HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-09-06; City Council; Minutes0 * MINUTES (99) (102) (99) Meeting of :. CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: September 6, 1988 5 Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. \\y Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COUNCIL %?$%? CALL TO ORDER : Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the Deputy City Clerk, as follows : MEMBERS Z. 8 * Present: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine Mamaux and Larson. Absent : None. INVOCATION was given by Father Douglas Woodridge from St. Michael’s By-The-Sea Episcopal Church. PLEDGE. OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Kulchin. PRESENT AT ION : Mayor Lewis read a Proclamation declaring September 3, 1988, as MADD/VOLKSWAGEN DRIVE FOR LIFE DAY. The Proclamation was accepted by Dennis Cook, President of Volkswagen, Enci nitas. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 23, 1988, Lewis X were approved as presented. Kulchi n xx Pettine X Mamaux X La rson X ” CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lewis announced Item #3 had been withdrawn from the Consent Calendar and contj-nued to September 13, 1988. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Lewis X with the exception of Item 13, as follows: Mulchi n xx Pettine X La rson X Mamaux X WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordimnces and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1 AB #9620 - FINAL MAP FOR CARLSBAD TRACT 85-13 - RUDEN/VILLESCAZ. Council approved the fiml rmp of Carlsbad Tract 85- 13. 2 - AB 1#621 - PEDESTRIAN CONFERENCE IN BOULDER, COLORADO. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-327, authorizing one (1) staff member (the Traffic Engineer) to travel to Boulder, Colorado, to attend the Ninth Annual Pedestrian Conference, September 21-23, 1988. 3. A6 89622 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - SYME DRIVE - CT 84-42. ~- This item was continued to September 13, 1988. f-7 59 I. I (74) (74) (81) (70) (71) (45) 0 e MINUTES \\\ 5 September 6, 1988 Page 2 COUNCIL % %%T MEMBERS .2. CF Z. CONSENT CALENDAR : (Continued) 4. AB /I9623 - AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR HOUSING SPECIALIST I. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-319, amending the Miscellaneous Classification Pla n and Salary Schedule of the City to revise the classification 01' Housing Specialist I. 5. AB 89624 - AMENDING THE PART-TIME SALARY SCHEDULE. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-320, adopting an adjustment to the part-time hourly salary plan for the part-time employees. 6. A5 #9625 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR WATERLINE PURPOSES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-321, accepting a grant deed from Mission West Properties for waterline purposes on lot 13 of the Ca rlsbad Research Center on La Place Court. 7. AB A9632 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER FOR PHASE I1 OF THE CALAVERA HILLS PARK - PR03ECT NO. 3245. " Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-328, approving Change Order No. 4 for the Calavera Hills Community Park, Phase 11, Project No. 3245, to add the construction of a stairway and handrail. 8. AB f9633 - AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF DO\WOWN PARKING LOTS - PR03ECT NO. 329 1. ~ Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-329, approving a . consultant agreement with Keltner and Associates . for the design of the downtown parking lots, Project No. 3291. PUBLIC COMMEM : David Castner, 1550 Sunrise Circle, addressed Council stating his past concern with the lack of cooperation between Council, the School Board and the Water District. Dr. Castner stated this Council has set precedents to be followed throughout the mtion. He said that foremost ms the cooperation between the City and School Board and the joint venture for a building to house the School Offices and the Senior Center. Dr. Castner stated that Kelly Irving had a list of similar projects to benefit the people of Carlsbad with cooperation between the Water Board and the City Council, and he asked that those projects be given considera tion when they are presented. a57 I. 0 MINUTES (102) (102) (78) (77) COUNCIL \\$ 5 %,.PA "0 +@%? September 6, 1988 Page 3 MEMBERS 2. @ 2. ORDINANCES __.