HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-01-06; City Council; Minutes0 0 MINUTES (81) (99) (44) (93) (45) (74) (74) ( January 6, 1987 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) 4. AB #8845 - QUITCLAIM OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT - CARLSBAD TRACT NO. 85-8 -MEADOWCREST. - I Council adopted RESOLUrION NO. 8930, approving quitclaim for drainage purposes over a portion of Parcel 1 of Parcel Map No. 13900, located at the intersection of Alga Road and Xana Way. 5. AB f8846 - CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF THE HOME PLANT SEWAGE PUMP STATION. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8931, approving a consultant agreement for the design of the Home Plant Sewage Pump Station, Project No. 3183. 6. AB f8847 - AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR ACCOUNTANT. ~~ Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8932, amending the classification plans of the City to revise the classification of Accountant. 7. AB #8848 - AMENDING THE MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN AND COUNCIL POLICY NO. 36. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. 174) 8. AB 1!8849 - RECLASSIFICATION OF CAPTAIN- SPECIALIST/FIRE MARSHALL TO BATTALION CHIEF/FIRE MARSHAL. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8934, amending the Fire Department Budget, changing the Fire Marshal's compensation classification for Captain-Specialist to Fire Battalion Chief, and increasing the fire prevention division salaries and benefits budget for the remainder of fiscal year 1986-87. ITEM WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (74) 7. AB 118848 - AMENDING THE MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN AND COUNCIL POLICY NO. 36. Council Member Mamaux stated he would like the City Manager to explain the Management Compensation Plan. City Manager Frank Aleshire gave the report on the Management Compensation Plan as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council Member Mamaux noted the difference between salary range of the City Manager and City Attorney, and questioned why the Assistant City Manager and the Assistant City Attorney ranges are identical. Mayor Lewis stated it was a result of the Council sub-committee recommendation during development of the Plan. 10 - \p 5 COUNCIL % 3 MEMBERS % f I 0 e MINUTES January 6, 1987 Page 3 1 ITEM WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (cent inued ) Council Member Mamaux stated his preference for a listing of the management employees who receive a merit increase. He felt this should be part of the public record. Council Member Mamaux requested Resolution No. 8933 be amended on Page 2, Section B, to include: The City Manager will provide a report to City Council on the persons receiving a merit increase. - "." " I Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8933, AMENDING THE MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN AND COUNCIL POLICY 1/36. Amended in Section B of Page 2 to include the following: The City Manager will report to City Council the names of all persons receiving a merit increase. I ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: (114) 9. AB W8817 - REVISIONS TO THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE -2CA-195 - CITY OF- CARLSBAD. 1 Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 9823, AMENDING TITLE 21 , CHAPTER 21.45 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO AMEND VARIOUS PROVISIONS OF THE PLANNED DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. (57) IO. AB C8837 - Supplement 111 - LOCAL COASTAL PLAN AND (77) GENERAL PLmMENDMENT -LCPA 86-1/GPA/LU 86-8 - (113) CITY OF CARLSBAD. Council adopted the following Resolutions and Ordinance: (one motion) RESOLUTION NO. 8935, AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN TO BRING THE DESIGNATIONS ON THE GENERAL PLAN MAP, ZONING MAP, AND LOCAL COASTAL PLAN MAP IN CONFORMANCE ON PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD . RESOLUTION NO. 8936, AMENDING THE CARLSBAD LOCAL COASTAL PLAN. ORDINANCE NO. 9825, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP INTO CONFORMTrY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN AND LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM LAND USE DESIGNATION. Mayor Lewis requested Item No. 13 he taken out of order and considered at this time, and Council Members concurred. 