HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-02-10; City Council; Minutes0 0 MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Date of Meeting: February IO, '1987 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers ~~ CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present - Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine and Mamaux. Absent - None. PUBLIC COMMENT: Debbie Davis, 7525 Quinta Street, representing La Costa Town Council, urged Council to seek an accelerated plan for the Melrose/Rancho Santa Fe Road intersection. Mrs. Davis asked that flashing lights and warning signs be placed at the intersection as soon as possible. Edward Scarpelli, 929 Orchid Way, addressed Council stating he had attended a forum on Hosp Grove and heard several different sets of figures regarding the number of trees that would be lost to development. He asked for the correct figure. He asked additional questions regarding the number of trees per acre and how many acres were currently owned by the City. He requested a response to his questions. Charles Skiff, 3990 James Drive, addressed Council, asking the City Council to put the widening of Elm Avenue on the Agenda and discuss it. Dennis Price, 7515 Cadencia Street, addressed Council stating he had talked with staff regarding the EIR for La Costa. He would like to see something done on the EIR. Mr. Price stated the traffic light on Melrose Avenue should be advanced faster and he suggested this be done before the money is spent on a sculpture for the Safety Center. Mr. Price stated the administrative costs are 19.4% of the City budget, and he suggested staff investigate ways to reduce those costs. Mr. Price stated he had previously requested information an establishment of a mitigation fee for trucks as San Marcos proposed for damage to their streets. Mr. Price inquired whether the City has a reserve fund. In conclusion, Mr. Price commented on the proposed reconstruction of the Council Chambers and stated he hoped Council would bring their chairs down to the level of the citizens so the citizens did not feel on trial when they came before Council. Dillard Littlefield, 3507 Santa Clara Way, requested a status report on the extension of Elm Avenue. 4 6 7- \v 5 COUNCIL % PA MEMBERS ?5 (I 0 0 MINUTES February IO, 1987 Page 2 PUBLIC COMMENT: (continued) Dennis Meehan, 3981 Gloria Lane, was recognized by Council and spoke regarding the public feeling more welcome at the podium. He felt the atmosphere could be more friendly instead of intimidating to the average citizen. Mr. Meehan stated he understood that Item No. 9 on tonight's agenda had been withdrawn, and he stated it should stay withdrawn from the Agenda. He felt the new Council Member to be elected in March should be able to discuss the matter. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. (99) 1 . AB 1,7830 - Supplement 81 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS OF CARLSBAD INN - CT 84-6. Council accepted the improvements for Carlsbad Tract 84-6, authorized the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds appropriately, and directed the Utilities and Maintenance Departments to commence maintaining the public streets associated with this subdivision. (99) 2. AB 88880 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - MS 660. Council Accepted the improvements of Minor Subdivision 660, authorized the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds appropriately, and directed the Utilities and Maintenance Departments to commence maintaining the public streets associated with this subdivision. - (84) 3. AB #8854 - DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 8939, declaring certain items as obsolete and authorizing the disposal of such items. Mayor Lewis announced there was a request to remove Item No. 9 from the Agenda. City Council removed Item No. 9, Employment Agreement for Council Appointed Officials, from the Agenda. 4s 7- COUNCIL /v 2;o .A, 2 MEMBERS % f Lewis Kulchin M amau x Pett ine X Lewis Kulchin X M amau x Pett ine 0 0 MINUTES February 10, 1987 Page 3 ( PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1114) 4. AB 118881 - HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS -ZCA- 194 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using transparencies to show the features of the Hillside Ordinance and the key issues. Slides were used to show the major features of the Ordinance. Mr. Holzmiller called attention to an exhibit on the wall showing 15%, 25% and 40% slopes. He stated the Ordinance puts the burden of proof on the applicants. It makes the projects fit into the hillside rather than grading the hillside to fit the project. In answer to query regarding whether this would decrease the total density of the community, Mr. Holzmiller stated the reduction would be approximately 2,000 dwelling units or a population of 5,080. It will have additional influence, but the amount of that is not known at this time. Council Member Mamaux inquired whether this would affect the hill being removed by development at the Hosp Grove site. Mr. Holzmiller stated that portion of the project would not have to comply with these requirements, but, with the intent. It is a commercial project and would require special justification. Mike Howes stated commercial developments would need to justify why it would not be necessary to comply with standards to the satisfaction of the decision- making body. Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 6:30 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Eric Larson, Member of the Land Use Committee, addressed Council stating the Committee had requested the Hillside Ordinance as result of too many examples of hillside destruction. He urged Council to adopt the Ordinance. Cindy Ward, 937 Begonia Court, addressed Council stating the citizens had waited a long time for this Ordinance and it is needed. She would like something in the Ordinance requiring more setbacks for three- story structures than for two-story. She also would like to see something more strict with regard to commercial projects. Bob Ladwig, 3285 Donna Drive, called attention to page 5 of the Ordinance, section F, and stated staff needs to complete their roadway design standards. This should be brought forward soon so the standards can be implemented. Mr. Ladwig called attention to page 7 of the Ordinance, line 4 1/2, in section 5. He stated the words "all of" should be deleted. On page 6 of the Ordinance, Mr. Ladwig requested the word "potentially" be inserted before the word unacceptable on line 26. 44 T I /v 5 COUNCIL % % MEMBERS % 4 e e (57) MINUTES February 10, 1987 Page 4 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) Nelson Aldrich, 4410 La Pantalada, stated the Ordinance is restrictive, and it should be. He urged Council to adopt the Ordinance. Kim Post, Civil Engineer, VTM, stated he felt this was a very restrictive Ordinance with many areas that needed interpretation. If buildings were required to have more setback, they will then need a larger pad, which would require cutting deeper into the hillsides. He felt the street standards would be important for the implementation of this Ordinance. \v 5 COUNCIL %% MEMBERS Z. c Mr. Post suggested staff look into taking the primary intent, purposes, restrictions and requirements of the Ordinance and place them in Ordinance form. The design, type, standards and implementation standards could be put into a planning policy document as a form for staff to interpret the policy. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 6:45 p.m. Council Members questioned the possibility of adding the word "potentially" on page 6 of the Ordinance. Staff replied they had worked on the Ordinance for almost a year, and felt very strongly about the 10,000 cubic yardslacre being unacceptable. Staff did agree the words "all of" should be deleted on page 7 of the Ordinance, Section 5. In answer to Council query regarding road standards, Mike Howes reported Engineering is working on the standards and this will be before Council soon. Council introduced the following Ordinances: (one Lewis mot ion ) Kulchin x ORDINANCE NO. 9826, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD Mamaux MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE REVISION OF TITLE 21, CHAPTER 53, SECTION 120 BY THE ADDITION OF SUBSECTION (D) AND BY THE ADDITION TO TITLE 21 OF CHAPTER 21.95 TO ESTABLISH HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, amended on Page 7, Section 5, deleting the words "all of". ORDINANCE NO. 9827, AMENDING TITLE 20, OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF TITLE 20, CHAPTER 20, CHAPTER 16, SUBSECTION OlO(13) TO REQUIRE TENTATIVE MAPS TO COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE Pett ine 12, SUBSECTION 091(6)(11) AND THE ADDITION OF TITLE cI.ryls HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS. 5. AB #8882 - GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT TO INCLUDE THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF CHILDCARE IN THE COMMUNITY AS A GOAL OF THE GENERAL PLAN - GPA/LU 86-4. Charles Grim, Assistant Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Rill, explaining the additional programs endorsed by the Planning Commission, as contained in the staff report dated July 30, 1986. 43 0 e MINUTES February IO, 1987 Page 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 7:Ol p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Inez Yoder, representing the League of Women Voters, spoke in favor of the Ordinance, stating the League of Women Voters would take action to urge governments to join in the efforts to expand childcare services. Camille Mitkevich, 4640 Trieste Drive, spoke in favor, urging a task force be formed. Julianne Nygaard, 3405 Spanish Way, referred to Resolutions from the Carlsbad School District and the San Marcos School District, in support. She urged a task force be formed to study this critical need in Carlsbad. Peggy Blush, 1715 Grandview, Oceanside, Director of Pilgrams Children Center, 2020 Chestnut, addressed Council stating there are seven centers in Carlsbad dealing with children under the age of six. The latch-key children are not addressed. There are not enough centers for children under the age of six, and there is a waiting list. She stated there is a need to make it easier to find locations for childcare centers. This does not mean a reduction of standards, but make it easier to find desirable locations. She also urged a task force be formed to study this problem more carefully. Margie Cool, 2510 Unicornio Street, was recognized by the Council, and spoke as a private citizen. She was a former member of the committee to review the Land Use Plan, and spoke in opposition to the amendment to include this as a goal. Ms. Cool felt that although this is a charitable action to address this real problem at first glance, it does have ramifications that should be