HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-04-19; City Council; Minutes. 0 0 MINUTES (81) (99) (99) (99) Meeting of : CITY COUNCIL (Reaular Meeting) Date of Meeting: April 19, 1988 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. COUNCIL \$$ %.p "0 %.p/ A Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers MEMBERS Z. cp Z. CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson. Absent : None. INVOCATION was given by Father A1 Capuchin0 of the Christ the King Eastern Orthodox Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Pettine. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held April 5, 1988, Lewis X were approved as presented. Kulchin xx Pettine X Mamaux X Larson X Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting held April 7, 1988, 1 Larson were approved as presented. Pettine CONSENT CALENDAR: 1 Council Member Kulchin requested Item #4 be removed from the Consent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Lewis X with the exception of Item 14, as follows: Kulchin xx Pettine X Mamaux X Larson X WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB /I9387 - QUITCLAIM OF EASEMENTS - WINDSONG SHORES - CT 83-4. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-125, approving the quitclaim of portions of open space and public access easements off Harbor Drive in Carlsbad Tract 83-4. 2. AB /I9388 - FINAL MAP - CARLSBAD TRACT 84-28. Council approved the Final Map of Carlsbad Tract 84- 28 (March Group, Inc. ). 3. AB !I9389 - 3EFFERSON STREET TWELVE PUBLIC . IMPROVEMENTS FOR PRIVATE DEVELOPMENT 275. Council accepted the improvements, authorized the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and release bonds appropriately: and directed the Utilities and Maintenance Department to commence maintaining the public streets associated with the subdivision. 100 (70) (45) 0 e MINUTES April 19, 1988 Page 2 MEMBERS COUNCIL \ 1 __~ ~ ~ ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 4. AB 89390 - SECOND AMENDMENT TO STATE AGREMENT FOR CARLSBAD BOULEVARD SHORELINE PROTECTION. Council Member Kulchin asked for staff clarification of the aproximately $llO,OOO left over from the Seawall Project. John Cahill stated at the time the Seawall was dedicated there was approximately this amount of money left in the account. Staff negotiated with the State Boat & Waterways Department and will be allowed to appiy that amount to the Carlsbad Walkway Project. That money, together with the Redevelopment Agency funds from the Tax Allocation Bond Sale, will be used for the blufftop walkway on Carlsbad Boulevard. Council adopted the following Resolution: Lewis Kulchin RESOLUTION NO. 88-126, APPROVING THE SECOND AMENDMENT Pettine TO A CITY/STATE AGREEMENT FOR THE CARLSBAD BOULEVARD Larson SHORE PROTECTION PROJECT. (Carlsbad Boulevard Seawall) Mamaux PUBLIC COMMENT: Dennis Meehan, 3981 Gloria Lane, spoke on the Open Space Initiative, stating he felt it was unfair for citizens who initiated legislation to require a 2/3 vote to change a law when it only required a majority to become law. He stated if the initiative were passed, it would take away property rights and would allow voters to change zoning. He urged Council to sponsor a fairness initiative stating that in Carlsbad if a 50 percent plus one majority was needed to pass legislation, then the same majority would apply to change that legislation. D. Stookey, 5217 Don Valdez, stated he concurred with Mr. Meehan's statements as to the fairness of the Open Space Initiative. He referred to a survey taken in Los Angeles where only 24 percent of those polled felt the building industry and contractors were at fault for some of the excesses in building, and in San Diego, one third of the citizens felt the City Council was at fault for allowing rampant growth. Mr. Stookey listed the projects he felt would be eliminated if this initiative passed. Girard W. Anear, 1728 Calavo Court, spoke stating the people who are working on the Open Space Initiative are the same ones who worked on the previous Hosp Grove ballot issue. He stated the Growth Management Plan requires open space be dedicated, and at buildout 40 percent of the City will be open space. x 79 &$ @ X :x X X X . 0 e MINUTES (72) (26) /\i$ %p$? April 19, 1988 Page 3 COUNCIL /o $.p/ MEMBERS Z. tp Z. Mayor Lewis requested that Item 88, Child Care Task Force Report, be taken out of order, following the Public Hearings, and before the Housing & Redevelopment Commission meeting, and Council concurred. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION: 5. AB #9382 - NO PARKING ZONE ON MARJORIE LANE. Council adopted the following Ordinance: Kulchin X Lewis xx OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE REVISION OF Mamaux X SECTION 10.40.062 TO DECLARE A NO PARKING ZONE ON MARJORIE LANE MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY BETWEEN THE HOURS OF X Larson 7:OO A.M. AND 4:OO P.M. PUBLIC HEARINGS: ORDINANCE NO. NS-13, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.40 X Pettine 6. AB 89395 - CYNTHIA LANE ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 86-3. Richard Allen, Superintendent of Streets, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, with a revised Resolution and Engineer's Report distributed to Council Members this evening. Transparencies were used to show the 1911 Act, Chapter 27 Procedures, the new front footage for the Medina cul-de-sac property and the comparison of the ten-year and fifteen-year bonds. Mr. Allen reported the fifteen-year bonds were preferred by all property owners, and the Resolution had been changed to authorize that. Mr. Allen stated the reduced assessment to Mr. Medina had resulted in a higher assessment for the other property owners; however, the Consultant had agreed to absorb the costs so the other assessments would not be increased. Mackenzie Brown, Attorney, stated the construction was complete and the Engineer's report had been prepared based on the final assessment costs. He stated there were three Resolutions to be adopted; one had been modified to show an increase in the City's contribution, which was necessary due to the change in Mr. Medina's assessment, and in order to keep the other property owners' assessments the same. Also, the extension of time from ten to fifteen years on the bonds was included. In answer to Council query regarding the City absorbing any of the "incidental costs", Mr. Allen explained the City only did that when the district had been initiated by the City and public safety was a factor. Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 6:38 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. 98 I .. 0 MINUTES %pw April 19, 1988 Page 4 MEMBERS COUNCIL \b /o 2. $,% tF Z. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) Donald Dominguez, 1288 Knowles Avenue, spoke as a property owner, and stated the incidental costs were the same as estimated three or four years ago. He stated he was not aware of some of the meetings of the property owners, but had been told the District would go through regardless of what he said, and had received threats of condemnation of his property. Mr. Dorninguez felt Council should absorb some or all of the incidental expenses, as they had done on other assessment districts. Mr. Dominguez stated City employees wanted to purchase his property and he felt this was not proper for those employees to use their positions with the City for personal gain. Dr. 3ulie Edennen, 1320 Knowles Avenue, spoke on behalf of herself and Clyde Wickham, and stated she agreed with the other owners. She added it has taken four years and over $200,000 to build this short cul-de-sac. Since no one else wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed at 6:43 p.m. Council Members had staff clarify that this District was not City-initiated, but petitioned by the property owners themselves. No one from the City took any action on the district representing the City. The City did the required mailings for the meetings and Willdan Associates conducted the meetings. Mr. Allen assured the Council there were no irregularities with regard to this District. Council adopted the following Resolutions: (one Lewis X motion) Kulchin X Pettine X MODIFICATIONS TO THE ENGINEER'S "REPORT" IN A SPECIAL Larson X ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. RESOLUTION NO. 88-1 12, CONFIRMING "REPORT" OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS ON COST OF CONSTRUCTION, AND LEVYING ASSESSMENTS IN CHAPTER 27 PROCEEDINGS UNDER THE "IMPROVEMENT ACT OF 191 1". RESOLUTION NO. 88-131, ORDERING CERTAIN CHANGES AND xx Mamaux RESOLUTION NO. 88-113, MAKING AWARD FOR SALE OF BONDS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A REDEMPTION FUND. Council Member Pettine commented for the record that it can be unfair for the minority when the majority of property owners desire something of this type. However, they can sub-divide their property and benefit from the installation of the street. 97 e a MINUTES (112) (28) April 19, 1988 /\i$ %'p A3 Page 5 COUNCIL "0 + p, MEMBERS 2. @ Z. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) 7. AB #9391 - WEED ABATEMENT PUBLIC HEARING. Battalion Chief Mike Smith gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Lewis opened the public hearing at 6:55 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this item, the public hearing was closed. Council adopted the following Resolution: Lewis X Kulchin xx ABATE NUISANCE BY HAVING WEEDS, RUBBISH AND REFUSE Mamaux X REMOVED. Larson X Item 88 was taken out of order at this time. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: RESOLUTION NO. 88-127, ORDERING THE CITY MANAGER TO X Pettine 8. AB #9392 - CHILD CARE TASK FORCE REPORT. Jim Hagaman, Research/Analysis Director, introduced the Chairperson for the Child Care Task Force, Anna Knox, who introduced the Task Force Members and gave the report to Council. Mrs. Knox stated the Task Force did not feel the City of Carlsbad should get into the business of providing child care, but did feel there is a need to educate, enhance, encourage, promote and facilitate in the area of child care from an economic and land use point of view. Mrs. Knox explained how the Task Force accomplished their task and referred to the report contained in the packet. She read the recommendations as contained in the Agenda Bill and concluded her report by thanking staff members and task force members for their support. James Smith, 6725 Russelia Court, spoke as a grandparent, stating his interest in having proper and adequate child care in Carlsbad, and urged Council to initiate the programs recommended by the Task Force. He stated he did not feel a Commission or mandatory legislation should be enacted at this time. However, some measures could be adopted to start action in the right direction. Mr. Smith felt an employee trained in the aspects of child care could be hired to dispense information to the public and to City employees. Mae Johnson, 7227 Mimosa Drive, representing Family Service Association as President of the Advisory Board, spoke in favor of the recommendations of the Task Force, stating the problems of those needing child care. She said this was a societal problem as well as a family problem. 96 e 0 MINUTES April 19, 1988 Page 6 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Bill Saylor, 4411 Springtime Drive, Oceanside, Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Club, encouraged Council to support the recommendations of the Task Force. 3oe Angel, 5410 Los Robles, representing the Carlsbad Unified School District, also urged Council to consider the recommendations of the Task Force. Peggy Blush, 1715 Grandview, Oceanside, Pilgrim Children's Center Director, stated they have been providing child care for 14 years because of the need of the community. She added her support to this report and commended Council and the Task Force for recognizing this was a land use problem as well as a social problem. Bernadette E. Probus, Attorney, 3868 Caminito De Tatan, representing the San Diego County Family Day Care Association and the Resource Service, spoke in favor of the Task Force recommendations. She recommended that administrative permits be given for day care providers rather than the CUP as recommended by the Task Force. This would be easier to issue and would lower the cost of permits. Ms. Probus further stated the State law requires notification to property owners within 100 feet contiguous to the applicant for a day care permit. The Ordinance in Carlsbad requires notification within 300 feet, which is in excess of that required by the State. She felt that should be changed to agree with the State requirement. Ms. Probus stated the need for more large family home day care licenses and felt any changes made to make it easier to become licensed would help eliminate the unlicensed homes. Carmen Harney, 4002 Vista Way, Oceanside, Tri-City Medical Center, told of the large number of employees at the hospital who are in need of child care, and the cost to the hospital yearly because of child-care -related problems. She encouraged Council to enforce the Task Force recommendations and be the leader in North County in addressing the issue. Margie Monroy, 3610 Carlsbad Boulevard, President of the League of Women Voters North Coast San Diego County, addressed Council stating the League has been concerned with child care issues in the last two years and is conducting a study at the present time. She said the social and economic changes of the last few years have created a real revolution throughout the country, and the City of Carlsbad should seriously consider the implementation of the recommendations of the Child Care Task Force. 95 \\b 5 COUNCIL ?$ %% ' MEMBERS % %% 0 0 MINUTES April 19, 1988 /\F %p 2&4 Page 7 COUNCIL .'o +p, MEMBERS .;t 8 .;t DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Peter Bullock, 6155 El Camino Real, Hughes Aircraft, stated that 90 percent of the employees surveyed in industry would use or consider using a child care center near their place of employment. He said that infant care is a serious issue as well as the safety of the children, due to injuries and fires caused by unlicensed care homes. Mr. Bullock mentioned some of the dangers present in homes and some of the toxic materials present in those unlicensed homes. Mr. Bullock stated his company would work with the City to have a facility near the work place, adding if the fathers all needed child care centers, there would be many centers located near the work places. Council Member Kulchin congratulated the Task Force to the schools. She also concurred that infant care was an important issue. Mayor Lewis stated he had a problem with a staff person working on this and felt the City should work with a group to make the program successful. The people in Zone 5 are interested in participating in a group to work on this problem. Council approved the proposed Child Care Policies and Lewis X instructed staff to return with a formatted policy for Kulchin X adoption; and instructed staff to return with a Pettine X structural consortium similar to the Futtsu Sister City Mamaux xx Steering