9 - \p 5 COUNCIL % ?k MEMBERS % f Lewis Kulchin Pett ine Mamaux X Lewis Kulchin M amau x Pettine x Lewis Kulchin Pettine x: Mamaux 0 0 3anuary 6, 1987 MINUTES Page 4 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: " (102) '1 3 . AB #8850 - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD TRUCK TRAFFIC. Mayor Lewis stated Council Member Kulchin and he had met with the San Marcos representatives this afternoon for several hours and had reached a compromise that he thought was workable. Mayor Lewis stated when he and other Council Members attend public meetings in the community, they cannot take a stand for Council. at that time. They are only there for input. Mayor Lewis read the Tentative Agreement as follows: "TENTATIVE AGREEMENT RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD TRUCK ROUTES 1. Carlsbad will allow northbound truck traffic on Rancho Santa Fe Road when the bypass loop is open north of La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road south of La Costa is rebuilt. No southbound truck traffic would be allowed on Rancho Santa Fe Road. Carlsbad will make a good faith effort to have the bypass loop open by April 30, 1987 by, "fast tracking" the project. 2. San Marcos will agree not to arbitrarily impose a fee if the project is substantially completed on April 30, 1987. San Marcos will agree to allow northbound trash truck traffic to travel through San Marcos. 3. County Board of Supervisors will be asked to contribute additional funding to be offered as a bonus incentive to the contractor to expedite construction of the loop." Mayor Lewis stated he would like Council to consider this compromise and also have staff come up with the final solution, fast tracking this and making certain it is the right track. Council to be given up-to-date reports, so the project can be completed as quickly as possible. Council Member Pettine asked about the traffic signals, and Council Member Kulchin stated this had been discussed and four traffic signals had been recommended. Also, the concept of signing had been discussed. Council Member Mamaux stated he wanted to reiterate this was a temporary solution. The "fast tracking" should also be done on the permanent solution. 8 - \v 5 COUNCIL "0 A 559 MEMBERS Z. q i e 0 MINUTES January 6, 1987 Page 5 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Jack Spirit, 3340 Cadencia Street, addressed Council stating he had not seen the Willdan study and he referenced the Mayor's letter of last October which stated Rancho Santa Fe Road was an unwanted and inadequate road. He questioned how San Marcos tried to put an additional fee on trash trucks, and not on all trucks. Mr. Spirit stated he could not understand how Rancho Santa Fe road could now become an adequate and desirable road. Mr. Spirit stated the temporary solution would not solve the problem. Mayor Lewis explained that the Daon Corporation will have an opportunity to build the road under the Growth Management Plan. This temporary agreement will not resolve all of the problems, but it is a stop-gap situation until a permanent solution can be obtained. Eventually, Rancho Santa Fe Road will be six lanes, but that will not be for some time. Mayor Lewis stated when Rancho Santa Fe is a fully improved six lane highway, it may become a truck route, but not at the present time. Mr. Spirit stated he felt the public should have time to look over this agreement in order to give intelligent input. He suggested a 15-minute recess to review exactly what the Mayor had explained. At this time Mr. Mannen again explained the entire process, including the agreement that had been reached and the routes that would be used. The truck route on Rancho Santa Fe Road would allow northbound trucks only -- no southbound. The trucks will not be allowed on this road until the bypass loop has been constructed and the construction on the south portion of Rancho Santa Fe Road is completed. The City of San Marcos was told this would be completed by >April 30, 1987. San Marcos wants it done as soon as possible. The County has been proposing to provide funding to help construct the bypass. The bypass construction will cost approximately $200,000 and will take approximately 60 to 90 days. The County has also offered bonus money for the contractor to hopefully get the bypass built in a shorter time. Mr. Mannen stated a signal light has been proposed at Mision Estancia and Rancho Santa Fe. A signal at Calle Barcelona is beinq studied to see whether the warrants necessary to install that signal are present. Also, a signal has been recommended at the intersection of Cadencia and Rancho Santa Fe Road, along with warning lights because of the configuration of the intersection, speed of traffic in the area and safety concerns of the citizens. In addition, the Traffic Engineer is preparing a report for the Traffic Safety Commission for a signal at the intersection of Melrose and Rancho Santa Fe Road. 3 - I /y 5 COUNCIL % ?k MEMBERS % 4 I II) 0 January 6, 1987 MINUTES Page 6 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) San Marcos will take their share of the truck traffic, but they will