HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-02-16; City Council; Minutes(81) (97) (45) e e MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL ( Regular Meeting ) Date of Meeting: February 16, 1988 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Lewis, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson. Absent: Council Member Kulchin. INVOCATION was given by Father William Moquin of La Costa Holy Cross Episcopal Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Pettine. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (one motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 26, 1988, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting held January 27, 1988, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting held January 30, 1988, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 2, 1988, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lewis requested Item /I4 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item 84, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB /I9292 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION Council accepted a donation of $1,000.00 from Dooley McCluskey for use by the Parks & Recreation Department. 2. AB #9065 - Supplement f2 - 1986-87 SLURRY SEAL PROGRAM. - COUNCIL y$ % MEMBERS Z. Lewis Pettine Mamaux Larson Lewis Pettine Mamaux Larson Council accepted the 1986-87 Slurry Seal Program, Contract No. U/M-15 , as complete and directed the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds appropriately. a8 \ & 8 X X \ 9 A X X X X X X X X 0 0 MINUTES (50) (74) (97) February 16, 1088 Page 2 COUNCIL b MEMBERS \ 1 I CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) 3. AB i.9293 - REFUND OF FEES. I I Council approved the refund of $2,036.45 to Radnor/Carlsbad Partnership for overpayment of fees. ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 4. AB 119298 - AMENDING THE MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN AND COUNCIL POLICY NO. 36 AND ADOPTION OF REVISED MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE. Mayor Lewis stated Council Member Mamaux and he had been assigned the task of reviewing the compensation schedule. He stated he felt this was very professionally done and stated his support. Council Member Mamaux concurred, adding the positions were considered, not as personalities. He stated Carlsbad has top management people, and in order to retain those people, they should be paid accordingly. ~ Council adopted the following Resolutions: (one mot ion ) Lewis Pettine Mamaux RESOLUTION NO. 88-39, AMENDING COUNCIL POLICY NO. 36 Larson AND APPROVING A REVISED MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PLAN AND TRANSFERRING FUNDS. I RESOLUTION NO. 88-40, ADOPTING A COMPENSATION PLAN FOR COUNCIL-APPOINTED OFFICIALS. RESOLUTION NO. 88-41, AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN AND SALARY SCHEDULE TO ADOPT THE CLASSIFICATION OF ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER. PUBLIC COMMENT: Dennis Meehan, 3981 Gloria Lane, addressed Council regarding media reports of Representative Ron Packard's statements regarding illegal alien crime. Mr. Meehan stated there were no statistics to support those statements. He felt the City Council had set a good example with the Task Force. Mr. Meehan stated if Mr. Packard has additional information about crime in the area, he would like to see it and Council should also see that information. He added that Federal regulations cause part of the problem with regard to stolen cars, and Mr. Packard should be urged to resolve that by I I legislation. a? \ p PL 5 X \ % by X X X X ~ 0 0 MINUTES :114) (85) COUNCIL \$ 5b /o $,% )r February 16, 1988 Page 3 MEMBERS Z. tp 9 Dave Ea. Stookey, 5217 Don Valdez Road, addressed Council on the "good news" and "bad news" posture of the City. He stated Carlsbad is the envy of the neighboring cities and is the industrial complex of North County. The Growth Management Plan has controlled the growth and preserved the village flavor of Carlsbad. Mr. Stookey said the bad news was the per capita debt had increased 300 percent, as a result of the slow growth policy. He added that Council needed to establish expense-cutting priorities and wield the axe. Mr. Stookey stated he is a member of the Committee to Sustain Hosp Grove, and the Members feel alleviating the approximately $800,000 payment each year for Hosp Grove would be a strong step for taking the pressure off of Council. The Committee is circulating a petition to obtain 5,000 supportive signatures to place the proposal to lease 11 acres of the Grove before the voters, to help relieve the debt. Ronald Schiffrin, 2514 Abedul Street, addressed Council on the crime in the Carlsbad vicinity as stated by Representative Packard. He said he was not opposed to those who come to work in this area--only those who come to steal. Mr. Schiffrin stated he had observed these young men and