HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-06-14; City Council; MinutesI. * e MINUTES Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meetinu) Date of Meeting: June 14, 1988 Time of Meeting: 6r00 p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: " Present: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson. Absent : None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held May 24, 1988, were approved as presented. PRESENTATION: Bob Neilson, Chairman of Carlsbad Bia Bang Committee, asked Council to proclaim June 25, 1988, as Carlsbad Da! in Holiday Park. Mr. Neilson presented Council Members with T-shirts and announced that the 3uly 4, 1988, fireworks will be set off from a barge near the foot of Tamarack Avenue at 9:OO p.m. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lewis requested Item 81 be removed from the Consent Calendar and announced that Council Member Larson had requested Item H4 be removed. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item #I and Item #4, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council. waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. (81) 1 . AB 89459 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. (63) 2. AB 89469 - APPROPRIATION FROM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR LIBRARY BUILDING REPAIRS AND LIBRARIAN I1 AND I11 SALARY ADJUSTMENT. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-188, authorizing the transfer of funds from the General Fund Contingency Account to the Library budget. 158 f COUNCIL \\b 5 % ?$.? MEMBERS Z. tp Z. Lewis X Larson X Mamaux X Pettine xx Kulchin X Lewis X Larson xx Mamaux X Pettine X Kulchin X ~ ~ - - a Q MINUTES 3une 14, 1988 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) (100) 3. AB #I9470 - AGREEMENT FOR COLLECTION OF TAXES AND (45) SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-189, authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement for collection of taxes and special assessments with the County of San Diego. (70) 4. AB if9471 - THREE-PARTY AGREEMENT FOR THE (45) DEVELOPMENT OF BUENA VISTA LAGOON VISITATION AREA. This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: (81) 1. AB #I9459 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION. Doug Duncanson, Superintendent of Parks, introduced Bill Qvistgaard, President of RecyCal of San Diego, who presented the City with a check for $550.00 to be used to help in the beach cleanup program. Mr. Qvistgaard presented vi.sors to Council. Members and a T-shirt to Mayor Lewis. Council. adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 88-181, ACCEPTING A DONATION OF FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($550). RESOLUTION NO. 88-181, ACCEPTING A DONATION OF FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($550). (70) 4. - AB #!9471 - THREE-PARTY AGREEMENT FOR THE (45) DEVELOPMENT OF THE BUENA VISTA LAGOON VISITATION AREA. 3ohn Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager, gave a staff report on the item. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 88-190, APPROPRIATING FUNDS AND APPROVING A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AMONG THE CITY, THE BUENA VISTA LAGOON FOUNDATION AND THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME TO CONSTRUCT A NATURE VISITATION AREA. PROCLAMATION: 3im Hagaman, Director of Research/Analysis, read a Proclamation presented to Carlsbad in recognition of their efforts and leadership as a Champion for Children in 1988. He presented to the City a work of art drawn by a pre-school child. 153 - I COUNCIL \\k 5 % %' 3 MEMBERS % s% Lewis xx Kulchin X X Larson X Mamaux X Pettine Lewis X Kulchin X xx Larson X Mamaux X Pettine 0 e June 14, 1988 MINUTES Page 3 PUBLIC COMMENT: Nathan Acuna, 5384 Linda Vista Road, San Diego, addressed Council, representing the Association for Retarded Citizens of San Diego as the Director of Public Affairs, and told of the work done by this Association. He stated although the North County Chapter had filed a Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, the services and programs had not been affected. Mr. Acuna stated he was here to ask the City of Carlsbad to consider helping the retarded citizens by contracting with them for services. Inez Yoder, 7738 Madrilena, spoke expressing disappointment with the City. She expressed the opinion that false statements were being made about the S.O.S. initiative. She also expressed concern about loading the Commissions and Boards of the City with developer-oriented members. Mike Lompart, 2025 Chestnut, spoke again regarding the City's