HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-09-20; City Council; Minutes7, 0 0 MINLJT (77) (70) (45) Meeting of : CITY COUNCIL ( Regula r ) Time Date of of Meeting: Meeting: September 6:OO p.m. 20, 1988 \\k 5 Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COUNCIL %9 "0 g%?, A MEMBERS 2. 8 2. CALL TO ORDER : byor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6 ,OO p.m. -__ ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: -___"_I_ Present: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamux and Larson. Absent : None B INVOCATION was given by Father Moloney of St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was led by Council Member Kulchi n. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (one motion) Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting held August 25 9 1988, Lewis X were approved as presented. Kulchin xx Petti ne X Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting held August 33, 1988, Mamaux X were approved as presented. X Larson Minutes of the Regular Meeting held September 6, 1988, were approved as presented. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held September ?3, 1988, I were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Lewis X as follows t Kulchi n xx Petti ne X Mamux X La rson X " - WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordimnces and Resolutions at this Meeting. 1. AB 964 1 - ACCEPTANCE OF FUNDS TO ANALYZE FINANCING PROPOSAL FOR LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN Zm 11 AND 12. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-337, authorizing the City Mamger to accept funds in the amount of $So ,000 for the purpose of reviewing and a M lyzi ng the proposed fimncing plans for LFMP 11 and 12. 2. AB 49642 - EXTENSION OF ANNUAL SAND SURVEY AND BEACH PROFILE PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEAR 1988-89. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-338, approving an extension to an existing agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Tekmrine, Incorporated, for the Carlsbad Sand Survey and Profile Proaram. -c. uc8 (50) (45) 0 0 MINUTE September 20 9 1988 Page 2 MEMBERS COUNCIL \ . "- CONSENT CALENDAR " I (Continued) 3 s AB $I9643 - AGREEMENT FOR ARBITRAGE REBATE "- "____ CALCULATION SERVICES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-339, authorizing the City Manager-to enter into an agreement for arbi-trage rebate calculation services with 3ones Hall Hill and White and appropriating funds. -___ PUBLIC COMMENT : I Evelyn McCombs, 4610 Pannonia Road, stated she was a new property owner and closed escrow on her property last Friday. However, she is not able to get a notice of completion due to the streets and other things the developer has yet to complete. Ms. McCombs stated the City required all banks in the project to be completed before occupancy, and some of them aren't on Pannonia Road. Ms. McCombs asked Council for any help they could give in solvina this problem. City Mamger Ray Patchett stated the City ws aware of the problems with the Pannonia development. ?he developer was put on notice in 3uly that improvements would have to be mde and la ndscapi ng would have to be finished before fimling the tract. A solution is needed due to the liability for draimge and siltation in Bristol Cove. He stated a letter had been received today from the attorneys for Bristol Cove concerning the erosion and siltation problems. City Engineer Lloyd Hubbs stated the developer had been put on notice before 3uly as a similar situation occurred last year when that developer failed to respond to adequate erosion protection. I 1 Council requested the City bmger to look into the matter. Stan Prowse, 6515 Avenida del Parciso, stated he wanted Council to be aware that the noise from the Palomar Airport has become worse in the early mornings and is affecting the quality of life of his family. I Council Member Pettine stated the FAA has agreed to partially fund a single event noise study. The County Board of Supervisors will meet later this month to vote on whether they will assume the responsibility of funding the reminder. This study will focus on problems of single event noises. There will be an RFP issued and the report should take approxima te1.y six months. Council Member Mamux stated there are other noises, such as engine testing on the ground, and he wanted to make certai n that those items were included in any study. 267 % .,%? y* z. e 0 MINLJT (114) (70) (97) (45) (114) \\b 5 September 20, 1988 Paue 3 COUNCIL % %% 3 MEMBERS % %% PUBLIC HEARING: -.- ” 4. AB #9644 - CORRECTION OF TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS IN HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS - ZCA 88-7- ”””___ .“.. -__- Mike Holzmiller, Planning Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Lewis opened the Public Hearing at 6:17 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Since no one wished to speak on this matter, the Public Hearing was closed. Council introduced the following Ordimnce- Lewis X Kulchi n xx OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE TO CORRECT A Mam ux X TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR IN SECTIONS 21.95 .ON (4 ) AND La rson X 21.95.04O(a) AND (b). DEPARTMENTAL AND CIT Y MANAGER REPORTS : ORDINANCE NO. NS-37, AMENDING TITLE 21 9 CHAPTER 21.95 X Petti ne 5. AB #964 5 - CREATION OF TRUST FUND FOR SENIOR MEALS ” DON AT IONS . Dave Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: X Larson SENIOR NUT RIT ION PROGRAM. xx Mamux RECEIVE DONmONS GENERATED BY THE CITY-SUPPORTED X Kulchi n X Lewis RESOLUTION NOa 88-340, TO DEVELOP A TRUST FUND TO X Petti ne 6. AB ID646 - AWARD OF CONTRACTS FOR CONSTRUCT ION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO PARK DRIVE AND MARINA DRIVE - PROJECT NO. 3216. 