not be getting the extra trucks through their city due to Carlsbad prohibition of trucks. All parties feel everyone is doing a fair share to solve the transportation problem. In answer to Council query, staff stated Willdan had completed a study which was funded by the developer in connection with the Assessment District. The study looked at the alignments for Rancho Santa Fe Road north of La Costa Avenue. Three recommendations were made by Willdan at that time. Daon made another recommendation that was shown on an exhibit. This recommendation by Daon was for an alignment further east than the old abandoned right-of -way. This would be far away from the existing development, and any future development would be buffered by the setbacks, sound barriers, etc. Joseph W. Booth, 3351 Del Rio Court, spoke representing his family, stating he lives below Rancho Santa Fe Road and has a problem with the noise and the traffic. Mr. Booth had two recommendations: one, take the traffic from La Costa Avenue and Rancho Santa Fe Road above Cadencia Street, which would eliminate the need for a light there. He stated the old Rancho Santa Fe Road has two lanes, and he suggested closing the current Rancho Santa Fe Road above Cadencia Street and at La Costa Avenue. This would eliminate the problems, if Rancho Santa Fe Road was closed at La Costa Avenue. His second proposal was when the six lane road goes in, open Rancho Santa Fe Road at Cadencia Street for southbound traffic; and closed at La Costa Avenue. No one could travel north on Rancho Santa Fe Road, and would have to take the bypass. The only people southbound on Rancho Santa Fe Road would be the residents in the area. Where old Rancho Santa Fe Road meets Rancho Santa Fe Road, the temporary road should be kept as far away as possible from the houses. Jim Popovich, 7436 Trigo Lane, addressed Council stating he recommended Council consider improving old Rancho Santa Fe Road for re-routing all types of traffic and connect old Rancho Santa Fe Road with existing Rancho Santa Fe Road north of Cadencia Street. He further stated Rancho Santa Fe Road north of Cadencia Street and south of old Rancho Santa Fe Road should be closed. Rancho Santa Fe Road would be closed from La Costa Avenue to a point past Cadencia Street, and that would be a residential area with no truck traffic allowed. Mr. Popovich said he would like to see all of Rancho Santa Fe Road from La Costa Avenue to a point beyond Cadencia Street closed and old Rancho Santa Fe Road made into a three-lane road. It could be two lanes from south to north so trash trucks going slower up the hill would have a lane for the cars to pass the slow trucks, with one lane coming back. He felt this would solve most of the problems. " 6 COUNCIL /y % * 3 MEMBERS % ? I 0 c MINUTES January 6, 1987 Page 7 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Mike Glass, 3340 Bajo Court, spoke next, stating he was in favor of the idea to have a three-lane road with two lanes going one direction to allow a passing area for the automobiles. He stated he also liked the idea to block off Rancho Santa Fe Road from Cadencia Street to where the new road comes into Rancho Santa Fe Road, to eliminate through traffic. Mr. Glass stated he would like to comment about the eventual six-lane superhighway proposed for Rancho Santa Fe Road. He felt that road should be built as far as possible away from where it exists at the present time. Carl Morris, 7314 Muslo Lane, addressed Council stating he felt the Resolution contained in the Agenda Bill was inadequate, and now there was a new thing to consider. He felt any action should be postponed until the residents have time to absorb this new compromise proposal and can offer intelligent input. Fred Morey, 2618 Abedul Street, representing Big Bear, stated they were owners of 58 acres of commercial and office space north of La Costa Avenue, along the Rancho Santa Fe Road present alignment. Mr. Morey suggested Council consider Alternative No. 3 in the Agenda Bill, which included adding a third lane for northbound traffic on new Rancho Santa Fe Road alignment and a soundwall to be built. He stated his owners would contribute to the additional costs for that third lane. Lou Seligman, 7922 Calle San Felipe, representing Colinas De Oro Homeowners Association, expressed concern and opposition to the proposed lifting of the ban on trucks on Rancho Santa Fe Road. He stated the main concern was for safety. He stated there is still the problem of the slow-moving trucks up the hill and the noise. Mr. Seligman stated Rancho Santa Fe Road is a residential area and to allow trucks on that road would be detrimental to the area. Mr. Seligman suggested holding up the opening of this road until the full lanes are open from La Costa