HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-06-11; City Council; Minutesn I 0 MINUTES 0 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Adjourned Regular Fleeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: 3une 11, 1986 y$ Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COUNCIL 3 94 . MEMBERS % $ CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Casler called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent - None. Mayor Casler announced that the public hearing on Growth Management was completed the prior evening. Council discussion and action on the matter would now occur. (77) 1. AB f8661 - GROWTH MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE (Continued from Meeting of 3une IO, 1986). Council Member Lewis stated he would agree to making an exception for Sammis if they would be willing to proceed with their university, commercial and industrial portions, but not the residential. He also stated if Hunts would not give an easement over their portion of the lagoon as well as the land for the street improvements, he could not agree to allowing them to proceed with their processing. Mayor Casler referred to a letter from HPI on file stating they did agree to the dedication.of land for the roads; and she indicated she had a telephone call that day stating they would also grant a construction easement over their portion of the lagoon. Larry Clemens, HPI, responded to Council questions stating they were willing to grant the construction easement to allow for the lagoon enhancement program to move forward. In return, they would need to continue processing their master plan and associated tentative map. At that time, Mr. Neils, with HPI, gave a letter to Mr. Clemens dated June 11, 1986. Mr. Clemens presented the letter to Council, and read the letter which clarified their position regarding granting a construction easement for Batiquitos Lagoon. He concluded requesting they be exempt from Ordinance No. 9808 consistent with their letter dated June 11, 1986. Council directed staff to continue processing the Hunt Master Plan and related documents with the provision that they dedicate the land needed for the widening of La Costa Avenue and the intersection of La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real, and that they provide a construction easement for Batiauitos Lagoon immediately. Council Member Pettine expressed the opinion that many other developers were further along in the process, and are being stopped; therefore, an exception should not be granted to Hunt. 243 Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X I ~ X X X X ~ - r 0 MINUTES 0 3une 1 I, 1986 Page 2 It was moved and seconded that Sammis be allowed to continue with their university, industrial and commercial, but not be allowed to continue with construction of any residential units. The motion failed due to a lack of majority. Council Member Kulchin expressed the opinion that Sammis needed some kind of residential for their faculty and student housing. She also noted support for Sammis from the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation and the City of Encinitas. Council determined to allow Sammis to continue with their commercial and residential housing in Phase I only. Responding to Council query regarding processing for Scripps, Marty Orenyak reaffirmed staffs intention to not process their plan or the hospital overlay zone until such time as their environmental review process is completed. Council directed that the exception dealing with hospitals should be deleted from the Ordinance. Council discussion then related to page IO, line 15 of the Ordinance, and the one year time frame. It was determined that the time frame would be more appropriately determined following completion of Council discussion of the Ordinance. For clarification, the City Attorney indicated that the one year time limit was included in the Ordinance in response to the criticism that it was an indefinite moratorium with no a time limit. It was moved and seconded that the one year time frame on page 10, line 15, be retained. It was moved that the previous motion be tabled. The motion failed due to a lack of majority. Council then voted on the prior motion to retain the one year time frame on page IO, line 15 of the Ordinance. The motion failed due to a lack of majority. Council Member Lewis referred to page 10 of the Ordinance, subsection (c)(2), which refers to the five, ten, and fifteen year phasing schedule. He stated if an area has all of the necessary public facilities, or if the developer is willing to provide all the required facilities, they should be able to proceed. 24& - COUNCIL /p % 9L 4 MEMBERS % % Casler Lewis Kulchin XI Chick x Pet t ine Casler Lewis X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin Casler x Pettine Chick X Kulchin xx Lewis X I Casler Lewis Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Casler Lewis X Kulchin Chick Pettine X I\ 0 MINUTES 0 June 11, 1986 Page 3 In response, Mike Holzmiller stated that the City is now working with a five year capital improvement program, and this subsection would then relate to a five, ten, and fifteen year capital improvement program. He stated that the five, ten, and fifteen year plan would be for those improvements which the City would install. That would spell out the time frame for the City to install the improvements; however, if someone desired to install the improvements earlier, that would be acceptable. Mayor Casler expressed objection to the five, ten, and fifteen year time frame, stating that the work program would be based on numbers, or