~ FOR ADOPT ION: 9 a AB {E3616 - SPF.ED LIMIT ON A PORTION OF FARADAY AVENUE. Counci 1 adopted the following Ordi M nce: xx Kulchi n X Lewis OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF Mamaux X SECT ION 10.44.320 TO ESTABLISH THE SPEED LIMIT ON BOULEVARD. FARADAY AVENUE FROM EL CAMINO REAL TO COLLEGE X Larson ORDINANCE NO. NS-33, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.44 X Pettine IO. AB !.617 - SPEED LIMIT ON A PORTION OF PI0 PICO DRIVE. Council. adopted the following Ordimnce: PICO DRIVE FROM TAMARACK AVENUE TO ELM AVENUE. X La rson SECTION 10.44.310 TO ESTASLISH THE SPEED LIMIT ON PI0 ;i Mamaux OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE RY THE ADDITION OF I xx Kulchi n x Lewis ORDINANCE NO. NS-3, AHENDING TITLE IO, CHAPTER 10 -44 Petti ne I I 11. AB #19618 - REMOVAL OF ABANDONED VEHICLES FROM HIGHWAYS. " Council adopted the following Ordimnce: xx Kulchi n X Lewis OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF Mama ux X SECTION 10.52.130 TO ALLOW FOR THE EMOVAL OF ABANDONED VEHICLES ON HIGHWAYS. x Larson PUBLIC HEARINGS: ORDINANCE NO. NS-35, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.52 X Pettine -____ 12. AB ID626 - LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR ZONE 20 - LEMP 88-20. Phil Carter, Assistant to the City Mamger, gave the initial staff report, stating parks, circulation and schools would be di.scussed and an overview of the fimncing would also be presented. Brian Hunter, Senior Planner, continued the report with the aid of transparencies showing the location of the zone and the quadrant. There was a power failure at 6:20 p.m., and the meeting re-convened at 6:24 p.m. Brian Hunter continued the staff report discussi.ng the parks requirements as contained in the Agenda Bill. Steve Jantz, Civil Engineer, discussed the circulation a nd the perform nce standards for Zone 20, and outlined the streets and intersections that are projected to be below sta nda rds. Phil Carter discussed the school portion of the report, stating the school district had concern with both planned schools as far as location and would like to look at the exact locations of the schools in the future . J% a~ e 0 MINUTES September 6, 1988 Page 4 PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) Phil Carter presented a fimncing overview, including facilities that are, or will be, below standard and possible methods to fimnce same. He estimated that improvements costing $25 million will be necessary in Zone 20. Mayor Lewis opened the Public Hearing at 6:35 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. 3ack Henthorn, 2892 3efferson Street, principal consultant for the owners that put the zone plan together, gave a history of the zone plan and thanked the property owners and staff for their cooperation. He requested Council approval of the plan. Dwight Spires, Laurel Tree Investment Company, 2892 3efferson Street, one of the property owners, discussed the preparation of the zone plan, thanking staff and all others involved in working out the details of the plan. He asked for Council approval of the Zone Plan. William Daugherty, 2600 La Golondrim Street, stated this plan showed that the Traffic Circulation Element is deficient and recommended approval of the circulation plan be withheld until the problems were worked out. Mr. Daugherty felt an alternative to putting more roads in would be to channel the traffic flow and reduce the overall traffic in north county and through Carlsbad. Mr. Daugherty suggested the need for a comprehensive public transportation system. He recommended a committee to revise the Traffic Circulation Plan and establish a plan to channel the traffic flow. Scott Parker, McKellar Development of La 3o11a 9 owner of the property known as Cobblestone Sea VIllage, Tract 84-32, spoke in support of the Zone Plan. Don Woodward, Custom Living Homes, 5100 Campus Drive, Newport Beach, concurred with the staff recommendation. He stated that Carlsbad has a model (the Growth Mamgement Plan) that is now being used by other government agencies in handling the tough issue of growth. Don Connors, 9 21 Begonia Court, Spinraker Hills, expressed concern with the park decision, stating there is a so-called "park" in Spinmker Hills that is so steep that it cannot be used by humans. He said if parks are to be used by people, Council should be careful about the land they accept. Phil Carter stated that at one time the City accepted park land from developers that was not usable as a park. However, that is no longer true, and all park land that is dedicated must be usable land or it is not acceptable to the City. Mayor Lewis closed the Public Hearing at 6:59 p.m. 25s COUNCIL /\$J % %% 5 MEMBERS % $% (. 0 0 MINUTES (57) \\k 5 September 6, 1988 Page 5 COUNCIL % y+%T MEMBERS 2. 8 2. PUBLIC - HEARINGS: (Continued) Phil Carter commented that this Zone Plan does not approve any development, but does allow the City to move forward to finance the infrastructures, circulation, road and bridge improvements. He stated that staff has worked with CalTrans and the State for funding for the improvement to the freeway bridges at Poinsettia and Palomr Airport Road. With the Growth Management Plan, the City can now predict when intersections and roadways will fail and can plan how to correct that. Council adopted the following Resolutions: (one motion) Lewis X Kulchi n X RESOLUTION NO. 88-322, APPROVING THE NEGATIVE X Mamux DECLARATION FOR LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN 88-20. xx Petti ne La rson X RESOLUTION NO. 88-323, APPROVING A LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE 20. 