HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-13; City Council; Minutesr x. 0 0 MINUT Meeting of: CITY COUNCIL (Regular) Date of Meeting: December 13, 1988 Time of Neeting: 6:OO p.m. Place of Meeting: City Council Chambers MEMBERS COUNCIL B % . CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Lewis called the Meeting to order at 6:OO p.m. ROLL CALL was taken by the City Clerk, as follows: t Present: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Pettine, Mamaux and Larson. Absent : None. PRESENTATIONS: Council Member Kulchin presented a citation from the San Diego Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects to Mayor Lewis for the Carlsbad Village Enhancement Program. Council Member Kulchin presented a Special Recognition Award to the City from the Boys and Girls Club for the renovation and enclosure of the Village Branch Swimming Pool. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (one motion) Minutes of the Regular Meeting held November 15, 1988, Lewis were approved as presented. Kulchin Pettine Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting held November 15, Larson 1988, were approved as presented. Mamaux I CONSENT CALENDAR: Council affirmed the action of the Consent Calendar, as follows: WAIVER OF ORDINANCE TEXT READING: Council waived the reading of the text of all Ordinances and Resolutions at this Meeting. I (50) 1 . AB 119767 - REFUND OF FEES. Council approved the refund of $1,250 to Kevin Kelso for overpayment of fees. 1 (50) 2. AB 89768 - REFUND OF FEES. I Lewis Kulchin Pettine Mamaux Larson Council approved refunds of $2,100 to A. M. Ortega Construction, Inc.; $1,475 to Lusardi Construction Company, and a refund of $1,250 to Ken Chriss for overpayment of fees . I I (50) 3. AB f9769 - REFUND OF OVERPAYMENT - TAMARACK POIMT (99) VENTURE - CT 84-14. Council approved a refund of $202,493.74 to Tamarack Point Venture for overpayment of fees. 3rl p.%? 8 %.;t X xx X X X X xx X X X 0 e MINUTES (81) (99) (74) (26) (99) (99) December 13, 1988 Page 2 CONSENT CALENDAR: (Continued) 4. AB f9770 - ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT DEED FOR WATER MAIN PllRPOSES. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-424, accepting a grant deed from 5CS Associates for water main purposes off of Rutherford Road. 5. AR 89771 - APPROVING THE CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION AND SALARY PLAN FOR ASSISTANT UTILITIES AND MAINTENANCE DIRECTOR. Council adopted RESOLUTION NO. 88-425, amending the classification plan and manaaement salary schedule of the City to adopt the classification of Assistant Utilities and Maintenance Director. 6. A5 f9772 - APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NUMBER 3 - PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD hEST ASSESSMENT DISTRICT - PR03ECT NO. 3151. I Council adopted RESBLUTI@N NO. 88-426, approving Change Order No. 3 for the Palomar Airport Road Best Assessment District, Project No. 3151. 7. A5 89773 - ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - CARLSBAD PACIFICA - PD 251. Council accepted the improvements, authorized the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion and to release bonds appropriately. 8. AB 89774 - ACCEPTANCE OF OFFSITE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS FOR CT 84-35 (THE SUMMIT) PD 279 AND PD 297. Council accepted the improvements, authorized the City Clerk to record the Notice of Completion, release bonds, and directed the Utilities and Maintenance Department to commence maintaining the offsite sewer improvements associated with the subdivision; and authorized the Finance Director to reimburse the developer for a portion of sewer improvements per the Agreement for Provision of Public Facilities dated August 3, 1987. PUBLIC COMMENT: Dennis Meehan, 3781 Gloria Lane, addressed Council stating his concern with the conflicting requirements tc disperse and house the migrant workers. He stated working members of the community should not be displaced, and although Council did not create the problem, he stated that he felt Council should participate in providing leadership to find a solution. 3 Mr. Meehan stated that perhaps alternative types of housing should be considered, such as barrack-type I housing. _. 340 COUNCIL \\b 5 39 0 LcF A 3 MEMBERS % %% e e (10.2) (67) (77) December 13, 1988 Page 3 COUNCIL /& + % MEMBERS % <s \ x- ORDINANCES FOR ADOPTION: 9. AB 119760 - REVISION OF SPEED LIMIT ON PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD - CARLSBAD BOULEVARD TO PASEO DEL ~~ NORTE - ~~~ ~ ~~ . - . . . - . Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-47, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.44 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE P.EVISION OF SECTION 10.44.170 TO LOVlER THE SPEED LIMIT ON PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD BEThEEN CARLSBAD BOULEVARD AND PASEO DEL NORTE. IO. AB f9762 - REGULATION OF OFF-ROAD VEHICLES. ~~~ ~ Council adopted the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-48, AMENDING TITLE 8, CHAPTER 8.