HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-06; City Council; MinutesI- e e MINUTES (50) (81) (51) (51) (45) Meetjhg of : CITY COUNCIL (Regular Meeting) Date of Meeting: December 6, 1988 k\b Time of Meeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers COUNCIL %T 0 Ltp A 3 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ” ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: Present Y Council Members Lewis- Pettine, MEMBERS % %% ”” Mamaux and Larson. Absent - Council Member Kul-chj n. INVOCATION was aiven by Father A1 Capuchino. PLEDGE ” OF ALLEGIANCE was I.ed by Council Member Mamaux. - PRESENTATIONS: Mayor Lewis read a Proclamation decl-aring the week of December 1 1 - 17 I ’I 988 ., as NATIONAL DRUNK AND DRUGGED DRIVING AlARENESS MEEK. Police Chief Bob Vales accepted the Proclamation. Mayor Lewis announced that tomorrow would be the 47th Annlversary of Pearl Harbor Day. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (one motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 22, 1988, Lewis X were approved as presented. Pettine X Mamaux xx Minutes of the Adjourned Regular Meeting of November Larson X 29, 1988, were approved as presented. CONSENT CALENDAR: Mayor Lewis requested Item $15 be removed from the Cpnsent Calendar. Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, Lewis X with the exception of Item #5 - as foll.ows: Pett ine xx Mamaux X WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Larson X Counc.i.1 waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. I e - A5 {I9752 - REFUND OF FEES a -” Council approved the refund of $1 -544.50 to Robert Davies. for overpayment of fees m 2. A5 #9753 - ACCEPTANCE OF DONATION FROM LA COSTA HOTEL ANDSPA. ___”- Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-415 accepting a donati-on of $1,000 from La Costa Hotel and Spa for the City of Carlsbad Paramedic Trust Fund. -___- 3. A5 f9754 - CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR DESIGN OF CARLSBAD FIRE STATION #!6 - PRO3ErNO. 33027 Council adopted RESOLUTION NO- 88-416. approvina a consultant agreement between the Ci.ty of Carlsbad and Danielson Design Group, for the design of Fire Station No. 6, Project No. 3302. 337 I I .L 0 MINUTES (63) (70) (70) (45) (96) (70) December 6 f 1988 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) 4.. ”_ AB ?I9755 ~” - UPGRADE OF THE LIBRARY’S FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM. ” ” ” Council a.dopted RESOLUTION NO, 88-417, approving plans and specificatlons - and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the upgrade of the Library ’ s fire protection system. 5 - AB ~. $19756 - - EXPANSION OF SCOPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL PRELIMINARY STUDIES FOR BATIQUI~OS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT TR33ECT NO1 0000. I_- This item was removed from the Consent Calendar. 6. - AB #9757 - ACCEPTING BIDS AND AVIARDING CONTRACT FOR RESURFACING OF COURTS AT VALLEY JUNIOR HIGH AND LA COSTA CANYON PARK. - Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-419, accepting bids from East-South Resurf ace and Restriping Company, appropriating funds: and awarding contract No. 37032 for the resurfacing and striping of tennis/multi-use courts at Valley Junior High School and La Costa Canyon Park. 7. AB #19758 - APPROVAL OF DLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS, AND AUTHORIZATION TOTID CONSTRUCTION OF TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS. _. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-420, approvhg plans and specificati.ons, and authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for the construction of trafffic signals and interconnection systems, project nos. 3272, 3274, 3279, 3281 and 3282. ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR: 5. - AB $19756 - EXPANSION OF SCOPE OF ENVIRONMENTAL PRELIMINARY STUDIES FOR BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT - PROJECT NO. 0000. Mayor Lewis commented on the input from the public on the environmental Impact report. City Manager Ray Patchett added that the environmental impact report process had been very open on the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project, and as a result of that process, a change order will provide funding necessary to address two subareas. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO, 88-418 7 APPROVING CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENTATION AND RELATED TECHNICAL STUDIES FOR THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROJECT, PROJECT NO. 0000. 333 COUNCIL I\$$ 3 ?k% ’ MEMBERS % %% Lewis X Larson X Mamaux X Pettine xx I a e MINUTE (62) (55) (26) (45) December 6, 1988 Paae 3 MVIEMBERS COUNCIL \ Paae 3 MVIEMBERS COUNCIL \ 1 PUBLIC COMMENT! Bailey Noble, 5470 Los Robles, spoke on his appearance before the Traffic Safety Commission yesterday and stated that he felt the statistics gi.ven by staff were not representatj-ve of the facts. He stated that 80 to 90 percent of the cars on Carlsbad Boulevard are exceedhg the speed limit. He said that the Commission recommended closing Manzano Drive and widening Carlsbad Boulevard to four lanes. This would speed traffic alon the boulevard and pedestrian safety gets only lip service. -~ 9 Mr. Noble stated he was appeal.j.ng the decision of the Traffic Safety Commission. The City Manager stated the Traffic Safety Commission's recommendation must come to Council, and Mr. Noble could address Council on the item at that time. ORDINANCE FOR ADOPTION: I 8 e " AB +I9750 - REPEAL OF ORDINANCE NO. NS-1 - NINE AND COOLER RECYCLING PROGRAM, -. -__ Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO: NS-46, REPEALING CHAPTER 6.18 OF TITLE 6 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE DISESTABLISHING A REDEMPTION FOR NINE COOLER AND SPIRIT COOLER CONTAINERS. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS. 9. AB f9765 - MONTHLY REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASE. Ralph Anderson, Utilities and Maintenance Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Rill-, using a transparency to show the proposed rates. Ed Boersma. 5756 El Camino real^, representing Coast Naste Management, urqed Council to support staff recommendation. Council adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO, 88-423, REVISING THE MONTHLY REFUSE COLLECTION RATES FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. 10. AB #9759 - ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PROPOSAL. - ALGA ROAD ASSESSMFNT DISTRICT NO o 88- I 1 Lloyd Hubbs, City Engineer, Gave the staff report as contained i.n the Agenda Bill, using transparencies to show the exhibits contained in the report. Richard Allen, Assessment Engineer, continued the report, giving the recommendations of the Policy 33 Project Review Committee. - Lewis Pettine Mamaux Larson Lewis Pettine blamaux Larson 3322 I % %%? y* z. X xx X X I X X xx X ~ It 0 c MINUT (102) (64) (105) Decemher 6, 1988 \\\ Page 4 MEMBERS co"NcL\ DEPARTMENTAL __- AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Larry Clemens, HLllman Properties, 2011 PaLomar Airport Road, addressed Council, stating he would be referrjng to Pacific Rim Drive as Aviara Scenic Drive, He requested Aviara Scenic Drive he included in the assessment district and used exhibits to indicate the connection of Aviara Scenic Drive to Batiquitos Lane anc Poinsettia Lane. Council adopted the recommendations of the Polj.cy 33 Resolution: (one motion) Larson District 'For Alaa Road, and adopted the following Mamaux initiate proceedings for a 1913/1915 Act Assessment Pet t ine Project Review Committee and authorized staff to Lewis RESOLUTION NO. 88-421, ACCEPTING FOUR AGREEMENTS AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS. 11. AB #I9760 - REVISION OF SPEED LIMIT ON PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD TO PASEO DEL NORTE. I Bob gohnson, Traffic Engineer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, usjng a transparency to show the portion of road affected. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-47, AMENDING TITLE IO, CHAPTER 10.44 OF THE CARLSBADICIPAL CODE BY THE REVISION OF SECTION 10.44.170 TO LOHER THE SPEED LIMIT ON PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD BETHEEN CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND PASEO DEL NORTE . 