HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-10-11; City Council; Minutes?- (28) (99) (74) 0 9 MINUTES Meeting of CITY COUNCIL (Regular) Date of Meeting October 11 t 19% Time of Meeting 6-00 p.m. Place of Meeting. City Council Chambers MEMBERS COUNCIL b .;t \ CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewh called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk as follows “_ ”.II_ ”.“ Present: Council Members Lewis. Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson. Absent : None 9 PRESENTATION: -. Mayor Lewis read a Proclamation declaring October 25, 1988, as “Lighten Up Day” uraing the citizens of Carlsbad to take part in the “Liahten Up” proaram sponsored by Channel Eight and Tri-Cj.ty Hospital, Gina Tomasi, KFMB-TV, Health and Medi.cal Producer, accepted the Proclamatlon. CONSENT CALENDAR Mayor Lewis announced that Item $3 had been removed from the Agenda at the request of staff. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar: with the exception of Item G3, as followsc _”__ ” WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of al.1 Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. ___””_ “ 1. _- AB #9677 - HISTORIC POIb!T OF INTEREST - CALAVERA LAKE AND DAM - H”IT7 Council adopted ________ RESOLUTION NO. 88-313, designating Cala.vera Lake and Dam as a Historic Point of Interest. “ ”” ”.” 2. I AB #9678 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - MAPLE AVTGUE CONDOb4INIUYS - CT 80-19. -____ -_ ” - ”-__-__ Council accepted the public improvements of Maple Avenue Condominiums, Carlsbad Tract 80-19, authorized the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and to release bonds appropriately; and directed the Utiliti-es and Maintenance Department to commence maintaining the streets associated wit! the subdivision. 3. AB 19679 - AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR RECREATION SPECIALIST AND RECREATION SUPERVISOR I. This item was withdrawn from the Agenda. il I Lewis Kulchin Pettine Mamaux Larson .r;2 9/ \ & $j X X X X X X -. 0 w MINUT (74) (105) (723 (72) (51) (78) October 1 I ? 1988 COUNCIL \\b % A9 /o +e%? A Paqe 2 MEMBERS Z. e Z. CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) 4. AB /I9680 - AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY PLAN TO ADD THE POSITION OF PRINCIPAL CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-364, amending the Management Classification Plan and Salary Schedule of the City to adopt the classification of Principal Construction Inspector. ~"_ PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no requests to address Council during Pubic Comment. ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: ___- 5. AB 89670 - ESTABLISHMENT OF RESVISED FLOODPLAIN -____- MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS. " Councfl adopted the following Ordinance: X Lewis ORDINANCE NO. NS-39, REPEALING CHAPTER 21.31 AND ADDING Pettine X Larson CODE ESTABLISHING FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS, xx Mamaux CHAPTER 2 1 .I 10mITLE 21 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL X Kulchin x 6. AB 89675 - NO PARKING ZONE ON AVENIDA ENCINAS. __-." Council adopted the following Ordinance: X Lewis Kulchin X ORDINANCE NO a NS-40, AMENDING TITLE 10 3 CHAPTER 10.40, X Pettine OF THE CARmAmICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF EASTERLY AND WESTERLY SIDES OF AVENIDA. ENCINAS FROM X Larson SECTION 10.40.057 TO DECLARE A "NO PARKING" ZONE ON THE xx Mamaux POINSETTIA LANE TO WINDROSE CIRCLE. 7'- AB 89676 - NO PARKING ZONE ON MARRON ROAD. .Council adopted the following Ordinance: Lewis X ____I" Kulchin X ORDINANCE NO. NS-41, AMENDING TITLE IO, CHAPTER 10.40 xx Pettine OF THE CARmAmICIPAL CODE BY THE ADDITION OF NORTHERLY AND SOUTHERLY SIDES OF MARRON ROAD FROM XI Larson SECTION 10.40.058 TO DECLARE A "NO PARKING" ZONE ON THE X Mamaux JEFFERSON STREET TO AVENIDA DE ANITA. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 8. - AB /I9681 - PUBLIC SAFETY RECORDS MANAGEMENT COMPUTER SYSTEM. - - Stewart Gary of the Fire Department gave the staff report as contai.ned in the Agenda Bj.1.1, using transparencies to illustrate the features of the computer system. Council adopted the following Resolution: Lewis X Kulchin xx PUBLIC SAFFTCOMPUTER RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Mamaux X Larson X RESOLUTIOb! NO. 88-365, APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF A x Petthe 2-70 .. 0 0 M MINUTES (51) (45) (68) October 11, 1988 /\i$ Page 3 COUNCIL % %% ' MEMBERS % $% DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) .___" 9. AB mx12 - AGREEMENT WITH LA COSTA RANCH COMPANY "_ " FOR PROVISION OF A TEmmRvnRESmN. Phil Carter, Assistant to the Cj ty Manager, gave the initial staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, with Stewart Gary showing slides of the site selected for the temporary fire station. Doug Avis, President of La Costa Ranch Company, stated the apreement has been reviewed by the new owners and they are in agreement with the terms. Counci.1 adopted the following Resolution: X xx RESOLUTION NO. 88-366, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE X A FIRE STATION AG~ENT WITH THE LA COSTA RANCH X COMPANY ( XED) . X 10. - AB 89683 - ESTABLISHMENT OF CARLSBAD CHILD CARE CONSORTIUK " ___- 3im Hagaman, Research/Analysis Di-rector, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayor Lewis referred to the request for a Youth Commission the prior week and Council direction to send a letter of inquiry to the School Districts concerning ioint sponsorship of such a Commission. He stated he kad drafted the letter which would be sent out