considered. Ms. Cool stated if the conditions were to be followed, they could result in the City of Carlsbad being put into the childcare business. She felt a needs assessment study should be conducted and a task force assess that need before this childcare goal is included in the Land Use Element. Caroline Timeron, Girls Club of Carlsbad, 2605 Madison, addressed Council stating they hoped to be able to continue to provide services to girls ages 6 to 19 after school. Paul Schwartz, 3544 Simsbury Court, representing Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, expressed concern with the appropriateness of including this in the Land lJse Element of the General Plan. The Board felt that Council should set up a task force to include the private sector as well as childcare providers to make a needs assessment. 42 - 0 e MINUTES February IO, 1987 Page 6 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (continued) Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 7:24 p.m. Council expressed the desire that the task force be formed as quickly as possible. Council also agreed it should be comprised of nine member. Council approved the General Plan Amendment to include the encouragement of childcare in the community as a goal of the General Plan GPA/LU 86-4, and directed staff to incorporate this amendment in the pending update of the Land Use Element text. I RECESS : Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 7: 30 p.m., and Council reconvened at 7:45 p.m., with all Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (40) 6. AB 88883 - STATUS OF CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER IMPROVEMENTS. 3ohn Cahill gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. He asked for direction on the relocation of the podium as requested by Council Member Mamaux. After discussion, Council Member Mamaux withdrew his request. There was a discussion about either lowering the dias or raising the podium. Assistant City Manager Frank Mannen stated a number of issues had been explored, but the main problem was the general shape of this room. It had been considered to gut the Council Chambers, but that would not be economically practical. Council filed the matter. (60) (73) 7. AB f8884 - TO REQUIRE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THE PERMIT FOR WORK IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. City Attorney Vincent Biondo gave the staff report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council introduced the following Ordiance: ORDINANCE NO. 7071, AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTER 11.16, SECTION 11.16.010 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO REQUIRE INSURANCE AS A PART OF THE PERMIT FOR WORK IN PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY. 41 7 COUNCIL /p % * % MEMBERS % f Lewis Kulchin Pettine M amau x X Lewis Kulchin Pettine Mamaux X Lewis Kulchin Mamaux Pettine X e e MINUTES February 10, 1987 Page 7 ~~ ~~ ~ DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: - (continued) (29) 8. AB /I8885 - STATUS REPORT ON CITY'S CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM. John Cahill gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. There was a slide presentation to show some of the projects and transparencies to show the projects listed in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Lewis reiterated the funds for Elm Avenue have not been diverted and the completion of Elm Avenue is moving forward. Bob Ladwig, Rick Engineering, called attention to page 11, Item 3219, La Costa Avenue overpass at 1-5, and the overpass at Poinsettia Lane. He stated there was close to $800,000 in the Bridge and Thoroughfare Fund at the present time. He suggested Council direct staff to add the design of the three bridges over the freeways into the CIP Program. This is a long term design process and it would be good to work out the design of the bridges now in case additional right-of- way was needed adjacent to these projects. Dennis Meehan, 3981 Gloria Lane, addressed Council stating 3im Elliott had mentioned the $3.9 million surplus, and he wanted staff to say the $800,000 for Elm Avenue was committed for the project and not available. Mr. Meehan suggested working on new relations so citizens knew the rules. Questions are being asked and not answered in the public comments segment and he suggested that perhaps it would be easier if the citizens were allowed to speak from their seats in the audience. Council received and filed the staff report on the status of the City's Capital Improvement Program. (38) 9. AB 88886 - EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS FOR COUNCIL (35) APPOINTED OFFICIALS. This item was withdrawn from the Agenda. (See page 2) COUNCIL REPORTS: SANDAG Council Member Mamaux reported the issue of mitigation fees for truck damage to local streets would be presented to SANDAG. Downtown Village Merchants Council Member Kulchin reported on the meeting held that morning. Citv/School Committee Mayor Lewis and Council Member Mamaux reported on results of the recent meeting. A/ 0 - COUNCIL \p % A9 /o L. MEMBERS 2. f Lewis Kulchin Pettine M amau x X a 0 MINUTES February IO, 1987 \p 5 Page 8 COUNCIL % 9L MEMBERS % f ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the Meeting of February IO, 1987, was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. Respectfully submitted, l?LLCtL b4. QT ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk HB:tb 39