Committee. Larson X Council took no action on the recommendation to create a Child Care Coordinator. Council approved the recommendation to develop State and Lewis xx Federal Legisative Policies supporting child care and Kulchin X referred the matter to the Council Legislative Pettine X Committee for inclusion into the City's Legislative Mamaux X Platform; to also be coordinated with the League of Larson X Women Voters and SANDAG. Council approved the recommendation and referred the Lewis xx matter to staff for development of a public Kulchin X information packet for child care users and providers; Pettine X and approved the recommendation to implement recommended Mamaux X land use and community development process revision Larson X and referred the matter to the Planning Commission for consideration, hearings and recommendations. RECESS : Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 8:22 p.m., and Council re-convened at 8:31 p.m., will all Members present. HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION: Council adjourned to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission at 8:31 p.m., and re-convened at 8:48 p.m. 94 ? 0 0 MINUTES (70) (45) (97) (76) (94) April 19, 1988 \\\ Page 8 MEMBERS co"NcL\ DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) 9. AB /I9393 - BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PR03ECT EIR/EIS AGREEMENTS. Gary Wayne introduced Lillian Kawasaki, Project Manager, who stated the reimbursement agreement with the City of Los Angeles had been signed, and she presented copies to the City Clerk for the Mayor to sign. Gary Wayne gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council. adopted the following Resolutions: (one motion) RESOLUTION NO. 88-128, APPROVING REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF LOS ANGELES AND CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW. RESOLUTION NO. 88-129, APPROVING A N AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND CH2M HILL, FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT FOR THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PR03ECT. Lewis Kulchin Pettine Mamaux Larson IO. AB 89394 - APPLICATIONS FOR FEDERAL FUNDING FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF BATIQUITOS LAGOON BRIDGES. John Cahill gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a slide presentation to show the present and proposed Batiquitos Lagoon bridges. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 88-130, FORMALLY REQUESTING THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CALTRANS) OVER SAN MARCOS CREEK (BATIQUITOS LAGOON) AND AUTHORIZING STAFF TO PREPARE APPLICATIONS FOR FEDERAL HIGHWAY BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND REHABILITATION (HBRR) PROGRAM FUNDING FOR THE REMOVAL AND RECONSTRUCTIONS OF THESE STRUCTURES. EVALUATE THE CONDITIONS OF TWO (2) CITY-OWNEQ BRIDGES 11. AB /I9383 - PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 88-121, RE-APPOINTING ROBERT HOLMES TO THE CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION. I Lewis Kulchin Pettine Mamaux Larson Lewis Kulchin Pettine Larson I Mamaux 12. AB R9384 - PARKING AUTHORITY APPOINTMENT. Council adopted the following Resolution: Lewis 1 Kulchin RESOLUTION NO. 88-122, RE-APPOINTING GIRARD ANEAR TO THE CARLSBAD PARKING AUTHORITY. I Pettine Mamaux Larson 91 9& $$ A q 4.t X X X xx x X xx X X X xx X X X X xx X X X X r a, .. 0 MINUTES (28) (28) (39) I\W %p A? April 19, 1988 Page 9 COUNCIL e *p/ MEMBERS 2. (I, 2. . DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) 13. AB 89385 - HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. Council adopted the following Resolution: X Larson xx Mamaux TO THE CARLSBAD HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION. X Kulchin X Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 88-123, RE-APPOINTMENT BRIAN ROBERTSON X Pettine 14. AB #9386 - CARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. Council adopted the following Resolution: X Larson X Mamaux BISCHOFF TO THE CARLSBAD ARTS COMMISSION. X Pettine RESOLUTION NO. 88-124, RE-APPOINTING 30E BEAR AND WAYNE X Kulchin xx Lewis INFORMATION ITEM: 15. REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Report from the City Treasurer on the City's investment portfolio as of April 1, 1988. COUNCIL REPORTS: SANDAG Council Member Mamaux reported on recent activities. 3AC Council Member Larson reported on 3AC activities. Coastal Regional Beach Erosion Committee Council Member Kulchin reported on a recent meeting. Water District Meeting Mayor Lewis reported on a recent meeting with a representative of Costa Real Municipal Water District concerning the League of Women Voter's Report. Carlsbad Economic Enhancement Council Mayor Lewis reported on the Board Meeting and added they are interested in participating and being involved in the child care issue. AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of April 19, 1988, was adjourned at 9: 18 p.m. Respectfully submitted, - (g,lmL A- Q- ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 92