HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-12-16; City Council; MinutesY ,. - (50) (70) (45) (77) (44) (45) (57) 0 MINUTES 0 Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: December 16, 1986 Place of Meeting: Public Safety Center CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the Citl Clerk, as follows: Present - Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine and Mamaux. Absent - None. INVOCATION was given by Monsignor Raymond Moore of St. Patrick's Catholic Church. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (one motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 2, 1986, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting held December 4, 1986, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: City Manager Frank Aleshire asked that Item No. 4 be withdrawn from the Agenda. Mayor Lewis asked that Item No. 2 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Items No. 2 and 4, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meetinq. 1. AB 118831 - REFUND OF FEES. Council approved the refund of $41,269 to La Costa Hotel and Spa for overpayment of fees. 2. AB 118484 - Supplement 114 - COASTAL CONSERVANCY GRANT AND AWARD OF SUPPLEFIENTAL ITEMS FOR CARLSBAD BOULEVARD SEAWALL. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. 3. AB #8832 - AMENDING AGREEMENTS FOR CONSULTING SERVICES - GROWTH MANAGEMENT PROGRAM. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8911, approving the amended agreements for Growth Management Consulting Services. 4. AB #8380 - Supplement #I - REVISED HOUSING ELEMENT. This item was removed from the Agenda. 43b c y 5 COUNCIL ?$ 9A MEMBERS % q Lewis Kulchin Pett ine Mamaux > Lewis Kulchin Pett ine r. M amau x 0 * NUTES 0 - - , December 16, 1986 Page 2 ITEM WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (70) 2. AB 88484 - Supplement f4 - COASTAL CONSERVANCY (45) GRANT AND AWARD OF SUPPLEt4ENTAL ITEMS FOR CARLSBAD BOULEVARD SEAWALL. Mayor Lewis stated he removed the item from the Consent Calendar in order to get a staff report on the expected completion for the project. In response, the City Manager explained the provisions of the contract with regard to the construction schedule, the penalty clause, and the possibility of a bonus payment to the contractor for early completion. Council adopted the following Resolutions: (one mot ion ) RESOLUTION NO. 8909, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA COXCONSERVANCY ACCEPTING GRANT FUNDS TO CONSTRUCT BEACH ACCESS FACILITIES FOR THE CARLSBAD BOULEVARD SEAWALL, PROJECT NO. 3185. RESOLUTION NO. 8910, AWARDING SUPPLEMENTAL ITEMS TO EXIS.rING CONTRACTOR, MARATHON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE CARLSBAD BOULEVARD SEAWALL PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE INCREASE OF PURCHASE ORDER NO. 2615 THE AMOUNT OF THE SUPPLEMENTAL AWARD. PROCLAMATION: Mayor Lewis presented a Proclamation to Captain William Hill commending his completion of 30 years of employment with the City of Carlsbad. PUBLIC HEARING: (92) 5. AB f8833 - ENCINA WAIVER FROM SECONDARY TREATMENT. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated the City has been receiving numerous requests from citizens and others to give consideration and air publicly the issue of the Secondary Waiver for the Encina Plant. This hearing is to receive public testimony and hear a presentation from Encina representatives as to the issues. Mr. Aleshire stated the City Council does not have the power to stop the situation that now exists. Carlsbad is one of six different agencies that jointly own the waste water treatment plant, and has only 25% of the vote. The City Council cannot dictate what the Encina Water Pollution Control Facility does with regard to waste treatment standards. The two voting delegates from the City of Carlsbad can only make a position statement at the Board of Director's meeting. Rick Graff, Encina Manager, spoke first, indicating the presentation tonight would be by Mr. Alan Thum, Dr. 3ack Anderson and Mr. Graff. Mr Graff's comments were attached to the Agenda Bill as Exhibit C, giving the outline of the treating capacity of Encina Plant, describing its location, and explaining the sludge produced by primary and secondary treatment. 43/ -.r \y 5 COUNCIL % ?L MEMBERS % $ Lewis Kulchin X Mamaux Pettine <- e MINUTES 0 y December 16, 1986 Page 3 COUNCIL ?