HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-09-22; City Council; Minutes. 0 a r MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: September 22, 1987 Time of Meeting: 6200 p.m. COUNCIL /y % J-9 /o J Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers MEMBERS Z. ' CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson. Absent : None. PRESENTATION: Jerry Long of the Automobile Club of Southern California presented a Special Citation to the City of Carlsbad from the Pedestrian Protection Program for the outstanding pedestrian safety record of the City of Carlsbad during 1986. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (one motion) Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting held September 11, Lewis 1987, were approved as presented. Kulchin X Pettine Marnaux Larson Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting held September 12, 1987, were approved as presented. Pettine were approved as presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 15, 1987, Larson CONSENT CALENDAR: Council Member Kulchin requested Item 82 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, X Kulchin with the exception of Item $12, as follows: Lewis Pettine Mamaux Larson WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. (93) 1. AB if9167 - UPGRADE FOX'S LANDING SEWER PUMP STATION. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 9239, accepting bids and authorizing the expenditure of funds to upgrade Fox's Landing sewer lift station. (51) 2. AB 19168 - PURCHASE OF MOBILE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. (45 1 This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. 30 9 0 0 MINUTES (96) (45) (50) (51) (45) (99) (81) 5 September 22, 1987 Page 2 COUNCUL /p 559 /o 4 MEMBERS Z. ' CONSENT CALENDAR: (continued) 3. AB 18993 - Supplement 1'2 - NOTICE OF COMPLETION FOR TRAFFIC SIGNALS AT ELM/MONROE AND ALGA/CORINTIA. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 9241, accepting the construction of the traffic signal systems at Elm Avenue and Monroe Street, and Alga Road and Corintia Street as complete, directing the City Clerk to file the Notice of Completion, and appropriating funds. ~ 4. AB /#9169 - REFUND OF FEES. Council approved the refund of $75,680 to Westwood Savings and Loan Association for overpayment of fees . ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 2. AB W9168 - PURCHASE OF MOBILE INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. Council Member Kulchin inquired about the long-range plans for the City with regard to intensive care units. Battalion Chief Watson stated when the second unit is in service, there will be two units; one out of Station 81 and one out of Station 82. At buildout, the plan is to have three units. Council adopted the following Resolution: Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 9240, APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF A MOBILE Pettine INTENSIVE CARE UNIT. Mamaux Larson Kulchin X PUBLIC COMMENT: Comment portion of the meeting. There were no requests to speak during the Public I DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 5. AB 89170 - CALAVERA HILLS VILLAGES "T" AND "Q" PARK DEDICATION. (CT 83-19 and CT 83-32) Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. John Werner, Pacific Rim, representinu Vernon Savings & Loan, presented the grant deeds to the 7.471 acre park site, Phase 11, Calavera Hills Park, and the 0.445 acre fire station site, to the City Council. Dave Bradstreet, Parks Pr Recreation Director, described the features of Calavera Hills Park Phase 11. A transparency was used to show the time schedule for Phase 11, and 3ohn Cahill explained that schedule in detail. 303 0 0 MINUTES (55) (88) y 5 September 22, 1987 Page 3 COUNCUL % 3 MEMBERS % ', DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Council adopted the following Resolution: Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 9242, ACCEPTING GRANT DEEDS TO A 7.471 Pettine ACRE PARK SITE AND A 0.445 ACRE FIRE STATION SITE. Larson Mamaux Kulchin X 6. AB 1119171 - PROPOSED JOINT POWERS AGENCY FOR NORTH COUNTY SANITARY LANDFILL. Ralph Anderson, Utilities Maintenance Director, gave the staff report on the item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council Member Mamaux made a motion to refer this to the Regional Planning Review Board. The motion died for lack of a second. Mayor Lewis stated the Board does not yet exist. He continued, stating Supervisor MacDonald agreed the Regional Planning Review Board was a good idea. However, Mr. MacDonald felt working through the Mayors group was a good approach, and this item could be discussed at the next meeting of the Mayors to be held on October 1 , 