HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-11-04; City Council; Minutes0 MINUTES 0 (50) (50) (81) (99) (81) Meeting of : CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: November 4, 1986 /p Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COUNCIL % ?i MEMBERS % $ I I1 CALL TO ORDER: I II Mayor Casler called the Meeting to order at 6:Ol p.m. I II ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: I II Present - Council Members Casler, Lewis, Kulchin, Chick and Pettine. Absent - None. INVOCATION was given by Rector Douglas Woodridge of St. Michael's By The Sea Episcopal Church of Carlsbad. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Mayor Casler. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Casler announced the City Manager requested the withdrawal of Item No. 10 from the Consent Calendar for a new staff report. Council Member Pettine requested Item No. 8 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item Nos. 8 and 10, as follow: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. I 1 1 . AB #I8802 - REFUND OF FEES. Council approved the refund of $4,608 to BE1 Motion Systems for overpayment of fees. 2. AB #8803 - REFUND OF FEES. Council approved refund of $39,240 to Pacific Scene for overpayment of fees. 3. AB !I3255 - Supplement 116 - ACCEPTANCE OF DEED FOR ROAD AND TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION PURPOSES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8863, accepting a grant deed conveying an easement for road and traffic signalization purposes south of Palomar Airport Road at the intersection of El Fuerte Street. 4. AB 118804 - ACCESS RIGHTS TO PIRAGUA AND VENADO STREETS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8864, approving a quitclaim returning access rights to Piragua Street and accepting a grant deed relinquishing access rights to Venado Street for Lot 436 of Carlsbad Tract 72-20, Unit 3, II Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine X X X X X X 39 9 I II (41) (81) (45) (81) (45) (55) (99) (45) (99) (55) 0 MINUTES e /p November 4, 1986 Page 2 COUNCIL % 91 MEMBERS % % CONSENT CALENDAR : (continued ) 5. AB 118805 - SETTLEMENT OF DRAKE V. HARGAS, ET AL. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8865, approving settlement of the lawsuit entitled Drake v. Hargas, et al. Case No. N23423. 6. AB B8806 - CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF SAFETY CENTER, PHASE 11. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8866, approving a consultant agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Rob Wellington Quigley and Associates, Architects, for the design development of the Carlsbad Public Service and Safety Center, Phase 11, Project No. 3236. 7. AB W8807 - CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF SAFETY CENTER, PHASE 111. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8867, approving a consultant agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Danielson Design Group for the design of the Carlsbad Public Service and Safety Center, Phase 111, Project No. 3242. 8. AB {I6360 - Supplement #2 - TRASH RATE INCREASE. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. 9. A0 #8808 - PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION CONTRACT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8869, approving the 1986-87 contract for plan checking and construction inspection by Willdan Associates. 10. A0 +I8258 - Supplement #I - TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION - CT 83-12 - BUENA VISTA PARK PLAZA. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. ITEMS WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 8. AB 86360 - Supplement 112 - TRASH RATE INCREASE. Council Member Pettine requested the removal of this item from the Consent Calendar to inquire about the rate index used. 3im Elliott, Finance Director, explained same and noted the method was consistent with the agreement with the firm. Council adopted the following Resolution: Casler xx Lewis X RESOLUTION NO. 8868, REVISING THE REFUSE COLLECTION Kulchin RATES FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. Chick xi X Pett ine X 348 0 MINUTES 0 - November 4, 1986 Page 3 MEMBERS COUNClL \$ % % .. ITEMS WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) (99) IO. AB 118258 - Supplement 81 - TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION - CT 83-12 - BUENA VISTA PARK PLAZA. I I Marty Orenyak, Community Development Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, referring to the additional conditions in his memorandum dated November 3, 1986, to the City Manager. Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, responded to query stating that tentative map extension could be conditioned to comply with the growth management requirements. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8871, APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF TIME CONDITIONS, amended to include the added conditions requiring participation in the formation of an Assessment District for the Rancho del Oro intersection with Highway 78; conformance with the Buena Vista Creek Water Shed Sediment Control Plan; and compliance with the Growth Management Ordinance. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: FOR TENTATIVE MAP NO. 83-12 SUBJECT TO CERTAIN Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine I (57) 11. AB 118784 - Supplement #I - ZONE CHANGES AND (99) MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT - ZC-348, ZC-350, MP-1(C) (113) - HOSP GROVE. (57) 11. AB 118784 - Supplement #I - ZONE CHANGES AND (99) MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT - ZC-348, ZC-350, MP-1(C) (113) - HOSP GROVE. Council adopted the following Ordinances: (one mot ion ) ORDINANCE NO. 98'13, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-348) FROM PC (PLANNED COMMUNITY) TO AND OS (OPEN SPACE 14.7 AC.) GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WEST AND EAST SIDES OF MONROE STREET, SOUTH OF MARRON ROAD ON PARCEL E OF THE HOSP GROVE MASTER PLAN. ORDINANCE NO. 9814, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP TO GRANT A FAMILY) TO OS (OPEN SPACE) GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF JEFFERSON STREET AND MARRON ROAD ON PARCEL F OF THE HOSP GROVE MASTER PLAN. 0-Q (OFF-ICE 3.5 AC.) AND C-2-Q (COMMERCIAL 7.3 AC.) CHANGE OF ZONE (ZC-350) FROM R-1 (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick Pettine ORDINANCE NO. 9815, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9694 (MASTER PLAN MP-?(A)) OF HOSP GROVE ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED SOUTH OF JEFFERSON STREET AND MARRON ROAD ON BOTH SIDES OF MONROE STREET. 393 I X x >. X n X X ;x X X 0 MINUTES 0 - November 4, 1986 Page 4 ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (continued) (96) 12. AB 118800 - STOP SIGNS ON LEVANTE STREET AT NUEVA CASTILLA WAY INTERSECTION. Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 3206, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SECTION 10.28.390 REQUIRING STOPS ON LEVANTE STREET AT NUEVA CASTILLA WAY. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (57) 13. AB 88809 - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, ZONE CHANGE (113) AND LCP AMENDMENTS IN THE SOUTHWEST QUADRANT OF THE CITY - GPA/LU 85-9/ZC-338/LCPA 86-2 - INTE CARLSBAD. Council Member Chick abstained from discussion on this item and left the dias. Charles Grimm, Assistant Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:35 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. John Brand, representing John Lusk, 589 Overland Drive, addressed Council, stating the applicant supported the Planning Commission recommendation. Pat O'Day, 7750 El Camino Real, Engineer, spoke in favor of the zone change on P3 stating this area is not suited for residential use as it is too close to the sewer plant. led Blonski, Pacific Hotel, Area P-2, encouraged Council to approve the recommendations by staff. Jim Hicks, 2910 Managua Place, representing Bankers Life, requested approval. Mr. Hicks asked that parcel P-I be divided and that P-I north be reviewed independent of P-1 south. Joe Gallagher, 1165 Hoover, stated he was the other half of Community Partners. He stated his complete support of staff's position. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 6:42 p.m. Council directed the City Attorney's office to prepare documents approving GPA/LU 85-9 and LCPA 86-2 amending the Mello I1 Local Coastal Plan; and directed staff to forward the Council action to the California Coastal Commission for their consideration; and Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9820, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP AS SHOWN ON EXHIBIT llC" DATED JUNE 30, 1986 FOR PROPERTY BOUNDED BY PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD, INTERSTATE 5, POINSETTIA LAND AND CARLSBAD BOULEVARD, PLUS THE AREA SOUTH OF POINSETTIA LANE GENERALLY KNOWN AS PONTO. 396 -r \y 5 COUNCIL 3 vA MEMBERS % $ Casler Lewis Kulch in Chick x; Pettine 1 1 1 I 1 /, Casler Chick xr Kulchin r Lewis r 1 Pettine r I I I I L i I I 0 MINUTES 0 November 4, 1986 Page 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) Council Member Chick returned to the dias. (113) 14. AB #8810 - ZOHE CHANGE, SPECIFIC PLAN AND (99) TENTATIVE MAP - ZC-331, SP-199, CT 85-17 - COLLEGE BUSINESS PARK. Charles Grimm, Assistant Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Casler opened the public hearing at 6:51 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Bob Ladwig, Rick Engineering, representing the applicant, addressed Council requesting approval of the project . Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 6:52 p.m. In answer to query regarding the status of this applicant with regard to the Growth Management Ordinance, Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, stated staff is working on a zone plan for this zone 5, and the applicant would comply with any requirements of that zone plan. Council introduced the following Ordinances: (one motion) ORDINANCE NO. 9821, APPROVING SPECIFIC PLAN SP-199 FOR THE COLLEGE BUSINESS PARK, A 110 ACRE INDUSTRIAL PARK GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AT THE INTERSECTION OF FUTURE COLLEGE BOULEVARD. ORDINANCE NO. 9822, AMENDING TITLE 21, OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL COQE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP FOR A ZONE INDUSTRIAL ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE WORTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AT THE INTERSECTION OF FUTURE COLLEGE BOULEVARD. Council directed the City Attorney's office to prepare documents approving CT 85-17. CHANGE FROM L-C, LIMITED CONTROL TO P-M, PLANNED DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (70) 15. AB #8Sl1 - CONVERSION OF MONROE TENNIS COURTS TO INDOOR SOCCER FACILITY. Dave Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using transparencies to illustrate the points brought out in the report. Overlays were used to indicate the position of the proposed soccer court over the existing tennis courts. Lynn Chase, Recreation Superintendent, continued the report giving a history of the soccer fields and the number of fields necessary. She also gave a report on the existing tennis courts in the City and the number of courts desired for the population. 395 c \\ 5 COUNCIL 3 % MEMBERS % q Casler )I Chick X) Kulchin r Lewis r r Pettine Casler X Chick x Mulchin > Lewis xx X Pettine I 0 MINUTES 0 November 4, 1986 Page 6 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) games Courtney, 4914 Avila, representing Indoor Soccer of Carlsbad, addressed Council stating this was not a matter of soccer versus tennis. The site used for the indoor soccer field was a neglected area in need of maintenance. He felt the courts could serve more youngsters and adults at no cost to the City if the two courts now being used by tennis players were converted into the indoor soccer facility. Mr. Courtney read from the petition with approximately 100 signatures. This petition was handed to Council. Beth Parks, 1780 Andrea, addressed Council in favor of the requested conversion of the tennis courts. Michael Pancook, 2622 El Carnino Real, addressed Council in favor of the indoor soccer court. Kitty Walker, 4907 Heblina Drive, addressed Council in favor of converting the tennis courts. Robert Faithful, 4933 Avila Avenue, spoke in favor of the conversion. Trenton Knox, 1860 Highridge Avenue, addressed Council in favor of the conversion of the Monroe tennis courts into an indoor soccer court. Ramona Finnila, 4615 Trieste, representing ISOC, spoke in favor of the indoor soccer court, stating the need for this type of facility for the active citizenry of Carlsbad. John Strayer, 2001 Cima Court, representing La Costa 35 Athletic Club, addressed Council in favor of the conversion. Ken De Pesa, 1471 Kurtz Street, President of the Carlsbad Soccer Club, spoke in favor of the indoor soccer facility. Larry Grandy, 2738 Victoria Avenue, spoke as a parent, coach and player, in favor of the indoor soccer facility . Irene Strause, 3291 Highland Drive, addressed Council in opposition to the indoor soccer facility, stating it was not fair to take from one sport group to give to another. She stated she had done research into both sports, and there are no private tennis courts available to the public. She felt the site was inappropriate; the parking would create a problem, and there would be a tremendous impact to the neighborhood as far as noise. She concluded, stating she felt the soccer interests should continue to search to find a more appropriate spot for their court. Clifford Chandler, 3969 Adam Street, addressed Council in opposition to the conversion of the tennis courts, stating he felt the anticipated revenue for the indoor soccer had been over-optimistic. 