HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-08-26; City Council; Minutes0 MINUTES 0 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: August 26, 1986 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Casler called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent - None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (one motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 5, 1986, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting held August 12, 1986, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Casler announced the Assistant City Manager had requested Item No. 8 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Council Member Lewis requested Item No. 3 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Council Member Pettine requested Item No. I be removed from the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Items No. 1, 3 and 8, as follows: (40) (45) (26) (45) (84) WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB 118741 - PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - LAS PALMAS PARKING LOT - CITY PR03ECT NO. 3231. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. 2. AB 118496 - Supplement 83 - APPIAN ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRICT IMPROVEMENTS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8766, accepting bids, appropriating funds and authorizing the execution of Contract No. 3167. 3. AB 118742 - PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT MOTORCYCLES. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. 3YY I COUNCIL \j 3 Y? 4 MEMBERS % i*JI Casler xx Lewis X X Pettine X Chick Kulchin Pettine Cas ler Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X X Pettine X i - (97) (45) (97) (45) (70) (97) (45) (99) (113) 0 MINUTES 0 August 26, 1986 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) 4. AB 88560 - Supplement #2 - 1985-86 SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM. Council accepted the work of the 1985-86 slurry seal program as complete, and directed the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds appropriately. 5. AB a8743 - AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF IMPROVEMENTS TO ELM AVENUE EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8768, approving an agreement between the City of Carlsbad and BSI Consultants, Inc. for the design of improvements to Elm Avenue East of El Camino Real. 6. AB #8200 - Supplement 81 - HOLIDAY PARK/EUREKA PLACE IMPROVEMENTS - CITY PROJECT NO. 3140. Council adopted RESOLUTION No. 8769, authorizing the advertisement of bids, approving a supplemental consultant agreement, and authorizing the transfer of funds for Holiday Park/Eureka Place, Contract No. 3140. 7. AB f8707 - Supplement H3 - PHASES TI AND I11 OF 'THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON EDUCATIONAL PARK - CT 85- 37/PUD 95/SDP 85-15/CT 85-38/PUD 96/SDP 85-19 - SAMMIS. ~ . ~~. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8770, approving a 51 lot Tentative Tract Map (CT 85-37) and Planned Unit Development (PUD-95) on property generally located immediately north of Batiquitos Lagoon between Interstate 5 and the AT&SF Railway; and Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8771, approving with conditions a Site Development Plan 85-15 to allow construction of six educational institute buildings, two offic buildings, three research and development buildings and parking spaces within Planning Area "A" of the Batiquitos Lagoon Educational Parak Master Plan generally located on the interior of Windrose Circle just north of Batiquitos Lagoon (Phase I1 of MP-175); and Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8772, approving a 13 lot Tentative Tract Map (CT 85-38) and a non- residential Planned Unit Development (PUD-96) on property generally located immediately north of Batiquitos Lagoon between Carlsbad Boulevard and the AT&SF Railway (Phase I11 of MP-175); and Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8773, approving with conditions a site development plan 85-19 to allow construction of a neighborhood commercial center with 44 apartment units, a tourist commercial center, a 150 suite executive hotel with conference center and 220 hotel suites on property generally located immediately north of Batiquitos Lagoon between Carlsbad Boulevard and the AT&SF Railway (Phase I11 of MP-175). 343 7 \p 5 COUNCIL % I'c MEMBERS % % 0 MINUTES 0 August 26, 1986 Page 3 I CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) 8. AB 88721 - MODIFICATION OF PUBLIC SAFETY CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. l(74) 9. A6 !I8744 - TRANSPORTATION PLANNER 308 CLASSIFICATION. I Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8774, amending the classification plan of the City to adopt the classification of Transportation Planner. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (40) 1. AB /I8741 - PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS - LAS PALMAS (45) PARKING LOT - CITY PROJECT NO. 3231. Council Member Pettine questioned whether this expenditure should be made while the City was leasing this property. John Cahill stated there is not adequate parking at the present time, and the City will be in those offices a minimum of five years. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated within two years, Council will be asked to consider the purchase of that property, inasmuch as there is a purchase option on the property. If the lot is not paved for the parking area, the employees will continue to park on the dirt. I Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8765, APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AUTHORIZING THE ADVERTISEMENT OF BIDS, AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS AT 2075 LAS PALMAS DRIVE, CONTRACT NO. 3231. (84) 3. AB F8742 - PURCHASE OF TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT MOTORCYCLES. Council Member Lewis asked this item to be removed from the Consent Calendar to ascertain whether these motorcycles were the best equipment available for the Traffic Officers. Police Chief Vincent 3imno stated his staff had developed the specifications and all three agencies had bid equipment that would be satisfactory to the Officers in the field. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8767, ACCEPTING A BID AND AUTHORIZING TWO TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT MOTORCYCLES. Ht EXtCUTION OF A PURCHASE ORDER FOR THE PURCHASE OF 34% - COUNCIL /p 3 % MEMBERS % % Casler X Lewis xx X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin Casler xx Lewis X X Pettine X Chick X Kulchin 0 MINUTES 0 - (74) (96) (40) August 26, 1986 Page 4 ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) 8. AB !I8721 - MODIFICATION OF PUBLIC SAFETY CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS. Assistant City Manager Ray Patchett asked to have this item removed from the Consent Calendar because one title was inadvertently left in the Resolution. The title of Police Captain should be deleted from the Resolution on Line 15 of the first page. Attachment E should not be included. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8724, AUTHORIZING THE MODIFICATION OF CERTAIN DESIGNATED PUBLIC SAFETY EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS, deleting the title of Police Captain on line 15, and deleting Attachment E. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION: IO. AB f8737 - REQUEST FOR STOP SIGNS ON LEVANTE STREET AT ROMERIA STREET INTERSECTION. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 3202, AMENDING TITLE IO, CHAPTER 10.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 10.28.370 REQUIRING STOPS ON LEVANTE STREET AT ROMERIA STREET. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 11. AB !I8549 - Supplement #I - CONSULTANT'S FINAL REPORT OF STRATEGIC PLAN AND SPACE NEEDS STUDY OF CARLSBAD CITY HALL AND LIBRARIES. 3ohn Cahill, Project Manager, introduced Michael Feerer, Rob Quigley and Dick Waters, the consultants for the Strategic Plan and Space Needs Study of Carlsbad City Hall and Libraries. The three gentlemen recapped the report that had been submitted to Council previously, giving the recommended City Hall Option No. 4. This recommendation would be to construct a new 96,000 square foot City Hall on another site. The recommended option No. 5 for the Carlsbad City Library, consisted of rennovating and expanding the existing main library and building a new 58,000 square foot La Costa library. Dennis Brandmeyer, 2668 Ocean Street, addressed Council stating he was in favor of option No. 2 for the City Hall Facilities. He objected to Option No. 4, locating the new City Hall at the Safety Center site. He felt the present City Hall site was more acceptable as far as location near the freeway, accessability to the Village Area, and compatibility with the surrounding area. ?Iy/ LJ f/ - \p 5 COUNCIL 3 % MEMBERS % % Casler X Chick X Kulchin X Lewis xx X Pettine Casler X Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X X Pettine 0 MINUTES 0 r August 26, 1986 Page 5 ~ DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) John Mamaux, 1393 Basswood, addressed Council stating the people need other things rather than a new City Hall. Mr. Mamaux stated the selection of the Safety Center Site was erroneous and this would be compounded by putting a new City Hall there. He stated other problems need to be solved first. Mr. Mamaux suggested Macario Canyon might be a feasible site. He also recommended continuing the moratorium beyond September 20, 1986. Council Member Chick questioned the large maintenance and high capital expenditure for the La Costa Library branch, stating there was only 45% of the population in that area. Mr. Waters explained the cost for the La Costa Library did include administrative costs and additional costs that would be for both facilities. Council Member Pettine questioned how the new library building in La Costa would be financed, and staff indicated the Site Committee would bring back a financing analysis when they returned with their report. Council accepted the recommendations for the Carlsbad City Libraries. 