stated that Council must establish guidelines which apply to all. He indicated they could not pick and chose which projects they wished to allow to proceed. He also requested that Council set up a staff committee consisting of the three Assistant City Managers to review requests for exemptions. Leonard Meldrum, 3289 Westwood Drive, addressed Council. He stated he had recently purchased one acre on Adams, and this ordinance would stop him from proceeding with development. Cindy Ward, 937 Begonia, Carlsbad, addressed Council on behalf of the South Carlsbad Citizen's Committee. She stated the Committee had been reviewing the HPI development plan and has major concerns. She stated that the Committee was pleased when they learned of Council's decision to put a hold on development, but now are concerned about all the exceptions. She stated that HPI and Sammis are large projects, and the enhancement plan for the lagoon should be in place before approvals are given. She requested that all exceptions be denied. aas COUNCIL /$ % ?i MEMBERS % q - c * e MINUTES e June IO, 1986 Page 11 PUBLIC HEARINGS: Jennifer Locke, 9404 Genesse, La 3o11a, addressed Council. She expressed support for Ordinance No. 9791, and expressed concern about changing the rules from those established by Ordinance No. 9791. She also expressed the opinion that staff should be able to complete the City Wide Facilities Plan in six months rather than one year. William Savage, Box 773, Rancho Santa Fe, addressed Council. He referred to his letter dated June 6, 1986, on file with the City, and read portions of that letter. In response to Council query, and for clarification purposes, Mr. Savage stated that the State Lands had to determine where the wetland boundaries was, and therefore required a boundary line agreement, which required he deed some of his land along the lagoon to the state. He requested that he be allowed to continue processing since he had already deeded property to the State. Erook Olsen, 27811 Tirante, Mission Viejo, addressed Council. He referred to his letter dated 3une IO, 1986, and read the same. He stated he was processing Minor Subdivision 730, and questioned why it was not listed on the list of projects exempted. In response, Marty Orenyak stated that the list contained projects .that the Engineering Staff felt could receive final approval prior to 3uly 20, 1986. However, if he could meet all the requirements within the time frame, his project could also be exempt. A.3. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, addressed Council. He requested that Council actions taken at the Special Meeting on 3une 5, 1986 be negated. He expressed the opinion that the meeting was a secret meeting since there was insufficient time to notice the citizens of Carlsbad. He stated he did not care if the City passed the Growth Management Ordinance, but he was concerned that the City was trying to convince the citizens that the Growth Management Ordinance is an alternative to the Slow Growth Initiative. He stated that the City's Ordinance manages facilities, not growth. Christopher Garrett, 701 "B" Street, Suite 2100, addressed Council. He referred to his letter dated 3une IO, 1986, on file with the City, and summarized the contents of that letter. Sam Blick, Fairbanks Ranch, representing Signal Landmark, addressed Council. He stated it would be meaningless to exempt commercial and industrial from the moratorium if permits could not be obtained. He referred to Section 4(e) in the memorandum from the City Attorney, and requested that it be included in the ordinance. 22.8 c MEMBERS COUNCIL b % \ 5 p ?i 8 e MINUTES e 3une IO, 1986 Page 12 PUBLIC HEARINGS: Ronald Rouse, 2111 Palomar Airport Road, Suite 300, addressed Council representing Kaiser and Koll. He referred to the comments by Mr. Fipp and Mr. Blick, and expressed agreement. Stephen L'Heureux, President of the Chamber of Commerce, addressed Council. He stated he was talking about the business community, and not just developers. He noted there is a lot of confusion and questions about the proposed ordinance and the management program. He suggested Council consider extending Ordinance No. 9791 to take additional time to make sure that the ordinance is correct. He urged Council to consider the long-term impact of the ordinance on the City. Bob May, Christopher Homes, Newport Beach, addressed Council. Me urged Council to give careful consideration to the ordinance before adoption. Ahman Andami, representing Mandana Corporation, addressed Council. He stated their final map was submitted to the City, and questioned why their project was not listed on the exemptions. He requested Council continue Ordinance No. 9791. In response, Marty Orenyak stated that Mandana does not have a final map; therefore, they are not exempt. Steve Ludlow, U.S. Home Corporation, 2421 East Southern, Suite 3, Tempe, Arizona, addressed Council concerning CT 85-8. He stated they were really asking for the same treatment as any others might get. He noted if any exemption were granted to others, those same exemptions could apply to his project. Ahman Urgi, 7115 Mimosa Drive, addressed Council requesting that HPI be exempted. Since no one else wished to speak on the item, Mayor Casler closed the public hearing at 9:37 p.m. In response to Council query, Mike Holzmiller stated that the Negative Declaration was submitted to the State Clearinghouse for review, and that review would not be complete until July 20, 1986. City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated that there was no evidence, nor public testimony from anyone concerning non-mitigatable environmental concerns; therefore, Council could act on the Negative Declaration. Council approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director. 227 COUNCIL y 3 % MEMBERS % $ Casler Mulchin Lewis X Pettine Chick .- L a MINUTES a June 10, 1986 Page 13 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: AD30URNMENT: Due to the time, Council adjourned the Meeting of 3une 10, 1986, at 1O:OO p.m., and continued this item and the remainder of the Agenda to Wednesday, June 11, 1986, at 6:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, &?z.d-o4 e- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk ALR : tc 226 COUNCIL /p 3 PA MEMBERS % 9 Cas 1 er Chick Kulchin Lewis x. Pettine