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY. PUBLIC HEARING: 11. AB 119775 - ZONE 22 - LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN - CITY OF CARLSBAD LFMP 22. Phil Carter, Assistant to the City Manager, introduced this item, giving an overview of the zone plan and all performance standards and the financing. Brian Hunter gave the zone background report and Steve 3antz reported on the circulation and drainage standards. Brian Hunter discussed the open space requirement and Phil Carter gave the final overview. -Mayor Lewis opened the Public Hearing at 6:23 p.m., and issued the invitation to speak. Marv Stedman, 5897 Overland Drive, San Diego, Vice President of Lusk and Eanager of the San Diego Division, stated their approval and recommended Council adoption of the zone plan. Since no one else wished to speak on this matter, the Public Hearing was closed at 6:24 p.m. Council adopted the following Resolutions: (one motion) RESOLUTION NO. 88-427, APPROVING TYE NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN 22. RESOLUTION NO. 88-438, APPROVING A LOCAL FACILITIES MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR LOCAL FACILITY MANAGEMENT ZONE 22. Lewis Kulchin Pettine Mamaux Larson Lewis Kulchin Pettine Mamaux Larson I ~ Lewis Kulchin Pettine Mamaux Larson X X X 33 7 I II \ 44 b X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X e 0 MINUTES (9 7) (9 9 \\\ 5 December 13, 1988 Page 4 COUNCIL % %% 3 MEMBERS ?& $% " DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: 12. AB W9776 - PRESENTATION - IMPLUllENTATION OF PROPOSITION C - SUPERVISOR MacDONALD. Supervisor MacDonald addressed Council, stating that he was surprised when the only slow-growth measure that passed at the last election was Proposition C, which was an advisory measure. He complimented the City of Carlsbad on their Growth Management Program, and stated that when the County presents its program for the unincorporated areas, it will contain elements from Carlsbad ' s. Dr. MacDonald stated that Proposition C is to deal with traffic, growth, air polution, sewage, landfills, etc.; and is not a vehicle to take away any local control from cities. He said he would not support any plan that set numbers caps, as he felt that would be detrimental to the region and to the economy. Dr. MacDonald said that Proposition C is just a beginning of discussions and the formation of a Blue Ribbon Committee. (Council Member Hamaux is Carlsbad's representative on that Committee.) That Committee's job is to set up guidelines and report to the Board of Supervisors in June of 1989. Dr. MacDonald stated that regional planning is not just a San Diego County issue-- it is being talked about over the entire State of California. Dr. MacDonald asked that the City keep an open mind, anc when the time comes, have its representative on the Blue Ribbon Committee help in creating an organization that will be more effective in dealing with traffic congestion and landfill sites and major regional problems. Dr. MacDonald concluded, stating this was an advisory measure only, and if cities feel that local control will be taken away, they can opt out. 13. AB {I9777 - REQUEST FROM COUNCIL MEMBER PETTINE - REGIONAL PLANNING. Council Member Pettine read from his memorandum dated November 28, 1988, and detailed the San Diego County Regional Public Facilities Adequacy Plan - A Tri-Level Approach atttached to the memorandum. This included three recommendations: Local 3urisdictions - Primary Responsibility; Sub-Regional Planning Board and County Planning Board. Mayor Lewis suggested Mr. Pettine join Supervisor MacDonald and him for lunch and discuss this proposal and then give it to the Blue Ribbon Committee. Dr. MacDonald said these are the things that the Blue Ribbon Committee would be discussing, and agreed to meeting with Mayor Lewis and Council Member Pettine. 3.38 e m MINUTES bd \\\ 5 December 13, 1988 Page 5 COUNCIL \y+%?f MEMBERS 5 8 5 DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Council Member Pettine stated the thrust of the proposar. is to create a facilities-driven program that maintains local control. He requested Council to direct staff to put together an informational package on this proposal for forwarding to the Blue Ribbon Committee for consideration, so the facilities concepts will get a fair hearing. Mayor Lewis stated he felt proposals one and two should come through Supervisor MacDonald's office for consideration. He added that he concurred with the third proposal, as the laws support that, but items one and two overlapped into other jurisdictions. Council Member Larson expressed concern that if a recommendation is too specific, it won't be considered. He suggested the City say they would like to see a facilities-driven plan adopted on the local and county levels. He concurred with Mayor Lewis in support of item three. Council Member Mamaux concurred with support for item three. He said this is a community effort and he will bring back the issues to Council. Council Member Mamaux invited Mr. Pettine to come to