13. AB /I9627 - INTERIM ORDINANCE REGARDING OPEN SPACE. Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council Member Larson said the four recommendations made by the Pla nni ng Commission should be included in the agenda for the Citizens Committee consideration. Mr. Holzmiller explained that corrections are necessary to strictly comply with the open space compromise, as folLows: Section 1, page 2, line IO, the word "applicants" should be "applications", and on Page 3, Lines 3 and 4 change "provided the total acreage of open I space is increased and the quality of the open space is improved" to "provided the tota 1 acreage of open space is not decreased and the quality of open space is not I dimi ni shed!!. Mayor Lewis opened the Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Dan Hammer, 4015 Isle Drive, spoke in support of the proposal to extend the ordim nce and the suggestions made by the Planning Commission. He said that now there is a mechanism to protect open space, but that more than a citizens committee is needed. He concluded, stating the open space policies need to be reformed. Deborah Rosentha 1, 4000 kcArthur , Newport Beach, representing Hughes North County Plaza, asked for a clarification of the ordinance with regard to the Hughes property. She stated there was a problem with the map, in that a small parcel north of the Buem Vista Cha nnel was not open space and excluded from that zone. She submitted a letter to Mr. Holzmiller requesting a statement be included in the record if it was not possible to revise the wp to m ke a nota tion that the smaII. parcel of Hughes property in parcel 2 was not intended to be covered by that. Mike Holzmi ller stated that the land in the flood channel is designated for open space and the mp does reflect that . I 2"i-Y (. e 0 MINUT (28) (88) \\y 5 September 6, 1988 Page 6 COUNCIL %?$%? MEMBERS Z. tp Z. PUBLIC HEARINGS: (Continued) Dennis Meehan, 3981 Gloria Lane, spoke in opposition to the compromise ordimnce, as he felt the open space initiative should have been placed on the ballot for the voters to reject. Mayor Lewis closed the Public Hearing at 7:25 p.m. Council adopted the following Ordimnce, as amended, Lewis X by the addition of Section 1, as detailed in the Kulchi n X memorandum dated September 2, 1988, as read by Petti ne xx Mr. Holzmiller: X Mamux La rson X ORDINANCE NO. NS-36, ADOPTED AS AN URGENCY MEASURE EXTENDING THE TEMPORARY LAND USE CONTROLS IMPOSED LANDS IN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. Council consensus was that the four recommendations of the Planning Commission (contained in the Agenda Bill) are to be included in the agenda for the Citizens Committee. Council Member Mamux stated he was supporting this ordim nce on the basis that he wanted to enhance the open space, not that he was intimidated by the statements that open space was endangered. BY INTERIM ORDINANCE NO. NS-31 TO PROTECT OPEN SPACE 14. AB /I9628 - HISTORIC LANDMARK DESIGNATION - RAMSAY HOUSE - H-15. Chris Salomone, Director of Housing and Redevelopment, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, presenting a picture portfolio to Council Members showing the Ramsay House. (Clerk did not receive copy of portfolio) Mayor Lewis opened the Public Hearing at 7:29 p.m., and -issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this mtter, the Public Hearing was closed. Council adopted the following Resolution: X xx RESOLUTION NO. 88-314, DESIGNATING RAMSAY HOUSE AS A X HISTORIC LANDMARK. X X City Attorney Vincent Biondo gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Lewis opened the Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this wtter, the Public Hearing was closed. Council adopted the following Ordimnce: X xx ORDINANCE NO. NS-32, AMENDING TITLE 6, CHAPTER 6-02 OF X THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADOPTION OF SECTION X X DIEGO COUNTY CODE OF REGULATORY ORDINANCES FOR FOOD CATERERS AND CATERING EQUIPFENT RENTALS. AV? '< . (106) (28) e 0 MINUTES September 6, 1988 I\\ Page 7 COUNCIL % %$ % MEMBERS % %% DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MAEAGER REPORTS: 16. AB #963 - UNDERGROUNDING OF OVERHEAD UTILITIES POLICY AND PROJECTS. City Engineer Lloyd Hubbs gave the initial staff report giving the fimncing background and procedures. Richard Allen, Principal Civil Engineer, continued the staff report, giving the history of the Underground Utility Advisory Committee, of which he ws Chairman. A slide presentation showing the projects recommended by the Committee was presented. City Engineer Lloyd Hubbs concluded the report, stating he felt the projects would be developed concurrently, with positions on the list being changed by