1987. Council Member Mamaux stated it was the Council's adopted policy that the Regional Planning Review Board was to be made up of Planning Directors. He questioned when that policy was changed and by what action. He suggested this item be placed on the Agenda for Council. After discussion, Council requested that an item be placed on the Agenda for the October 13, 1987, Council Meeting to provide for a status report on the Regional Planning Review Board from Mr. Pettine and a report on the Mayors' Meeting with Mr. MacDonald. Council appointed Mayor Lewis and Council Member Mamaux Lewis to serve as the City's representatives to participate Kulchin in discussions of a proposed joint powers agreement Pettine concerning acquisition and operation of a landfill site Mamaux X and operation of a recycling program in North County. Larson 7. AB 89159 - Supplement fl - TRAUMA INTERVENTION PROGRAM. Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager, introduced this item, giving the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Wayne Fortin, County Mental Health Department, Coordinator of the Trauma Intervention Program, explained how the program began and the purpose of the program. In response to Council query, he explained how the volunteers are trained and screened. He explained that volunteers would be dispatched by the Oceanside Police Department and only upon request by the Police or Fire Departments. 4Od/ * a MINUTES (92) (37) 5 September 22, 1987 Page 4 COUNCIL \y % "0 J MEMBERS Z. ' DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Council approved City participation in the Trauma Kulchin Intervention Program and directed City Staff to work lewis Larson monitor the program closely as far as complaints. X Mamaux to implement the program. Staff was also requested to Pettine with the County of San Diego and the City of Oceanside 8. AB 119172 - ENCINA WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY ORGANIZATIONAL CONCEPT SURVEY. Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Rill. Council Members Larson and Mamaux assured Council they would only support the idea if the agency has powers of administration and no other power. Council endorsed further exploration of the concept of Lewis creating a "dependent legal entity" to perform the Kulchin duties of Operator/Administrator of the Encina WPCF and Pettine approved the survey response. Mamaux X Larson COUNCIL REPORTS: Palomar Airport Advisory Committee Council Member Pettine started to report on a recent meeting. Council Member Mamaux stated he was not aware Council. Member Pettine had been appointed to that Committee, and questioned when the appointment was made. Mayor Lewis stated he had previously asked Mr. Pettine to act as Council liaison to that Committee. Council appointed Council Member Pettine as liaison to Lewis X the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee. Kulchin Pet t ine Mamaux Larson Council Member Pettine continued his report, stating the Committee was monitoring all Agenda bills relating to land use items that impact the airport. The Committee is in favor of the proposed golf course, but are awaiting the feasibility study. City/School Committee Council Member Mamaux reported the meeting on the senior center issue will be held on Friday, October 2, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. 20 / c . 0 a MINUTES September 22, 1987 Page 5 I COUNCIL REPORTS: (Continued) Buena Vista Lagoon Committee Council Member Larson reported there will be a seminar this week by the Joint Powers Group of the Buena Vista Lagoon, on the prevention of siltation of coastal lagoons. NCTD Council Member Kulchin reported she was serving on the Committee to study the feasibility of NCTD taking over the Santa Fe spur. Coastal Regional Beach Erosion Committee Council Member Kul-chin stated notices had been sent to all cities for a meeting in the Council Chambers, October 15, 1987, at 3:30 p.m. Encinitas Law Suit I I1 Mayor Lewis reported Mayor Gaines had inquired about Carlsbad participating in a law suit Encinitas is considering, and it will be on the October 13 Agenda. Carlsbad Government Youth Day Mayor Lewis announced Council Members concurred with a half-day program. Landfill Issue Mayor Lewis reported the landfill issue will be discussed at the Mayors' meeting this week. ADJOURNMENT: I I , I I Mayor Lewis announced there would be a Council Meeting next week, but no meeting October 6, 1987, due to lack of a quorum. By proper motion, the Meeting of September 22, 1987, was adjourned at 7:23 p.m., to September 29, 1987, 6:OO p.m., City Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, I I -2- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 3nn I I