HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-12-09; City Council; MinutesP- o MINUTES a (81) (45) (97) (45) (74) (72) Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: December 9, 1986 \p 5 Place of Meeting: Public Safety Center COUNCIL % 9L. MEMBERS % % CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken as follows: Present - Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine and Mamaux. Absent - None. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, X Kulchin as follows: Lewis Pett ine M amaux WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB fi8119 - Supplement 835 - NOTICES OF COMPLETION FOR FIVE CONTRACTS AT CARLSBAD SAFETY AND SERVICE CENTER. Council accepted the contractual responsibilities of five contractors as being complete and directed the City Clerk to have the Notices of Completion recorded and to release bonds appropriately. 2. AB 88282 - Supplement #2 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION " - FOR CONSTRUCTION OF FARAmVENUE. Council accepted the construction of Faraday Avenue from Palmer Way to Orion Way as complete; directed the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion; authorized the Purchasing Officer to increase the purchase order by $12,896.80 to enable payment of the final project costs; and authorized the Director of Finance to close the project upon payment of all costs and claims. 3. AB #8827 - RECLASSIFICATION OF- CLERK TYPIST I TO SECRETARY I. Council. adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8896, reclassifying the position of Clerk Typist I in the Fire Department to Secretary I. "- ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 4. AB f8824 - NO PARKING ZONE ON PALISADES DRIVE. Council adopted the following Ordinance: X M amau x OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF x Pettine ORDINANCE NO. 3207, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.40 X) Kulch in 1 Lewis SECTION 10.40.060 TO DECLARE A "NO PARKING" ZONE ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF PALISADES DRIVE FROM TAMARACK AVENUE TO A POINT SIXTY FEET NORTH OF THE MOST NORTHERLY INTERSECTION OF DRIFTFOOD CIRCLE. 4345 0 MINUTES 0 December 9, 1 986 Page 2 MEMBERS COUNCIL \ . ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (continued) 5. AB {I8825 - AMENDMENTS TO CITY COUNCIL'S PROCEDURES TO COMPLY WITH NEW BROWN ACT LEGISLATION. Council Member Kulchin stated she would prefer the fifteen-minute period for the public to address items of interest be placed at the beginning of the meeting, rather than the end. Council concurred. Council adopted the followin5 Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 1292, AMENDING .TITLE 1, CHAPTER 1.20 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT AND ADDITION OF VARIOUS SECTIONS TO REVISE THE CITY COUNCIL PROCEDURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NEW BROWN ACT LEGISLATION. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: I_ 6. AB 88828 - P.U.C. APPLICATION FOR BRIDGE OVER - AT&SF RAILWAY AT AVENIDA BATIQUITOS. City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the report as contained in the Agenda Bill. In answer to query, Assistant City Attorney Ron Ball stated there is no time limit on the Indemnity Agreement . Council adopted the following Resolutions: (one mot ion ) RESOLUTION NO. 8897, AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION BY THE CI-TY TO THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING CONSTRUCTION OF THE SEPARATION STRUCTURE OVER THE MAIN LINE TRACKS OF THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY AT AVENIDA BATIQUITOS. RESOLUTION NO. 8898, APPROVING A SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN SAMMIS PROPERTIES AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAO FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE AVENIDA BATIQUITOS BRIDGE OVER THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILROAD. RESOLUTION NO. 8899, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN ATCHISON, TOPEKAD SANTA FE RAILWAY COMPANY AND THE SEPARATION STRUCTURE OVER THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILROAD AT AVENIDA BATIQUITOS. cm OF CARLSBAD FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GRADE Lewis Kulchin Pett ine M amau x Lewis Kulchin Pett ine M amau x I 42l-I \ @ p 3 X X 1 I 0 MINUTES 0 (37) (76) COUNCIL \v % Yb q December 9, 1986 Page 3 MEMBERS % % 3OINT MEETING WITH PLANNING COMMISSION 7. AB 1#8829 - JOINT CITY COUNCILjPLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. Mayor Lewis called the Joint Meeting of the City Council and Planning Commission to order with Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine and Mamaux present, and Planning Commission Members Schlehuber, McFadden, Marcus, Hall, McBane and Schramm present. Commissioner Holmes was absent. Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, detailing the contents of his memorandum to the City Manager dated December 3, 1986. Council Member Kulchin stated she wanted it on the record that she was opposed to subsidizing developers for zone plans. Mike Holzmiller answered Council Member Kulchin's concern, saying if it is necessary to acquire outside help, it will be taken out of the fee paid by the developer. There will be no cost to the citizens. Mike Holzmiller stated there will be a detailed workshop with the Planning Commission in 3anuary to familiarize them with the process of the zone plans. Also, the manual will be printed and available for anyone preparing plans. Ear. Holzmiller continued his report referring to Exhibits B, C, D, E and F, and describing the other sections of the report. Mayor Lewis asked about minority reports being given to Council on Planning Commission items along with majority reports. He stated when a controversial item has been discussed and there is a split vote, he would like to have a full report of the discussion held at Planning Commission in order to know and understand the reasons behind the split vote. He felt this would help the Council in making a better decision. Council Member Pettine agreed. Council requested that in the future, on Planning Commission items, they wish to receive in their Agenda Bill a copy of the portion of the Planning Commission minutes for the item. Council Member Mamaux stated he had not seen or heard anything about the deficiencies impacting the different districts, such as major arterials, roads, etc. If these deficiencies were not solved, all planninu would be to naught. Xlts13 a - 0 e NUTES December 9, 1986 Page 4 JOINT MEETING WITH PLANNING COHHISSION: (continued) Mike Holzmiller stated the deficiencies will be identified, plans prepared and solutions to those would have to be a part of the zone plans as they are submitted. Council Member Mamaux stated they may not be addressed if they wait until all zone plans are submitted. Mr. Holzmiller stated certain facilities are city-wide, and if deficient, those will be addressed. Some facilities are looked at on a quadrant basis, i.e., parks and circulation to an extent. Staff cannot review a plan in that quadrant without addressing a specific problem. For example, in the southeast quadrant, nothing can be approved without addressing the La Costa Avenue problem. ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion the Meeting of December 9, 1986, was adjourned at 7:56 p.m. Respectfully submitted, w $d?w - ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB: tb VWJ \v 5 COUNCIL % 9C MEMBERS % a