HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-01-13; City Council; Minutes3 0 e MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: 3anuary 13, 1987 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: ".- " I Present - Council Members Lewis? Kulchin, Pettine and Mamaux. I Absent - None. I APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 16, 1986, were approved as presented. PUBLIC COMMENT t No one submitted a request to speak during the Public Comment period. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Pettine requested Item Nos. 1 and 2 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item Nos. 1 and 2? as follows: (84) (84) (45) (36) WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB 88854 - DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY. - This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. 2. AB 88855 - PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE. This item was withdrawn from the Consent Calendar. 3. AB 88856 - APPOINTIVE OFFICE LIST OF VACANCIES FOR 1987. I - Council acknowledged receipt of the list of vacancies in appointive offices for 1987, and directed the City Clerk to publish and post the list. I aa, Lewis Kulchin M amau x Pettine X Lewis Kulchin Mamaux Pet t ine X 0 a MINUTES 3anuary 13, 1987 Paqe 2 I I ITEMS WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: ""- (84) I. AB 118854 - DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY. "-." (84) 2. AB 1#8855 - PURCHASE OF OFFICE FURNITURE. (45) - "- Council Member Pettine requested Item Nos. I and 2 be withdrawn from the Consent Calendar to determine whether the disposal of surplus equipment and the new office furnishings for the various departments in City Hall had been coordinated in order to use as much of this surplus equipment as possible. Ray Patchett, Assistant City Manager, reported most of this equipment was left over from the Police Department and not suitable for City use. He stated he would take another look at the equipment to see if any can be salvaged for City use. Mr. Patchett stated the various departments had gone through the material in storage and it was pretty well picked over. Council Member Pettine recommended these items be continued two weeks in order to have the equipment checked again for possible use by other departments of the City. 1 Council Member Mamaux said a policy statement should be issued giving the procedure for disposal of surplus property, and that procedure followed completely before the item comes before Council. Council continued AB 88854 - DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY and AB 88855 - PURCH\SE OF OFFICE FUNITURE for two weeks7 - I JOINT HEETING WITH ARTS COWHISSION I (28) 4. AB #8857 - 30INT CITY COUNCIL/ARTS COMMISSION " MEETING . - Joe Bear, Chairman, Arts Commission, addressed Council stating this was the Commission's chance to obtain Council's thoughts and ideas on how to approach the second year of the Arts Commission. Mr. Bear gave the history of the establishment of the Arts Commission, stating the purpose was to advise the City Council on the implementation of the Arts Element of the General Plan. Mr. Bear introduced the Members of the Arts Commission, Commissioners Roston, Straub, Brierley, Frye, Bischoff, Meilach and Chairman Bear. Commissioner Straub spoke on the importance of art to the Carlsbad Community in general. Connie Reardsley, Manager of the Cultural Arts Program, gave a review of the services the Arts Commission performs: namely, information services, arts in education, special events, grants program, art in public places and arts advocacy. I AI I Lewis Kulchin Pettine M amau x X e 0 MINUTES January 13, 1987 Page 3 JOINT MEETING WITH ARTS COMMISSION (continued) Chairman Bear reviewed the funding for the Arts Commission, stating one percent (1%) of the Capital Improvement Program in any fiscal year had been earmarked for the arts. Any expenditure in excess of $10,000 must be approved by Council. The Arts Fund for the year 1985-86 was $156,000.00, and the total for 1986-87, is $192,000.00. Mr. Bear commented at the August 12, 1986, meeting Council turned down the Arts Commission proposal for sculpture at the Safety Center and the Commission questioned whether to use the same process or alter the process for art selection. The Commission would like to involve Council in the initial selection criteria in general and the specific process for the outdoor sculpture at the Safety Center. Connie Beardsley spoke of all forms of art and presented slides depicting examples of public art from early art up throuah present day art in San Diego County. Ms. Beardsley explained the request for proposal for a sculpture at the Safety Center as contained in the Agenda Bill, and requested Council consideration