population, rather than timing . Council directed that the words "five, ten, and fifteen year" be eliminated from the Ordinance on page IO, subsection (c) (2). Council Member Kulchin stated she would like to exclude industrial and commercial projects that are now in the pipeline as long as they comply with all the circulation standards and fees. For clarification, the City Attorney stated that to date, all new commercial and industrial projects would be subject to the ordinance. The only exeptions are for those in the pipeline, but they would still be required to pay the fees and to provide individual plans. It was moved and seconded that the word l'residentialll be added to the title of the ordinance, and that industrial and commercial would be excluded as long as they comply with all standards. The motion was subsequently withdrawn. For clarification, the City Attorney stated that staff anticipates doing a city-wide facility plan for all land uses. Some areas will be comprised solely of commercial and industrial, but those projects would still be required to provide the public facilities such as drainage, sewer, water and circulation, to serve their areas. Council directed that commercial and industrial projects in the pipeline shall be allowed to proceed processing with the understanding that they will meet all standards and all fees. The City Attorney stated that in accordance with his understanding of Council intent, the commercial and industrial portion of the ordinance would be completely rewritten. All commercial and industrial projects with discretionary approval and applications on file by June 11 will be allowed to continue to process prior to adoption of the plans, but they will be subject to the fees and requirements of the plan. Totally new applications for commercial and industrial would be required to wait for adoption of the plan. si 4/ c COUNCIL y$ % PA MEMBERS % $ Casler Pettine X Chick X Kulchin Lewis xx I Cas ler X Lewis X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin - -r e. e MINUTES 0 3une 11, 1986 Page 4 Council directed staff to return on June 17, 1986, with a skeletal work program which would then be included in the ordinance, and both returned to Council on 3une 24, 1986. Marty Orenyak stated that a time frame for the completion of the facilities plan could be established next week during discussion of the work program. Mayor Casler referred to page 4, line 5 of the ordinance, and requested that the words "single dwelling structure" be changed to "minor subdivisions or parcel maps in the northwest quadrant". She stated that minor subdivisions are comprised of four units or less, and after 3uly 20, 1986, new minor subdivisions should not have to do a local facilities plan, but should be subject to all of the fees. For clarification, the City Attorney stated that the present ordinance provides a city-wide exemption for one person who wants to build on one lot. Therefore, if Council desired to keep that exemption, the exemption regarding minor subdivisions should be added as an additional item. Council directed that an addition be included in the ordinance which would exempt minor subdivisions, parcel maps, and single family lots in the northwest quadrant upon the adoption of the ordinance and the work plan. Council directed that the City Attorney prepare documents in accordance with their actions during this meeting, and return with the ordinance in two weeks. Council directed that an exception be included in the ordinance for adjustment plats. For further clarification, the City Attorney stated that agricultural grading would not be subject to the ordinance; therefore, no exception would be necessary. At the suggestion of the City Attorney, Council directed that language be included in the ordinance to state "development proposals which consist of public utility facilities and improvements without accomodations for permanent employees are exempt from the chapter. I! The City Attorney stated that in two weeks the ordinance would come back in two forms - one in the standard form, and the other as an urgency ordinance. Therefore, the urgency ordinance could be adopted so that the ordinance would be in effect when the interim moratorium Ordinance No. 9791 expires on 3uly 20, 1986. a 40 - COUNCIL /j % ?-A ' MEMBERS % % Casler X Pettine X Chick x)i Kulchin 1 Lewis 1 Casler Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx Casler xx Lewis X Kulchin X Chick X Pettine X Casler xx Lewis X Kulchin X Chick X Pettine X Casler X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx e a MINUTES 3une 11, 1986 Page 5 28) 2. AB /I6288 - Supplement f3 T APPOINTMENT TO SERRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8697, APPOINTING MARGARET BROWNLEY TO THE SERRA COOPERATIVE LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY ROARD. AND APPOINTING CAROLYN AYRES AS AN ALTERNATE. - - . . . . - :63) 3. AB 88658 - LIBRARY BOARD OF- TRUSTEES APPOINTMENTS. Council adopted the following Resolution: RFSOLUTION NO. 8608, APPOINTING MILTON COOPER TO THE CARLSRAD LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8609, REAPPOINTING SEENA TRIGAS TO THE CARLSBAD LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES. AD30URNMENT: By proper motion the Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, - $42- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk ALR: tc 234 7- COUNCIL /p % 9L a MEMBERS % % Casler Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx X Pettine X Casler X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx X Pettine Casler xx Lewis X Kulchin X Chick X Pettine X i ~ ~ ~ I