HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-08-05; City Council; Minutest (50) (23) 0 MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: August 5, 1986 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers ~~~ ~~ CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Casler called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Chick and Pettine. Absent - Council Member Kulchin. INVOCATION was given by Mayor Casler. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Pettine. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (one motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting held 3uly 8, 1986, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held July 15, 1986, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held 3uly 22, 1986, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Casler announced the City Manaaer had requested Item No. 15 be withdrawn from the Agenda. Mayor Casler announced there was a request to speak on Item No. 2. Council Member Pettine requested a negative vote be shown for him on Items No. 3 and No. 5 of the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item No. 2 and No. 15, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB if8715 - REQUEST FOR AUTHORITY TO DESTROY FILES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8715, authorizing the destruction of certain files. 2. AB 1'18716 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC ART SCULPTURE. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. 306 \y 5 COUNCIL % 9A MEMBERS % $ -I Casler Lewis Chick X Pett ine Chick Casler Lewis Chick X Pettine * e MINUTES e (99) (81) (99) (99) (99) (99) (94) (45) (97) I ~ , ~ ~ August 5, 1986 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) I 3. AB /I7592 - Supplement /,9 - FINAL MAP - CT 83-21, UNIT 4. I I Council approved the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract 83-21, Unit 4; Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. - 8717, approving quitclaim of sewer and drainage easements in conjunction with the subdivision; and Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8718, accepting a grant deed conveying an offsite drainage easement and authorized the City Clerk to record a Subordination Agreement. 4. AB 117928 - Supplement 112 - FINAL MAP - CT 81-50 -0 ' GARA . Council approved the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract 81-50. 5. AB 117803 - Supplement 84 - FINAL MAP - CT 84-14, UNIT 3 - TAMARACK POINTE. I Council approved the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract 84-14, Unit 3. 6. AB /I8658 - Supplement /HI - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR CARLSBAD RESEARCH CENTER, UNIT 2 - CT 81-10. I Council accepted the public improvements, authorized the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds appropriately, and directed the Utilities and Maintenance Department to commence maintaining the public streets associated with this subdivision. 7. AB 83123 - Supplement 1/10 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS OF CARRILLO ESTATES - CT 73-29. Council accepted the public improvements, authorized the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds appropriately, and directed the Utilities and Maintenance Department to commence maintaining the public streets, sewer lines, and the temporary sewer lift station and force main associated with this subdivision. 8. AB 118645 - Supplement #I - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR HARDING STREET FLASHING BEACONS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8719, accepting bids, authorizing the execution of Contract No. 3234, and approving transfer of funds. 9. w PROGRAM. Council accepted the 1985-86 Street Overlay Program as complete, and directed the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release the bonds appropriately. 305 COUNCIL y$ 3 9A MEMBERS % <s Pet t ine Pettine MINUTES 0 ~ ~ August 5, 1986 Paqe 3 CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) (26) 10. AB 88495 - Supplement 88 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD WEST ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-1 - REIMBURSEMENT AND CONSULTANT AGREEMENTS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8720, approving reimbursement agreements pertaining to a special assessment district; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8721, approving an agreement with Neste, Brudin & Stone for Assessment Engineering Services. (81) 11. AB 88717 - ACCEPTANCE OF A DRAINAGE EASEMENT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8722, accepting a grant deed for drainage purposes off Venado Street. (99) 12. AB 118718 - FINAL MAP - CT 84-13 - BEARMAN. Council approved the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract 84-13. (99) 13. AB if8719 - FINAL MAP - CT 85-36 - OCEAN VIEW (81) ESTATES. Council approved the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract 85-36; and adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8723, approving quitclaim of a water easement over a portion of Tracts 254 and 255 per map 1681. (99) 14. AB 88720 - FINAL MAP - CT 83-39 - HEMLOCK CONDOS. Council approved the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract NO. 83-39. (74) 15. AB 118721 - MODIFICATION OF PUBLIC SAFETY CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS. This Item was withdrawn from the Agenda. (81) 16. AB /I8722 - APPROVING AN EASEMENT TO THE LEUCADIA (70) COUNTY WATER DISTRICT. .I Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8725, approving an easement to Leucadia County Water District. (29) 17. AB W8625 - Supplement 1i3 - AMENDING THE 1986-87 OPERATING BUDGET. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8726, amending the Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year 1986-87 for the City of Carlsbad. (39) 18. AB 1‘18009 - Supplement f2 - REVISED INVESTMENT POLICY. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8727, revising the City’s Investment Policy. I 3ov 7 COUNCIL /p ?$ 91 MEMBERS % <“JI ~ ($9 1 (96) (99) 0 MINUTES 0 COUNCIL /@( % 9L August 5, 1986 Page 4 MEMBERS % ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: % 2. AB !I8716 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC ART SCULPTURE. Maurice Kimball, 1623 games Drive, addressed Council speaking in opposition to the expenditure of public funds for the piece of sculpture selected by the Arts Commission to be placed at the Safety Center. Mr. Kimball stated his qualifications in the world of art, and stated this was a waste of taxpayers' money to purchase this piece of sculpture, when the money could be better used to fill potholes in the streets. Ted Frye, Member of the Arts Commission, explained the procedure by which this sculpture was selected. Connie Beardsley, Arts Coordinator, read a paragraph regarding the meaning of the piece of sculpture selected, and stated the Arts Commission felt this was a very good selection. Council Member Lewis stated his concern with the selection of this sculpture, stating the first piece of sculpture should represent Carlsbad. Council Member Pettine felt the Commission had done a good job, but the citizens would question the expenditure of public funds for art of this nature. Council continued this item for one week to present it Casler before a full Council. Lewis X Chick Pettine ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 19. AB /I8713 - DESIGNATE ALICANTE ROAD AND EL FUERTE STREET AS THROUGH STREETS. Council adopted the following Ordinances: (one motion) Casler ORDINANCE NO. 3199, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.28 Chick OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 10.28.360 REQUIRING STOPS FOR STREETS Pettine INTERSECTING ALICANTE ROAD. ORDIMANCE NO. 3200, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE REAMENDMENT OF SECTION 10.28.340 REQUIRING ADDITIONAL STOPS FOR STREETS INTERSECTING EL FUERTE STREET. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Lewis x: 20. AB f8723 - APPEAL - MINOR SUBDIVISION 730 - BROOK OLSEN. Mayor Casler announced a request for a continuance of this item. The applicant, Brook Olsen, stated he would prefer to have the matter heard this evening, due to an escrow on the property. This item was continued until August 12, 1986. Casler XI Lewis I Chick r Pettine ) 303 - T- o MINUTES 0 August 5, 1986 Page 5 CQUNCIL y) % MEMBERS .;t PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) (112) 21. AB 118564 - Supplement 112 - WEED ABATEMENT PUBLIC HEARING TO HEAR PROTESTS TO COST ASSESSMENTS. Mike Smith, Fire Marshall, gave the staff report. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:33 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8728, CONFIRMING THE REPORT OF THE FIRE CHIEF SHOWING COST OF WEED ABATEMENT AGAINST EACH PARCEL OF LAND IN SAID REPORT, CONFIRMING THE COST, AND PROVIDING FOR COLLECTTION ON THE REGULAR TAX BILL. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (86) 22. REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL. Mr. Denis Hobson was not present at this time, and Council trailed this item until later in the meeting. (77) 23. AB 118704 - Supplement 112 - LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM MELLO I AMENDMENT, AND EAST BATIQUITOS LAGOON HUNT PROPERTIES AMENDMENT. Charles Grimm, Assistant Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council established a six-week review period to begin August 5, 1986, and end September 16, 1986, during which interested parties may review the proposed Mello I LCP Amendment and East Satiquitos Lagoon/Hunt Properties LCP Amendment (LCP segment); and Council directed staff to prepare a Notice of Availability of the subject documents pursuant to Title 14, Section 13515 of the California Administrative Code. (26) 24. AB 88542 - Supplement 1'13 - BATIQUITOS.LACOON (45) EDUCATIONAL PARK ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-6 - PETITION, ACQUISITION AND WAIVER AGREEMENTS. Ray Patchett, Assistant City Manager, gave the initial staff report, with George Simpson, Project Manager, giving an overview of the project. Council Member Lewis reiterated his opposition to the matter inasmuch as he does not feel Windrose Circle is in the City's circulation system and this is not an appropriate use of an assessment district. Council continued this item until August 12, 1986, for a full Council. 