tomorrow, and reiterated his opinion that nothing should be done until a response is received from the School Districts. Council Member Mamaux concurred, and stated he felt the employee freeze should be dealt with before any funds were allocated for additional staff. .Julie Nygaard, 3405 Spanish Way, spoke in opposition to the formation of a Consortium, stating she was concerned the issue was becoming a political- football. She stated a Consortium would be too large a aroup to be workable and suggested a Commission, with the assistance of a consultant, as originally recommended by the Child Care Task Force, would be more effective. Anna Knox, 1860 Highridge, concurred that a Consortium would not be in the best interest of the City. She stated a Consortium would be too large and cumbersome, leaving the financing of child care to the business community. Mrs. Knox also recommended a Child Care Commission under the auspices of the City Council. 3eanne McFadden, 1331 Chinquapin, spoke in opposition to the Consortium, stating it was too broad a scope of responsibility and out of phase with the implementation of the adopted Child Care Policies. Mrs. McFadden also recornmended the establishment of a Child Care Commission, as recommended by the Task Force, with the City to act as a facilitator for child care systems in a partnership with the employers in the area. 2 8? I. e 0 MINUT I (37) October 11, 1988 Page 4 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Dan Hammer, 4015 Isle Drive, spoke in agreement with the previous speakers, stating he repeated his request of last week to establish a full City Commission to serve the needs of the children, either limited to child care or expanded to include all youth-related services. Elaine Lyttleton, 4210 Sunnyhill Drive, representing the Chamber of Commerce, spoke in favor of the Consortium, stating the Chamber had responded to a need of the City and would not only participate in the Consortium, but would offer Chamber staff time. Mrs. Lyttleton felt a Consortium was a good starting point. Council discussed the concept of a Consortium and/or a Commission; and the pros and cons of expanding the issues beyond child care to include the issues facing youth, such as drug abuse. Council continued this item until receipt of a response from the School Districts concerning creation of a Child Care Commission. RECESS : Mayor Lewis declared a Recess at 7:16 p.m., and Council re-convened at 7:25 p.m., with all Members present. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) 11. AB F9684 - CONFLICT OF INTEREST PROPOSALS. Council Member Mamaux stated he would disqualify himself from this item as he could not discuss an ordinance :which affected him and he left the dais. Council Member Pettine stated he requested this item placed on the Agenda and he repeated a history of the Conflict of Interest proposals. *Mr. Pettine stated his reasons for recommending a Lobbyist Registration Ordinance patterned after the County of San Diego Ordinance. He also stated that money was the real issue in determining the existence of a conflict of interest. Therefore, he reauested that an ordinance be prepared which would prohibit a Council Member or Commissioner from voting on an item if that Member is directLy or actively engaged in soli-cj-tation of money for private interests from the individual or business who is appearing before the Council or Commission. Council Member Larson expressed concern about the timing of the proposal. He also stated that such a proposal should be able to stand on its own without the naming of individuals. An additional concern was that such ordinances might inhibit or restrict participation in local government. Council Member Kulchin concurred with the comments of Council Member Larson, and expressed the opinion that the issue is political. i4! 88 1 COUNCIL \\k 5 % %% 3 MEMBERS % $% Lewis X Larson X Mamaux x Pettine X Kulchin xx ~ I * See Page 5 I I ,, 8. * @ B MINUTES \\iJ 5 October 11, 1988 Page 5 COUNCIL % %$ 3 MEMBERS % $% DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Mayor Lewis reviewed past actions and accusations by Council Members concerning violations of the "Brown Act", and expressed concern that the proposed ordinances would only be used to further personal vendettas of Council Members. He also stated that the proposed ordinances could mean that only retired individuals or commuters could serve on the Council. Council Member Pettine made a motion to adopt both of the proposals covering the "Impact of Lobbying Activities" and the "Solicitation of Money for Private Gain". The motion died for lack of a second. Council received and filed the Conflict of Interest Lewis xx proposals. Kuichin X Pettine Mamaux X Larson > Council Member Mamaux returned to the dais. COUNCIL REPORTS: There were no Council Reports. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: City Manager Ray Patchett stated the appointment of the Open Space Committee was the only major item for next week's Agenda, and if Council had no objection, the meeting would be cancelled and that item taken up October 25, 1988. Council concurred. AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of October 11, 1988, was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, w It+ ALETHA Le RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk * Council Member Pettine requested the following be added as an amendment to the Minutes of October 11, 1988, when they were approved October 25, 1988: He stated he had made similar recommendations, which Council rejected, when the item was before Council on 3anuary 19, 1988, and September 20, 1988. 287