removal of the barricade and berm in front of his property and asked the City to replace these items. Dolores Welty, 2076 Sheridan Road, Leucadia, addressed Council referring to her letter to the Mayor dated Marc1 16. She stated the Mayor had asked for a response from staff and she had not yet received a response. She had asked questions of the City regarding grading standards and exceptions granted developers on projects and had been told exceptions were negotiated during the writing of the Master Plan. Also, she was told the Coastal Commission is responsible for policing compliance with the permit, with the City of Carlsbad only responsible for policing the Redevelopment area. Ms. Welty stated she had requested copies of the six local coastal plans for the City of Carlsbad, but had only received two of these and had been told the other four would be available at a later date. She presented a letter to the Mayor requesting to be notified of all actions on the Hunt and Sammis projects. Council requested the City Manager to review the request of the Association for Retarded Citizens as presented by Mr. Acuna. The City Manager stated staff had been working with Mr. Lompart and would continue to do so. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (114) 5. AB #9472 - AMENDMENT TO CARLSBAD ZONING ORDINANCE TO ALLOW CAR WASHES OR AUTO LAUNDRIES WITH A CUP - ZCA 88-1 - CITY OF CARLSBAD. Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Lewis opened the Public Hearing at 6:35 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. I56 " 1 COUNCIL \\b 5 % %' 9 MEMBERS % $% 0 e MINUTES June 14, 1988 Page 4 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) Mike Lompart, 2025 Chestnut, asked for the noise level on Chestnut Street, and staff indicated that information was not available, but could be researched if Council desired. Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the public hearing was closed at 6:38 p.m. Council approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-18, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING CHAPTERS 21.42 (CONDITIONAL USES) BY DELETING SECTION 21.42.010(6)(A) WHICH ALLOWS CAR WASHES IN THE INDUSTRIAL ZONE AND BY ADDING SUBSECTIONS 21.26.015(5) AND 21.28.015(6) ALLOWING AUTOMOBILE LAUNDRIES OR CAR YASHES AS ADDITIONAL CONDITIONAL USES IN NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL (C-I) AND 21.29.050( 1 ) TO ALLOW AUTOMMOBILE LAUNDRIES OR CAR WASHES IN CON3lJNCTION WITH SERVICE STATIONS AS ADDITIONAL CONDITIONAL USES IN THE COMMERCIAL TOURIST GENERAL COMMERCIAL (C-2) ZONES AND AMENDING SUBSECTION (C-T) ZONE. (114) 6. AB 89473 - AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE PERMITTING MORE THAN ONE SATELLITE ANTENNA PER USE CARLSBAD. WITH A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT - ZCA 88-2 - CITY OF Mike Holzmiller gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Sill. Mayor Lewis opened the Public Hearing at 6:41 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Mike Lompart, 2025 Chestnut, inquired what effect satellite antennae had on TV reception and staff indicated they did not have an answer. Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the public hearing was closed at 6:42 p.m. Council approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-19, AMENDING TITLE 21, CHAPTER 21.42 (CONDITIONAL USES) OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 21.42.010(6)(G) AND CHAPTER 21.53 (USES GENERALLY) BY ADDING SECTION 21.53.130(E)(3)(A) TO ALLOW MORE THAN ONE SATELLITE ANTENNA PER USE IN THE INDUSTRIAL (PM, CM, Ea) ZONES WITH A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. (114) 7. AB 19474 - AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ELIMINATE THE R-3L, RD-H AND C-LR ZONES - ZCA 88-4. Mike Holzrniller gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bi.11. ~ 155 - COUNCIL /\iJ %p%2 "0 %p/ MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. Lewis X Larson X Mamaux xx Pettine X Kulchin X Lewis X Larson X Mamaux X Pettine xx Kulchin X e 0 MINUTES (97) (72) June 14, 1988 Page 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) Mayor Lewis opened the Public Hearing at 6:48 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this matter, the Public Hearing was closed. Council approved the Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director and introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-20, AMENDING TITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE-HE REPEAL OF CHAPTERS 21 .14, 21 .23 AND 21.25, eliminating the R-3L, RD-H and C-LR Zones. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: I 8. AB #9475 - RE-STRIPING A PORTION OF LA COSTA AVENUE AND RESTRICTING PARKING. City Engineer Lloyd Hubbs introduced this item and gave the preliminary report, with Bob gohnson, Traffic Engineer, continuing the report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Transparencies were used to indicate the five alternatives that had been considered in this matter, and slides of the affected area of La Costa Avenue were shown. Sheldon Penn, 2426 La Costa Avenue, stated he owned a lot at that address, and most of the people present tonight live on that street and do not want it re- striped. He stated if the people living there cannot get out of their driveways, they cannot live there. He recommended the striping be left as it is now or Alternative #4 be adopted. Andre Williams, 2408 La Costa Avenue, told of accidents on La Costa Avenue between Rancho Santa Fe Road and El Camino Real. He stated the reasons for the accidents is the poor sight distance and the excessive speed. Mr. Williams felt a continuous left-turn lane would on1.y lead to higher speeds on the street, and no parking would also tend to cause higher speeds. Chuck Hodil, 3007 La Costa Avenue, representing Citizens for a Safe La Costa Avenue, stated he was one of the more than 200 people living along La Costa Avenue. He felt the issue was one of safety, as the people living in this particular area need a buffer zone to be able tc have ingress and egress from their driveways, and the parking lane provides that buffer. Mr. Hodil expressed support for Alternative $14. I Peter Tracy, 2409C La Costa Avenue, a resident in the condominiums on the south side of La Costa Avenue, stated he saw no need for bike lanes, as they are used for recreation and the residents along that area use the road for getting to work. He requested a continuous left-turn lane be placed there to enable the 58 tenants in their complex to make a left turn without fear of a fatal accident. I sy I /\b ?AT%< COUNCIL "0 %.p/ MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. Lewis X Larson X Mamaux xx Pettine X Kulchin X e 0 MINUTES June 14, 1988 Page 6 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) 3ohn Mosele, 2722 La Costa Avenue, stated his opposition to a two-way turn lane, stating there were no homes on the south side of the street. He referred to photographs indicating there was very little parking on the street--as that area is used as a buffer zone for ingress and egress, due to the poor sight distance problem. Mr. Mosele requested approval of Alternative f4. Robert Huntoon, 2320 "A" La Costa Avenue, representing Alta Yerde Homeowners Association, stated he was the person who wrote the first letter asking for a turn pocket or some way to make a safe turn. The Homeowners Association would support a left-turn lane first; parking, second and a bike lane third. He also commented on the excessive speed of traffic. Bill Ryan, 3005 La Costa Avenue, told of the excessive speed of vehicles and stated he had timed some vehicles at speeds in excess of 100 miles per hour. 3oe Mitchell, 4660 Central Avenue #4, San Diego, representing the San Diego Bicycle Coalition, asked Council to consider the interests of the bicycle riders. If the cyclists are forced to share the lanes with vehicles, there is a higher risk for injury or death to them. He stated the school children need the bike lanes to ride their bikes to school, and added that bike lanes are needed both directions for safety. Marylynn Brown-Bellman, 2638 Luciernaga, representing Villa La Costa Association, stated she lived in the condominiums nearest the shopping center, which were the first condominiums on the street. At the time they were built, the standard was only one parking space per unit, which now makes parking very critical. She favored Alternative #4, stating she would like a left- turn lane, but not at the expense of the parking lane. Stan Michaels, 24275 La Costa Avenue, representing De Marbea Condo Complex as President of the Board, stated there are 58 families living in those condos with no way to turn left into the complex. He stated that speed is the worst problem in that area, and added a left-turn lane is necessary. Sharon Grether, 2508 La Costa Avenue, representing her parents, stated the need for a parking lane as a buffer zone in order to exit and enter the driveway to their h ome . Dale Morrison, 3421 Ann Drive, spoke on behalf of the bike commuters, stating he would use the street with or without the stripina. He favored all alternatives that included bike lanes. I53 COUNCIL k\iJ % %' ' MEMBERS % $% 0 0 - MINUTES 3une 14, 1988 Page 7 T DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Jim Comunale, 2712 La Costa Avenue, spoke in favor of leaving the striping as it is, as without the buffer area th.e service trucks would have to stop in the line of traffic. He felt the long term problem is the reduction of speed on the street. He suggested more visual enforcement of the speed limit with signs stating it is residential area and the speed law strictly enforced. He felt the quality of life for residents should be a prime consideration. Mark Withero, 3015 La Costa Avenue, representing Citizens for a safe La Costa Avenue, stated Mr. Huntoon had requested a safe turn lane in the middle of the street, and he felt engineering had not considered the 200 families that must back out into the street. He recommended leaving the bike lanes, as they tend to slow the traffic, but also have a parkina lane for safety. Mr. Withero stated that a continuous two-way lane keeps traffic moving swiftly, and the traffic in that area is already too swift. He felt there should be only two through lanes. I Mr. Withero stated the parking lane should be the number one priority for safety; second, a continuous turn lane or bike lanes. He supported Alternative 84. In answer to Council query regarding the possibility of lowering the speed limit, Mr. Johnson explained the method used to determine the critical speed and difficulties in enforcement if speed limits are set lower. Council discussion reflected the need to retain the parking lane in front of the single-family residences; and the desire to provide a pocket-turn lane in front of the condominiums. The City Manager stated that based on Council comments, staff would return with striping proposals to include Alternative 84 with left turn pockets; and one which would eliminate the bike lanes. Council continued this item to 3uly 5, 1988, for additi.ona1 information concerning alternative striping. RECESS : Mayor Lewis declared a recess at 8:35 p.m., and Council re-convened at 8:45 p.m., with all Members present. 152 COUNCIL \\b % * %% 3 MEMBERS % %% Lewis X Larson xx Mamaux X Pettine X Kulchin X 0 e MINUTES 3une 14, 1988 Page 8 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) (113) 9. AB 89476 - GRADING MITIGATION PLAN - A.REA C OF SAMMIS PR03ECT - BATIQUITOS LAGOON EDUCATIONAL PARK. I This item was continued to the meeting of June 21, 1988. (29) IO. AB #9477 - 1988-89 OPERATING BUDGET. I Debbie Neville, Finance Department, gave the staff report, stating no decision was required tonight. The public hearing would be held June 21, 1988, and Council could adopt the budget at that time. She stated that Proposition C passed, increasing revenue approximately $750,000, leaving the budget out of balance approximately $300,000. Darline Ulrich, 605 San Diego Street, Oceanside, representing North County Food Co-op, addressed Council stating they have seven social service agencies in North County with a warehouse in San Marcos to feed the hungry in North County. She stated they are seeking $6,000 from the City of Carlsbad. Shirley Cole, 1252 Basswood Avenue, representing Lifeline Community Services, told of their services and requested funds from Carlsbad. Sharon Newcomb, P. 0. Box 499, San Luis Rey, representing Women's Resource Center, thanked Council for past support. She requested funding in the amount of $10,750. Sharon Wiggins, 2827 Cedarwood Way, representing the YMCA OZ North Coast, asked for Council's continued support. Peder Norby, 3451 Buena Vista Circle, representing Big Bang, CCVB, stated the costs for the 3uly 4 fireworks had increased due to the costs of renting a barge and additional insurance costs. He asked for a $5,000 contribution. Craig Severson, 5411 Avenida Encinas, spoke on behalf of the Carlsbad Convention & Visitors Bureau. Mike Straub, 2956 Roosevelt, Chairman of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Hotel and Motel Council, spoke for the CCVB, requesting $296,000, an increase of $96,000. He stated with the passage of Prop C and an increase in the TOT, the higher funding request was the same proportion of TOT provided in the past. Craig Severson presented a slide show entitled Carlsbad -- New Horizons in View. i5/ \\k 5 COUNCIL % %$ ? MEMBERS % %% I 0 3une 14, 1988 MINUTES Page 9 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS- (Continued) Lee Bohlman: Chamber of Commerce Executive Vice President, spoke in support of the CONVIS funding request . Dee Wood, 6709 Corintia, representing the Carlsbad Community Band as their Manager: stated their need for