3.ohn Cahill, Municipal Projects Mamger, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: X Kulchi n X Lewis CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCT ION OF IMPROVEMENTS TO PARK Mamaux xx AND MARINA DRIVES AND THE PARK DRIVE 1911 ACT Larson X ASSESSMENT DISTRICT. RESOLUTION NO. 88-341, ACCEPTING BIDS AND AWARDING A X Petti ne 7. AB #I9647 - PROPOSED ZONE CODE AMENDMENT TO ALLOW CONCURRENT PROCESSING OF LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT PLANS AND MASTE.R PLANS. Phil Carter, Assistant to the City Ma mger, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Rill, using transparencies to j-llustrate the Local Facility Mamgement Zones and the key points in the amendment. In answer to Council query regarding the process, Mr. Carter explained that this would not change the Growth Mamgement Plan or any of the standards in that Plan. I ” 266 0 0 MINUTES (55) (68) (37) \\k 5 September 20, 1988 Page 4 COUNCIL ?$ %% 3 MEMBERS % $% DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Council referred the Proposed Zone Code Amendment - X Mamux recommendation. X Petti ne Planning Commission for a Public Hearing and xx Kulchi n Concurrent Processing of LFMP and Master Plans, to the X Lewis La rson X 8. AB #964 8 - COAST WASTE MANAGEMENT TRANSFER STAT ION PERMIT. Ralph Anderson, Utilities/Maintemnce Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Council adopted the following Resolution: X La rson xx Mamux MANAGEMENT TRANSFER ST AT ION PERMIT . X Kulchi n X Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 88-342, APPROVING THE COAST WASTE X Petti ne 9. AB f9637 - APPOINTMENT TO THE ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE PREVENT ION TASK FORCE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Mayor Lewis stated this Board would meet quarterly at 10 :30 a .m., plus there would be Subcommittee meetings in the morning and some in the afternoon. He stated he would appoint Council Members Kulchin and Pettine to this Board, with Mrs. Kulchin to cover the morning meetings and Mr. Pettine to take the afternoon meetings. The first meeting will be this Thursday, at 10:30 a.m. Council appointed Council Members Kulchin and Pettine Lewis xx to the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Task Force Kulchi n X Board of Directors. Petti ne X Mamux X La rson X IO. AB !E649 - DISQUALIFICATION FOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST - PROPOSED ORDINANCE IMPOSING 600 ' RULE. Council Member Mamux gave the report on this item as contained in the Agenda Bill. Dan Hammer, 4015 Isle Drive, spoke in opposition to this orclimnce, stating Council was avoiding the issue in not considering a conflict of interest for monetary gain. Mr. Hammer said it would be a plus if the City were raising the requirement to higher standards, but would be a minus if the City avoids the real issue. 465 (28) 0 0 MINUTES September 20, 1988 Page 5 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS= (Continued) Council Member Pettine stated Council was missing the point. In 1985, many citizens were requesting notification concerning development in their areas; therefore, an Agenda Bill was presented to Council increasing the notification standards from 300 feet to 600 feet. That item had nothing to do with conflict of interest. He continued, stating if Council was seriously concerned about conflict of interest, they must look at where the money is coming from. I Council Member Pettine rmde a motion to continue this item and have staff return with a comprehensive conflict of interest ordimnce not focusing on distances, but on money. The motion died for lack of a second. Council Member Pettine stated he wanted the Minutes to reflect that he opposed the ordimnce as it was not a good faith and serious attempt by this Council to address the conflict of interest issue. If Council was going to ask the citizens on commissions to be held to higher standards than the State Law, then Council should come up with a serious conflict of interest proposal that relates to money. COUNCIL \\b %PW "0 $3 ' MEMBERS Z. 8 Z. Counci 1 introduced the following Ordim nce : X Lewis xx kmaux MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF CHAPTER 1 .I4 X Kulchi n REGARDING DISQUALIFICATION FOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST. La rson X 11. AB #9650 - SENIOR CITIZEN COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS. This item was continued to September 27, 1988. ORDINANCE NO. NS-38, AMENDING TITLE 1 OF THE CARLSBAD Petti ne COUNCIL REPORTS : Palomar Airport Advisory Committee Council Member Pettine added to his previous remrks stating he felt Council should send a letter to the Board of Supervisors over the Mayor's signature urging them to fund the noise study. Buem Vista Lagoon Committee Council Member Larson reported on a recent meeting where a presentation was mde on the duck feeding area. He commented on the Buem Vista Audubon Nature Center on Hill Stret and said they would hold an Open House on September 24, 1988, from 2:OO p.m. to 4:OO p.m. 3AC Council Member Larson reported on a meeting of the Solids Advisory Committee. - A? 64 \ K k - *. a 0 MINUTES I \\b 5 September IO, 1988 Page 6 COUNCIL % %% 7 MEMBERS % $% COUNCIL REPORTS : (Conti nued) Senior Center Groundbreaking Council Member Kulchin commented on the groundbreaking last Friday and remi nded everyone of the Gerico fundraising event this coming Sunday with proceeds to go to the Senior Center. Beach 3PA Council Member Kulchin reported on activities to get the Board of Supervisors to put the formtion of a Beach 3oi nt Powers Authority on their agenda. Futtsu Steering Committee Mayor Lewis called attention to the Minutes of this Committee meeting previously distributed to Council. North County Immigration Task Force Mayor Lewis referred to the report he previously presented to the Council Members. AD30URNMENT : By proper motion, the Meeting of September 20, 1988, was adjourned at 7:16 p.m., to Monday, September 26, 1988, Magee Park, 5:30 p.m., for the Boards and Commissions get-together. Respectfully submitted, W/Q&T ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk a63 ~