HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-22; City Council; Minutes0 MINUTES 0 - (81) (70)x (81) (45) (81) (70) Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: 3uly 22, 1986 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Casler called the Meeting to order at 6:Ol p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin and Pettine. Absent - Council Member Chick. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Casler announced Item No. 12 of the Consent Calendar to the next meeting. She requested Item No. 1 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Council Member Lewis requested Item No. 7 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Council Member Pettine stated he would register a negative vote on the final map of Carlsbad Tract No. 83-20, and an affirmative vote on the other half of Item No. IO. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item Nos. 1, 7 and 12, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB f8708 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. 2. AB f8548 -.Supplement.#l - COASTAL-CONSERVANCY ACCESS GRANTS PROGRAM. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8705, approving an amendment to Resolution No. 8439 to include a list of assurances required by the Coastal Conservancy to approve grant funds under the Coastal Conservancy Access Grants Program for the Beech Street beach access. 3. AB 116343 - Supplement #2 - LEASE OF STORAGE SPACE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8706, approving a lease agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Palomar 910 Associates, LTD. 4. AB #I8709 - GRANT OF EASEMENT TO SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY - STAGECOACH PARK. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8707, granting an easement for public utility purposes to SDG&E over a portion of Stagecoach Park. 2% - - COUNCIL /p 3 % MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulchin Pettine X j_ 0 MINUTES 0 (63) (45) (71) (45 1 (107) (81) (97) (99) (99) (107) ,c8l) (84) (77) July 22, 1986 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) 5. AB W8347 - Supplement %2 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR LIBRARY PARKING LOT. Council accepted the construction of the Library parking lot as complete, and directed the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion; and Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8708, authorizing the transfer of funds for Project No. 3172 for the construction of the library parking lot. 6. AB A8211 - Supplement f2 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR THE DEPOT PARKING LOT. Council accepted the construction of the Depot parking lot as complete, and directed the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion. 7. AB /I8710 - VACATION OF A PORTION OF OAK AVENUE. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. 8. AB 118711 - ACCEPTANCE OF PORTION OF ADAMS STREET. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8710, accepting a arant deed for an easement for public street Gurposes on a portion of Adams Street. 9. AB 1'18712 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS OF PINE AVENUE. (p~ - 2 3 2 ) Council accepted the improvements, authorized the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds appropriately, and directed the Utilities and Maintenance Departments to commence maintaining the public streets associated with the subdivision. IO. AB !I7769 - Supplement #5 - FINAL MAP - CARLSBAD TRACT 83-20 - RISING GLEN. " ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~-~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8711, summarily vacating street right-of-way over a portion of El Camino Real at its intersection with Elm Avenue; and Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8712, approving the quitclaim of right-of-way over a portion of El Camino Real. Council approved the final map of Carlsbad Tract No. 83-20, Rising Glen. 11. AB !I8714 - PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8713, accepting bids and authorizing the execution of purchase orders for the purchase of furniture for facility at Las Palmas. 12. AB f8704 - Supplement #I - LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM AMENDMENTS. This item was continued to the next meeting. JYC - COUNCIL I$ 3 9C MEMBERS % 8 Pettine MINUTES 0 (81) (107) (29) 3uly 22, 1986 Page 3 ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: e 1. AB #8708 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Bill Qvistgaard, President of San Diego RecyCal, presented a check for $500 to assist in beach maintenance. Mayor Casler accepted the check on behalf of the City. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8704, ACCEPTING A DONATION OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500). 7. AB #8710 - VACATION OF A PORTION OF OAK AVENUE. Council Member Lewis stated his concern about the parking, with the City giving the right-of-way on Oak Avenue. Staff explained this was an 80 foot right-of- way and the City standard calls for a 60 foot right- of-way. There is no reason to keep the extra 10 feet on each side of this street. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8709, SUMMARILY VACATING AN EASEMENT OVER A PORTION OF OAK AVENUE. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 13. AB W8694 - Supplement 81 - PROPOSED 1986-91 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM INCLUDING THE 1986-87 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET. City Manager Frank Aleshire reported this presentation was made at the last City Council Meeting and the summary is shown tonight with wall charts showing a 1986-87 Capital Improvement Budget of $21,351,500. Council Member Lewis inquired about Tamarack Avenue from 1-5 to Carlsbad Boulevard, and Mayor Casler refered to a memorandum which explained this project was in the fifth year of the 1986-91 CIP, and in order to balance the budget, this project was postponed. It will be on the "to be considered" list of projects. City Manager Frank Aleshire continued stating Council previously hired a Traffic Consultant firm to study the beach traffic. The report will be due sometime in October. The study will include 1-5 to the ocean, and Tamarack Avenue will be included in that study. Tamarack has been designated as a collector street, making a two-lane street instead of a four-lane street. Council Member Pettine questioned the $621,500 in sewer projects as a cost of the Macario Canyon project, and inquired whether this was the portion owned by the City. Staff explained this was the City's fair share of the costs of the project. d?c/ - COUNCIL /v 3 9/r. MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis X Kulchin Pettine Casler Lewis Kulchin X Pettine - - a MINUTES 0 3uly 22, 1986 Page 4 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) Mayor Casler opened the Public Hearing at 6:15 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Doug Avis, one of the four property owners working on the Cannon Road Assessment District, addressed Council stating they have not brought back their project at this time. One issue outstanding was the issue of crossing Macario Creek with a bridge or a fill structure. This responsibility was given back to the four property owners and they are working on this problem. They would prefer a fill crossing, as that would lower the costs by approximately $5 million dollars. He stated the property owners are meeting every Tuesday and should have the documents back to the City shortly. A.3. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, spoke on the CIP, stating the CIP is not impartial because of the two cases submitted. He stated the CIP contains no information on revenue projections, and he questioned the validity of the revenue calculations with regard to the Case I1 scenario. 3im Whittaker, Calavera Hills, addressed Council asking that the community center in Calavera Hills park not be eliminated. Mayor Casler informed Mr. Whittaker the park can not be completed until the City owns the second parcel of land. However, the community center has not been deleted from those plans. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 6:28 p.m. Council comment determined the possibility of the CIP being returned to Council after the November election. Mayor Casler commented on the park projects for next year, stating the $100,000 to revise the Master Plan for Macario Canyon was too high. She felt not much revision was needed to the existing Master Plan and felt that amount should be checked closely. She further commented the traffic signal at El Camino Real and Monroe Street, representing $80,000, should be taken out of the CIP and out of the budget. This will not be in the budget until Elm Avenue has been extended. Also, the signal at Tamarack Avenue and 1-5 will be investigated for later insertion into the budget. Council recommended staff make the appropriate change and prepare the necessary documents for the adoption of the 1986-91 Capital Improvement Program, and the 1986-87 Capital Improvement Budget. a73 -I- - COUNCIL /p % % MEMBERS % 8 Casler )I Pettine r Kulchin r Lewis x> - I ( ( 0 MINUTES 0 /p July 22, 1986 Page 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % $ 99) 14. AB 88707 - Supplement I1 - PHASES I1 AND I11 OF 113) THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON EDUCATIONAL PARK - CT 85- 37/PUD-95/SDP 85-15/CT 85-38/PUD-96/SDP 85-19 - SAMMIS. Mayor Casler stated the applicant has requested this item be continued until August 12, 1986. Council continued this item to the meeting of August Lewis 12, 1986. X Casler Kulchin Pettine DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (96) 15. AB 118713 - DESIGNATION OF ALICANTE ROAD AND EL FUERTE STREET AS THROUGH STREETS. Bob 3ohnson, Principal Civil Engineer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council introduced the following Ordinances: Lewis (one motion) Casler ORDINANCE NO. 3199, AMENDING TITLE IO, CHAPTER 10.28 Pettine OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 10.28.360 REQUIRING STOPS FOR STREETS INTERSECTING ALICANTE ROAD. ORDINANCE NO. 3120, AMENDING TITLE IO, CHAPTER 10.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE REAMENDMENT OF SECTION 10.28.340 REQUIRING ADDITIONAL STOPS FOR STREETS INTERSECTING EL FUERTE STREET. Kulchin X (48) 16. AB f8705 - HOSP GROVE ACQUISITION. City Attorney Vincent Biondo presented this item. Council adopted the following Resolutions: (one motion) Kulchin RESOLUTION NO. 8698, DETERMINING THAT THE PUBLIC Casler INTEREST AND NECESSITY DEMAND THE ACQUISITION AND Pettine x: CONSTRUCTION OF CERTAIN MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS AND MAKING FINDINGS RELATING THERETO. RESOLUTION NO. 8699, APPROVING AN ACQUISITION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND VARIOUS PARTIES FOR HOSP GROVE. RESOLUTION NO. 8700, APPROVING A BOND COUNSEL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND STRADLING, YOCCA, CARLSON & RAUTH FOR THE ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS FOR THE ACQUISITION OF HOSP GROVE. RESOLUTION NO. 8701, REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TO CONSOLIDATE THE BOND ELECTION OF SAID CITY TO BE HELD NOVEMBER 4, 1986, WITH THE STATEWIDE ELECTION TO BE HELD ON SAME DATE. RESOLUTION NO. 8702, APPROVING A STIPULATION FOR ENTRY OF REVISED JUDGMENT IN GROVE APARTMENTS V. CITY OF CARLSBAD . Lewis 2% - T 0 0 MINUTES 3uly 22, 1986 Page 6 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 1290, ORDERING, CALLING, PROVIDING FOR -OF A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON NOVEMBER 4, 1986, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF SAID CITY A PROPOSITION TO INCUR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS BY SAID CITY FOR A CERTAIN MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT AND CONSOLIDATING SAID SPECIAL ELECTION WITH THE STATEWIDE ELECTION TO BE HELD Old SAID DATE. (48) 17. AB #8706 - Supplement #I - CITY GROWTH LIMITATION (77) BALLOT MEASURE. City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated he had revised the wording of the Resolution, as instructed by Council, and Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, would give the report on this item. Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, introduced Phil Carter, stating Mr. Carter had calculated the figures given in this report with the cooperation of 3im Hagaman, Director of Research/Analysis. Phil Carter continued with the report, and with the aid of transparencies, explained the calculations made to arrive at the figures on the Growth Control Map, which was included in the Agenda Bill and displayed on the wall. Attention was called to a computerized map done by SANDAG also showing the numbers used in computing these figures. Transparencies were used to show the current dwelling units per quadrant, a total of 21,121 units. The approved dwelling units by quadrant were shown at 10,298. The remaining dwelling units by quadrant is 23,180. The Growth Control Map therefore contained 33,478 dwelling units. Mike Holzmiller continued the report, pointing out the Growth Control Map on the wall and the growth limitations. The total number of dwellings at buildout would be 54,599, with a population of 134,914. He then explained that the growth control points were developed to make sure the system works. That would mean that future projects would have to "average out" to the control points. Mr. Holzmiller further stated it was important to understand the assumptions used to achieve these figures. A transparency was used and a chart on the wall to show the following, and he explained each assumption. 1. Anticipated land use changes from residential to non-residential. 2. Review of older, existing master plans to apply all new standards to undeveloped portions. 3. Approval of hillside ordinance. 4. No density bonuses. d9 1 - COUNCIL \p 5 3 ?i MEMBERS % 8 Casler Lewis Kulchin Pettine X e MINUTES 0 - -c July 22, 1986 Page 7 ~ ~~~ ~~ DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) 5. No density credit for streets. 6. Future projects may have to be approved below growth control points in order to balance previously approved projects. 7. Closely monitored and reviewed at the time of the annual report. Voter approved refinements. Rezoning and reduction of growth control point. A. 3. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, stated he wished to provide additional support for recommendations made last week to leave this growth measure off of the ballot. Mr. Skotnicki reiterated this would only confuse the voters. He felt the population would triple by some unknown time under this measure, and he could see no relief in the growth of the City and overcrowding. He stated the City Ordinance gives Council total discretion to amend the plan. The current developers will press for maximum density, leaving the future developers to develop the remaining acres. In five or ten years, he felt there would be another initiative on the ballot from Council asking the voters to amend the cap upward. He further stated he did not agree with the statement this measure was not compatible with any other measure that would appear on the ballot. He stated the two measures were compatible. The Citizens' Initiative would adopt a rate at which the units could be constructed, instead of leaving this up to chance. Council Member Lewis stated Mr. Skotnicki had served on the Land Use Committee and was a part of the minority group. He stated he had read the minority reports and recommendations from that group, and with the exception of the time factor, all other recommendations have now been adopted by Council. Mr. Skotnicki agreed that was the only recommendation that had not been adopted. Mayor Casler for the record, reiterated the fact that if the measure was approved by the voters, it could not be amended except by another vote of the people. Mayor Casler stated she would like to have certain words in the measure appear in all caps. She recommended "no development shall be approved" and "without an affirmative vote of the citizens" be all caps . Council recommended the following words be capitalized in the wording on the measure: "NO DEVELOPMENT SHALL BE APPROVED" "WITHOUT AN AFFIRMATIVE VOTE OF THE CITIZENS" Council adopted the following resolution: RESOLULTION NO. 8714, AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OF ITS MEMBERS TO FILE A WRITTEN ARGUMENT REGARDING A CITY MEASURE, with the insertion of the names of Mayor Casler and Council Member Lewis in the blanks. 270 -F CQUNClL /p % 9C MEMBERS % q Casler Lewis XI Pet t ine J Kulchin J ? Casler Lewis x; Kulchin Pettine 7 7 I 7 r I - - ' MINUTES e 3uly 22, 1986 Page 8 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Council determined, as policy, that the growth control points should be applied immediately to all projects not having received tentative maps. Council adopted the following Resolution as amended: RESOLUTION NO. 8703, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 8670 CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1986, TO INCLUDE THE SUBMISSION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A LIMIT ON RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE CITY AND GUARANTEEING PUBLIC FACILITIES WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR ALL NEW DEVELOPMENT IN ACCORD WITH THE 1986 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN. COUNCIL REPORTS: 3AC Mayor Casler reported on the scheduled meeting for tommorrow. She stated the Encina power plant was checked for earthquake damage, and none was found. CLOSED SESSION: - (74) 18. CLOSED SESSION - PERSONNEL MATTER. Council adjourned to a closed session at 7:35 p.m., to discuss personnel matters. Council reconvened at 7:42 p.m., with four Council Members present and Council Member Chick absent. Personnel matters were discussed and no action was taken. AD30URNMENT : By proper motion the Meeting of 3uly 22, 1986, was adjourned at 7:43 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ALETHA u L. RAUTENKRANZ d 4- I City Clerk ~ , ~ Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk ~ ~ HB:tb ~ 2 a9 -" COUNCIL /p 3 % MEMBERS % % Casler Lewis Kulchin X Pettine Casler I Lewis x; Kulchin , Pettine