3025 Casler Lewis Chick Pettine Casler Lewis Chick Pet t ine Cas le r Lewis Chick Pettine \ y 8 1 X x: 1 / 7 I 1 I 0 MINUTES 0 \p 5 COUNCIL % % August 5, 1986 Page 6 MEMBERS % % DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) (78) 25. AB /I8724 - SPEED LIMIT ON A PORTION OF CADENCIA STREET. Bob Johnson, Principal Civil Engineer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council introduced the following Ordinance: Casler Lewis ORDINANCE NO. 3201, AMENDING TITLE IO, CHAPTER 10.44 Chick OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF Pettine >. SECTION 10.44.200 TO ESTABLISH THE SPEED LIMIT ON STREET TO RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD. CADENCIA STREET FROM A POINT 500-FEET WEST OF PERDIZ (48) 26. AB /I8725 - INITIATIVE PETITION - CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES IN MACARIO CANYON PARK. City Clerk Lee Rautenkranz gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. James Courtney, 4914 Avila, representing CARA, addressed Council regarding the Macario Canyon Park. He asked Council to adopt the Ordinance into law and put this on the ballot to comply with Prop H and let the voters decide. Council Member Lewis inquired of Mr. Courtney how the $3,500,000 figure was derived and what this included as far as access and other problems that exist in the development of Macario Canyon Park. Mr. Courtney stated this was the best cost estimate, using the present cost figures, for constructing such facilities, and did not include anything other than just the recreation facilities. Dave Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director, gave an update on the inventory of park acreage for community parks and special use areas. A transparency was used to show the fields and park land needed, either available at the present time or in the process of being built. Mr. Bradstreet stated the park land availability and ballfield availability has gone from a minus to a plus situation in Carlsbad at the present t ime . Council Member Lewis stated his objection to the cost factor, stating there had to be access into the park, utilities, sewers, and the question of whether anything could be built at the bottom portion of the park. He added this measure must be on the ballot for the people to vote, but he felt the people should be completely educated as to what they are voting for. 3w * MINUTES 0 COUNCIL /j % ?k Auaust 5. 1986 Panp 7 MEMIBERS % % DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Mayor Casler stated the Parks and Recreation Commission and staff had both stated this was a future project and not an immediate priority. Cannon Road has not been built and preference was given to the other parks and playing fields in order to complete them before anything was started on Macario Canyon Park. She agreed this matter should be placed on the ballot to let the voters decide. However, they should have the information presented by Mr. Bradstreet tonight and the information about the total costs involved in this projects In answer to a question regarding any conflict with the proposed golf course in Macario Canyon, Mr. Bradstreet stated there was. Some of the proposed fairways would be in the middle of the proposed area for the ballfields. There are many land constraints that would be placed on anything in Macario Canyon, and it is questionable just what could be built in certain areas of the wetlands. Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler RESOLUTION NO. 8730, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 8670 Chick CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF THE HOLDING OF THE Pettine MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1986, TO INCLUDE THE SUBMISSION TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING THE CITY TO CONSTRUCT CERTAIN FACILITIES FOR RECREATION IN MACARIO CANYON PARK DURING 1987 AND 1988. It was moved and seconded that the following Casler F Resolution be adopted: Lewis Chick RESOLUTION NO. 8731, AUTHORIZING CERTAIN OF ITS Pettine MEMBERS TO FILE A WRITTEN ARGUMENT REGARDING A CITY MEASURE, with Council Member Lewis and Mayor Casler as the Sub-committee to write the argument for the City. Council Member Pettine stated he preferred to see the argument before making a decision on adding his name to the argument. Council rescinded the motion to adopt Resolution No. Casler X 8731. Lewis Chick Pettine Lewis F Council by consensus, agreed to file Resolution No. 8732. 