$ 9c MEMBERS % <s PUBLIC HEARING: (continued) Alan Thum discussed the first year monitoring program at Encina. Mr. Thum used slides to indicate the figures derived from a field study. He described such problems as discharge from local creeks, warm water, red crabs, etc. He recommended that monitoring should be continued and interpreted on a regional basis regardless of the waiver level of waste water treatment. He stated secondary treatment does not remove all viruses. It is not known how good secondary treatment is on long term impacts, and he felt they should be considering the long term effects. He commented the treatment at the present time is close to secondary treatment. Dr. 3ack Anderson continued the report stating he conducted studies on the coastal zone of California and helped determine the impacts of man's inputs. These studies are not so specific as to be monitoring the outfall or looking for problems of storm water runoff. He indicated that subsurface and near-bottom tests show no change in the sedimentation. Rick Graff concluded the report stating the recent stock-piling of sludge for over two weeks occurred because they were stopped from using the San Pasqual Valley Disposal. The Regional Board said to stop using that disposal until they received another permit. On December 1'1, 1986, the County not if ied Encina the sludge would be accepted at Otay. They will take five loads a day until the stockpile is removed. Mr. Graff stated it would be six months before Encina could use the San Pasqual Disposal area. Mr. Graff said the advanced primary treatment is a settling process used to remove larger waste particles and secondary treatment involves the use of microorganisms to consume waste. Mr. Graff stated it would cost $440,000 more annually to go from advanced primary treatment to secondary treatment. He determined finally the cost would be approximately $2.44 per person per capita more, or an approximate cost to a household of an additional $6.00 per year. Mayor Lewis stated according to the report there was not a health factor involved in the advanced primary treatment, nor a danger to surfing. Mr. Graff stated there was no indication of any problems. The bottom line on their monitoring has indicated there is no violation of quality with the present discharge. Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 7:30 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. 430 - 0 MINUTES 0 December 16, 1986 \$i % Page 4 COUNCIL 3 % MEMBERS % % PUBLIC HEARING: (continued) Howard Greenebaum, 289 Hygeia Court, representing the Sierra Club, handed two exhibits to Mayor Lewis, and stated he wished to speak in opposition to the waiver. The exhibits were papers from the San Diego Regional Symposium on sewage. Also, there was a petition from Dr. Faye to the State Board of Resources Control Board. Mr. Greenebaum stated Dr. Faye had explained in detail the serious damage to marine life from advanced primary level treatment and the document contained the testimony given by Dr. Faye at the Symposium. Mr. Greenebaum stated when Mr. Thum went through his presentation, he made a statement that monitoring at the present time does not address long term effects. This is one of the things Dr. Faye has studied, and it is quite damaging to marine ecology. Mr. Greenebaum stated other areas convert sludge into fertilizer. He recommended the Encina Plant convert to secondary treatment as soon as possible, and put forth a serious effort to save the residents from astronomical water bills. He stated millions of gallons of water are being wasted on a daily basis. By using reclaimed water, water bills could be reduced. Thomas Smith, 2303 Ocean Street, representing Concerned Citizens of Carlsbad, stated they had taken no position on this issue. The members are in sympathy with the people here. They do want to continue the monitoring system. Mr. Smith stated he wanted to speak about the area north of the Encina area and south Carlsbad beach. These are both very sensitive areas. To the south is Batiquitos Lagoon, and lead, mercury and other chemicals can build up and eventually end up in the kelp beds. He felt medical problems would also result from this buildup. games Hatfield, Physician at Encinitas Scripps Hospital, spoke in opposition to the Secondary Waiver, stating the €PA standards showed the Encina waste water was safe, but he wondered if this was what everyone wanted for their families. He stated not all the information is available, and he urged consideration, for health reasons, to returning to secondary treatment. Dr. Hatfield stated at Scripps Hospital a petition had been circulated among the personnel, with 85 physicians and 105 of the personnel feeling the position of the waiver constituted a health risk. Jim Watson, 3283 Lincoln Street, spoke in opposition to the Secondary Waiver, stating he was an ordinary citizen and aware that Carlsbad was making a valiant effort to upgrade the entire City. He felt that upprading should continue with the sewage standards for the small amount of $6.00 per household per year. 4 a9 I- - 0 MINUTES 0 December 16, 1986 Page 5 ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~- ~~~ - PUBLIC HEARING: (continued) Mayor Lewis asked Mr. Watson whether there was any difference in the surfing. Mr. Watson stated there was a noticeable change in two or three areas. He stated he was not certain the reason for the difference, and perhaps it was in the area of the outfall from the creeks. Mary Melideo, 159 Hemlock Avenue, President of the Woman's Club of Carlsbad, spoke in opposition to the Secondary Treatment Waiver. She presented a petition containing 11 pages of signatures, and urged the City Council to use every effort to have the secondary treatment reinstituted. Mrs. Melideo stated this would reduce the contamination of the coastal waters and make the beaches safe for residents and visitors. At the present time, Encina is pumping over 60,000 million gallons of sewage to the Carlsbad beaches. This is bacteria, live viruses and toxins. The cost for secondary treatment would be minimal and she requested full treatment be reinstated as soon as possible. Mariam Nichols, 2380 Alta Vista Drive, Vista, representing the Woman's Club of Vista, spoke in opposition to the Secondary Waiver at Encina, reading from a resolution adopted by the Woman's Club of Vista. Ms. Nichols stated the advance primary treatment allows 100 virus particles to exist in the ocean water for weeks, while secondary treatment removes that. She stated sludge remaining after the present treatment cannot be put in the landfills, but with secondary treatment could be sold as soil conditioner. A copy of the resolution was presented to the City Council. RECESS: Mayor Lewis called a recess at 8:03 p.m., and Council reconvened at 8:13 p.m., with all Members present. PUBLIC HEARING: (continued) Mayor Lewis announced Council had a lot of input prior to this meeting, plus all the speakers that have already expressed their opposition to the secondary waiver. Council Member Pettine stated perhaps some speakers might waive their opportunity to speak if the Council could make a motion. He made a motion for the City Council to support Encina Waste Facility's return to full Secondary Treatment and to request 3AC representatives to lobby the other members of the Joint Powers Committee to do the same. 4 28 c COUNCIL y 3 94 MEMBERS % 9 %. - - e MINUTES a /v -ecember 16, 1986 Page 6 COUNCIL % 9A MEMBERS % 8 PUBLIC HEARING: (continued) Council Member Mamaux stated he would like to amend the motion to coordinate with the Secondary Treatment, intelligent sludge disposal. Council Member Pettlne agreed to the amendment and Council Member Mamaux seconded the motion. Council supported the return of the Encina Water Lewis Pollution Control Facility to full secondary treatment Kulchin in coordination with an intelligent sludge disposal Pettine x system. Council also instructed their 3AC Mamaux representatives to lobby other members of the Joint Powers Committee to support this return to secondary treatment. Nancy Steiner, Newport Beach, thanked Council for their action taken tonight and expressed the hope the Encina Plant would return to secondary treatment as soon as possible. Nancy Reed, Friends of Leucadia, thanked Council for their action. Dennis Brandmeyer addressed Council and stated the dumping of the sludge on the ground is very damaging to the underground water and dangerous. He spoke about the feasibility of turning that into humus. A1 Mendoza, 2870 Highland Drive, added his approval of Counc i 1 act ion. Richard Mac Manus, 2745 Jefferson, representing the People for Clean Ocean, stated his appreciation for the stand of the City Council. He urged Council Members to take an active part in convincing the other members of the 3oint Powers to join with Carlsbad in insisting on the return to secondary treatment. Thomas Pratte, The Surfrider Foundation, P.O. Box 2704 886, Huntington Beach, thanked the Council for their position taken tonight. Virginia Thompson, 330 Chestnut Avenue, presented a petition with signatures from residents in the area who are concerned. She stated Carlsbad should take the leadership role for putting the Encina Plant in Carlsbad on the full Secondary Treatment list. Conrad Laycoff, 1835 Florissant, stated there is a problem with the sludge and he felt they could take the sludge in the springtime and give it to the growers rather than taking it to the Otay Landfill. Also, the developers could use this sludge as landfill. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 8:28 p.m. y 21 '. 1 ** * MUNUTES @ y$ December 16, 1986 Page 7 COUNCIL 3 yL MEMBERS % 8 ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion the Meeting of December 16, 1986, was adjourned at 8:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ALETHA -4- L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB: tb 4 zb