funding to continue to operate. She stated new equipment was needed and the band was asking for $7,000. Ted Frye, 7121 Linden Terrace, representing the Batiquitos Festival of the Arts as Chairman of the Board, asked for Council funding to help support the Festival in the amount of $20,000. Judith Haworth-Adams, 133 Bellerive Court, Vista, representing Casa De Amparo, thanked Council for their support last year and explained how the funds were spent, and requested funding for this year in the amount of $13,400. Marjorie-Howard Jones, 4823 Argosy Lane, representing the Historic Preservation Commission, asked Council to consider giving the Historic Preservation Commission its own separate budget. She stated the Commission has brought money into the City through grants and would appreicate having its own budget. Finance Director 3im Elliott stated issue statements are being prepared includinq one with alternative ways of balancing the budget. Council Member Mamaux stated he would like to see a statement relating to how the budget would be brought into balance next year and the following year and would like to see a sheet highlighting performance budgeting. (37) .11. A5 19478 - CITY COUNCIL GOALS AND OB3ECTIVES. Council continued this item to June 21, 1988. (48) 12. AB /I9485 - OPEN SPACE UPDATE. Mayor Lewis distributed an Auenda to be followed in discussing this item, with Council Member Larson and Mayor Lewis to discuss their work on this item. Council Member Larson commented that Council had taken the necessary actions to bring the open space at buildout to nearly W percent of the land, rather than the 20 percent talked about by the S.O.S. initiative. He felt it was important to compare the City's current requirements to the S.O.S. initiative. Mr. Holzmiller continued with the staff report detailing the contents of the report contained in the Age nda Bi 11. Council Member Larson emphasized the concern about the large disparity between the open space starting points in the Growth Management Plan and the S.O.S. initiative . / so - COUNCIL \\b 5 % %% 2 MEMBERS % $% ~ I .! MINUTES June 14, 1988 Page 10 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Due to the hour, Council continued this item to an Adjourned Regular Meeting, Friday, June 17, 1988, at 6:OO p.m., in the Council Chambers. (63) 13. AB 89479 - LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEE APPOINTMENT. Council continued this item to June 21, 1988. (28) 14. AB 89480 - PERSONNEL BOARD APPOINTMENT. Council continued this item to 3une 21, 1988. (28) 15. AB /I9481 - HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS. Council continued this item to June 21, 1988. (28) 16. AB 119482 - DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPOINTMENTS. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 88-195, REAPPOINTING JOHN MCCOY AND 3ERRY ROMBOTIS TO THE CARLSBAD DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. (28) 17. AB f9483 - SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 88-196, APPOINTING PEGGY SAVARY TO THE SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION. (76) 18. AB #9464 - PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT. Mayor Lewis announced there were four candidates nominated for the Planning Commission; Barbara Donovan, Debbie Davis, Stephen L'Heureux and Kip McBane. Each Council Member reaffirmed their previous nomination. Mayor Lewis stated at this time he would nominate Tom Erwin. Council Members Mamaux, Kulchin and Larson concurred. Council Member Pettine stated because of the circumstances under which the vacancy was created, he would vote "no", but it was not a reflection on the qualifications of Mr. Erwin. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 88-185, APPOINTING TOM ERWIN TO THE CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION. l.Ld 9 c COUNCIL \\y 5 %9$x7 MEMBERS Z. tp Z. Lewis X Larson X Mamaux X Pettine X Kulchin xx Lewis X Larson X Mamaux X Pettine X Kulchin xx Lewis X Larson X Mamaux X Pettine X Kulch in xx Lewis X Larson X Mamaux Pettine X Kulchin xx *' e a June 14, 1988 MINUTES Page 11 INFORMATION ITEM ONLY: (39) 19. AB 89484 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Report from the City Tresurer regarding the City's investment portfoliio as of 3une 1, 1988. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of June 14, 1988, as adjourned at 10:07 p.m. 9 to Friday, 3une 17, 1988, at 6:OO p.m., in the Council Chambers. Respectfully submitted, ab&b 1. RT ALETHA L . RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk IU8 I COUNCIL /\k %9A 0 AIp 4 MEMBERS % $% I