of same . Mayor Lewis stated his preference for a theme to be carried out in the art pieces. He reiterated the comments he received on the originally proposed sculpture for the Safety Center. In response to Council query, Chairman Bear stated the Commission wanted to make public input on the maquettes a vital part of the process. Council Members expressed approval of the maquette concept, but felt consideration should be given to locating the City's first piece of public art at a site other than the Safety Center. Ms. Beardsley stated the Commission wanted close communication with Council to review the selection process at every stage. She added other locations have been discussed for works of art, such as the Redevelopment Area, playground sculpture at Stagecoach Park, or the seawall with benches or functional works of art. Maurice Kimball, 1623 James Drive, addressed Council in opposition to spending approximately $67,600.00 on sculpture for the Safety Center. He felt there was a much better use for that money. Ms. Beardsley stated as a result of Council comment, the Commission desired to withdrawal the draft proposal and take the proposal back to the next Commission meeting. I 2n 7 \v 5 COUNCIL /o 4 MEMBERS 2. $6 559 0 0 MINUTES January 13, 1987 Page 4 ~ ~~ ~- DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: I ~ ~~~ (70) 5. A5 88858 - CONTRACT WITH SAN DIEGO COUNTY AREA (45) "IXVICk 10 StNgaR CITIZENS. Dave Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council authorized staff to contract directly with the San Diego County Area Agency on Aging (AAA) to provide nutrition, mobile meals, and transportation services to the senior population of Carlsbad. (48) 6. AB 88859 - HOSP GROVE FINANCING. Jim Elliott, Finance Director, explained the ten alternatives considered for financing the Hosp Grove purchase. Ray Patchett, Assistant City Manager, gave the re- recommendations as contained in the Agenda Bill. It was stated the only unobligated money out of the City's revenue is $3.9 million dollars. Council Members stated they would like to identify the Capital Improvement Projects, that could be eliminated in the event the Hosp Grove purchase had to be financed. Staff indicated there were not many options available as far as items to be deleted from the existing list. Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen distributed a report on the Hosp Grove open space showing the developing area of Hosp Grove Master Plan with the Proposition H purchase, which would result in an undeveloped area of 60 acres. The commercial alternative would leave a total of 43 acres of undeveloped area, a difference of 17 acres. Council Member Mamaux stated the Council did not have the authority to raise taxes without a vote of the people. He felt it could not be stated the City could afford Hosp Grove without a tax increase. Paul Graham, 7682 El Camino Real, representing La Costa Hotel and Spa, addressed Council stating he had spoken before regarding the proposed increase in the TOT tax, and he was here tonight to re-emphasis those concerns. Mr. Graham stated any increase in the TOT, particularly a proposed three percent (3%), would be a substantial increase and would affect their ability to attract large groups of people. Hap L'Heureux, representing the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, addressed Council stating it was obvious from the report that financing for an unbudgeted item is very difficult and would have major long-term effect on the City. The concern of the Chamber of Commerce is for the City to provide a stable long-term income stream for the repayment of such a debt project. Mr. L'Heureux suggested a task force be formed to look at financing alternatives. 19 -I- y 5 COUNCIL %9 /o A MEMLBERS 2. q Lewis Kulchin Pettine Mamaux x 8 0 MINUTES 3anuary 13, 1987 Page 5 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) " Jim Courtney, 4914 Avila, representing CARA, addressed Council in opposition to the purchasing and spending of this money to preserve ten acres of commercial development and a similar number of acres for an infill project. Mr. Courtney asked what will it cost the citizens of this City to buy two corners and one site on the hill. He asked whether the City could really afford that. This is a tremendous cost to the City and the City does not have the money. Mr. Courtney stated the Council must identify now what this is aoing to cost the citizens of Carlsbad and what they will lose. He requested it be shown what position this cost would put the City in and he asked the Council to take a stand against this purchase. Dan Hammer, 4015 Isle Drive, addressed Council, thanking them for putting this issue back on the ballot. He felt the needs of the citizens should be served, and this was a mandate to save the City and Hosp Grove. Clarence Schlehuber, 4085 Sunnyhill Drive, read from the ballot arguments on the Hosp Grove purchase. Mr. Schlehuber pointed out the $300,000 for the extension of Elm Avenue, east of El Camino Real was included in the $3.9 million and should not be. He called attention to page 9 of the report, indicating the City would have to widen Monroe Street and fix the drainage. Mr. Schlehuber stated the voters would not see this report, but would only see the arguments as filed for the ballot. He felt these statements on the ballot were not correct and stated the citizens should be informed that the City of Carlsbad cannot afford this purchase without curtailing City services. The ballot argument states as of 1985-86, there was $5.5 million cash available, and this could be applied to the purchase price. The citizens should be informed that there is only $3.9 million available minus the $800,000. There would be a substantial street and storm drain requirement and the ballot argument stated the street and storm drain costs would be shared by the adjacent developers. Mr. Schlehuber stated this is a misrepresentation and distortion. If the ballot arguments are what the voters see, he wanted the truth on the ballot and wanted that corrected. Mayor Lewis stated the construction across the street, where the new mall is being built, has a condition if Monroe Street is not completed by the time they start their construction, they must complete it. Frank Mannen stated when Hughes Investment Development builds its project at 3efferson Street and Marron Road, they have an obligation to add twelve feet of travel lane to Monroe Street from Monroe and Marron intersection up to where Monroe Street widens out. The curb, gutter, sidewalk and drainage improvement may be modified if the desilting basin stays there. 18 \v 5 COUNCIL 559 "0 4 MEMBERS Z. ! 5 0 0 3anuary 13, 1987 MINUTES Page 6 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) Mayor Lewis stated as far as Elm Avenue east, they have been talking about going ahead with that extension at the same time Elm Avenue west of El Camino Real is put through. Ray Patchett stated that $800,000 is included in that, bringing that $3.9 million down to $3.1 million and adjusting the loan from the Sewer Fund upward. City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated Council voted not to become involved in the ballot arguments on the Hosp Grove purchase. The people responsible for making those statements are the ones to be contacted with regard to the content. Richard Martin, 2350 Cipriano Lane, addressed Council in opposition to the Hosp Grove financing, stating he did not believe this was in the best interest of the City. If the $3.9 million were used, this would reduce that fund for future capital projects. This will affect the library, Senior Citizen Center, Las Palmas and extension of Elm Avenue east. He felt that borrowing the $2.9 million from the sewer fund would not affect the improvement program for five years, but repayment might pose problems in the budget. The City will have a smaller stream of income than in the past years, and the surplus would not be enough to pay the principal and the interest on this loan money. It would have to come from the General Fund, and that would mean a reduced level of services, which would not be popular. Council Member Marnaux stated he had said he would vote to use Redevelopment money for the Senior Center, and the purchase of Hosp Grove would not jeopardize that. He felt the citizens should be shown the impact of what this would do. He did not believe the surplus that has existed in the past will exist in the future, and everyone should recognize that fact. A contingency plan is needed if the voters fail to vote the increase to indicate how this could be paid. This must be known before March. Council Member Pettine stated over 10,000 citizens voted to preserve Hosp Grove and would tax themselves to do that. He agreed that the community needs to have the maximum amount of information of what they will be giving up. He stated he would like to see a list of the projects that could be deleted if Hosp Grove is purchased. He felt he needed more information before selecting any financing. Mayor Lewis stated there are scare tactics being used as far as the Senior Center and library building are concerned, and a task force should be established to present both sides. He asked for a list of items to be deleted in order to study that. Also, figures on the TOT and Business License tax increases. I 13 - \p 5 COUNCIL %9 /o L? MEMBERS Z. f 0 0 MINUTES 3anuary 13, 1987 Paue 7 1 I DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) City Manager Frank Aleshire stated it is not possible to give a list