a SANDAG Board Meeting and make a presentation to them on these items. Council supported the third level of the proposed Lewis xx Tri-Level Approach (County Planning Board), and Kulchin X directed Mayor Lewis and Council Member Pettine to meet Pettine X with Supervisor MacDonald to discuss the first and Mamaux X second levels (Local 3urisdictions and Sub-Regional Larson X Planning Board) of the proposed Tri-Level Approach. Dennis Meehan, 3981 Gloria Lane, commended Council for their action on this item. 14. A6 89778 - AMENDMENT TO MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING POSSESSION OF GLASS CONTAINERS AND OPEN CONTAINERS OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON OR NEAR THE BEACH. Don 3ackson, 260 Normandy Lane, addressed Council stating he is a resident of the north beach area and commended Council for their attention and concern in that area. Mr. 3ackson suggested the ordinance be amended to delete the word "open". Dave Copley, 2335 Rue Des Chateau, representing the Beach Homeowners Association, stated that broken glass is a serious problem on the beach. He endorsed the suggestion made by Mr. Jackson and presented three photographs to the Council to show the beach area and the result of one small party. In answer to Council query, City Attorney Vincent Biondo stated that in order to make our enforcement effective, "beach" has been defined to also include the bluff tops, the parking areas and Ocean Street. If Council deleted the word "open", it would be illegal for any residents on Ocean Street to carry any alcohol into their homes that they had purchased at the store. 113 * e MINUT December 13, 1988 \\\ h \ 'z. X X X X X X X X X X \ & k % X X Page 6 MEMBERS couNclL. DEPARTMENTAL AND CITY MANAGER REPORTS: (Continued) Mayor Lewis inquired whether a section could be added that applied only to the sand area of the beach, and have that apply to any containers. The City Attorney will check into the possibility. Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-49, AMENDING TITLE 11, CHAPTER 11.32 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING POSSESSION OF GLASS CONTAINERS AND OPEN CONTAINERS OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON OR NEAR THE BEACH PROHIBITED. Lewis Kulchin Pettine Mamaux Larson 15. AB #I9779 - NO PARKING ZONE - TAMARACK AVENUE FROM '%) ELM AVENUE TO WILSHIRE AVENUE. Bob 3ohnson, Traffic Engineer, gave the staff report as contained in the Agenda Bill. Lewis Kulch in Pettine Mamaux Larson Council introduced the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO. NS-50, AMENDING TITLE 10, CHAPTER 10.40 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE REVISION OF SEUION 10.40.059 TO DECLARE A "NO PARKING" ZONE ON TAMARACK AVENUE FROM ELM AVENUE TO VILSHIRE AVENUE. (34) 16. AB !I9780 - REPORT ON CITY INVESTMENTS. Informational item from the City Treasurer on the City Investments as of December 1, 1988. COUNCIL REPORTS: SDG&E Takeover CQuncil Member Mamaux reported on a recent meeting held in the San Diego Mayor's office regarding the SDG&E takeover. He stated Greg Cox has asked SANDAG to study the possibility of a utility takeover by somebody. Mr. Mamaux stated if a public takeover occurred, Carlsbad should receive an in-lieu tax to offset a revenue loss. 3AC - Council Member Larson reported on a meeting last Wednesday of the Sub-Committee of 3AC for the long-term sludge disposal facility selection. He noted the search for a site was still underway. Los Angeles Times Article Council Member Kulchin reported on an article last week in the Los Angeles Times where Carlsbad is being sued by the Surfriders out of Huntington Beach concerning where the City is going to put the sand from the Batiquitos Lagoon dredging. She stated this is premature, as the EIR and EIS have not been done at this time. ~ , Local Beach Erosion Committee Council Member Kulchin reported on a recent meeting. 3 7L December 13, 1988 COUNCIL REPORTS: (Continued) 8 NCTD Page 7 Council Member Kulchin reported on recent Board activities. “Eve on San Dieao" Council Member Kulchin reported on her recent appearance on this TV Program with regard to the offshore oil drillinq. Carlsbad Economic Enhancement Council Mayor Lewis reported on the first year progress report of the CEEC. He added the request had been made for City Manager Ray Patchett to participate in their activities. Futtsu Steering Committee Mayor Lewis reported on a meeting with Thomas Brierley concerning the schools becoming more involved in the Sister City program. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS: .’ Council Member Mamaux stated that Georgina Cole had died over the weekend and asked staff to prepare something for a future agenda to acknowledge her achievements. CITY ATTORNEY COMMENTS: City Attorney Vincent Biondo reported on the trash-to- engery plant matter. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion, the Meet,ing of December 13, 1988, was adjourned at 7:51 p.m. ; Respectfully submitted, ALETHA L. RAUTENKRANZ City Clerk Harriett Babbitt Minutes Clerk