394 \y 5 COUNCIL 3 ?k MEMBERS % $ a MINUTES 0 November 4, 1986 Page 7 UEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Connie Rifkin, 2521 Via Naranja, representing Women Tennis Players, stated she was speaking for the older women tennis players, and in opposition to the conversion of the tennis courts. Steven Tague, 3819 Skyline Drive, was recognized by Council and spoke in opposition to the conversion of the tennis courts. Karen Hasselo, 3299 Donna Drive, was recognized by Council and spoke in opposition to the request to convert the tennis courts to a soccer court. Saundra Edwards, 3980 Adams, stated to Council she is an adult tennis player and a member of the North County Tennis Association. She stated there are a tremendous number of tennis players needing courts to play tennis in Carlsbad. Carol Anderson, 920 Daisy, addressed Council in opposition to the request to convert the tennis courts to an indoor soccer facility. She recommended that Council consider other alternatives for the indoor soccer facility. She recommended that Council consider other alternatives for the indoor soccer facility. Mark Rifkin, 2521 Via Naranja, addressed Council in opposition to the conversion of the tennis courts. Council Member Kulchin stated her support of the Parks and Recreation Commission recommendation, stating that something is needed now. Council denied the request to convert two additional Monroe tennis courts to an indoor soccer facility, and emphasized Council's desire that the Parks and Recreation Department look for a new site for the indoor soccer facility. RECESS : Mayor Casler declared a recess at 8:36 p.m., and Council reconvened at 8:44 p.m., with all Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) (99) 16. AB #8723 - Supplement 83 - TENATIVE PARCEL MAP MS-730 (A) - BROOK OLSEN. .. Dave Hauser, Assistant City Engineer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Marty Orenyak, Community Development Director, in answer to query, stated the staff work is not complete on the rural designation project. The report should be completed within sixty days. 393 - COUNCIL /v 3 PC MEMBERS % q Casler X Lewis xx Pettine X Chick Kulchin X a MINUTES 0 November 4, 1986 Page 8 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Brook Olsen, 3910 Sierra Morena, addressed Council stating the extra footage has been obtained and the roof lines have been dropped down to the level of Adams Street. Therefore, he requested approval of this project. Mr. Olsen continued, stating Engineering had requested a storm drain crossing at the end of his property. This does not take water from any property around Adams and the water at that crossing does not come across ?4r. Olsen's property. He requested that condition be dropped from the tentative map or attached with a future improvement agreement. Lee Alton, 4380 Adams Street, addressed Council stating he was in favor of bonds for the curbs, gutters and drains, but not bonds for the sidewalks. He suggested a temporary policy deleting the sidewalks until consideration of Adams Street as a rural area is completed. There was a discussion about the drainage problem, and it was clarified by Mr. Hauser that Engineering was merely asking for an inlet to tie into the existing storm drain. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8870, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS A TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF ADAMS STREET AND HOOVER STREET, with the provision that if Adams Street is declared a rural area, the conditions for improvements will be reviewed for compliance. OFF-AGENDA ITEM: (32) Mayor Casler distributed copies of a letter from Mayor Margaret Schlesinger, Mayor of the City of Solana Beach, to the Council Members. Council agreed to discuss this off -agenda item regarding the Coastal Commission Authority not superseding the City's authority to impose a moratorium on development. Mayor Casler explained the letter from Mayor Schlesinger asked for support for the City of Solana Beach's position that a city moratorium should not be under the jurisdiction of the Coastal Commission. Council Member Chick stated he could not support this request, inasmuch as he has not had time to study the matter. Council expressed support for the position of the City of Solana Beach regarding their position that a moratorium should not be under the jurisdiction of the Coastal Commission. 39& COUNCIL \p % 3 % t MEMBERS % $ -l Casler Lewis Kulchin Chick X Pettine Casler Kulchin Lewis X Pett ine Chick Casler Mulchin Lewis X Pettine Chick - a MINUTES a \p 5 November 4, 1986 Page 9 COUNCIL % %’ MEMBERS % $ ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the Meeting of November 4, 1986, was adjourned at 9:14 p.m., to Wednesday, November 12, 1986, at 5:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ll”L k.- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB: tb 39/