of projects at the present time. If the City's revenues increase more than expected, there will be an excess. The only way to avoid making those choices would be to create additional tax. He stated he could give Council a list of Capital Projects, with the choices to be made at a later date. Council Member Mamaux wanted to know how the City would spend the $3.1 million. Mayor Lewis stated he wanted the public to be aware of this to see what they would want to give up. If Hosp Grove is not to be bought, what would be recommended for that money. City Manager Frank Aleshire stated he would come back in two weeks with a report. He stated inasmuch as there would be no Council Meeting on January 20, 1987, this report would be given on January 27, 1987. RECESS : Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 8:47 p.m., and Council reconvened at 8:59 p.m., with all Members present. .. I DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) (78) 7. AB #€I860 - REPORTING REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO SALE OF CHEMICALS USED IN PRODUCING CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. Police Chief Vincent 3imno gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Rill. I Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. 3208, AMENDING TITLE 8 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 8.51 RELA.rING TO THE SALE OF CHEMICALS USED IN PRODUCING CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES. (102) 8. AB 88850 - Supplement #I - APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT (45) REGARDING RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD TRUCK TRAFFIC. Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen distributed copies of the revised agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the City of San Marcos, Exhibit A. He called attention to changes made in the documents, as follows t I /A - \v 5 COUNCIL 559 /o 4 MEMBERS 2. ? Lewis Kulchin Pettine Mamaux X 0 0 MINUTES January 13, 1987 Page 8 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) In Exhibit A, in the fourth paragraph of the first page, the word "temporary" was inserted before truck route. In Section No. 2, a sentence was added after April 30, 1987. The sentence added was "In the event that the truck bypass route is completed prior to the reconstruction of Rancho Santa Fe Road to its proposed six-lane configuration south of La Costa Avenue, the City of Carlsbad will reopen the entire roadway to northbound truck traffic or provide an alternate route utilizing the Mision Estancia loop or some other alternative approved by the City Council." Mr. Mannen stated San Marcos would not hold the City to an absolute April 30th deadline, if the loop is close to being completed by that time. The City of San Marcos did ask for that sentence to be added to Section No. 2. In Ordinance No. 3209, Subsection (m) the word "temporary" was inserted before truck bypass. Council Member Mamaux questioned the first sentence of the Agreement, Exhibit A, stating "WHEREAS, permanent alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Raod through the City of Carlsbad will not be finalized before three to five years;"and stated he wanted a clarification of the word "alignment". Mr. Mannen stated the alignment will be before Council shortly for decision and a proposal for financing and building of Rancho Santa Fe Road to that alignment. Council Member Mamaux stated the permanent alignment should be determined within six months and construction within three to five years. He felt the people were concerned with where the road would go and how soon it would be built. Council Member Mamaux stated he wanted a commitment on the specific alignment of that road, so the people in the area wou1.d know when the final alignment was going to be made. He felt there should be a time frame listed, and felt six months was certainly enough time for the alignment to be finalized. Council Member Mamaux stated he would like the sentence to read "The permanent alignment of Rancho Santa Fe Road through the City of Carlsbad would be finalized within six months and construction would be within three to five years. It Dennis Price, 7515 Cadencia Street, representing Citizens to Save Rancho Santa Fe Road, addressed Council stating this agreement had come about because of a threat by the City of San Marcos because of the damage to their streets. He stated nothing had been said about the damage done to Carlsbad streets. Mr. Price stated this was making Rancho Santa Fe Road open to all trucks, where they actually need to have a bypass. He recommended downgrading Rancho Santa Fe Road to a major arterial, as San Marcos has on their portion of the road. The citizens in that area do not want heavy trucks coming through the