boys, who are victims of the economic crisis in their homeland, and a new crisis against them by growers and economics in this country. Mr. Schiffrin felt the Task Force recommendations were to be commended and he asked the Council to look into the statements that had been made with regard to crime in this area, as he felt things had been omitted. He asked the Council to disassociate itself from the inflammatory crisis perpetrated by the Congressman and to look into the facts of the matter and use the Sheriff's Department and the Police Department to substantiate this. PUBLIC HEARING: 5. At3 f9294 - AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE TO DEFINE AND ALLOW RECYCLING FACILITIES - ZCA 87-2. This item was continued to March 15, 1988. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 6. AB 89296 - 30INT GOLF COURSE FEASIBILITY STUDY WITH COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO. Dave Bradstreet, Parks & Recreation Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using transparencies to show the site, the zoning, vicinity and existing land uses and the request for proposal. Wall charts were used to show the tentative map and a layout of a proposed golf course. 26 a 0 MINUTES (102) (41) (39) February 16, 1988 Page 4 COUNCIL \$ + % ' MEMBERS % % DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Council Member Mamaux inquired whether the study would include the canyon area, and staff indicated it could be expanded to include that open space area to the east without exceeding the money budgeted for the study. Council adopted the following Resolution: Lewis Pettine RESOLUTION NO. 88-38, APPROVING A $20,000 TRANSFER OF X Mamaux FUNDS FROM THE CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT (001-840-1990-2999) ACCOUNT (001-820-4110-2479) FOR THE PURPOSE OF Larson INTO PARK AND RECREATION MISCELLANEOUS CONSULTANT CONDUCTING A GOLF COURSE FEASIBILITY STUDY AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EEdTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TO CONDUCT THE FEASIBILITY STUDY, to include the easement to the east of the County property in the study. 7. AB 119297 - SPEED LIMIT OM PORTION OF CADENCIA STREET. Bob Johnson, Principal Civil Engineer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council introduced the following Ordinance: Lewis ORDINANCE NO. NS-7, AMENDING TITLE IO, CHAPTER 10.44 OF Mamaux THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE REVISION OF SECTION Larson 10.44.200 TO ESTABLISH THE SPEED LIMIT ON A PORTION OF CADENCIA STREET FROM LA COSTA AVENUE NORTHERLY TO A POINT 500 FEET WEST OF PERDIZ STREET. Pettine X 8. AB 119295 - SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND A&S CONSTRUCTION COMPANY IN THE LAWSUIT ENTITLED PETER C. DAVID COMPANY V. CITY OF CARLSBAD. City Attorney Vincent Biondo gave the report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: Lewis Pettine RESOLUTION NO. 88-37, APPROVING A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT X Mamaux AND ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND A&S CONSTRUCTION IN THE LAWSUIT PETER C. DAVID CO. Larson V. CITY OF CARLSBAD. INFORMATION ITEM ONLY: 9. REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Report from the City Treasurer concerning the City's investment portfolio as of February 1, 1988. A5 \ b!y 3 X X X X X X X X X X X X m' l e e MINUTES February 16, 1988 Page 5 COUNCIL y$ ?& MEMBERS ZI COUNCIL REPORTS: I I City/School Committee I I Council Member Mamaux reported it is hoped the final agreement for the Senior Center will be available in March. Carlsbad Economic Enhancement Council I I Council Member Mamaux reported the Enhancement Council members had met with the Cultural Arts Committee, and this was a good beginning for cooperation between the two groups. Letter from Department of Transportation I I Council Member Mamaux stated the Council Members should take note of this letter. The fuel tax is not covering the cost of road repairs other than those in the five- year plan, and there will be pressure to increase the gas tax in the future. Carslbad Economic Enhancement Council Mayor Lewis reported on a meeting Council Member Mamaux and he attended last week. Council Member Mamaux added the main problem people have is for the fees charged by the City on renovations of tenant improvements within buildings, and when those fees are explained, they are willing to pay them. He said the educational program will have a great benefit. 1 CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: I City Manager Ray Patchett announced he had been appointed Vice-chairman of a state-wide Growth Management Committee. AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of February 16, 1988, was adjourned at 6:50 p.m. I Respectfully submitted, I I WkQ- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ / City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk ALP I v !&