300 8 MINUTES 0 ~ (48) \y 5 COUNCIL 3 9A August 5, 1986 Page 8 MEMBERS % q DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) 27. AB #8703 - Supplement #I - REVISION TO BALLOT QUESTION - INITIATIVE PETITION BUILDING LIMITATIONN. City Attorney Vincent Biondo presented this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. A.3. Skotnicki, 3535 Bedford Circle, representing Concerned Citizens for Controlled Growth, addressed Council. He stated the wording previously approved, with the requested capitalization, should remain. However, if Council intended to change the wording, they prefer the shorter wording as contained in the Agenda Bill. This would be Resolution No. 8733, with the ten line wording, as follows: "Shall an initiative ordinance be adopted adding Chapter 21.64 to the Carlsbad Municipal Code which would restrict the rate of construction of residential dwelling units in the City for ten years commencing 3anuary 1, 1987 to not more than 1,000 in 1987, 750 units in 1988, and 500 each year thereafter through 1996, with exceptions for the replacement of damaged or destroyed units and for low-income or senior citizen projects". Mr. Skotnicki stated the longer version contained in the alternative Resolution would be confusing and unnecessarily complicated. In answer to Council query as to why he objected to the longer wording, Mr. Skotnicki stated it would not be appropriate, as most citizens would read and study the entire ordinance in the sample ballot. He reiterated his desire to have the wording as simple as possible. Council Member Lewis inquired whether Mr. Skotnicki would object to adding the wording: "The City of Carlsbad shall vigorously defend any challenge to the validity or constitutionality of this Ordinance inasmuch as this ordinance represents the desires of a majority of the voters of Carlsbad.'l Mr. Skotnicki stated he would object to that. Kelly Irving, P.O. Box 2056, stated he felt the entire ordinance should be printed on the ballot. Since it has been stated this is "what the citizens want", put the wording of the entire ordinance and let people vote on it. Mr. Irving stated several times this Citizens' Initiative was a Smith/Pettine measure, and he felt most citizens had not taken the time to read or study the initiative and he would like to see the entire initiative printed on the ballot. Council Member Pettine, for the record, stated he was not a co-author of the initiative; he merely endorsed it m 299 - -7- e MINUTES 0 \$ 5 COUNCIL % 9L Auqust 5, 1986 Paae 9 MEMBERS % $ DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Council adopted the shorter of the two proposed X Lewis versions of the following Resolution: Casler RESOLUTION NO. 8733, AMENDING RESOLUTIONS NO. 8695 AND Pettine 8696 RELATING TO A MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN SAID CITY ON NOVEMBER 4, 1986 BY REVISING THE WORDING OF A QUESTION TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE ELECTORS OF SAID CITY AT SAID ELECTION; with the addition of the following: "The City of Carlsbad shall vigorously defend any challenge to the validity or constitutionality of this Ordinance inasmuch as this Ordinance represents the desires of a majority of the voters of Carlsbad. 'I Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler RESOLUTION NO. 8734, AMENDING RESOLUTIONS NO. 8695 AND Chick 8696 RELATING TO A MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN Pettine SAID CITY ON NOVEMBER 4, 1986 BY REVISING THE WORDING OF A QUESTION TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE ELECTORS OF SAID CITY AT SAID ELECTION. Chick Lewis X (103) 28. AB 118702 - TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. Mayor Casler stated she would like to continue this item for one week. Council continued AB 118702 for one week. Casler Lewis Chick X Pettine (69) 29. AB 1'18726 - PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. Council adopted the following Resolution: X Cas le r Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 8735, REAPPOINTING SHIRLEY DAHLQUIST TO Chick THE CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. Pettine Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler X Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 8736, APPOINTING ANTHONY LAWSON TO THE Chick CARLSBAD PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION. Pett ine (68) 30. AB 117376 - Supplement 1% - APPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION. Council adopted the following Resolution: X Casler Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 8737, APPOINTING 3ULIANNE NYGAARD TO Chick THE FOUNDATION FOR CARLSBAD COMMUNITY CABLE TELEVISION. Pettine a98 (86) I (?#a) * 0 MINUTES August 5, 1986 Page 10 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) 22. REQUEST TO ADDRESS COUNCIL. Mr. Hobson was still not present at this time to address Council. Council filed this item. OFF-AGENDA ITEM: $500 DONATION TO CARLSBAD BOBBY-SOX Council agreed to consider this item. Mayor Casler stated the "American Girls" team had won their division of the Bobby-Sox and would be in the play-offs in Buena Park. The City had been requested to donate $500 toward their expenses. Council agreed to donate $500 to the Carlsbad Bobby- Sox Team. AD30URNMENT: By proper motion the Meeting of August 5, 1986, was adjourned at 8:04 p.m., to Tuesday, August 12, 1986 at 4:OO p.m., in the Library Conference Room. Respectfully submitted, & 2.- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB:tb A93 COUNCIL \p 5 % c' MEMBERS % 9 7 Casler Lewis Chick X Pettine Casler Lewis Chick Pettine X Casler Lewis Chick Pettine X