circumstances. He recommended Harding Street be deferred due to the recent slurry sea 1 and incorporated into a larger project at a later & te. Council Member Larson suggested that for owners with less than 600 feet frontage, perhaps considera tion should be given to allowing them to install the undergrounding rather than paying fees. Council Member Mamaux stated his preference for undergrounding the utilities on Pine Street and Harding when the Senior Center is built. Mike Holzmiller, 2075 Las Palms, stated this policy will have an impact on the City and will help beautify Carlsbad. There had been no long-range plan and no rating system before this Committee formulated this policy and he recommended adoption of the policy. Council adopted Policy Statement No. 41 on Lewis X Wndergrounding of Utilities; approved the undergrounding Kulchin xx .program of priority projects as contained in Exhibit 2 Pet ti ne X of the Agenda Bill (changing the priority of the Mamaux X undergrounding at Harding and Pine to co-incide with the Larson X building of the Senior Center); directed staff to prepare a code change to charge a developer fee for underground where overhead lines are less than 600 feet long and to set a public hearing (and incorporate Council Member Larson's suggestion to consider requiring the owner to install such an installation rather than pay a fee) ; and adopted the following Resolution: (one motion) RESOLUTION NO. 88-330, ADDING EMBERS (REDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AND UTILITIES/MAIMENANCE DIRECTOR) TO THE UNDERGROUND UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE. RECESS : Mayor Lewis declared a Recess at 8:07 p.m., and Council re-convened at 8:15 p.m., with all Members present. 452, a 0 MINUTES September 6, 1988 Page 8 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) 70) 45) 92) 17. AB #9630 - AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE CARLSBAD SENIOR CENTER AND CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION OFFICE COMPLEX - PROJECT NO. 3247. John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a slide presentation to show the project site and proposed building. Council adopted the following Resolutions: (one motion) RESOLUTION NO. 88-324, ACCEPTING BIDS, AND AWARDING A CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CARLSBAD SENIOR CENTER AND CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE COMPLEX, PROJECT NO. 3247, TO STRAUB CONSTRUCTION, INC. RESOLUTION NO. 88-325, APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO AN EXISTING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND WOLFF/LANG/CHRISTOPHER ARCHITECTS, INCORPORATED FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION. 18. AB Q9631 - FORMATION OF JOINT POWERS AUTHORITY TO ISSUE BONDS TO FINANCE THE CITY'S SHARE OF ENCINA PHASE IV EXPANSION. Jim Elliott, Finance Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using a transparency to show the cost distribution. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 88-326, AUTHORIZING THE CITY STAFF TO WORK WITH OTHER ENCINA MEMBER AGENCIES TO FORM A SINGLE .PURPOSE 30INT POWERS AUTHORITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING A PORTION OF THE ENCINA PHASE IV EXPANSION COSTS. COUNCIL REPORTS: Offshore Oil Drilling Task Force Council Member Mamaux reported on a September 9 meeting where the effects of oil drilling were discussed. SANDAG Council Member Mamaux reported Ernie Cowan had ended his term as Chairman and he listed all the activities the Chairman took part in and initiated. He recommended a letter be sent to Mr. Cowan to express the Council's appreciation for his service. Association of Water Reclamation Agencies Council Member Larson reported on a meeting and added that Carlsbad has been asked to host the January meeting. MEMBERS y Lewis Kulchin Pettine Mamux Larson Lewis Kulchin Pettine Mamaux Larson 3. \e 0 MINUTES September 6, 1988 Page 9 COUNCIL REPORTS: (Continued) 3AC - I Council Member Larson reported on a meeting of the Solid Advisory Committee. He stated they will tour 13 sites in North San Diego County. Corridor Commuter Committee Council Member Uulchin reported on a recent meeting. I Downtown Village Merchants Council Member Kulchin reported on the fundraiser which collected $1,000 for the Carlsbad Community Band. NCT D Council Member Kulchin reported on a recent Board Meeting . City/School Committee Mayor Lewis reported Council Member Mamaux and he had met with school officials to try to resolve the parking problems at the high school. North County Immigration Task Force Mayor Lewis reported on the need for action with regard to the immigration problem. AD30URNMENT : By proper motion, the Meeting of September 6, 1988, ws a'djourned at 8:49 p.m. -Respectfully submitted, $iiii2LTfi eputy City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk d50 COUNCIL \jk % Pb% $ MEMBERS % %%