12. AB 89766 - FUNDING STREET TREE AND MEDIAN LANDSCAPI~G SERVICES THROUGH ASSESSMENTS. Ralph Anderson, UtilitiesIMaTntenance Director, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill, using transparencies to show the exhibits contained therein. Council approved, in principle, funding street tree maintenance and median landscape maintenance services through assessments levied by the City's Landscaping and Lighting Act (LLA) District; such funding to he phased in over a three (3) -year period, and Council directed staff to prepare the appropriate documents and reports to accomplish adding the new servhes to the LLA District for Council consideration at the regular street lighting assessment hearing. Lewis Pet t ine Mamaux Larson ~ Lewis Pettine Mamaux Larson 13. - AB /I9764 - OFFSHORE OIL DRILLING. I Council Member Mamaux gave the report on this item, encouraging support of the Resolution and asking all the citizens to write letters to Secretary of the U. S. Department of the Interior Donald Hodel stating opposition to any offshore oil drilling. 331 \ @ p % X X X h r2. \ X X X X X X X X X X X X a 0 MINUTES (48) December 6? 1988 Paae 5 DEPARTMENTAL AND - CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Maurice Kimhall 9 1623 games Drive, spoke in favor of the oil drilling, stating this is part of what the Government thinks necessary to build up oil production for the preservation of this Country. Council approved the letter to be sent to Donald Hodel, Secretary of U. S. Department of the Interior; and adopted the following Resolution: RESOLUTION NO. 88-422, OPPOSING LEASE SALE 95 FOR SEVENTEEN TRACTS OFFSHORE THE CITIES OF CARLSBAD AND OCEANSIDE. 14. AB #9761 - DISCUSSION OF PROP M RESULTS AND - ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS TO IMPLEMENT ELECTIONMANDATE. Council Member Mamaux suggested Council form a committee to review the CIP and other funding sources (including the General Fund) to see if the City could build ballfields, a golf course and other recreational facilities. He stated the committee should include a representative from each group that would have received a benefit from the facilities which would have been built if Proposition M had passed. He also suggested the possibility of an election for the Proposition H reauirements, and another attempt to increase the TOT. Girard Anear, 1728 Calavo court, questioned whether the 62 percent vote on Proposition M was a mandate to continue with this proposed project. He stated that before the Councj.1 made any commmitment, they must make a decision on how this would be financed. Mr. Anear s'tated that Hosp Grove is being paid for by a shortage in City services. Mr. Anear said that the golfers felt they would be able to have low green fees with a municipal course, but he gave statistics on just maintenance costs? which would necessitate green fees of $14. Mr. Anear stated a golf course would be an enhancement to the City, but the financing of such amenities should not affect the safety standards of the City or decrase public services. Peder Norby, 2451 Buena Vista Circle, stated everyone wanted a aolf course, but how it would be financed relates to the problems and financial capability of the City in the future. He said the mandate of the people was to not raise the TOT. Mr. Norby stated the people should arrange a way to pay for the golf course and not place the burden on the tourism industry. He saj.d the tourism industry in Carlsbad produces "clean money" and must have an advantageous market to prosper. 330 COUNCIL /\i$ %p%Z "0 J+% MEMBERS Z. tp 2. Lewis Pettine X Larson xx Mamaux X X e 0 MINUT (67) (22) (98) December 6 3 1988 Page 6 MEMBERS COUNCIL \$ ?3 % pL$ $% z DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Don Hoyt, 3307 Highlandr president of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce, stated the Chamber supported the desire for a golf course and liked the idea of a citizen's committee to study this. He asked that such a committee reflect the entire community's interests, including all. recreational groups. He suggested that the committee study the operation and funding of a golf course? as well as the question of water for maintenance. Mayor Lewis suggested a committee of from 9 to 15 members, and requested staff to draft a resolution appointing the committee and outlining the scope of work. This study should include all sport complexes; the design. location and timetable. Mayor Lewis suggested that persons interested in this committee send their applications to his office. Council directed staff to return with documents Lewis xx creating a committee to study alternatives concerning Pettine X provision of recreational facilities. Mamaux X Larson X 15. AB f9762 - REGULATION OF OFF-ROAD VEHICLES. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ON PRIVATE PROPERTY. X Larson SHE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLES X Pettine X Lewis ORDINANCE NO. NS-48, AMENDING TITLE 8, CHAPTER 8.28 OF xx Mamaux 16. A5 99763 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AND McCLELLAN- PALOMAR AIRPORT NAME CHANGE. Council Member Mamaux gave the report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Mayne Rischoff, 1085 Lagune Drive, representinu the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce? spoke in favor of this proposal and added that the Chamber had passed a resolution supporting this. Council requested staff begin the process of changing Lewis X the name of Palomar Airport Road to Carlsbad Airport Pettine X Road; and request the San Diego County Board of Mamaux xx Supervisors to change the name of McClellan-Palomar to Carlsbad Airport Advisory Committee. the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee change its name Airport to McClellan-Carlsbad Airport. Also, request X Larson The City Manager reported that stal'f would follow Council's Policy on processing street name changes. RECESS: Mayor Lewi.s declared a Recess at 7:44 p.m., and Council re-convened at 7:51 p.m., with four Members present. 327 .' 0 0 MINlJT December 6, 1988 Page 7 MEMBERS COUNCIL h . COUNCIL REPORTS: SANQAC, I I Council Member Mamaux referenced his report dated December 6, 1988, to Council Members concerning the recent SANDAG Horkshop at Harner Springs held November 30, December 1 and 2. He reported on the Commercial Airport Alternatives, which .involved discussions on the alternatives for Lindbergh Field, and added that the majority of the people wanted the airport to stay where it is because of its convenience. Council Member Mamaux discussed the Transportation Sales Tax Financing Plan, and the fact that if the program is accelerated, those traffic improvements could be made in 13 years, rather than the proposed 20 years. Council Member Mamaux discussed the Demographics Role in Decision-Making and "InPo" Vital Events in the San Diego Region - 1979-1987, stating that 35 percent of the population growth rate in the County during 1980-88 was due to births. However, that .is expected to change by 1990, dropping to perhaps 14 percent. I Council Member Mamaux reported at length on the Local Control, Regional. Decision-Making and Proposltion C. He reiterated this was an advisory measure and a plan would be formulated for a regional board to resolve the problems associated with transportation management, solid waste disposal, water reclamation, sewage disposal, air quality and growth as induced by industrial growth. Mr. Mamaux said that SANDAG is working on the transportation management and has a plan prepared. The solid waste disposal is a joint effort between the Board of Supervisors and the SANDAG Board by State Law. Air quality is also a joint venture between SANDAG and the Board of Supervisors, and there is a question whether those issues will be solved by the SANDAG staff or County planning. Mr. Mamaux stated that the voting issue wi.11 present a problem. Also, General Plans being reviewed by the Board will be an important issue. Mr. Mamaux said that traffic circulation as it impacts neighboring cities is an hportant issue, and regional issues such as that should be the focal point. He felt it was too early for any city to take an inflexible position on any of the issues, and he said he would bring any issues back to this Council. I 1 i -. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: I I City Attorney Vincent Riondo gave a report on the trash- to-energy plant matters. 328 \ & 3 1 ,I ' * e MINUTES - December 6 ? 1988 Page 8 CLOSED SESSION: (41) 17.CLOSED SESSION PENDING LITIGATION. Council? by consensus, aiourned to a Closed Session to discuss Carlsbad Highlands Investors? Ltd. v. City of Carlsbad. Case No. N41438, pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (a), at 8 : 18 p.m. . and re-convened at 8:30 p.m. Mayor Lewis reported Council had heard the report and instructed the City Attorney according1.y. AD30URNMENT: By proper motion, the Meeting of December 6, 1988, was adjourned at 8:31 p.m. Respectfully submitted, &z&d@y ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk 323 COUNCIL \b ?!A+%? "0 %.p/ MEMBERS .;t tp 2.