neighborhood. He concluded, stating south Carlsbad had enough problems without generating any new ones. 15 7 0 0 January 13, 1987 MINUTES Page 9 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) 3im Popovich, 7436 Trigo Lane, addressed Council stating he thought the Rancho Santa Fe Road problem and trash problem has been resol-ved. He reiterated comments made at the last Council meeting which noted this was a temporary working solution for the present problem. Mr. Popovich stated if Rancho Santa Fe Road is made into a truck route, there will be not only the 150 trash collection trucks, but 500 other general type trucks daily. Mr. Popovich stated the Citizens were led to believe only trash trucks were involved. He felt there had been a change made and Council was now opening the road to all trucks northbound. Mayor Lewis stated this is not a permanent truck route; but a temporary truck route. Mayor Lewis stated previous discussion related to all trucks, not just trash trucks. Jack Spirit, 3340 Cadencia Street, addressed Council stating he felt there had been some confusion and misunderstanding and asked Council to postpone voting on this Ordinance until the entire matter had been given more thought. Mr. Spirit stated there were some inconsistencies as far as the use of the words "truck route" and "trash truck". Mr. Spirit questioned Item No. 5 of the agreement, which stated "The City of San Marcos agrees to allow northbound solid waste trucks to travel on San Marcos City streets." He stated he wondered how Oceanside would get their trucks to the landfill. He felt that the agreement was not equitable and should be delayed. Debbie Davis, 7525 Quinta Street, was recognized by Council, and stated she opposed Rancho Santa Fe Road as a temporary or any form of truck route. This only benefitted the truckers and the trucking companies, but certainly did not benefit the residents. Tom Erwin, 7703 Garboso Place, addressed Council asking for clarification of Exhibit A, the agreement between San Marcos and Carlsbad, as to whether it was a temporary truck route or permanent. Frank Mannen stated it was temporary and would be for truck traffic going north. Southbound truck traffic is prohibited. Mr. Erwin questioned Subsection (1) of Ordinance No. 3209. This Subsection states "Rancho Santa Fe Road from Olivenhain Road to La Costa Avenue." l4 - 0 0 MINUTES 3anuary '13, 1987 Page 10 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (continued) City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated it would be easy to eliminate Subsection (1) and change Subsection (m) to read: "Rancho Santa Fe Road for one-way northbound traffic only limited to the temporary truck bypass from Olivenhain Road to Questhaven Road." I Council adopted the following Resolution and introduced the following Ordinance: (one motion) RESOLUTION NO. 8938, APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CONSTRUCT A TRUCK BYPASS ALONG RANACHO SANTA FE ROAD IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. ORDINANCE NO. 3209, AMENDING TITLE IO, CHAPTER 10.32, SECTION IO. 32.091 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTION (1) AND (m) DESIGNATING PORTIONS OF RANCHO SANTA FE ROAD AS TRUCK ROUTES; Deleting Subsection (1) and changing Subsection (m) to read: "Rancho Santa Fe Road for one-way northbound traffic only limited to the temporary truck bypass from Olivenhain Road to Questhaven Road." c1-w OF SAN MARCOS AND THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TO (28) 9. AB #a861 - STAFF REPORT ON BEACH EROSION (70) COMMITTEE. Due to the time, Council continued the matter to the next meeting. (28) 10. AB 88851 - Supplement #I - APPOINTMENT OF TASK FORCE TO CONSIDER IMMIGRATION PROBLEMS IN CARLSBAD. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 8941, ESTABLISHING AN IMMIGRATION STUDY TASK FORCE AND APPOINTING MEMBERS THERETO. CLOSED SESSION: (41) 1.1. CLOSED SESSION PENDING LITIGATION. Council authorized a Closed Session reqardinq pendinq litigation as follows: To discuss Metiger vs.'City of Carlsbad Dursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(a). Council adjourned to the Closed Session at 9:58 p.m., and reconvened at 10:02 p.m. Council had instructed the Attorney to proceed with the legal procedures. I I J3 1 /p 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % <: Lewis Pettine Kulchin X Mamaux Lewis Pettine Kulchin X Mamaux Lewis Kulchin Pettine M amau x X Lewis Kulchin x: M amau x Pettine 1 ! I I I * a 0 MINUTES January 13, 1987 \p 5 Page 11 COUNCIL %yL MEMBERS Z. c ADJOURNMENT : By proper motion the Meeting of January 13, 1987, was adjourned at 10:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, -7 ALETHA L. RA TENKRANZ -A City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB: tb I&