Avenue south to Olivenhain Road. Dennis Price, 7515 Cadencia Street, representing Citizens to save Rancho Santa Fe Road, addressed Council stating there is one problem in all of the surveys taken, and that is the traffic problem in south Carlsbad. He stated last March it was brought to the Council's attention that a dangerous condition on Rancho Santa Fe Road existed with reference to the truck traffic. The Traffic Safety Commission was convinced of this danger, and the Council agreed with that Commission and eliminated the trucks on Rancho Santa Fe Road. He stated there is a park in the area, and schools, and for the safety of all of the children as well as all others in the area, trucks should not be put back on Rancho Santa Fe Road. 5 7 \v 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % q 0 0 January 6, 1987 MINUTES Page 8 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Tom Erwin, 7703 Garboso Place, addressed Council agreeing with Mr. Price and Mr. Seliqman. He asked the Council to delay the decision one more week to allow the citizens to look at the package and give the Council an educated opinion or, to voice their concerns. Dr. John Waszczak, 7252 Espera, complimented Council on the progress they have made since the meeting held last Saturday. He felt the short term issue only had been looked at, where the issue is the prime arterial street. He stated the citizens do not want Rancho Santa Fe Road to be a prime arterial street. He used a wall chart to demonstrate the primary east/west route of Palomar Airport Road, the second primary east/west street of Encinitas to the south; with a prime arterial north and south of El Camino Real. He stated because of the trash collection, a problem has arisen due to Rancho Santa Fe Road's nearness to the landfill and to El Camino Real. Dr. Waszczak stated there is another prime arterial in the study, and that is Melrose. He suggested when Melrose is installed, this should be designated the prime arterial street, and not Rancho Santa Fe Road. Joan Hoyman, RSF Rd. (Olivenhain Road), representing Merry Lane School, addressed Council expressing her concern for the many additional trucks and the possible danger to the preschoolers and primary grade school children. Council directed the City Attorney to prepare documents approving the agreement for Rancho Santa Fe Road truck routes with San Marcos. RECESS: ~~ ~ Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 7:30 p.m., and Council reconvened at 7:47 p.m., with all Members present. Mayor Lewis asked for Item No. 14 to be taken out of order and consider at this time, and Council concurred. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) (70) 14. AB #8853 - UPDATE OF THE STATUS OF THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PLAN (BLEP). City Manager Frank Aleshire stated Mayor Lewis and Council Member Kulchin are Members of the Enhancement Committee, and this is an update from Mr. Vernon Hall, representing the Port of Los Angeles, and Ms. Laurie Marcus of the California Coastal Conservancy. 4 \v 5 COUNCIL % y.i MEMBERS % f Lewis Kulchin Pettine M amau x X 0 0 MINUTES January 6, 1987 Page 9 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Vernon Hall, representing the Port of Los Angeles, reported on the progress made so far and stated it has been mostly talking about progress so far, the coming year, however, will be a year of substantial progress. Mr. Hall used slides to indicate the role of the Port of Los Angeles in the enhancement of the Batiquitos Lagoon and showed the proposed landfills to be made in Los Angeles. Those landfills will necessitate mitigation, which will be done in the Batiquitos Lagoon. Mr. Hall emphasized that if PacTex does not proceed with its project, the Port of Los Angeles has enough funding and project mitigation necessary to use the Batiquitos Lagoon for that mitigation. Mr. Hall stated the goals of the project would be to restore and maintain a tidal flow to the Lagoon, and maintain the existing habitat values. The Lagoon is stagnant water at the present time, and the hope is to create a saltwater lagoon and maintain a daily tidal action in the Lagoon. Mr. Hall stated there are four negatives why the project might not proceed. One would be if the cost were exorbitant. Second would be, if it were not feasible to be constructed or to be maintained. The third would be if the property rights cannot be acquired, and the forth would be if it were determined that the credits would not be obtained for the mitigation by this project. Mr. Hall reiterated the enthusiasm the Port of Los Angeles has for the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Program and assured them the Port of Los Angeles has sufficient revenue to conduct this enhancement for their