1. Approved Library Option 5 as the most appropriate and desirable strategy to address current and future City Library needs; 2. Approved the study's planninq goals and policy actions as the planning basis for the development of future City Library facilities; 3. Directed staff to initiate a site selection study to be returned to the City Council January 1, 1987. Council Member Kulchin stated she could support Recommendations 1 and 2 for the Carlsbad City Hall and Administrative Facilities, but could not support the third item designating the Safety Center as the site for the new City Hall facility. She felt this should be studied and not specifically designated at this t ime . Council Member Pettine stated this was a tremendous capital expense and felt the decision was being asked on limited information. He felt more financial data was needed. Mayor Casler stated she was disappointed with the option presented, inasmuch as she felt moving to another site was an easy way out and did not represent creative thinking on using the existing site. 3 40 - COUNCIL p % 3 MEMBERS % % Casler Kulchin X Lewis xx Pettine Chick X . MINUTES 0 August 26, 1986 Page 6 ~ ~~ DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGERS REPORTS: (continued) City Council rejected the recommendations on the agenda bill listed under Section A, Carlsbad City Hall and Administrative Facilities. Council accepted the Consultants Report subject to the previous actions pertaining to the recommendations in the report. (70) 12. AB #8438 - Supplement 82 - SLOPE STABILIZATION CHANGE ORDER - STAGECOACH PARK. Ray Patchett, Assistant City Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Slides were shown to update the conditions of the park grading at the present time and the slope in question. David McCollom, 966 Olivenhain Road, representing the Olivenhain Water District, addressed Council stating the Water District had stopped using that water line as a result of the soils reports. In response to query, he stated they would look at the possibility of relocating the line. A motion was made and seconded to adopt Resolution No. 8776. Council discussion followed, with the consensus of Council beinq more information was needed before a decision could be made. Council continued this item for two weeks for additional information. RECESS: Mayor Casler declared a recess at 8:03 p.m., and Council reconvened at 8:18 p.m., with all Members present. (79) 13. AB 88745 - SPECIAL EVENTS 1NSURA.NCE. (60) Ruth Fletcher, Purchasing Officer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted Policy No. 37 to formalize liability insurance requirements for all special events held in Carlsbad. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 6080, AMENDING TITLE 5, BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 5.60 ESTABLISHING A REQUIREMENT THAT SPONSORS OR PROMOTERS OF SPECIAL EVENTS OBTAIN LIABILITY INSURANCE NAMING THE CITY AS AN ADDITIONAL INSURED PRIOR TO THE OCCURENCE OF THE SPECIAL EVENT. 339 - i COUNCIL \\ % * % MEMBERS % % Casler Kulchin Lewis XJ Chick Pettine Casler XI Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine t 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 / Casler Lewis F >( Kulchin XX Pettine F Chick Cas ler X Lewis X X Pettine X Chick xx Kulchin Casler X Lewis X Kulchin xx Chick X Pettine X w -I . e MINUTES 0 August 26, 1986 Page 7 ~ ~~~~~ DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) (96) 14. AB M688 - Supplement #I - AWARD OF CONTRACT - (45) TRAFFIC SIGNAL AT FARADAY AVENUE AND EL CAMINO REAL . - John Cahill gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8777, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE FARADAY AVENUE AND EL CAMINO REAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL. (99) 15. AB /18740 - Supplement #I - TENTATIVE MAP AND CONDOMINIUM PERMIT - CT 84-43/CP-302 - CASA LOMAA CONDOS. Council Member Pettine stated he would register a negative vote for the reasons stated at the last meeting . Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8778, APPROVING AN 18 UNIT TENTATIVE 1.5 ACRES ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF LUCIERNAGA STREET, AT THE FIRST UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY EAST OF CEBU STREET. TRACT MAP (CT 84-43) AN CONDOMINIUM PERMIT (CP-302) ON (68) 16. AB 88746 - VOTING DELEGATE - ANNUAAL LEAGUE CONFERENCE. Council appointed Mayor Casler as the voting delegate at the Annual League of California Cities Conference, INFORMATION ITEMS: (85) 17. FINAL REPORT - JUNE, 1986 PUBLIC OPINION SURVEY RESULTS. Joe Reed, 1008 Daisy Avenue, representing Concerned Citizens, spoke regarding the SANDAG report. He expressed the opinion that the survey supported the position of the citizens who processed the initiative petition. (86) CONTINUED ITEM: Mayor Casler announced there was a continued item from the last agenda, but it was not contained in the notebooks. This was the Coronado Bay Bridge Toll Structure. Mayor Casler stated she had given the Council Members copies of the SANDAG report. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8758, SUPPORTING THE CITY OF CORONADO IN URGING THE CALIFORNIA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION TO CONTINUE THE PRESENT TOLL STRUCTURE FOR VEHICLES CROSSING THE SAN DIEGO-CORONADO BAY BRIDGE. 338 T COUNCIL I$ % 9C y MEMBERS % % Casler Chick xx Kulchin X Lewis X X Pettine X Casler X Lewis xx Pet t ine Chick X Kulchin Casler xx Chick X Kulchin X Lewis X X Pettine Casler Chick X Kulchin xx Lewis X X Pettine X 3. . & MINUTES 0 August 26, 1986 Page 8 COUNCIL \! % 3 MEMBERS % % COUNCIL REPORTS: 3AC Mayor Casler reported on the recent meeting. AD30URNMENT: By proper motion the Meeting of August 26, 1986, was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, - @dRT ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB: tb I I 33 3