landfills if PacTex does not establish an escrow for this project. Laurie Marcus, representing the California Coastal Conservancy, continued the report, using slides to show the Lagoon in its present condition, the habitat, the nesting habitat. Ms. Marcus explained the proposed enhancement plan as contained in the draft submitted by the Coastal Conservancy. She invited everyone to the meeting to be held 3anuary 15, 1987, at which time public input will be accepted. The public has 60 days to comment. Delores Wiltey, 2076 Sheridan Road, addressed Council. She urged all Council Members to read the Lagoon Enhancement Plan. She stated that some type of trap will be needed at the north edge of the lagoon mouth to keep the sand, and this should be addressed in the environmental reviews. /3 d 7 \v 5 COUNCIL % y? MEMBERS % ‘c 1 m 0 MINUTES (57) (20) (93) (102) (70) (28) January 6, 1987 Page 10 PUBLIC HEARINGS: 11. A5 118380 - Supplement fl - REVISED HOUSING ELEMENT. Jim Hagaman, Manager of ResearchfAnalysis, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 9:08 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8912, ADOPTING THE 1985 REVISION OF THE CARLSBAD HOUSING ELEMENT. 12. AB 88791 - Supplement X1 - CONDEMNATION OF STORM DRAIN EASEMENT FOR PALMER WAY (BARBOUR CONNECTION). City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated the engineers and project engineers need to meet for revisions in the proposed storm drain construction. He recommended this matter be continued two weeks until January 20, 1987, to allow that work to be done. Council continued the item to January 20, 1987. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) 13. AB 1,8850 - RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD TRUCK TRAFFIC. This item was taken out of order, (See Page 4.) 14. AB 88853 - UPDATE OF THE STATUS OF THE BATIOUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PLAN (BLEP). .This item was taken out of order, (See Page 8. ) 15. A5 118851 - APPOINTMENT OF TASK FORCE TO CONSIDER IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS IN CARLSBAD. The following recommendations for appointments were made : Council Member Pettine - Victoria Gugelmann Council Member Mamaux - Monsignor Raymond Moore Council Member Kulchin - Father A1 Capuchin0 Mayor Lewis - Rudy Mareno Paul Schwartz, 3544 Simsbury Court, representing the Chamber of Commerce, stated a letter had been delivered to the Mayor's office this afternoon recommending Robert Walwick as their representative on this committee. Mayor Lewis stated the Brown Bag Forum recommended Gloria Carranza to serve this committee. The only member's name not received was the representative from the School Board. 2.J \p 5 COUNCIL 3 9A -. MEMBERS % f Lewis Kulchin Pettine X M amau x Lewis Kulchin Pettine Mamaux X 0 0 MINUTES January 6, 1987 Page 11 1 I DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) City Manager Frank Aleshire recommended Council request this committee to file a report with Council on or before April 'I, 1987. He added Frank Mannen will represent the City to notify the committee members, supply them with information, have them elect a chairperson, and come back with a recommendation. Frank Mannen stated he would present an Agenda Bill at the next meeting with a Resolution appointing the members of the committee and setting forth all of the information. I (27) 16. AB "2 - 1985-86 COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT. I 3im Elliott, Finance Director, presented the 1985-86 Annual Financial Report as presented in the handout and depicted by transparencies of those charts in the handout. Council Member Mamaux called attention to page 4 of the report, stating it should be changed at the bottom to indicate "Total Expenditures" rather than "Total Revenue" as shown in the report. Council Member Kulchin requested staff to inform the Council the moment a trend starts as far as any problems with the budget and income. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated the City has had some good times, but they will have to exercise restraints in the future, as there will be tough times ahead. The growth will slow down and there will not be as much revenue in the Capital Improvement Program. Parks, fire stations and the Safety Center have been put into operation during the last two year, and now the City will have to pay for the maintenance of those facilities. All of these projects do have an impact on the operating budget. Also, the proposed library and the Hosp Grove purchase are other projects that will have an impact on the City's finances. AD3OURNMENT : By proper motion the Meeting of 3anuary 6, 1987, was adjourned at 9:46 p.m. I Respectfully submitted, @ d" ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk H6: tb / -